Updated March 7 2025
Spent the past few weeks working on the alternative circuit for the Human EMR Jamming Device. The circuit replaces the avalanche noise generator with a Variable Frequency Generator being driven by a sine wave oscillator of 100 HZ. I found the circuit below (top picture) by searching Google images for 'JFET Vackar Oscillator'. It worked pretty much as is although some of the values were missing and I changed some to lower the frequency. I used a 1N4148 for the diode and a 560K. The JFET is a MPF102. It operates at 12 v supply so it can be used for a desktop version. I changed both coils. One is 30mH and the other 100mH. This produced about 80 KHZ. (middle picture) All caps attached to the JFET were changed to 10uF. The bottom picture includes the varicap. I haven't tested this. I want to use a Sanyo SVC321 and a 1nF DC blocking cap.
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Curse Of The Shadow Autobiography PDF
Magnum Crimen Two Omitted Chapters
Curse Of The Shadow Autobiography PDF
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 1
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 2
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 3
Curse Of The Shadow Autobiography PDF
A Human EMR Jamming Device Using a Voltage Controlled Oscillator
This is a different circuit for jamming human EMR. It's an alternative to extracting audio frequencies from avalanche noise. The idea is to sweep back and forth between a low frequency and a high frequency and all frequencies in between very quickly and continuously. A phase shift sine wave oscillator is fed into the input of a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The output of the VCO is both a triangle wave and square, one of which is fed to a power amp and put on an antenna. The frequencies it sweeps through are determined by the VCO. The bandwidth can be adjusted by a voltage divider at the input of the VCO. How fast it goes from low frequency to high is determined by the frequency of the sine wave.
A diffferent VCO employs a Colpitts Oscillator with a varactor. The Colpitts uses a tank circuit with 2 capacitors. A varactor is a PN junction that varies it's capacitance with an applied voltage. It substutes a varactor for one of the capacitors and thus alters the frequency.
A Simple Tesla Spark Transmitter
Nikola Tesla was an engineer and inventor who died in the 1940's. He's credited with inventing the technology that makes up the electric grid but he also helped develop the radio. One radio patent was for a spark transmitter that recieved and transmitted Morse code. The Titanic had a spark transmitter. It was outlawed not long after it was invented because it interfered with everything. Today it could be used to defeat synthetic telepathy.
Parts List
Ordinary internal combustion engine spark plug
Ignition coil (marked as 'autotransformer' in drawing)
Relay board with random circuit
Large capacity 12 volt battery
Terminal strips
Large high power resistor
6 inch bar metal to mount spark plug
Assorted hardware
Theory Of Operation
When power switch on relay board is on, 2 normally open contacts close. Ignition coil charges through resistor building up a magnetic field. When random circuit de-energizes resistor and battery are disconnected and magnetic field discharges through spark plug. Antenna is attached to metal with plug radiating EMR. Relay board randomly turns ignition coil on and off until power switch is in off position.
Extracting Audio Frequencies From Avalanche Noise
The 5 pictures below (combined into one) are some of my attempts to build a noise generator utilizing avalanche noise. The top picture is a bread board version. The next is my first perf board version and the third is the second perf board version. In the fourth picture I'm pointing to a spot on the back of the second perf board where there was a break in the ground. I started building this last week and left it in my apartment when I went out. I'm sure I ohmed this connection out and it worked. I think someone was in my apartment and cut it them covered it up with some glue. I put glue on other parts of this side to prevent it from shorting out on something on my bench or getting snagged on something. I think someone took advantage of this and created the problem. I spent time yesterday fixing it. This is typical of the problems I face trying to fight back. Other problems include not being able to get datasheets for parts, or not getting parts in general, or getting false information. One part I was interested in was cheap but you had to buy 5000. I order something and it takes weeks to get here.
The bottom picture is the output of the transistor stage of the second version. I got 10 to 20 mV of noise riding on 2 volts DC. This is about what I expected. I have a terrible time duplicating results. Everything I build comes out different. One reason I built the second perf board is I ran out of room on the first. I thought I needed another amplifier stage. With this much from the first stage I probably don't. I re-worked the first version too much. If they created a problem I don't know what it is.
The next picture is the schematic. I tried to make it a little clearer this time. I made it go top to bottom to get it to fit in the 400 pixel blog.
Avalanche noise, or Shot noise, occurs in every reverse biased PN junction. PN junctions are the basis for all transistors and diodes. A diode is one junction and is supposed to conduct current when biased one way and stop current when reverse biased but a small amount gets through anyway. The noise can be useful for many applications. I want to use it to jam human EMR and prevent synthetic telepathy.
The frequencies I want are in the audio range. 100 HZ to 30,000 HZ. Avalanche noise requires that the generating source have a constant DC voltage. The higher the voltage the better. It is difficult to get sufficient noise at 5 volts DC. To do that a Zener diode is best but it uses more power than an ordinary diode.
My circuit is partially taken from "The Encyclopedia Of Electronic Circuits Vol 6". A ditherizer is a circuit that adds noise to an audio recording purposely to aid in refining the recording. I changed the actual source from a 2N2712 to a 2N2222 in the TO-18 package. Instead of 18 volts I use the output from a 7812 linear regulator. I also changed the transistor in the first stage. I used a 2SC2352. It has a max collector current of 30 mA. It will turn on around 900 nA which is similar to the one in the Encyclopedia. The noise is very faint even with a DC supply of 12 volts. Possibly 1 to 5 uA and even less current. The first stage must be very sensitive.
Since the current is so small you need a very large resistor to develop a voltage so I used a 1 meg. I began filtering out unnecessary frequencies with a 100 nF cap right next to the 1 meg. The first stage amplifier I took from the book. This configuration worked better than others I tried. It keeps the base resistor low so as to not pick up stray frequencies.
The next stage is directly from Texas Instruments. The TI AC Coupled Non Inverting Amplifier can be downloaded as a PDF for free. I copied it as is and used a TL071AIP. (my schematic has an error)
The next part is a module bought separately. It's a TDA2030A audio amplifier. I don't have this working. (see below)
Since I began writing this I've come up with a different way to finish the circuit. (see below) I googled "current booster" and got the circuit. Instead of a TDA2030A it's just a bjt transistor and a voltage follower. I used a SS8050 that came with a Hilitchi assortment bought on amazon. It has a max collector current of 1.5 amps and is meant to be used in small radios. I had to adjust the gain on the previous stage and use some large bypass caps.
A Day In The Life Of A Thought Criminal
Philip Nute
In an attempt to prove the need for anarchy, I am documenting a typical day in my life. Anarchy is the only way to combat the power mad.
In the movie version of George Orwell's “1984” starring John Hurt and Richard Burton, Winston goes into O'brien's office and they have this conversation.
“Sit Down Winston”
“There are thought criminals that maintain the resistance is not real....but believe me Winston it is very real....”
“Perhaps you're not familiar with how it operates”
“I'm attentive to the news”
“Then perhaps you imagine a huge network of conspirators and saboteurs willing to do anything to weaken and demoralize the order of our society”
”The reality is infinitely more subtle”
“If Goldstein himself were to fall into the hands of the thought police he could not provide them with a list of his followers, such a list does not exist”
“They're not an organization in the sense as we know it”
“Nothing holds them together but an idea, they know there is no possibility of change in their lifetime.............”
“In the face of the thought police they cannot act collectively.........individually they cheat, forge, blackmail, corrupt children, spread disease, prostitution in the name of spreading knowledge from generation to generation until in a thousand years...............well............”
O'brien hands Winston a book and he leaves.
Earlier in the movie Winston stands looking out a window and thinks this”
“If there's hope it lies with the proletariat. If they could be made aware of their strength there would be no need to conspire”
I don't know what this means.
The Day Begins
I get out of bed about 5 o'clock. I don't really sleep it's more like unconscious time. Sleep deprivation never ends. The main problem is that there is some kind of chemical in the mattress. I've tried vacuuming the mattress but it doesn't get it all. Anytime I leave my apartment someone enters and puts it back. The sheets are also a problem and the laundry doesn't help. I have a large collection of plastic sheet such as shower curtains, trash bags, painters drop clothes and tarps I've bought over the years to sleep on top of. You can rinse them off in the shower if necessary. Duct taping boxes together can help. Most of the time I'm forced to sleep in my clothes. If I wear them long enough the 'chickenshit' wears out. Anxiety and depression add to the sleep problem. For the most part I'm a machine head, but you can't completely remove emotion. Sleep's over rated anyway. Although unconscious is the only to experience this world.
Ya ya ya the first thing I do is turn on the 'stupidvision'. It's a really nasty habit but I do it anyway. My only friend is a box but I'm too old to change. It doesn't take long before the messages come through. The first is a story about the state wanting to ban 'nips' in liquor stores. The bottles are a major litter problem. A 'nip' is also a slang term (derogatory) for a person of Japanese descent. It has something to do with the word 'nippon'.
I decide I don't want to stare at my box all day so I get cleaned up despite the fact the water is crap. I sit down and figure out where I want to go. I make a playlist on my iPod named “DogGone'R” and put some 'dog' songs in it. “Black Dog” by Led Zeppelin, “Bad Little Doggie” by Gov't Mule and “Nasty Dogs and Funky Kings” by ZZ Top. Then I add some “D'Day” songs, “Won't Get Fooled Again” by The Who, “Bullet The Blue Sky” by U2 and “New Years Day” by U2. D'Day is what I call them. They're about the day the New World Order comes out of the closet. I decide to go to Boston but I wait for the sun to rise. You have to maintain a sense of humor. It's all so completely insane.
I go across the street to wait for the bus. Next to a tree where I'm standing is about a dozen empty nip bottles. They weren't there yesterday. I believe artists use certain symbols to represent people who want to be free. Asian people are one of them. Gamblers and people from New Orleans are 2 more. Two examples are “China Grove” a song by the Doobie Brothers and “I Think I'm Turning Japanese” a song by the Vapors. The bottles could be interpreted as a threat by 'radiohead rolling stones' aimed at me.
I get on the red line at Braintree. Braintree is the last stop so the trains sit idle while people board and wait for it to leave. Most of the time there's only a few people on the train. I usually pick a seat away from everyone else. The days harassment really began the night before. While watching my 'box' there was a program with a very attractive blond girl dressed in cutoffs and a halter. Not long after taking my seat a girl dresses similarly got on the train and took a seat across from me. She had a purse with a 'dog' logo and a 'dog' T-shirt. I do what I can to ignore her.
I get off at Park St and decide to sit and 'people watch' for a while. Sometimes I do 'guess that relationship' other times I just think nasty things about everyone. Ok well most of the time I think nasty things. It comes with the territory. I am a nasty, angry, negative, cynical, obnoxious eccentric yankee. Nobody likes me. But it works for me. My latest little ditty is “Keep America Beautiful, Stop Eating”. Before I leave a couple more scantily clad blond girls walk by. “Alice (In Wonderland) Is An Adultery”.
I decide to get a latte. It always has some kind of 'chickenshit' in it but I do it anyway. The 'chickenshit' usually causes some sort of butt plug. Once it's in it's very hard to get out. It gums up the works for a week. Sometimes you can taste it but the sugar helps it go down. (like Mary Poppins) I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who gets the crap. The order comes in to the barista via satellite. If they did it to everyone you would think the place would go out of business. Another blond girl is in front of me in line. I go back to the Common and watch some more.
So now I will tell a different story. I have an article titled “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons Judy Wall 1998 PSYOPS Weapons Used In The Persian Gulf War” ITV News bulletin March 1993. Among other things it describes the use of of an ordinary FM radio broadcast tower to influence the behavior of Iraqi soldiers during the first Gulf War. I was in a mental hospital in the summer of 2008 where I experienced something similar. I had a clinician assigned to me that I didn't like. So one day I was in my room and I had a long train of angry thoughts about her and then suddenly she appeared. I think the train of thought was inserted remotely. This is what 'they' do if you don't have electronics in your brain. I'm sure the electro-magnetic emissions of the human body can both be sensed remotely and influenced remotely.
I finished my latte and decided to go to the library. I start walking down Boylston St. I get to Arlington St and start thinking about the destruction of the rain forest in the amazon. While it concerns me I never think about it. I'm an endless stream of random thoughts but most of them are angry and nasty. I get to Copley Square and there are a couple dozen people demonstrating about the rain forest. They're always trying to pull you in. Gain your confidence. They want to plug you in. Later proselytize.
By the time I got to the library I needed to use the restroom. A local elementary school was on a field trip touring the library. All the bathrooms were full. I waited about a half an hour before giving up. I headed for the Mall at the Prudential. The main reason I go to the library is to get on the internet and make trouble. The 'psychos that be' know this and probably sent the kids there to keep me moving.
At the mall I ran into a crowd of very young kids dressed up as Japanese anime. There were hundreds of them. I think there was a convention at the Hynes. I sat at a table near about a dozen of them to rest and think about where I would go next. It became obvious to me they were aware of my every thought. I thought one of them was attractive. They took out their cameras and started taking pictures of each other. The one I thought was nice kept getting closer and closer trying to get me in the background. What was I supposed to do? Hit on her? They'd have just called the police. I kept moving.
I went outside to a bench on Boylston St in front of the Pru hoping the kids would leave me alone. After sitting a while I decided to walk along the Emerald Necklace. The Emerald Necklace is a park made up of land that extends on both sides of a small tributary of the Charles river. It starts on the Boston side of the Charles in the Back Bay and winds through the Fens and eventually Jamaica Pond. It is currently being rebuilt. I only walk a small portion and rest on Huntington Ave.
Construction seems to follow me every where. They started rebuilding this park right after I discovered it. Most people would cal this delusions of grandeur or something. It justs seems like it. Quincy Center was run down for years. It declined rapidly after South Shore Plaza was built in 1963. It was a center for shopping until that time. The people of Quincy had talked about revitalizing for years but nothing ever happened until the last 10 years. Quincy has been completely rebuilt. It's amazing what the paper money system can do when it really wants to. Large building projects can be used by the elite to cling to power. It provides thousands of good paying jobs and enriches local businesses. At the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, in 1515, the church began building the Vatican. It took 150 years. At the same time there were large projects in England, France, China, India and Tibet. Coincidence? Maybe. The paper money system s a credit card with everyone's name it. Who really benefits?
I'm very near Wentworth Institute my alma mater. I have a 2 year degree in electronics so I'm not totally clueless. I wasn't a very good student. I tried to finish my 4 year degree but didn't. The math was too much and I was very sick. Always have been. I worked for about 8 years in the industry and this re-enforced my schooling. I never really forgot what I learned.
I started thinking about lunch. There are a lot of places to eat on Boylston St. For me it's always Russian Roulette. Decided to find a couple pieces of pizza on Newbury St. The pizza must have had amphetamine in it. I could tell. The crap in the mattress wasn't enough.
It was still early so I decided to go back to the library and get on the internet. When I got there the kids were gone and not many people on the computers. I decided to start researching satellites. Sometimes, not very often, if you do something 'spur of the moment' you can catch 'it' off guard. I don't know if 'it' is a person sitting at a computer or just a massive computer. I have a documentary that says there are 23 acres of computer under the NSA building at Ft Meade Maryland. I lean towards the latter most of the time. As my research progresses I find an hour and a half video about CIA Keyhole satellites and start watching it. As it plays it starts referencing things that happened to me earlier in the day. I decide the video is BS. It's this sort of thing that has me leaning towards a massive computer. That's what would be needed to produce an hour and a half video in about 5 minutes. The CIA did have a satellite program called Keyhole.
I continued to surf the web for a while then I walked to Downtown Crossing. It's next to the Red Line so I can get on the train when I'm done. I walked around a couple department stores. Sometimes they have the TV's on in the electronics department and you can catch a little of the news. This is another reason why I think the problem is a massive computer. I see a lot of things on TV that are very weird and seem directed at me. I think they get broadcast to sets in my general vicinity and no where else. Then the story just disappears. I never hear or see it again. The singularity follows me wherever I go.
I got on the train to go home at Park St. It was close to 4 o'clock. The bus I take at Quincy Center leaves every hour on the hour, I should make it with plenty to spare. The problem is I think most of the people who work for the T are 'plugged in'. It's 4 stops until we're out of the tunnel and at JFK/Umass. We sat idle outside each one for about 5 minutes. We sat at Broadway and South Station for about 5 minutes. An inspector at one of the stations volunteered they were having switching problems. We sat idle for 10 minutes twice before getting to N. Quincy. By this time there's no hope of making the Quincy bus. Got to Quincy Center 5 minutes late. If I stay on the train 2 more stops I can pick up my bus going in the opposite direction at about 20 past 4. Couldn't pull if off. Or maybe they did. I had to wait an hour at Braintree. (“Waiting For The Bus All Day” ZZ Top – 1977)
I never keep any food in my apartment. Whenever I'm gone, people I don't know enter and put crap in things. I wanted a snack for later so I stopped at a convenience store. Before going I thought about what I wanted. Try as I might I can't help it. I wanted a small bag of Doritos, a bottle of Coke and a Dunkin Donuts coffee drink. The chip display had just been re-stocked but there was only one Doritos. I bought it anyway. I got over charged but I didn't complain.
I have a La-Z-Boy recliner I sit in all the time. It tends to get a little dirty particularly in the front. I had been thinking to myself for a while I needed to vacuum. As I walked around during the day I kept running into people using vacuum cleaners. Over time some of the screws in the chair need to be tightened. This time when I got home there were a couple on the floor. I think someone was telling me I have a screw loose. That may very well be but I feel I have an excuse. I'm a product of my environment.. An environment provided for me by religious assholes.
Cleaning has become an issue by itself. After I got out of the hospital in 2015 I lived in a series of group homes. In one place I was in an apartment with 3 other people and very little supervision. You made your own meals, bought your own food did your own cleaning. I was in the kitchen one day eating when one of the other clients began cleaning. She was spraying solvents and mopping and making a lot of noise. I asked her nicely if she could stop and wait for me to finish. She did but this has become an ongoing harassment. In the 7 years since I have had hundreds of people start cleaning whenever I sit down in a restaurant. Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Subway, this list is endless. Anger is one of the 7 deadly sins. If it works once never stop.
Pierre Teihard de Chardin was a Catholic Jesuit priest who died in 1955. He was the inspiration for the older priest in the movie “The Exorcist”. He was also an archaeologist and anthropologist. He showed up whenever a skeleton was found that proved Darwin was right. Piltdown man and Peking man to name 2. He also had some philosophy that the church didn't approve of. At least publicly. I think the church is working to integrate science into religion and Chardin's work is the beginning of the new religion that goes with the New World Order. Chardin called it the Singularity and the Omega Point. The way I see it is I'm the Omega Point, or Man. The Singularity is all the people who are 'picking me up'. The kids at the Prudential Mall would be part of the Singularity. This goes on every where I go all day. As I sit in my easy chair at the end of the day I hear things outside like sirens, people revving engines, playing radios too loud etc. It all seems to be timed to something I'm thinking, or what I'm seeing on TV.
I have a plausible explanation for how the Singularity works. Every device on the internet has a MAC ID. It's a very long string of numbers and symbols. It's made up of every character on a standard keyboard. The combinations are some ridiculously large number like 3 trillion trillion. There are so many combinations that every person with a neural implant could have a MAC ID and they could all have 10,000 devices each with it's own unique MAC ID. A large computer some where has it all stored and is capable of following me around and manipulating people and devices where ever I go. I know what you're thinking. Call the men with the nets. That's exactly what 'they' 'it' wants. There could also be a person at a monitor some where.
