Air power has become a way for small numbers of people to control large numbers spread over large areas. Helicopters in particular are capable of doing a lot of damage without risking many lives. They can be based in a small area and control a very large area. Drones have become very sophisticated and effective. They can control even larger areas with even less personnel. No one can hold a piece of territory without controlling the air space above it. This is a collection of ideas to defeat air power.
When airplanes were first developed they all used propellers. Propellers spin very fast around a point in the center. Like automobile tires they're susceptible to centrifugal force. The propellers must be perfectly balanced or it will vibrate violently and damage other parts of the plane.
Turbines were developed during WWII. Turbines (aka jets) create thrust by compressing air and adding fuel. Air is pulled in the front and squeezed through a small chamber to compress it. Fuel is added and then ignited. Turbines can be used with propellers. Turboprops are used for small planes. Helicopters are turboprops with the turbine vertical not horizontal.
Chaff is used to confuse RADAR. (RAdio Detecting And Ranging) It was first used during WWII. Millions of pieces of metal, usually aluminum, were dropped before bombers came to confuse RADAR. RADAR sends out a high wattage pulse of microwave energy and 'listens' for anything it 'hits'. It then displays the results on a screen. Chaff looks like fog or rain and makes it difficult to tell planes from anything else. It is a defensive weapon not offensive.
Many commercial airliners have been brought down when birds got sucked into the turbine. Producing chaff in larger pieces and throwing it into the path of a turbine could destroy the engine much like a bird. If some small pieces of steel were included, enough damage could be done to the props to throw it off balance.
Chaff can be packed into small rockets. When the rocket reaches a certain altitude it explodes dispersing the chaff. With low flying planes the rocket could be propelled with compressed air thus eliminating the need for fuel. The amount of explosive needed would also be small. Most helicopters are at a low altitude while attacking. Larger planes could be brought down while taking off or landing.
Aluminum can be easily obtained from soda cans. Cans could be cut up and packed into cardboard tubes. Larger pieces can be bought at home improvement stores. It's used for flashing on roofs. It comes as a long roll about 24 inches wide by 100 feet long for about $100. If pieces were cut like an “X” they would act like a helicopter and hang in the air for a long time.
If you want to take down helicopters with chaff you need to lead the helicopter with any rocket you fire at it. That is the rocket must go off in the path of the helicopter so it flies through the chaff. Modern electronics is now very sophisticated. A small MCU (micro controller unit) can have multiple pins for input output. There are now a dizzying array of sensors to guide the rocket. For helicopters you could use vibration, sound, heat, radio and infrared. The MCU could also control a guidance system. This is my idea to guide a missile. Every missile has a stream of propellant. You could insert a small ring with numerous nodules that are kept in place by a spring. They could be pushed into the stream by a coil controlled by the MCU. When the stream is interrupted it changes the direction of the missile.
I think, I don't know, many rockets have gyros. They are used for guidance. I think. But I think planes don't. Planes use wings and a tail to guide them and change direction. Any rocket could be designed with wings and a tail and be directed with them.
When flying a plane the pilot must remain oriented to the land. They have to always be parallel to the land. If they are flying in dense fog or rain or even at night they must fly by thier instruments to stay parallel or they could fly into the ground without knowing it. Smoke bombs could be used to disorient a pilot. They make flare guns that fire a flare with a small parachute. The parachute keeps the flare aloft as long as the flare burns. This same technology could be used with smoke bombs. Helicopters fly low to the ground when attacking. Many times there are numerous helicopters at the same time. Smoke could force the pilots on to thier instruments and they could fly into each other. If the turbine sucked in enough smoke, it would deprive the turbine of oxygen and it would stall.
When the Allies bombed Germany during WWII they had hundreds of planes take off from bases in England and fly in formation all the way to the target. To defend against this Germany developed flak. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. When it explodes it breaks into thousands of small piece each acting like a bullet capable of destroying equipment of injuring someone. Since airplanes must be as light as possible they are not armored. The fuselage is usually aluminum and very thin. Flak easily penetrates this.
I don't know how the Germans detonated the flak. Todays electronics offer a wide array of possibilities. The grenade could be an electro-magnet and go off when it gets close. It could be altitude or heat etc.
RADAR was developed in the 1930’s to pick up aircraft from the ground. RADAR sends a very high power microwave signal into the air and then picks up anything that bounces off an airplane. RADAR can be picked up by the aircraft and steps can be taken to neutralize the RADAR equipment. Great strides have been made in electronics since the 1930’s. There are now transducers for almost any type of phenomena. Light, vibration, heat, etc etc. Many of these are used in satellites. If they can be used to sense something on the ground from that far away why not from the ground to the air. If an anti-aircraft installation was based on sensing technology instead of RADAR it would be harder for the enemy to pick up and destroy. The installation could be small and portable. The anti-aircraft personnel on the ground would have the element of surprise. Two transducers that could be used are infrared C.C.D. (charge coupled device) and vibration. Airplanes, including helicopters and drones, produce heat and vibration. A C.C.D. is used in almost every digital camera. An infrared C.C.D. could be attached to a high power wide angle lens and monitored with a computer screen. A separate vibration sensor could be used to guide any missile used to take down the airplane. A directed beam of microwaves might be used to scramble the avionics of the plane. You can Google “NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial” for more information.
Instead of manned anti-aircraft I think it’s possible to design a gun that will produce a wall of bullets by simply motioning up and down a tiny amount. No need to go left and right. Trigger the gun as helicopters approach and wait for them to fly through the wall. These could be hidden on hillsides between trees and triggered automatically and would cut through whatever leaves and twigs are in the way in seconds. Someone would have to be nearby but doesnt have to actually man and aim it.
This is a continuation of my anti aircraft ideas. I think it’s possible to do serious damage to helicopters by just putting up a wall of bullets with an anti aircraft gun. If you place multiple gun barrels vertically and move the gun up and down a small amount you would create a wall of bullets. Then you wait for the helicopters to fly through the wall. The gun could be guided by a Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) sensor. FLIR gives the anti aircraft gun the element of surprise. RADAR would give it’s position away to the target before firing.
This is a couple ideas to stop military vehicles. Any engine that burns fossil fuels needs an air intake with a filter. Fossil fuels must have oxygen to maintain combustion. Tanks, trains, trucks, automobiles, helicopters etc. The idea is to come up with a chemical that when it burns creates a smoke that will choke the air filter and shut down the engine. Maybe something could be rigged up with used motor oil. Combine motor oil with potash or something and a detonator. It could be deployed as a mine or a flare. When a tank runs over it the smoke goes off. If you attached it to a magnet and shot it at a moving train engine it would carry it until the filter is clogged.
Most vehicles have both advanced electronics and basic electrical components that could be destroyed with a pulse of EMI. Most engines have an alternator to generate electricity for the spark plugs. An alternator is a coil. Tanks have electric motors to move the turret and other things. You could rig a large super capacitor to a high wattage pulse generator and deploy as a mine. When the tank runs over it, it goes off and destroys the motors.
All internal combustion engines produce heat and must be continuously cooled. Automobiles have a radiator in the front. The radiator holds a water and anti-freeze mixture that is pumped through the engine to remove heat. If the radiator shuts down, or loses it's coolant, the engine will overheat and sieze. Radiators are almost always made of a light weight metal and are very thin to promote heat transfer They can be punctured very easily. Pellet/BB guns can be bought pretty much anywhere and are powerful enough to puncture a radiator from a reasonable distance. They are virtually silent since they are an air rifle. If a military vehicle is left runing but not guarded someone could puncture the radiator froma distance without detection. The engine would slowly overheat.
Ordinary bar magnets could be used to disable tanks. If the magnet is large enough you could attache steel cables or chain to it. When the tank runs over the magnet it picks it up and the cables will get tangled in the tracks. The magnet could be used to have the tank carry a smoke bomb, as described above to ensure the engine chokes.
This is an idea that might help if things get out of control. Back in the 1990's there was a company called Global Crossing. They strung fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3% of what had already been built. When the dot com bubble burst the company went bankrupt. The government made a half assed attempt to go after the people who ran the company but they all walked away millionaires. That network is very powerful as a tool. As are all under water cables. And communications in general. Cutting off an enemies communications is a priority. The Navy uses depth charges to sink submarines. You can see them in old Hollywood movies. It looks like a 50 gallon drum. They set a timer, or something, for a certain depth and launch it like a catapult. If you knew approximately where the cable was you could rig the charge to go off when it hits bottom. Cutting the cable.
I think it's possible to defeat sub vocal speech with a hat lined with EMI absorbent if the sensor is a satellite. EMI absorbent can be bought at any electronic supply. Mouser com digi-key Newark com. RADAR sends out high wattage pulses and then waits for them to bounce off an object. Then it receives the return signal and plots data on a screen. To keep track of aircraft it sends out thousands of pulses per second. The F-117 stealth fighter was the first to be invisible to RADAR. It was later revealed to be covered with EMI absorbent. A satellite could send out thousands of pulses per second and measure the movement of a human larnyx, vocal cords. It could then reconstruct the movement as speech. The hat would absorb the RADAR and defeat the satellite. Remote sensing is the backbone of the space program.
