On May 11, 2014, after 6 years of illegal surveillance, I had an altercation with a neighbor. It was a mother's day present, though even she has abandoned me. Along with the rest of my family. I don't care by the way. I spent 8 mos in Bridgewater State Hospital charged with 6 offenses. Assault and Battery on a Police Officer, Assault and Battery on a Person Over 60 (felony), Resisting Arrest, Abusing a Police Animal, Disorderly Conduct and (one more I can't remember). The police threw the book at me despite the fact I had never been arrested. If convicted of everything I could have gotten 10 years in prison. The felony was the real problem. When I got to Bridgewater I was declared incompetant to stand trial and committed for 6 mos. I was forced to take medication. I was transferred to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jan 2015 after they committed me for another year. They could have held me for 5 years without a trial by just declaring me incompetent. They call this the half-max. It's half of whatever the total sentence would be. While in Bridgewater I began directing people to my websites that were still up at the time. I think this is why I was transferred to Shattuck. I believe it was false arrest and false imprisonment. I wonder if there are any records at Quincy District Court at all. I was held in Shattuck until Dec 2015. At some point, and I don't know why, the felony was dropped and the half-max was reduced to 15 mos. Everything was dropped in Sept 2015 because I did the half-max. Below is some things I wrote in Bridgewater.
June 4, 2014--I was informed Sunday by my mother that she has taken a Restraining Order out against me. I called her and technically violated it. She got the order on Friday May 30 and I called on Sunday June 2. Bridgewater did not tell me about it until Tuesday. It was good for a week. I have never been a threat to my mother and there was no need for it. She has been befriended by a woman Weymouth police officer who convinced her to do it. Can you say 'rolling stone'? "When the law get ready, you got to move..."The Rolling Stones
June 12, 2014--This is about what happened May 11, 2014. I have been under surveillance for at least 6 years. 24/7/365 Illegal surveillance. I don't really know why or who. I suspect some of the new neighbors on the street are involved. Proving it is probably impossible. That being said I believe some of the events leading up to the incident on the 11th were not a co-incidence. It was a setup, entrapment. Sunday May 11, 2014 my mother offered to buy me a clam plate at the Hingham Lobster Pound for dinner. She wanted a lobster roll from D'Angelos so we stopped at the one in front of Lowes on Rt 3A in Weymouth and then continued on to Hingham. We ate in the parking lot that overlooks Hingham harbor a little further down Rt 3A. The people responsible for the surveillance know at least 2 things. I always put out the trash and recycle on Sunday after dinner and I sometimes express my opinion of the police and others by spitting when I see them. I don't give them the finger. That would be openly provocative and possible cause problems. When we got home I immediately rolled one of the barrels to the curb. One of the new neighbors was driving up the street at that exact moment. I expressed my opinion. He parked in front of his house and then came charging at me repeating "Do you have a problem?" instigating the confrontation. Six years of surveillance and I had had enough. How did they know I was ready for a fight? Surveillance? Synthetic telepathy? I wonder sometimes about the local Police at the bottom but they never did anything but add to the problem. While in Bridgewater a woman Weymouth police officer showed my mother how to file a restraining order. I was in Bridgewater for at least 60 days. The R.O. lasted for only 7. What was it for?
June 18, 2014--Entrapment--In law it is when the police create a situation in order to entice a person to commit a crime when they ordinarily would not have done so.
con't--Justifiable--Even homicide can be justifiable if the defendent was also a victim.
con't--I have received the police reports filed the day of the incident. Three people reported I spit and gave the finger at the victim. I spit but did not give the finger. It is possible the person identifying himself as the victims father is actually a Weymouth police officer. After I was handcuffed he was standing by with a Weymouth police badge in his belt. He was already at the scene before the incident. I don't think it was a coincidence the victim was driving up the street just as we came home. I think the whole thing was a setup.
June 27, 2014--I was informed last week that my mother is selling the house on Easy St. We have lived there for over 50 years. I believe my mother is under mind control and this should be stopped. It is possible she already got rid of the house in Aug 2008. After I got out of McClean Southeast she began talking to a lawyer named Gorfinkle from Braintree and made changes to my fathers trust. I wonder if she signed away the house and everything my father saved while under mind control. She is now in an assisted living facility on Grove St in Braintree. I wonder who's paying the bill. The land the house sits on is possibly sub-dividable. It could be given a separate deed and have something built on it. I wonder if there are thousands of people across the country who have lost their homes the same way in the last 60 years. It might be possible to sue the church into bankruptcy and off this continent forever.
July 12, 2014--Conjecture-to surmise, to guess, to arrive at a conclusion without concrete evidence. "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. The main characters are trying to solve a mystery without much evidence. It is similar to the problem I face everyday with these writings.
Aug 10, 2014--On Aug 6, 2014 I submitted a grievance in Bridgewater State Hospital. I requested to be released based on evidence my commitment hearing was phoney. Since May 12, 2014 I have appeared in court 3 times. Twice in Quincy District Court and once in Bridgewater inside court. The same judge presided in all 3 hearings. I'm pretty sure you can't hold judgeships in more than one county at a time. The judge was a woman named Minihan. I believe the charges in Quincy are fake or my commitment is fake or both. Quincy District Court is in Norfolk county and Bridgewater is in Plymouth.
Aug 25, 2014--"Walden" In the 1970's or 80's one of the members of the rock band 'The Eagles' raised money to preserve land around Walden Pond in Concord or Lexington, Mass. The pond is most famous for the book 'Walden' by Henry David Thoreau. He also wrote the book 'Civil Disobediance'. He lived in a one room shack on the property most of his life. He belonged to a literary group know as transendentalism. Nathaniel Hawthorne also belonged to the group. He wrote the book 'The Scarlet Letter'.
con't--"The Diary of Anne Frank" Anne Frank was a jew who died in one of Hitlers camps. Before being sent there she lived with her entire family for 3 years in an attic. During that time she kept a diary that is now very famous. This is similar to my situation.
con't--Luigi Galvani is considered the father of electrophysiology. He experimented with frogs in the 1790's and proved most living tissue moves by electricity.
Sept 7, 2014--It Only Works in One Ear Every cable or DSL modem has an address specific to it. Like 121 Main St or a telephone number. Each telephone number reachs only one phone. It's called the MAC ID. If you change modems you have to call the cable company and give them the new number. A neural implant may work the same way. Each person has thier own specific number.
Oct 20, 2014--The correctional officers have removed the only readily accessible clock at the front door. It's been missing for 4 or 5 weeks. It's now difficult to know what time it is. This is the second unit I have been on where this occured. First it was B-1 and now A-2. I don't know what it's for but there are a couple songs about it. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is" by Chicago and "Time Stand Still" by Rush.
I am not a nice person. I have no reason to be. You shouldn't give a crap about me but this story should concern you. You may be asking "Do you feel unwanted?". Yes, but I don't want to be wanted. 'It' is going to finish it where it does the most damage. Home Sweet Home. What we've got here is a wall hitting a wall, because walls and moss can become a real problem.
The link below is a zip file of the 'reduced files' cd I was distributing in Randolph and Quincy Mass. I have been advised by the Quincy Police Department to no longer distribute it. I made the file with Winzip15. In the event it's contents change without my knowledge or Google doesn't allow it to be downloaded I will list some of the contents. It contains most of the files I have created and collected over the last 8 years. All the html files of my website up to August 2016. A pdfarchive of most of those files. The pdfs include information on the various surveillance and harassment technologies used against me. The 'mystuff' folder inside pdfs has 'Everything You Know Is Wrong', 'Aleister Crowleys Banned Speech', 'My Story', 'noise generator', 'pulse generator' and 'voice-to skull-technology'. The videos are wmv versions and include 'Eisenhowers Farewell Speech', the first 10 minutes of 'Titicut Follies' and a speech given by John F Kennedy at the Waldorf Astoria in April 1961 titled 'The President and the Press' where he states "...we are opposed, around the world by a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy....". The file is almost 700MB and could take quite sometime to download
philipnute reduced files zip
Counter Surveillance 4 pdf
All My Inventions In One PDF
Philip Nute
121 Central Ave
Milton Mass 02186
Updated Jan 31 2022
Military Inventions
It is impossible to conquer a large country with millions of people without some form of technology. Western civilization would have never dominated China without drugs. The Teutonic Knights, Napoleon and Hitler failed to conquer Russia. Air power has become a way for small numbers of people to control large numbers spread over large areas. Helicopters in particular are capable of doing a lot of damage. Drones have become very sophisticated and effective. No one can hold a piece of territory without controlling the air space above it. This is a collection of ideas to defeat air power.
When airplanes were first developed they all used propellers attached to internal combustion engines. Turbines were developed during WWII. Turbines (aka jets) create thrust by compressing air and adding fuel. Air is pulled in the front and squeezed through a small chamber to compress it. Fuel is added and then ignited. Turbines can be used with propellers. Turboprops are used for small planes. Helicopters are turboprops with the turbine vertical not horizontal. Both of these engines are vulnerable in at least two ways. They have parts that spin very fast and they require air for combustion.
Propellers spin very fast around a point in the center. Like automobile tires they're susceptible to centrifugal force. The propellers must be perfectly balanced or it will vibrate violently and damage other parts of the plane. Turbines have fans in the front that also spin very fast. Anything thrown in the way of these can do enough damage to destroy it or force the pilot to shut it down. Many commercial airliners have been brought down when birds got sucked into the turbine. Producing chaff in larger pieces and throwing it into the path of a turbine could destroy the engine much like a bird. Larger heavier pieces of steel could damage propellers enough to force the plane down. Any engine that runs on fossil fuels must have oxygen. The air must be filtered and filters can be clogged and thus deprive the engine of oxygen.
Air defense could be divided into two categories: low altitude and high altitude. Low altitude would include helicopters, fighter planes while attacking,some guided missiles and all aircraft while landing or taking off. All low altitude aircraft don't require sophisticated missiles. A common base station with a few basic components could be used to launch different weapons. Below is a basic setup. It includes a solar voltaic panel, a battery/ super capacitor station, a sensing station and a launch module. Weapons could be launched with air pressure and/or fuel as needed.
The computer/sensing station would be made up of sensors that gather information and a computer to process information. Today's electronics include very small and cheap microprocessor units (MCU) that are cheap and reliable. They can be attached to sensors that relay information about sound, speed, heat, altitude which can all be used by the MCU to launch a weapon into an aircraft. Capacitor Coupled Devices (CCD) could be used like RADAR only they don't output a signal they only take input. They maintain the element of surprise. CCD's are used in digital cameras and are very common.
Chaff is used to confuse RADAR. (RAdio Detecting And Ranging) It was first used during WWII. RADAR sends out a high wattage pulse of microwave energy. If the pulse hits anything it reflects back to a massive satellite dish and then displays on a screen. Chaff is millions of pieces of metal, usually aluminum, released into the air to confuse RADAR. Chaff looks like fog or rain and makes it difficult to tell planes from anything else. The chaff used to confuse RADAR is probably too small to do damage but if it were made of steel and much larger it could.
Steel can be made to hand in the air if it isn't too thick or large. If it's shaped like a propeller and has counter weight on the bottom it will spin like a propeller. A couple hundred could be packed into one rocket. They could be released into the path of planes landing or taking off. A piece of steel chain could be tangled in the propellers of a helicopter.
Chaff can be packed into small rockets. When the rocket reaches a certain altitude it explodes dispersing the chaff. With low flying planes the rocket could be propelled with compressed air thus eliminating the need for fuel. The amount of explosive needed would also be small. Most helicopters are at a low altitude while attacking. Larger planes could be brought down while taking off or landing.
Aluminum can be easily obtained from soda cans. Cans could be cut up and packed into cardboard tubes. Larger pieces can be bought at home improvement stores. It's used for flashing on roofs. It comes as a long roll about 24 inches wide by 100 feet long for about $100.
If you want to take down helicopters with chaff you need to lead the helicopter with any rocket you fire at it. That is the rocket must go off in the path of the helicopter so it flies through the chaff. Modern electronics is now very sophisticated. A small MCU (micro controller unit) can have multiple pins for input output. There are now a dizzying array of sensors to guide the rocket. For helicopters you could use vibration, sound, heat, radio and infrared.
When flying a plane the pilot must remain oriented to the land. They have to always be parallel to the land. If they are flying in dense fog or rain or even at night they must fly by thier instruments to stay parallel or they could fly into the ground without knowing it. Smoke bombs could be used to disorient a pilot. They make flare guns that fire a flare with a small parachute. The parachute keeps the flare aloft as long as the flare burns. This same technology could be used with smoke bombs. Helicopters fly low to the ground when attacking. Many times there are numerous helicopters at the same time. Smoke could force the pilots on to thier instruments and they could fly into each other. If the turbine sucked in enough smoke, it would deprive the turbine of oxygen and it would stall.
When the Allies bombed Germany during WWII they had hundreds of planes take off from bases in England and fly in formation all the way to the target. To defend against this Germany developed flak. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. When it explodes it breaks into thousands of small piece each acting like a bullet capable of destroying equipment of injuring someone. Since airplanes must be as light as possible they are not armored. The fuselage is usually aluminum and very thin. Flak easily penetrates this.
RADAR was developed in the 1930’s to pick up aircraft from the ground. RADAR sends a very high power microwave signal into the air and then picks up anything that bounces off an airplane. RADAR can be picked up by the aircraft and steps can be taken to neutralize the RADAR equipment. Great strides have been made in electronics since the 1930’s. There are now transducers for almost any type of phenomena. Light, vibration, heat, etc etc. Many of these are used in satellites. If they can be used to sense something on the ground from that far away why not from the ground to the air. If an anti-aircraft installation was based on sensing technology instead of RADAR it would be harder for the enemy to pick up and destroy. The installation could be small and portable. The anti-aircraft personnel on the ground would have the element of surprise. Two transducers that could be used are infrared C.C.D. (charge coupled device) and vibration. Airplanes, including helicopters and drones, produce heat and vibration. A C.C.D. is used in almost every digital camera. An infrared C.C.D. could be attached to a high power wide angle lens and monitored with a computer screen. A separate vibration sensor could be used to guide any missile used to take down the airplane. A directed beam of microwaves might be used to scramble the avionics of the plane. You can Google “NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial” for more information.
Instead of manned anti-aircraft I think it’s possible to design a gun that will produce a wall of bullets by simply motioning up and down a tiny amount. No need to go left and right. Trigger the gun as helicopters approach and wait for them to fly through the wall. These could be hidden on hillsides between trees and triggered automatically and would cut through whatever leaves and twigs are in the way in seconds. Someone would have to be nearby but doesn't have to actually man and aim it.
Ground Vehicles
Military vehicles also run on internal combustion engines. Any engine that burns fossil fuels needs an air intake with a filter. Fossil fuels must have oxygen to maintain combustion. Tanks, trains, trucks, automobiles, helicopters etc. The idea is to come up with a chemical that when it burns creates a smoke that will choke the air filter and shut down the engine. Maybe something could be rigged up with used motor oil. Combine motor oil with potash or something and a detonator. It could be deployed as a mine or a flare. When a tank runs over it the smoke goes off. If you attached it to a magnet and shot it at a moving train engine it would carry it until the filter is clogged.
Most vehicles have both advanced electronics and basic electrical components that could be destroyed with a pulse of EMI. Most engines have an alternator to generate electricity for the spark plugs. An alternator is a coil. Tanks have electric motors to move the turret and other things. You could rig a large super capacitor to a high wattage pulse generator and deploy as a mine. When the tank runs over it, it goes off and destroys the motors.
All internal combustion engines produce heat and must be continuously cooled. Automobiles have a radiator in the front. The radiator holds a water and anti-freeze mixture that is pumped through the engine to remove heat. If the radiator shuts down, or loses it's coolant, the engine will overheat and seize. Radiators are almost always made of a light weight metal and are very thin to promote heat transfer They can be punctured very easily. Pellet/BB guns can be bought pretty much anywhere and are powerful enough to puncture a radiator from a reasonable distance. They are virtually silent since they are an air rifle. If a military vehicle is left running but not guarded someone could puncture the radiator from a distance without detection. The engine would slowly overheat.
Ordinary bar magnets could be used to disable tanks. If the magnet is large enough you could attache steel cables or chain to it. When the tank runs over the magnet it picks it up and the cables will get tangled in the tracks. The magnet could be used to have the tank carry a smoke bomb, as described above to ensure the engine chokes.
Satellites have become an integral part of military operations. They can be used to spy on victims and communicate with people under mind control. The CIA has had a satellite system of it's own as far back as the 1960's. They were called Keyhole satellites. Since satellites are in orbit they are beyond the reach of conventional weapons. This is a compilation of ideas to destroy satellites.
Satellites are powered by solar voltaic panels. They could have batteries but the batteries must be re-charged by solar voltaic panels. Voltaic panels are silicon PN junctions like a diode. They convert light into electricity. Too much light can overload the PN junction and destroy it. It might be possible to make a ground based LASER powerful enough to destroy the panels. A LASER is a device that concentrates light to increase it's power.
Space junk is anything that gets loose while astronauts work in space. A wrench, a bolt or any piece of metal that gets away from them turns into space junk. NASA must keep track of space junk because it could be very dangerous. Even the smallest item traveling at 17 thousand miles an hour can destroy or kill. A small rocket could be designed to make it into orbit and explode creating thousands of pieces of space junk.
Getting any rocket into space can be difficult and expensive. To get a large payload into orbit requires multiple stages. A small payload could be a little easier. You could strap 10 or so rockets to the belly of a B-52 to get them high enough to avoid multiple stages. The B-52 drops them one at a time. You could destroy a section of space with space junk then wait for the individual pieces to hit something. You don't need a direct hit. One small piece could do enough damage to permanently disable it.
A satellite must communicate with the ground. It has a satellite dish just like you see on houses getting TV services. Everything runs on software these days and satellites are no different. If you could break into the satellite software alter it a little and re-upload you could destroy it''s ability to communicate with the ground.
A couple things can be done on the ground to defend against them. Faraday Cages and noise generators. Faraday Cages were named after Michael Faraday. It is a small enclosure, room or entire building made of metal and grounded to earth. The earth is the largest electrically neutral body. Metal connected to earth ground cannot develop a voltage across it, so all current sink's to ground. If you had any AM or FM radio or a cell phone inside a building that was a Faraday Cage you wouldn't pick up any signals. If you broadcast the signal inside the Faraday Cage you could pick it up but not if you were outside of the cage. A metal roof can be bought for a few thousand dollars. I don't know if they still make aluminum siding.
Alexander Calder was an artist who made mobiles. It's a kind of wind chime or moving statue. Chaff is metal pieces released into the air to confuse RADAR. You could hang thousands of pieces of metal in your attic like a mobile and it would act as chaff for incoming signals.
Like any device that communicates by electro magnetic radiation (EMR) satellites can be jammed by EMR. Enough EMR noise in a given area will prevent the satellite from sending or receiving data. If everyone in a small area had a satellite dish emitting EMR noise and the dish were pointed skyward it would prevent it from communicating with mind control people on the ground.
Everyone has the right to defend themselves and their property from theft and intrusion. You could place a High Wattage Pulse Generator near you front door or anywhere on your property and have it go off on trespassers. If they're under mind control you prevent them from communicating.
I recently watched the James Bond movie “Goldeneye”. In it the villain hijacked a Russian satellite that was also an atomic bomb. The idea was to explode the bomb in a low orbit and create an electro magnetic pulse so large it would destroy everything electrical in an entire city. Supposedly this technology had been developed by both sides during the Cold War. Whether it’s true or possible I don’t know. But it sort of makes sense. On August 4 2020 a massive explosion occurred in Beirut Lebanon. I wonder if it knocked out electrical devices in a radius far greater than the blast destroyed. This would be proof it’s possible. I wonder if there’s a chemical combination that would do the trick. You could mount it in a truck and set it off anywhere. If you put the chemicals behind a heavy piece of metal and had the blast reflect off a even bigger piece of metal the only thing that would escape would be the pulse.
Learn about the New World Order
Updated August 29 2010
High Wattage Pulse Generator
America sells itself as a free country. I know that it's not. Any power structure, whether elected or inherited, can become tyrannical. Where there is a will there is a way. The reasons are many. Part of it is the fact that the European peasants never solved the problem of the church and nobility. Some of it is economic. The banking system makes something out of nothing. If everyone was allowed to participate the value of the dollar would depreciate very quickly. A good definition of Fascism is: there isn't too much for everyone.
For America I think it started in earnest after World War II. The CIA began experimenting with mind control. They called the project MK Ultra. The 'MK' stood for the German words for mind control. MK Ultra eventually turned into the Phoenix Program. The Phoenix Program assassinated 30 to 40,000 Vietnamese prisoners secretly with a secret police force in Vietnam during the war. After the war they were deployed in America. The American Secret Police. They use mind control, surveillance and advanced wireless communications. They get away with it because millions of people are under mind control. The operation is covered by media lies, illegal deportation to Israel, and other pales, fear and money.
The CIA's search for mind control began in the 1950's. At first drugs were the focus. LSD and other hallucinogens were given to people without their knowledge. Including unsuspecting Army personnel. Many committed suicide. Drugs were eventually abandoned in favor of electronics. Electronics proved much more effective. This led to the development of neural implants and RFID chips. A person under mind control can be used for surveillance by whoever controls them. They can be kept from talking or just eliminated.
In the mid 1960's a neuro-scientist named Jose Manuel Del Gado inserted a neural implant in the brain of a bull and got into a bull fighting ring with the bull and stopped it with a push button. Video of this can be found on 'Youtube' by searching for 'Jose Del Gado and His Bull Story'. He called his device a 'stimoceiver'.
Del Gado then wrote a book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. It was published in 1970 and can now be downloaded for free on the internet. Del Gado describes 2 methods of mind control: sub-cutaneous surgery and endoscopic pituitary surgery. With sub-cutaneous an integrated circuit (RFID) is slipped under the scalp. An RFID can be used to communicate with a person by way of the microwave hearing effect or a piezo electric device. It's the same as whispering in someone's ear. Only that person can hear it. The RFID or neural implant can communicate with a satellite. 'Voices in the head' can drive a person crazy. Endoscopic pituitary surgery inserts a neural implant into the pituitary gland through the nose. The pituitary controls hormones and can be stimulated to make a person very aggressive. These techniques do not require long hospital stays.
It is also possible to focus a beam of sound and direct it at a persons head and only that person can hear what is beamed. No electronics are necessary at the receiving end. It appears as if the person is under mind control but isn't. Some secret police think it's a good job.
There are some simple methods that can disable them. If you can locate the RFID under the scalp it's possible to break the 'chip' with a hammer if you're careful. The pituitary implant could be 'zapped' by 'TASER'ing someone in the head. Personal TASER's can be bought for about $400. You could use an ECT machine if you could get one. ECT (electro convulsive therapy) is used by psychiatrists. It is sometimes called shock treatment. If you're careful a simple AC wall outlet could be used. Cut the plug off any electric device. Keep the wire about 12 inches long. Solder a piece of copper onto each wire and insulate the copper from your hands. Find an electric outlet high on a wall so you have to be standing up. Put some sort of conductive fluid on the copper. “A little dab il' do ya” Touch the copper to each side of your face. You will fall down and unplug yourself in the process. I guess this is sort of desperate.
A third option would be a high wattage pulse generator based on Michael Faraday's Law of Induction. This could disable both RFID and implants at the same time and could be done without the person's knowledge in the event they can't do anything because they're under mind control. The basic theory behind Faraday's law is that the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet can be used to move electrons in a piece of metal. This constitutes electric current. Electric current in turn then creates a magnetic component that can be used to destroy small electronic circuits. All electric generators, AC and DC, are based on this theory. Components in both RFID and neural implants are microscopic. A massive surge of current would create a powerful EMR wave that would destroy many small components if they were close enough to the wave. While they are made of silicon not metal, if the pulse was powerful enough it could still move enough electrons to destroy it.
The schematic below is very basic. The device comprises a step up transformer with a couple high watt components and a horn antenna. The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at grainger.com. This design is over simplified but would work.
An ordinary microwave oven contains many of the parts necessary to build a High Watt Pulse Generator. Since I like to simplify things for people I would like to give my views on a number of topics. First I would like to go over a short history of electronics including a definition. Then describe the main parts of a microwave oven and how it works. Then describe the pulse generator made from microwave oven parts.
Electronics could be defined as the manipulation of electricity to perform some work or task. For example if you want to read at night you would need to generate or store some electricity, design a light source (Edison's bulb) and come up with a way to deliver the electricity and turn the bulb on and off. Today's electronics are clearly much more complicated, but this is how it began.
Electronics can be divided into 2 periods. Vacuum tube and solid state. Though they overlapped by 20 or 30 years the vacuum tube lasted from about 1890 to 1945. Solid state began with the invention of the transistor around 1945 and is still in use today. Today vacuum tubes are virtually obsolete.
Current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductor. Current is electricity. It is possible to manipulate electricity with the 3 main passive components: resistor, capacitor and inductor, but not much can be accomplished. To manipulate current further it needs to be exposed in a medium other than copper or aluminum or some other metal. In vacuum tubes it was free space. In solid state it's silicon infused with germanium or some other impurity. Vacuum tubes worked by creating a vacuum in a small piece of glass. A cathode was sealed inside along with multiple anodes. The cathode heated up and began to 'give off' electrons into the vacuum. Once the electrons were exposed in the vacuum they could be manipulated by anodes.
The 3 main components of a microwave oven are: a high wattage transformer, a magnetron and a waveguide. A magnetron is a vacuum tube. It was first designed in the 1920's and it was perfected by the 1940's for use in RADAR. A magnetron is considered a diode. It does not have a grid and allows for current in one direction. Magnetrons generate microwave frequency EMR at very high power levels. It has a cathode running down the middle of a single anode. The anode is made of copper and is machined with a series of holes and openings. The entire assembly has a permanent magnet at the top and bottom and is sealed in some sort of metal. A piece of wire extends into the anode to act as an antenna. The magnets set up a magnetic field parallel to the cathode. When the cathode is heated it 'gives off' electrons in the magnetic field. This cause the electrons to form an electric field perpendicular to the magnetic field and they begin to spin inside the holes of the anode. The anode is machined to create a specific frequency. In a microwave oven it's 2.45 GHZ. The antenna protrudes outside of the casing and gives off microwave EMR.