The computer at Ft Meade Maryland generates so much heat it requires liquid nitrogen for cooling. The building it's housed in is a Faraday Cage.
To the people at the top, religion is a tool for control. They don't care what the theology is. To use it as a control device it must make sense in terms of the day and age. Science began to change the way humans looked at the world beginning with Galileo and Newton and continued with Darwin and Freud. The elite must re-invent religion.
Capitalism is an economic system that supports a Romanist hierarchal society and at the same time integrates science into religion. It accomplishes the latter with a banking system that makes something out of nothing and the patent office. Capitalism was invented during the Scottish Enlightenment that lasted from approximately 1700 AD to 1780 AD. It included people like Adam Smith who wrote “The Wealth Of Nations” and came up with the tax scheme that started the American Revolution.
I think Area 51 is a death camp. Who is the shadow government? Who runs everything? The Holy Office Of The Inquisition never closed.
The Fear Paper
The purpose of this paper is to scare you. Why? Fear is a great motivator. I am not trying to scare you to control you. I am want to scare you so you'll inform someone else. I believe fear and anger can be used to overcome the power of the media and a corrupt education system. This is an act of civil disobedience. I am an internet troll and proud of it. In the words of someone who may not wish to be quoted “Everything You Know Is Wrong”. (U2 ZooTV Live from Sydney dvd just before the song “The Fly”) “History is a lie agreed upon” Napoleon Bonaparte (history, among other things – added by me) “Who Controls The Past Controls The Future, Who Controls The Present Controls The Past” Orwell's “1984” “Bad news goes around the world in the morning while good news is putting it's pants on” anonymous
Two reasons people are uninformed are the education system and the main stream media. Both are controlled by and run for the rich and powerful.
I went to high school from 1972 to 1975. Weymouth South in Weymouth Massachusetts. In those days local authorities had a great deal of control over the education system. I learned certain things that don't get taught today. I believe some of my teachers were hippies or ex-hippies and so was I. Or at least I hung around with them. I think the hippies of the 1960's figured much of this out and were silenced. In the late 70's and early 80's the main stream media launched a campaign “Why can't Johnny read?”. They accused the local education system of failing young people and cited statistics that most high school graduates read at a grade school level. The answer, of course, was to concentrate power in fewer hands because the 'experts' know what they're doing. Whether “Johnny” could read or not isn't the only issue. One thing I learned in school was that it's better to spread the power around and question authority. As you read the rest of this you will discover that kids today don't know basic things that are happening in the world and it might have been better to leave the education system like it was.
Another media campaign of the 1980's was that everyone had to go to college. A high school education wasn't enough. This continues to this day. This fits in with the fact that America is very expensive to live in which is the result of inflation. The college and university system in America has become a business. Businesses have to make money. They advertise to get people to buy their product. Kids borrow themselves into years of debt to get a diploma that's doesn't pay the bills. Maybe Johnny can read but but he didn't see the writing on the wall. They didn't want to show it to him.
Television is the greatest weapon man has ever invented. Movies were previously. The celluloid weapon. We are a media controlled society. “The hypnotized never lie.......do ya...” Won't Get Fooled Again – The Who – 1970 Too often people see something on TV and never question it's validity. Everything on TV gets a very light going over. There are no real facts. Recently Russia invaded Ukraine. The TV has endless images of kids as refugees or pictures of buildings blowing up but no facts about how or why the war itself is happening. And nobody seems to question it. Or maybe it's because I spend too much time doing this. Whatever. The rest of this document is a few things that cannot be disputed and proof that the education system and media are run for the rich and powerful.
I like to boil things down to as few sentences as possible. Keep It Simple Stupid. If you could turn paper into gold what would you do? This is the basis for a medieval science known as alchemy. What people don't know is that someone succeeded. William Patterson, a Scot, invented the fractional reserve banking system around 1690 AD. He founded the Bank Of England in 1694. The fractional reserve central banking system is now used worldwide. I will now try to describe how absurd it is. To start I will use 3 quotes from famous people.
Henry Ford said “It is well enough the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning”. Thomas Edison said “If the federal government can issue a dollar in bonds it can issue a dollar in currency”. I'm not sure who said this "Money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money and if there was no money there would be no debt". The Federal Reserve was created on Christmas Eve 1913. To get the ball rolling someone had to borrow some money. That someone was the government. So they printed up some fancy pieces of paper and called them Treasury bonds. They took them to the Federal Reserve who in turn printed up some fancy pieces of paper and called them Federal Reserve notes. (good for all debts public and private) When the Federal reserve was started it made 2 types of banks. Reserve banks and commercial banks. Reserve banks deal only with the commercial banks. Commercial banks deal with the public. After the government sold the bonds to the Federal Reserve they then deposited the money into a commercial bank. The instant that happened that commercial bank had ten times whatever the deposit was available to loan. For example if the government deposited 1 billion dollars the bank can loan up to 10 billion. This is fractional reserve banking. If too many loans are granted too quickly the value of the dollar would plummet because too much currency would be in circulation. A slogan popular during the American Revolution was “No Taxation Without Representation”. Today we should say “No printing money without representation”.
If you think about it, a perpetual genocide helps to regulate the value of the dollar. Screwing people up with drugs, putting crap in the water are also helping to keep the dollar afloat. Every dollar borrowed comes with interest. This includes whatever the government gets from selling the bonds. So where does the money come from to pay the interest? It doesn't exist and this causes inflation. To pay the interest more and more money must be borrowed in a never ending cycle. To pay for this a more aggressive tax system was needed. In 1916 the income tax was started. The constitution specifies the taxes that are allowed and it does not include income. To get around this it made made legal by making it an amendment to the constitution but many people have argued that the correct number of states did not approve it and so income taxes are illegal.
It was Voltaire who said "All fiat currencies must return to their intrinsic value. Zero." Whether this is true or not I don't know. The English pound is the first fiat currency and it has never completely collapsed but sooner or later something has to give.
The industrial revolution was fueled by fiat currency and the patent office. It also depends on resources and resources run out. In the documentary “Collapse” with Michael Ruppert he says “There is absolutely nothing that will replace the edifice built by fossil fuels”. He's right. There is absolutely nothing you use in your daily life that isn't 100 % dependent on fossil fuels. Some people argue the dollar is backed by oil but it's really backed by the products it produces. When the oil runs out so do the products. Computers, clothes, soap, you name it. The powers that be can always remove money from the books but they can't make more oil.
Most electric power in the world is generated by fossil fuels. Coal and natural gas. Coming up with an alternative is not an answer to most of the problems facing the world without fossil fuels. It would help but it's a band aid on a broken leg. Several Peak Oil documentaries cite the statistic that one gallon of gas is the equivalent of 10 people performing manual labor for a year. From ditch diggers we came to ditch diggers we shall return.
So I told you that story to tell you this one. Thomas Malthus was an Englishman who lived from 1766 to 1834. Just as the Industrial Revolution was beginning. He theorized that man's population would always exceed his ability to produce food. He was probably right. In the 1930's humans began to mechanize food production with fossil fuel tractors and fossil fuel based fertilizers. The population of the world has since exploded. Before the 1930's most people were engaged in some sort of food production. A reasonable estimate would be 50 % of the population. Today that percentage is so small you can't put farmer on a tax return. Maybe 1 %. So now we have 99 % of 7 billion people who know nothing about growing food. The food we eat is heavily dependent on a resource. On my main blog I tried to make up a scenario similar to mans predicament. Suppose there's a small fish that lives only in the fresh water lakes and ponds of the northeast corner of North America and they only eat one type of insect. One summer for unknown reasons the number of those insects is 10 times what it normally is. What happens to the fish? The same thing happens. Their numbers explode. The next summer the insects numbers go back to normal. What happens to all the fish from the previous summer? They die. We are facing the ultimate Malthusian nightmare. Why don't more people know this?
This part of the paper can be disputed but I know these technologies exist and I know they're being used on everybody. Proving it is next to impossible so the following is a reasonable scientific explanation.
Synthetic Telepathy, or sub vocal speech, is the stuff of science fiction. There are numerous movies and books that use it in one way or another. (”Village Of The Damned”, “Futureworld”, “Mars Attacks”) It's the basic technology behind the 'thought police' in George Orwell's novel “1984”. It's a contactless technology that senses your personal electro magnetic emissions and reconstructs them using mainframe computers. Your eyes convert light into electro magnetic waves and your ears convert sound. All of this can be picked up by contactless technology. The basic science behind it isn't that hard to understand.
All matter in the universe emits electro magnetic radiation because all matter is made up of atoms. There are 93 known atoms. They make up the periodic table of elements. An atom is the smallest unit of matter. Everything in the universe, even life as we know it, is made from the 93 elements on the periodic table. An atom is made up of two parts: a nucleus and electrons. Electron's are not permanently bound to the nucleus. They revolve around the nucleus. Electrons are negatively charged. A nucleus is made from protons and neurons. Protons are positively charged and neurons are neutral. A nucleus can have differing numbers of protons and neutrons. Different atoms can have different numbers of electrons. This is what makes one element different from the others.
Since electrons are not permanently bound to the nucleus they can travel from one nucleus to another. When this happens a small amount of electro magnetic radiation is given off. Since all matter in the universe is made of atoms all matter emits electro magnetic waves. Some elements on the periodic table have more electrons available to move and in their pure form are better at conducting electricity. Gold, copper, aluminum are three. Life forms are an extremely complicated molecule made from the periodic table. Life forms are not a good conductor of electricity. The electro magnetic waves produced by life forms are very weak and the result of electro chemical processes but they can be picked up by modern electronics.
Technology's that are in use today to pick up and monitor human EMR include electro cardiogram for the heart, electro encephalogram for the brain and electro myography for muscles. They use sensors designed for ions and must placed on the skin. Bio sensors are a technology in themselves. I believe contactless technology has existed for decades but has been used illegally.
Electro magnetic waves above a certain frequency become light. Light is actually considered both wave and particle. Telescopes are built to pick up light from long distances. The book “Strange Angel: The Life Of Rocket Scientist John Whitesides Parsons” describes the building of the Mt Palomar observatory in California. The mirror used is 25 feet in diameter and capable of picking up the light of a single candle from 5000 miles. Radio telescopes are built to pick up EMR waves below light frequency. One of the largest in the world was in Puerto Rico. It collapsed recently because of damage that resulted from a hurricane. It was over a mile in diameter.
A radio telescope looks a lot like a satellite dish because that's what it is. It's a large curved surface that reflects waves onto a single spot. The same as a large magnifying glass is used in light telescopes. This helps to 'amplify' the waves because they're concentrated. Satellites have dish's to communicate with the ground. It is possible for a satellite to pick up human waves and then send them back to an earth based location for processing. This is synthetic telepathy. I think it's been used by the CIA since the 1960's in their Keyhole satellites.
When humans make sound they push air from their lungs through their vocal cords and out the mouth. The mouth acts as a sort of speaker. The vocal cords vibrate the air and create sound. To create speech as language the brain adds EMR signals to the vocal cords. The signals originate in the brain and are sent via the Vagus nerve and Laryngeal nerve to the vocal cords. They emit EMR all along the way. As crazy as it sounds this EMR can be picked up by satellites. Your brain is creating these signals all the time, whether you are pushing air through your vocal cords or not. This is sub vocal speech. Orwell's 'thought police'.
In the mid-1960's a researcher named Dr Jose Manuel del Gado placed what he called a 'stimoceiver' into the head of a bull and stopped the bull with a push button thus demonstrating the ability to control a mind with electronics. This was done by radio waves. Video of this can be seen on youtube by searching for “Jose del Gado and His Bull Story”. He wrote 2 books, one about the history of mind control and another titled “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. In it he warned that '...man could become roboticized and not be aware that he was roboticized.”.There are disturbing publications by people like Darryl R Kipke titled “Advanced Neural Implants And Control” that detail a world of mind control slaves. Kipke owns a company that manufactures and sells implants.
Del Gado exposed two types of surgery. Sub-cutaneous and Endoscopic Pituitary. Sub-cutaneous surgery slips a small device such as an RFID chip under the skin. That chip can both communicate with the outside world and send signals to the brain or inner ear such as in the microwave hearing effect. Endoscopic Pituitary surgery can place a neural implant into the brain through the nose. Both of these procedures are relatively simple and require only a short hospital stay.
The various parts of the brain are not electrically isolated from each other. None of the electro chemical processes produce large currents. If one part gets a significant electric shock the rest will and the person, or animal, will be completely disabled. Psychiatrists use shock therapy (Electro Convulsive Therapy) on mental patients. One shock to cure everything. If there is a place in the brain where all activity is routed it would be like the CPU in a personal computer. You could control everything with one implant.
The vast majority of the brain is made up of the 2 hemispheres that fill the skull. Scientists believe these areas are responsible for speech, sight, hearing, memory etc. Most or all of these functions come into play when a person commits an individual act. Controlling one of these won't control the entire person. Most of these functions are connected through the parts that are accessible through the nose by endoscopic surgery. The pituitary gland, thalamus, hypothalamus, medula oblongata etc. I am providing this analysis for informational purposes only.
I don't know if it's possible to robotize a person and not have the person be aware of it. Del Gado had to fit whatever he said into Western esotericism like everyone else. I think traditional methods of controlling people are just as effective. Religion, fear to name two. With total surveillance you could get into someones financial accounts and scare them into doing things they normally wouldn't do. Religion promises a better world for those who will co-operate.
RADAR was first used during WWII. Technicians working on RADAR sites reported hearing 'clicks' in their ears. The phenomena was investigated by several scientists including Allen Frey. Frey reported results that confirmed that very small wattage microwaves can be used to communicate with the inner ear. James C Lin's book “The Microwave Hearing Effect And Applications” confirmed this but neither was able to actually create a system of communication with it. A more plausible explanation for people using advanced wireless communications is piezo electricity or ultrasound.
RFID chips can combine microwave communications, low volume sound, and sub cutaneous surgery described by Del Gado. An RFID chip could have 2 microscopic antennas and a speaker that outputs very low volume sound. One antenna picks up radio waves and converts it to DC voltage to power the device. Another antenna receives the microwave data from satellites and the speaker sends very low volume sound to the inner ear. The speaker vibrates parts of the inner ear just as if it came through the outer ear and no one else can hear what is being said. The RFID chip could be located under the skin. People using this technology could be aware of your every thought and getting instructions from some distant location at the same time. They are either acting on their own or are under mind control.
Another possibility is someone could have a neural implant communicating with the inner ear. The brain has enough voltage to power the implant. Depending on where the implant is placed that person could be controlled by someone else or a super computer running artificial intelligence software. Del Gado's prediction that man would be roboticized is very possible. This document does not go into the why's.
Ultrasound is sound above the audio level. A humans audio range is from about 100 HZ to around 20,000 HZ. It is possible to vibrate the air at higher frequencies but we can't hear it. This is ultrasound. Ultrasound can be focused like a LASER beam. When it is aimed at a person only that person can hear it. A recent example in the news. Noveto Systems is coming out with a device that is both wireless and has no earbuds. It uses ultrasound and 'soundbeaming'. Channel 7 Boston Nov 13 2020.
Two ITV News Bureau LTD bulletins from 1991 document the US Military use of psyops weaponry during the first Gulf war. One technology developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross GA involves 'silent sound spread spectrum' technology. The emotions of individual persons are analyzed using supercomputers. The patterns are stored on hard drives and can be broadcast on extreme low frequency's to effect the person negatively.
According to John J. McMurtrey, M. S. and Edward A. Moore, M. D. technologies exist that are capable of remote sound or voice transmission that can be isolated to individuals and is used along with target tracking capacity that can maintain apparent psychosis. Jane’s Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems lists 13 target tracking systems specifying such capability on personnel at ranges from 4-20 km, which are utilized by countries around the world. Automated
target tracking involves a track initiation processor acquiring a target, while a data association filter maintains a tracking lock on the target with this process utilized to continuously direct a radar beam at a target for tracking position. This can be used with cell phone towers.
Philip Nute
393 Washington St
Apt 8
Braintree Mass 02184
Learn about the New World Order
Updated August 9 2022
Amended August 11
Most Of My Photographs From The Last 20 Years Do Whatever You Want With Them
In the interest of repeating myself and because I'm always thinking about these things I would like to go over my invention of a discrete component solar voltaic panel.
There are 3 types of solar voltaic panels. Amorphous, poly crystalline and mono crystalline. Amorphous are the least sensitive, poly crystalline are more sensitive than amorphous and mono crystalline are more sensitive than poly. Amorphous panels are used near the equator where sun light is very direct and strong. A mono crystalline panel used near the equator could burn up so they are more commonly used closer to the poles. Poly crystalline can be used in between.
All solar voltaic panels are large arrays of light sensitive PN junctions. All solar voltaic panels are manufactured with the PN junctions as one piece. Usually 3 inches by 3 inches. (roughly) A panel is numerous pieces.
A PN junction is the basic component in all transistors and diodes. A PN junction can be made sensitive to a specific wavelength of light or a large range of wavelengths. An example of a light sensitive PN junction would be any TV remote. The actual remote runs on batteries. It generates a light signal not in the visible range. The TV has a light sensitive PN junction that 'picks up' the light generated by the remote and converts it back to electricity. Both the TV and the remote have discrete parts that can be purchased separately from a supplier. My invention uses discrete parts to make a panel. This way people can experiment with different circuits and configurations. It also uses the same technique used by automobile de-foggers to keep snow and ice off the panel and Smart Glass to regulate the amount of light that enters the diodes.
Automobile de-foggers are lines of resistive material that heat up when current passes through. Something like an electric stove only on a very small scale. By small I mean very little current. An automobile de-fogger won't melt 6 inches of snow but if it's turned on when it begins to snow it could keep up. If the panel is mounted on the side of a house snow doesn't stick and it wouldn't work as hard. To do that the panel would have to be very very light sensitive or be able to adjust to light conditions.
To adjust to light conditions Smart Glass can be used. Smart Glass is based on the same principle as a liquid crystal display. (LCD) LCD's align a crystal substance when a signal is applied and it becomes darker. It also blocks light. It's as thin as a piece of paper and can be applied to any surface. It has 3 connections for turning it on and off.
The top picture below is the basic idea. If the diodes are very sensitive it would have to be assembled in the dark. The picture shows 3 layers of Smart Glass in case one doesn't block enough light. The default for the glass is off so no light gets in. If there is no voltage there will be no damage. The diodes won't burn up. All connections will come out the bottom of the printed circuit board. Diodes, Smart Glass and automobile de-fogger. If you make no connections between any diodes you can experiment with various circuits by making all connections externally.
The bottom picture is a possible circuit. It uses one diode to turn on a transistor to pass current from the rest of the diodes to either a battery or bank of super capacitors.
In the
picture I made the panel 16 inches by 4 inches, small enough to work with by
hand. It would fit between the studs of a single family home. You could mount
it outside under or over a window and power a heating element inside along with
one AC outlet. I wonder if it's possible to retrofit solar voltaic panels with
automobile de-foggers and Smart Glass. I think it's possible to power an
electric heat exchanger with solar panels to preheat forced hot water heating
Saturday Jan 1 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Still having trouble with my new printer. I bought it on amazon. A Canon Maxify MB2120. It came in the original Canon box but it was sealed with amazon security tape. I wonder if it was tampered with. I ride the bus a lot. The past 3 or 4 years I have seen signs on peoples lawns that say "No Amazon". (paraphrasing) I wonder if all those people are having trouble with the 'radio heads'. The buses I am usually on go through Braintree, Quincy, Weymouth, Hingham, Randolph, Milton, Holbrook, Avon and Brockton.