The picture below is potting fluid. In electronics potting is a process of filling a complete electronic assembly with a solid or gelatinous compound for resistance to shock and vibration, and for exclusion of moisture and corrosive agents. Thermosetting plastics or silicone rubber gels are often used, though epoxy resins are also very common. Many sites recommend using a potting product to protect sensitive electronic components from impact, vibration, and loose wires. If you want to stop someone from siphoning off data or voice (NSA or CIA or FBI) from communications equipment you could disconnect the cable they’re using and pour some of this into the connector on the PCB board. They would not be able to re-connect it.
Modular Drilling
Tunnel boring machines are the modern method for digging tunnels. I think it's possible to miniaturize tunnel boring machines for oil and gas drilling. It would eliminate the need for a drill string. It might be cheaper and be able to go further down.
Remote Short
This idea is more like a weapon for revolutionaries. Large computer installations and communication equipment are housed in large buildings in downtown areas. The electricity that powers them run under the streets and are encased in heavy conduit. It is also very high voltage. It gets stepped down by a transformer after it enters the building. The top picture is a probe for electronics that will pierce the wire so a measurement can be made of whatever voltage exists on the wire without cutting the wire. The idea is to do this to 2 circuits outside the building and short one circuit to another and send a surge into the building. You would have to break open the conduit somehow to expose the wire. Or maybe pierce the conduit with the wire. It can be activated remotely after it is in place.
Electric Snow Melter
This is an alternative to conventional snow plowing. In Boston a person can be fined if they don't clear the sidewalk after a snow storm. Sometimes the walk gets heavily caked with ice and becomes impossible to remove. The idea is to take a small internal combustion engine and a truck alternator and mount them on a small platform with wheels. The alternator drives an ordinary electric element that melts the ice. People who plow individual driveways could charge a little extra to clear the sidewalk. It might be possible to adapt this idea to very large trucks and replace conventional plowing altogether. It could also eliminate the need for road salt and help to clean up the water table.
Water Purification
Water is life. Without water you would die. When I was young I learned that the human body is about 90% water. Keeping water clean is a priority for the human race. The oceans, the rivers and underground water. Human waste must be collected and treated before being returned to the water table.
As populations grow the stress on municipalities to provide water has increased. I live in the Boston area. In the 1980's the state of Massachusetts set up the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) to help clean up Boston Harbor and provide water. They connected most of the Boston area to a sewerage system. All human waste is sent to a central facility on Deer Island. The cost of people's water has skyrocketed ever since. Like a lot of things, water can also be a weapon to control people. This is some of my ideas on providing clean water. Like a lot of my ideas I try to make them maintenance free and free of cost to stop people from using them as a weapon.
In the future houses and small apartment buildings should have two sources of water. One for drinking and cooking and one for general use such as washing dishes, washing clothes, bathing etc. The drinking water can be extracted from the air with a dehumidifier and then distilled to make it perfectly clean. The dehumidifier would be the size of a refrigerator and be put in the kitchen or some where near it. If the air is too dry to provide enough it could be made from the other source. Distilling water is time consuming so it should be kept to only what you drink and cook with. Most of dehumidifier could be made of glass and put in the dishwasher.
The other source can either be a well or rain water. In a pinch water could be bought and delivered like heating oil is today. Both well water and rain water can have problems that need fixing. Rain water can be acid and have dirt from the roof. Well water can have all kinds of problems.
Future small buildings should be built with a chase from the attic floor to the basement ceiling. I have a number of reasons for this. There should be no wires in the walls. Any wire can be used as an antenna. And as a rule the longer the piece of wire the more sensitive it is. When you are in a building with wires in the walls you are surrounded by antennas. Anyone in the building could plug something into an outlet and draw power and use the wires as an antenna. They could be reading your thoughts so confining all wires to the chase would stop this. The chase could be lined with aluminum and grounded to earth creating a Faraday Cage. The wires themselves could be shielded. This is expensive and another reason for the chase.
Some circuits could be dedicated for the refrigerator, stove, TV etc and these could be shielded. Outside of the chase would be a shelf that holds batteries that stay plugged in on the shelf. When you want a lamp at night you take a battery off the shelf and take it to the lamp.
Solar voltaic panel wiring goes through the chase to charge batteries. They too are inside a Faraday Cage. All heating and cooling pipes are routed through the chase. This makes them easily accessible for maintenance. Another part of the chase would be used for outside air. In some places it's too dry to get water from the air. This is especially true indoors during the winter. The dehumidifier could draw air from the outside in many areas.
The general use water can be made from rain water or a well. It would be filtered and stored in the cellar. First it would go through settling tank. This allows dirt and other debris to settle. The tank would have to be emptied and cleaned every so often. Modern machinery is capable of making holes in metal that are microscopic. They can make filters out of metal that will remove very very small particles. After the settling tank there would be a series of filters with microscopic holes each with a back flush valve. When the filter gets clogged the outlet is shut off and the filter is back flushed automatically. It doesn't need paper replaceable filters and is relatively maintenance free. The next filter is a long flat piece of glass with a electro magnet above it. This can be used to remove metal such as iron. It also has a separate back flush valve. Life cannot exist if it is exposed to high concentrations of ultra violet light. After the magnet the water flows through a piece of glass and is exposed to massive UV. This kills all bacteria and viruses. It could then be filtered again to remove the dead bacteria before going to a holding tank. PH is a problem but I'm not sure it matters if it's not drinking water.
The MWRA is also responsible for sewerage. All of the sewerage in the Boston area is pumped to a facility on Deer Island where it is treated before being returned to the water table. This adds to everyone's bill from the MWRA. If you're beyond the reach of the MWRA you must have a leeching field to deposit waste. This is very expensive. I think it's possible to vaporize household waste as it is being generated. Matter cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transformed. The three states of matter are gas, liquid and solid. Some argue that plasma is the fourth state of matter. Plasma the same as a electric spark. It can be generated with extreme voltages. Extreme voltage can be stored in a super capacitor and discharged at will. If all the household waste were collected and dried it could be turned into pellets and each pellet could be vaporized individually with a spark. The water is then cleaned and reused.
This is an idea to remove metals from water on a microscopic level. The water is passed through a glass tube that is flat and shaped like a rectangle. On top there are a series of electromagnets that are energized to hold any metal to the top of the glass tube. As metal builds up the tube is backflushed by turning off the magnets and the valves and opening a different set of valves.
The electric toilet would have a pre-grind unit to grind up all waste before it enters the main holding tank. The main holding tank would have a heater to evaporate the liquid. Once the solid had dryed it would be pelletized as it was fed into the spark unit. The spark unit would be made of 2 pieces of glass. One permantly fixed to the pelletizer and have an exhaust on the opposite side. The other would rotate inside the first and have an anode and cathode attached at the top and bottom. Once the waste has entered the inside cylinder it would rotate and then it's vaporized by a spark and then rotated again to exhaust the vapor and then it repeats. The actual electric components only have to be similar to a Tesla Spark Transmitter.
I have seen pictures of spark generators going off. The spark is often concentrated in one spot. A Jacobs Ladder will move up but will not spark over the entire length of the wire all at the same time. If you wanted to use the spark to vaporize whatever is in the glass enclosure you need the spark to spread out over the entire electrode. My solution is to make the electrode out of 2 different metals. Small pieces of one type of metal would be embedded in another type of metal with a lower conductivity. When the spark is generated the current would gravitate toward the better conductive metal thus spreading the spark around.
Water can be extracted from the air unless it's too dry. This is not the case where most people live. I think it's possible to combine a de-humidifier with a water distiller and keep it like a regular household refrigerator. To remove water from the air you need to make a space that is lower in temperature with regard to the outside air and provide a surface for the water to condense on. You don't need an extreme temperature difference as provided by a freon driven machine. Most household de-humidifiers are the same thing as a refrigerator or air conditioner. They have an electric compressor, a condenser, an evaporator some valves and freon (refrigerant) Freon is a chemical that can be expensive and hard to acquire. If the corporate overlords knew what you were doing they probably wouldn't sell it to you. I don't think it would be hard to get around this. Heat always travels to where there isn't any. If it's cold outside your house the heat inside will try to get out. If it's hot outside it will try to get in. The vacuum of space is about as cold as it gets. If you made a very large glass enclosure and put it under vacuum you could use it to draw heat in a specific direction. Place a large piece of metal with a large surface area (like an electronic heat sink) on top. On top of that a baffle with fans pulling air through the bottom. The air comes up from the bottom enters the space with a lower temperature and the water condenses on the bottom of the vacuum container and drips into a pan. The pan slowly fills up and collects in a tank.
Solar water distillers already exist. Build a box and line it with plastic to hold water. The box should have a angle to it. Put a piece of glass on top so it is at an angle. At the bottom of the glass put a tray to collect water. Put water in the box and place the entire thing in the sun. The sun will slowly evaporate the water. As it does it collects on the glass. Since the glass is at angle the water drips into the tray and eventually collects in the can.