It is not healthy for anyone to be exposed to microwave EMR for long periods of time. Even short periods can be harmful. To contain the EMR inside the oven the entire oven is a Faraday Cage. It's made of metal and grounded to earth ground. Most microwaves come with glass in the door. The glass has a metal mesh embedded in it that also acts a a Faraday cage. The seal on the door is designed to keep the EMR in.
The antenna on the magnetron is very short. To get the EMR from the magnetron to the oven cavity they use a waveguide. Waveguides are part of the Faraday Cage but are smaller in size than the cavity. They are designed to move the EMR from one place to another with as little loss as possible. A horn antenna could be described as a waveguide with an open end. This is the basic concept of the pulse generator. The parts any microwave oven can supply are the magnetron, the waveguide and the high voltage transformer. To get the cathode heated properly it requires at least 480 volts and considerable current. This is what the transformer does.
pic 3
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Below is a basic drawing. Remove the waveguide, magnetron and high wattage transformer and mount them on a piece of wood. Use some of the metal from the cavity to fashion an end to the waveguide. The waveguide will now act as a horn antenna. Keep the entire assembly grounded to earth. This helps to direct the EMR where you want it to go and keeps it way from the operator. I added a second antenna for control reasons. You only need one but you could put it in either position. The farther it is from the Magnetron antenna the longer the pulse time.
You don't need a lot of high watt semiconductors to control the operation. In the days of vacuum tubes many control processes were just relays, switches, push buttons etc. It was called ladder logic because the schematics often looked like a ladder. I came up with a very basic version. Two transformers are connected to an ordinary wall outlet. One is the step up high voltage transformer taken from the oven. The other is a step down transformer for control circuits. Two relay contacts are placed in series with the high voltage output and the cathode wires of the magnetron. Relay 1 is a normally open and relay 2 is normally closed. The coils for the relays are in the low voltage circuit. Relay 2 is controlled by a circuit connected to the second antenna. (not shown) A momentary switch in the low voltage circuit is pushed closing relay 1 and energizing the cathode. The second antenna picks up the EMR from the Magnetron antenna and triggers the control circuitry associated with relay 2. Relay 2 opens and breaks the cathodes high voltage. Only a very short pulse of EMR is realized at the waveguide. The farther away the second antenna is the longer the pulse.
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It may not be necessary to use microwaves. It might be possible to accomplish destruction with ordinary 60 HZ, or a frequency a little higher. You could use some of the parts from the oven.
Remove the magnetron and patch the hole left by the antenna with some metal from the cavity. Place the high watt transformer as close to the back of the waveguide as possible to keep the connections as short as possible. Run a solid copper wire through te back of the waveguide. Use as heavy a gauge as possible. On the other side connect a very high watt resistor of maybe 100 OHMS. Keep all connections very short. 480 volts divided by 100 OHMS is approximatley 5 amps. 5 amps times 480 volts will be about 2500 Watts. After the resistor connect the 2 relays in series. It will produce a very short pulse 60 HZ instead of microwave. Keep the entire assembly connected to earth to help direct the pulse. To get frequencies above 60 HZ but below microwave a bank of super capacitors could be used a power source.
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To test this you would need to build a test chamber and set it off hundreds of times. Without knowing exactly what it will do it would not be a good ides to aim it just any where. You could set it up in a cellar and aim it at one of the concrete walls. The concrete and the outside ground would absorb most of the residual. You would be reasonably sure it wasn't hurting anyone or destroying property. The area between the device and the wall could be surrounded by diffuser/absorbent. You could blow up IC's mounted on a piece of perfboard. If it worked before you put it in and it doesn't when you take it out. Walla!
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Marketing and deployment. I think this could be sold to homeowners to guard against intruders. It could be combined with facial recognition software and servos to make sure it hits the right spot. If an intruder loses their cell phone or pace maker thats tough but someone could be liable. Research should be done to determine what electronics it could destroy that might kill someone.
It could be used to disconnect someone under mind control without their knowledge. You could set up an entry way to a store or nightclub with the horn antenna in the door. Make it so only one person can enter at a time. Put the momentary switch in the mechanism that opens the door. (door knob) Make the door very hard to open so the person must use their weight to push it open. They will put their face near enough to the horn antenna when it goes off.
Install one in a Halloween Haunted House. Make it part of some scare. You could disconnect millions over night. It would have to be closely monitored and ma ybe manned by someone. Questions would have to be asked of everyone who goes in so as not to destroy hearing aids etc.
It could be installed in a restaurant and closely monitored. The 'target' would be asked to dinner. Then seated behind the horn antenna. When the time is right someone sets it off.
While working on the pulse generator I had an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. (see drawings) Technically this would act like an AC battery or gas powered electric generator. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move the electrons in the piece of copper. The housing is a glass container with 2 large compartments and 1 very small compartment. One large compartment is pressurized with an ionized gas. The second is pulled to a vacuum. The small compartment is located between the 2 larger. The wall on the exterior of the small compartment is thin and has a piece of copper rod attached. A valve assembly allows a small amount of gas into the small compartment at about 60 HZ. One valve allows it in and the other pulls it out into the vacuum compartment.
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Current Transformer
Any ionized gas would work. Since like polarities repel, when the gas is released into the mixing compartment it would pulse the electrons in the copper creating magnetic waves. The copper rod is surrounded by a current transformer. A 60 HZ signal is produced.
To get the gas from one chamber to the other a set of valves is needed. The stem of the valve would be glass with a small hole at the end. The top of the stem would be flat with a metal rod attached that feeds through a spring and housing. The spring holds down the stem until the electro magnet energizes and lifts the stem. The hole in the stem then lines up with a hole in the housing and gas goes from one chamber to the next.
Re-charging would be necessary. One method of re-charging would be a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers. You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
Updated June 1 2021
Basic Anthropology
Welcome to “1984”. Total surveillance all the time. “Freedom Is Slavery, War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength” Aside from that the end of fossil fuels will create problems that threaten everyone's life. Many people are shocked when first confronted with reality. Many go through the 5 stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Some people never get past denial. Some anger. The world will change drastically in the next 40 to 50 years. With this document I try to put things in perspective with science instead of history and religion. Too many times man turns to religion when things go wrong. In this case it's doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. One definition of insanity. Instead of another Phoenix rising from the ashes I think science could bring in an age of reason. Religion could help many through the 5 stages but it shouldn't be the focus. All things in moderation.
When I was in high school we performed a little experiment. The teacher took the entire class outside. We stood at the entrance to the school where we could see the end of the football field. It was probably an 8 th of a mile or longer. He then said that if the end of the football field represented the formation of the earth and where we were standing was today the human epic started 100 ft from where we were. Recorded history began about 6 thousand years ago and was only about 1 inch of the entire span of time. Scientists believe earth is 4.56 billion years old. They also believe early ancestors of homo sapiens existed about 10 million years ago.
I think he was trying to get us to appreciate the things in life that are important. Family, looking out for one another and good times. The media in this country emphasizes the opposite. Money, success , ego. The media gives the average viewer the false idea that there is infinite growth in the economy. Fossil fuels aren't the only resource we are running out of. The truth about the world is a far cry from what we see on television. We all spend too much time watching TV. It's hypnotic. When the 'you know what' hits the fan, the former will be more important than the latter.
I recently watched the documentary “Guns, Germs, and Steel” by Jared Diamond on the internet. Diamond is a scientist/anthropologist who has traveled the world most of his life. The documentary begins in New Guinea where a local comes up to him and asks “Why you white men have so much cargo and we New Guinea's have so little?”. By 'cargo' he means things like helicopters, food, guns, etc. The question amounts to 'why has western civilization come to dominate the world?' Diamond uses the rest of the documentary to explain and concludes that white men's use of germs, guns and steel helped him conquer the world. He believes that it was geography not racial superiority that gave white men an advantage. Any race that occupied the specific area of the world where white men originated would have succeeded.
Diamond explains that western civilization began in the fertile crescent in what is today Iraq. The civilization known as Mesopotamia thrived in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers beginning about 5000 years before Christ. This society spread east and west to India and Egypt. All of these civilizations existed in the zone above the equator and below the tropics, the perfect latitude for crops such as wheat and barley. These two grains were first grown here. This was an accident of history. These crops don't grow easily in other areas of the world. Like New Guinea. They're some of the best grains man has found. Ultimately the location and climate gave the people there an advantage. There is no other place on earth with that much land at that climate. These permanent settlements were so successful they led to white men dominating the world with guns, germs and steel.
It was Napoleon who said “History is a lie agreed upon”. History is often dramatized and embellished to help sell the lie. Often the motivation of someone involved in a historical event is making money or clinging to power. It's natural they would lie about it. A basic understanding of anthropology will do more to explain the actions of someone in charge than any history book. Trying to understand the world around us through history books that may have only half truths or no truth at all makes no sense.
Anthropology is the science of humanity. The study of humans. It encompasses biology, cultural and social aspects of human life. Archaeology is also considered part of human study. I think it helps to look at recorded history in terms of anthropology, not mans achievements or his struggles with his fellow man.
Two factor's Diamond leaves out are religion and slavery. Any society that employs slavery over produces for the benefit of a few people at the top. The pyramids are a wonder of the ancient world but it's just a pile of rocks. It took thousands of people decades to build them. My guess is 99% of the people who worked on them had better things to do. Slavery is unnatural. It forces men to create things that are not normal. The biggest slave driver on earth is religion. Religion is the power behind the throne.
Religion has always been a part of human society. Priests have knowledge others do not. Entire societies can be built and controlled by priests. One way to control a person is to put some metal in their diet. It has the effect of mentally castrating the person. The priest promises to remove the metal if the person co-operates, thus granting the person life. A person who has been mentally castrated is more likely to hurt another. It can all be covered up by mystical stories of god or the devil.
Primitive culture is the natural state of the world. It is not logistically possible for man to return to primitive societies. Evolution did not go in that direction, but drastic change is inevitable. The people and institutions that drove man to this point now need total control to survive. For that reason they have built a prison planet. Total control means total slavery. I believe if people were informed of the situation they would not chose this path.
History As Science
The exact origin of the human species has been a hot topic since the days of Charles Darwin. Darwin theorized that man descended from lesser species of apes. Darwin's book “On The Origin Of Species” (1859) started the debate of evolution vs creationism that has lasted since. The church ran Europe for a thousand years and doesn't accept the idea of evolution.
The beginning of recorded history has been debated since the Renaissance. During the Renaissance ordinary people challenged the authority of the church by offering scientific theories for biblical explanations. The idea that the Earth was the center of the universe helped the church sell the idea that the church was in complete control on terra firma. Galileo theorized that the Earth revolved around the sun and the sun wasn't the center of the universe. Galileo was charged as a heretic and wasn't cleared until the 20 th century.
The actual species known as Homo Sapiens has only been around for about 100,000 years. But bones of species very similar have been found and date to 4 or 5 million years BC.
For most of man's existence he was a hunter gatherer. He followed herds of game and ate what plants he could find along the way. Food clothing and shelter were his only concerns. Life was tenuous and short. Disease weather, and larger animals were a constant danger. Traveling from one place to another made for little free time. Man was in balance with nature.
Since life was short, populations didn't get out of control. Most members of a society could produce the things they needed. Shoes, weapons, etc. They shared in the food and cooked for themselves and immediate family.
At a point in time near the beginning of recorded history man began permanent settlements. From a Darwinian view it probably wasn't necessary. Darwin argues a species will change behavior to survive. In this case it may have been the path of least resistance. Cultivating crops in one place year after year made life a little easier. He could domesticate animals alongside the crops for meat. The animals could do much of the work. Irrigation followed increasing yield and probably populations.
Permanent settlements created problems that needed solving. Distribution of goods and services, overpopulation, common defense and slavery. Someone was put in charge, made king or queen or maybe a priest. The people in charge needed to control population so they began warring with neighbors. In their view permanent genocide became necessary and still is to this day. War, famine, disease are all used to control population, cling to power and deal with the problems created by permanent settlements..
Too many people created job specialization. In hunter gatherer societies everyone shared in the hunt. People were able to make what they needed and share with others. Shoes, weapons, etc. There may have been a simple barter system but for the most part it was communal. Permanent settlements made it difficult for everyone to make everything they needed so people focused on one task and made as much as possible. Baker, candle maker etc. A system of distributing goods and services became necessary.
There are two basic schemes to solve distribution. They are communal and free trade/monetary. In a communal society everyone shares equally in what is produced. Food is stored in common buildings and available to everyone. In a free trade society some means of exchange is necessary. This usually comes in the form of money. Most people are forced to sell their labor for money to buy what they need to live.
Communal systems are relatively straight forward. Everyone in the society shares in what is produced. Communal systems don't produce a lot of specialty items and don't import or export much. There is no incentive to create things that are not needed. These systems are more in balance with nature. They don't produce more than is needed.
Free trade systems are complex and when slavery is added become very complex. Systems that include slavery over produce and must trade with other societies. Over production follows over production. Free trade uses resources unnecessarily, produces a lot of specialty goods and services and requires cheap labor when it's not free. There is usually a turbulent relationship between the haves and have nots that must constantly be managed by the haves. Population control is handled with war and disease, and other techniques. Today it is controlled with mind control and surveillance. George Orwell's “1984” is a replacement for war.
Feudalism solved many of the problems related to permanent settlements. Feudalism spread as far as Japan before modern times. It puts all the property in the hands of a few people at the top who war with each other. Most of the population is illiterate and are considered the property of the rich.
In modern times the two schemes have been given political words. Capitalism and communism. Or maybe fascism and communism. Socialism is a word for a system somewhere in between but does not include actual communes where people are allowed to produce and consume most of what they need. Part of the reason is it would drive up the cost of labor. There wouldn't be enough cheap unskilled labor to satisfy the rich. I see no reason why the two systems can't exist side by side. The world is in need of wealth re-distribution and creating communes would help prevent the concentration of wealth from happening again.
Updated Jan 29 2021
PDF of Defending Against Surveillance
Man began harnessing electricity in the second half of the 18 th century. Luigi Galvani proved electricity played a role in life itself with his famous frog experiment. He got a dead frogs leg to move by shocking it with voltage. People who followed Galvani were called Galvanists. The first half of the 19 th century had people like Michael Faraday and Alessandro Volta. By the second half of the 19 th century enough was known to begin to apply it. Nikola Tesla designed what would become the electric grid we know today. Marconi was credited with the radio but Tesla was given the patent.
In just over two and half centuries man has gone from knowing virtually nothing to computers capable of trillions of calculations per second. This has been fueled by the patent office and the banking system. These great scientific advances have not been equaled by advances in political systems. Man's want for power are also factors in scientific achievements.
After WWII the CIA began looking for ways to control the human mind. That search became known as Project MK Ultra. Most of the records relating to MK Ultra were destroyed in the 1970's. The US Senate investigated the project in the late 1970's. That investigation was headed by Senator Frank Church of Idaho. The House and the executive branch also investigated but nothing was ever done.
In the beginning the CIA tried drugs. By the 1960's they abandoned drugs for electronics. One researcher was Dr Jose Manuel del Gado. He later wrote a book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. Electronic control of the mind is real. MK Ultra also investigated surveillance technology. Some of this is in use today in America.
Surveillance has become a part of everyday life in America. The Patriot Act has stripped Americans of many rights to privacy in the name of security. Closed circuit TV and security camera's are watching your every move. Camera's are used at intersections to catch people speeding or running red lights. Tickets are sent automatically by a computer. If someone doesn't pay their entire life can be turned upside down. Many are equipped with facial recognition software. Almost everyone carries a cell phone that can be used to track their location. Hackers can gain access to the phone and listen to everything you say. The is also true of the police and FBI. For decades the FBI has had the technology to tap someones phone without leaving their office. This means hackers can also tap anyone's phone.
This document isn't concerned so much with the technology's you already know about. I believe the ability to spy on people has gone well beyond camera's and cell phone's. Contactless spying and wireless communications have become extremely advanced. The ability to track someone using RADAR is also possible. Cell phone tower's can be used in a similar fashion as conventional RADAR. Radio waves can be used to effect a persons emotions without their knowledge. This was documented in the article "Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons" written by Judy Wall in 1998 for a newsletter named Nexus New Times. Judy Wall is editor and publisher of Resonance. The newsletter of The Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group. And another article is "Military Use Of Ultrasonic Brainwave Clusters" copyright 1991 ITV News.
The rest of this document is concerned with a basic explanation of synthetic telepathy, mind control and advanced wireless communications and some ways to defend yourself.
Synthetic Telepathy
Synthetic Telepathy, or sub vocal speech, is the stuff of science fiction. There are numerous movies and books that use it in one way or another. It's the basic technology behind the 'thought police' in George Orwell's novel “1984”. It's a contactless technology that senses your personal electro magnetic emissions and reconstructs them using mainframe computers. Your eyes convert light into electro magnetic waves and your ears convert sound. All of this can be picked up by contactless technology. The basic science behind it isn't that hard to understand.
All matter in the universe emits electro magnetic radiation because all matter is made up of atoms. There are 93 known atoms. They make up the periodic table of elements. An atom is the smallest unit of matter. Everything in the universe, even life as we know it, is made from the 93 elements on the periodic table. An atom is made up of two parts: a nucleus and electrons. Electron's are not permanently bound to the nucleus. They revolve around the nucleus. Electrons are negatively charged. A nucleus is made from protons and neurons. Protons are positively charged and neurons are neutral. A nucleus can have differing numbers of protons and neutrons. Different atoms can have different numbers of electrons. This is what makes one element different from the others.
Since electrons are not permanently bound to the nucleus they can travel from one nucleus to another. When this happens a small amount of electro magnetic radiation is given off. Since all matter in the universe is made of atoms all matter emits electro magnetic waves. Some elements on the periodic table have more electrons available to move and in their pure form are better at conducting electricity. Gold, copper, aluminum are three. Life forms are an extremely complicated molecule made from the periodic table. Life forms are not a good conductor of electricity. The electro magnetic waves produced by life forms are very weak and the result of electro chemical processes but they can be picked up by modern electronics.
Technology's that are in use today to pick up and monitor human EMR include electro cardiogram for the heart, electro encephalogram for the brain and electro myography for muscles. They use sensors designed for ions and must placed on the skin. Bio sensors are a technology in themselves. I believe contactless technology has existed for decades but has been used illegally.
Electro magnetic waves above a certain frequency become light. Light is actually considered both wave and particle. Telescopes are built to pick up light from long distances. The book “Strange Angel: The Life Of Rocket Scientist John Whitesides Parsons” describes the building of the Mt Palomar observatory in California. The mirror used is 25 feet in diameter and capable of picking up the light of a single candle from 5000 miles. Radio telescopes are built to pick up EMR waves below light frequency. One of the largest in the world was in Puerto Rico. It collapsed recently because of damage that resulted from a hurricane. It was over a mile in diameter.
A radio telescope looks a lot like a satellite dish because that's what it is. It's a large curved surface that reflects waves onto a single spot. The same as a large magnifying glass is used in light telescopes. This helps to 'amplify' the waves because they're concentrated. Satellites have dish's to communicate with the ground. It is possible for a satellite to pick up human waves and then send them back to an earth based location for processing. This is synthetic telepathy. I think it's been used by the CIA since the 1960's in their Keyhole satellites.
When humans make sound they push air from their lungs through their vocal cords and out the mouth. The mouth acts as a sort of speaker. The vocal cords vibrate the air and create sound. To create speech as language the brain adds EMR signals to the vocal cords. The signals originate in the brain and are sent via the Vagus nerve and Laryngeal nerve to the vocal cords. They emit EMR all along the way. As crazy as it sounds this EMR can be picked up by satellites. Your brain is creating these signals all the time, whether you are pushing air through your vocal cords or not. This is sub vocal speech. Orwell's 'thought police'.
Mind Control
In the mid-1960's a researcher named Dr Jose Manuel del Gado placed what he called a 'stimoceiver' into the head of a bull and stopped the bull with a push button thus demonstrating the ability to control a mind with electronics. This was done by radio waves. Video of this can be seen on youtube by searching for “Jose del Gado and His Bull Story”. He wrote 2 books, one about the history of mind control and another titled “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. In it he warned that '...man could become roboticized and not be aware that he was roboticized.”.There are disturbing publications by people like Darryl R Kipke titled “Advanced Neural Implants And Control” that detail a world of mind control slaves. Kipke owns a company that manufactures and sells implants.
Del Gado exposed two types of surgery. Sub-cutaneous and Endoscopic Pituitary. Sub-cutaneous surgery slips a small device such as an RFID chip under the skin. That chip can both communicate with the outside world and send signals to the brain or inner ear such as in the microwave hearing effect. Endoscopic Pituitary surgery can place a neural implant into the brain through the nose. Both of these procedures are relatively simple and require only a short hospital stay.
The various parts of the brain are not electrically isolated from each other. None of the electro chemical processes produce large currents. If one part gets a significant electric shock the rest will and the person, or animal, will be completely disabled. Psychiatrists use shock therapy (Electro Convulsive Therapy) on mental patients. One shock to cure everything. If there is a place in the brain where all activity is routed it would be like the CPU in a personal computer. You could control everything with one implant.
The vast majority of the brain is made up of the 2 hemispheres that fill the skull. Scientists believe these areas are responsible for speech, sight, hearing, memory etc. Most or all of these functions come into play when a person commits an individual act. Controlling one of these won't control the entire person. Most of these functions are connected through the parts that are accessible through the nose by endoscopic surgery. The pituitary gland, thalamus, hypothalamus, medula oblongata etc. I am providing this analysis for informational purposes only.
I don't know if it's possible to robotize a person and not have the person be aware of it. Del Gado had to fit whatever he said into Western esotericism like everyone else. I think traditional methods of controlling people are just as effective. Religion, fear to name two. With total surveillance you could get into someones financial accounts and scare them into doing things they normally wouldn't do. Religion promises a better world for those who will co-operate.
Advanced Wireless Communications
RADAR was first used during WWII. Technicians working on RADAR sites reported hearing 'clicks' in their ears. The phenomena was investigated by several scientists including Allen Frey. Frey reported results that confirmed that very small wattage microwaves can be used to communicate with the inner ear. James C Lin's book “The Microwave Hearing Effect And Applications” confirmed this but neither was able to actually create a system of communication with it. A more plausible explanation for people using advanced wireless communications is piezo electricity or ultrasound.
RFID chips can combine microwave communications, low volume sound, and sub cutaneous surgery described by Del Gado. An RFID chip could have 2 microscopic antennas and a speaker that outputs very low volume sound. One antenna picks up radio waves and converts it to DC voltage to power the device. Another antenna receives the microwave data from satellites and the speaker sends very low volume sound to the inner ear. The speaker vibrates parts of the inner ear just as if it came through the outer ear and no one else can hear what is being said. The RFID chip could be located under the skin. People using this technology could be aware of your every thought and getting instructions from some distant location at the same time. They are either acting on their own or are under mind control.
Another possibility is someone could have a neural implant communicating with the inner ear. The brain has enough voltage to power the implant. Depending on where the implant is placed that person could be controlled by someone else or a super computer running artificial intelligence software. Del Gado's prediction that man would be roboticized is very possible. This document does not go into the why's.
Ultrasound is sound above the audio level. A humans audio range is from about 100 HZ to around 20,000 HZ. It is possible to vibrate the air at higher frequencies but we can't hear it. This is ultrasound. Ultrasound can be focused like a LASER beam. When it is aimed at a person only that person can hear it. A recent example in the news. Noveto Systems is coming out with a device that is both wireless and has no earbuds. It uses ultrasound and 'soundbeaming'. Channel 7 Boston Nov 13 2020.
Two ITV News Bureau LTD bulletins from 1991 document the US Military use of psyops weaponry during the first Gulf war. One technology developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross GA involves 'silent sound spread spectrum' technology. The emotions of individual persons are analyzed using supercomputers. The patterns are stored on hard drives and can be broadcast on extreme low frequency's to effect the person negatively.
According to John J. McMurtrey, M. S. and Edward A. Moore, M. D. technologies exist that are capable of remote sound or voice transmission that can be isolated to individuals and is used along with target tracking capacity that can maintain apparent psychosis. Jane’s Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems lists 13 target tracking systems specifying such capability on personnel at ranges from 4-20 km, which are utilized by countries around the world. Automated
target tracking involves a track initiation processor acquiring a target, while a data association filter maintains a tracking lock on the target with this process utilized to continuously direct a radar beam at a target for tracking position. This can be used with cell phone towers.
The first thing someone needs is a safe place to live and work. A place as free from surveillance and intrusion as possible. A good nights sleep and decent food will help anyone fight back.
A Faraday Cage is any building encased in metal and grounded to earth. A Faraday Cage prevents EMR from entering or leaving by sinking the current created to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade Maryland is a Faraday Cage. It is completely encased in copper mesh. The mesh is then connected to earth. The earth is electrically neutral. A good conducting metal such as copper or aluminum connected to earth will sink all voltages. Positive or negative. Doing an entire building can be expensive. A metal roof can help and is relatively inexpensive.
If you don't own the building you live in turning it into a Faraday Cage isn't an option. Electronics manufacturers sell EMI absorbent. It works by providing an uneven surface to trap incoming EMR. RADAR facilities send out a high wattage signal and 'listen' for the return. Most airplanes have a shiny even metal surface for the RADAR to 'bounce' off of. EMI absorbent 'bounces' the signal in so many directions, not enough remains to get back to the satellite dish. The F-117 Stealth fighter is covered with EMI absorbent. It makes it invisible to RADAR. This too can be very expensive if you want to do an entire room or apartment but it doesn't require a connection to earth
Another option is chaff. Covering walls, ceilings and the floors with some sort of metallic strips of different metals and sizes. Ever see the metallic pom poms used by cheer leaders? Something like that. I have no idea if this works but it would do roughly the same thing as commercial EMI absorbent.