Sunday Jan 2 2022 - 7 PM - Went to South Shore Plaza around 2 PM. Got back about 5 PM. To get home I took the 238 bus to Crawford Square that turns into the 240 when it gets to Crawford Square. As we were leaving the exit to SSP a Braintree police cruiser was parked on the sidewalk right after the light. Wednesday while walking to Stop & Shop on Morrisey Blvd in Dorchester a Boston police paddy wagon was parked on the sidewalk along Adams St. He had pulled out of Milton St just before I crossed Milton and parked and he didn't get out. Someone trying to say something. The Boston police paddy wagon seems to follow me everywhere. I'm just sayin ya know. This sort of thing has been happening to me since I was in Weymouth in 2008. Everyday I would walk to Pleasant Shops in Columbian Square and the Weymouth fire truck was already there. When I had to go to Atlantic House in Quincy after getting out of Bridgewater in 2015 the Quincy fire department seemed to be wherever I was. (I didn't actually spend a lot of time at Atlantic House) I'm approaching 14 years of being followed (or at least it seems that way) by fire fighters, police, construction workers, EMT's etc. Are all these people hearing my voice? Plugged in? How did this happen? Why does this happen? What's the common thread? Military service? Do you get 'plugged in' against your will in the military?
Monday Jan 3 2022 - ND - Went to South Bay. Needed a USB 3.1 A to B cable to see if it would fix the printer. Went to both Target and Best Buy and struck out. Also went to Home Depot. Want to build a cart for the printer. Struck out. Went to Stop and Shop. Got a carton of Delight Mocha Coffee drink and a package of 4 Whoopi Pies. Boy did I get screwed. Both were extra extra nasty.
Tuesday Jan 4 2022 - 8 PM - Went to Staples and Lowes in Weymouth for the same things I wanted yesterday. Didn't find the USB cable but Lowes had a couple things. Casters and piece of wood. Stopped at Crane library in Quincy on the way back and bought a cable on Amazon. When I got back I called Canon and they want me to ship printer back. The girl I spoke to was very nice. Maybe a little too nice. Alice maybe!!! I'm just sayin. "One of these days Alice, POW right to the moon!!" She sent an email with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). So I went to the Boston Public Library and printed it. I had to print the Proof Of Purchase from Amazon and attach that to the email she sent. I get a new printer and free shipping. Cross My Fingers. It's early yet. I have been told I might be moving. I'm not exactly sure what they mean. They say "..someones moving out of CCE..." . (congregate care environment) I don't know what it means. They say I'll get a section 8. ??????????????
Wednesday Jan 5 2022 - 9 PM - Stayed home all day. Worked on printer cart. Yesterday's food is chickenshitted but acceptable.
Thursday Jan 6 2022 - ND - Went to Randolph hardware store. Came right back. Expecting snow tomorrow.
Friday Jan 7 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Slept really good.
Saturday Jan 8 2022 - 8 PM - Went to Quincy Center to get on internet and get videos. Continued to Lowes in Weymouth and Stop & Shop in Hingham. Got back about 3 PM. I think COVID is a way to cling to power. They can restrict people from moving around and communicating. They can target certain people. I think it's time to fish or cut bait with this institution. Everyone's basic freedoms are on the line. Everyone's standard of living. Christianity is organized crime.
Sunday Jan 9 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Worked on printer cart. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to go over the recent history of Arizona and San Francisco.+ I have no idea what it means it's up to others to figure it out. Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee for president in 1964. He made the famous statement "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" at the Republican convention in San Francisco. He lost to LBJ. He was from Arizona. Ronald Reagan made the statement "Orange County is where good republicans go to die". I'm not sure what he meant. In the late 1960's the man who built the McCulloch Chain Saw Co bought the London Bridge and shipped it piece by piece to Arizona and re-assembled it across the Colorado River. He also built a lake called Lake Havasu and sold real estate. There is an old childrens rhyme "London bridge is falling down falling down, London bridge is falling down My Fair Lady....." There was a Rock N Roll band called Paul Revere and the Raiders who had a string of hits in the 60's and 70's. The creative force was Marc Lindsey. One hit was "Indian Reservation" .........."Cherokee people ...Cherokee tribe.... .so proud to live so proud to die............." His solo carreer had the hit "Arizona"......."Arizona take off your rainbow shades..........." More recently a congresswomam from Arizona, Gabby Giffords, was shot. There was a movie released not long ago titled "Phoenix Forgot". I watched it but don't remember much. A movie from the late 70's was "Alice Doesn't live Here Anymore" starring Ellen Burston. Wasn't much of a movie but the media made a big deal of it. Ellen Burston is Alice. She leaves Monterey as a child in a sort of "Wizard Of Oz" scene. The movie switches to present day where she soon loses her husband in New Mexico. She takes her kid and wants to go back to Monterey where she was happy. She never makes it. The ending has her walking away and there is a sign for the Monterey Ballroom in Arizona. They made a TV show out of this titled "Alice". It starred Linda Lavin. If someone wrote a history of San Francisco from 1950 to today and was completely honest it would expose everything. (My opinion or ?? my guess) San Francisco has gone through the Beatniks from North beach in the 1950's to the hippies and summer of love in 1966 or 67 to the gay capitol of America and the HIV capitol of America to Silicon Valley. From total dropouts who didn't believe in money to the money pig capitol of the country. (Yuppie Heaven) In between there was an HUAC riot, the Zodiac Killer, The Altamont Speedway concert billed as the West Coast Woodstock where someone died at the hands of the Hells Angels and an earthquake or two. Somehow I think this is all tied together but I don't know how. ???? (tongue in cheek) The most recent city that has been invaded is Seattle where similar swings of fortune have occured. Ever see the movie "My Own Privite Idaho"? Just sayin. ??? I used to watch the TV show “Cops” a lot. They spent a lot of time in King County Washington fighting a meth epidemic. Then the Grunge Rock N Roll thing happened. Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearljam, Soundgarden, Faith No More etc. Now it’s a high tech center like San Francisco. ???? Anyway.
Monday Jan 10 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Expecting frigid temperatures tomorrow.
Tuesday Jan 11 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Watched most of "Raising Arizona" with Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter. Made by the Coen Bros who also made "The Big Lebowski". It portrays everyone from Arizona as a brain dead redneck. ("My Own Private Idaho" ??) I wonder how they got like that? Chickenshit? It's fiction I know.
Wednesday Jan 12 2022 - 11 PM - Went to Quincy Center to return videos. Came right back. My replacement printer arrived. I got the ink cartridges to work but it won't communicate with the computer. I think someone messed with my computer so the driver won't go into the correct folder. Also my bed was chickenshitted while I was out. On Wed Dec 29 I brought up the fact that Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland) has been solidly Protestant since the 16 th century and the Pope doesn't seem to mind. They all have the Evangelical Lutheran Church as the official state church. I'm guessing it's closely related to Martin Luther. My evidence that Luther was a plant by the Pope inside the Reformation is pretty thin like all my evidence. If you want to control the dissent lead the dissent. Luther was a disgruntled priest who nailed his complaints to the door of his church and supposedly started the reformation. Someone else printed the 96 thesis and Luther spent the rest of his life defending them. He didn't actually seek to publish them. He was charged with heresy and was prosecuted. He eventually married a former nun and had children and lived out his life in peace. This is not the fate of most people who take on the church. I think the Pope doesn't care what the theology is as long as he controls it. He also controls voodoo. (thats a guess.) A guess based on the fact voodoo has elements of catholicism in it's theology. It's called syncretic religion. The church has used syncretic religion to assimilate people very slowly over hundreds of years. Ireland was converted over hundreds of years using syncretic religion. Ireland is the last place in Europe where Celtic culture existed. The Celts occupied most of Europe pre Roman times. They were dominated by druid priests. Today there are syncretic religions in Korea and Vietnam that have elements of catholicism. The Nobel Peace Prize has been called the Nobel Priest Prize. Just sayin.
Thursday Jan 13 2022 - 6 PM - Went to Wal-Mart Avon. Got printer to work. Operator error. Watched "Tin Men" starring Richard Dreyfus and Danny Devito. They're 2 aluminum siding salesmen who get into a personal fued. It escalates until Dreyfus steals Devito's wife. They play a game of pool to decide the winner. During the movie they put up with a Home Improvement Committee investigating deceptive sales practices of their industry. They both lose thier licences and have to find other work. Aluminum siding was popular for many years but was replaced by vinyl. Vinyl is oil based of course. It does not benefit the people who are using all this surveilance to have a lot of houses with aluminum siding that can be made into a Faraday Cage by adding a metal roof. I'll bet there are no houses with aluminum siding anymore.
Friday Jan 14 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Slept, even though my bed is crap. Why I think Jesus and the money changers are one in the same. Jesus is power crazy. Anything that can be used to control people is his bag. When human settlements have a population above say 100 people a dynamic occurs. Job specialization. Each member of the settlement can't produce and consume his or her daily needs. One person becomes a shoemaker, another a baker etc. The more people the more complex. There are at least 2 methods of distributing goods and services. Communes or a monetary system. In a commune every member contributes to the work needed and shares in the production. In a monetary system money is used to distribute goods and services and it's every man for himself. Since everyone depends on money whoever controls the monetary system can control anybody. I think the church controls the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements and this is how they get people to fight amongst themselves. They can direct society any way they chose. They can control the education system so people don't understand this and other basic concepts. They like sports to keep the peasants distracted. They can spend decades planning how to direct the entire planet. I'm sure there are alternatives but they won't allow anyone else a chance. Anything that makes people dependant is controlled by the same people. The oil industry for example.
Saturday Jan 15 2022 - ND - Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet. Got some videos and continued to Fenway by train because it was too cold to walk. Went to Target and had pizza and came back. There was some sort of protest at Fenway just as I arrived. Broke up very quickly. TV said it was about the new mayor's vaccine policy. I think a lot of these protests are staged by CCD. (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) CCD was begun in the 16 th century by someone named St John Leonardi. (Encyclopedia Britannica bio: founder of the Roman Catholic Ordo Clericorum Regularium Matris Dei (Clerks Regular of the Mother of God), whose members were commonly called Leonardini; the order was distinguished for learning and was originally devoted to combatting Protestantism and to promoting the Counter-Reformation. Joining the now-extinct Apostolic Clerics of St. Jerome, John was ordained priest c. 1572 and became particularly active in charity. He soon attracted and trained some laymen and in 1574 founded his religious congregation in Lucca. In 1579 he formed the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; his congregation of Clerks Regular received episcopal approval in 1583. John's campaign against Protestantism, however, was so fervent that only with papal protection was he admitted into the Republic of Lucca, which opposed his policies for political reasons. He was aided by St. Philip Neri, the religious reformer, and St. Joseph Calasanz, whose order of the Pious Schools (Piarists) temporarily merged with the Leonardini. John's work attracted the support of Pope Clement VIII, who in 1595 officially approved John's congregation. Having begun four more religious orders amidst his reforming activities, John also cofounded (1603) a seminary to train priests for foreign missions. He died after contracting influenza while nursing epidemic victims. Sta. Maria in Campitelli, Rome, mother church of the Clerks Regular, contains his relics.) It's for young people mostly. It might ??? be the source of 'the river'. And then there's this from Britannica on the Inquisition: Later institutional inquisitions were established in Portugal in 1540 (abolished in 1821) and in Rome (for the Papal States and some other parts of Italy) in 1542; the latter was erected into the Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition, or Holy Office, one of the 15 secretariats into which the administrative reforms of Sixtus V (1585–90) divided papal government. (In 1965 the Holy Office was reorganized by Pope Paul VI and renamed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.) In 1547 the government of Venice established a tribunal of laymen, which was converted into a tribunal of clergy by 1551 but closely monitored by the Venetian government. The Venetian inquisition lasted until 1797. Another institutional inquisition, that of the city of Lucca, established in 1545, was also originally staffed by laymen but then clericalized after a few years. 1965???? Why was the Inquisition still around in 1965, and why did Paul VI rename it? ???? Is it still around?
Sunday Jan 16 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Went to Star Market about 1:30 came right back. When I got out of Shattuck in Dec 2015 I was sent to a house in Randolph. I was living with 5 or 6 other people under supervision. One person kept calling me Luke. (Luke Skywalker ?? ) This person seemed to know things aside from just what was going through my head. I have tried to come up with why Luke is significant and this is what I've come up with. First of all see above. Republic of Lucca. There is a Gospel according to Luke in the bible. Luke was not Christian but he may have known some of the apostles. He was a doctor or something. ??? Not much I know.
Monday Jan 17 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. I think the political process in this country is a joke. The rich and powerful have the whole thing wrapped up in a little Christmas present. Either party could get a Republican dog from New York elected a Democrat senator from California and actually be a full time resident of Michigan. The Demakins and the Republicrats. For example Liz Warren or Mitt Romney. You want to fix this country let go of the political process.
Tuesday Jan 18 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Didn't eat a thing. Still waiting for my iPad. Bought it on Nov 27. Was supposed to be here yesterday. (They're delaying the rollout of 5G) iPads come with cellular so I can get the internet at home. ??? At least that's the plan.
Wednesday Jan 19 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to return videos and get on internet. iPad finally arrived.
Thursday Jan 20 2022 - 7 PM - Went to South Shore Plaza to get on internet. Got back about 2. I was watching channel 5 after dinner and they had a piece on the West End Museum. It had been damaged by a burst pipe. I've brought up the West End in the past and how it was 'saved' by Urban Renewal. My problem with Urban Renewal is 'how does property in a downtown location get to be slums?'. My answer to that is the people who own it are cut out of the banking system. Quoting Thomas Jefferson on the banking system "Should the American people be deluded into another fractional reserve bank their grandchildren will wake up homeless on the continent their grandfathers conquered". (paraphrasing) Mussolini said a better word for fascism was corporatism. It is a fusion of political and corporate ideas. America has been taken over by it's corporations. It's a sort of secret government. In centuries past the church was the secret government. Topple the monarchy and not the church and nothing will change. And vice versa. Today if you replace the government and not the church and corporations nothing will change. All 3 need complete de-fascization. (de-Nazification was the word used after WWII) It's a system. The average preist or reverend isn't the problem. Maybe not even the person they report to but as you go up the chain of command the more likely it is you will run into corruption. The person at the top of a church might fink out his own grandmother for a good glass of wine. It's not necessarily a political entity that's the problem. It's a whole system thats corrupt. ("Don't Drink The Water" by Woody Allen) Watched "Heavens Gate" with Kris Kristoferrson and Christopher Walken. I think it's about the Johnson County war but I'm not sure how historically accurate it is. I think the point is that a state of anarchy was created by the rich and the government on purpose so the poor would kill each other. Where there is no system of justice there is anarchy.
Friday Jan 21 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Food I bought yesterday is so so. Have to eat it.
Saturday Jan 22 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. More thoughts on "Heavens Gate". I think Freemasonry is a division of the church. The people at the very top of Freemasonry get inserted into any rebellion and end up at the top, where they intentionally screw it up. I think Martin Luther was the original Freemason. If you want to control the dissent lead the dissent. In the book "Washington, The Lap Of Rome" by E Dewey Fulton he points out that the land on which Washington DC sits once belonged to the first American Catholic Bishop John Carrol. Carrol donated the land to George Washington for the purpose of building the capitol. Washington was both a protestant and a 33 rd degree Freemason. I think you could investigate any rebellion anywhere and find a Freemason who committed treason. ("The Treason Of Miribeau" during the French Revolution) Possibly Students For A Democratic Society. Who knows.
Sunday Jan 23 2022 - ND - Went to Braintree Best Buy and came right back. Someone spread chickenshit all over. It comes out of my computer. It's all over the floor. Had a really bad nights sleep thanks. The 'Rush Em's' are going after 'You Cryin'. (Russia Ukraine) ("Thunder only happens when it's rainin''........"Dreams - Fleetwood Mac -1979) ("You can't fight the tears that ain't comin........" Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - 2000) ("You're love for me has just got to be real.........before you know the way I'm going to feel....." The WASP Behind The Wall Of Sleep N.I.B. - Black Sabbath - 1969) Godzilla laid an egg
Monday Jan 24 2022 - ND - Went to North Quincy. Target and Stop & Shop. I watched Good Morning America before I left. They're going to make someone named Idris Elba the next James Bond. He's black. My problem with this is not his color. Given what is known about surveillance, mind control and advanced wireless communcations and the fact the media hasn't uttered a word about these things 'why are they still pushing the race issue?'. The media is owned by rich old white men so obviously they don't care either. My guess is the global elite want a race war. Idris doesn't care he won't be carrying a rifle. He'll be skiing in Aspen or surfing in Hawaii. I heard a joke a long time ago about actors. This is paraphrasing because I don't remember it exactly. The devil tells an actor he can get him cars, women, homes, fame and money but he has to sell his soul. The actor says without hesitating "OK but whats the catch?".
Tuesday Jan 25 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Worked on the old printer. Found the piece I lost but now I'm back to the original problem. It won't recognize the printer cartridges. Read some articles on Audio Spotlighting, sometimes called sound beaming. It is possible to focus a beam of sound so that only one person can hear what is being communicated. It is not necessary to have a 'chip' for advanced wireless communications. The US and Soviet navy's developed audio spotlighting in the 1960's for submarine communications. Ultrasound won't jam audio spotlighting. I think? Or electromagnetic waves. I think?
Wednesday Jan 26 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Worked on old printer. Not getting anywhere. In the interest of repeating myself. In the early days of Christianity a debate emerged between Pelagius and Augustine. Pelagius believed in the goodness of human nature and of free will. Augustine believed in original sin, which in some respects is the opposite of Pelagius. Original sin became a central tenet of Christianity. Pelagianism is considered a heresy. I think original sin is a power grab. A reason to interfere in the lives of everyone. Religion is a self fulfilling philosophy. Priests use the seven deadly sins to convince (harass) people to follow god. Their god. The harassment is done behind their backs by people who have already given in. The preists don't show themselves until the subject is ready to quit. The seven deadly sins can be applied at national or even international levels. Entire countries can be overcome by greed. France before the Revolution. Or America right now. ("Sun King baby....." Sun King - The Cult - 1989)
Thursday Jan 27 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Boston Public Library Lower Mills branch to get on internet. Came right back. Had a couple good days because I haven't eaten much but my bed is crap. Watched "Gandhi" starring Ben Kingsley. Gandhi used some concepts of civil disobedience and peaceful protest outlined by Henry David Thoreau in his book "My Thoughts Are Murder Toward The Government". He changed India but did not completely free it. This country, America, is too wealthy for violence to break out. Too many people have too much. Alexis de Tocqueville called it "the tyranny of the majority". The people with property will accept secret fascism. The Jan 6 insurection was BS as far as I'm concerned. Just another act on the world stage. An attempt to 'draw in' those unsuspecting poor who don't get it. Still, I think there are a couple vunerabilities in secret fascism. One is the fact that oil is a finite resource. The other is that the military is all volunteer and the system is heavily dependent on the military. If people see through the lies they won't join the military and sacrifice their lives for nothing. I think we should leave Iraq and every other country where we have military bases. Leaving Afghanistan wasn't enough. Stop expecting the government to do anything. Stop expecting rich people to do something. Stop expecting the church to do something. Look for things you can do for yourself. The banking system can be used to buy your neighborhood and fix it up yourself. I do not believe in over throwing or replacing the government. I think it should be stopped from operating for as long as it takes to de-Nazify it. Widespread civil disobedience and anarchy should be maintained for as long as it takes. There is no perfect system. Any system can become corrupt.