Alternative Energy
These aren't so much inventions as ways to reduce costs for people at the bottom. It may be true that the devalued dollar is the problem with the cost of living but I think it's partly due to just too many bills. When the Federal Reserve was first started people didn't have an electric bill, a cable bill, some people maybe heat, a phone bill etc. These things have become more expensive along with everything else forcing most people to have two jobs and still break even. If most of this were free it takes the pressure off. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said “No country was ever drunk when wine was cheap”. I interpret this as “When the living's easy so are the people”. Reduce everyone's cost of living and things in general will improve.
Why would the oil industry do anything to destroy itself? Organizations can be just like people. Self preservation is a top priority. So, it wouldn't. The oil industry is the most powerful among them all so why wouldn't they suppress anything that challenges it? This is why I think about this. A photo voltaic cell is basically the same as any Intel microprocessor. It's a p-n junction created by an etching process like any transistor. It is light sensitive. It produces electric current when exposed to light. When integrated circuits were first developed someone made the prediction that the size of transistors will shrink every 18 months. I think he actually said the number of transistors will double every 18 months. That was in the 1950's. Today they can pack billions of transistors on a chip 1 inch by 1 inch. Have they applied this technology to photo voltaic cells? Would the oil industry allow it? Would doing this make solar panels more sensitive and produce more current?
This is an idea to increase the usefulness of solar voltaic panels. If it's possible to increase the current by adding to the total number of PN junctions with very large scale integration it might also make the panel too sensitive. Under direct sunlight it might burn up from too much current. To limit the current under direct sunlight you could add an auto darkening glass on top of the panel. The default for the glass is totally dark. It would be controlled by a light sensor. In cloudy conditions the sensor would allow all light to pass. Under total sunlight it would restrict the light so it doesn't burn up. While this doesn't increase the maximum power it would extend it over many more days. At the same time you could add wires inside the glass that would warm it up under snow conditions and melt the snow as it falls like an automobile de-froster.
Photo voltaic cells convert light into electricity. A photo voltaic cell is millions of individual diodes that are exposed to light. Any diode is a PN junction and has a capacitance. Anything with a capacitance has a frequency response. If you add a resistor and inductor in parallel with the capacitor you will have a band pass filter, and the frequency response will be very narrow.
I am not a scientist or an engineer so most of what I come up with are guesses. I am under constant surveillance and have almost no money so I can't build anything to see if it works. Another possibility to making solar voltaics more sensitive and produce more current would be to make the diodes bigger instead of smaller. Components are always bigger. You can buy photo diodes as discreet components. It might be possible to build a PCB based solar panel that would produce more current per square inch.
There are 3 types of solar panels. Amorphous, poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline. Amorphous are the least sensitive and cheapest. Poly-crystalline are in the middle and mono-crystalline are the most sensitive and costly. Amorphous are best used near the equator where there is abundant direct sunlight. They don’t work very well near the poles. (north and south) It is best to use the most sensitive where the sunlight is not as direct.
The manufacturing process for creating IC's is very similar to the process that makes PCB's. (printed circuit boards) It is very chemical dependent and requires a number of steps. I wonder if the technology that makes CD's can be used to create IC's. Every computer sold today comes with a CD burner. It uses a LASER to burn 'holes' in the bottom of a blank CD. The 'hole' is microscopic. I think it's possible to make IC's with LASER's this would eliminate chemicals and make them cheaper.
The picture below shows 6 panels. This might be 5000 watts on a very sunny day. To help you understand, a desktop personal computer would be a constant 600 watts. A laptop or notebook less. A microwave oven is typically 1200 watts. You can’t use them at night unless you store the energy somehow. There are at least two ways to produce the electricity at a later time. One is batteries and the other is with a fuel cell. (see second picture below) A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and you get water as a by-product. Since solar panels make DC current it can be used to separate hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. The 2 components can be generated during the day and stored in 2 separate containers and then recombined at night. The third picture below is a small desktop separator.
Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the universe. It can be hard to store because it can pass through many other substances. I think you could make an ordinary steel container like those used to store other gases and line it with glass. Glass is very dense. This would make the walls very thick. It might be possible to find a glass that would combine with hydrogen and over time increase it's ability to hold the gas.
Another problem with solar panels is snow. Snow would cover the panel and prevent light from getting through. There are ways to solve this. A car rear window de-fogger uses small amounts of electricity to melt ice on your car. It’s something like an electric stove. It has small lines of a resistive substance that heat up when current is passed through. If solar panels are kept very thin they could be put on the bottom so as not to stop sunlight. Panels could be made as small as possible. Instead of 6 panels 3 feet by 6 feet you could make 18 panels 1 foot by 1 foot. Raise the panels up off the roof and separate them by a couple inches to allow water to fall off. Making them smaller can also help if one goes bad. Replacing a 6 by 3 would be more expensive than a 1 by 1.
Solar voltaic panels can be used to heat a home as well. The top picture below is an electric stove top. It glows red when electricity flows through it. The bottom picture is a possible application. The idea is to wrap the element around a piece of pipe and send water through the pipe so it picks up the heat. Two things could be done. One is to preheat an existing fossil fuel heating system (oil, natural gas etc) by placing the pipe in-line with the zones of the house. The furnace would not stay on as long or maybe not come on at all. This would cut down on the amount of fossil fuel used and it could also be an incentive for people to purchase photo voltaic panels while the technology is improved. Another use would be putting a unit right where hot water is needed like the kitchen or bathroom. This would cut down on the amount of piping needed and eliminate the need for a hot water tank.
The picture above is a suggestion for how future houses can be built to use photo voltaic panels. The house would be built with a chase from the roof to the basement. The chase would have duct for a forced hot water system where multiple sources of heat can be used with multiple heat ex-changers for different types of sources. Part of the chase would hold the wires from the panels on the roof. Each floor would have shelves that hold batteries that charge while on the shelf. If someone wanted to run something (laptop, coffee pot etc) they would take a battery off the shelf, use it, then put it back. It really wouldn't be much different from the days when you had to fill a lamp with kerosene. During the day when people are at work the batteries charge. At night they are used. The house can be kept warm during the day with the panels. There would be no need to put wires in the walls except for things like refrigerator, TV, or stove.
Super capacitors could also be used to store energy at night. They are designed to discharge quickly but they don't have to. Current limiting resistors can be placed in series. They're cheaper than batteries and will last longer.
If a house is heated by hot water you could set up an array of alternatives with a bank of heat ex-changers. Heat ex-changers come in different options. Water to water. Electricity to water. Air to water. (I think ??) You could have a traditional fossil fuel furnace along with a wood stove and solar panels and have a computer decide which is best at any given time.
Any light bulb produces a lot of heat. Fluorescent lights are no different. Fluorescent lights are used extensively in large buildings and strip malls. They are used along with suspended ceilings. Many fit into the same space as 1 tile. Suspended ceilings are heat sieves. They provide absolutely no insulation and waste more money for small businesses than anything else. Small businesses in strip malls should build their ceilings out of the same material as the walls and insulate them very heavily. I mean 2 X 6 's and sheet rock with fiberglass insulation. Along with this they could use radiant lights to heat the space. Radiant lights would be built in such a way as to transfer the heat generated by the bulbs to the side then have a fan blow it into the room.
Funnel Wind Turbine
This is an alternative to wind powered electric generators. Instead of having large propellers the wind is collected by a funnel that compresses the air to increase the velocity. This can turn a 5 MPH wind into a more powerful force capable turning a larger generator. The funnel could sit atop a building and not be as conspicuous as a propeller. It would sit on a rotating platform that could turn at least 180 degrees. The turbine is basically a fan that is turned by the wind instead of creating it. The horizontal rotation is converted to vertical and passed into the building where the generator is located. Some sort of mechanical governor would be needed to limit the RPM of the shaft.
This is a couple older drawings I did.
Methane Silo
Methane is a naturally occurring gas produced by the decay of organic material such as animal waste or plants. It is a fossil fuel like oil propane or butane. It can be used to produce mechanical or electrical power. It’s chemical formula is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Like any gas it is best transported by pipeline or used where it is produced. Some attempts to harness methane involve laying out plant material in large sealed buildings and collecting it as the material decays. (see picture below) One problem with this is the material must be turned over every so often to help the material decay. As the material decays it gives off less and less methane. A methane silo eliminates the need to do this. A methane silo works as any silo by gravity. The material is fed into the top and comes out the bottom. The difference is a methane silo would have long tubes of screen inside the silo to help expose the material to the air to help it decay and give off methane. This eliminates the need to turn it.
The silo would be square. The columns of material would extend the length of one side. The ends of the columns would face 2 sides opposite each other. The top would be shaped like a roof so the material would distribute evenly down each column. The entire space containing the material would be airtight. A plenum would be placed at the 2 ends facing all columns. One plenum at the bottom and the other at the top. The bottom plenum would allow air in when methane is being withdrawn from the top. There would be a series of valves controlled by electronics. Once material has completely filled the airtight space, a vacuum pump creates a vacuum. As methane is produced pressure builds up. When it gets high enough valves on both plenums open and remove methane. When pressure drops, the valves close and the vacuum pump creates another vacuum. This process concentrates the methane and reduces the amount of unwanted gas (air) in the final product.