I think it's possible to make a mat of electronic circuits that would absorb the EMR and convert it to heat. It could be made on a rug loom. The wires would act as coils. When the EMR comes in contact the wire conducts like a transformer. If there is a complete circuit the current will burn up as heat. (I don't know if this works either)
Electronic noise can be useful for jamming receivers. One of the first radios was the Tesla spark generator. It was used on the Titanic. It created a very high wattage spark like that used in automobile spark plugs. Spark generators were eventually outlawed because they interfered with everything.
Jamming a radio is done by broadcasting a similar signal at a higher power level than the one being broadcast. Jamming can also be accomplished by broadcasting noise in the same frequency range and at a higher power level. The idea is to prevent someone from picking up the correct broadcast signal.
Any EMR wave can be canceled or over powered by other EMR waves. It is believed that green turtles navigate the oceans by using the vertical component of the earths magnetic field. Scientists developed an experiment using green turtle hatchlings. Some hatchilngs were placed in a small tank. A coil was placed in the center and a current was run through it. The current canceled the earths field and confused the turtles. This can be applied to your emissions.
The EMR created by your brain is the audio range. For humans that's between 0 HZ and 20,000 HZ. A necklace can be worn that emits noise in that range. While it doesn't cancel the EMR it can over power your emissions making it impossible for satellites to pick them up. Below is a simple circuit that takes shot or avalanche noise created by the transistor and puts it on a speaker. Instead of making sound this could be modified to create EMR and then make a necklace around your neck.
A Tesla Spark Generator
An alternative to noise could be your own voice. Modify an MP3 player to emit EMR instead of sound. Record a couple thousand 10 second samples of your voice and get them into the player. Cut the speakers off the earbuds. Design a circuit that coverts the output to electro magnetic waves instead of sound. Put the player in shuffle and continuous mode and it will make up non sense . Place that on a necklace.
Electronic noise can also be used to jam microwave communications. If everyone in a small area placed a satellite dish on their roof and broadcast noise it would shut down all satellites.
Helping people under mind control is helping yourself. My writing is how I help. I don't talk to people much. I experience these s and I know they exist. I have not tried any of these solutions. I do not know if it's possible to get someone to co-operate or if they have to be conned into helping themselves. It might have to be done while someone is sleeping or in a Faraday Cage. If some people only have advanced communications and whose job is to get people under mind control so they can be disposed of, I don't know what to do. It's possible there aren't millions of people under mind control but millions of people using communications.
It would make sense if the RFID was located under the scalp equidistant between the 2 ears. This way it could communicate with either ear. The idea is to locate the chip under the scalp by just feeling for it with your fingers. Then place a piece of wood, or any hard object, on it then hit the object with a hammer to break the chip.
I have 3 ideas to disconnect someone from a neural implant. Cut a lamp cord to a length of about 12 inches. Solder an electrode to each wire. Hot and neutral. Make sure the electrodes are insulated from the hands. Find a wall outlet that is as high as your head. When you do this you are going to fall down. That's the idea. When you fall down you will automatically disconnect yourself from the AC so you won't get 'hooked' and electrocute yourself. I've been 'hooked' on AC before and it's not fun. The electrodes will act like an ECT machine. Like Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" "....a little dab il do ya...". Put some conductive fluid on your temples and something in your mouth so you don't bite your tongue. DONT DO THIS ALONE JUST TO BE EXTRA SAFE!!
A second option is 'TASER'ing someone in the head. Personal TASER's can be bought for about $400. You could use an ECT machine if you could get one. ECT (electro convulsive therapy) is used by psychiatrists. It is sometimes called shock treatment.
Note: Today's electronics operate with software. This includes X-ray machines and other medical
diagnostic devices. They can be programmed to remove anything. If you have already gone to a doctor and had an X-ray I would try to find one that has been fixed. If there are any.
A third option would be a high wattage pulse generator based on Michael Faraday's Law of Induction. This could disable both RFID and implants at the same time and could be done without the person's knowledge in the event they can't do anything because they're under mind control. The basic theory behind Faraday's law is that the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet can be used to move electrons in a piece of metal. This constitutes electric current. Electric current in turn then creates a magnetic component that can be used to destroy small electronic circuits. All electric generators, AC and DC, are based on this theory. Components in both RFID and neural implants are microscopic. A massive surge of current would destroy many. While they are made of silicon not metal, if the pulse was powerful enough it could still move enough electrons to destroy it.
The schematic below is very basic. The device comprises a step up transformer with a couple high watt components and a horn antenna. The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at grainger.com. This design is over simplified but would work
This is an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move electrons in a piece of metal that is a good conductor. The idea is to expose a piece of metal to a gas that is highly ionized with an excess of electrons. Any ionized gas would work. Since like polarities repel, when the gas is released into the mixing compartment it would pulse the electrons in the metal creating magnetic waves. The piece of metal is surrounded by a current transformer. The body of the device would be a glass container with multiple compartments. The compartments would hold the gas. One large compartment would be under pressure and another would be a vacuum. At startup a tiny amount of gas is pulsed into a third chamber. The piece of metal is mechanically attached to that chamber and separated by a very thin insulator. The gas moves the electrons in the metal and is then sucked into the large vacuum chamber. This repeats creating an AC signal coming from the current transformer. The gas is pulsed until the pressure is very low and then it must be re-pressurized.
A chemical pulse generator is also possible. Combine known explosives with some type of metal like magnesium. Place the bomb in a container that would direct the blast toward a metal background like a satellite dish. Point the dish at whatever you want destroyed. You could disable police cars or entire armies.
Anyone that wants to fight the system must be as financially free as possible. The cost of living in America is extremely high. Reducing that means making many necessities free. Water, electricity, heat, and communications are a few. These are some of my ideas.
Below is a Wurth Electronics WL-SDCB. I think it's possible to make a solar voltaic panel out of these. The picture on the right is a schematic. There are multiple rows of diodes connected in parallel. The rows are connected in series. Instead of trying to produce DC current it would produce AC (varying). You could do this by covering the entire assembly with an liquid crystal display (LCD), sometimes called electro chromic glass or smart glass, and pulse it on and off with control circuitry from the opposite side of a transformer. You make the panel so sensitive it would burn up on a very sunny day. The smart glass would adjust and make the panel use able on cloudy days. Make shutters for your windows out of these and connect them to an electric heating element. Because they're vertical the snow won't build up. Because they adjuts the sensitivity it doesn't matter if they point directly at the sun.
In 2007 PBS in San Diego produced a Frontline documentary about surveillance in America titled “Spying On The Home Front”. In that documentary they said that ATT in San Francisco was providing all internet traffic to the NSA via a NARUS ST6400 splitter. It was authorized to do so by congress in the Patriot Act after Sept 11. It's possible all internet traffic in America is being monitored by the Federal government along with phone calls and cable TV. If the Federal government has access to all this it's possible that other people do to. Anything can be hacked into.
A way to get around all of it would be to design a completely different system that cannot be controlled and that is free of cost. Ham radio offers a solution. Ham radio operates what are called repeaters. It is a piece of equipment, usually in an isolated area, that picks up weak signals, strengthens them and then rebroadcasts them. WiFi extenders are basically the same thing. The entire network would be a system of repeaters. Every house and apartment would have a extender that picks up signals nearby and relays it to the next. To get signals from one town to the next repeaters could be put in isolated areas or very strong signal boosters could be put on the edge of town. For the most part no central facility would be needed and the only cost to everyone would be the equipment. It might be possible to get an iphone to talk to an iphone like a Walkie Talkie. Or any Android based phone. They allow anyone to develop an app for Android. You can download the Software Development Kit (SDK) for free.
If you're beyond the reach of the local sewerage you must have a leeching field to deposit waste. This is very expensive. I think it's possible to vaporize household waste as it is produced. Matter cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transformed. The three states of matter are gas, liquid and solid. Some argue that plasma is the fourth state of matter. Plasma is generated by an electric spark. It can be generated with extreme voltages. Extreme voltage can be stored in a super capacitor and discharged at will. If all the household waste were collected and dried it could be turned into pellets and each pellet could be vaporized individually with a spark. The water is then cleaned and reused. The waste is obliterated between the electrodes of a Tesla spark transmitter.
The electric toilet would have a pre-grind unit to grind up all waste before it enters the main holding tank. The main holding tank would have a heater to evaporate the liquid. Once the solid had dryed it would be pelletized as it was fed into the spark unit. The spark unit would be made of 2 pieces of glass. One permantly fixed to the pelletizer and have an exhaust on the opposite side. The other would rotate inside the first and have an anode and cathode attached at the top and bottom. Once the waste has entered the inside cylinder it would rotate and then it's vaporized by a spark and then rotated again to exhaust the vapor and then it repeats. The actual electric components only have to be similar to a Tesla Spark Transmitter
Water can be extracted from the air unless it's too dry. Why not combine a de-humidifier with a water distiller and sell it as a separate appliance. Small counter top water distillers can be bought from nutrateam(dot)com. Or it could be included in a refrigerator. Most household de-humidifiers are the same thing as a refrigerator or air conditioner. They have an electric compressor, a condenser, an evaporator some valves and freon (refrigerant) Freon is a chemical that can be expensive and hard to acquire. If the corporate overlords knew what you were doing they probably wouldn't sell it to you.
To remove water from the air you need to make a space that is lower in temperature with respect to the outside air and provide a surface for the water to condense on. You don't need an extreme temperature difference as provided by a freon driven machine. I don't think it would be hard to get around this. Heat always travels to where there isn't any. If it's cold outside your house the heat inside will try to get out. If it's hot outside it will try to get in. The vacuum of space is about as cold as it gets. If you made a very large glass enclosure and put it under vacuum you could use it to draw heat in a specific direction. Place a large piece of metal with a large surface area (like an electronic heat sink) on top. On top of that a baffle with fans pulling air through the bottom. The air comes up from the bottom enters the space with a lower temperature and the water condenses on the bottom of the vacuum container and drips into a pan. The pan slowly fills up and collects in a tank. Solar water distillers can be built from a piece of glass and a holding tank. The glass is placed above the tank at an angle. Water is placed in the tank. The whole assembly is placed in the sun to evaporate the water. It condenses on the piece of glass. As it builds up it drips into a pathway at the base of the glass and is collected in another tank.
Capitalism has sometimes been described as creative destruction. The automobile replaced the horse and buggy. This changed hundreds of thousands of lives. For example blacksmiths were forced to retrain themselves. Creative destruction can be used to destroy capitalism. Come up with an idea that destroys an industry and transfer wealth to a different class. This is a couple of my ideas.
When I first started in electronics printed circuit boards (PCB) were assembled with parts that were called ‘through hole’. The leads of the various parts were put through a hole in the PCB and soldered on the opposite side. There was a component side and a solder side. Getting parts in and out of the PCB was difficult. Today almost everything is surface mount technology (SMT). The parts are soldered on the component side. Hobbyists have found it difficult to work and experiment with SMT because of the size but it can be done. Getting the parts off the PCB could be fairly simple as opposed to through hole PCB's.
Build a small enclosure 20 inches by 20 inches by 10 inches tall that will withstand high heat. Place a very small vibratory unit in the bottom that can be adjusted for small vibration or large. Above the vibratory, in the middle of the enclosure, place some rubber at a steep angle. Attach to the vibratory, above the rubber and at a steep angle, a harness that will hold the PCB being stripped of components upside down. Place a heating element in the upper part of the enclosure that will heat the entire space enough to melt electric solder. As the temperature of the enclosure rises the PCB is vibrated and the parts fall in the rubber along with residual solder. The only parts of any real value are the largest IC’s. Part of the harness holding the PCB should have a cage of plastic to separate the large parts from the small and remove the residual solder. (see picture)
Once the PCB has had all the parts removed it’s not worth anything except for the metal. You could separate and recover some of the metal. Build an enclosure with a grinding wheel that is airtight. Automatically feed the PCB into the grinding wheel turning it to dust. Blow the dust into another enclosure where a gas flame burns away the fiberglass in the dust. Collect the metal. Build an enclosure with a crucible attached to a vibratory and put the remaining dust in the crucible. Different metals have different melting points. Slowly raise the temperature until the first melting point is reached. Vibrate the crucible to help whatever metal is in the dust bead together. Remove the heat, open the enclosure, and remove what metal has collected and repeat the process at the next highest temperature.
For most people PCB layout and etching services are beyond their pocketbook and when developing new products etching services are even more expensive because of the low number of PCB’s ordered. This is a way to avoid all services and at the same time speed up your R&D. A Dremel is a common household tool sold almost anywhere tools are sold. It can be fitted with drills, carving bits, sand paper etc. They also sell a Dremel stand to hold it upright. Combined with a low profile x-y table the blank PCB material could be positioned under the Dremel stand and the connections could be cut with a bit. A second method would be to use conductive glue to make the connections. The glue could be spread around the same way or by silkscreen. This eliminates many chemicals that are oil based.
In the near future it will make sense to dig up landfills. There are millions of tons of copper, lead, tin and many other resources that will be in short supply. Recycling businesses will be very profitable. Metal can be separated from construction waste as well as wood and plaster. Why can't plaster be re-hydrated? Wood could be made into particle board. Paper could be burned and used to run electric power stations.
Orwell's “1984” is no longer fiction. It's time to fish or cut bait with the powers that be. Or this is the way it will be until the end of time. Game, set , match rich people.
Updated Oct 17 2020
I watched an episode of Saturday Night Live yesterday. (3 rd season 3 rd episode) It was hosted by Hugh Hefner. One skit had Hefner, Ackroyd and Belushi as ancient Greeks. One of them said the key to life was to "Know Thyself". In "The Matrix" Neo is taken to the Oracle. She's a little old lady in a kind of run down apartment who bakes cookies. She points to a sign that reads "Know Thyself" in Latin. In the movie "The Man Who Would Be King" Sean Connery loses his head, literally and figuratively because he starts to think he's special or god like. This is what happens when you don't know thyself. So this is what I know about myself. I'm just an asshole they can't get rid of. It all comes down to money. Capatilism by it's very nature displaces people at the bottom. If the property owners don't stay ahead of the problem of the displaced by exterminatign them they won't be the property owners verey long. My mission statement: Do whatever it takes to be left alone and do whatever I want (which is recovering from your fuckin medical treatment) or die trying (or get even for making me do this you fuckin puddles of pig vomit)
-----------------------------------------------Updated August 7 2020
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 1
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 2
The Vatican Against Europe Pt 3
I know, in America, some of the favorite occupations for catholics is cop, firefighter, public works and construction. Whoever is using all this technology to harass me is running everything. They are responsible for everything. This includes Sept 11. Who ran in the buildings on Sept 11? So 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = what? Do you think I'm responsible? Aleister Crowley -Do What Thou Whilst Will Be The Whole Of The Law - Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely - And Makes For Arrogance Personified
As fossil fuels go, so goes globalization. Then we're left with 1984.
I just saw a political ad and the candidate was a gun control nut. If I was going to run for office my slogan would be "A Howitzer In Every Home". If you outlaw guns only outlaws would have guns. And the biggest outlaw on this planet is the federal government. And you don't want to go there. On a lighter note. How much does a Howitzer shell cost? "How much is that Howitzer in the window......" Nevemind. A few year ago Donald Rumsfeld was the Secetary Of Defense. He had a press conference and announced that the Defense Department could not find 3 trillion dollars. You can find videos of it on youtube. 3 trillion dollars. I want to know how much does one Howitzer shell cost? Does it cost $1.28 to make? Do they charge $36,000? Back in the 70's and the media would report the government paid $400 for a hammer or $1000 for a toilet seat. Since no one will start a war why don't you investigate this type of thing and start your own justice system and arrest them. At some point you have to say "we're not going to take it anymore" and grab a piece of territory and do this kind of thing.
Vampire - when a line of kings, or a system, clings to power for thousands of years they turn into blood suckers
From Ditch Diggers We Came, To Ditch Diggers We Shall Return
Anti Satellite
Satellites have become an integral part of military operations. They can be used to spy on victims and communicate with people under mind control. The CIA has had a satellite system of it's own as far back as the 1960's. They were called Keyhole satellites. Since satellites are in orbit they are beyond the reach of conventional weapons. This is a compilation of ideas to destroy satellites.
Satellites are powered by solar voltaic panels. They could have batteries but the batteries must be re-charged by solar voltaic panels. Voltaic panels are silicon PN junctions like a diode. They convert light into electricity. Too much light can overload the PN junction and destroy it. It might be possible to make a ground based LASER powerful enough to destroy the panels. A LASER is a device that concentrates light to increase it's power.
Space junk is anything that gets loose while astronauts work in space. A wrench, a bolt or any piece of metal that gets away from them turns into space junk. NASA must keep track of space junk because it could be very dangerous. Even the smallest item traveling at 17 thousand miles an hour can destroy or kill. A small rocket could be designed to make it into orbit and explode creating thousands of pieces of space junk.
Getting any rocket into space can be difficult and expensive. To get a large payload into orbit requires multiple stages. A small payload could be a little easier. You could strap 10 or so rockets to the belly of a B-52 to get them high enough to avoid multiple stages. The B-52 drops them one at a time. You could destroy a section of space with space junk then wait for the individual pieces to hit something. You don't need a direct hit. One small piece could do enough damage to permanently disable it.
A satellite must communicate with the ground. It has a satellite dish just like you see on houses getting TV services. Everything runs on software these days and satellites are no different. If you could break into the satellite software alter it a little and re-upload you could destroy it''s ability to communicate with the ground.
A couple things can be done on the ground to defend against them. Faraday Cages were named after Michael Faraday. It is a small enclosure, room or entire building made of metal and grounded to earth. The earth is the largest electrically neutral body. Metal connected to earth ground cannot develop a voltage across it, so all current sink's to ground. If you had any AM or FM radio or a cell phone inside a building that was a Faraday Cage you wouldn't pick up any signals. If you broadcast the signal inside the Faraday Cage you could pick it up but not if you were outside of the cage. A metal roof can be bought for a few thousand dollars. I don't know if they still make aluminum siding.
Alexander Calder was an artist who made mobiles. It's a kind of wind chime or moving statue. Chaff is metal pieces released into the air to confuse RADAR. You could hang thousands of pieces of metal in your attic like a mobile and it would act as chaff.
Like any device that communicates by electro magnetic radiation (EMR) it can be jammed by EMR. Enough EMR noise in a given area will prevent the satellite from sending or receiving data. If everyone in a small area had a satellite dish emitting EMR noise and the dish were pointed skyward it would prevent it from communicating with mind control people on the ground.
Everyone has the right to defend themselves and their property from theft and intrusion. You could place a High Wattage Pulse Generator near your front door or anywhere on your property and have it go off on trespassers If they're under mind control you prevent them from communicating.
Thursday July 30 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched movies. "Day Of The Dolphin" with George C Scott. "Oceans 11" with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.
Friday July 31 2020 - 7 PM - Went to Boston early. Didn't sleep all night. Walked around Copley then came back. Watched "Robin And The 7 Hoods" with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. It's set in Chicago in the 1920's but it's a play on the Robin Hood theme. If there's a story that has more movies done it's Robin Hood and Ivanhoe. (kinda the same thing) Set during the time of the Crusades and King John and the Magna Carta. I wonder why? "The History Of The Norman Conquest Of England" by Edward Freeman. ???? ("They don't eat minestrone in Boston") They always make a casual reference to Boston. ("Well ya heard about the Boston ................." Midnight Rambler - The Rolling Stones - 1969) Confuse A Cat - Monty Python
Saturday August 1 2020 - ND - Stayed home all day. Re-watched "A Crude Awakening" about peak oil. At the very beginning they say that 1 barrel of oil can be exrtracted from the ground in Iraq for the price of $1 and that 1 barrel is the equivilent of 12 men working all year. Something like 25,000 man hours. So my comment is "From ditch diggers we came, to ditch diggers we shall return". The various molecules that are fossil fuels are extremely complex and took millions of years to create. It is unlikely that man could come up with a process that makes one. If it is possible the process would probably use more energy than it makes. Methane is H C 4. One atom of hydrogen and four atoms of carbon. Coal is most;y carbon. Methane is a natural by product of decompostion of bio materials. If there was a process to separate the hydrogen from the carbon it might be possible to make synthetic coal.
Sunday August 2 2020 - ND - Went to South Shore Plaza. Got back about 2 PM. Having a terrible time moving around. Whatever I'm eating is causing serious pain after I walk for a while. I have to walk, sit, walk, sit or it gets really bad.
Monday August 3 2020 - 6 PM - Went out early to return videos and go to Boston. On the way home I was at Ashmont station and had to go REAL, REAL, REAL bad. I looked at the board and the 240 bus wasn't due for a half hour. I couldn't wait so I went to few places around the station and asked to use the bathroom. They wouldn't let me. By the time the bus came I missed. I guess if 'it' can poop a pigeon it can poop a person. But I already knew that. I have lost count of the times I have pooped in the middle of the night. 'They' can also barf you whenever 'they' want. There has to be something VERY SERIOUSLY wrong with a 'thing' that harasses you year after year and knows the resonant frequency of your bowel and esophagus. While I was in one of the places I ran into 2 people I had been thinking about the last few days but haven't seen in a couple years. These people are repeatedly sent in my direction to harass me. Ya know it's not about what I want. It's about what 'it' wants. 'It' wants me on my knees crying and begging for forgiveness. Well, it's not happening. I have come to the conclusion that people burned at the stake as witches simply couldn't bring themselves to do that. The 'thing' had done something so horrendous it simply wasn't possible. This is where I am. I'm not missing anything if I'm not here in 5 minutes but it's your decision. You have plenty of opportunity to run me over when I'm out walking. Aside from catatonic this is another solution. I got up this morning and discovered that my Brita water filter had benn tampered with. This is where the plastic smell was coming from. Who knows what I've been ingesting. When I got to the Citizens Bank in Quincy Center the 2 people in front of me were sitting and being served by staff. They made me stand. So somone knew I was having trouble moving around. A few days ago I re-watched "The Grapes Of Wrath". Today I watched "In Dubious Battle" with Robert Duvall. Both of these movies are set in California during the Great Depression and focus on the plight of Okies. Okies were lured to California with the promise of good wages, then when they got there the wages were cut to the point where they couldn't survive. This led to battles with the police. I think the 'thing' has used some kind of 'lure' to get rid of people they stole something from. (juded) This is my short list. The California Gold Rush of 1849. Most of the gold that was discovered in California was gome by 1848. Most of the people who went after that ended up stranded. Many died. The Yukom Gold Rush of 1898. Again many who went found nothing. Many froze to death or starved. Any book by Jack London. The Okies of the Great Depression. The International Brigades of The Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. One of whom was George Orwell. The Spanish Civil War didn't begin until the 'thing' had control of both sides. The hippies of the 1960's. The Summer Of Love was genocide. Going way back, The Crusades?? "The History Of The Norman Conquest Of England" I'm the I'm ma bummer. The Ted Kazynski troll of the internet. I passed the Hanibal Lechter stage 20 years ago.
Tuesday August 4 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Re-watched the second half of "Apolcalypse Now" with Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando. Also watched "Manhattan" by Woody Allen.
Wednesday August 5 2020 - 8 PM - Went to South Shore Plaza to run a couple errands. . Got some videos at library. Still having trouble walking. Have to stop and sit after a few minutes. Got back about 2 PM.
Thursday August 6 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Didn't eat anything. Some chemical in the mattress is making me very stiff. Smells like menthol. I quit smoking in 1986. I smoked Newport Menthol which I think has been banned in Massachusetts. According to my stupidvision. This happened when vaping was an issue. I have come to believe my condition from Sept 1972 to somewhere between 2000 and 2002 was the result of smoking. I have come to call it Ironman Syndrome. Anything inhaled is absorbed into the blood stream very fast. I think this includes metal, such as mercury. I think someone regularly supplied the store I went to with these cigarettes. The people that harass me want to cause that again. This is why I don't consider them a life form. It's excrutiating physical pain, but you don't have any other symptoms. No high temperature, no bleeding, etc. Life is an exercise in hanging on. Not day to day but moment to moment. If someone really wanted to understand they should get some inner speech of someone still suffering from it. This is my reason for never co-operating. Like someone who was burned at the stake I will never join them. Metal can take years to leave the system. Particularly the brain. It has something to do with the brain blood barrier. There is a treatment. But it takes years and needs to be monitored by a doctor. I forgot the name of it. I remember Chelation
Updated May 16 2020
Hindsight is 1984
25 Months Of The Diary
DIY Solar Voltaic Panel
Did you know that the only countries with a National Security Agency ECHELON installation are primarily Anglo- American white anglo saxon protestant? New Zealand, Australia, America. Canada, England and South Africa.
At the beginning of the 19 th century, it could be said that industrialization was a force that could not be stopped. Today, the end of industrialization is a force that cannot be stopped. Man has no choice but to return to an agriculture based society. I say these things because they have shock value.
"I know not what weapons World War III will be fought with, but I do know World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein from the documentary "Blind Spot"
Sunday March 1 2020 - ND - Went to lunch at South Shore Plaza with Mom. Got back about 4 PM. For whatever reason I've been thinking about Sen Robert Byrd of West Virginia lately. He died a few years ago. He stood in the floor of the Senate when Michael Vick was accused of dog fighting and said "..dog dog dog died....barbaric...". In the early 1990's he spent nearly 30 hours on the floor of the senate going over the history of the Roman Empire. Kind of a funny thing to do isn't it? You can find it by searching youtube for "Byrd on Rome".