Friday Jan 28 2022 - ND - Went to Quincy Center for videos. Went out late for food. Expecting severe storm tomorrow.
Saturday Jan 29 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Had 2 ft of snow. Fixed the old printer. It's a Canon Pixma G3200. It has ink tanks and permanent heads. You don't buy cartridges with heads everytime. One of them must have been clogged. I took them out and propped them up so they were level. I placed a few small pieces of paper under where the heads print. I managed to drip some isopropyl alcohol into where the ink goes at the top and left it over night. In the morning there was a large stain from the color cartridge. The alcohol worked it's way through. After putting them back in the printer I still got the error message. I found a youtube video explaining how to hard reset the printer without connecting to a computer. This stopped the error. I installed the driver on my laptop and it printed as before. FYI Watched "The Nun's Story" starring Audrey Hepburn. Wasn't much but when she was first accepted into the convent they gave her the name Sister Luke. ??? At the end she leaves the order because she doesn't feel shes good enough.
Sunday Jan 30 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Slept. Watched the documentary "Endgame" by Alex Jones. One of his better documentaries. A lot of info on the New World Order quoting H. G. Wells and others. Read the encyclopedia article on Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The late 18 th century and early 19 th century saw many philosophers in Germany. Hegel was one of the most important. Reading the article he focused on religion. He tried to explain it's function in society and how it has affected history. He proposed the theory that all history follows a certain formula. Thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis. Basically man faces a problem, it causes social and civil unrest and the result is a solution. I think he's describing how the church uses the world stage to cling to power. The church 'stages' a protest using members of CCD and Freemasonry to draw people in. The idea is to accomplish some goal that most of the participants are not aware of. The Boston Tea Party for example. The Jan 6 Insurrection. The Boston Tea Party resulted in the American Revolution and ultimately capitalism. Capitalism has ultimately brought us the high tech prison planet we all live on. It was planned that far back. The exact purpose for the Jan 6 Insurrection is not known. It may be that it is designed to continue capitalism somehow. Capitalism was the goal of the American Revolution, not freedom.
Monday Jan 31 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Quincy Center to return videos. Came right back. In the interest of repeating myself. Transcendentalism was a philosophical and literary movement that took place in New England in the first half of the 19 th century. It produced works such as "Moby Dick", "The House Of Seven Gables", "Rappazini's Daughter", "The Scarlet Letter" and later "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott. If you take the time to read these works or watch a movie version and combine that with whats going on today, it's easy to come to the conclusion they knew something other people did not. Thus the name Transcendentalism. Include Edgar Allen Poe and it becomes very clear. I included the definition and the encyclopedia article. tran·scen·den·tal·ism \-tə-"li-zəm\ n (1803) 1 : a philosophy that emphasizes the a priori conditions of knowledge and experience or the unknowable character of ultimate reality or that emphasizes the transcendent as the fundamental reality 2 : a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material and empirical 3 : the quality or state of being transcendental ; esp: visionary idealism — tran·scen·den·tal·ist \-tə-list\ adj or n The article on Transcendentalism: 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. German transcendentalism (especially as it was refracted by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle), Platonism and Neoplatonism, the Indian and Chinese scriptures, and the writings of such mystics as Emanuel Swedenborg and Jakob Böhme were sources to which the New England Transcendentalists turned in their search for a liberating philosophy. Eclectic and cosmopolitan in its sources and part of the Romantic movement, New England Transcendentalism originated in the area around Concord, Mass., and from 1830 to 1855 represented a battle between the younger and older generations and the emergence of a new national culture based on native materials. It attracted such diverse and highly individualistic figures as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, Orestes Brownson, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, and James Freeman Clarke, as well as George Ripley, Bronson Alcott, the younger W.E. Channing, and W.H. Channing. In 1840 Emerson and Margaret Fuller founded The Dial (1840–44), the prototypal “little magazine” wherein some of the best writings by minor Transcendentalists appeared. The writings of the Transcendentalists and those of contemporaries such as Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne, for whom they prepared the ground, represent the first flowering of the American artistic genius and introduced the American Renaissance in literature. In their religious quest, the Transcendentalists rejected the conventions of 18th-century thought; and what began in a dissatisfaction with Unitarianism developed into a repudiation of the whole established order. They were leaders in such contemporary reform movements as anarchistic, socialistic, and communistic schemes for living (Thoreau; Alcott at Fruitlands; Ripley at Brook Farm); suffrage for women; better conditions for workers; temperance for all; modifications of dress and diet; the rise of free religion; educational innovation; and other humanitarian causes. Heavily indebted to the Transcendentalists' organic philosophy, aesthetics, and democratic aspirations have been the pragmatism of William James and John Dewey, the environmental planning of Benton MacKaye and Lewis Mumford, the architecture (and writings) of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, and the American “modernism” in the arts promoted by Alfred Stieglitz.
Tuesday Feb 1 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day.
Wednesday Feb 2 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Went out for lunch. Re-watched "Gallipoli" starring Mel Gibson.
Thursday Feb 3 2022 - ND - Went to Weymouth for Drs appointment. Physical. Walked to Wal-Mart. Got back about 3:30.
Friday Feb 4 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Something I ate in the last couple days has really upset me. Watched "Fight Club" with Brad Pitt. It wan't so much about boxing or wrestling as it was about rebelling against the modern world. Interesting.
Saturday Feb 5 2022 - 7 PM - Went out about noon to go food shopping. Was to supposed to have a meeting with Aspire worker but I couldn't wait. Went to Stop & Shop Dorchester. Got back about 3 PM. Watched "My Left Foot" with Daniel Day Lewis. He meets with a priest who tells him there is a difference between purgatory and hell. You can get out of purgatory, you can't get out of hell. I looked up 'purgatory' in the dictionary and encyclopedia and didn't understand it.
Sunday Feb 6 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Got a package that said it was USPS delivered by FedEx. I think there are people who intercept my mail and deliver it when they feel like it or not at all. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to comment on 2 presidential speeches: Eisenhowers Farewell Address and John F Kennedy's "The President and the Press" both given in early 1961. Alternative media talks about these 2 speeches quite a bit. I first discovered Eisenhowers Farewell Address while watching Oliver Stones movie "JFK". Eisenhower gave this speech in January 1961 several days before leaving office. The Cold War was at it's height and much of what he says could be interpreted as referencing that, but once you understand the surveillance situation in this country it means something else. First he says "We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration." It appears as though he is talking about communism but he goes on to complain about problems he sees with America. He says "Of these I mention 2 only". He warns America of "the consequences of a vast and permanent arms industry.......who's consequences even spiritual can be felt in every city and town, every statehouse and every office of the federal government". "In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of ths combination threaten our liberties or democratic processes." The second problem he sees is too much government funded research. "In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal goverment." "....money has become a substitute for intellectual curiosity......" "...the solitary inventor tinkering in his workshop has become overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields......". Kennedy took office several days later. In April 1961 the Bay of Pigs incident took place. The CIA armed some Cuban dissidents and landed them on the island. Most were killed when Kennedy canceled the air support. A couple weeks later he gave the speech "The President and the Press" at the Waldorf Astoria in New York. It's unclear what he's talking about but at the end he says "....so man can be what he was born to be, free and indepenent."
Monday Feb 7 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched 'End Of Suburbia" a documentary on the end of cheap oil. They predict the suburbs are the future slums of America.
Tuesday Feb 8 2022 - 8 PM - Went out at noon to get on internet. Boston Public Library Lower Mills. Came right back. Set up iPad with ATT. See how long it lasts. In the interest of repeating myself. Friedrich Nietzsche is a German scholar and philospher from the 19 th century that gets a lot of attention. He is mentioned by numerous musicians and in movies. He gets more attention dead then he ever did alive. His view of the world proved true as the 20 th century progressed. He helped develop nihilism as a philosophy. He predicted "God is Dead" as nationalism replaced religion in the minds of the masses. One of his best books is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". Zarathustra was a real historical figure. He was a prophet who lived around 500 BC in what is today Iran. He is the person who started Zoroastranism, a religion that was monotheistic and dualistic. Two things embaced by Christianity 500 years later. Reading the encyclopedia articles about Zarathustra and Zoroastranism you might draw the conclusion that the Nomads are the Rolling Stones, Gypsies of today and that it's a link between ancient Egypt amd today. I include parts of the the articles. Nietzsche - Nietzsche's acknowledged literary and philosophical masterpiece in biblical narrative form, Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra), was published between 1883 and 1885 in four parts, the last part a private printing at his own expense. As with most of his works it received little attention. His attempts to set forth his philosophy in more direct prose, in the publications in 1886 of Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Beyond Good and Evil) and in 1887 of Zur Genealogie der Moral (On the Genealogy of Morals), also failed to win a proper audience. Zarathustra - A biographical account of Zoroaster is tenuous at best or speculative at the other extreme. The date of Zoroaster's life cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty. According to Zoroastrian tradition, he flourished “258 years before Alexander.” Alexander the Great conquered Persepolis, the capital of the Achaemenids, a dynasty that ruled Persia from 559 to 330 BC, in 330 BC. Following this dating, Zoroaster converted Vishtāspa, most likely a king of Chorasmia (an area south of the Aral Sea in Central Asia), in 588 BC. According to tradition, he was 40 years old when this event occurred, thus indicating that his birthdate was 628 BC. Zoroaster was born into a modestly situated family of knights, the Spitama, probably at Rhages (now Rayy, a suburb of Tehrān), a town in Media. The area in which he lived was not yet urban, its economy being based on animal husbandry and pastoral occupations. Nomads, who frequently raided those engaged in such occupations, were viewed by Zoroaster as aggressive violators of order, and he called them followers of the Lie.
Wednesday Feb 9 2022 - 8 PM - Went to Quincy Center to get videos. Walked down Neponset River Reservation to the bus to get some exercise. Got back about 1 PM. I've been re-watching some of my Alex Jones documentaries. He points out that the Riechstag Fire was staged so Hitler could sieze dictatorial powers. There is now documented evidence. I think the Jan 6 Insurrection was also staged though it's exact purpose is not as clear cut. I think it's designed to help the powers-that-be cling to power somehow. When I was in the library at Lower Mills the other day there was a magazine on display that read "Jan 6 Just The Beginning". This is a perfect example of Hegel's dialectic. Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis This is how the world stage works.
Thursday Feb 10 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. I have been thinking about transcendentalism and Friedrich Neitzsche. Transcendentalism was a philosophical and literary movement in New England in the first half of the 20 th century. The root of the word transcendentalism is transcend which basically means "to rise above". I think transcendentalism is a way for ordinary people to discern knowledge, by intuition, that is otherwise not knowable. That is, art in Western Civilization can be used to intuitively know things that are hidden to most people. I have not read most works by Freidrich Neitzsche but I can intuitively guess at what it's significance is. Neitzsche was an observer of the world around him. And he was probably being harassed by the church as I am. Neitzsche discovered Zarathustra and his connection to Christianity. Dualism, in the form of heaven and hell, and monotheism. He could see that politics was replacing religion as a form of dualism, democrat vs republican, (Beyond Good And Evil) and nationalism in general was becoming more important to the average person than religion. He could see the meaninglessness of modern life in the mindless pursuit of money and objects as a prelude to the end of the world. (The Anti Christ)
Friday Feb 11 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Ate next to nothing. Could use a good nights sleep and an evacuation.
Saturday Feb 12 2022 - ND - Returned videos to Quincy. Got something to eat. Went food shopping. Got back about 3. Bought some Garelick Farms milk at Family Dollar that tasted bad, so I strained it through some coffee filters and that helped. FYI Watched "Mulholland Drive". It's a surrealist story set in L.A. But like a lot of movies if you have certain knowledge it makes sense. That knowledge is usually related to the fact there is a secret genocide taking place in this country orchestrated by the rich and powerful. Another movie about Mulholand Drive is "Mulholland Falls" with Nick Nolte. The polece take gangsters and other people they don't want in Los Angeles up to Mulholland Drive, beat them up and throw them down the hill as a warning to leave town. Mulholland is the last name of the person, who in the 1920's brought water from the Sierra Neveda Mountains to Los Angeles via the Los Angeles Aqueduct. William Mulholland. He was portrayed in the Roman Polanski film "Chinatown" as a connivng scheming capitalist named Noah Cross. ???
Sunday Feb 13 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. I've been thinking about the Roman Polanski movie "Chinatown". Polanski insinuates that the water department was used to steal peoples property. I think this a basic perk for the followers of Jesus. The list of books that support this includes: "The History of the Norman Conquest Of England", "The House Of Seven Gables" and "The Crucible". And it's not just the Pope.
Monday Feb 14 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day.
Tuesday Feb 15 2022 - 7 PM - Went to lunch with Mom. Chili's Braintree. It's my birthday. I'm 65. Got back about 4. I'm still thinking about the movie "Chinatown" and William Mulholland. In the movie JJ Geddes discovers the water department is dumping water to justify a dam and reservoir it doesn't need. The dam and reservoir would make land near it more valuable. Noah Cross (William Mulholland) is buying up the land cheap. I've seen a lot of shows filmed in LA and they show these massive concrete trenches that channel water away when it rains. It's gets dumped in the harbor. (I guess) (The race scene from "Grease" for example) How much water does LA dispose of like that? Why don't they pump it into water towers and then clean it? You can read about Mulholland in the encyclopedia. Look up "Owens River" or "Los Angeles Aqueduct" or "St Francis Dam Disaster". In another scene from "Chinatown" Geddes is poking around the farms along the river and gets beat up by a couple farmers. Geddes calls them "Dumb Okies". Okies were people who migrated to California from Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl of the 1930's. "The Grapes Of Wrath" is about Okies. I wonder if the Dust Bowl was engineered somehow to steal land.
Wednesday Feb 16 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Met with Aspire worker at noon. Went to dinner about 4.
Thursday Feb 17 2022 - ND - Went to Boston Public library to get on internet and get videos. Ate Downtown Crossing.
Friday Feb 18 2022 - ND - Stayed home most of the day. Went food shopping about noon. Came right back. Having serious trouble with my main desktop computer. It freezes constantly. Does things I don't want it to. It's as if someone is controlling the desktop through a wireless connection. When I built it I bought a motherboard with no WiFi. The case is all aluminum. A Lian-Li. So it should be a Faraday Cage. I don't know how they get in. They must have put some virus on it while I was out that helps them control it. I removed all Microsoft Visual C++ products and anything in Windows that allow remote but it didn't fix it. The earth ground of the wall outlet must not work. ???
Saturday Feb 19 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Tried to use iPad to get on internet. Settings keep changing. Sites all of a sudden require secure connection. So much for the iPad. In the interest of repeating myself here are my suggestions for fighting back. Making speeches and protesting doesn't do anything. Take the 1960's for example. If war would help it would have started a long time ago. People have too much in this country to start blowing things up. If the solution isn't peaceful and civil, it won't work. So here are my suggestions. Don't join the military. The system depends heavily on the money generated by the defense industry. They want people militarized and willing to hurt each other. They don't want people owning property. To own property start a bank. As long as the fractional reserve central banking system exists take advantage of it. If everyone in a local area puts their money in one bank they immediately have 10 times what they intially deposit. Buy the town and control all the real estate. If you own your neighborhood you'll fight to keep it. Don't join the priesthood or convents. The Catholic Church never relinquished power in Western civilization. Nuf Ced. If you're a good person work for the government. Flood the local government with job applications. Why leave these jobs to the problem? This includes the FBI, CIA, NSA etc. I think small communes should be created in every city and maybe small towns. People can produce and consume most of what they need. These exist side by side with the free trade world. I don't believe in communism or any large power structure. The communes could have special political status and act like a sanctuary like the church was supposed to be a long time ago. Capitalism has been described as creative destruction. The automobile put the blacksmith out of work. As far as I'm concerned any widget is a good widget. It causes chaos. The Catholic Church is a soveriegn nation. It is a member of the United Nations. As such it has a political and economic agenda that does not include everyone. It probably owns more property in this country than the federal government. This country has more lawyers than it knows what to do with. Sue the church into oblivion. If Catholics married Protestants or Muslims or Jews it would slowly destroy the church.
Sunday Feb 20 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. I bought an iPhone yesterday, it came today. I waited 2 months for the iPad. The first thing I wanted to do was see if the charger that came with the iPad would work with the iPhone. I turned on the iPad and got the wrong page. I then ran out of cellular data. I tried to log into the ATT account but they wanted WiFi. It didn't need Wifi when I set up the account. Since I was out of data I had to quit. More than $1500 and 3 months and it's worthless. Used to be 'they' respected money. Not any more.
Monday Feb 21 2022 - ND - Went to Boston to return videos and go to Target. Got back at noon.
Tuesday Feb 22 2022 - ND - Stayed home most of the day. Went out late for someting to eat. Met with Aspire worker. No news on moving. My stupidvision is reporting that Russia has invaded Ukraine. The station I watched this morning said they were going to say why but not one word uttered had anything to do with why. So this is my take. (guess) The pandemic is running out of steam. Like the Jan 6 Insurrection it's a way to cling to power. The HIV/AIDS thing of the 70's and 80's was also a way to cling to power and get rid of undesirables. I'm pretty sure Russia invaded the Crimea a few years ago. (I think?) Maybe they're still there. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union before it fell in the early 1990's. The Crimea had a very valuable Navy base. It gave access to the Mediteranean through the Black Sea. If Russia is still there It's land locked by Ukraine. The part Russia is now invading will connect the Crimea to Russia. If the pope loses the United States he loses NATO. He wants Russia as strong as possible to maintain control of Europe.
Wednesday Feb 23 2022 - 6 PM - Went to Wal-Mart in Avon. Came right back. I am reading the works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. According to the encyclopedia he was a favorite of the transcendentalists. He wrote the poem "Kubla Khan" with the famous line "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a statey pleasure dome decree". This is mentioned in numerous places. "Citizen Kane", the album by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, a song by Rush "Xanadu" and a movie by the same name starring Olivia Newton John. Coleridge lived from 1772 to 1834. The transcendentalists talked about "unknowable knowledge" but nothing about them actually talks about that knowledge. In the introduction to the book they talk about a book "Table Talk". The same as the pie company in Worcester Mass which has been in the news lately. ??? Seems to me it wouldn't take much. If you want to control everyone you control something everyone needs. Two things they've known since Ancient Egypt are currency and resources. As the Roman Empire progressed they discovered you can make people dependent. For example all the wheat was grown in Egypt. Dissolving the Empire threatened the food supply.
Thursday Feb 24 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Already having trouble with the iPhone. Haven't owned it a week. Both the iPad and the iPhone have eSIM. You don't have to have a SIM card to set it up. It's done electronically. When I set up the iPad I didn't even need WiFi. It let me chose a plan and set it up in Settings. The iPhone doesn't have that option. It only allows me to set it up with a QR code and doesn't provide the code. And there's no information about the different plans. Also there's no way to shut it down.
Friday Feb 25 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day.
Saturday Feb 26 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Tried to fast because the current chickenshit really sucks. Didn't make it. Went out about 6 PM to Star. Didn't avoid the chickemshit. My clothes are also making me sick. The sheets and blankets on my bed also. Keeps me up. Aside from the times I'm not here my clothes and sheets are unattended when I wash them. Just sayin.
