Pelagianism - rejected arguments of those who claimed they sinned because of human weakness. He insisted God made human beings free to chose between good and evil and that sin is a voluntary act committed by a person against God's will.
Augustine - bishop of Hippo asserted that human beings could not attain righteousness by thier own efforts and were totally dependent upon the grace of God. (religion is a self-fulfilling theology [philosophy]) See what happens when you don't go to church and put drachma's in the plate?
Pelagianism is a heresy because it can't be used to whip the peasants into a homicidal frenzy. One day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope, if you can't beat them, pretend to join them. The Catholic church replaced the Roman coliseums. The Pope rescued the Christians from the gladiators and lions only to get them to kill each other. Guido's a genius. An evil genius, but a genius.
A parallel could be drawn between the invasion of Britian by the Anglo-Saxons after the fall of Rome around 400 AD and the founding of Massachusetts around 1620 AD. Both were trying to get away from the tyranny of Rome. Capitalism is what you get when you try to get away from the loving embrace of the Poopey. Nothing will ever change. Name me a time and place in the history of Western Civilization when something different was allowed to take root. Between 400 AD and 1066 AD Rome used the Vikings numerous times to invade Britian. Why? England was already a Catholic country. The English are credited with the invention of the parliamentary system of government. This would be the problem. "No Friend Of Democracy" is a book by Edith Moore. (it can be found on the cd in the pdfs folder) The Catholic church was outlawed in Massachusetts prior to the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a coup de ta for the Oligarch Collective. (I'm trying to be fair today, GOD only knows why!!)
To all the Catholic priest bum buddies and the Fat Bottom Intercourse Agency. Get a wife and get a life and stop fucking with everyone elses. I don't give a fuck about the chain of the prostitution and neither should you. Fifty dead in an Orlando FL shooting!!! ???? Why can't you shoot me?? What is the problem?? You're not making any sense!! EXACTLY!! I don't know why it's expected or why anyone thinks I care. GUILT IS NOT OF GOD!!! You're hiding amongst mental patients for food and shelter!! That's dirty pool. Exactly!! And you know all about that!! "Horror and moral terror are your friends,..if they are not they are enemies to be feared.." Col Kurtz "Burning down the house..." What house!!!! Who cares!!!! If I'm not here in ten minutes I'm not missing anything.
Napolean Bonaparte was more Italian than French. Christopher Columbus was more Italian than Spanish. ???? Wishful thinking. The end of European-American hegemony. The bigger they are the harder they fall!!!
The Do Wop music genre was an ethnic slur.
A joke we told as kids. Why is Italy shaped like a boot? Because you can't fit all that garbage into a sneaker. I decided not to be fair. I changed my mind. Never trust an Italian. Never turn your back on a Catholic. Fuck you, you dirty Nazi cunt holes!!!!
War is a racket!
Jesus is a racket!
Sha Na Na
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