Monday March 2 2020 - 7 PM - Went to Boston Public Library to return videos and get more. Walked from Copley Square to North Station to distribute literature and cause it was a nice day. Got back at 3 PM. Watched "Lemans" starring Steve McQueen. In 1980 my parents gave an interview to the Boston Globe about life on Easy St during a recession. We lived at 28 Easy St in Weymouth. The Globe told them it would appear in a supplement in a few weeks when they were finished but it was on the front page of the Sunday Globe the same day Steve McQueen died. McQueen also starred in a movie titled "Bullit". I think his name was Bullit. He was a police detective in San Francisco who was charged with protecting a witness. The media used to say the car chase scene in that movie was the greatest of all time. Bullit wasn't like "Dirty Harry". He was a good guy. I think San Francisco in the 1960's and 1970's was no love affair like the media tells it. The 'Summer Of Love" in 1967 was anything but. It was actually genocide. Haight Ashbury. Hate Ass Bury. ??? Hippies were 'chickenshitted' then lured to San Francisco by the media and then systematically slaughtered. My opinion. The freee rock concert at the Altamont Speedway in 1969 was billed as the West Coast Woodstock but is remembered as the end of the love generation. Someone was supposedly murdered by the Hells Angels. The history of San Francisco from 1950 to 2000 is a study of 'the problem'. My opinion. That and $2 will get you a cup of coffee. If you had 50 cents.
Tuesday March 3 2020 - ND - Stayed home all day. Tried to sleep. Called Aspire worker to see if they knew more about move. An hour or so later Columbia Gas showed up and started digging. ??? They were here the rest of the day. Two Aspire workers showed up but didn't know anything. One says I'll move April 1st the other March 16.
Wednesday March 4 2020 - 8 PM - Went to Boston Public Library to return videos. Walked to Target on Boylston St a few blocks away, then to Kenmore Square and back to Ashmont. Got lost, dropped literature. Back about 3 PM. Watched "Starman" starring Jeff Bridges ("The Big Lebowski") and Karen Allen ("Indiana Jones"). A lot of the same thing. Brings up Arizona. I don't understand the significance of the state. Gets mentioned a lot. The movie was made by John Carpenter who also made "Children Of The Corn", "They Live", "Village Of The Damned" and "Prince Of Darkness". "Village Of The Damned" was a remake of an early 60's movie. (I think?) This is circumstantial hearsay evidence that the problem dates back to the 50's. "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...................and I'm all out of bubble gum."
Thursday March 5 2020 - ND - Went to Turner Library and Brockton Stop & Shop. Back around 1 PM. Not able to do much with Arduino Brain because of move. I have bought an enclosure that looks a little like the Vault MIDI but it's black and a little bigger. It's aluminum and has ends that can be bought separately. A Hammond 1445Q. Most EEG, EKG amd EMG machines electrically isolate the person under test from the AC main so I'm looking into DC - DC converters on jameco(dot)com. A Meanwell encapsulated converts 12 V DC to + and - 5 V DC and does it through a coil that completely isolates the circuit. Analog Devices makes op amp packages that are actually in-amps (instrumentation amplifiers) that are made specifically for medical applications. some part numbers are: AD 620 , AD 8220. Both of these need + and - 5 Volts DC isolated from the mains. (I think?) I bought a couple 5 pin DIN connectors to bring the actual signal from my neck to the device. I want a sheilded cable connected to earth ground but I want to keep earth ground out of the actual circuit. Earth ground is necessary for an aluminum enclosure for safety reasons. At the output end I bought a 6 inch microphone patch cord with XLR connectors at each end. I want to isolate the MIDI from my circuitry by an opto isolator. A couple part numbers are: 4n25 and 6n139. The 6n139 is used by Myoware in it's EMG. I could use the Phantoum Power supplied by the MIDI for half of the opto. The circuitry in between the input and output is basically standard for any electro myography. (EEG EKG and EMG). I found a free book on Analog Devices website titled "A Designers Guide To Instrumentation Amplifiers" 3rd Edition. Has a lot of information. Whenever you measure an electrical quantity you need to insert a probe in two places. One must be a reference and the other what you want to know. Since I can't cut into my skin I must do it non invasively but I need two points. One part of the human body that doesn't produce EMR is bone. I think I could put one electrode at the back of my neck on the bone and the other as close to my vocal chords as possible. This would create a stable reference point without long wires. If necessary I could fashion a collar of aluminum sheet to go around my neck to cover everything not covered by the sheilded cable. The aluminum would be encased in cloth to isolate me from any electrical shock. It's obvious that whoever is harassing me with this technology is doing it non invasively. I recently read the book "Strange Angel: The Other Worldly Life Of Rocket Scientist John Whitesides Parsons". In it they describe the building of one of the observatory's in Southern California. Might have been Mount Palomar. They make the statement that the mirror was about 12 feet in diameter and capable of picking up the light of a single candle at 5000 miles. Light is EMR at frequencies above microwave. I don't know how wide a satellite dish on a satellite is but it must be close to 12 ft. When you connect a EMG machine to a person the person is a very high resistance. If you were five thousand miles up you would need both a resistor and a coil in paralell. The coil would act as an antenna even though it was connected at both ends. Just sayin. Mt Palomar is mentioned in the movie "Rebel Without A Cause".
Friday March 6 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. Ate the crap I bought at Stop & Shop. Re-watched "Rebel Without A Cause" starring James Dean. It's a sort of west coast "West Side Story". ?? It's about a lot of dysfunctional people. My father had his own business. He worked with people from England sometimes. When I was 9 or 10 years old he had some people from England stay with us. They had a small girl about my age. One night after dinner she asked me to go into the dining room. We knelt down and she picked up my sneakers and said "In England we call these Pippers.". It stuck in my mind. I think a Pip is a 'juded' person. My mother is Catholic and my father was a WASP. I was never baptised and have never been to church. If that sort of thing is allowed to go on the church would die. Maybe that's where my problem started. Gladys Knight and the Pips. Pip is a character in Dickens "Great Expectations". He is also mentioned in the movie "Things To Come (H. G. Wells 1936)" If David Copperfield married Claudia Schiffer and they had a child it would have Copperfield eyes and Schiffer brains.
Saturday March 7 2020 - ND - Went to Quincy to get some videos then on to Cambridgeside Galleria for lunch and shop at Best Buy. I have been thinking about a new camera. I was going to look at a Sony but everything on display was too expensive. Wasn't that way the last time I was there!! I wonder why? Or how?? Did they know!! I also want a new keyboard and mouse and set of computer speakers. Didn't find anything. I want speakers that are one piece. The speakers I have are in 3 pieces and are a pain in the ass. My keyboard and mouse are getting old. I always buy wired devices to keep out people who specialize in wireless harassment. Got back about 3 PM. I have been watching John Wayne movies. So far I've watched "True Grit", "The Shootist" and "Donovans Reef". The last one is kind of interesting. Wayne owns a saloon on some remote island in the Pacific called Donovans Reef. He also owns a few ships. He's pals with a nutty sailor named Gilhooly who was born in Fall River Mass. The relationship is weird. The island is French territory. The islands doctor is from Boston. He has a daughter in Boston he has never met. The story revolves around her first meetng him. I need to watch it again. "True Grit" was one of Waynes last movies. Clint Eastwoods "Unforgiven" is a sort of "True Grit" on steroids. ?? "The Shootist" is one of his best but I don't know how it relates to my problem.
Sunday March 8 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed in Randolph all day. Went to Dunkin Donuts, Dollar Tree and Shaws about noon. Had a senior moment or 'driving distracted' incident at Shaws. I walked away without waiting for my change. I went back and they gave it to me but the cashier had to cancel the order she was working on. I could go over the crap that happened in the store but it would take too long. Anyway. No word as to when or to where I've moving. Supposedly someone is coming tomorrow to inspect the house. A few days ago I suggested my problems began because my mother was catholic and my father was a WASP and I was never baptised. About 10 years ago I learned that this is refered to as St Augustines Limbo by the Catholic Church. I learned this by watching a video of Christopher Hitchens. Or possibly David (??) Dawkins in the documentary "The God Delusion". Soon after I mentioned it on the internet the church changed it's stance on un-baptised babies. (I think ??) Is St Augustines Limbo L. Frank Baum's scarecrow? Is it one reason Benedict was replaced? I have a PBS documentary "Secrets Of The Vatican" from 2014 that suggests he was replaced because of the butler, pedophelia and banking scandals.
Monday March 9 2020 - ND - Went to Boston Public Library. Walked to Quincy Market then came home. Watched "The X-Files" a movie with the same people as the TV show. Crazy Russian doctors are transplanting the heads of dogs and people.
Tuesday March 10 2020 - 8 PM - Stayed in Randolph all day. Possibly moving to 121 Central Ave Milton. Watched "Thoroughly Modern Millie" starring Mary Tyler Moore and Julie Andrews. Set in the 1920's it's about girls who come to the big city to get married or launch a career. They all check into a rooming house where the owner is drugging the girls and enslaving them as prostitutes. She pretends to be Chinese and all her help is Chinese. At the end they show a sign that says "Big Mary's Tart Shop Peking China". ('What are tarts made of..........................pepper mostly.." {Alice In Wonderland}) ("We're Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.....................") Do the Chinese (Rolling Stones) make thier own problem? Are they the ones who send girls into harms way?
Wednesday March 11 2020 - ND - Went to Wal-Mart in Weymouth. Got back late. I believe my life was ruined, behind my back, from the very beginning. I am what the English call a 'Pip". I believe one of the most famous 'Pips' in history was Edie Sedgwick. Edie Sedgwick was born in California and came from a long line of English WASP's. She was featured in many of Andy Warhol's movies before she died young of a drug overdose. She is the subject of the song "Edie Ciao Baby" by The Cult.
Thursday March 12 2020 - ND – Stayed home all day. Packed, watched movies.
Friday March 13 2020 - 8 PM - Went to Boston Public Library. Got back about 2 PM. When I got back I watched a movie on TV (THIS channel 7.2) titled "Antitrust". It was about a giant tech company that had access to satellite surveillance and fascist thugs to drive other people out of business. The 'thugs' were white supremecists. I know in my case they come in all colors and variety's. But anyway. It seemed to be implying that this is how companys like Microsoft got so big. It's all Standard Operating Procedure in Americas big corporations. I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Secret police not so secret police, America is a pollice state.
Saturday March 14 2020 - ND - Went to Avon Wal-Mart.
Sunday March 15 2020 - ND - Went to Quincy Center to go to library but it was closed because of corona virus. Got a lousy cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Came right back. I think the corona virus is a cover story. They invent these things to keep people busy. Another example is the Deep Water Horizon in 2010. Some say there was no oil spill, others believe it was completely blown out of proportion. It went on for most of the summer. A well known oil industry analyst from Maine died mysteriously during the crisis. I can't remember his name right now. He was an adviser to George Bush II. He was also well known in Peak Oil circles. (Matt Simmons ???) For anyone who doesn't know what Peak Oil is here is a list of documentary's: "Collapse with Michael Ruppert", "Blind Spot", "Oil Smoke and Mirrors" and "A Crude Awakening". Peak Oil is basically the theory of how the human race runs out of fossil fuels. It is a known fact that every oil well ever drilled runs dry eventually. Every oil field, numerous wells, eventually runs dry. Or at least it becomes more expensive to extract the oil then it is worth. So eventually we will run out of oil and natural gas. Capitalism is wholly dependant on fossil fuels. Everything you touch or use during the day is 100 % dependant on fossil fuels. Agriculture is hopelessly dependant. If the human race runs out of oil before we replace it somehow a massive die off will occur. (Matt Simmons ??) could see what was coming. It's not just the New World Order people need to worry about. Or surveillance or mind control. If we run out of fossil fuels and surrender all political power the future for 99 % of us is gloomy. As Orwell put it "A hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance" Most of the planet will return to some type of fuedalism. (my opinion)
Updated Feb 14 2020
Don’t join the military.
Don’t join the priesthood.
Updated Jan 23 2020
Updated Jan 8 2020
Updated Dec 10 2019
Updated Nov 23 2019
ZseZse Coffee Cup
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Proofs Of A Conspiracy
Updated Sept 16 2019
ZseZse Coffee Cup
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Proofs Of A Conspiracy
In case anyone's interested, when I left the house this morning I was wearing a hat lined with EMI absorbent. I was also listening to my own voice on a MP3 player. I recorded about 1 hour on my PC and downloaded it to the player. So if anything's changed that's why.
I bought the EMI absorbent from mouser(dot)com. It is manufactured by 3M. It is used in electronics to control stray EMI between components in the same assembly. It comes as a sheet about the size of a piece of paper. It is shiny like tin foil. Some have a sticky backing so it can be permanently fixed. I spent about $25 for a sheet.
Updated August 5 2019
My Coffeecup Inventions
Last week on my regular blog (www.philipnute.wordpress.com) I complained about an incident that happened on Friday August 2 2019 in the Crush Pizza in Quincy Center. I don't know if any laws were actually broken but if they were I know the police won't do anything. This type of thing has been happening to me every day for the last 12 years. If there are people who care about this sort of thing I think they should file a complaint with the police anyway. I say this because I tend to think I'm being followed by more than one group. If complaints keep piling up something might be done eventually.
Updated July 1 2019
My Coffeecup Inventions
This is a fictional story but something very similar to this happened to me this morning at the Stop N Shop in Quincy Center just before I posted this. Lets say there's a man in his 20's who works in a pharmacy in downtown Boston. We'll call him worker X. Worker X is wound kinda tight. Things happen to him he doesn't understand. People treat him in ways he doesn't understand. This very morning an elderly man came into his place of employment and said something to one of his co-workers. That co-worker followed orders and it upset worker X. The elderly man knew ahead of time what worker X would do when it happened so he switched some of the drinks in the frig. Worker X immediately went to the frig got his favorite beverage and took it outside to calm down. The drink made him very sick which only increased his anger. Point of the story. If you want to find the source of every problem known to man and planet earth, find out why that old man did that and why no one will do anything. A clue. About 1500 years ago a race of men known for their brutality, lying, thievery, greed and avarice put down the sword and picked up the cross. But the nature of the beast didn't change. So, everything they do is done with slight-of-hand, hocus pocus and magic.
Updated June 25 2019
I have an appointment tomorrow at 1 PM at South Shore Hospital to have my hernia repaired.
My Wordpress
Updated June 4 2019
My Coffeecup Inventions
Avro Manhattan born April 6, 1914 to American and Swiss/Dutch parents of Jewish extraction, Manhattan was originally known as "Teofilo Lucifero Gardini" in his early days in Italy.[2] Before his exile, Manhattan was known to spend his summers at the home of the artist, Paolo Troubetzkoy, in Verbania.[2]
Known books by Manhattan
- The Rumbling of the Apocalypse (1934)
- Towards the New Italy (Preface by H.G. Wells) (1943)
- Latin America and the Vatican (1946)
- The Catholic Church Against the Twentieth Century (1947; 2nd edition 1950)
- The Vatican in Asia (1948)
- Religion in Russia (1949)
- Vatican in World Politics (1949)
- Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom (1952; 2nd edition 1959)
- Terror Over Yugoslavia, the Threat to Europe (1953)
- The Dollar and the Vatican (1956)
- Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century (1965)
- The Vatican-Moscow-Washington Alliance (1982)
- The Vatican Billions (1983)
- Catholic Terror in Ireland (1988)
- Vietnam... Why Did We Go? The Shocking Story of the Catholic "Church's" Role in Starting the Vietnam War (1984)
- Murder in the Vatican, American Russian and Papal Plots (1985)
- The Vatican’s Holocaust (1986)
- The Dollar and the Vatican (1988)
"Everybody wants to rule the world."
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
(what he should have said is it's the same people all the time but the illiteration wouldn't have worked)
Bide your time till something touches it off!!! Maggot filth. You don't have the courage of your convictions. Oh I'm sorry your convictions are "Money.........get back ..I'm alright Jack keep your hands off my stack......." "One of these days I'm gonna cut you into little pieces.............." (thats the universal mind talking) Doesn't take a genius to come up with some solutions. Outlaw prosthletizing. No longer recognize the soverieghty of the Vatican. Have the Italian government take the Vatican and arrest the lot of them for something. Take away some of thier property. Would the American government allow the Soviet Union to own as much property in America during the Cold War as the Vatican does today? Kick them out of the UN. It's like a mold that gets into your house.
Sunday May 19 2019 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day and tried to recover from yesterdays food. Wanted to go the entire day without food but gave up at the end. Was refused service from Randolph Cafe. Don't know why, don't care. Called Ocean City Chinese and got very prompt service. ???? Said it would take 30 to 45 minutes but was here in about 15. ???? Was someone interfering? Didn't get sick. Need to take it easy until I see doctor. Watched Alex Jones all day. Don't know why. Learned from channel 2 that it was someone named William Mulholland that inspired Roman Polanski to do "Chinatown". Mulholland was responsible for the St Francis Dam collapse in March 1928. He built the Los Angeles Owen Valley Aqueduct. Lake Havasu. "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down......." McCulloch Chain Saws
Monday May 20 2019 - ND - Went to Weymouth to get a referral to a surgeon for my hernia. Took all day. Tried to call but they wanted me to see the doctor for the referral and the appointment would have been the middle of June so I went to the Urgent care at Harbor Medical. Got the referral so now I have to make an appointment with the surgeon. I am reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Frederich Nietzsche. I think this could be described as a fictionalized auto biography using an actual historical figure. ???? Or he's using Zoroaster to spread his own philosophy. ??? Zoroaster is mentioned as the devil in the "Maleus Mallificarum" commonly known as "The Witches Hammer". He was a Perian prophet around 500 BC. He is credited by some as the first of the monotheists and the believers in dualism. Dualism is the concept of heaven and hell or good and evil. The Jews are the original monotheists. They were enslaved in Babylon around the time Zoroaster was alive. The Persians freed the Jews. ???? I'm not sure what this means.
Tuesday May 21 2019 - ND - Stayed home most of the day. Went to library to get movies. Watched "Judgement at Nuremberg" starring Spencer Tracy and "The Mask Of Zorro" starring Cathering Zeta Jones. "Judgement at Nuremberg" is about the trials of some lesser none Nazis. Possibly fictitious. The movie brings up the issues of Eugenics and race relations in Germany before the war. Eugenics was the forced sterilization of people deemed feeble minded. It was widespread in the US before the war. One of the Nazis is given life in prison for executing a Jew who had a relationship with a 16 year old girl even though they both said nothing improper occured. The movie points out that when a society begins deciding who should live or have children the people doing the judgingare often just lining their pockets. It's the principle at the beginning but it descends into tyranny. The movie inspired me to buy a couple books. "Prisoner # 7" by Eugene Bird. Bird was one of the commandants of Spandau prison where 7 very high Nazis were held from 1945 to 1987. Prisoner 7 was Rudolph Hess. Bird and Hess got to know each other very well. Hess was the number 2 Nazi until he parachuteted into England in 1941 or 42 to try to negotiate peace. It was Hess or Speer who lived until 1987. I forget which. Speer wrote books that became best sellers in the 1960's. I bought "Spandau The Secret Diaries". He also wrote "Inside The Third Riech". Speer was Hitlers architect. There was a Rock band called Spandau Ballet in the 1980's. ??? I hated them. Seven is a lucky number in Christianity. Seven Prisoners??? I am also reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Frederich Nietzsche. This is why I got "The Mask Of Zorro". Another name for Zarathustra is Zoroaster. (I don't know why I connect these things) ??? The movie stunk and don't think there's a connection. Zorro is an old legend from California when it was part of Mexico. Somewhere in the book Zarathustra is advised to leave the area because everyone hates him. I think this is the same thing as "The Picture Of Dorian Grey". Dorian Grey = Zarathustra = Nieztche. This is what happens when 'the thing' fucks with you behind your back. Dorian Grey = Zarathustra = Nieztsche = me
Wednesday May 22 2019 - 8 PM - Went to library then to Wendys for lunch. Came right back. My hernia is getting serious. I made an appointment with a surgeon but it isn't until Friday June 14. Performance Drive Weymouth. Who knows when the surgery will take place. If at all. I think I'm laid up until it gets taken care of. Or it kills me. Alright stop cheering. I think I'm gonna put aside the solar panel for a while and do something else. Watched "Kill Bill" by Quentin Tarentino. This movie would be considered artsy fartsy if you didn't have certain information. For me it's easy to understand. At the very beginning Uma Thurman is in a truck trying to get her feet to work. This reminds me of "Moby Dick" when Capt Ahab stands on the deck of the Pequod for 7 days and 7 nights non stop looking for the whale. Finally he says 'Starbuck,...in the morning put the men in the boats and row us out of these God forsaken waters..."
Thursday May 23 2019 - 8 PM - Stayed home all day. When I left Shattuck at the end of November 2015 I was put on the Section 8 housing list. I am still waiting. Today I got a letter from the Milton Housing Authority (65 Miller Ave) wanting information to update my application and keep me on the list. The information they want is extensive. Literally full copies of bank statements for 3 months. Birth certificate. Photo ID. Tax returns and income verification. Part of me thinks this is phony. I wonder what was so important about Zoroaster that the Pope issued a Papal Bull to have the Malleus Malificarum written?
Friday May 24 2019 - ND - Went to the library to get some movies and get on internet. Stopped reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". It was getting repetitive. But it dawned on me that 'dualism' could be the same thing as 'the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power'. Heaven and hell is used as slight of hand and a way to create 'the fog of war' in any situation to the advantage of people in power. The movie "The Crucible" is about the Salem witch trials that occured in Massachusetts in 1690. Arthur Miller accuses one of the judges or investigators (I forget which) of using the situation to steal someones land. The word 'crucible' says it all. Organized crime.Watched the second half of 'Kill Bill'. Probably didn't need to.
Saturday May 25 2019 - ND - Went out late for something to eat. Watched "Houdini" starring Tony Curtis. Harry Houdini was a famous magician and escape artist in the early 20 th century. He died in 1926. His real name was Eric Wiesz. He was Jewish and from Wisconsin. I am of the belief that the surveillance world we live in today has been planned for a couple hundred years. The American revolution gave us capitalism not freedom. Capitalism gave us the patent office, an incentive to build a prison planet without the knowledge of most of the people. Houdini wrote books debunking mind readers and sorcerers. He took his name from a French magician named Houdin but he also wrote a book exposing him. Houdini died of peritonitis an inflamation of the abdomen (sound familar ??) I'm not sure if my problem is a hernia. I wonder if it's related to all the shit I am forced to eat. Two other movie sources of a swollen abdomen are "Leprechaun" and "The Matrix". I am reading "Democracy In America Vol 2" by Alexis de Tocqueville. Vol 2 is more commentary than history. He repeatedly mentions "the Supreme Being" and how what he is talking about benefits or is controlled by "The Supreme Being". I think the American Revolution was a coup by the Pope. We were free before the Revolution not after. One chapter describes how the court system benefits the supreme being. How would that happen? This is where Freemasonry comes in. Freemasonry is a secret society with 33 levels. Each level knows a little more of the secret knowledge than the one below. The top people are judges, lawyers, politicians and rich businessmen. These are the people the supreme being counts on to do it's business. This is how America wound up where it is today. The people at the bottom of Freemasonry think they are working for a greater good. If they only knew. Washington and Jefferson were 33 rd degree Freemasons. Washington accepted as a gift, the land that Washington DC now sits on from the first Roman Catholic Bishop in America, John Carrol. This is from the book "Washington In The Lap Of Rome" by E. Dewey Fulton.
Sunday May 26 2019 - ND - Went to lunch with mom. One of my room mates has been missing for a couple days. The story I got was he was arrested for punching someone and might do some time. I think 'they' are looking for some reason to get these 2 room mates out and either bring in 2 more or move me somewhere. My other mate has been gone for weeks and I'm told won't be back. "All the worlds a stage.."
Monday May 27 2019 - 7 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Went to Shaws. Only I got that was crap was some Doritos. Buy one get one. Shouldn't have even done that. Watched a version of "Turn Of The Screw" by Henry James. If you know what to look for any art literature music movies or poetry produced by Western Civilization since the Protestant Reformation is about the same thing. What exactly that is, is difficult to say. I've got it boiled down to 2 sentences. Took me ten years. The Catholic church never stopped killing people. The Pope is Big Brother. "I'm hot for teacher..........I've got my pencil........give something to write on................" Van Halen
Tuesday May 28 2019 - 9 PM - Stayed home most of the day. Ran out of food. Slept.
Wednesday May 29 2019 - ND - Went to Boston just to get out and distribute literature. Walked down Summer St to South Boston. Turned around at Castle Island. Stopped in Quincy Center for lunch. Got crap food at a couple places. Sick as a dog while writing this. Thatcher Farm chocolate milk from health food store and Shasta cola from Family Dollar.
Thursday May 30 2019 - ND - Stayed home most of the day. Went to library.
Friday May 31 2019 - ND - Stayed home all day. Hernia really bothering me. Slept. Re-watched a couple documentaries. "All Governments Lie" and "The World According To Bush" by William Karel.
Saturday June 1 2019 - ND - Went to library then bank and Mary Lous for coffee. Re-watched "American Anarchist". It's about William Powell who wrote the "Anarchist Cookbook" in the 1970's. He gets 'raked over the coals' for about an hour and half for writing it. I think he should have stuck to his guns. The producers cite numerous examples where the book was used. Columbine High School, Timothy McVeigh etc. A lot of recent history is a result of the never ending onslaught of the mind controlled on the people not under mind control. Columbine is an example. They try to leave clues about the world of the mind controlled in the history they create. I have sometimes called these "Aleister Crowleys". An attempt to use the media without the knowledge of the media. Rock N Roll is a secret society of artists fending off the never ending onslaught. 'Bowling For Columbine" is a documentary by Michael Moore. Bowling could be used as a symbol for the never ending onslaught. In the movie "The Big Lebowski" Jeff Bridges is an aging hippie who rolls into Los Angeles like a tumbleweed. He bowls with John Goodman and has no real job. A few months ago I watched the movie "Gone With The Wind" starring Clark Gable. The media used to make a big deal out of this movie. When it finally came to TV it was a momentous occasion. One thing stuck in my mind this time. Scarlett O'Hara's father was Irish. The movie doesn't say whether he was Catholic or Protestant. I understand it's fiction but it makes me wonder. I have always assumed that the large Southern Plantations were all owned by White Anglo Saxon Protestants. I wonder if any were owned by Irish Catholics and how many.