Sunday Feb 27 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Quincy Center to get on internet and get videos. Got back about 5 PM. I'm reading "Transcendentalism And It's Legacy". They mention the Hegelian dialectric. I think the Hegelian Dialectic is an attempt to describe the world stage. The Boston Tea Party and the Riechstag Fire could be staged events. The world stage needs actors, directors and others to forward their agenda. I think C.C.D. and Freemasonry are two organizations that provide these people. They could also come from convents and monastary's. In defense of the last 2 many of these places are cloistered. (spelling ?) They're kept away from the rest of the world. From about the year 1550 the church maintained the Roman Index Of Forbidden Books in an attempt to keep all catholics in the dark.
Monday Feb 28 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched "Conspiracy Theory" with Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson. Reminded me of "Enemy Of The State" and my own situation. Gibson is a taxi driver in New York and a conspiracy theorist. Roberts works for the government at the state department. Roberts thinks he's crazy but tries to be nice. Gibson is then abducted by someone and beaten up. He's convinced it's the government and gets Roberts involved. Turns out it is the government and Roberts is involved. Brings up MK Ultra and the NSA.
Tuesday Mar 1 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Quincy Center to return videos and get on internet. Got back about 1 PM. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to go over H.A.A.R.P. and controlling the weather. H.A.A.R.P. is a research project that heats up the atmosphere with a massive antenna array. There are multple installations. One in Alaska near Fairbanks, one in Puerto Rico and in other countries. The official explanation for it's purpose is vague. It's capable of dumping enough heat into the atmosphere to effect the weather. Which may be it's purpose. The global warming thing makes no sense if you factor in the idea that fossil fuels are a finite resource. Any effect mans use of fossils fuels has on the weather is temporary, so why are politicians pushing carbon credits? My guess is it helps sell the idea of a global government. I think they're purposely heating up the planet to further a political agenda. I think it's possible to control the weather. I think they use the electric grid. The North American electric grid is the largest machine ever built. It is comprised of hundreds of mega watt power generating stations connected by thousands of miles of high tension wires. Most weather phenomena are electric in nature. Lightning is when a large positively charge energy mass collides with a negatively charged one. The Northern Lights are electrical, so is St Elmo's fire. This is a possible example of how weather is controlled. Lets say there's a large area of energy above northern New Jersey. To move it into New York all 'they' have to do is crank up the voltage in the wires that stretch from Philadelphia to Buffalo and turn down the wires from Groton Ct to Springfield Mass. This pushes it toward New York City. Much of the grid is now controlled by computers.
Wednesday Mar 2 2022 - ND - Went to Stop & Shop Dorchester. Got hung up on the T on the way back. Got back about 4.
Thursday Mar 3 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Got a realy crappy nights sleep.
Friday Mar 4 2022 - 6 PM - Stayed home all day. Didn't eat much. Got another crappy nights sleep.
Saturday Mar 5 2022 - 7 PM - Went to library about noon. Came right back. My bed is a constant source of agravation. I think someone enters my room every time I am gone to chickenshit the mattress so I thought I would share how I combat the problem. I have a large stack of plastic pieces that are large enough to cover the bed. Occasionally I take them into the shower and wash them off. The sheets and blankets seem to never come clean so I sleep with a piece of plastic between me and the sheets. For a pillow I take something out of the laundry basket and wrap it an unused trash bag. I use the bag for trash after a couple days. I currently have 2 air mattresses that I switch. Both have developed leaks however. It's easier to clean plastic. Fabric mattresses retain the chickenshit. If you try to use some kind of upholstry cleaner it gets worse. I sleep in my clothes a lot. Sometimes I wear the same clothes for 2 or 3 days figuring I've worn out the chickenshit.
Sunday Mar 6 2022 - ND - Went out about noon to get on internet. Came right back. Americans fought for freedom and independence but they got capitalism. No one ever talks about Luigi Galvani. ??? I think the primary reason for capitalism was to incorporate science into religion and build a technology based dictatorship. We have arrived. Welcome to 1984.
Monday Mar 7 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Quincy Wal-Mart. Left very early. Needed some moth balls. We have mice and I heard moth balls will keep them away so I put them next to the door. You would be very surprised at the things 'they' can control. Like 'they' can mess with my computer while I'm typing despite the fact there is no WiFi. I'm talking about mice. I know I don't have 'chips' in my head or any where else but I think 'they' can insert thoughts into my head any time they want. Proving this is impossible. I also think 'they' can control a mouse, or any other animal, remotely with no electronics on the recieving end. I can't count the times deer appear in my line of sight exactly when I think something about deer. (Or just before I think) It's crazy. The only proof I might be able to point to is an article in ITV News from March 1993 titled "Military Use Of Psyops Weapons" (I'm pretty sure that's the title) They talk about SSSS, Silent Sound ??? ??? (I can't remember) It's a company in Norcross Ga. They use regular FM frequencies to affect the minds of people. Silent Sound Spread Spectrum thats it. I can't go back and re-type this because of the problem I'm actually talking about. 'They' have been creating problems with my computer for a couple months now. I watched the news when I got back. While talking about the 6 million people who have died from COVID they showed a map of the world where most of the deaths occurred. In Europe it was from where Lithuania and Poland are in the north to Ukraine in the south. This is the exact area that comprised the Russian Pale Of Settlement which was closed in 1917. A pale is where 'jews' are allowed to live. FYI ("Welcome to the Hotel California,.........such a lovely place.......such a lovely face.....................You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave.............")
Tuesday Mar 8 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Cleaned the closet trying to prevent the mice from moving around. I found a couple holes in the wall. They come into the closet and then scurry under the door into the hall. I'm pretty sure there's no food or water in my room so it's just a highway.
Wednesday Mar 9 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Worked on the mouse problem. Food I bought Monday is nasty. Threw most of it away.
Thursday Mar 10 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched 'The House On Skull Mountain". When I bought the movie "Mephisto Waltz" this movie came with it. It was made in the early 1970's with "Mephisto Waltz" but it's not a sequel. It's set some where outside San Francisco in a house where the descendants of Henry I of Haiti live. Just after the American Revolution Haiti aslo had a revolution and someone named Henry Christoffe declared himself King Henry I. The movie is about Voodoo priests trying to control everyone. Most Haitians are Roman Catholic but Voodoo was developed there around the same time as the revolution. Voodoo is a syncretic religion that blends Catholicism with African gods.
Friday Mar 11 2022 - ND - Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet. Got back about noon. Met with Aspire worker.
Saturday Mar 12 2022 - 9 PM - Went to Avon Wal-Mart to get bed frame. Came right back. Went food shopping late. Watched "Anastasia" with Yul Brenner and Ingrid Bergman. In the 1920's some people in Paris formed a corporation to find the Russian heir to millions belonging to the dead Russian Czar. There had been rumors for years that Anastasia had survived the assassination of Nicholas and his family. The movie was supposed to be factual. At the end, despite proving who she was she dissappeared again.
Sunday Mar 13 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched "Hamlet" with Kenneth Branaugh. I think "Hamlet" along with "Alice in Wonderland" and other great books is a fictional story describing a real phenomena. That phenomena is very close to whats happening to me. Hamlet is the son of the king of Denmark who has just died. He talks to a ghost he believes to be his father who tells him he was murdered by his brother. Hamlet sets out to get justice. His brother has married his fathers wife to become king. Everyone is convinced Hamlet is crazy from grief. His uncle plays on that to get rid of Hamlet. Hamlet hires some actors to stage a play to make his uncle feel guilty but that doesn't work. In the end Hamlet loses everything. If the 'crazy' thing doesn't work they bring in the girls. "Alice in Wonderland" is about how the girl is coerced into chasing a rabbit to get rid of him. Instead of Hamlet the target is 'The Knave of Hearts". Both these stories add little clues about how Western Civilization works.
Monday Mar 14 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. I recently posted the words to the song "The Temples Of Syrinx" by Rush. This song, and others, imply that 'they' will come out of the closet someday and put the hammer down, but I figure 'why would they start telling the truth now' ? I think 'they' have to come up with some sort of lie. Frederich Neischtze believed in 'The Anti-Christ', or at least he wrote a book about it. In the documentary "Ring Of Power" they show a clip of Bob Simon in Israel reporting about Armageddon. He says later that there are 100 million people in America who believe we are in the end times and are waiting to be 'raptured' into heaven. I think it's possible but it's just another act on the world stage.
Tuesday Mar 15 2022 - ND - Went to lunch with Mom. South Shore Plaza. Got videos in Quincy on way home. Got back about 5 PM.
Wednesday Mar 16 2022 -ND - Went to Charlestown to distribute literature. Walked through the Navy Yard where the U.S.S. Constitution is docked. They should have called it the constipation cause it ain't worth the paper it's written on. (not the ship) Continued to Copley Square to get on internet. Ate at Chick Fil A. Wasn't much. Got back about 3 PM. Bought some groceries on the way. Arizona Tea is kinda nasty. Tried straining through some coffee filters but it didn't help. Watched "2010" starring Roy Schieder. Made in 1984 it was supposed to be a sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey". The Russians send a ship to find the U.S.S. Discovery that is still orbiting Jupiter. A couple Americans go along. Jupiter turns into a second sun and all is well.
Thursday Mar 17 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. St Patricks Day. For years in the 1970's and 80's gay people fought for the right to march in the South Boston St Patricks Day Parade. I don't remember if they won the right. Anyway this is my thoughts on what was really going on. When you're getting 'chickenshitted' behind your back you don't function socially. This includes getting along with the opposite sex. Many people turn to being gay. I think there are people who are more attracted to their own sex but I also think there are people who feel forced to be that way. I have a couple examples of songs that suggest 'they' (the invisible chickenshit god maggots) kill people who date their victims. This is another reason for people being gay. I think the South Boston legal battle might have been about this not just civil rights. ("Death to the ones at the end of the serenade.........." Green Day from 21 st Century Breakdown)
Friday Mar 18 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. No word on moving.
Saturday Mar 19 2022 - 8 PM - Went to Quincy Center to return videos. Thomas Crane library. Bought a couple dvd's and cd's at library store. There are at least 3 Rock N Roll bands whose name is a dead give away. Rage Against The Machine, Radiohead and Third Eye Blind. I bought a Third Eye Blind cd. Got the Arnold movie "Eraser".
Sunday Mar 20 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day.
Monday Mar 21 2022 - 8 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Went out late for something to eat. The Green Line Extension opened today. Or at least part of it. The rebuilt Lechmere station and the new Union Square in Somerville. The rest will open later this year. The TV also showed some people protesting the fact that rents are going up where the service is expanding. I sometimes think the powers that be organize these protests to occupy the time of the people who actually care. That way nothing ever gets done. I saw a different story early in the day that stated you needed to make $111,000 a year to afford an apartment in Boston. In my opinion this is no accident. It's done to force certain people out. I think the housing market is controlled by a small group of people. It's very simple to solve. Build too many apartments. Bring the price down. I know a lot of people hate the banking system but as long as it exists why not use it to fight back? If the people along the green line extension pooled their money in a bank they own they could buy their neighborhood or build too many apartments. ????
Tuesday Mar 22 2022 - 7 PM - Went to Boston just to get out. Wanted to walk around and take pictures but it was a little cold so I just went to the library and came back. I watch a lot of documentaries. I think it's the only place you get real information about real problems. Over the years I've collected quite a few but I'm missing 2 and I can' t find them anywhere. This leads me to beleive they upset the powers that be. They are "The God Delusion" with Richard Dawkins and "The Iron Triangle". "The God Delusion" is a 3 hour criticism by a leading atheist. "The Iron Triangle" is also a book. It's about the Carlyle Group, it's history and the people behind it. Carlyle is one of the largest military corporations in the world. They own large stakes in the worlds major arms manufacturers and have as their stock holders many of the worlds political leaders which is a conflict of interest. When I was in High School the courses in Greek Mythology were off limits for most people. You had to have a very high grade point average and other qualifications. As a result I only have a basic knowledge of the subject. Today I think certain knowledge is not attainable for most people but that that knowledge can be discerned by a study of art in Western Civilization. I also think that same knowledge is attainable through a study of Greek Mythology. This is another link between Christianity and Ancient Egypt just as Zarathustra is.
Wednesday Mar 23 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Re-watched 'Hidden Agenda" starring Francis McDormand. It's set in N Ireland during the troubles between Protestants and Catholics. At the beginning shes looking out a window at an orange parade and says "......tribal rights...........frightening...". I'm not exactly sure what an orange parade is. It's either protestants getting in the face of Catholics or vice versa. It reminded me of the KKK marches of the 1920' and 30's. (dunce cap brigade) I think the second incarnation of the KKK was manufactured by the powerful with the media and their newly created paper money. Even the history books will attribute it to the movie "Birth Of A Nation" which was Hollywoods first big blockbuster. It ran in theatres from 1915 to 1917. Why it spawned 25 years of the KKK makes no sense. I think they kept it alive with paper money and "tirbal rights". It happened during the 1920's when times were good in the USA. Usually during good times people chill out. In Germany times weren't so good because of the Treaty of Versailles which could explain Hitler. But it makes no sense in America. We are a media and money controlled society. I wonder if there's some way to fit 'tribal rights' into the seven deadly sins?
Thursday Mar 24 2022 - 9 PM - Went to Stop & Shop North Quincy. Came right back. Watched 'Spoiled' a documentary about peak oil. Said a lot of the same thing. I think if someone wrote biography's of Edgar Allen Poe, Frederich Neitschze and George Orwell they would discover all three were plagued by the same problem. Orwell documented his life in his work. A couple of his early works were "Burmese Days", "Down And Out In London And Paris" and "Homage to Catalonia". They were plagued by the church. Neitschze spent a lot of time in Sils Marie Switzerland. There is a small memorial dedicated to him there. Hitler visited the memorial at least once and allowed pictures to be taken.
Friday Mar 25 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. I like to boil things down to as few sentences as possible and repeat myself for people who may be new to this insanity. So now I'd like to describe the Federal Reserve. I will start with 3 quotes. Henry Ford said "It is well enough the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I beleive there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning". Thomas Edison said "If the Federal government can issue a dollar in bonds it can issue a dollar in currency". I'm not sure who said this "Money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money and if there was no money there would be no debt". The Federal Reserve was created on Christmas Eve 1913. To get the ball rolling someone had to borrow some money. That someone was the government. So they printed up some fancy pieces of paper and called them Treasury bonds. They took them to the Federal Reserve who in turn printed up some fancy pieces of paper and called them Federal Reserve notes. (good for all debts public and private) When the Federal reserve was started it made 2 types of banks. Reserve banks and commercial banks. Reserve banks deal only with the commercial banks. Commercial banks deal with the public. After the government sold the bonds to the Federal Reserve they then deposited the money into a commercial bank. The instant that happened that commercial bank had ten times whatever the deposit was available to loan. For example if the government deposited 1 billion dollars the bank can loan up to 10 billion. This is fractional reserve banking. If too many loans are granted too quickly the value of the dollar would plummet because too much currency would be in circulation. If you think about it, a perpetual genocide helps to regulate the value of the dollar. Screwing people up with drugs, putting crap in the water are also helping to keep the dollar afloat. Every dollar borrowed comes with interest. This includes whatever the government gets from selling the bonds. So where does the money come from to pay the interest? It doesn't exist and this causes inflation. To pay the interest more and more money must be borrowed in a never ending cycle. It was Voltaire who said "All fiat currencies must return to their intrinsic value. Zero." Whether this is true or not I don't know. The English pound is the first fiat currency and it has never completely collapsed but sooner or later something has to give. The industrial revolution was fueled by fiat currency. It depends on resources. And resources run out. To pay for this a more agressive tax system was needed. In 1916 the income tax was started.
Saturday Mar 26 2022 - 8 PM - Went to Harvard Square to distribute literature and get some exercise. Walked from there to Copley. Did internet a little and got some videos. Physical exercise helps me with my anger. It makes it worse. As I walk I also listen to heavy metal Rock N Roll. This also helps with my anger. As I walk I formulate something nasty to say on the internet. This is today's production. I'm gonna call it "The Fear Paper". (I'm running out of things to write about so if this doesn't get any longer I'll just forget it) Thomas Malthus was an Englishman who lived from 1766 to 1834. Just as the Industrial revolution was beginning. He theorized that man's population would always exceed the ability to produce food. He was probably right. In the 1930's humans began to mechanize food production with fossil fuel tractors and fossil fuel based fertilizers. The population of the world has since exploded. Before the 1930's most people were engaged in some sort of food production. A reasonable estimate would 50 % of the population. Today that percentage is so small you can't put farmer on a tax return. Maybe 1 %. So now we have 99 % of 7 billion people who know nothing about growing food. The food we eat is heavily dependent on a resource. On my main blog I tried to make up a scenario similar to mans predicament. Suppose there's a small fish that lives only in the fresh water lakes and ponds of the northeast corner of North America and they only eat one type of insect. One summer for unknown reasons the number of those insects is 10 times what it normally is. What happens to the fish? The same thing happens. Their numbers explode. The next summer the insects numbers go back to normal. What happens to all the fish from the previous summer? They die. We are facing the ultimate Malthusian nightmare. "My love is vengeance...........thats never free........" Thats a line from The Who's song "Behind Blue Eyes". It describes me perfectly. You know you have a problem when POST Traumatic Stress Disorder is your goal in life. 'My love is vengeance......." I am of the belief that my last serious suicide attempt was both caused by and stopped by the same people. (My Story 2006) (I think??) 'My love is vengeance thats never free........" The fact I'm still breathing and you're reading this is YOUR fault!!! The only way out of this is for me to break down crying and ask for mercy. ??? "You can't fight the tears that ain't comin......." "Advanced Neural Implants And Control" by Daryl R Kipke Neuro Nexus Tech (go fish)
Sunday Mar 27 2022 - 7 PM - Went back to Copley Square to return videos. Walked along Charles. Got back about 2 PM. Watched 'Futureworld" starring Peter Fonda. A sequel to "Westworld" starring Yul Brenner. This time the robots are building robots and replacing the humans. They have a machine that reads minds so they invite world leaders and other important people to come for free. They all leave as robots.
Monday Mar 28 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. I've gone back to photography. (aren't you lucky) A couple days ago I was walking down the median of Commonwealth Ave and I read a plaque in front of a bench. It went like this. "It doesn't happen all at once" said Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. Thats why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily. or have sharp edges or have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are real, most of your fur has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all because once you are real you can't be ugly except to people who don't understand." Margery Williams The Velveteen Rabbit Gift Of Harriet And Alan Lewis 2003 FYI This is a challenge to anyone who doesn't believe the 'radioheads' exist. Homeless people hang around public parks. Boston Common for example. Find a place where they gather along with tourists and other people just to be safe. Sit near them and try to ignore them. Mind your own business but try to listen to what they say. After a while you might discover that whats going through your head is playing out in the homeless people. It's the Universal Mind. On Boston Common there is a fountain very near the Park St T stop. There is a circle of bench's and this is a good place to try.
Tuesday Mar 29 2022 - ND - Went out in the morning to get on internet. BPL Lower Mills. Came right back. Watched "The Serpent And The Rainbow" with Bill Pullman. ?? I didn't watch it very closely. It's set mostly in Haiti just before Papa Doc Duvallier (spelling ?) is run out of the country in the 1980's. I think the point is they use Voodoo priests to instill fear in people to stop revolution. It was Thomas Edison who said "If the Federal Government can print a dollar in bonds it can print a dollar in currency". The banks are the only ones getting ahead. Everyone else is spinning their wheels. A famous slogan from the American Revolution was "No Taxation Without Representation". How about "No Printing Money Without Representation"? Since the commercial banks are issued stock in the reserve banks and commercial banks are traded on the stock exchange it could be argued no one person has complete control and it's democratic. I have an argument for that. There are 3 types of investors or persons in the stock market. Billionaires, mutual funds and individuals. Billionaires own large chunks of stock in the big companies. So do mutual funds but they are controlled by the billionaires. Individuals own the smallest percentage and have no effect on the price. So the stock market is controlled by a small number of people who are probably controlled by the church.