Every check that goes out the door at the end of the month is another link in the ball and chain of our system. Reducing energy costs for small businesses and small business owners would do more to help the economy than one tax cut for Exxon Mobil. It would help to break up these big companies. Waiting for the government to break them up is hopeless. Putting them out of business with alternative technology is more practical. It used to be that people understood that being your own boss was much better than working for a big company. There is no crime in owning a small business. As fossil fuels run out the ability of big corporations to move things around will go with them. A localized economy is coming to a neighborhood near you. People will be forced to go back to traditional occupations such as farmer, butcher etc.
The chemical makeup of methane is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Coal is mostly carbon. If someone could come up with a process to separate the carbon from the hydrogen it could be mixed with some type of bio material to create synthetic coal. We are running out of natural deposits of coal and most of the worlds electricity is generated by coal.
Alternative Communication Network
Communication is very important in human society. The more technical and mobile we become the more important it is. If someone is 500 miles from home and has an emergency they will need to contact home. Today we have very advanced communication systems. Controlling those systems helps you control society. In 2007 PBS in San Diego produced a Frontline documentary about surveillance in America titled “Spying On The Home Front”. In that documentary they said that ATT in San Francisco was providing all internet traffic to the NSA via a NARUS ST6400 splitter. It was authorized to do so by congress in the Patriot Act after Sept 11. It's possible all internet traffic in America is being monitored by the Federal government along with phone calls and cable TV. If the Federal government has access to all this it's possible that other people do to. Anything can be hacked into.
There are a few things that can be done to get around this. Some simple, some not so simple. There is an entire building in almost every town in this country dedicated to communications. In the city's there are numerous buildings. For any communication that involve a wire it is where the wire terminates and connects to the greater network. If it's wireless it has to have some sort of central facility to route the data, connect to the greater network. To prevent wireless intrusion all of these buildings should be turned into Faraday Cages. Preventing intrusion into the wired network is more complicated. Getting rid of things like the NARUS ST6400 would certainly help.
A way to get around all of it would be to design a completely different system that cannot be controlled and that is free of cost. Ham radio offers a solution. Ham radio operates what are called repeaters. It is a piece of equipment, usually in an isolated area, that picks up weak signals, strengthens them and then rebroadcasts them. WiFi extenders are basically the same thing. (see picture) The entire network would be a system of repeaters. Every house and apartment would have a extender that picks up signals nearby and relays it to the next. To get signals from one town to the next repeaters could be put in isolated areas or very strong signal boosters could be put on the edge of town. For the most part no central facility would be needed and the only cost to everyone would be the equipment. It might be possible to get an iphone to talk to an iphone like a Walkie Talkie. Or any Android based phone. They allow anyone to develop an app for Android. You can download the Software Development Kit (SDK) for free.
The radio frequency spectrum extends from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (3,000,000,000,000 hz). Anything above that becomes light. The microwave spectrum is anything above 300 mhz. There are numerous types of modulation. Modulation is accomplished by varying one factor of the given wave. (ie frequency, amplitude, etc) Thus the names frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM). Ham radio operators are restricted to certain frequencies and types of modulation. It's possible to create a relay (repeater) system with any frequency and modulation type. You could create one that operated in the FM and band but worked on amplitude modulation. Technically it's against the law but so is what the government is doing.
At some point in the future it might be useful to jam everything but one band of frequency's. (see picture below) Design a noise generator that produces noise over the entire frequency spectrum then filter it for a specific band and put the noise through a mixer circuit along with the data. All broadcasting equipment should be limited to 25 Watts.
I recently watched a couple videos about people designing alternative DNS systems. I don’t think this is totally necessary. At least not in small towns. DNS stands for Domain Name Service, or Server ??,. It is a way to route a communication. It’s like an operator in the early days of telephone. Operators sat at a board and physically made the connection to route a call from one place to another. Today it’s done automatically with computers. DNS is the internet equivalent. Lets say you had a small town of about 50,000 people. Everyone’s communications are wireless and handled on one frequency in the microwave range. Everything else was jammed with noise. If someone’s call bounced around the entire town looking for the right end point it wouldn’t take much time and you wouldn’t really notice anything. The frequency is so fast. This is a roundabout example. Anything above 10 hz is not visible to the naked eye. If you pulsed an LED you would see it like it is on all the time once you get it above 10 hz. Any LED monitor or TV has 1000’s of LED that are pulsed many times per second. But it appears to be on all the time. The same effect could be used with voice communications and maybe the internet. Eventually someone might come up with a method to avoid this and save bandwidth and still have no central facility.
I have a laptop with Windows 10 on it. No matter what I do I can't get it to stop updating automatically. And I can't remove the HP assistant. I think the tech companies put spyware and viruses on the computer with the updates. I also have a Google Android phone that does as it pleases. I use Tracfone that comes with data but it never works. When I buy a new PIN it works for about 24 hrs then stops. The notification icons have a mind of their own. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. The storage is encrypted but I didn't do it. There must be a way to physically separate the antenna input from the operating system, permanent memory and working memory. You could have a completely separate connector to install or update the software. You would have to have actual possession of the phone to change any software. Why does the FBI, and the federal government, not want you to encrypt your communications? I think they want your hard drive encrypted but not your communications. I wonder why?
R.S.A. is a company that deals in cryptology. It stands for the 3 people who started the company. Ronald L Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard L Adleman. They came up with what many consider the gold standard in encryption technology. They are mentioned in the documentary “Missing Links”. It's about the Sept 11 attacks. Most of the evidence presented was gathered by present and former members of the FBI, CIA, NSA and military intelligence that are still loyal to the United States. That's what it says at the very beginning of the movie. The algorithm used by RSA would take years for the most massive computer to decipher just one message.
The trick to RSA is a public key. Any RSA encrypted message can be unlocked if you have both the private key and the public key. I don't totally understand it. But somehow the possibilities are so enormous it would take the biggest fastest computer years to decipher one message.
Arduino Brain Simulator
In 2010 an article appeared on Wikipedia about Synthetic Telepathy. The article was taken down after several hours because of it's controversial nature. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic telepathy". Synthetic telepathy (also known as techlepathy or psychotronics) is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain. Sounds like the stuff of Sci Fi movies but I have been subjected to this for at least 10 years. I think it is both satellite based and ground based. Cell phone towers are capable of this.
Another technology similar to this is Sub Vocal Speech Recognition. It is sometimes referred to as S Quad. It was used by the US Military in the first Gulf war. ITV News did an article titled “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons”. It can be found on my website
Electromyography (EMG) uses electronics to pick up electric signals given off by muscles. This too could be satellite or cell phone tower based. Any electromagnetic radiation coming from a living organism can be picked up by electronics. All forms of life on earth give off numerous signals. NASA has been experimenting for years on Sub Vocal Speech. Articles can be found on the internet. NASA's work is based on the research of Lawrence Pinneo and Charles Jorgenson. This is an idea to combat these technology's.
Any radio jamming is aimed at the receiver. In this case it would be the satellite or cell phone tower. The idea is to broadcast a similar wave form at the same power levels so the receiver can't tell the correct signal from the fake. If the fake signal is extremely close to the actual transmitter, in this case a person, the receiver is defeated. The idea is to take an Arduino microcontroller (MCU) board and program it to broadcast multiple fake signals. The signals are placed on an antenna that looks like necklace. The Arduino is carried around in your pocket. The signals could also be part of the circuit. That is an extension of the actual etch of the printed circuit board (PCB).
During the first Gulf War the US Army used what has become known as SSSS or S Quad. Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. (ITV News Bulletin “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons”) The article says the technology picks up numerous signals and makes a composite of an individual. Over time the computer 'learns' the specific pattern of the person. So any jamming equipment would need to generate a lot of signals. Both EEG (electroencephalography) and EMG.
The picture above is 3 Arduino's I own. (left to right) An Arduino Uno R3, Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino Due. Their computing power increases with the MCU it has. The least powerful is the Uno R3 and the most powerful is the Due. The Due has upwards of 50 programmable pins that can output a digital signal. All Arduino boards use Atmel MCU's. You would have to connect a D/A converter (digital to analog) to the output pins and come up with software that simulates EMR given off by the human body. All Arduinos also have analog input pins. You could hook up a pulse sensor to monitor your pulse and use it to alter the brain signals accordingly. Or you could use temperature.
The picture above is my Uno R3 with a Kuman 3.5 inch touch screen running a program that displays a simple string. The software to program the Arduino is free and can be downloaded from The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) comes with programs that will run on Arduino. Picking it apart is a good way to learn how to do it. The 'libraries' folder has files that can be associated with Notepad, a free program that comes with Windows, and you can 'copy and paste' the code into your own programs. Atmel also has an IDE that is free. Atmel Studio 7.0 can be downloaded from the Atmel website.
EEG Signals From Different States
Complete EEG During Alpha State
Sub vocal speech might be more difficult to mimic. I have yet to find a picture of the signals involved, or what muscles. They make throat microphones that people use while driving. The mic attaches to your throat but I don't know if it picks up 'silent sound'. You might need an electrode. Audacity is a open source music program that I believe can be used with a microphone and a computer. Maybe it can also be used with an electrode. It produces a visual output as well as other things.