Sunday June 2 2019 - 8 PM - Went to Quincy Center. Yesterday when I left the library I made a right toward the bank. There was a police cruiser sitting in the library parking lot. When I left the bank I went toward home and the cruiser had pulled forward and was helping a funeral procession make a left from Crawford Square onto North St. This is about the hundreth time a funeral procession has been used as a prop. (I think,...I'm paranoid you know) Last week I went to Boston to distribute literature and yesterday there was a mass shooting in Virginia. (I also suffer from delusions of granduer you know) At least thats what my stupidvision is reporting. I get so much news tailor made for me why should I buy it? Any way I interpreted this as a message not to go to Quincy Center anymore. So today I went to Quincy Center. Put your bullets where your paranoia is. ???? Why should I care? I have no reason to continue. My blogs and websites are just a middle finger at this world and 'that' which inhabits it. I'm ready when you are. Even a cat kills it or walks away. Got some videos in Quincy.
Monday June 3 2019 - 9 PM - Stayed home all day. Watched movies. "1900" is a film by Bernardo Bertolucci starring Robert DeNiro and others. Made in 1977 it's over 5 hours long. It follows the lives of 2 Italians born on the same day in the year 1900 until they die in old age. One is the son of a land owner and the other a peasant in the same village. It was Orwell who said "In truth the war is waged by the ruling class on it's own citizens to keep the structure of society intact". As the 2 grow up mechanization is introduced to the village and makes makes the friction between land owner and peasant worse. The peasants begin talking socialism. The response was WW I. Many of the peasants were killed in the war so not much changed. The friction is passed to a new generation and the land owners start fascism. The church sides with the fascists. I think this mind control, technology system is a replacement for war. It keeps things as they are. Americans are colonials. Which is to say there is no ancient culture or social order. If the power's that be try to impose a feudalistic system here they might encounter extreme resistance. "A heirarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance" Also watched "The Color Purple" with Oprah Winfrey but I didn't totally understand it.
Updated May 30 2019
My Coffeecup Inventions
Our fore fathers (who art in heaven ???) knew that it was necessary to seperate church from state because men whose lives are governed by superstition are capable of really stupid things when you give them power. I wonder what the fore fathers (who art in heaven ???) would say about seperating church from science. This time they have managed to violate every 'living soul' on this planet every day all day for the fore see able future. I think you have to seperate man from religion.
"When you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer....................superstition and away......."
My Wordpress OH MY OH MY
I have a documentary titled "Control Room". It's about AlJezeera's coverage of the Second Gulf War. Didn't AL Gore own AL Jezeera at one point? (whatever) Why is it called "Control Room"? Nevermind. I have often wondered if there is a control in every American city where the mind controlled are controlled from. What? AL Gore AL Jezeera?? Wouldn't that be a smoking gun? Duh dauh duh duh Come as you are. Nevermind!!!
Updated March 27 2019
Inventions 1
Inventions 1
Updated Jan 5 2019
Updated Dec 29 2018
I think that if the High Wattage Pulse Generator actually works people should concentrate on one city. Like maybe Los Angelos. “Hotel California” You know the enemy will push back so it should be an all out effort to unplug people. Then maybe move on to San Diego or San Francisco. There might be safety in numbers.
Updated Dec 22 2018
When metal gets into your blood it eventually makes its way to the brain. Once it’s in the brain it can be difficult to remove. It can take years for it to leave naturally. Chelation is a medical treatment to speed the process up. It uses drugs, but should be monitored by a doctor. The drugs can be bought over the counter. Metal poisoning can produce a number of symptoms. Lack of emotion, over active libido are two.
I have been thinking about clean drinking water and sanitation. Water can be extracted from the air unless it’s too dry. This is not the case where most people live. I think it’s possible to combine a de-humidifier with a water distiller and keep it like a regular household refrigerator. To remove water from the air you need to make a space that is lower in temperature with regard to the outside air and provide a surface for the water to condense on. You don’t need an extreme temperature difference as provided by a freon driven machine. Most household de-humidifiers are the same thing as a refrigerator or air conditioner. They have an electric compressor, a condenser, an evaporator some valves and freon (refrigerant) Freon is a chemical that can be expensive and hard to acquire. If the corporate overlords knew what you were doing they probably wouldn’t sell it to you. I don’t think it would be hard to get around this. Heat always travels to where there isn’t any. If it’s cold outside your house the heat inside will try to get out. If it’s hot outside it will try to get in. The vacuum of space is about as cold as it gets. If you made a very large glass enclosure and put it under vacuum you could use it to draw heat in a specific direction. Place a large piece of metal with a large surface area (like an electronic heat sink) on top. On top of that a baffle with fans pulling air through the bottom. The air comes up from the bottom enters the space with a lower temperature and the water condenses on the bottom of the vacuum container and drips into a pan. The pan slowly fills up and collects in a tank.
Solar water distillers already exist. Build a box and line it with plastic to hold water. The box should have a angle to it. Put a piece of glass on top so it is at an angle. At the bottom of the glass put a tray to collect water. Put water in the box and place the entire thing in the sun. The sun will slowly evaporate the water. As it does it collects on the glass. Since the glass is at angle the water drips into the tray and eventually collects in the can.
Updated Dec 20 2018
I have seen films and documentaries on Benjamin Disraeli or Queen Victoria where they mention “the problem of the Irish church”. I wonder what they’re talking about. I think someone should research all the legislation filed in the English Parliament that dealt with this and write a book. It might be interesting. In the 1960’s the US Congress passed the Racketeering In Support Of Corrupt Organization Act (RICO). It was aimed at the mafia. I wonder if any one else has tried to legislate the problem.
This is my attempt to come up with laws. First I think that proselytizing should be illegal. And put some teeth into it. 5 yrs jail time. Some type of crime should be specified for coercing someone with fear or drugs. Coercion – any use of fear by someone involved in a crime on an innocent person not directly involved Unity Coercion – persons acting in unison to further a nationalistic, religious, ethnic or other goal by use of fear and at the direction of a superior not known to the target I recently watched an episode of The Ray Bradbury Theater titled “The Anthem Sprinters” and this is where I got the idea. Irish amnesia forget everything but the grudge
Most of the Germans went home after WWII. I think the Nurmberg Trials were a case of fascists putting fascists on trial. The Germans were hung because they were on the losing end of the official narrative as written by the puppet masters. I think whats needed here is to put Western Civilization on trial. If you don’t think war is a part of the system ask any one who has studied feudalism. Feudalism was invented from the ground up by the Romans as the empire was collapsing. It was started by Constantine I.
Updated Dec 18 2018
Ya see, I envision myself standing in front of someone who just had something jammed down their throat that will ruin their life for the foreseeable future. And I say “Welcome to the land of the ‘juded’. I hope you hate it as much as everyone else does. It takes 6 years, 6 months and 6 days to get over it if they let you. ‘They’ being anyone you cross on any given day. Or just come in contact with.”
Fear is our business, and business is good
Updated Dec 16 2018
I have seen films and documentaries on Benjamin Disraeli or Queen Victoria where they mention “the problem of the Irish church”. I wonder what they’re talking about. I think someone should research all the legislation filed in the English Parliament that dealt with this and write a book. It might be interesting.
Updated Dec 13 2018
If the fish stinks at the top the rest will stink sooner or later. Which is like saying ‘if you have collective treason at the top you’ll have total lawlessness at the bottom eventually’.
“I can’t stand this indecision…”
“Married with a lack of vision….”
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
(If you need a steady hand moving forward get yourself another stooge, no Shemps no Joes)
I want the Chinese to poop for free
I want the truth to come out and whatever occurs because of that. I don’t know what the truth is or what’s going to happen. It’s not my job and I don’t care. I think if someone goes riding into town with guns blazing they’ll kill a lot of perpetrators, victims, witness’s and innocent people. They’ll destroy a lot of evidence and create so much chaos the people will do anything to stop it. Including turning to the people who are guilty. My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment.
I maintain a shotgun in the dark policy. I tell everyone everything.
I don’t have opinions. I don’t have the time. Suffering is a full time job. I manage to argue when cornered. This is your life Phil Nute. My life is about coping, not day to day but moment to moment. Again get some inner voice from someone still suffering from the problem.
Kubla Khan
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree;
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man,
Down to a sunless sea
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And here were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossom’d many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Infolding sunny spots of greenery.
But oh that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e’er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced:
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
‘Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher’s flail:
And ‘mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
It flung up momently the sacred river.
Five miles, meandering with a mazy motion,
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reach’d the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean :
And ‘mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war!
The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Floated midway on the waves;
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the ?ountain and the caves.
It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!
A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw
It was an Abyssinian maid,
And on her dulcimer she play’d,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song,
To such a deep delight ‘t would win me,
That with music loud and long,
” would build that dome in air, …”
That sunny dorce! those caves of ice!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed
And drank the milk of Paradise.
To a Mouse
Robert Burns
Burns was a contributor to the Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700’s. This poem contains the famous line ‘The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew’.
(my title “To A Jude (Jew)”)
Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast,
O, what a panic is in your breast!
You need not start away so hasty
With hurrying scamper!
I would be loath to run and chase you,
With murdering plough-staff.
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
And fellow mortal!
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;
What then? Poor beast, you must live!
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves
Is a small request;
I will get a blessing with what is left,
And never miss it.
Your small house, too, in ruin!
It’s feeble walls the winds are scattering!
And nothing now, to build a new one,
Of coarse grass green!
And bleak December’s winds coming,
Both bitter and keen!
You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
And weary winter coming fast,
And cozy here, beneath the blast,
You thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel plough past
Out through your cell.
That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,
Has cost you many a weary nibble!
Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,
Without house or holding,
To endure the winter’s sleety dribble,
And hoar-frost cold.
But Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leaves us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Still you are blest, compared with me!
The present only touches you:
But oh! I backward cast my eye,
On prospects dreary!
And forward, though I cannot see,
I guess and fear!
Updated Dec 11 2018
This is some thoughts on the electric toilet. I have seen pictures of spark generators going off. The spark is often concentrated in one spot. A Jacobs Ladder will move up but will not spark over the entire length of the wire all at the same time. If you wanted to use the spark to vaporize whatever is in the glass enclosure you need the spark to spread out over the entire electrode. My solution is to make the electrode out of 2 different metals. Small pieces of one type of metal would be embedded in another type of metal with a lower conductivity. When the spark is generated the current would gravitate toward the better conductive metal thus spreading the spark around.
I think the Patty Hearst kidnapping was an Aleister Crowley. Hearst was the grand daughter of William Randolph Hearst who was the subject of the movie “Citizen Kane”. He owned hundreds of newspapers across the country. He was famous for saying “you provide the pictures and I’ll provide the war”. He was talking about the Spanish American War that was fought between 1898 and 1899. It began with the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor. Patty Hearst was kidnapped by a group calling itself the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was supposedly brainwashed and joined the group to robbing banks. A very famous picture has Hearst holding a machine gun in a bank. There is no country Symbion or Symbionese. The closest thing to it might be Siam, the old name for Thailand. I think they made it up from the word symbiotic, which means ‘working closely together or in conjunction with’. What the SLA was saying is that the media and the banks work very closely together to control society.
Updated Dec 7 2018
Ain’t no one wanna be the next Judah Macabee or whatever his name was. I think the idea is to get the thing to answer for the situation it’s creating. I am not responsible for whats happening. Why should explain or accept responsibility for it? I think acting like some Jesus is the oldest trick in the oldest book and it doesn’t get to the real problem. I think the ‘thing’ has created a real problem for itself with neural implants. It’s like Jim Morisson and The Doors said “…this is the land where the Pharoah died.” And lived and died and lived and died…..never underestimate the humans ability to forget.
I think I have identified a new catagory of movie. It’s the ‘desperate people trying to score money to survive’ genre. I recently watched “The Italian Job” with Michael Caine. This is what tipped me off. I think I can include “Reservoir Dogs” by Quentin Tarantino (not for the faint of badge), “Jackie Brown” by Quentin Tarantino, “The Big Lebowski” among others. So that brings me to real crime. The Boston media used to brag about how ‘The Brinks Job’ was the biggest crime in history. It was a bunch of low life hoods who stole something like $50 million from a Brinks warehouse. More recently we had the Isabela Stuart Gardner Museum heist. A bunch of thieves dressed as police stole about $100 million worth of paintings around 1990. They have never been caught. They talked for years about some musician named Miles Conner but nothing has ever come of it. “Eight MILES high…..” Can you keep a satellite in orbit at 8 miles? “I can see for miles and miles and miles……………….” (how can you see for miles? Another song I didn’t want to understand) “Careful with that axe Eugene (Jimi) …….” “One of these days I’m going to cut you into little pieces….” “You have the right to free speech……as long as…………….you’re not dumb enough to actually try it……………..” But I digress. And I don’t think I can get back.
OK it’s about 20 minutes later. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? It was the police. They needed 50 million to build an airport in Denver (twice) that they didn’t need in the first place to say “Fascism Is D.U.M.B.” (deep underground military base)
“If you want a way out……….”
“Silver and Gold……….’
Silver and Gold
“If the government can issue a dollar in bonds, it can issue a dollar in currency”
Thomas Edison
I majored in art in high school. As a part of that I studied art history. Today I find it useful to make trouble. Patrons of art are usually rich or powerful people. Until the modern era most art in Western Civilization was commissioned by the church. Almost all art before 1500 AD is religious in nature. As the lower classes began to rise art branched out and in many cases became political in nature. I thought I would present a timeline and some basic commentary as I go. One of the first great works of fiction is “Don Quixote” by Cervantes somewhere around 1580 AD. He predated Shakespeare. “Don Quixote” could be a rolling stone or a metaphor for an entire society that doesn’t understand who really runs things. In America the people at the top are fighting evil but don’t know or understand the enemy. (the church never relinquished power) Shakespeare wrote about 50 plays between 1580 AD and 1610 AD. He wrote history’s, comedy’s and tragedy’s. His works were inspired by Ovid’s poems as well as The Hollinshed Chronicles. They were a history of England Ireland and Scotland written by several people about 1550 AD. John Milton wrote “Paradise Lost” around 1650 AD. It is considered one of the great poems in history along with Homers “Iliad and Odyssey” and Ovid. In 1725 AD Jonathon Swift wrote “Gulivers Travels”. “Gulivers Travels” is a parody and fantasy that reveals the true nature of Western Civilization. We fight wars over which end of the egg to break first. Just after the American Revolution a strange thing happened. A group of artists in New England (“..this is the land where the Pharoah died…….”) invented a literary movement from the ground up. They called it Transcendentalism. The movement included Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Davis Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson among others. In Europe Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstien”. Published around 1825 AD it was way ahead of it’s time. The full title is “Frankenstien Or The Modern Prometheus”. Prometheus is a titan in Greek mythology who gave man fire. I think Frankenstien represents science, a Pandora’s Box to many people. Richard Wagner was in born in Germany around 1825 AD to a Lutheran. He wrote opera’s and was acquanted with Frederich Neitschze. He helped define the role of art in Western Civilization going forward. Around 1880 AD painters began to get into the act. French Impressionism included artists like Vincent Van Gogh, LauTrec and others. The beginning of the 20 th century saw abstract painting. Picasso was one of the early artists. In the 1920’s Salvador Dali and others invented Surrealism a mixture of realism and dreams or inner mind concepts. Both Dali and Picasso lived in to the 1960’s. The 20 th century also saw the invention of movies and the blues, a black genre from the American South. If you don’t believe ‘the truth wears a veil in Western Civilization’ listen to the blues. “And The Blues Gave Birth To Rock n Roll”
Updated Dec 3 2018
I have been reading Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and some of the works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Milton lived just after Shakespeare. “Paradise Lost” is considered one of the great poems in history along with Homer’s “Iliad and Odyssey” and Ovid’s “Metamorphosis”. Coleridge lived from 1774 to 1834 and is best known for his poem “Kubla Khan”.
“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree.” This is the first 2 line’s of Coleridge’s poem “Kubla Khan”. The story goes that Coleridge was in a hospital being treated with a powerful drug. He fell asleep while reading Purchas’s “Pilgrimage” and dreamed the poem. He was called away and never finished it. The first line is used in the movie “Citizen Kane” at the very beginning. William Randolph Hearst also built himself a pleasure palace. The book “Pilgrimage” was a sort of travel log. Samuel Purchas would talk to people who returned from long trips and publish stories. Xanadu is the name of the city where Khan ruled the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire began around the same time as Marco Polo. I wonder if Genghis Khan was ‘willed to power’ like so many others. William Randolph Hearst. ??? I wonder if there is any surviving evidence at Xanadu. “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war” Co-operation is absolutely out of the question. “I don’t need your civil war,….it feeds the rich while it buries the poor…” If you need a scapegoat get someone else. Later in the poem it prophesizes war. So if you take the money someday you pay the piper. Maybe for some people everybody pays.
Blind faith is how the human race got to where it is today. Prison planet.
I think fossil fuels are the glue that keeps the global power system in place. If, when they run out, the total surveillance, mind control system isn’t in place everything fractures into a million pieces. “Carry on…….love is coming to us all…….’ CSNY
I am always thinking about inventions. I wonder what uses opposing magnetic fields or mixed magnetic fields and electric fields would have. A magnetic field is created in a coil (inductor) when current is sustained and always changing (AC). The magnetic field rotates in a certain direction. I believe it’s called the right hand rule. If you point your thumb in the direction of the current your other fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field. Instead of a primary and a secondary suppose you put to primary’s very close to each other with the fields in opposite directions. Would it create noise? Could use pass a wire in between and have a noise generator? What if you passed a magnetic field inside an electric field? An electric field is created when you have two plates with a different build up of electrons. (capacitor) Could something like this help to separate methane from other gases removed from a methane silo?
I have discovered that Dremel makes a 3 D printer for about $500 and one for about $1000.
Updated Nov 19 2018
I think in the past 200 or 250 years artists have come up with millions of ways to describe the same thing. The Catholic Inquisition has never ended.
The partys’ over. Blowback’s a bitch.
Even a cat kills it or walks away.
A smart parasite would keep it alive as long as possible. Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Not an apple tree.
I wanna prolong life on the third asylum from the sun. Mostly out of spite.
I’m currently working on the improved PCB manufacturing process. I came to the realization that the X-Y table I have with the Dremel is too slow for what I want so I downloaded some servo product catalogs to see if anyone makes X-Y tables for servo motors. I found one in a Kollmorgen catalog. Precision Table Series DS/DS6. They also make actuators that are very similar. I wonder if it’s possible to buy a simple 3-D printer and modify it for PCB boards. To pass connections from the top of the board to the bottom you could drill a hole and insert a piece of wire instead of electroplating.
Updated Nov 15 2018
The Romans have always lived by the sword and they always will. They’re parasites. Bloodsuckers. Legit for a bloodsucker is putting up hotels in the middle of a desert and have people give you their money at crap tables. Why take chances in the ‘free market’? Why build anything of real value in a country on the short timer list? Go into construction and make a quick profit. Get in get out.
I have been working on my improved PCB manufacturing process. I found an X-Y table that bolted to my Dremel stand on Amazon for about $40. (see below) I want to move the table under the Dremel with two servos’. I need one that has a worm gear and one with a regular gear. The blank PCB material will be fixed on the table as it moves. The Dremel cuts the connections into the blank. I can control the servos’ with an Arduino. (also in picture)
Updated Nov 6 2018
I think the pope is a vampire and needs blood to survive. A bloodsucker. A parasite. The parasite can’t live without the host, but the host can live without the parasite. FU Assbitch O’Smelly
“Mrs Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter…………..” Hermans Hermits 1965 Savoy Brown was a Rock N Roll band in the 1970’s. Their best song is “Hellbound Train”. “Mrs Brown” is a movie about the life of Queen Victoria of England. Victoria lived from 1819 to 1901. She was queen from 1837 to 1901. She married Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg Gotha, a German. They had nine children. The movie covers the period in Victoria’s life after Albert died in 1861. She went into a major depression and isolated herself in one of her castles in Southern England. In an attempt to help her someone sent for one of her servants in Scotland named Brown and a favorite horse. Even though Brown was a very low servant he sort of took charge of her affairs. The British media started calling her Mrs Brown. When she died in 1901 the House Of Hanover died with her. Her son by Albert became Edward VII but it was called the House of Saxe Coburg Gotha. I’m not sure why. When World War I broke out they changed the name to Windsor because they thought Saxe Coburg Gotha was too German. Which it was. It has remained Windsor to this day. They just made it up. I’m not sure what this means. It might have something to do with Salic Law or the Salic Law Of Succession. I don’t even understand that. When you search the the encyclopedia for Salic Law you get the House Of Savoy. The House Of Savoy is a royal family that began aroung 1200 AD. They ruled Italy from 1861 to 1946. They were responsible for developing Salic Law. Salic Law does not allow women to inherit a throne. (I think ??) Or maybe an hier can’t come from a woman. I don’t know. Edward VII was a child of Victoria but he wasn’t a direct hier from a man. ??? I guess. So they changed the name. ??? Since the Prortestant Reformation the English throne has passed from the House Of Tudor to the House Of Stuart to the House Of Hanover to the House Of Windsor. ???? Maybe the whole thing is an Aleister Crowley?
Updated Oct 29 2018
Clericalism is a word often used in the late 19 th century and early 20 th century. Clericalism is defined in the English dictionary as: a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy. How is the policy implemented? Since the Romans put down the sword and picked up the cross about 1500 years ago it must be some type of subterfuge, spying or economic control. Hocus pocus is the name of the game.
Syncretism was used by the Romans in pre christian times to assimilate conquered peoples. It could also be used for spy networks. Someone said once “You can conquer a country militarilly but the hearts and minds of the people are another thing entirely”. Syncretism can give anyone a head start before invading. In America the Catholic Church owns more property than any other institution except the federal government. Hospitals, schools, universities , nursing homes etc all provide services that keep favor with those they serve. This despite the fact the Vatican is a soveriegn country. They can undermine any freely elected government any where this is true. And they do.
Economic warfare is as old as warfare itself. For whatever reason, in America it means prosperity. (Construction seems to follow me wherever I go ?? ) The DOW and NASDAQ are at all time highs. No one is going to blow things up when times are good. The shadow government must have an army. If America falls apart it all falls apart.
Mercantilism was the economic counterpart to absolutism. As populations increased and their education level, it had to be abandoned.
Before WWII the value of Germany’s currency fluctuated daily. Someone was printing too much money. In America the opposite occured. The money supply was kept tight. If there isn’t enough currency in circulation people can’t pay employees and meet other basic needs. It caused economic depression.
In 1973 Chile elected a socialist government. The powers that be didn’t like it and created economic chaos. Though it was blamed on the new government. The military took over and sent many people to camps where they were ececuted.
It’s amazing what worthless wood pulp can do when it really wants to. If they can make money out of thin air why has Detroit been an economic basket case since the 1960’s?
I think it was Stalin who said “Religion is the opium of the people”. Myth magic and now science is used to dope people into doing things they ordinarily wouldn’t. In an attempt to prove that clericalism was responsible for both WWI and WWII I ask this question. Is ‘The Ride Of The Valkyries’ the German version of ‘Alice In Wonderland’?
Another idea to prove the responsibility of clericalism is a study of the life of Theodor Seuss Geisel, commonly known as Dr Seuss. He made Acadamy Award winning documentaries “Hitler Lives” (1946) and “Design For Death” (1947). As part of the occupying force in Japan he may have been responsible for “Our Job In Japan”. A film that (I think ??) documents the role of Shinto in pre war Japan.
Updated Oct 25 2018
decadence – any society that treats its literal dogs better than its figurative aka achilles heel
“I don’t mind stealing bread…”
“From the mouths of decadence……”
Hunger Strike
Temple Of The Dog
(I’m gonna start a music ensemble and call it Temple Of The Dog and see if anyone gets it. Apparently no one does)
“And the river rolls on and on…..”
“And the sea that divides us..”
“Is a temporary one……”
“And the bridge will bring us back together,..”
A Temporary One
Fleetwood Mac
“Love that dirty water……..”
“Oh Oh Boston you’re my home…”
Dirty Water
The Troggs
(Kumbh Mela)
I’ve come up with a new concept for an Agatha Christie novel. I’m gonna call it “Virtual Murder In Cyber Space”. So lets gather the suspects together. I think the movie “Barbarians At The Gate” really bothered the culprit. In the 1980’s someone invented junk bonds and the leveraged buy out (LBO). Who ever did this was trying to bring down capitalism. They failed. Whoever stopped them is the murderer. I think it was Jesus H Fuckin Christ with the chickenshit in the pizza joint. Get a clue.
I say “Don’t stop firing until you see the whites of their eyes”.
Somewhere in the 3 rd Zeitgeist movie they say (I’m paraphrasing) “At the end of the summer I learned one more thing. It all goes back into the box.” (go fish)
Updated Oct 15 2018
I’ve boiled my personality down to one of two things. Walking talking hate filled psychotic controlled rage or malignant metasticised anti-social behavior. Oh …….. Well ……….Nevermind.
DA DA DA DA DA “Come as you are..as you were as I want you to be…………..”
Confucius say “You confuse me with someone who gives a fuck”
I am waiting for it to be over
“Billions for defense, not a penny for tribute”
“We never kill the heretic Winston. Not as long as he resisits us. First we make his brain perfect, we make him one of us. Then we kill him. We will wipe him clean out of history. We will turn him into gas and pour him into the stratosphere”
“And when your soul tells you to hide,………..your very right to die is denied”
“We know all the suicides are fake………..”
If the world was a casino, there’s no beating the house when the house has the worthless wood pulp banking system and completely out of control surveillance.
I think heaven and hell were invented by and are managed by the same people. This is why the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
This is how I think a person acquires dog status. A catholic priest orders a doctor to administer a drug to a pregnant woman. It could be any number of drugs. If the doctor refuses they will deal with the police who will ‘convince’ the doctor to comply. This is the Hindu caste system at work. Once the drug is administered both the woman and the unborn baby are ‘juded’ people. There could be a number of reasons for it. The father was a protestant and the mother a catholic. It could be how the church fills the priest ranks. It creates scarecrows to make sure everyone else shows up on Sunday and works hard all week. With out of control population they need as many people as possible incapacitated and not willing to fight back. Keeping millions sick creates millions of jobs. It keeps the same people owning and running everything.