Wednesday Mar 30 2022 - ND - Went to Stop & Shop in Dorchester. Finally found a short cut from Gallivan Blvd to Freeport St. Got back about 12:30.
Thursday Mar 31 2022 - 7 PM - Stayed home all day. I'm watching a dvd series on Greek Mythology I bought on ebay. I think Greek Mythology is an attempt to describe the river. The river is the never ending stream of 'rolling stones' (gypsies, roma, etc) forced on the road by priests. I think the myth system of most ancient cultures are about this. I think this started in Ancient Egypt. This is what is being described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This is what Zarathustra was decribing. Ancient Mythology is basically the same as fiction in Western literature.
Friday April 1 2022 - ND - Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. I have been learning about Zarathustra. They're not exactly sure when he lived but it was before Alexander the Great. Sometime between 750 BC and 500 BC. He was Persian or what is today Iran. I think he's proof that the 'rolling stone' system existed before Christianity in some other form and can be traced to Ancient Egypt. Zarathustra could be compared to the Protestant Reformation 2000 years later. He came up with a different religion that would not work with the powers that be. He disapproved of the 'rolling stone' system and possibly other things. He would not work with the people in power. The pope doesn't care what the religion is as long as he gets what he wants. For example the Swedish, Norwegians and other Protestant nations provided him with armies despite having a different religion. Alexander may have been sent to 'right' the situation.
Saturday April 2 2022 – ND – Went to Quincy Center to get videos. Got back about 1.
Sunday April 3 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day.
Monday April 4 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. The printer I thought I fixed in January is acting up again. It's a Canon Pixma G3200. It uses ink tanks instead of sealed cartridges. I had some open ink bottles they must of tampered with. Or the ink was bad when I bought it. Watched “The Falcon and the Snowman” with Sean Penn and Timothy Hutton. They play 2 twenty something friends in California in the early 1970's. Penn is a drug dealer and Hutton works for a defense contractor. Penn keeps getting in deeper with the police so he gets a new identity and talks Hutton into selling secrets about satellite surveillance to the Soviets. They end up in prison. Just before the end Hutton starts ripping his apartment to shreds looking for surveillance like Gene Hackman in “The Conversation”. I missed what tipped him off. At the very end he releases a falcon he had. The last scene shows the falcon in the sky. So, the predator in the sky (satellites) got away and he went to jail.
Tuesday April 5 2022 – 7 PM - Went to Quincy Center to return videos. Continued to Weymouth to visit cemetery. The problem in Jan 2006 was not the only attempt on my life. When I got in trouble in Sept 2005 I was assigned a lawyer in Attleboro. My father agreed to take me there to meet with him. My father, mother and I started out early one morning in 2006 with my father driving. He got very sick very quickly and began driving erratically. My mother and I screamed at him to pull over and let my mther drive. We got to Attleboro but my father spent a few days in the hospital with a kidney infection. Looking back I don't think it was an accident. The Kansas Jayhawks beat the North Carolina Tar Heels for the NCAA Championship. I'd like to explain the possible symbolism. At one point Kansas had the largest population of displaced New Englanders of any state in the country. (Encyclopedia Britannica article on Kansas) (“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote) The name Tar Heels could be Achilles from the Trojan War. The only vulnerable spot on his body was his heels. The secret war that wages in this country has been compared to the Trojan War. It's just symbolism. Possible symbolism. It suggests that mass mind control extends into sports. If it doesn't it could be advanced wireless communications. To affect the outcome of a game all anyone has to do is talk in the ear of a player at a critical time. In yesterdays movie Penn and Hutton were former altar boys. ???? It's just symbolism and fiction.
Wednesday April 6 2022 – ND – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square. Got back about 1.
Thursday April 7 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day.
Friday April 8 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. A more important question is: Would you want to live in Spain during The Spanish Inquisition?
Saturday April 9 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Drank a couple Arizona tea cans with something extra nasty in them. Sleep very disturbed. Vivid dreams. Scary. Watched part of the movie “Bait” with Wesley Snipes on TV. Reminded me of “Enemy Of The State” with Will Smith and “Conspiracy Theory” with Mel Gibson. Snipes plays a hustler in New York City. He gets arrested for stealing shrimp and goes to jail. One cell mate is there for stealing gold from the Manhattan gold depository. The cops, FBI and jail authorities cook up a plan to use Snipes to get to him so they 'chip' Snipes without his knowledge. That's about as far as I got.
Sunday April 10 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston just to get out. Walked from South Station to Quincy Market to Copley Square. Went to Star Market near Boston College. Despite the fact I haven't been there in months some of the food is crap.
Monday April 11 2022 – 10 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “Ulzana's Raid” with Burt Lancaster. One good quote was “Do you know what Gen Sheridan said about Texas, he said If I owned hell and Texas I'd live in hell and rent out Texas”. For some reason I started thinking about the Ku Klux Klan. I bet an intrepid reporter with time and money could prove that the Catholic Church was responsible for the KKK including the policy to hate catholics. It only makes sense if you know how the world works. Anybody who's anybody has to meet with the approval of the Mountain King. The Mountain King is the Pope. If I break down and cry I'll end up before the Mountain King. (“Spill The Wine” Eric Burden and War – 1972) I don't know why I connected the two.
Tuesday April 12 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. “If there's hell below we're all gonna go...” Curtis Mayfield 1974
Wednesday April 13 2022 – 11 PM – Went to lunch with Mom. Got back about 3. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to talk about Scientology. I think Scientology is the Catholic church or it's an invention of the Catholic church as many other religions have been over the centuries. (Voodoo, Cau Dai in Vietnam, maybe some Protestant denominations) I am under constant surveillance and harassment by radioheads and I think it's Scientology. My suspicion about Scientology began in 2007 when the Tom Cruise video surfaced. This happened right after I started complaining about radioheads on the internet. While most of the harassment can be accomplished by the people in my immediate vicinity who are hearing my 'voice', I also think there is a control room somewhere with people at computer monitors. In the video Cruise talks about 'Suppressive Persons' or 'SP's'. He laughs at someone asking questions. The official explanation for an SP is that they are people who left the church and are being suppressed, but I think an SP is someone who sits at the monitor or is sent out to harass someone in person. They volunteer for these positions because they think it's a good job. Mercenaries for God or something. ( god - gold oil drugs) I think the internet would never have been built without the ability to censor it. I think the phone system would never have been built without the ability to harass people and listen in on their conversations. It began the day Samuel Finley Breeze Morse sent the message “What Hath God Wrought” from Baltimore to Washington DC. The human race started to really go south when we began getting information over wires. Scientology has large buildings all over the country and I bet that's where the problem lies. I think it's possible they're tapping into the NSA and CIA computers.
Thursday April 14 2022 – ND – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet. Has some really nasty burgers from Burger King on the Common. Got back about 1.
Friday April 15 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Took a chance late to go food shopping. The current chickenshit is extra nasty. Watched “Amen.”. I don't know who was in it or if it's based on a true story. It's about a Nazi SS officer who was one of ten people who knew what was happening to the Jews early in the war and objected to it. He confided in a young Jesuit priest who informed the Pope but nothing was done. At the beginning someone says something about 'reading thoughts'. I often wonder if a small portable version of synthetic telepathy existed as early as the 1920's and evidence of it could be found in a foreign patent office. It would be possible to build one using vacuum tubes. Following around ten people with a portable version is very feasible. Give people a mystery and they'll all turn into Snoop Dogg. Write down the name Tupac backwards and look up the word in the dictionary. (“Paul is dead......Paul is dead....”) (“Who let the dogs out …......who let the dogs out......” Baha Men)
Saturday April 16 2022 – ND – Walked along the Esplanade. Ended up in Copley Square. The other day I re-watched “The Exorcist”. One of the priests is supposed to be Teilhard de Chardin. This is a guess about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his “Singularity and the Omega Point”. There is a difference between Hebrews, Jews, Zionists and 'juded people'. 'Juded people' are the ones with no god. They are being harassed to make them pick a religion. The harassment cuts them off socially and freezes them emotionally so they can't enjoy life. This can make a person extremely nasty. The people at the bottom can be very understanding, so to make it worse Teilhard de Chardin proposed “beaming” the juded's brain into the people around them to make it worse. This is the Singularity and the Omega Point. Next topic. Would you want to live in Spain during the Inquisition? Do you know what the auto-da-fe is? According to my Encyclopedia Britannica the auto-da-fe was a ceremony performed by the Inquisition as sentences were being carried out. Executions. (“Oranges and lemons say the bells of St Clemons,.......You owe me five farthings say the bells of St Martins,.......When will you pay me say the bells of Old Bailey.........”) The last one took place in Mexico in 1850. In the article on the Inquisition it states “It was formally abolished by the Spanish government in 1834. Later institutional inquisitions were established in Portugal in 1540 (abolished in 1821) and in Rome (for the Papal States and some other parts of Italy) in 1542; the latter was erected into the Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition, or Holy Office, one of the 15 secretariats into which the administrative reforms of Sixtus V (1585–90) divided papal government. (In 1965 the Holy Office was reorganized by Pope Paul VI and renamed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.) “ 1965? He re-named it? What? Is it still in operation? Coming to a town near you?
Sunday April 17 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to go over the history of Buddhism. Buddhism is one of the oldest religions. Hinduism being even older. Buddhism dates to about 500 BC, approximately the same time as Zoroaster. Buddhism like many religions split into two camps. Therevada and Mahayana. (spelling ?) There was no Dalai Lama until about 1200 AD. The same time as Marco Polo and Kubla Khan. It is known that Khan 'requested of the Pope 100 intelligent men schooled in the seven arts', and the Pope provided these people. The Mongols were horseman and soldiers and knew nothing about administering an empire. The Pope being the complete opposite. Several of the early Dalai Lama's were very close relatives of Kubla Khan. I think all religions split into two camps. One is Romanist/Fascist and the other is more humanist. Romanist/ Fascist people practice ancient Egyptian style tactics of 'chickenshitting' people behind their backs. This is all a guess.
Monday April 18 2022 – ND – Went to the Boston Marathon. Left about 7:30 AM got back about 3 PM. Walked down the Esplanade.
Tuesday April 19 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Had house meeting. Knowledge is power, technology is power, gold is power, fiat currency is power, power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Wednesday April 20 2022 – ND – Went to Wal-Mart in Avon. I want the truth to come out. I don't know what the truth is and I don't care. I figure in a world of lies and liars the truth will do more damage than anything else. I'm being forced onto the world stage and I don't like it.
Thursday April 21 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. On the news this morning they were talking about the Queens birthday. They showed a picture of her with 2 horses and I was thinking to myself it's a good thing they said what the picture was because I couldn't tell which was which. I believe in equality, I hate everyone.
Friday April 22 2022 – ND - Stayed home all day. Ever watch Monty Python “The Argument Clinic”? “I'd like an argument please..............Oh I'm sorry this is abuse, you want Mr Armstrong next door......” The argument is the victory. There is nothing they don't know. They want to argue because it is the victory.
Saturday April 23 2022 – 9 PM - Stayed home all day.
Sunday April 24 2022 – ND – Brought videos back to Milton Library late. Went to Star Market late.
Monday April 25 2022 – ND – Went to Boston just to get out. Walked from South Station thru the North End to Quincy Market, Boston Common and Copley Square. I am writing a new paper titled “The Political Nature Of Religion”. I try to make an argument that the Pope still runs everything. I make guesses about Freemasonry, C.C.D. and the Hegelian Dialectic. Syncretic religion and how it's used for a spy network among other things. The difference between wizards and occultists. Why the Pope hates communism. Some of the various ways he maintains control. ????? All guesses.???
Tuesday April 26 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. I am still trying to build a noise generator that works at 5 volts. Not getting anywhere. Apparently I didn't fix the old printer. My new one is acting up again.
Wednesday April 27 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “Inferno” starring Tom Hanks. Based on a book by Dan Brown who also wrote “The DaVinci Code”. This was supposed to be a sequel. It's about a crazy billionaire who wants to release a virus to kill millions to save humanity. I recently watched another movie about a virus “The Cassandra Crossing”.
Thursday April 28 2022 – ND – Took the new green line extension to Union Square Somerville to distribute literature. Continued to Quincy Center and came back. Later I went out for food. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to express my ideas on the Kennedy Assassination. I think Jackie fired the fatal shot. The one where his head explodes out the front. She was under mind control like the soldiers from “The Manchurian Candidate”. If you watch the Zapruder film her hand is in perfect position to have fired that shot. There may have been other shooters but 'they' wanted to make sure he was dead so they used the person sitting next to him. If you consider the fact that the Pope runs the world “why would he do that”? Part of the reason for killing him was to motivate catholics to kill protestants and others in the decades that followed using the new CIA psyops tactics. He was used like a sacrificial lamb. In one of Avro Manhattans books he calls Johnson a 'Jesuit controlled' president. If you listen to Kennedys speeches he seems like a good guy. He was trying to get rid of the CIA and bring back Lincolns greenback. He wanted to end the Vietnam War.
Friday April 29 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Watched “The Tillman Story” a documentary about Pat Tillman. Tillman gave up a multi million dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals to fight in Iraq. He was killed by friendly fire.
Saturday April 30 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Threw away all the food I bought on Thursday at Star Market.
Sunday May 1 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Quincy Center to return videos. I sold a couple things on ebay last week. I am getting this message that all payments are being held up until I update my account settings. They want my bank account number and the bank routing number off my checks. I never had to do this before. Paypal already has my bank information and ebay owns Paypal. When I click on the link to update I am directed to a sub domain 'kycremedyweb.ebay.com'. Isn't Ky some product gays use? I managed to get the addresses of the people who bought the items so I'm just going to ship and argue with ebay later. FU FU FU. Not FME
Monday May 2 2022 – ND – Went to Copley Square to get on internet and ship ebay items.
Tuesday May 3 2022 – ND – Went out to get on internet. Came right back. Re-watched “Firestarter” starring Drew Barrymore and George C Scott and based on a Stephen King novel. I'm listening to the album “Call of the West” by Wall Of Voodoo. I also re-watched “White Zombie” starring Bela Lugosi.
Wednesday May 4 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Stop & Shop Freeport St Dorchester. Got back about 1 PM.
Thursday May 5 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. I'm having trouble with both of my printers. Even the new one. Apparently the ink I bought on the internet isn't any good.
Friday May 6 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. No update on moving.
Saturday May 7 2022 – 7 PM - Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet. Got back about 1. What if every girl Ted Bundy killed was sent in his direction by a person in authority?
Sunday May 8 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. I still can't print anything. Watched an episode of History Channels “Lost Cities” titled “In Search Of Shangri-La” narrated by Leonard Nimoy. There is something very important about Buddhism or Tibet that I don't know. Both the Americans and the Germans sent expeditions to Tibet in the 1930's. The German's documented their trip in the film “Gehiemnis Tibet”. Frank Capra made a film “Lost Horizons” about Shangri-La a utopia in the Himalayas. Two Russians, Nicholas Notovich and Nicholas Roerich wrote books. Or maybe it has something to do with Zoroaster. I don't know. Anyway there was a lot of information in this episode. Another episode was about China's Forbidden City titled “The Forbidden City Dynasty and Destiny”. The Forbidden City was where the emperor of China lived until the last one in the early 20 th century. The city was built around 1600 AD. It's as opulent as the Palace of Versailles in France. Makes me wonder if China was ruled by royal absolutism as much of Europe was at the time. Royal absolutism was strongly promoted by the Pope. It put all the power in the hands of one person who was usually controlled by the church. I wonder if the Forbidden City is what Samuel Taylor Coleridge was writing about. “In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree”
Monday May 9 2022 – ND – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet. Went to Stop & Shop Coolidge Corner. I wonder if the Dalai Lama runs Asia like the Pope runs the rest of the world and he learned how from the Pope.
Tuesday May 10 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Slept.
Wednesday May 11 2022 – ND – Went to lunch with Mom. South Shore Plaza. Got back about 4. I'm still working on the 5 volt noise generator. I found a micro watt NPN transistor in a TO 18 package. 2N2484. It has a maximum continuous collector current of only 50 mA as opposed to the S9014 I was using which had a Ic of 100 mA. I want to connect the base directly to the shot noise with no DC bias.
Thursday May 12 2022 – 10 PM – Stayed home most of the day.
Went to bank and Star Market about noon. Came right back. Still can't print
Friday May 13 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker.
Saturday May 14 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston Public Library to get on internet and download movies. Got a foreign film “The Sorrow And The Pity” that is mentioned a couple times in Woody Allen movies. Had to get subtitles. Got back about 3. Watched part of “The Fury” starring Kirk Douglas. Reminds me of “Conspiracy Theory” with Mel Gibson and “Enemy Of The State” with Will Smith. Made in 1977 it's way ahead of it's time. Douglas is being followed by a secretive government agency.
Sunday May 15 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Got a really crappy nights sleep. My stupidvision has been reporting that there is a severe shortage of baby formula. I have been managing to avoid chickenshit of late. I have a counter top water distiller I bought from nutrateam (dot) com. When I got home yesterday I used it. I distilled a gallon of tap water. I got this really nasty brown stuff out of it. The water is crap. Makes me think someone put something in the coil that was partially added to what was distilled, so someone was in my room while I was out. They give medication to people who think the TV talks to them.
Monday May 16 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Wal-Mart Avon to go food shopping. Chickenshit acceptable, so far. “My country cuz of thee, A trash dump of misery”
Tuesday May 17 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.
Wednesday May 18 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Re-watched “To Kill A Mockingbird” with Gregory Peck. Peck is a lawyer in a small southern town with two young children. He agrees to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. The man is convicted anyway but dies soon after. The womans family are racist 'hicks in the sticks' and want revenge on Peck. One of his neighbors kills the ring leader. He gets away with it because he's a 'scarecrow'. (my opinion) The 'scarecrow' phenomena is the Achilles heel of the church. (my opinion)
Thursday May 19 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. I am trying to figure out if the the reason I can't isolate and amplify shot noise is because of the phase angle created by the capacitors in the circuit. Voltage lags current with a capacitor. The noise I'm trying to amplify is so small that the angle makes even smaller, and since I have more than one capacitor in the circuit the problem is doubled. I would be lucky if I had 40 micro volts of shot noise. If you add a 90 degree phase shift to what is a wide spectrum of frequencies it's even smaller. Anyway. FYI.
Friday May 20 2022 – ND – Stayed home most of the day. Went out late for something to eat. More on the phase angle problem. I wonder if I could build the exact same thing on both sides of the capacitor. Take a 2N2484 NPN transistor, put a 1.8 K resistor from 5 volts to the collector. Put a 1.8 K resistor from the emitter to ground. Bias the base with a 1 meg from the collector to the base. Connect the 1 micro farad to the base. On the input side connect 2 - 1N4148 general purpose diodes in series to simulate the transistor. Connect a 1.8 K resistor from one diode to 5 volts and another 1.8 K to ground. Both diodes are forward biased. Connect a 1 Meg from the junction of the 2 diodes and the other end to 5 volts. Connect the other end of the capacitor to the middle of the diodes. It's not exactly the same but maybe it's close enough. If necessary move the transistor 1 Meg to 5 volts.
Saturday May 21 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Quincy Center. Thomas Crane Library. Got videos. Continued to Hingham and walked along Bare Cove Park. Got back about 2.