Numerous signals mean numerous antennas or in-circuit wires. Standard computer ribbon cables come with as many as 100 wires. (I think) But 100 might be too wide and less might not be enough. It is possible to mix more than one signal. Any audio mixer would work. A 24 wire cable with 2 signals each is 48. If the cell phone tower or satellite is picking up all your emissions and creating a composite of you as a person multiple signals might confuse the computer.
All Arduino's use Atmel MCU's. The UNO R3 uses a 328. The UNO also has a I2C bus that can be accessed through two of the digital input/output pins. SCL and SDA. (clock and data) I2C is an industry standard. You can hook up as many as 127 devices. I have been trying to get an MCP4725 digital to analog converter to work on this bus. I want to get it to output a sine wave of about 50 HZ. Adafruit (dot) com has working software thats free. (see picture below)
The MCP4725 can be bought mounted on a small PCB to experiment with like the small blue boards in the picture. It also comes as a quad digital to analog so if you wanted eight signals for the ribbon cable you would only have to hook up two PCB's. The quad chip is the MCP4728.
The problem with sine waves is they do not mimic an EEG. An EEG is a transient wave. It is not uniform. It changes constantly. An EEG is an electronic readout of brain waves. They vary from about 5 HZ to around 45 HZ. When a person is sleeping the waves are about 5 to 10 HZ. This is called an Alpha state. When you are awake but at rest they vary from about 10 HZ to around 20 HZ. If you are awake but active they can go from 20 HZ to 30 HZ. When agitated they can go as high as 45 HZ. A circuit is needed to chop up the sine waves a little then change the frequency as you go from sleep to agitated. I have a couple suggestions.
The schematic above is a noise generator that uses avalanche noise. Avalanche noise looks very similar to an EEG wave only it has a very wide frequency range. If you removed the speaker from this circuit and filtered it for everything above 50 HZ you could feed it into an analog input on the UNO R3 and use it somehow to alter the sine waves. Another suggestion would be to feed back one of the sine waves and alter the software. To vary the frequency for a person activity level a heart monitor transducer could be fed into an analog input. The picture below is a heart monitor made for Arduino.
To mask sub vocal speech you might need to add a signal that mimics your voice and add it to the ribbon cable. The picture above is a small voice recorder that uses a small EEPROM. An EEPROM is non volatile memory like a USB thumb drive. This PCB will record about 20 seconds of voice and store it in the IC. This IC is an ICD 1820PY. This comes with a microphone and connector for a speaker. Instead of a speaker you could connect it to the ribbon cable to transmit the EMR. There is also a connector to access the IC's digital functions. Maybe you could hook it up to the UNO R3 and repeat the voice over and over.
Above is a picture of my UNO mounted on a proto board. The MCP4725 is the red PCB on the right. I soldered the same connectors on the proto board as are on the UNO and jump what I need to them. Power is coming out of the left, signal on the right.
There are 2 ways to attach the necklace to the device. As an antenna or as a part of the circuit.
Any wire has 2 ends. When using a piece of wire as an antenna you attach only one end to the circuit. The other end extends out as far as it can reach. It has been proven mathematically there is current all along the wire. When receiving the length of the wire doesn't really matter, though the longer and thicker it is the more sensitive it will be. When transmitting you run into something called the Standing Wave Ratio. (SWR) SWR is a measure of the antenna's efficiency. Power efficiency. The lower the SWR the more power you are transmitting. If you had an SWR of 1 and you were trying to broadcast 50,000 Watts you would be actually broadcasting 50,000 Watts. SWR's of 1 are not common. The best way to minimize the SWR is to have the antenna be at least as long as 1 wave length of whatever frequency you wanted to broadcast. Low frequencies are very long and high frequencies are very short. If you wanted to broadcast 50 HZ, like me, you might need hundreds of feet of wire. (I'm not sure exactly what it is) This is obviously impractical for what I'm trying to do, but I'm not sure if I could transmit enough with a short piece. A high SWR does not mean nothing is being transmitted.
The other option is to make the necklace part of the circuit. Connect both ends to the device. The output connector would carry all outputs from the MCP4728's and the voice recorder, 9 in all, and then extend around the neck and come back to the device through another connector. The other connector has load resistors connected to ground so current flows. EMR radiates as it does in any other part of the circuit. You can control the power with the load resistors.
I think it would be a good idea to put a diode before each output on the necklace. I say this because I think 'they' can access anything that acts like an antenna. My main computer has a aluminum case and no on board WiFi or Bluetooth. It is not attached to the internet at this time but I'm pretty sure 'they' can change things on the fly. The only way I think this is possible is to use any USB wire not in use as an antenna. When I turn my computer off the USB ports remain energized. I know because the LED on my mouse stays on.
EMI Absorbent
Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. The same with RFID chips. Satellites and mind controlled people are useless if you can't communicate with them. This is the basic premise behind noise generators. If you wanted to help someone you would have to stop the implant or chip from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. A tin foil hat will not work because without a connection to earth ground there is no path for current to flow. No Faraday cage will work without a connection to earth ground. Only the reflectivity properties of whatever metal is used will apply. Reflectivity is only a fraction of what the hat encounters. They make EMI absorbent material. It can be bought from any electronic supply house. and for example. 3M makes a wide variety. A 12 inch by 12 inch piece can run about $50. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a Faraday cage. If you don't cover the face, ground based microwave towers could still access the chip. A Faraday cage is an entire building, or enclosure, encased in copper or aluminum and grounded to earth.
I don't know how EMI absorbent material works. This is 3 ideas of my own. Since the material won't have a connection to ground for current my ideas try to generate current within the material itself. The first idea (top picture) would involve spinning microscopic wires into a material that has a small resistance to current flow. The wires would still have a small amount of insulation on them. They would be spun into small coils. The ends of the coils would be bare so as to make contact with the resistive material and make thousands of microscopic circuits as shown in the drawing. Each circuit would develop current and absorb the EMI.
A home brew version might be possible if you bend ordinary 1/4 or 1/8 watt resistors as shown in the next picture and then lay them out on some sort of substrate.
A more complicated version could be made by weaving wires together. It might require building some kind of manufacturing equipment or maybe an ordinary loom could be used. I think you could look up patents in the patent office online on how screen for windows and doors is made and copy that. The idea is to make screen that is half nylon and half aluminum. All the nylon would go one way, either horizontal or vertical, and the aluminum the other way. Every 6 inches or so connect a resistor across 2 of the aluminum strands. Keep each pair of aluminum strands separate from each other. The patent office could be used for all kinds of ways to fight back.
This is an addendum to the EMI absorbent material idea. Along with the mat of woven circuits put a layer of aluminum foil on each side. Aluminum has the best reflective properties of any metal. This will help trap EMI inside the mat. It will also reduce the power that needs to be consumed by reflecting a portion before it gets to the circuits. In addition to the coils and resistors in the circuits you could add an IC that helps to jam whatever is being absorbed. It works the same as an RFID. It's powered by the EMI.
The picture above is an ordinary rug loom. It could be used to assemble the 'mat' of circuits. The circuits could be housed individually in shrink wrap. You could embed the entire assembly in sheet rock and make it into a wall. This would be preferable in an apartment if you don't have the ability to secure the earth ground at the electric panel. Someone could remove the earth ground under those conditions and defeat a Faraday cage.
Faraday Cage
A Faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. It works the same as a coax cable (see picture) If the braided shielding is grounded to earth the conducting core is protected from noise coming from the outside. The NSA building is copper, but aluminum has the best reflective property’s of any metal. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any construction supply (Home Depot, Lowes). Attach it to one side of some plywood panels and place the panels on the floor of the attic. Somehow ground it to earth. There are companies that sell and install metal roofs. This might defeat satellite surveillance but not cell phone towers. If a satellite can pick up EMI at 10,000 miles cell phone towers can do the same. Cell phone systems are on the ground and would be capable of snooping through the walls not the roof. To defeat this, the whole house would have to covered with aluminum. They used to sell aluminum siding, I don’t know if they still do.
Coax Cable
A Faraday cage can protect from radiated intrusion, both transmitted and received, but it doesn’t help with conducted surveillance. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transferring data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person’s knowledge. It used to be that when a device was off it was off. But now almost everything plugged in is drawing current even when not in use. I used to think this was done just to pad the electric bill but it may also have a more sinister purpose. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires.
Some basic filtering solutions are snap on beads and inline filters. (see below) A snap on bead is a ferrite that can be placed on any wire to suppress high speed signals. Inline filters can be bought at home improvement stores and can be placed in series to filter out unwanted frequencies. The third picture is a filter that can be added to home built electronics.
Snap On Bead
DSL Filters
Inline Telephone Filter
Supply House Filter
Injecting noise onto AC wiring is basically the same concept as Broadband Over Powerlines. (BOP). It is possible to get a higher frequency signal to 'ride' on a lower frequency signal. X10 technology was invented in the 1980's. X10 uses AC wiring to control lights and other devices inside a home. The same technology could be used to put noise on the AC wiring.