Religion is a self full filling philosophy. Hocus pocus is the name of the game
Updated Oct 10 2018
‘Auschwitz – Arbeit Mach Frei – german roughly translates as ‘Work Liberates or Work Is Freedom’ – written above the entrance to Auschwitz. Taken down around 2009. ??? I wonder why. Sha Na Na “Get A Job”, a song performed at Woodstock by the retro 50’s group Sha Na Na. In fact that’s how they took their name. The song ‘Get A Job’ is from the 1950’s Do Wop genre. A ‘wop’ is an ethnic slur for an Italian. The Do Wop genre featured people with slicked back hair who harmonized acapella. Sometimes called ‘greasers’. A ‘wop’ was sometimes a greasy Italian. Or pig latin. The lead singer of Sha Na Na called himself Bowser a popular name for a dog. Sha Na Na stayed active well into the 1980’s. Bowser was a frequent guest on TV. In 2007 I had managed to get off my medications. I was expecting to lose my social security and need a job. For whatever reason ‘the thing’ continued to try to force me back on the medications and stay in the mental health system. They succeeded in the summer of 2008 when I ended up in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA and again in 2014 when I wound up in Bridgewater. Now they want me to ‘get a job’. ???? Well how does it feel to want? At this point all want is what’s mine. I’m not sure what that is. I suspect my mother took an implant after my father died in 2008 and signed away everything he saved. I was expecting an apartment and a small payment to supplement my social security after they were gone. They sat down and discussed this with me before this happened.
On dying. It would have been mercy 50 years ago. I am waiting for ‘the thing’ to make a decision. The longer ‘it’ puts it off the more damage I do. Not like I’m missing anything.
“I was in the kitchen…..”
“Seamus (shame on us)…..”
“That’s the dog………….”
“Was outside…………..”
Pink Floyd
“Got to keep the loonies….”
“On the path…………..”
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
In my last post I brought up the town of Cohasset. I wonder if the State of Massachusetts ever had laws that set aside land for ‘ghettos’. Pope Paul III or IV allowed the creation of ghettos with the Papal Bull “Because It Is Absurd” in 1554 or 5. Massachusetss was founded in 1620. Shakespeares “The Merchant Of Venice” is about life in a ghetto. Jerusalem Rd, Cohasett is a very famous spot in Massachusetts.
Updated Oct 8 2018
I like to make trouble. It’s kinda what I do. This is something I’ve thought about a lot. Did you know that the town of Cohasset Mass is in Norfolk county but is completely surrounded by Plymouth county? It does not touch Norfolk county at all. The only towns it borders are Hingham and Scituate. I have always wondered why. A lot of rich people live there. The Kennedy’s all have homes there. I wonder if it has special tax status or something. A little perk rich people got for themselves. FYI
The problem with this country is that organized crime is legal.
“In any case I long ago realized that it is almost impossible for a layman and a non-Catholic, and indeed for most Catholics and ecclesiastics outside the Vatican, to form a valid judgment or express an authoritative opinion on Papal policy. The Pope’s decision may, or must be influenced by so many imponderable or invisible elements. Moreover, not only is the atmosphere of the Vatican supranational and universal……but it is also fourth dimensional and so to speak, outside of time……..for example, they can regard the Savoy Dynasty as an interlude, and the Fascist era as an incident, in the history of Rome and Italy. They reckon in centuries and plan for eternity and this inevitably renders their policy inscrutable, confusing and on occasion, reprehensible to practical and time conditioned minds.”
Sir D’Arcy Osborne, British Ambassador to the Vatican – March 1947
Taken from the book “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazi’s, And The Swiss Banks” by Mark Aarons and John Loftus
“I gather that…..some arrangement has been worked out with Vatican and Argentina…….protecting not only Quislings but also (those)……..guilty of terrible crimes committed in Yugoslavia. I presume we must protect our agents even though it disgusts me…..we are conniving with Vatican and Argentina to get guilty people to haven in latter country.”
John Moors Cabot, American Ambassador to Belgrade – June 1947
Taken from the book “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazi’s, And The Swiss Banks” by Mark Aarons and John Loftus
Updated Oct 5 2018
I’m a conspiracy theorist. Anyone who lives by the axiom “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is always up to something.
Might makes right. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. “Lunatic fringe…I know you’re out there…..”
I’ve been learning about feudalism. I thought about buying a book or downloading one for free from Google Books but instead I looked at the FURTHER READING section at the bottom of the Encyclopedia Britainnica page on ‘feudalism’ before I did. I copy and paste it here.
Elizabeth A.R. Brown, “The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe, The American Historical Review, 79(4): 1063–88 (October 1974), is a foundational work. F.L. Ganshof, Feudalism, 3rd ed. (1964, reissued 1996; originally published in French, 2nd ed., 1947), is a traditional treatment. Marc Bloch, Feudal Society, 2 vol. (1961, reprinted 1989; originally published in French, 2 vol., 1939–40), is a classic study that defines feudalism as encompassing all aspects of society. Susan Reynolds, Fiefs and Vassals: The Medieval Evidence (1994), provides the most complete critique of the concept. Thomas N. Bisson (ed.), Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe (1995); Otto Brunner, Land and Lordship: Structures of Governance in Medieval Austria (1992; originally published in German, 4th rev. ed., 1959); and Guy Fourquin, Lordship and Feudalism in the Middle Ages (1976; originally published in French, 1970), are important studies of lordship and the relations between lords and their subjects that employ the traditional constructs. Useful studies of “bastard feudalism” are P.R. Cross, “Bastard Feudalism Revised,” Past and Present, 125: 27–64 (November 1989); and Michael Hicks, Bastard Feudalism (1995)
I then went to the government article and found this:
Jerome Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century (1961, reissued 1971);
Updated Sept 30 2018
Fake News Dictionary
UFO – unidentified flying object, a person who is going about their life unaware of the problem. The problem being they are ‘juded’ because they are not going to church. Could also be someone not plugged in (under mind control) but is being pursued for that reason
Illegal Alien – a person who was plugged in (under mind control) but is no longer (see ‘Men In Black’)
#MeToo – a woman who claims sexual harassment as a cover story for the “Alice In Wonderland” phenomena
Black Lives Matter – an organization that is a cover story for the harassment of people who are black inside. People being harassed by Catholic priests.
Catholic sexual abuse – a cover story for the harassment of any one who doesn’t go to church or a jew by catholics.
Russian Election Meddling – Either a “Wag The Dog” or an “Aleister Crowley”. If it’s a “Wag The Dog” it’s an attempt to manipulate the people and the media by people who ‘think’ they are in control, if it’s an “Aleister Crowley” it’s an attempt to manipulate people and the media by people who know more than the people who ‘think’ they are in control but are not in control themselves. Both are trying to draw attention to the fact Russia is re-establishing the Pale Of Settlement by invading the Ukraine. Either way, if it’s true, the people who actually control things will make sure nothing else is said about it.
Idea #123,846 that no one seems to care about – if some of the police actually care about this country and want to change it why don’t they arrest 10’s of thousands of people for no reason what so ever. This could be used to explain what’s wrong. A sort of Civil Disobedience. (Henry David Thoreau) “There is no political solution ……. “ (there is no peaceful solution)
Updated Sept 25 2018
It’s too bad the Enlightenment didn’t include some of the truth about the source of the problem.
N.I.M.B.Y. Not In My Back Yard – partially because I stole it from someone
Regicide, Fief, Puss N Boots
Overpopulation is the enemy of this system. Feudalism was the system that dominated Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to around the year 1800 AD. It began with a decree by Constantine around 322 AD that created coloni. Coloni are slaves tied to the land. A fief is the land they live on. Like a kingdom or a duchy. If you were acceptable to the powers that be (the church) you could be awarded a fief. A Puss N Boots. You didn’t have to have royal blood, you just had to be willing to go along with the way things are run. A psychopath. If a king had become soft or too old they were usually killed. This is regicide. This is the basis of James George Frazers book “The Golden Bough”. It was sort of mentioned in the movie “Apolcalypse Now”. If your fief came with too many peasants at the time you got it, an obvious solution is to start a war with a neighboring fief. This is how Europe operated for centuries. Not much has changed. The church keeps it this way. They invented it.
I found this on my hard drive recently. I must have downloaded it from www.slavery.org.uk quite some time ago. It documents technology that can remotely inject voices into a target to drive them crazy and the use of RADAR to keep track of them. Ordinary cell phone towers operate on microwaves and could be used as RADAR. Everything runs on software these days. I see no reason why a software program couldn’t run on top of cell phone technology and be used to track people. This is in addition to GPS satellites.
I go out walking a lot. When I first lived in Randolph there was a cell phone tower on High St (name ???) very near Lombardos and the Lantana. It was next to a gym (Central Rock — ??) It was disguised to make it look like a tree. It has been taken down. I wonder why. I am still being followed.
Updated Sept 19 2018
The main stream media has been pounding the drum over Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Someone named Manafort has gone to jail. I don’t really understand it. Until maybe now. What if it’s all an Aleister Crowley? What is someone (the chinese) trying to say. This is a real stretch but maybe they’re trying to draw attention to the fact Russia has re-established the pale in the Ukraine. This is why they invaded.
Why does a dog wag it’s tail? Because the dog is smarter than the tail. If the tail were smarter, it would wag the dog.
“The sheriff and his buddies…….”
“And their samurai sword………..”
“You can even hear the music at night……”
China Grove
The Doobie Brothers
“All my pieces (Aleister Crowleys?) set me free….”
“Human Devices (see INVENTIONS page) set me free …….”
Pearl Jam
(High Wattage Pulse Generator and E. M. I. Absorbent can be found on the INVENTIONS page)
“Altered States” The slow very painful removal of Vincent Van Gogh’s left ear. If you’re not a democrat when you’re 20 you have no heart. If you’re not a republican when you’re 40 you have no head. Soon after I came up with this comparison my brain had visions of beating the crap out of some spoiled little rich brat. The mother asked “Why are you doing that?” I said “She belongs to an entire sub ethnic group that won’t leave me alone”. The mother asked “Who? I said “Rich people”
As long as they call this a free country, that’s the way I’m going to treat it. All I’m ever going to do is exercise my rights as an American citizen and freely born life form on planet earth. I will NEVER accept any responsibility for anyone else who gets hurt while I do this. Because I’m NOT responsible.
I have been looking for information on the Russian Pale of Settlement. In doing so I have learned some things about Russia and Pales in general. Parts of Ireland and France were English pales until the time of Elizabeth I. This according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. I downloaded a book titled “The History Of The Jews In Russia And Poland Vol II” by S. M. Dubnow. It covers about 1824 to 1895. The young male jews in the pale were forced into the military at age 13 and forced to endure endless harassment to convert to Christianity. Many of the people in the pale were also considered serfs. Serfs were basically slaves tied to the land. They could not leave or move around freely. They were allowed to grow a small amount of food for themselves but most of what they grew went to the landowner. This was the system used in Europe for centuries. As populations grew the monarchs, and church were forced to abandon it. There was land in Russia and this is why the pale lasted there until the 20 th century. The system of serfdom began around the Fall of the Roman Empire by Constantine and his creation of coloni. Alexander II ended serfdom in 1861. He was assassinated in 1885. A church was built on the site. No jews were responsible for the assassination. I bet the church did it because he ended the slave system and then blamed someone else. Par for the course. If you know anything about whats going on in this country it all seems familar. “Let’s do the time warp again…..” (the only decent song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show) I think when studying European history you should pay no attention to whether this king defeated that king at this or that battle but learn about the everyday life of the peasant. Because this is where we are all headed. The word ‘colony’ as in the thirteen original colonies, is derived from the latin ‘colonus’ meaning slave. Why do they enforce the culture with no mercy and no exception? Does this have anything to do with the multi-culturism of the 1990’s? Is this how you can tell the good guys from the bad? Or maybe they’re all good. It’s just that Daniel Webster loves his money too much. He’s got blinders on. Boy they love people like that.
The Knights Of Columbus
I have been reading about the history of Poland. Poland has a long history of liberalism or parliamentary government. They attracted freedom seeking people from all over Europe. By the eighteenth century Poland had one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe. The Partitioning of Poland destroyed that. The history of Europe is a struggle between absolutism and parliamentary government. Absolutism is any system where all power and property are in the hands of a very few and parliamentary government is representative like a democracy or republic. The church has always taken the side of the absolutists. Absolutism employs a system of feudalism to keep people tied to the land. It’s a form of slavery. It had it’s beginning with a decree by Constantine around the fall of the Roman Empire. The same Constantine who embraced Christianity. Feudalism never really took hold in Poland.
During the Middle Ages Poland was dominated by the Teutonic Knights. They were a military organization controlled by the pope. They tried for centuries to Christianize Lithuania and other parts of North Eastern Europe. They fought in the crusades and invaded Russia but were repelled by Alexander Nevsky.
Updated Sept 11 2018
“Let’s face it, you can’t Torquemada anything”
Tomas de Torquemada
born 1420, Valladolid, Castile [Spain] died September 16, 1498, Ávila, Castile
first grand inquisitor in Spain, whose name has become synonymous with the Christian Inquisition’s horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism.
The nephew of a noted Dominican cardinal and theologian, Juan de Torquemada, the young Torquemada joined the Dominicans and in 1452 became prior of the monastery of Santa Cruz at Segovia, an office that he held for 22 years. He was closely associated with the religious policy of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, to whom he was both confessor and adviser (to Isabella, from her childhood). He was convinced that the existence of the Marranos (Jewish converts), Moriscos (Islamic converts), Jews, and Moors was a threat to the religious and social life of Spain, and his influence with the Catholic monarchs enabled him to affect their policies. In August 1483 he was appointed grand inquisitor for Castile and León, and on October 17 his powers were extended to Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, and Majorca.
In his capacity as grand inquisitor, Torquemada reorganized the Spanish Inquisition, which had been set up in Castile in 1478, establishing tribunals at Sevilla (Seville), Jaén, Córdoba, Ciudad Real, and, later, Zaragoza. In 1484 he promulgated 28 articles for the guidance of inquisitors, whose competence was extended to include not only crimes of heresy and apostasy but also sorcery, sodomy, polygamy, blasphemy, usury, and other offenses; torture was authorized in order to obtain evidence. These articles were supplemented by others promulgated between 1484 and 1498. The number of burnings at the stake during Torquemada’s tenure has been estimated at about 2,000.
Torquemada’s implacable hostility to the Jews probably exercised an influence on the decision of Ferdinand and Isabella to expel from their dominions all Jews who had not embraced Christianity. Under the edict of March 31, 1492, more than 40,000 Jews left Spain.
In his private life Torquemada seems to have been pious and austere, but his official career as inquisitor was marked by a harsh intransigence, which nevertheless was generally supported by public opinion, at least in the early years. Within his own order he was influential as visitator of the reformed Dominican priories of Aragon (1481–88), and his interest in the arts is evidenced in the monastery of St. Thomas at Ávila, where he died. In his final years, Torquemada’s health and age, coupled with widespread complaints, caused Pope Alexander VI to appoint four assistant inquisitors in June 1494 to restrain him.
“Whats the auto de fe? It’s what you ought an to do but you do anyway.”
a public ceremony during which the sentences upon those brought before the Spanish Inquisition were read and after which the sentences were executed by the secular authorities. The first auto-da-fé took place at Sevilla (Seville) in 1481; the last, in Mexico in 1850. The ceremonies, which became increasingly elaborate and spectacular, were normally staged in the city plaza, often in the presence of royalty. They usually comprised a lengthy procession, a solemn mass, an oath of obedience to the Inquisition, a sermon, and the reading of the sentences. The victims were most frequently apostate former Jews and former Muslims, then Alumbrados (followers of a condemned mystical movement) and Protestants, and occasionally those who had been accused of such crimes as bigamy and sorcery. Life imprisonment was the extreme penalty that the inquisitor could impose; the death penalty was imposed and carried out by the civil authorities. Generally, neither punishment nor the handing over of condemned persons to the secular power took place on the occasion of an auto-da-fé.
Mexico? 1850?
Updated Sept 7 2018
Synthetic telepathy is one of my favorite weapons. My voice inside your head got you down booby? Take a ‘go fuck yourself’ pill and call someone who gives a shit.
“Be obscene, be be obscene…..”
“Be obscene baby…….”
“And not heard…………..”
“Jesus is a mob scene….”
Marilyn Manson
“He’s not afraid of your judgement…”
“He knows of horrors worst than your hell…”
“He’s a little bit afraid of dyin…..”
“He’s a lot more afraid of your lyin….”
“And the knowledge that they fear….”
“Is a weapon to be used against them….”
The Weapon
Manufactured Protest
My radio is reporting that Colan Kapernick (spelling) the NFL quarterback that takes a knee during the national anthem has become a spokesman for Nike. The ad reads “Believe In Something Even If It Costs Everything”. HA HA HA BS. Nike is majority owned by Phil Knight (black or night) ???? Clueless in Seattle. My congressman Mike Capuano lost the primary to a woman named Ayanna Pressley (Elvis Presley ???). She is assured a seat because there is no Republican challenger. This is what happens when the same small group of people hold too much power for too long a time. “There is no political solution……”
The Galvanists
Many people like to blame a ethnic or religious group for all the troubles in the world. Alex Jones for example blames Anglo-Americans. I think it’s a natural tendency for the people at the bottom. I would like to do the same for at least this post. Over the years I have read things that mention Galvanists. I don’t know who these people were or even if they existed. This is my guess. They had something to do with Luigi Galvani. Galvani is credited with being the father of electrophysiology, the scientific discipline concerned with the relationship of electricity and life as we know it on planet earth. He experimented with a frog in the 1780’s. He also was involved in a debate with Allessandro Volta who was eventually credited with inventing the battery. The volt is named after him. At some point a relative of Galvani gave a presentation at the Royal Society of London where he made a cadaver stand up with electricity. This was the inspiration for mary Shelleys “Frankenstein” first published in 1825. Guiseppe Tartini was a 18 th century violinist who contributed to acoustics. Tartini tones occur when 2 notes are played together to make a third. Where ‘Galvanists’ an organized group? Did they leave any books? Are they the architects of the mind controlled world?
signed Ass Bitch O’Smelly Hater
Updated Sept 3 2018
Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door
Fame is a breathing mechanism
I fight for peace of mind and security of person
I have been thinking about the electric toilet. It would have a pre-grind unit to grind up all waste before it enters the main holding tank. The main holding tank would have a heater to evaporate the liquid. Once the solid had dryed it would be pelletized as it was fed into the spark unit. The spark unit would be made of 2 pieces of glass. One permantly fixed to the pelletizer and have an exhaust on the opposite side. The other would rotate inside the first and have an anode and cathode attached at the top and bottom. Once the waste has entered the inside cylinder it would rotate and then it’s vaporized by a spark and then rotated again to exhaust the vapor and then it repeats. The actual electric components only have to be similar to a Tesla Spark Transmitter.
Updated Aug 28 2018
Rock N Roll Is A Secret Society
I have an iPod Touch 128 GB mp3 player. In it I have almost 10,000 songs by several hundred artists that span from roughly 1960 to 2018. About 60 years. It represents the work of millions of people all saying the same thing. I thought I would say what I think those people are saying. In fact any music, movies, literature, poetry or art thats worth a damn produced by Western Civilization since the Protestant Reformation is all about the same thing. What exactly that is, is open to interpretaion but I think it’s the fact we have never solved the problem of the Catholic Church. The following is a list of artists and one song.
AC DC – “Hell’s Bells”
Aerosmith – “Walkin The Dog” (Blues Standard)
Alice Cooper – “Under My Wheels”
Alice In Chains – “Man In The Box”
Allman Brothers Band – “Ramblin Man”
The Animals – “House Of The Rising Sun”
B-52’s – “Planet Claire”
The Band – “The Weight”
Beastie Boys – “Fight For Your Right”
The Beatles – “Hey Jude”
Beck Bogart Appice – “Black Cat Moan”
Billy Joel – “Piano Man”
Black Sabbath – “War Pigs”
Blind Faith – “Can’t Find My Way Home”
Blondie – “Dreaming”
Blue Oyster Cult – “Godzilla”
Bob Dylan – “Highway 61 Re-Visited”
Bob Marley – “Get Up Stand Up”
Bob Seger Silver Bullet Band – “Roll Me Away”
Boston – “Peace Of Mind”
Bruce Springsteen – “Born To Run”
Buffalo Springfield – “For What It’s Worth”
Bush – “Everything’s Zen”
Cactus – “Evil”
Canned Heat – “On The Road Again”
The Cars – “Just What I Needed”
Cheap Trick – “Surrender”
Chicago – “25 Or 6 To 4”
The Clash – “Train In Vain”
Coldplay – “Clocks”
Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Who’ll Stop The Rain”
Crosby Stills Nash Young – “Wooden Ships”
The Cult – “Edie Ciao Baby”
The Cure – “Watching Me Fall”
Curtis Mayfield – “If There’s Hell Below We’re All Gonna Go”
David Bowie – “Fame”
Dead Kennedy’s – “California Uber Alles”
Deep Purple – “Smoke On The Water”
Derek And The Dominos – “Layla”
Dire Straits – “Industrial Disease”
Don Henley – “Dirty Water”
The Doobie Brothers – “China Grove”
The Doors – “The WASP Texas Radio And The Big Beat”
Eagles – “Hotel California”
Edgar Winter – “Frankenstein”
Electric Light Orchestra – “Evil Woman”
Elton John – “Levon”
Elvis Costello – “What’s So Funny About Peace Love And Understanding”
Emerson Lake Palmer – “Lucky Man”
Eric Clapton – “She’s Waiting”
The Fixx – “Saved By Zero”
Fleetwood Mac – Landslide”
Foo Fighters – “Best Of You”
Frank Zappa – “Trouble Every Day”
Genesis – “Lamb Lies Down On Broadway”
George Thorogood – “I Drink Alone”
Grand Funk Railroad – “I’m Your Captain”
Green Day – “Jesus Of Suburbia”
Guns N Roses – “Civil War”
Heart – “Barracuda”
Humble Pie – “30 Days In The Hole”
Iggy Pop – “I Wanna Be Your Dog”
INXS – “Devil Inside”
Iron Butterfly – “In A Gadda Of Edda”
J Geils Band – “Hard Driven Man”
James Gang – “Stop”
Janes Addiction – “Jane Says”
Janis Joplin – “Me And Bobby McGee”
Jefferson Airplane – ‘White Rabbit”
Jethro Tull – “Locomotive Breathe”
Jimi Hendrix – “Purple Haze”
John Lennon – “Instant Karma”
John Mellencamp – “Authority Song”
Kid Rock – “Cowboy”
The Killers – ‘Read My Mind”
King Crimson – “20 th Century Schitzoid Man”
The Kinks – ‘Come Dancing”
Korn – “Right Now”
Led Zeppelin – “Moby Dick”
Linkun Park – “Shadow Of The Day”
Little Feat – “Dixie Chicken”
Lou Reed – “Sweet Jane”
Marilyn Manson – ‘Anti Christ Superstar”
MC5 – “Kick Out The Jams”
Metallica – “Sandman”
Ministry – “N.W.O.”
The Moody Blues – “Questions”
Mountain – “Mississippi Queen”
Neil Young – “Hey Hey My My”
Nine Inch Nails – ‘Head Like A Hole”
Nirvana – “Territorial Pissings”
No Doubt – “Don’t Speak”
Oasis – “Wonderwall”
Ozzy Osbourne – “Mr Crowley”
Paul McCartney – “Band On The Run”
Pearl Jam – “W.M.A.”
Peter Frampton – “Show Me The Way”
Peter Gabriel – “Games Without Frontiers”
Phil Collins – “I Don’t Care Anymore”
Pink Floyd – “Dogs Of War”
The Police – “Synchronicity I”
The Pretenders – “Middle Of The Road”
Puddle Of Mudd – “Blurry”
Queen – “Tie Your Mother Down”
REM – “Losing My Religion”
Rage Against The Machine – “VietNow”
Rare Earth – “Hey Big Brother”
Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Dani California”
REO Speedwagon – “Roll With The Changes”
Rod Stewart – “Maggie May”
Roger Waters – ‘Radio Kaos”
The Rolling Stones – “Paint It Black”
Rush – “The Temples Of Syrinx”
Santana – “Evil Ways”
Savoy Brown – “Hell Bound Train”
Sex Pistols – “God Save The Queen”
The Smashing Pumpkins – “1979”
Soundgarden – “Black Hole Son”
Steely Dan – “The Boston Rag”
Steppenwolf – “The Pusher”
Steve Miller Band – “The Joker”
Stevie Ray Vaughn – “Cold Shot”
Stone Temple Pilots – “Vasoline’
Supertramp – “Bloody Well Right”
T.Rex – “Bang a Gong”
Talking Heads – ‘Life During Wartime”
Tears For Fears – “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”
Ted Nugent – ‘Stranglehold”
Ten Years After – ‘I’d Like To Change The World”
Tom Petty – “Refuge”
Tool – “Third Eye”
Traffic – “The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys”
U2 – “I Will Follow”
Uriah Heep – “The Wizard”
Van Halen – ‘Right Now”
Van Morrison – “Wavelength”
War – “War Is Coming”
West Bruce Laing – “While You Sleep”
White Zombie – “Super Charger Heaven”
The Who – “Won’t Get Fooled Again”
The Yardbirds – “Over Under Sideways Down”
Yes – “I’ve Seen All Good People”
ZZTop – “Jesus Just Left Chicago”
I think these artists use the same symbolism to represent certain problems. This is my list along with a few songs.