Sunday May 22 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Started watching something titled “For Greater Glory” on free TV 7.2 but didn't finish it. It was about the church fighting anti-clerical laws enacted in Mexico after the 1917 revolution. The Mexican government wanted to limit the number of foreign born priests and other religious people and restrict religious activities. The movie was pro-church. This sort of thing seems to occur with every revolution. That is, limiting church power. In America we call it separation of church and state. During the French Revolution they took similar actions. I wonder why this happens so often? Clericalism is a word that comes up often when studying history of revolutions. Definition – clericalism - a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy
Monday May 23 2022 – ND – Went back to Quincy to return videos. Continued to South Bay. Got back about 1. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to bring up Harry Ashmore. I was looking for Jane Fonda movies recently so I remembered Ashmore. Vietnam vets hate Fonda because she went to Hanoi during the war and was photographed on a anti-aircraft gun. Ashmore also went to Hanoi during the war but few if any Americans know about it. I got his name from a documentary titled “In The Year Of The Pig” by Emile de Antonio. Ashmore worked for the Center for Democratic Studies of the Institute for Democratic Studies. (I forget which) At about 1 hour and 25 minutes they cut to Ashmore and he proceeds to tell a story about a letter sent to Ho Chi Minh. He begins with this “I think that what we've learned from the tragedy of Vietnam is that we now live in a world where the arraignments of power cannot yet be ignored, but that the instruments of power no longer work”. He then goes on to tell a story about a letter that was supposed to introduce him to Ho Chi Minh and offer peace terms but the letter never arrived and instead a different letter with different terms was sent. This was during the Johnson administration so it had to be before 1969. The movie may have been released in 1967. ??? My opinion. When he says “arraignments of power” I think he's talking about elected governments, and “instruments of power” are things like the state department or phone system. This is what I think happened. (total guess) The 'thing' that uses synthetic telepathy, aka sub vocal speech, knew what was happening and derailed the peace process by sending a different letter. Who the 'thing' is I don't know. The CIA and their Keyhole satellites might be a guess. They prolonged the war at least 5 more years. Johnson did a funny thing just before leaving office. (at least he was credited with it) He sent the USS Liberty into Israeli waters just before the 1967 war and it was shot to hell by the Israeli's. Can you say Aleister Crowley? So now I would like to quote the movie version of Orwell's “1984” with Richard Burton “In the face of the thought police the followers of Goldstein cannot collectively organize a resistance”
Tuesday May 24 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.
Wednesday May 25 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Went out late for something to eat. Watched 'Under The Volcano” with Albert Finney. Same thing as “Death In Venice”. An Englishman in a foreign country gets 'chickenshitted' to death.
Thursday May 26 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Copley Square to get on internet. Walked to Fenway. Got back about 1 PM. I've often wondered why the Scottish Enlightenment focused so much on human psychology and human nature. I guess if your forte' (thing) is controlling people and whole societies and manipulating them and you don't want most people to know what you're doing you need a detailed understanding of your subject. ???? FYI You made a science out of tyranny in the name of religion!! If anyone should walk away you should have 300 years ago!! FU FU FU
Friday May 27 2022 – ND – Stayed home most of the day. Met with Aspire worker. Went out for something to eat. In the interest of repeating myself I would like to go over Jasenovac. Jasenovac was one of the worst concentration camps in Europe during WWII. Croatia was the only Fascist country in Europe that operated concentration camps other than Germany. Technically Franco in Spain executed hundreds of thousands but they were not Jews but the people who lost the Spanish Civil War. The camps in Croatia were operated with the co-operation of the Catholic Church. There are numerous books on the subject. “Genocide in Satellite Croatia” by Edmond Paris, “Magnum Crimen: Half Century Of Clericalism” by Victor Novak. Avro Manhattan also wrote about it. When I started researching on the internet there were no English translations. There are now but they're very expensive. The Victor Novak book documents the role of the Church in the region that became Yugoslavia after the war. If you want to know how clericalism works that would be a good one. Thats a Phil guess. Nothing has changed at the top of that organization. Would you want to live in Spain during the Inquisition?
Saturday May 28 2022 - - There is a line from the movie version of “Moby Dick” starring Gregory Peck that runs through my mind a lot. It goes like this. Capt Ahab is standing on the deck of the Pequod looking for Moby Dick. He's been standing there for 7 days and 7 nights nonstop. Finally he see's Starbuck and says “Mr Starbuck new orders.” Starbuck says “Yes sir new orders” Ahab says “Tomorrow morning at 8 bells put the men in the boats and row us out of these god forsakin waters” I think it means that every time the masses eyes are opened they put the 'genie back in the bottle' with the media. (Hollywood) I believe this is true for the student riots of the 1960's. It makes me wonder if Students For A Democratic Society (SDS) was an invention of the church who's purpose was to divert attention away from the church's role in what was happening. SDS had the right idea, revolution, but they had the wrong target. Or at least they didn't include the church. Other people figured it out. (I think) I watched a documentary about the Weather Underground recently and they revealed how they took their name from a line in a Bob Dylan song “You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” Well, apparently you do. Despite a decade of protests by SDS nothing changed. If you want to control the dissent, lead the dissent
Sunday May 29 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.
Monday May 30 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. I spent some time researching the Scottish Enlightenment in my encyclopedia. Three main contributors were: Adam Smith, Francis Hutcheson and David Hume. The major works of all three were mostly concerned with human nature but the movement is considered the foundation for capitalism. Americans fought for freedom but got capitalism. A couple quotes from the article on Adam Smith - “One question in particular interested Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. This was a problem that had attracted Smith's teacher Hutcheson and a number of Scottish philosophers before him. The question was the source of the ability to form moral judgments, including judgments on one's own behaviour, in the face of the seemingly overriding passions for self-preservation and self-interest.” and “The Theory quickly brought Smith wide esteem and in particular attracted the attention of Charles Townshend, himself something of an amateur economist, a considerable wit, and somewhat less of a statesman, whose fate it was to be the chancellor of the Exchequer responsible for the measures of taxation that ultimately provoked the American Revolution.” ??? The Bank of England was the first central bank in 1694. Some sources say a Scot named William Patterson founded the bank but not my encyclopedia. If you want to cling to power in a world where millions of people are educated you would need a detailed understanding of human nature. Wouldn't you? How to 'pull the wool over the eyes of millions'. How to get a person to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do. Volunteer for suicide?? Robert Burns was also a contributor - “To A Mouse” “The best laid plans of mice and men go often awry”
Tuesday May 31 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Boston mostly just to get out. Got off T at North Station and walked to Charlestown Navy yard where the USS Constitution is docked. There were a lot of small groups of men in uniform walking around. I made a point out of dropping my literature where they could see it. I did this 4 or 5 times. As I was leaving there was a group standing next to a doorway. They were all looking at their phones and someone had placed a piece of paper in front of them. I took this to mean that they got the literature. Anyway, my first thought was Ozzy Osbournes song “Bark At The Moon”. I sometimes think anyone who has joined the military since the Korean War has left hearing voices.
Wednesday June 1 2022 – ND – Went to Brockton Stop & Shop. Hadn't been there in a while. Like to spread the love around. I'm pretty sure they make magnetrons in the mega watt range for RADAR installations. Maybe someone could mount one on a flat bed truck and power it with a diesel generator and blow it off at government buildings. Watched the documentary “Mondo Cane”. In Italian the title means 'a dog's world'. It was made in the early 1960's. It's a collection of weird and disturbing rituals from cultures around the world. I got the title when I bought the movie “Mr Mikes Mondo Video”.
Thursday June 2 2022 - ND – Stayed home all day. I've been thinking about Adam Smith's book “The Theory Of Moral Sentiments”. I don't actually read these things I just make guess's. If the church wanted to keep killing people but had to hide this activity they would need a book like this. So maybe they're behind it. Maybe it's used as a text book somewhere. Like a seminary.
Friday June 3 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day.
Saturday June 4 2022 – 9 PM – Went out late for something to eat. Re-watched “The Naked Gun” with Leslie Neilson and OJ Simpson. It's a slapstick comedy with bathroom humor and dumb sex jokes but part of the plot revolves around the idea that anyone can be a mind controlled assassin.
Sunday June 5 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Target and Stop & Shop North Quincy. Got back about 1:30. Watched “Bullet To Beijing” starring Michael Caine. One of a series of movies where Caine plays Harry Palmer an undercover agent for MI 5 or MI 6. Or both. The other movies include “The Ipcress File”, “Funeral In Berlin” and “Billion Dollar Brain”. Bullet was made in 1995 but the plot may have played out sometime in the 2000's. A foreign agent is killed by someone injecting him with poison using an umbrella. Caine is then retired against his will and goes to work for a Russian. The rest of the movie involves a virus that can kill millions and China wants it. At some point someone says that the Black Death that ravaged Europe in the 13 th century came from China. ??? Never heard that before. Wasn't there a Russian assassinated in London a while ago? I've watched the other three and they are all interesting. “The Ipcress File” suggests that many British security personnel understand that we are building a scientific prison planet and they are trying to stop it.
Monday June 6 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.
Tuesday June 7 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Re-watched “Physical Evidence” starring Burt Reynolds. He plays a Boston cop who's been suspended because of violent temper. He's an ex-special forces who killed people for the Phoenix Program during Vietnam. One of his enemies turns up dead and he gets accused. The rest of the movie is about how he clears himself.
Wednesday June 8 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. The Roman Empire 2022 AD. I'm just another victim on the floor of the coliseum. A tax cheat, army deserter, thief etc. I'm trying to show people I'm being victimized. A martyr for atheism or freedom. I'm no genius, never said I was. I don't want to rule the world. I don't want to run anything. I don't even want to save the world. I figure whatever 'it' wants it's 'it's' job not mine. I' waiting for 'it' to make a decision. At this point I don't even want to be in this world.
Thursday June 9 2022 – 8 PM – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to get on internet and get out of the house. Got back about 3. Bought a couple albums by The Firesign Theatre. They were a comedy troupe like Monty Python or Second City TV. WBCN used to play a lot of their bits. I think ?? the Grammy's used to award a comedy album every year and these people won numerous times.
Friday June 10 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Met with Aspire worker. I've been told I have a voucher ready and I should begin to look for an apartment.
Saturday June 11 2022 – ND – Went to Quincy to start looking for an apartment. Got back about 1. My stupidvision says there were protests all around the country against gun violence. But it also reported that there was a parade in Quincy and I didn't see anything. Anyway. I think if you outlaw guns only the outlaw government will have guns. People get the government they deserve. What people will get is another 1000 years of feudalism. Elizabeth Warren was handed a senate seat on a silver platter. Mitt Romney was handed a senate seat on a silver platter. Joe Bite Me got elected with Alzheimers. The elections are a joke. Nothing has changed at the top for at least 2000 years. Ancient Rome was a hierarchal society. Feudalism is a hierarchal society. There were 2 classes in ancient Rome. The Patricians and the Plebians. Nothing has changed. “A hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance” Orwell
Sunday June 12 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Re-watched “Fuzz” starring Burt Reynolds. Reynolds plays a cop in Boston. There are at least 3 movies where he does this. “Seamus” and “Physical Evidence” are the other two. Sort of like Michael Caine plays Harry Palmer.
Monday June 13 2022 – ND – Went to Boston Public Library Lower Mills. Walked a ways down Galivan Blvd into Mattapan. Turned around came back. Went to Star Market.
Tuesday June 14 2022 – ND Stayed home all day. Got a really crappy nights sleep. Someone 'chickenshitted' the bed and bedding.
Wednesday June 15 2022 – ND – Went to Target Fenway. On to Boston Public Library Copley Square. Stop & Shop Brigham Circle. Got back about 1.
Thursday June 16 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Will meet with someone on Tuesday about apartment.
Friday June 17 2022 –
ND – Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish I
bought at Stop & Shop on Wednesday really threw me for a loop.
Saturday June 18 2022 - ND – Stayed home all day. Battling some really nasty chickenshit. From about Sept 1972 to around 2002 I suffered from from what I have come to call “Ironman Syndrome”. After the Black Sabbath song. Until 2007 I thought it was mental illness now I think someone did it to me. I've been 'chickenshitted' all along. I think 'they' did it through cigarettes. I quit smoking in 1986 but it was years before it totally went away. It was actually when I started taking Risperdal that it stopped. Risperdal cured me of all feeling, including sex, but thats another story. I have tried to describe the pain I experienced while smoking in the past. It's like walking around with a broken arm all the time. The pain is intense and never ending. All you think about is relief. You don't form opinions or viewpoints because you're too busy dealing with the pain. You don't contemplate life or think about others. You need someones help. You can't really do anything for yourself. I have suggested in the past that people should get some 'inner voice' of someone suffering from it to get a better understanding on how painful it is. I have no idea if anyone has actually done this. There must be some videos of people suffering from Mustard gas or something on the internet. That might be close to what I'm talking about. A long time ago there was a Russian doctor in Cambridge that helped people stop smoking. A couple sessions and you're cured. I have often wondered if he showed people suffering from smoking related 'chickenshit' and 'Walla' you're cured. Thirty years of Ironman, twenty years of dealing with invisible pig diarrhea, this is why I'll never co-operate. There's only so much you can do to someone.
Sunday June 19 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Watched “The Happening” with Faye Dunaway, Anthony Quinn and Milton Berle. This was Dunaways first movie. Quinn is an ex-mafiosa trying to go straight. He owns a hotel with Berle. Dunaway is just a bored kid with crazy friends. Sort of accidentally they 'kidnap' Quinn. They don't have a base of operations so they just ride around with Quinn in a stolen car. They keep stopping so Quinn can call someone to get the money but everyone he calls refuses to help. Including his wife and Berle. Finally Quinn decides to make the kids his new gang an help with the kidnapping. At the same time he's getting even with all his so-called friends. He frames his wife and blackmails his old mafia friends and ends up with millions. In the end Quinn torches the money and walks away. In the interest of repeating myself 2 things. Adolf Hitlers real name was Adolf Shickelgruber. (spelling) and 2 societies run by priests. (not including Voodoo) Part of this story I got from a comedy bit by Lenny Bruce. Sort of. In the early 1930's a man named Engelbert Dolfuss (spelling) had a meteoric rise to power. In just 4 or 5 years he became chancellor of Austria. After a short time he was assassinated. In that time he produced the Dolfuss File, a background investigation of Adolf Hitler. It turns out either his fathers or grandfathers real last name was Shickelgruber and he had a large percentage of Jew in him. Had this become common knowledge he would not have met the Nazi party's criteria for an Aryan. ????? There are numerous examples of whole societies run by priests. Two are: the Celts and Hindu. The Celts occupied most of Europe pre-Roman times. They were run by Druid priests. Most of what is known about Celts is from Julius Caesar. He kept a sort of diary during his campaigns in Northern Europe and published them as “Caesars Commentaries”. Another society is Hindu. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions. It dates to about 1500 BC. Hinduism is a very rigid class system often referred to the caste system. The top caste are the Brahmins or priests. The bottom caste are the untouchables. They make up the bulk of the population. The other castes are 2, the military, 3 professionals like doctors and lawyers and 4 laborers. You can never leave your class during your lifetime. Upward or downward. Although it happens. The caste system is very unfair to most people but changing it has proven impossible. Mahatma Ghandi tried. (I think) Millions of untouchables are homeless. Some are cannibals. Some live their entire life naked wandering the country. FYI How do they cling to power? Same way ours does?
Monday June 20 2022 – ND – Went to Copley Square to return videos. Went to Prudential Center to get on internet. I continued to Assembly Square in Somerville to see if I could figure out how to walk to Union Square. Took a couple hours. Somerville is a highway or set of train tracks to somewhere else and walking if very difficult. As I write this on Tuesday 10:30 AM I have not had any food or water since 5 AM Monday. I am dealing with some very nasty 'chickenshit'. I finally got some sleep last night after a couple days. I did some laundry this morning as I wait for a meeting about an apartment at 11:30 AM. I'm not really that hungry. Just as I was finishing a truck pulled up across the street “COSTA PAINTING”. I started saying to myself 'gonna cost ya if you eat something'. I finished the laundry and went upstairs to my room and sat in my Lay Z Boy that had some plastic on it. I started to feel very hungry. When I removed the plastic it stopped. I slept on top of that plastic last night and didn't feel hungry. So the moral of the story is I think someone entered my room while I was downstairs and 'chickenshitted' the chair with the magic hunger ingredient. There are other magic ingredients. One for sweat, pooping, feeling joint pain etc. It's all about god ya know.
Tuesday June 21 2022 – 7 PM – Had meeting about apartment. Moving forward I guess. Went to Matapan Square just to be different. Didn't avoid 'chickenshit'. But it's not that bad. The problem, as I see it, is the system. It's a system for holding power and making money. It's honed itself to a knifes edge over the course of 6 or 7 thousand years. It started in Mesopotamia and then Ancient Egypt where it really blossomed. It then migrated east to India where it exists today, out in the open, as the Hindu Caste System. From there it went west again to Rome where it has created numerous hierarchal societies over the course of 2000 years. The Roman Empire, feudalism and royal absolutism were all hierarchal societies. It came to the new world and conquered. Around the year 1800 it invented Voodoo to maintain control of Haiti. Voodoo is Hindu is Celtic is Rome is Egypt. It is using America to add to it's arsenal of weapons. When it has enough scientific tyranny toys America will be destroyed. In the words of Orwell “If you want a vision of the future Winston, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever”
Wednesday June 22 2022 - 6 PM – Stayed home all day. The respiratory system provides a much more effective 'chickenshit' delivery method.
Thursday June 23 2022 – 7 PM – Went back to Mattapan. Got back about 1.
Friday June 24 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day.
Saturday June 25 2022 – ND – Went to Quincy Center to get videos. Got back about noon. I think the ultimate coup for an investigative reporter would be proving that the church of England was planned by Cardinal Wolsey 10 years before he died with the help of both the Pope and Henry VIII. It probably wouldn't be that hard it's just that on one is stupid enough too try. Except me but I probably couldn't for other reasons. It's like the Patriot Act was written years before Sept !!. I have come up with a reason why the Pope would do it. The New World had been recently discovered. The Pope could see a global world emerging so he needed a larger enemy for his followers. Divide and conquer. Get the plebians to kill and maim each other for the benefit of the patricians. The British Empire was then 'allowed' to spread around the world providing a global battle ground. Another question. Why was it important to incorporate science into religion? I think the American Revolution was created for this purpose. We fought for freedom and independence but we got capitalism. Capitalism is the fiat banking system, the patent office and the idea that anyone can better themselves through hard work and enterprise. Science is the complete opposite of religion. It depends on reason, observation, facts, and ultimately proving the theory proposed. Religion is superstition, magic and fooling yourself and others into believing something that's not true for money and power. Science, if left unchecked, would have eventually created millions of people who could 'see through' the lies of religion, so it was a threat. Whether the 30 years from 1972 to 2002 was caused by mental illness or not, does anyone deserve being chased around by invisible pig vomit for 20 years because they want to go off their medication and move on with their life?
Sunday June 26 2022 - - Stayed home all day. Re-watched “THX 1138” starring Robert Duvall. One of George Lucas's (“Star Wars”) first movies. Set in the future, everyone has a name with 3 letter's and 4 numbers. Duvall is THX 1138. He starts having problems at his job because someone is messing with his medication. He has his lover LUH ???? taken away from him by some one (SEN ????) who wants a gay relationship. He tries to go off his medication and run. He's charged with Criminal Drug Evasion and is pursued by the robot police. He gets away at the end.