X10 Controller Module
To prevent the AC wiring from picking up your emissions like an antenna you could place all the wiring in conduit or Romex conduit and ground it to earth. I know this makes no sense if your house has already been built but I'm just making a point. It's the same thing as coax cable. The conduit acts like a Faraday Cage and keeps noise from leaving the AC wiring or anything getting onto the wiring. Injecting noise onto the wiring is an alternative if you can't rewire everything. They make shielded AC wire but it's expensive.
ROMEX Conduit
I think it makes sense to both inject noise onto the wiring and filter it at the same time. Any device plugged in could be conducting surveillance. It could be using the AC wiring to communicate with the outside world. Generating noise inside the house could stop the device from picking anything up and injecting it onto the AC wiring can defeat it's transfer to the outside. Filtering at the same time can make sure.
Sidenote. Some people believe the HAARP facility in Alaska is used in mind control and surveillance. It's stated mission is communicating with submarines on Extremely Low Frequencies. (0 HZ to 100 HZ) In fact they think it operates around 30 HZ. It is possible to get high speed data to 'ride' on the 30 HZ. The 30 HZ might be powering the RFID chips and carrying the communication data.
High Wattage Pulse Generator
Mind control, surveillance and advanced wireless communications can be accomplished with neural implants and RFID chips. A person under mind control can be used for surveillance by whoever controls them. Research into controlling the human mind began in the early 20th century. As electronics became more and more sophisticated mind control became more possible. In the mid 1960's a neuro-scientist named Jose Manuel Del Gado inserted a neural implant in the brain of a bull and got into a bull fighting ring with the bull and stopped it with a push button. Video of this can be found on 'Youtube' by searching for 'Jose Del Gado and His Bull Story'.
Del Gado then wrote a book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. It was published in 1970 and can now be downloaded for free on the internet. Del Gado describes 2 methods of mind control: sub-cutaneous surgery and endoscopic pituitary surgery. With sub-cutaneous an integrated circuit (RFID) is slipped under the scalp. An RFID can be used to communicate with a person by way of the microwave hearing effect. 'Voices in the head' can drive a person crazy. Endoscopic pituitary surgery inserts a neural implant into the pituitary gland through the nose. The pituitary controls hormones and can be stimulated to make a person very aggressive.
These techniques do not require long hospital stays. There are some simple methods that can disable them. If you can locate the RFID under the scalp it's possible to break the 'chip' with a hammer if you're careful. The pituitary implant could be 'zapped' by 'TASER'ing someone in the head. Personal TASER's can be bought for about $400. You could use an ECT machine if you could get one. ECT (electro convulsive therapy) is used by psychiatrists. It is sometimes called shock treatment.
A third option would be a high wattage pulse generator based on Michael Faraday's Law of Induction. This could disable both RFID and implants at the same time and could be done without the person's knowledge in the event they can't do anything because they're under mind control. The basic theory behind Faraday's law is that the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet can be used to move electrons in a piece of metal. This constitutes electric current. Electric current in turn then creates a magnetic component that can be used to destroy small electronic circuits. All electric generators, AC and DC, are based on this theory. Components in both RFID and neural implants are microscopic. A massive surge of current would destroy many. While they are made of silicon not metal, if the pulse was powerful enough it could still move enough electrons to destroy it.
The schematic below is very basic. The device comprises a step up transformer with a couple high watt components and a horn antenna. The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at This design is over simplified but would work.
An improved version could have a bank of super capacitors after the diode bridge. Super-capacitors are designed to hold a large amount of energy at high ratings such a 3500 volts. The definition of a capacitor is that it stores energy in an electric field. It can act something like a battery except that it can deliver a large amount of energy very quickly. It can be charged then discharged. The idea is to replace the AC supply and regulator with a an array of super capacitors. The capacitors are charged through a resistor. When the capacitors are fully charged an indicator circuit lights. The resistor and AC supply circuit can then be removed by throwing a switch. When ready, another switch is thrown to discharge the capacitors into the antenna circuit. After discharge the antenna circuit is switched out and the capacitors charged again.
Horn antennas are directional. This will help to focus and concentrate the EMI and not waste it. Horn antennas work like satellite dishes and wave guides. Satellite dishes reflect both the transmitted and received signal and focus it on a small area. The small area is on the arm that extends out. Satellite communications require major amplification. Wave guides are used in microwave applications to move the EMI around without broadcasting it. It is literally a 'box' that holds it in by reflecting it off the walls. The amount that gets reflected depends on the angle and the angle can be adjusted by the frequency.
This is an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. (see drawings) Technically this would act like an AC battery and there is no such thing. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move the electrons in the piece of copper. The entire assembly would comprise 2 main parts. The first would be a large copper plate with a large piece of copper extending from the plate to act as an antenna and the second, an aluminum or glass container with multiple compartments. The compartments would hold the containers with the chemicals and valves. The chemicals would be discharged by a detonator into a mixing compartment. The mixing compartment would have a valve that pulses the mixture into the top compartment to stimulate the copper. The third compartment would initially be in a vacuum to pull the mixed chemicals from the top compartment as they are pulsed in. A separate valve between the top compartment and the vacuum would keep the pulses separate. The power and frequency could be controlled with the pressure of the chemicals and the rotation of the valves. A pulsing valve could be accomplished by using a fan in a cage with only a couple holes for air to pass and only one fan in the cage. Every time the holes line up, a pulse of chemicals enters the top compartment.
Any ionized gas would work. Since like polarities repel, when the gas is released into the mixing compartment it would pulse the electrons in the copper creating magnetic waves. This could be used as a weapon. Someone could sneak one into a computer room with a mainframe and blow it off and destroy the entire computer.
The rod for the High Wattage Pulse Generator could be made of neodymium. Rare Earth Magnet. When the gas 'jogs' the electrons it will create 'Eddy Waves'. The natural magnetism of the magnet would be added to the Eddy Waves and increase the power out. You could hook up multiple current transformers for separate circuits.
There are ways to test this without too much trouble. The top picture below is a current transformer. It works like an AC clamp meter. It completely surrounds a conductor and converts the EMR from the current into a voltage. The pulse generator would have this mounted on the outside of the discharge chamber with a very thin mica insulator so the ionized gas would 'jog' the electrons in the copper rod. The copper rod is inserted through the current generator and acts something like an antenna, not a completed circuit. This would not create a perfect sine wave. In fact it might be very irregular, but it is varying. There is no such thing as a DC transformer. It must be varying. It would be necessary to shape the wave after the current transformer.
The rod for the High Wattage Pulse Generator could be made of neodymium. Rare Earth Magnet. When the gas 'jogs' the electrons it will create 'Eddy Waves'. The natural magnetism of the magnet would be added to the Eddy Waves and increase the power out. You could hook up multiple current transformers for separate circuits.
Oscillator circuits require feedback to maintain oscillation. Instead of feedback the current from the transformer could be used. Maybe some sort of switched mode power supply circuit could be used. RFID chips are powered by the same signal that has the data. (I think) A way to test this would be to remove the insulator, drill a hole in the end of the rod for a screw and attach a wire and input an irregular wave and come up with a shaping circuit. They make solid copper rod for grounding rods that come in sizes ranging from 5/8 inch thick to 3/4 inch thick and 8 ft long.
To get the gas from one chamber to the other a set of valves is needed. The stem of the valve would be glass with a small hole at the end. The top of the stem would be flat with a metal rod attached that feeds through a spring and housing. The spring holds down the stem until the electro magnet energizes and lifts the stem. The hole in the stem then lines up with a hole in the housing and gas goes from one chamber to the next.
Automobile companies won’t build electric cars because battery technology is too expensive and doesn’t hold enough energy to run a car very long. The Mechanical/Chemical High Wattage Pulse Generator could be used. Instead of discharging the device once it could be recharged by stopping at a gas (re-charging) station run by solar voltaic panels. The contents of the vacuum side would be transferred back to the holding tank by a re-charging pump. The copper conductor would be surrounded by an iron toroid with a winding that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The AC would power AC motors that run the auto. The assembly would fit into the engine compartment.
One method of re-charging the device is a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers. You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
Special Note: Everything today runs on software. Even X-ray and MRI machines. If you took someone to a hospital or doctors office and had an X-ray or MRI it’s very possible that the software removed the implant from the result. I would do it again somewhere you know this won’t happen.
This is some thoughts on testing the High Wattage Pulse Generator. You could build a test chamber in any single family house with a cellar. Most foundations are made up of walls and a floor that are poured separately so there is a small crevice between the bottom of the wall and the edge of the floor. It would be possible to drive grounding rods into the ground between the wall and the floor. This keeps them from being tampered with. They make a small hand held device that will drive an 8 ft rod all the way in about 60 seconds. They might sell them at home improvement centers. I have seen videos on youtube. You could drive four or five close together to handle a large amount of current. Build a wood frame box above them and line the box with aluminum flashing. It can also be bought at home improvement centers. You could also line the box with EMI absorbent both bought online and made of circuits. The device under test is placed in the box. You could just blow up old cell phones or something. To deploy the generator you could set it up in a foyer of a store or restaurant and place an absorbent wall behind it. It could activate when a person goes in. Make the entrance so only one person can enter at a time and the door requires 2 hands to open so you don't blow up their cell phone. If you know someone who might be under mind control and you disable what ever implants they have you might cut off their communications and render them useless to their boss.