The moon – the moon represents a world under mind control. Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon, Marilyn Manson – Anti-Christ Superstar, Van Morrison – Moon Dance, Ozzy Osbourne – Bark At The Moon
New Orleans – New Orleans is an entire city that wants to be free. I think they chose New Orleans because it was the site of Andrew Jacksons greatest victories. He defeated the British during the War Of 1812. Jackson was famous for ending the first central bank. Arlo Guthrie – The City Of New Orleans, The Animals – The House Of The Rising Sun, ZZ Top – Jesus Just Left Chicago,
Trains – a train is a group of people who have banded together to fight back. One person may have a talent or angle to survive. The Clash – Train In Vain, Savoy Brown – Hellbound Train, Jethro Tull – Locomotive Breathe,
The Japanese – the Japanese are a people who want to be free. I think they chose them because the flag they used during WWII was a Rising Sun. The Vapors – I Think I’m Turning Japanese, The Animals – The House Of The Rising Sun, Blue Oyster Cult – Godzilla,
Black – a person who is ‘black’ inside. Someone who can’t get along with others or make a living. Someone who is ‘juded’. The Rolling Stones – Paint It Black, AC DC – Back In Black,
The River – the river represents the people you meet after you run. You run because you’ve been harassed by others who have been harassed. A ‘Wandering Jew’ A Gypsy. Roma. People trying to redeem themselves in the eyes of God. Rush – Tom Sawyer, Alice In Chains – Damn The River,
A gambler- a person who wants to be free. – Kenny Rogers – The Gambler, The Animals – The House Of The Rising Sun,
There used to be a TV show called ‘Kung Fu” back in the early 1970’s. It starred David Carridine who I think committed suicide recently. In one of the shows his teacher tells him he won’t be a master and leave the school until he can walk on rice paper without breaking it. On a sidenote. (well not really) I have two examples of people who exhibit controlled rage. Lysander Spooner and Moses Maimonides. Lysander Spooner was an American who lived in the 19 th century. He wrote a book titled “No Treason, The Constitution Of No Authority”. The title says it all. I don’t read most of the books I mention. I get an idea of what it’s about and a general biography of the author and try to fit it into the bigger picture. When you begin to read this book it’s easy to get the impression Mr Spooner is very angry. Moses Maimonides is considered one of the great Jewish thinkers. He lived sometime around 1100 AD or 1200 AD. There is a book titled “The Maimonides Reader” by Isador Twersky (???) Reading some of this he should have called it “Tip Toe Through The Tulips”. “You will never leave here Grasshopper” I think these people suffer from the Invisible Chickenshit Hero Army.
Updated Aug 22 2018
I declare everything on this blog, including all inventions, as public domain.
“Because you’re mine…..”
“I walk the line………”
Walk The Line
Johnny Cash
“Oh can’t you see……”
“You belong to me…..”
Every Breathe You Take
The Police
“There is no political solution…”
“To our troubled evolution….”
“Have no faith in constitution…”
‘There is no bloody revolution…”
Spirits In The Material World
The Police
I took this picture from my software version of The Encyclopedia Britannica. I was reading information about Cape Cod or the Cape Cod Canal.
Updated Aug 18 2018
I’ve lived in Boston all my life. I’ve seen some things change. Just off the Southeast Expressway there used to be a wholesale market. Today I believe it’s a shopping mall called South Bay. Wholesale markets were in every city. This is where a small business man could purchase product for thier store. When I was growing up if you could get something wholesale you could get it very cheap. A wholesaler is a ‘middleman’. Someone who is in between the producer and the retailer. A middleman made thier money by marking up the product after they recieved it. There were all kinds of wholesale businesses. If a hospital had to order every thing it uses from each manufacturer it would need hundreds of buyers at a great expense. If they only had to deal with a dozen or so it was easier and cheaper. Another type of middleman was a consolidator. A consolidator was basically a shipping company that acted as an address or temporary warehouse for people who only had a couple stores or were out in the country. Everything they ordered they would have shipped to the consolidator and when there was enough for a full truck the shipping company would send it. They wouldn’t send a partially filled truck because it was too expensive. Two or three business men in a small town could use the same address. Being a middleman was a good business. It was easy and the money was pretty good. In the late 70’s and into the 80’s there was a concerted effort to do away with middleman. The official reason was it was wasteful and made things too expensive. But what it really did was concentrate the wealth and put a lot of small businessmen out of business. Small producers had no distribution. This put manufacturers out of business or forced them to sell to the big guy. It’s a game of monopoly. All you need is access to the money supply. To get that you have to be crazy and willing to do anything. A hundred 100 billionaires are easier to control than 10000 10 millionaires. As this went on our inner cities began to decay. Among other things. I think there is only one way to reverse this. A rifle.
This is an idea that might help if things get out of control. Back in the 1990’s there was a company called Global Crossing. They strung fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3% of what had already been built. When the dot com bubble burst the company went bankrupt. The government went made a half assed attempt to go after the people who ran the company but they all walked away millionaires. That network is very powerful as a tool. As are all under water cables. And communications in general. Cutting off an enemies communications is a priority. The Navy uses depth charges to sink submarines. You can see them in old Hollywood movies. It looks like a 50 gallon drum. They set a timer, or something, for a certain depth and launch it like a catapult. If you knew approximately where the cable was you could rig the charge to go off when it hits bottom. Cutting the cable.
My radio is saying the Catholic church is facing more court proceedings over preists sexually abusing children. This time it’s in Pennsylvania. I think this whole sex abuse thing is a cover story for whats really going on. The Catholic church runs this country from the shadows and has been killing people for no real reason. To cover it up they find some former alter boys who are down on thier luck and give them a couple hundred thousand and pretend the situation is getting better.
Updated Aug 14 2018
JANET Airlines
Just Another Non EXISTant Terminal
(if someone is terminal, they can’t be saved)
Jesus Saves
Well of course he does
He’s the one making all the trouble
(Religion is a self full filling philosophy)
Recently watched a movie about Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s coverage of the Adolph Eichmann trial for New Yorker Magazine was very controversial. She was criticized for being too sympathetic. Especially for someone who survived Hitlers camps. Arendt was a student of Martin Heidegger a German philosopher. He was catholic. He ultimately supported Hitler. He published books on EXISTentialism. A philiosophy that attempts to understand whether a person EXISTS or not. ???? I think. Or the state of ‘being’. It dates back to Aristotle and ancient Greece. I think Arendt understood the truth about the camps. They were ‘juded’ people not just jews. There were Jewish people who went along with it. There are Jewish people who go along with it today. They’re all the same thing at the top. A quote from Arendt goes “The world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of being human” ….”The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps” …. She understood some people don’t EXIST. Some people are terminal. The movie kinda of implies that Arendt was a Judenrat and traded something for her freedom and to be re-united with her husband. Judenrat (Judenrate – plural) were Jewish collaborators. The Judenrate were started by Reinhard Heydrich the number 2 man in the SS under Himler. The movie also mentions the Vatican Ratlines that were responsible for smuggling Nazis out of Europe and into South America. Frederich Neitschze wrote about EXISTentialism. He was not an anti-semite but was he a fascist?
This is an idea to remove metals from water on a microscopic level. The water is passed through a glass tube that is flat and shaped like a rectangle. On top there are a series of electromagnets that are energized to hold any metal to the top of the glass tube. As metal builds up the tube is backflushed by turning off the magnets and the valves and opening a different set of valves.
A couple weeks ago I proposed a device that would vaporize household waste flushed down the toilet or washed down the sink with a massive jolt of electricity. The electricity could be stored in a very high voltage super capacitor and run by solar panels. It could also be Point Of Use. The actual toilet could come with it’s own vaporizer. They already make Point Of Use water heaters that operate on solar panels. They can be bought at any home improvement store. I did this to lower people’s bills and get them off the MWRA. I wonder if this technology already exists and can be found in the patent office. How did they dispose of waste on the Apollo moon missions?
Updated Aug 1 2018
Arduino Brain Simulator (c’tnd)
There are 2 ways to attach the necklace to the device. As an antenna or as a part of the circuit. Any wire has 2 ends. When using a piece of wire as an antenna you attach only one end to the circuit. The other end extends out as far as it can reach. It has been proven mathematically there is current all along the wire. When receiving the length of the wire doesn’t really matter, though the longer and thicker it is the more sensitive it will be. When transmitting you run into something called the Standing Wave Ratio. (SWR) SWR is a measure of the antenna’s efficiency. Power efficiency. The lower the SWR the more power you are transmitting. If you had an SWR of 1 and you were trying to broadcast 50,000 Watts you would be actually broadcasting 50,000 Watts. SWR’s of 1 are not common. The best way to minimize the SWR is to have the antenna be at least as long as 1 wave length of whatever frequency you wanted to broadcast. Low frequencies are very long and high frequencies are very short. If you wanted to broadcast 50 HZ, like me, you might need hundreds of feet of wire. (I’m not sure exactly what it is) This is obviously impractical for what I’m trying to do, but I’m not sure if I could transmit enough with a short piece. A high SWR does not mean nothing is being transmitted.
The other option is to make the necklace part of the circuit. Connect both ends to the device. The output connector would carry all outputs from the MCP4728’s and the voice recorder, 9 in all, and then extend around the neck and come back to the device through another connector. The other connector has load resistors connected to ground so current flows. EMR radiates as it does in any other part of the circuit. You can control the power with the load resistors.
I think it would be a good idea to put a diode before each output on the necklace. I say this because I think ‘they’ can access anything that acts like an antenna. My main computer has a aluminum case and no on board WiFi or Bluetooth. It is not attached to the internet at this time but I’m pretty sure ‘they’ can change things on the fly. The only way I think this is possible is to use any USB wire not in use as an antenna. When I turn my computer off the USB ports remain energized. I know because the LED on my mouse stays on.
Updated Saturday July 28 2018
For the most part I relate to working people. ??? To me normal is anyone who spends most of their time on food clothing and shelter. These people don’t want anyone getting in the way of this. “If you want a vision of the future Winston,….imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever…” ‘Ignorance Is Strength” “War Is Peace” “Freedom Is Slavery” The problem is clearly stated in the bible. “Idle Hands Are The Devils Workshop” The idle rich are a prime example. But included in this is anyone who lives in a convent or monastery who spends all day contemplating their navel. In fact I think this is the source of the problem.
On a side note. This is a total guess so check me on this one. There has never been a black ordained catholic priest. I base this guess on Mormanism. Another unmentionable syncretic religion. No black has ever been admitted to Freemasonry. They get away with this because they run everything. I go by live and let live as opposed to some who “Live And Let Die”. As John Lennon put it “There’s room at the top they are telling you still,,,….but first you must learn how to smile as you kill” Since I don’t know whos who or whats what and figure there’s no point asking (and I don’t care) I have adopted a blanket policy. Hate everyone but don’t start nothing.
I just thought of something really nasty. What if, every girl Ted Bundy ever murdered was sent in his direction by the police? “Down by the river,……..I shot my baby,…….dead……” Ted Bundy was born in Vermont. He was a Yankee like me. I wonder if he did it so fast the police couldn’t wash their hands of the situation. If this is true I would sort of understand. IT – IS – AN – ABSOLUTELY – INFURIATING – SITUATION. If it’s not the police it’s voices in the head. Still IT – IS – AN – ABSOLUTELTY – INFURIATING – SITUATION. It has happened to me at least once a day for the last 10 years. It’s not normal for young women to be interested in a fat dumpy balding old white guy who never left home. Period. It’s not normal. (if your ball bag hurts over this you should keep it out of vices. HA HA HA you invaded my world)
I’ve been thinking about the calendar. I think it’s just another tool to manipulate and control the people at the bottom. The Pharoahs could throw an intercalation in whenever they wanted to collect taxes or start a war or explain something. It’s closely tied to religion for the same reasons. The ancients were skilled astronomers and could have come up with a useful calendar if they wanted to. This is some of the reasons I came to this conclusion. Christmas is on December 25. The winter solstice is either December 20 or 21. In the Northern hemisphere this is when the sun reaches the Tropic Of Capricorn below the equator. New Years Day is 10 or 11 days later. It has no religious or astronomical significance whatsoever. Why? When trying to measure the solar year you must take into account that no quantity has any fixed point. All the heavenly bodies revolve in free space. This is my solution. The New Year would begin at noon on the first full day after the sun crosses the equator going north. The spring equinox. The year would end at noon on the last full day before the spring equinox. The time between the 2 noon’s would change a little each year. Getting longer and shorter. You could give it a special name or something. This adjusts for any discrepency in the actual length of the solar year. You could keep the seven day week and months. “Does anybody really know what time it is…….does anybody really care……..” Chicago
Updated July 23 2018
I am plagued with people who enter my room, among other things, when I’m not there. It’s all done behind my back. I think it’s Scientology, a mind control cult. It’s a machine. I’ve come up with a defense for other people, I don’t have the money. A lot of people use surveillance cameras for security. What good is it with this level of surveillance. They will know where the camera is and any password on the DVR. If you guard your property, business, home etc, with a High Wattage Pulse Generator you disable the machine. If the control room, or control computer, knows they’re disconnected it might pull them back. They might make a mistake and expose the machine.
I’d like to relate something that just happened. It’s about 2 PM Sunday July 22 2018. First I’ll explain what happened. I was just listening to 92.9 WBOS. They played a song “Africa” by Toto. (I’m pretty sure that’s it) They misidentified the artist as Weezer. Unless Weezer covered the sond and made it sound just like it. The thing is this. I was thinking at that precise moment about owning a really big house in Los Angeles. My brain is all over the map in 5 minutes, every 5 minutes. I have nothing to do and all day to do it. Shit happens. Weezer has a song that talks about Beverly Hills and how you have to be ‘born into it’. I know it sounds paranoid but I’m saying the radio was playing on my thoughts. It all happened so fast it had to be a computer. Artificial Intelligence. If that’s what you call it. There is a song by Rage Against The Machine “Viet Now”. “turn on the radio,…..nah fuck it,…turn it off,….fears your only god on the radio….”. I would be shocked stunned and amazed if that didn’t happen to a dozen people every 5 minutes who can pick up WBOS. All different songs playing on their specific thoughts. This is a foolish attempt to try to prove it. They’re (or it) is way of ahead of you. (know what I mean) Get as many people as possible to listen to WBOS and and record it with a small battery operated recording device. After a couple weeks compare what everyone recorded. Whatever!!!
I’ve been thinking about disconnecting people from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). This idea does away with the need for a sewerage system. Plasma is the fourth state of matter. The other three are gas, liquid and solid. Plasma is basically lightning or a spark from a spark plug. Plasma can vaporize matter. You can not destroy or create matter you can only transform it. The idea is to collect all household waste in a collecting tank. Inside the collecting tank is a filter/tank that holds all the solid waste and allows the liquid to drain. Once the solid has dried enough, an auger picks up the waste and forces it through a pelletizer making very small pellets. The pellets are then fed one at a time to a chamber that vaporizes it with a massive jolt of electricity. The vapor is vented to the outside.
Updated July 17 2018
Water Purification
Water is life. Without water you would die. When I was young I learned that the human body is about 90% water. Keeping water clean is a priority for the human race. The oceans, the rivers and underground water. Human waste must be collected and treated before being returned to the water table.
As populations grow the stress on municipalities to provide water has increased. I live in the Boston area. In the 1980’s the state on Massachusetts set up the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) to help clean up Boston Harbor and provide water. They connected most of the Boston area to a sewerage system. All human waste is sent to a central facility on Deer Island. The cost of people’s water has skyrocketed ever since. Like a lot of things, water can also be a weapon to control people. This is some of my ideas on providing clean water. Like a lot of my ideas I try to make them maintenance free and free of cost to stop people from using them as a weapon.
In the future houses and small apartment buildings should have two sources of water. One for drinking and cooking and one for general use such as washing dishes, washing clothes, bathing etc. The drinking water can be extracted from the air with a dehumidifier and then distilled to make it perfectly clean. The dehumidifier would be the size of a refrigerator and be put in the kitchen or some where near it. If the air is too dry to provide enough it could be made from the other source. Distilling water is time consuming so it should be kept to only what you drink and cook with. Most of dehumidifier could be made of glass and put in the dishwasher.
The other source can either be a well or rain water. In a pinch water could be bought and delivered like heating oil is today. Both well water and rain water can have problems that need fixing. Rain water can be acid and have dirt from the roof. Well water can have all kinds of problems.
Future small buildings should be built with a chase from the attic floor to the basement ceiling. I have a number of reasons for this. There should be no wires in the walls. Any wire can be used as an antenna. And as a rule the longer the piece of wire the more sensitive it is. When you are in a building with wires in the walls you are surrounded by antennas. Anyone in the building could plug something into an outlet and draw power and use the wires as an antenna. They could be reading your thoughts so confining all wires to the chase would stop this. The chase could be lined with aluminum and grounded to earth creating a Faraday Cage. The wires themselves could be shielded. This is expensive and another reason for the chase.
Some circuits could be dedicated for the refrigerator, stove, TV etc and these could be shielded. Outside of the chase would be a shelf that holds batteries that stay plugged in on the shelf. When you want a lamp at night you take a battery off the shelf and take it to the lamp.
Solar voltaic panel wiring goes through the chase to charge batteries. They too are inside a Faraday Cage. All heating and cooling pipes are routed through the chase. This makes them easily accessible for maintenance. Another part of the chase would be used for outside air. In some places it’s too dry to get water from the air. This is especially true indoors during the winter. The dehumidifier could draw air from the outside in many areas.
The general use water can be made from rain water or a well. It would be filtered and stored in the cellar. First it would go through settling tank. This allows dirt and other debris to settle. The tank would have to be emptied and cleaned every so often. Modern machinery is capable of making holes in metal that are microscopic. They can make filters out of metal that will remove very very small particles. After the settling tank there would be a series of filters with microscopic holes each with a back flush valve. When the filter gets clogged the outlet is shut off and the filter is back flushed automatically. It doesn’t need paper replaceable filters and is relatively maintenance free. The next filter is a long flat piece of glass with a electro magnet above it. This can be used to remove metal such as iron. It also has a separate back flush valve. Life cannot exist if it is exposed to high concentrations of ultra violet light. After the magnet the water flows through a piece of glass and is exposed to massive UV. This kills all bacteria and viruses. It could then be filtered again to remove the dead bacteria before going to a holding tank. PH is a problem but I’m not sure it matters if it’s not drinking water.
Arduino Brain Simulator
In 2010 an article appeared on Wikipedia about Synthetic Telepathy. The article was taken down after several hours because of it’s controversial nature. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as “silent sound” or “Synthetic telepathy”. Synthetic telepathy (also known as techlepathy or psychotronics) is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain. Sounds like the stuff of Sci Fi movies but I have been subjected to this for at least 10 years. I think it is both satellite based and ground based. Cell phone towers are capable of this.
Another technology similar to this is Sub Vocal Speech Recognition. It is sometimes referred to as S Quad. It was used by the US Military in the first Gulf war. ITV News did an article titled “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons”. It can be found on my website http://www.philipnute.wordpress.com.
Electromyography (EMG) uses electronics to pick up electric signals given off by muscles. This too could be satellite or cell phone tower based. Any electromagnetic radiation coming from a living organism can be picked up by electronics. All forms of life on earth give off numerous signals. NASA has been experimenting for years on Sub Vocal Speech. Articles can be found on the internet. NASA’s work is based on the research of Lawrence Pinneo and Charles Jorgenson. This is an idea to combat these technology’s.
Any radio jamming is aimed at the receiver. In this case it would be the satellite or cell phone tower. The idea is to broadcast a similar wave form at the same power levels so the receiver can’t tell the correct signal from the fake. If the fake signal is extremely close to the actual transmitter, in this case a person, the receiver is defeated. The idea is to take an Arduino microcontroller (MCU) board and program it to broadcast multiple fake signals. The signals are placed on an antenna that looks like necklace. The Arduino is carried around in your pocket. The signals could also be part of the circuit. That is an extension of the actual etch of the printed circuit board (PCB).
During the first Gulf War the US Army used what has become known as SSSS or S Quad. Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. (ITV News Bulletin “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons”) The article says the technology picks up numerous signals and makes a composite of an individual. Over time the computer ‘learns’ the specific pattern of the person. So any jamming equipment would need to generate a lot of signals. Both EEG (electroencephalography) and EMG.
The picture above is 3 Arduino’s I own. (left to right) An Arduino Uno R3, Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino Due. Their computing power increases with the MCU it has. The least powerful is the Uno R3 and the most powerful is the Due. The Due has upwards of 50 programmable pins that can output a digital signal. All Arduino boards use Atmel MCU’s. You would have to connect a D/A converter (digital to analog) to the output pins and come up with software that simulates EMR given off by the human body. All Arduinos also have analog input pins. You could hook up a pulse sensor to monitor your pulse and use it to alter the brain signals accordingly. Or you could use temperature.
The picture above is my Uno R3 with a Kuman 3.5 inch touch screen running a program that displays a simple string. The software to program the Arduino is free and can be downloaded from http://www.arduino.cc. The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) comes with programs that will run on Arduino. Picking it apart is a good way to learn how to do it. The ‘libraries’ folder has files that can be associated with Notepad, a free program that comes with Windows, and you can ‘copy and paste’ the code into your own programs. Atmel also has an IDE that is free. Atmel Studio 7.0 can be downloaded from the Atmel website.
Sub vocal speech might be more difficult to mimic. I have yet to find a picture of the signals involved, or what muscles. They make throat microphones that people use while driving. The mic attaches to your throat but I don’t know if it picks up ‘silent sound’. You might need an electrode. Audacity is a open source music program that I believe can be used with a microphone and a computer. Maybe it can also be used with an electrode. It produces a visual output as well as other things.
Numerous signals mean numerous antennas or in-circuit wires. Standard computer ribbon cables come with as many as 100 wires. (I think) But 100 might be too wide and less might not be enough. It is possible to mix more than one signal. Any audio mixer would work. A 24 wire cable with 2 signals each is 48. If the cell phone tower or satellite is picking up all your emissions and creating a composite of you as a person multiple signals might confuse the computer.
All Arduino’s use Atmel MCU’s. The UNO R3 uses a 328. The UNO also has a I2C bus that can be accessed through two of the digital input/output pins. SCL and SDA. (clock and data) I2C is an industry standard. You can hook up as many as 127 devices. I have been trying to get an MCP4725 digital to analog converter to work on this bus. I want to get it to output a sine wave of about 50 HZ. Adafruit (dot) com has working software thats free. (see picture below)
The MCP4725 can be bought mounted on a small PCB to experiment with like the small blue boards in the picture. It also comes as a quad digital to analog so if you wanted eight signals for the ribbon cable you would only have to hook up two PCB’s. The quad chip is the MCP4728.
The problem with sine waves is they do not mimic an EEG. An EEG is a transient wave. It is not uniform. It changes constantly. An EEG is an electronic readout of brain waves. They vary from about 5 HZ to around 45 HZ. When a person is sleeping the waves are about 5 to 10 HZ. This is called an Alpha state. When you are awake but at rest they vary from about 10 HZ to around 20 HZ. If you are awake but active they can go from 20 HZ to 30 HZ. When agitated they can go as high as 45 HZ. A circuit is needed to chop up the sine waves a little then change the frequency as you go from sleep to agitated. I have a couple suggestions.
The schematic above is a noise generator that uses avalanche noise. Avalanche noise looks very similar to an EEG wave only it has a very wide frequency range. If you removed the speaker from this circuit and filtered it for everything above 50 HZ you could feed it into an analog input on the UNO R3 and use it somehow to alter the sine waves. Another suggestion would be to feed back one of the sine waves and alter the software. To vary the frequency for a person activity level a heart monitor transducer could be fed into an analog input. The picture below is a heart monitor made for Arduino.
To mask sub vocal speech you might need to add a signal that mimics your voice and add it to the ribbon cable. The picture above is a small voice recorder that uses a small EEPROM. An EEPROM is non volatile memory like a USB thumb drive. This PCB will record about 20 seconds of voice and store it in the IC. This IC is an ICD 1820PY. This comes with a microphone and connector for a speaker. Instead of a speaker you could connect it to the ribbon cable to transmit the EMR. There is also a connector to access the IC’s digital functions. Maybe you could hook it up to the UNO R3 and repeat the voice over and over.
Above is a picture of my UNO mounted on a proto board. The MCP4725 is the red PCB on the right. I soldered the same connectors on the proto board as are on the UNO and jump what I need to them. Power is coming out of the left, signal on the right.
One tactic of religion is using drugs to coerce a person into co-operating. I sometimes call this ‘chickenshitting’. This is done to a person behind their back. The drugs are sometimes a derivative of metal. Lead, zinc, mercury among others. This often leaves the person emotionless or ‘frozen’. If started very early in life the person can be unaware of the condition. They are left unable to socialize with people. They can’t hold a job or function in general. They are outcasts from society, chased out of town and often killed.
This is some times done on a large scale. Large numbers of unwanted people are destroyed and re-located. I believe this is happening now in Burma. Burma is heavily Buddhist so all religions do this. Right now in Burma the government is forcing the Rohinga (spelling) to move into Eastern India. Millions are dying and no one in America even knows about it.
I have been ripping some of my DVD’s to my hard drive. While ripping the movie “Blow” starring Johnny Depp I noticed it ha s a lot of extras. For some reason it had 2 copies of “Blow”. It also had part of a documentary titled “Lost Paradise”. It was about how the cocaine trade ruined Columbia. It also had clips of FARC. FARC was a communist guerrilla group in Columbia that fought a revolution for decades. They were eventually corrupted by cocaine money. They had people in America who were investing money on the stock market. A lot of South American communist groups were destroyed like this. There were clips of Nancy Reagan starting her “War on Drugs”. She should have called it a “War on Freedom With Drugs”. Bill Hicks said this in the 1990’s. Bill Hicks was a George Carlin type comedian but more ‘In Your Face”. He died young like a lot of people who shoot their mouths off. Lenny Bruce for example. I think the student movements of the 1960’s were stopped with the Vietnam War and sex drugs and Rock N Roll. “Blow” was about George Jung. Jung was also from Weymouth. He played a big part in making cocaine popular in the 1970’s and 80’s. He eventually went to prison.
Hitler Youth – Programmed to hate, and kill and feel superior to others
Blow it up, who cares? Better you and me than just me. Visible civil war is better than invisible war. Or uncivil civil war is better than civil civil war. ???