Monday June 27 2022 – ND – Stayed home most of the day. Went
out late for food. Was supposed to meet with housing but they didn't show up.
Watched “The MacKintosh Man” starring Paul Newman. A good movie. Newman is
British Intelligence and infiltrates a crime ring. In the end a member of
parliament is a closet communist. Somewhere they mention a book “The Historical
Road Of Eastern Orthodoxy”. The Orthodox Church split from Rome in 1054 AD
around the same time as the Norman conquest. Something like the church of
England 500 years later. ??? I say these things because I think they happen for
the same reasons but I'm now sure what they are. That particular period is
known as the Gregorian Reform.
Tuesday June 28 2022 – ND - Stayed home all day. Watched “The Man In The Glass Booth” starring Maximilian Schell. Schell plays a billionaire real estate developer in New York in the early 1970's. He's a little crazy. A Jewish survivor of WWII. But he gets arrested for being Col Dorf a Nazi war criminal. He's put on trial in Israel. While on trial he's kept in a glass booth. Turns out he is Jewish and he paid people to fake his identity. I think what the writers were trying to say is they're all the same thing. It doesn't matter what you are to the oligarch collective. Jewish, black , white etc. I think Hitlers camps weren't necessarily closed but moved to Israel after the war. I also think Cuba, Tibet and N. Korea are camps. I think Area 51 is an automated death camp. The elite thought they were covered with the media, surveillance and eventually mind control. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Wednesday June 29 2022 – ND – Went to lunch with Mom at South Shore Plaza.
Thursday June 30 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home most of the day
Friday July 1 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. This is a series of guess's based on the fact that the Hindu Caste system has existed unchanged for 3500 years. Voodoo was introduced into Haiti just after it had a revolution around 1800 AD. I believe it is used to control the country. Voodoo priests use the same methods used by Hindu priests. The only way that could have happened is if the church taught them. So the church also uses the Hindu system for making money and holding power.
Saturday July 2 2022 – ND – Went out for coffee and shopping. Stopped at Lower Mills library.
Sunday July 3 2022 – ND - Stayed home all day. Reading about Zoroaster.
Monday July 4 2022 – ND – Went to Boston to mingle with tourists and get out of the house. Started at Downtown Crossing. Preceded to Copley Square and on to Quincy Market. Gave up about 2 PM. In the interest of repeating myself. During the American Civil War (1861 to 1865) the French, under Napoleon III, invaded Mexico with the French Foreign Legion and installed Maximillion I on the throne. He was not Mexican, He was Austro-Hungarian (I think?) By 1867 he was deposed and executed by Mexican peasants. If you want an idea of the future of the world look into Maximillions policy's. My guess is it looks like a hierarchal society. The Hindu Caste system, the Roman empire, feudalism, and royal absolutism preceded it.
Tuesday July 5 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square because I couldn't do anything with electronics. Got up today and started fiddling with electronics. I bought a Rigol oscilloscope more than 10 years ago and I have nothing but problems with it. There is only 1 set of controls for 2 channels and a trigger so there must be a button that cycles through each input but for the life of me I can't figure it out. This morning my ability to control channel 1 disappeared. I got frustrated and gave up. AGAIN. I think there is a little children slug in a room laughing like it means something. Which is to say I think the oscilloscope can be remotely controlled. Ever hear that song by Roger Waters “The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range”. The same sort of thing happens to my computer despite the fact it's not on the internet. I built the computer from scratch and am absolutely sure there is no WiFi. It's in an all aluminum case so how do 'they' mess with it? I don't know.
Wednesday July 6 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “Faust Abridged”, a sort of audio book but shortened. Based on the book by Goethe. I think “Faust”, like “Alice In Wonderland”, is about a real phenomena. It's about a man and woman forced to live together by the church. “Alice In Wonderland” is told from the perspective of the woman and “Faust” from the man's perspective.
Thursday July 7 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “ExistenZ” starring Jennifer Jason Leigh. It's a surrealist sci fi from the 1990's. Surrealism was an art movement in the early 20 th century. Surrealism used realistic painting, as opposed to abstract art, but the subject was some sort of dream or altered reality. Salvador Dali was considered the best of the surrealists. The movie used computer games to describe what I think is actually going on. Surveillance, mind control and advanced wireless communications to get the people at the bottom to maim and kill each other.
Friday July 8 2022 – 8 PM – Went back to Copley Square to return videos. Got home around noon. Last time I posted I put up an idea to make a Faraday Cage out of an entire house or apartment using aluminum chaff packed into paper bags. Technically it acts like EMI absorbent by deflecting incoming signals in so many directions the signal never makes it inside the building. The chaff could be made from aluminum foil bought in any grocery store. Another use could be to use the foil like wallpaper. If you make sure you connect the foil to the outlet boxes it would be a Faraday Cage. To make it more effective you could affix the foil using some sort of metallic paint. You could then disguise the whole thing with real wallpaper.
Saturday July 9 2022 – ND – Went to Boston to mingle with tourists. Started out at South Station then Quincy Market, North End and Charlestown. Waited an hour for a bus that didn't come.
Sunday July 10 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Still not getting anywhere with noise generator.
Monday July 11 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched a lot of b movies. The last time I went to the library I found a site cheezyflicks (dot) com. Instead of buying them I downloaded what I could from archive (dot) org. “Atragon”, “Reptillicus”, “H-Man”, “Invisible Invaders” were a few. All reminded me of “Plan 9 From Outer Space” by Ed Wood. The TV Guide used to call that movie 'the worst movie ever made' but every TV station showed it twice a week. Bela Lugosi died half way through. It really is a very bad movie but the story is very relevant considering the world today.
Tuesday July 12 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Watched “Patriot Games” with Harrison Ford. He gets awarded the Order Of The Purple Target. ??? It's about terrorism and the CIA's surveillance capability.
Wednesday July 13 2022 – ND – Went to Quincy Center to get out. Continued to Boston Common. Got back about 2.
Thursday July 14 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Looking like I'm moving to Braintree August 1. Fielded phone calls all day from housing. Then got a call from a mover.
Friday July 15 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Met with Aspire worker who brought me to the apartment housing had found. Got back about 5 PM. I would like to go over the entire history of my housing. Ever see the movie “The Tenant” starring Roman Polanski? I wonder a lot if the people I work with are who they say they are!! I got out of Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Dec 2015. I was told my name was added to the Section 8 Housing list and it could take a minimum of 5 years. Originally I was sent to a halfway house at 43 or 45 (I don't remember) Cross St Randolph. Cross? Sometimes there is a reminder of who I'm really dealing with. The other people were very low functioning and required 24 hour staff. I was also required to go to a day program in Quincy during the week which I did for more than a year. In 2017 I was moved to Patten Ave in Braintree. I was told I didn't have to go to the day program. It was staffed only during the day. It was a very large room and I liked it. I got a hernia moving. The staff called it Patten Ave but told me the address was 451 Quincy Ave Braintree. There is no 451 Quincy Ave Braintree. There is a 451 Quincy Ave Quincy and it's a Gulf station. The post office told me I couldn't change the address. This is a problem I never resolved. I have had problems getting my mail everywhere I moved. If I was awarded Section 8 certificate it's possible I didn't get the letter. I only stayed there for about 6 months. They moved me to 28 or 26 Christopher Rd Randolph. Again with the name. I had 1 room mate who was never there. The room was very small. One day I called Cardinal O'Malley an ass bitch on the internet and another room mate suddenly appeared. Christopher Rd was in the middle of no where. It was a mile walk to any bus or shopping. There was no furniture but it was clean. I gained a reputation for being very clean something 'they' noted and used in the next place. After a year I was moved to 82 Union St Randolph. There was one person already there named Mellissa. ??? She was really dirty. Or thats the way she acted. (Roman Polanski) 'They' must have spent months piling up garbage on the back porch. Inside was very dirty. I stayed anyway and it took months to clean up. 'They' kept telling me they wanted to get rid of Meliissa. (Union ???) She was still there when I left a year later. In April 2020 I moved to where I am now. 121 Central Ave Milton. At some point my name was taken off the Section 8 list. I was eventually told it was my CORI. They then spent about a year telling me they were trying to seal or expunge the records. I couple weeks ago I requested my CORI and I got it. It must have been un-sealed expunged. ???? They put my name back on the list. Last November I was told I would get an apartment through Aspire. They had a few apartments with Section 8 that came available every so often. Every time I asked about it I got some explanation of how someone else had to this or that or something. ??? It never made any sense to me. So a couple months ago I was told to start looking for an apartment. I asked if it was section 8 and the answer was no it was an RH certificate. ??? I have never heard that. I was also told they would keep looking. So last week I was informed of an apartment in Braintree. Yesterday I spent all day on the phone filing an application. No sooner did I finish when I got a call from a mover in Springfield. High pressure sales. It turns out someone had hired a broker. ???? I did not know the Dept of Mental Health hired brokers. I had to pay $35 for an application fee. This should have been a red flag. My Aspire worker took me there today to see it. They called it a one bedroom but I would say it was a very small studio with a large kitchenette. Initially it was Unit 1 but I was shown Unit 2. B and S??? $1900 a month and the broker would be paid one month for finding it. It's not worth anywhere near $1900. Maybe Unit one was worth that nut not Unit 2. B and S?? I was coming home with the worker and I got a call from the brokers assistant asking questions. (high pressure sales) I don't want the apartment but I know beggars can't be choosers.
Saturday July 16 2022 – ND - Went to Quincy Center to return videos. Got back about 1:30.
Sunday July 17 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “Mauritanian” starring Jodie Foster. It's about a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who was released after 14 years. He had been tortured under the rules approved by Donald Rumsfeld and others. Read the wikipedia article on Necromancy. Necromancy is the use of Black Magic to communicate with the dead. It has a history as long as the human race. Necromancers try to use the dead to change the world. The church publicly denounces Necromancy but my guess is privately it is the church. The article says many priests practice it. There are no known formal colleges that teach it. Aleister Crowley is described as a Necromancer.
Monday July 18 2022 – 8 PM - Stayed home all day.
Tuesday July 19 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home most of the day. Supposed to have a house meeting at 3 PM but it was canceled around 2:45. Have been told if I don't take apartment in Braintree my name goes to the bottom of the list. Oh well, another 7 years of harassment to look forward to. I'm reading “Magnum Crimen Half Century Of Clericalism In Yugoslavia”. Clericalism is defined as: a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious heirarchy. It covers the first half of the 20 th century and ends with the Jasenovac Prison Camp. A couple book's someone should write is “The Hindu Caste System Dissected” and “Black Magic In Religion”. Save me Jesus save me!!! Yeah!!! Ya know, I wouldn't leave this world a pile of my shit if I could stop it from coming out when I die. If you can manage to find your humanity you can save that. I hope it gives you endless hours of pleasure.
Wednesday July 20 2022 – 8 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Weather has been very hot so I'm staying home. I think the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal was a lie. The truth is some priests were caught using black magic, necromancy on unsuspecting people so the sex abuse story was made up as a cover. They found some former altar boys down on their luck and gave them some money. I think Henry VIII had the right idea with the dissolution of the monasteries. If it was his idea. I think at some point people have the moral authority to burn down the churches schools and buildings of the enemy. Make them broke and homeless. Makes it difficult to fight back. There's no Henry VIII coming down the pike. It has to be a popular uprising. A collective effort. Nothing has changed since the Spanish Inquisition. I think Hitlers camps weren't necessarily closed but moved to Israel. The global elite thought their asses were covered by the surveillance, mind control and the media. I also think Cuba, and North Korea are pales and Area 51 is a fully automated death camp. Walking talking hate filled psychotic controlled brain damaged induced harassment induced rage. I am a product of my environment. You beat someone all day everyday for the first 65 years of their life, well, you reap what you sew.
Thursday July 21 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. Middle of e heat wave. Watched “Un Chein Andalou” (“An Andalusian Dog”) a surrealist movie by Salvador Dali. Made in 1929 it's only 17 minutes. Another movie involving Dali is L'Age D'Or. I watched it but it's in French. While looking for those movies on archive (dot) org I downloaded “120 Days In Sodom”. Practically pornography.
Friday July 22 2022 – 7 PM - Stayed home all day. Met with Aspire worker. Apparently my name has not been put at the bottom of the list. They have another apartment in Braintree. 393 Washington St instead of 43 River St. Almost next to each other. I felt like I was being rushed into the first one. I looked up the price per square foot of an apartment in Boston and got $4.93. If you can believe any information I get. That would make a 1 bedroom 1000 sq ft apartment $4,930 a month. ??? 625 sq ft is 25 X 25. They're asking $1700 for this apartment. ???? So I don't know. I'm afraid 'they' just want to unload me into an apartment I can't afford then pull the certificate. I've never heard of an RH certificate. ?? Homeless has been the idea all along. Jesus Save Me FU FU
Saturday July 23 2022 – ND – Went to Boston to get out. Got back about 2. Egyptology has fascinated intellectuals since the 18 th century. I have often wondered why. At the same time I have often wondered how people connected ancient Egypt to Christianity. Necromancy might be the answer to both questions. I think necromancy is practiced by all priests, from Catholic to Hindu to Voodoo and it may have started in Ancient Egypt. I think necromancers 'kill' a person spiritually with some sort of drug to get that person to do the necromancers bidding. The target is told by the necromancer they will get their life back. What the necromancer does is remove the drug if and when they're satisfied. In Christianity the target is trying to achieve redemption. In Buddhism it's nirvana. In Hinduism it's karma. Since Hinduism has been around since 1500 BC that ties it to Ancient Egypt. It's all described in the Egyptian Book Of The Dead.
Sunday July 24 2022 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Temp reached 100. Watched a documentary “American Comandante”. It's about William Alexander Morgan who fought in Cuba with Castro. Morgan was a drifter and army deserter. He believed he was fighting for an American style regime in Cuba, when Castro became communist Morgan was executed.
Monday July 25 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.
Tuesday July 26 2022 – ND – Went to Wal-Mart Avon about noon.
Wednesday July 27 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston Public Library Copley Square to return videos. Walked to Target Fenway. Got back 1 PM.
Thursday July 28 2022 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day.
Friday July 29 2022 – ND – Looked at new apartment in Braintree. 393 Washington St. There's still someone in it. ???
Saturday July 30 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston to mingle with tourists. Got back about 1 PM.
Sunday July 31 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Quincy Center to get videos and get on internet. Watched “Cyborg 2087”. In the year 2087 thought is not free. People are controlled by electronics by crazy war lords. The rebels manage to send a person back to 1966 to alter time by destroying the corporation responsible for the technology that imprisoned them.
Monday August 1 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “History Of The Blues” by King Rollo. About 2 hours. Also watched “CBGB” about the night club in New York. I downloaded it for free from archive (dot) org. I thought it was a documentary but it was more like a movie. CBGB launched the careers of bands like Blondie, Talking Heads, The Ramones, Iggy Pop, Velvet Underground, Sex Pistols, among others. Some 50,000 bands took the stage at CBGB over 30 years.
Tuesday August 2 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is the public transit system that serves the Metropolitan Boston area. In the past few years it has been plagued with problems. At least the media makes it out that way. I think it's really not that bad. Lately my stupidvision has reported numerous problems. A couple runaway trains at the Braintree station, a fire on the Orange line, a couple Green line crashes. I never know what's real and whats not when it comes out of my stupidvision but it seems to me that this is a cover story for a bigger problem. It's like the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal. I think that was a lie designed to cover up necromancy (chickenshitting) being practiced by priests. I think it's possible it's still going on and thats what the MBTA problems are about. My opinion. That and $2 will get you a cup of coffee if you had another 50 cents.
Wednesday August 3 2022 – 6 PM - Went to Quincy Center very early to return videos. Bought a really nasty cup of coffee at the Starbucks in front of the T. Nice to know nothing has changed despite the fact I haven't bought one in ages. So much for the union strike at some of the Starbucks in the Boston area. ??? Or maybe I'm reading my stupidvision wrong. I kinda knew it would happen. I bought it so I could surf the internet. I didn't drink it. While on the internet I downloaded a movie “The Thing From Another World” by Howard Hawks and a music concert by The Tubes. I got the idea for the movie by watching “Halloween” by John Carpenter starring Jamie Lee Curtis. They made about 25 “Halloween movies and used to make a big deal aboutthe but I don't see the attraction. Carpenter also made “They Live”. “Children Of The Corn”, “Village Of The Damned” (remake), “Prince Of Darkness” and a remake of “The Thing”. Those movies are pretty good. They also made a million “Friday 13 th” movies. ???
Thursday August 4 2022 – ND – Went out about noon for something to eat. Came right back. I think the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal is a lie. I think it's important because it happened very recently and is still fresh in peoples minds. Another issue that happened recently is leveraged buyouts (LBO). This is the subject of the movie “Barbarians At The Gate” starring James Garner. LBO's were a trend on Wall St in the late 1980's and early 1990's. People raised money issuing junk bonds and would then buy all the stock in a company then sell part of it to pay off the bonds. I think??? It's complicated. “Barbarians At The Gate” is about the battle for RJR Nabisco. Someone patented the idea for LBO's and wanted royalties from anyone trying it. I think??? I don't understand it's importance. Someone, or someone's, might have been trying to destroy capitalism with LBO's and someone else stopped them by patenting the process. ???? I guess.
Friday August 5 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Copley Square to get on internet. Came right back. Re-watched “Barbarians At The Gate” starring James Garner. I watched it much closer this time. Garner plays F Ross Johnson the CEO of RJR Nabisco. He has spent $350 million on a smokeless cigarette that's a total failure so he wants to talk management into buying the company. He approaches someone from Kohlberg Kravitz and Roberts for advice on a Leveraged Buyout (LBO). KKR specializes in junk bonds and LBO's. Garner quickly finds himself in a bidding war for the company. One of his rivals is KKR. Along the way Garner begins to suspect he's under surveillance. The media gets hold of sensitive information and uses it against him. When there are only 2 bidders left, he and KKR, he quips “Do we have a new Pope?” He was talking about KKR. He loses the bidding war to KKR who seem to benefit from the media every time. Makes me wonder if the Pope bought up most of corporate America using junk bonds, surveillance and LBO's. LBO is also referred to as private equity. After they but up a company they lay off thousands of workers to pay off the bonds. This is how America became a retail store not a manufacturer.
Saturday August 6 2022 – 7 PM – Went to Boston early to mingle with tourists. Too hot to walk so I stayed on the Common for a few hours then went food shopping. I want my health, the first 65 years of my life, my freedom, my anonymity, I want to go home, I want to be left alone, I want to get even. FYI “When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, all the pigeons gonna run to him.....” Loose lips sink ships, sinking ships loosen lips. Megalomaniacs want to raise the Titanic. Iceberg dead ahead. And the TV stayed on. A night to remember.
Sunday August 7 2022 – 9 PM – Stayed home all day. Read the wikipedia articles on Leveraged Buyout, Private Equity, The Carlyle Group, Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts and RJR Nabisco. I think LBO's and private equity is financial sleight of hand. They treat entire businesses like a commodity market. Some people bet pork bellies will go up others bet they will go down. PE firms bet on entire companies. Any society that is centered around a banking system that makes something from nothing is destined to become corrupt. We have arrived. “Here comes the Sun King..............” Sun King - The Beatles from Abbey Road. One of the French kings called himself the Sun King. He ruled right after the invention of the money as debt banking system in 1694. By 1790 France was ripe for revolution. This is what the church does. Reckon in centuries and plan for eternity. 'Play' god with everybody's lives.
Monday August 8 2022 – ND – Stayed home all day.