A pulse generator could be used to guard property. Given the level of surveillance cameras and digital video recorders (DVR) are somewhat useless. Any person with access to synthetic telepathy has any password you put on the DVR. They know where the cameras are. But they might be under mind control. If they're disconnected they might make a mistake and expose their controllers.
Noise Generator
I believe we live in a totalitarian society much like George Orwell's '1984'. As a totalitarian society everything is controlled and everyone is being spied upon. I am not alone in my belief but proving it to people is difficult. The purpose of this document is not to prove anything but help those who already know.
In the last 40 years or so electronics has become very sophisticated. Basic components have become smaller and operate at higher frequencies. Integrated circuits can have tens of thousands of components packed on a chip the size of a dime. Cell phones have chips that are basically small computers and are capable of incredible things. This would not be possible without microwaves.
The spying can be broken into 3 categories: advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Many are wireless and operate on microwaves. Anyone can pick up what is transmitted by the camera. If you have a very powerful receiver you could monitor thousands of cameras in a small area without anyone knowing. If you're the government you could have a facility like the NSA. (National Security Agency) Anything wireless can be broken into. A short list is: traffic lights, WiFi, cell phones, cameras and mind control devices.
Life forms on planet earth have, as part of their makeup, electro chemical processes that produce EMI. When you flex a muscle you are creating small electrical signals that can be picked up by modern electronics. This was discovered in the 1790's by Italians Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta. Your brain also produces EMI. It is known that the brain has different states that can be measured with an Electro Encephalogram. (EEG) The frequencies of these states are between 5 hz and about 40 hz. When you are asleep you are at about 5 hz and when awake around 40. The only answer is to jam the entire frequency spectrum.
The frequency spectrum is considered from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (terra hz 3,000,000,000,000 hz). Anything above that is considered light. Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) happens when one electrical device interferes with another. Engineers are required by law to limit a devices EMI. You can't sell a TV that interferes with a DVD player and vice versa. When you jam a device, you interfere on purpose. EMI could also be described as electro-magnetic noise. Generating noise on purpose can be useful. A separate noise device can be used to test a devices immunity to it. Ham radio noise generators can be bought on the internet. Noise can be used to jam radio's if it is at the operating frequency of the receiver and of a higher wattage. When used as a jamming device it is always aimed at the receiver. A satellite could be considered a receiver as it is 'picking up' electro-magnetic waves on the earth. There are numerous ways to generate noise. It can be difficult to generate it over the entire frequency spectrum.
One of the first radios produced was the spark transmitter. A spark transmitter was used on the Titanic. It was invented by Nikola Tesla who also invented most the AC generating and distribution system we use today. A spark transmitter generates a very high wattage spark like lightning and radiates that on an antenna. A 'spark', or lightning, is plasma, the fourth state of matter. The other 3 are gas, liquid and solid. Spark transmitters were outlawed specifically because they interfered with everything. Spark transmitters produce ozone. Ozone can be harmful so spark transmitters must be used outdoors. The picture below is a simplified example.
I think it's possible to record the output of a spark transmitter and make a computer file out of it. Transfer the file to a small ROM chip and use it in a carry around device. Instead of analog to digital it would go digital to analog. A small Micro Controller Unit (MCU) such as the Arduino could be used.
Vacuum tubes were one on the first devices invented that could amplify a signal. They appeared about the turn of the 20th century. They used one power supply to produce a stream of electrons and another for associated circuitry. A stream of electrons is possible in a vacuum. The same concept was used in Cathode Ray Tubes. (CRT) CRT's were the first displays for TV. Once the stream is produced you can then put a smaller signal into the stream and it is amplified. A triode is a vacuum tube with 3 electrodes. A cathode, anode and one input. Later tubes with 4 and 5 electrodes were developed. A stream of electrons can be very noisy. An idea for a noise generator is to use the input of a triode as an output. The input is between the anode and cathode. If the input were connected to an input of an op amp, like an antenna, it would be very noisy. The op amp then amplifies the signal and puts it on an antenna.
Solid state noise generators can be made in a couple ways. Avalanche, or shot, noise and circuits that produce pink, flicker, white and other types. Shot noise is produced by semiconductor PN junctions naturally. It can be drawn from the cathode of a Zener diode or a BJT transistor. Wikipedia describes shot noise in terms of probability. This is how I understand it. Current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductor. Electron movement is random whether it's AC or DC. The electrons drift from one nucleus to another randomly producing electro-magnetic waves as they go. Small currents are more random than large ones simply because there are fewer electrons. It's my experience that small wattage components create better noise. Ham radio manufacturers make noise generators based on Shot noise. Elecraft for one.
Noise Generator with Zener Diode (1N759)
Noise Generator with BJT Transistor
Circuits exist that produce noise without the shot phenomena. Sometimes referred to as 'pink' or 'white' or 'flicker'. These circuits are used by manufacturers in the acoustic range to disguise voices. This noise is more uniform and probably easy to filter. To be more effective it should be like a spark. You would have to come up with a way to break it up. As a technician I know that different metals conduct electricity better than others. A bad conductor can create noise out of a good signal. If you attached an antenna made of a bad conductor to one of these circuits you might have something. I haven't tried this because I'm under constant surveillance and can't get anywhere with it. All I can do is think about, and write about it. “In the face of the thought police, the followers of Goldstein cannot collectively organize a resistance...”
An MCU could be easily programmed to output multiple frequency sine waves. Put all outputs into a mixer circuit, amplify that and put that on a bad antenna. Mixer circuits are used regularly in audio applications to put more than one voice on a single speaker. So I know it can be done.
A bad conducting metal could also be used to make a component. Connect 3 pieces of copper to a small piece of bad metal. Connect one end to some type of excitation circuit, the other to ground and use the middle connection as an output. Amplify the output and put that on an antenna.
Bluetooth is a word used by electronics manufacturers to describe a device that both transmits and recieves and has a very short range. Anything that transmits must not interfere with other devices. Anything that's sold as Bluetooth must meet a specification laid out by the Federal Communications Commission. I believe, I'm not sure, a Bluetooth device will not work beyond 10 feet. It is very low power. It is possible that someone is already manufacturing a device that will jam all microwaves within 10 feet of the device. If a person carried this around with them the voices might stop.
Cell phones also operate on microwaves. Phones that use Android can be programmed by anyone who wants to create a video game. Google provides a software development kit (SDK) for free. Anyone can download and use it. I think it's possible to program an old, or new, cell phone to operate as a Bluetooth jamming device. If it meets the Bluetooth specification it's probably legal. Cell phones have an 3.5 mm ear bud connector. It might be possible to use this for an antenna. This would allow for lower frequency transmissions.
Personal Area Jamming devices could work at the same power level as your personal emissions to jam them. Any noise circuit could be attached to a necklace used for an antenna and then carried around in your pocket. Below is a picture of a piece of sterling silver Viking Weave with an electrical connector on one end. Viking Weave is one continuous piece of silver and would work well as an a antenna. Or use a metal that's a bad conductor.
Note: It's possible they have very sophisticated computer software that removes all noise. If millions of people were jamming themselves and the area around them it would eat up computing power and at least slow them down.
Recycling Electronic Parts
This is an idea for budding revolutionary’s. Modern army’s are heavily dependent on technology. Electronics is a major force in warfare and it’s cost is prohibitive to people at the bottom trying to fight back. This idea might help reduce the cost of experimenting and building technology. When I first started in electronics printed circuit boards (PCB) were assembled with parts that were called ‘through hole’. The leads of the various parts were put through a hole in the PCB and soldered on the opposite side. There was a component side and a solder side. Getting parts in and out of the PCB was difficult. Today almost everything is surface mount technology (SMT). The parts are soldered on the component side. Hobbyists have found it difficult to work and experiment with SMT but it can be done. I think getting the parts off the PCB could be fairly simple as opposed to through hole PCB's. Using a vibratory could be helpful. A vibratory uses some sort of transformer principle to vibrate. The idea is this. Build a small enclosure 20 inches by 20 inches by 10 inches tall that will withstand high heat. Place a very small vibratory unit in the bottom that can be adjusted for small vibration or large. Above the vibratory, in the middle of the enclosure, place some rubber at a steep angle. Attach to the vibratory, above the rubber and at a steep angle, a harness that will hold the PCB being stripped of components upside down. Place a heating element in the upper part of the enclosure that will heat the entire space enough to melt electric solder. As the temperature of the enclosure rises the PCB is vibrated and the parts fall in the rubber along with residual solder. The only parts of any real value are the largest IC’s. Part of the harness holding the PCB should have a cage of plastic to separate the large parts from the small and remove the residual solder. (see picture)
Once the PCB has had all the parts removed it’s not worth anything except for the metal. I think it’s possible to separate and recover some of the metal. Build an enclosure with a grinding wheel that is airtight. Automatically feed the PCB into the grinding wheel turning it to dust. Blow the dust into another enclosure where a gas flame burns away the fiberglass in the dust. Collect the metal. Build an enclosure with a crucible attached to a vibratory and put the remaining dust in the crucible. Different metals have different melting points. Slowly raise the temperature until the first melting point is reached. Vibrate the crucible to help whatever metal is in the dust bead together. Remove the heat, open the enclosure, and remove what metal has collected and repeat the process at the next highest temperature. (see picture)
I want to try to prove that surface mount parts can be removed and reused. The top picture is what's left of a cell phone I found while out walking. Initially the 4 metal pieces were covering the main integrated circuits. I had some difficulty removing them. I eventually cut the PCB up into smaller pieces and managed to remove them without too much trouble.
The chip I want to remove this time is in the picture below. It's a Qualcomm MSM 8909 SnapDragon SOS (system on a chip).
Cutting up the PCB had at least 1 advantage. It's like heating up a large frying pan or small frying pan with the same size burner. The small frying pan will heat up faster. Trying to heat up the entire PCB will take away some of the heat I am trying to concentrate on the chip. The same principle applies to the soldering hands. The alligator clips are made of metal. If the piece of PCB is too close to the alligator clip you will be heating up the clip and taking away from the area near the chip.
The idea is to apply heat with an ordinary heat gun, to the underside of the PCB until the solder melts on the other side. While applying heat I will tap the soldering hands on the bench until the chip falls off. Heat guns can be bought at any home improvement store. They are used to remove paint. They are also used in electronics for shrink wrap. My gun goes up to 650 degrees F which is well above the melting point of electrical solder.
It took about 2 minutes before the chip came off. I don't know if it's usable or not. Maybe something was wrong with the phone when I found it. Too much heat can destroy small IC's. I could get a temperature probe and make sure I'm not overheating it but I just wanted to prove it could be done. Once it's off I could re-solder it to a surface mount adapter and power it up.
Surface mount adapters come in all sizes. The picture below is a sample.
Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
The old way of making blank printed circuit boards requires a lot of chemicals and machinery. Chemicals include acids, electroplating solutions and photo resist. The processes include photography, ultraviolet light, etching with acids, drilling holes, and electroplating. It’s dirty, time consuming and inexact. Components must be added later with different machines. Many of the chemicals are oil based. It is very labor intensive. Companies sometimes employ hundreds of people to inspect the boards for shorts and opens. The picture below is a blank copper board.
The top three pictures are examples. The top picture is an artwork. The artwork must be converted to a photo negative. A blank board is covered with photo-resist. The negative is placed on top and exposed to ultra-violet light. The photo resist that is exposed to ultra violet hardens and will not come off during the first washing with acid thus leaving the copper connections. The board is then washed with another type of acid removing all the photo resist. The second picture is a board without the components and the third with.
I have a couple alternatives. In one idea a cutting bit cuts the connections. Connections are passed from bottom to top by inserting and soldering wire. The other idea is to spread a conductive substance around, something like a glue, with a computer. The advantages are many. Faster manufacturing time, less cost, fewer chemicals and more exact. R and D can be sped up.
I understand this might put people out of work but at the same time it enables anybody to experiment cheaply. The bottom pictures are a really cheap home brew alternative.
I sent some of the drawings below to Intel in Santa Clara Cal in July 2005. In August Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. ??? I'm not really sure what it means.
For most people PCB layout and etching services are beyond their pocketbook and when developing new products etching services are even more expensive because of the low number of PCB’s ordered. This is a way to avoid all services and `at the same time and speed up your R&D. The pictures below are 1. a Dremel stand 2. Copper coated blank G10. and 3. a x-y table for drill press. A Dremel is a common household tool sold almost anywhere tools are sold. It can be fitted with drills carving bits sand paper etc. The top picture is a Dremel stand (sold separately from the Dremel) that can be an accurate drill press for drilling holes in your PCB (G10 blank copper). The middle picture is of G10 blank copper. The third picture is a low profile x-y table that could be positioned under the Dremel stand, it could hold the G10 and be used to ‘carve’ away the copper instead of etching. You would have to do your own layout but building the actual prototype would be much faster and cheaper.
Software Defined Universal Electronic Input Output Device
Having an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer and a function generator that operates from DC to well into microwaves could be very useful. It is probably very expensive to purchase these if they would sell them to you which they wouldn't if they knew what you were going to do with them. I think it would also be useful to have a radio that can receive and transmit anything from DC to microwaves in every type of modulation. It could be used as an alternative relay communication system. It would be helpful to generate all kinds of noise from DC to microwaves at the same time. I think this could all be accomplished with one device I call a Software Defined Universal Electronic Input Output Device.
Software Defined Radio is the latest thing in ham radio so much of the technology already exists. The pictures below is something I've been working on. I bought these parts from (Tucson ) I found that website through (high performance software defined radio) It consists of a backplane mounted in an aluminum enclosure with a fan and a separate enclosure for an RF front end. The backplane has a standard ATX12v connector for power. It will supply +12v, -12v, +5v, -5v and 3.3v to every board plugged in. You can build whatever you want in each slot.
Software Defined Radio (SDR) uses the latest technology in digital signal processing (DSP). DSP can go two ways, analog to digital and digital to analog. Analog to digital converts any signal to a stream of digital data that can be operated on by a computer. Digital to analog has the computer create the data stream and convert it to an analog signal. This can all be accomplished with a personal computer and a universal electronic device.
Since starting this project I have discovered backplanes are made as a standard part as well as the power supplies that come with them. One supplier is Vector Electronics based in Los Angelos. There are companies that make development kits that come with everything you need. The various engineering societies have produced standards for buses used on backplanes. IEEE, IEC and ANSI. One such standard is a VME bus IEEE 1014. I found a kit at Model VITA Type 15 4U Rackmount Desktop.
Updated Sept 6 2017
This is a rough idea of what the RF front end (input circuit) would look like. The original signal would come in on either an antenna or an oscilloscope probe. The original signal would never go through any parts, passive or active. The various factors needed for the computer software (ie frequency, voltage, current etc) would be taken off the original signal bus then turned into digital data. All the digital data would go into a parallel to serial converter and transferred to the PC on the USB serial bus. I figure it doesn't matter what data you transfer, if you don't need it for a particular software application then don't use it.
Solar Voltaic Panel
Marion King Hubbert came up with the peak oil theory back in the 1950's. He predicted American oil production would peak about 1970 and then enter a never ending decline. He also understood that solar voltaic panels could be made to produce more.
I don't know what exactly needs to be done to make panels more sensitive and produce more current but I have some ideas. One is to put more PN junctions per square inch and the other is to use power components. Another is to mix atomic sized particles in the semiconductor to stop the light from reflecting.
Why would oil companies allow someone to make a solar panel that would put them out of business? They probably wouldn't. Oil companies run everything and it's a good ole boy network. I think they have known for decades how to make solar voltaic panels produce more current and make them useful all year long. I can't prove this. I'm paranoid from years of illegal surveillance. Anyway. When they first began making integrated circuits (IC's) someone predicted the number of transistors per square inch would double every 18 months. That was the early 1960's. Today an Intel Core i3 has billions of transistors on a single chip about 1 inch square. Have they ever applied this technology to making solar voltaic panels? Would packing billions of PN junctions per square inch make them more sensitive and produce more current? I don't know.
Maybe going the opposite direction is the answer. Below is a picture of a photo diode big enough to work with by hand. It is a Wurth Electronics WL-SDCB. I think it's possible to make a solar voltaic panel out of these to investigate whether it would produce more current than a small PN junction. The next picture is a schematic. There are multiple rows of diodes in parallel connected in series. Instead of trying to produce DC current I think it would be better to produce AC (varying). You could do this by covering the entire assembly with an liquid crystal display (LCD), sometimes called electrochromic glass or smart glass, and pulse it on and off with control circuitry from the opposite side of a transformer. If you could produce enough voltage and current the entire assembly would run any off the shelf ac device without an inverter. This lowers cost complexity and increases flexibility. You make the panel so sensitive it would burn up on a very sunny day. The smart glass would adjust and this would make the panel useable on cloudy days.
A serious problem with voltaic panels is snow. I think you could embed wire in the glass that covers the assembly and heat it up with current. This will melt snow as it falls. It works much like an automobile rear window de-fogger.
If the diode above doesn't produce enough current I have an ideas. You could embed atomic sized glass particles in the semiconductor and they would help trap the light and 'bounce it around'.
Soldering Iron Attachment
This is an idea for hobbyists who fool around with electronics or hackers who fool around with the government. You know what a pain it is to work with surface mount components. It’s difficult to get them on and off boards. Any ordinary soldering iron will have replaceable tips. Tips come in different sizes and shapes. The shaft that holds the tip can get as hot as the tip itself so the idea is to fashion a piece of metal to slip over the shaft. You can make the end of the metal any shape you want. The top picture is one I made that I never did anything with. I could cut a square hole in it the exact shape of an IC and heat up every pin at the same time. (second picture) By holding the board upside-down I could get the chip off without too much effort. Sometimes it’s good to heat up both ends of a resistor at the same time. (see bottom picture) Small pieces of sheet metal can be bought from any hardware store. I think ?? (I’m not sure) stainless will not accept solder. The lighter the gauge the better, because it will be easier to heat up.
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