Psycho Pathia Sexualis,
AssBitch O’Smelly lives in a Palace
He thinks all day how to take yours away
Because he thinks hes God
signed Arch Bishop O’Malley
Updated July 10 2018
I have been thinking about Andy Warhol. I think Warhol invented the persona ‘Jane’. He was also famous for painting a picture of a Campbells Soup can. Campbell is a Scottish name and soup is a way to deliver ‘chickenshit’. The Scottish Enlightenment is credited with inventing capitalism, so maybe Warhol was trying to draw attention to these two things. Aleister Crowley also tried to draw attention to the Scottish Enlightenment. He rented Boleskine House for a complicated magic spell. Boleskine House is very near Loch Ness in Scotland. This may be how the legend of the Loch Ness monster got started.
The level of surveillance in this country, and maybe around the world, has destroyed everyones peace of mind and security. And it is going to remain this way for the foreseeable future. I think Eisenhower understood this. In his farewell speech he warned everyone that “we must avoid becoming a world of dreadful fear and hate..”. Unfortunately it’s too late. Now it’s my fault. People can’t seperate the fear and hate from the messenger. Oh well. In ancient Greece if the news was really bad they killed the messenger. Oh well. The living will envy the dead anyway. If there is hope someone will have to accept responsibility for that thing. It ain’t gonna be me. I’m not in the business of explaining myself or situations someone else is creating. This fuckin planet sucks anyway.
Some one has been using the Pip Squeeks. “We are the lollipop kids the lollipop kids”
machine it says “God Wants You In Church Often”. Potato? Vegetable head. Mr Potato Head? A kids toy? Serpico had his own potato problems. In the movie “Being There” with Peter Sellers he leaves his house for the first time in his life after his family dies. He’s about 60 years. He realizes he lives in ghetto. On a wall he passes by it says “America Ain’t Shit Because The White Man Has A God Complex”. “Being There” is another movie about someone who was ‘frozen’ most of his life.
Updated June 30 2018
Arduino Brain Simulator
In 2010 an article appeared on Wikipedia about Synthetic Telepathy. The article was
taken down after several hours because of it's controversial nature. The article goes into depth
about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic
telepathy". Synthetic telepathy (also known as techlepathy or psychotronics) is a term used to
describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic
radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible
by the human brain. Sounds like the stuff of Sci Fi movies but I have been subjected to this for at
least 10 years. I think it is both satellite based and ground based. Cell phone towers are capable
of this.
Another technology similar to this is Sub Vocal Speech Recognition. Electromyography
(EMG) uses electronics to pick up electric signals given off by muscles. This too could be satelite
or cell phone tower based. Any electromagnetic radiation coming from a living organism can be
picked up by electronics. All forms of life on earth give off numerous signals. NASA has been
experimenting for years on Sub Vocal Speech. Articles can be found on the internet. NASA's
work is based on the research of Lawrence Pinneo and Charles Jorgenson. This is an idea to
combat these technology's.
Any radio jamming is aimed at the receiver. In this case it would be the satellite or cell
phone tower. The idea is to broadcast a similar wave form at the same power levels so the receiver
can't tell the correct signal from the fake. If the fake signal is extremely close to the actual
transmitter, in this case a person, the receiver is defeated. The idea is to take an Arduino
microcontroller (MCU) board and program it to broadcast multiple fake signals. The signals are
placed on an antenna that looks like necklace. The Arduino is carried around in your pocket. The
signals could also be part of the circuit. That is an extension of the actual etch of the printed
circuit board (PCB).
During the first Gulf War the US Army used what has become known as SSSS or S Quad.
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. (ITV News Bulletin “Military Use Of Mind Control Weapons”)
The article says the technology picks up numerous signals and makes a composite of an
individual. Over time the computer 'learns' the specific pattern of the person. So any jamming
equipment would need to generate a lot of signals. Both EEG (electroencephalography) and
The picture above is 3 Arduino's I own. (left to right) An Arduino Uno R3, Arduino Mega
2560 and Arduino Due. Their computing power increases with the MCU it has. The least
powerful is the Uno R3 and the most powerful is the Due. The Due has upwards of 50
programmable pins that can output a digital signal. All Arduino boards use Atmel MCU's. You
would have to connect a D/A converter (digital to analog) to the output pins and come up with
software that simulates EMR given off by the human body. All Arduinos also have analog input
pins. You could hook up a pulse sensor to monitor your pulse and use it to alter the brain signals
accordingly. Or you could use temperature.
The picture above is my Uno R3 with a Kuman 3.5 inch touch screen running a program
that displays a simple string. The software to program the Arduino is free and can be
downloaded from www.arduino.cc. The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
comes with programs that will run on Arduino. Picking it apart is a good way to learn how to do
it. The 'libraries' folder has files that can be associated with Notepad, a free program that comes
with Windows, and you can 'copy and paste' the code into your own programs. Atmel also has an
IDE that is free. Atmel Studio 7.0 can be downloaded from the Atmel website.
Sub vocal speech might be more difficult to mimic. I have yet to find a picture of the
signals involved, or what muscles. They make throat microphones that people use while driving.
The mic attaches to your throat but I don't know if it picks up 'silent sound'. You might need an
electrode. Audacity is a open source music program that I believe can be used with a microphone
and a computer. Maybe it can also be used with an electrode. It produces a visual output as well
as other things.
Numerous signals mean numerous antennas or in-circuit wires. Standard computer ribbon
cables come with as many as 100 wires. (I think) But 100 might be too wide and less might not be
enough. It is possible to mix more than one signal. Any audio mixer would work.
Updated June 8 2018
Fulbrights Law - The State Of The State Department
In Emile DeAntonio's movie "In The Year Of The Pig" he interviews Harry S Ashmore who was asked by the State Department to go to North Vietnam and speak to Ho Chi Minh. He mentions Fulbrights Law, "Never Trust The State Department". Fulbright was a senator.
When Ethiopia was conquered by Italy in the late 1890's they signed a treaty with the puppet government they installed that gave them control of Ethiopias foreign relations. The Treaty of Wichale, Article XVII. Was someone trying to say something?
Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State when the Bengazi incident took place. After Muamar Quadafi (spelling ??) leader of Libya was killed she said "We came we saw he died". This is imitating Julius Caesar who once said "I came I saw I conquered". (this might be fake news)
Are we in control of our State Department?
This is some thoughts on testing the High Wattage Pulse Generator. You could build a test chamber in any single family house with a cellar. Most foundations are made up of walls and a floor that are poured separately so there is a small crevice between the bottom of the wall and the edge of the floor. It would be possible to drive grounding rods into the ground between the wall and the floor. This keeps them from being tampered with. They make a small hand held device that will drive an 8 ft rod all the way in about 60 seconds. They might sell them at home improvement centers. I have seen videos on youtube. You could drive four or five close together to handle a large amount of current. Build a wood frame box above them and line the box with aluminum flashing. It can also be bought at home improvement centers. You could also line the box with EMI absorbent both bought online and made of circuits. (see INVENTIONS PAGE) The device under test is placed in the box. You could just blow up old cell phones or something. To deploy the generator you could set it up in a foyer of a store or restaurant and place an absorbent wall behind it. It could activate when a person goes in. Make the entrance so only one person can enter at a time and the door requires 2 hands to open so you don't blow up their cell phone. If you know someone who might be under mind control and you disable what ever implants they have you might cut off their communications and render them useless to their boss.
I have also been thinking about the power amplifier I proposed a couple months ago. The idea was to get more power out of a transformer than you put in by using the magnetism of ordinary bar magnets. Magnetism is a release of energy when an electron moves from one nucleus to another inside certian elements, like copper. Neodymium is an element that has natural magnetism. Some times called a rare earth magnet. I wonder if the magnetism is caused by electrons moving naturally without any voltage. If so could you place an antenna next to a rare earth magnet and amplify the EMI? Look at it on an oscilloscope? Does it have a resonant frequency that could be added to any coil?
I recently watched the movie "Zodiac" starring Robert Downey Jr. I think it came out around 2007. I think the Zodiac killer was an 'Aleister Crowley' perpetrated by the police. They were trying to draw attention to the real problem. Romanism. Or Romans. It's an 'Aleister Crowley' like ROMAN Polanski and Charles MAN - SON. (as in son of man) His real last name was Maddux. I don't know what Charles means. "Charlie Don't Surf" or something. This is some possible reasons why the Zodiac is important. Julius Caesar corrected the calendar just before the birth of Christ. If, when he did this, he based it on the idea the earth revolves around the sun, when did the Romans begin to believe the earth was the center of the universe? Enter Claudius Ptolemy. Ptolemy lived about 150 AD in Egypt. His book 'The Almagest' (in Arabic 'The Greatest ???) laid out a theory of the earth as the center of the universe. The Catholic church prosecuted as a heretic, anyone who believed otherwise. Including Galileo. Did Ptolemy invent the 'tropical zodiac'? The 'sidereal zodiac' had been used in India for millenia before Caesar. When did the Romans get it wrong and why? I think there is something about the zodiac that would prove that the Romans made Jesus up. This is why it's so important to cover it up. Maybe Ptolemy was paid to come up with a theory that would do that. Maybe the Romans invented Jesus to divide the peasants. They used the prophecy from the bible that said a savior would come. This is similar to Henry VIII and the Protestant Reformation. Divide and conquer. Before Julius Caesar the Roman calendar required intercalations. Caesar turned to a Egyptian named Sosegenes to reform the calendar. Little is known of Sosegenes other than he believed Mercury revolved around the sun. Mercury the planet? Mercury the metal? Mercury the god?
The measurement of time is necessary for a number of reasons. Like any measurement it needs a fixed starting point and a unit of measure. It is virtually impossible to establish a fixed starting point in a system of moving bodies in 3 dimensions. The solar system is just this. No element, earth, the sun or any star, is fixed and moving indepenantly. Man's attempt at measuring time began with the earth's rotation, the phases of the moon and the time of year that certain stars appeared. All ancient calendars use some type of measurement based on these. All were off enough to require intercalations, the insertion of dates to correct the discrepency that occured over long periods of time. Western civilization, christendom, has adopted the Gregorian Calendar last corrected by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. The following year, 1583, a French scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger invented the Julian Period. As I researched this on my computer I think my information ran out. Here. But I'll continue anyway. The Julian Period began on Jan 1 4713 BC. The length of a Julian Period is 7,980 years. I don't exactly understand why it was necessary. Somewhere in my research I read that the Byzantine Empire was refered to as the Roman Empire until it's fall in 1453 AD. Which is news to me. I thought it fell a millenia earlier. Like Nazi's the Romans dont like books, or in this case my computer. "History is a lie agreed upon" "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." I have done whatever I can to secure my computer but it still happens. (see below)
Astrology and astronomy are different. Astronomy is the science of the study of the universe. Astrology is a pseudo science based on the zodiac. It attempt's to predict the future with the zodiac. It's not science at all. The zodiac begins with Aries on March 21, the vernal equinox and then Taurus, etc. The 'precession of the equinox's', discovered by Hipparchus around 150 BC, operates in the opposite direction, Taurus to Aries etc. I'm not sure what this means.
Howard Hughes, Frederich Nietschze and Gilles de Rais were all a Puss N Boots. Will To Power. The more damage you do the bigger the monster they turn you into. Ask Gilles de Rais. They more damage 'they' do the bigger the monster you turn into.
Never go straight go forward
Liberalism is anything anyone wants to do that hasn't been approved by the pope
This is a continuation of the EMI Absorbent (see INVENTIONS PAGE) The picture below is an ordinary rug loom. It could be used to assemble the 'mat' of circuits. The circuits could be housed individually in shrink wrap. You could embed the entire assembly in sheet rock and make it into a wall. This would be preferable in an apartment if you don't have the ability to secure the earth ground at the electric panel. Someone could remove the earth ground under those conditions and defeat a Faraday cage.
I have been working on a mock up of my Chemical/Mechanical High Wattage Pulse Generator. (see picture below) I mounted the current transformer to some plastic and stood up the plastic on a piece of wood. I took a screen protector made for a large phone and cut it in half and stuck the two pieces together to make an insulator. It will fit between the copper and the gas to allow the 'charge' of the electrons to 'jog' and create current.
To get the gas from one chamber to the other a set of valves is needed. The stem of the valve would be glass with a small hole at the end. The top of the stem would be flat with a metal rod attached that feeds through a spring and housing. The spring holds down the stem until the electro magnet energizes and lifts the stem. The hole in the stem then lines up with a hole in the housing and gas goes from one chamber to the next.
There is something wrong with the wiring in my apartment. I have complained about this before on the internet. The top picture below is a drill I bought a couple years ago. I am all but sure that whenever I used it at the other places I lived it was foreword when the switch (see picture with my finger) was going the other way. Now it goes reverse. I tried this in a couple outlets in the house and it did the same thing. The second picture is an Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) I have plugged into my bench. There is a light (can't really see it in picture) that says "Building Wiring Fault". Both of my UPS are doing this. I figure there are a couple possibillities for this. One is the earth ground is disconnected at the panel in the basement or two, both the earth ground is disconnected and the hot and neutral wires are reversed. Number two would explain why the drill is going backwards. I think this is no mistake. I have been the only one here for about 3 months. So no one elses electronics have been effected. There is no TV here. No land line phone. My cell phone cuts out whenever it wants. (or when someone else wants) Except for the stove, dishwasher and microwave nothing else is plugged in that isn't mine. The fire alarm has been beeping on and off since I got here. It is currently beeping. Some things won't work at all if the wiring is backwards. I have survived numerous attempts on my life in the past 10 years. Just saying. I built a new computer last year. I made sure there is no WiFi on it that I can't control. That is remove from the hardware altogether. I also bought an aluminum case that, if grounded to earth would act as a Faraday Cage. ???? But apparantly it doesn't. I suppose they could get in through any wire plugged into a USB. ????
Updated May 23 2018
I believe my life has been destroyed by the church. Almost entirely behind my back. Doing
things behind the back is Standard Operating Procedure for the church. To this day I am under
24 hour surveillance in ways God never intended. Because of the surveillance my information
drys up whenever I try to research something. Nazi's burn books for a reason. My strategy in
fighting back is to come up with reasons for other people to do research and take action. This is
my list of reasons people should stop going to church.
I am also a conspiracy theorist. When you have suffered from 24 hour surveillance as long
as I have and no one in a position of power ever does anything it's easy to question everything
you know. The reason no one ever does anything is they are all involved in the conspiracy. I
believe there is such a thing as the New World Order. I believe most of the worlds leaders are
involved. I also believe the global conspiracy has two tiers. One for the elected people involved
and one for the people who will ultimately be in control when the smoke clears. Those people are the church (the pope) and the royalty of Europe and the rich. I believe most of the elected people are unaware of the surveillance but are aware of the New World Order. When they decide to 'come out of the closet' millions will die and then the people with the surveillance will come out and be in control until the end of time. This is the only way most of the elected people would cooperate to build the global government.
Did you ever see a picture of Merlin the Magician from the King Arthur Legends? He's
usually pictured in a long gown with stars and half moons and a tall hat. As a magician he does
things that amaze people and they don't know how he did it. In the movie "The Man Who Would Be King" when the priests power is threatened the goats stop giving milk, the grain stops growing etc. When the people turn back to the priests the problems stop. This is a classic example of howpriests maintain power. Definition - clericalism - a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy.
You might ask why don't these people go to jail? Or how have they managed to get away
with this for millennia? When was the last time a person in power went to jail without the entire government falling? They are the law. The church is double indemnified because people think they're holy. They're the moral and ethical standard for the society. Governments come and go but the church never falls.
Back to my list. Syncretic religion is any religion whose theology is not totally unique, any
religion that blends elements of other religions. Examples of syncretic religions are Santeria,
Voodoo, Ch'ondogyo, Sohak and Cao Dai. Syncretism has been used as far back as Roman times to assimilate and subdue conquered populations. The Romans used in on the Celts and Druids of Ireland and England. It's always nice to have an army in another country that will act on faith. Which is to say do anything without thinking. If you have people inside everyone's state department that's even better. (see Treaty Of Wichale)
Santeria is a religion of Latin America that has it’s origins in Africa. It blends Roman
Catholicism with African mysticism. It is very popular in Cuba. It is similar to Voodoo.
Voodoo is a blending of Roman Catholicism with African mysticism. It is very popular in
Haiti but has been around for centuries. Voodoo played a part in the Salem Witch Trials that
took place in Massachusetts in 1692. A black woman named Tituba is believed to have started the scare. She was never charged. An example of Merlin? Haiti had a revolution around the same time as America. If you read the history of the revolution it has fake written all over it. The people at the bottom turned to one of the few educated native Haitians among them. My guess is he didn't get that far in life without understanding how things work.
Ch'ondogyo is a blending of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and other eastern religions.
It was begun about the year 1860 in Korea by a prophet named Choe Cheiu, It is the opposite of
Sohak which blends elements of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions. Korean authorities
had tried to stop the spread of Western ideas since the early 1600's.
Cao Dai is a blending of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions. It began around 1926
in Vietnam by Ngo Van Chieu. While I'm sure there are examples of syncretism every where I
find it very suspicious that both Vietnam and Korea had examples linked to Catholicism.
When trying to understand the Vietnam War I try to apply Orwell’s theory that war is
waged by the ruling class on it’s own citizens to keep the structure of society intact. I believe the
problem of mind control/genocide began in the United States in the early 1950’s. This caused
rebellion and talk of revolution. The most serious of which was the Students for a Democratic
Society. (SDS) SDS made a formal declaration with it’s Port Huron Statement in the early 1960’s.
The Vietnam War was used to suppress this rebellion and maintain control of the United States.
Vietnam was used because they had a measure of control through religion. The true purpose of
SDS was drowned out by protest against the war. By the mid 1970’s the objective had been
accomplished and Vietnam was abandoned. Vietnam was lost because they could not maintain a permanent occupation without constant incursions from Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. It’s not a peninsula like Korea. The war would have to have been expanded throughout Southeast Asia. The objective had been reached so this was not necessary. Nor was it desirable because it would have caused further problems in America and reversed the win.
Korea was left unfinished because it’s a peninsula and it could be used for tension and
conflict and a future war. The French part of the Vietnam War ended when Paul Mus parachuted into Vietnam and help negotiate a truce. I got this from Emile de Antonio’s movie “In The Year Of The Pig”. A similar event occurred with the American part. The State Dept sent Harry Ashmore to North Vietnam to talk peace. I got this from “In The Year Of The Pig”. HenryKissinger went around the Paris Peace Talks to negotiate with Ho Chi Minh.
Edward Lansdale was the CIA's man in South East Asia from about 1945 to 1960. After
Ho Chi Minh took power Lansdale spread rumors the Ho was going to exterminate the Catholics. Lansdale then provided ships and other forms of transportation to get Catholics to the south. The puppet regimes of South Vietnam were dominated by the minority Catholics. This caused Buddhists monks to burn themselves in protest. Avro Manhattan wrote books about the religious aspect of the American part of the Vietnam war.
Scientology is a syncretic religion. Scientology is a cult of mind controlled people
controlled by Jesuit Priests. It's a killing machine. Whenever someone invents a new technology
or product they have to consider how to interface it to the end user. This is where Pierre Tielhard de Chardin comes in. Chardin wrote about what he called The Singularity and Omega Point. When someone is targeted by Scientology their every thought and movement is radioed into the heads of the mind controlled cult. This is the singularity. As Jim Morrison of The Doors called it "The Universal Mind". The 'target' is the Omega Point. (aka The Omega Man) Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. The Singularity drives them crazy until the 'target' is killed or 'plugged in'.
Someone famous once said “You can't have two masters”. So whenever you meet someone
you have to go down their list of priorities, are they 1. Catholic 2. American 3. Human Being or 1. Human Being 2. Catholic 3. American? During the Cold War would the United States
government have allowed the Soviet Union to own as much property in America as the Vatican
does today? The Vatican can undermine any freely elected government where it has significant
numbers. And it does on a regular basis. I think the Vatican should either be thrown out of the
United Nations and not recognized as a state or it should surrender all property it owns in other
countries. You can either be a country or a religion not both.
When you control the worthless wood pulp banking system you can pay half the planet
three hots a cot and a bag of peanuts to hit the road to do God's work. And God's work is getting the other half to hit the road. Unless you're a good fascist and you can contribute in other ways. Bread and butter is everyone's first priority. Feed a stray dog once you own it. “....people on the river are happy to give.....”
I believe "Alice in Wonderland" is about a real phenomena. The church, by way of the
police, convince a young women to seduce a man for the purposes of getting that person out of
town. Both usually end up dead. Sometimes the women ends up with a child. I bet you could ask
any 100 women in this country if they had been approached by the police or a person in authority and asked to do this and a large percentage will say 'yes'. I think this is a way to kill the church. The child is usually paid for by someone who is accused wrongfully. I bet there are thousands of cases across the country. This too could kill the church.
The book 'Alice In Wonderland' and the actual phenomena may be modeled after Judith
in the Book of Judith. The Book Of Judith is an apolcalyptic story left out of the King James
version of the bible as well as other versions. Judith is a Jew in a city besieged by the Assyrians.
Alone she leaves the city and falls into the hands of the Assyrian general. She says her life was in danger in the city and the general believes her. She seduces the general, kills him and brings his head back to the city. The jew's win the battle and Judith is a hero. Whoever talks the various Alice's into the act may have convinced her she is doing a good deed.
The civilization we live in today developed in the Middle East, India and around the
Mediterranean. Most of the ancient civilizations had polytheistic religions with many gods.
Chronologically they went Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome. (roughly) Each one in turn had a series of gods that were very similar. Hindu had Indra as the main god. Greece Zeus, Rome Jupiter, Egypt Horus etc. The messenger was Hermes, Thoth, Mercury etc. Eventually most adopted monotheism. The belief in one god. The oldest monotheistic religion is Judaism. In fact this is probably the oldest religion.
The Old Testament prophesied a savior would come and save the Jews. I think the Romans provided this with Jesus. It's divide and conquer. This is something they do over and over. It also put them in charge of the religion. The people at the top provide the people at the bottom an enemy. This unites them and gives them purpose. War is slight of hand.
After the 'supposed' fall of the Roman Empire royalty began to develop in Europe. The first to unite large portions of Europe was Charlemagne about 800 AD. But then he allowed the Pope to name him Holy Roman Emperor. What did the Pope have to do with it? Was Charlemagne a 'Puss N Boots'? Willed to power as Nietzsche put it?
For the most part Charlemagne founded the Carolingian Dynasty. By the year 1000 AD
the royalty had acquired significant power. This was a challenge to the Pope. The Pope fought
back with the Gregorian Reform. This spanned numerous popes from about 1000 AD to 1100 AD. Part of the problem was kings could appoint bishops without the permission of the Pope. They often appointed people who had never been in the church. This makes the church look like a joke.
The church split in 1054 AD into the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic. I think this is
something they do over and over. The Pope invaded England in 1066 AD despite the fact England was already Catholic. I don't know exactly why. Maybe the English kings were really out of control.
Buddhism and Hinduism are older than Christianity. I believe many people have known
that Christianity was modeled after these two religions. Historical evidence is provided with the
documentary “Geheimnis Tibet”, the poem “Kubla Khan” by Samuel Taylor Coolridge and the
Theosophical Society to name a few. This is what I’ve come up with. I try to use facts that cannot be disputed by anyone. Buddhism began in North Eastern India about 500 BC. By 500 AD it had spread to Tibet and was well established. It had died out in India by 1000 AD. The tradition of the Dalai Lama is unique to Tibet but was not begun until the time of Marco Polo around 1200 AD. Several of the early Dalai Lama’s were very closely related to Kubla Khan. I think a good case could be made for the idea that the Pope created the Dalai Lama in his image and both religions practice Aryanism which is derived from the religion of Ancient Egypt.
Nirvana in Buddhism is the same thing as redemption in Christianity. In Buddhism a 'rolling stone' is trying to reach Nirvana and in Christianity redemption. Since Buddhism predates Christianity Jesus must have learned his 'theology' in Tibet as many people think.
Hinduism is even older than Buddhism. Hinduism started around 1500 BC. Nirvana in
Hinduism is karma. All of these religions practice behind the back techniques to coerce people to co-operate. The use of drugs and social isolation are two. I often refer to this as 'chickenshitting'. Most people can't put up with either of these very long. Social isolation in particular is very painful. It can make a person crazy and very angry. Once a person agrees to co-operate they are instructed to 'hit the road' like a 'rolling stone' to achieve nirvana, redemption or karma.
Historians will tell you there was no official end to the Spanish Inquisition. I think this is
because it never ended, it went underground. The Inquisition was handled out of an office that
was still around in 1966 when it was renamed by Pope Paul VI. I don't remember the name. The church has had to hide it's activities since the beginning of the 19th century. Finding evidence of it's true nature is difficult. This is 2 instances I have. The Jasenovac Prison Camp and the Magdalene Laundries. Jasenovac was a death camp in the former Yugoslavia run by The Ustashe. The Ustashe were put in power by Hitler. Even some SS people were shocked with their cruelty. There is ample evidence of the complicity of the Catholic Church in the matter. Many people were forced to convert to Catholicism before they were executed. Two books on the subject are: Genocide In Satellite Croatia by Edmond Paris and books by Avro Manhattan.
The other instance is the Magdalene Laundries. They were operated in Ireland until the 1990's. Young women were forced to work 10 hour days 6 days a week as penance for sexual promiscuity. Many, however, were raped by people in power and sent there to silence them.
The Protestant Reformation began about 1515 AD in Germany. This is the official story. A
disgruntled Catholic priest, Martin Luther, nailed his complaints to the door of a cathedral in
Wittenberg and other people printed it with the new printing press and he spent the rest of his
life dealing with the aftermath. Despite being accused of heresy and never recanting, he married, had kids and lived to a ripe old age. I think if the church wanted to stop this before it went too far they could have. They allowed it to continue to divide the church again. They purposely aggravated the English to make it so it would never be turned around. Divide and conquer.
In 1793 during the French Revolution the new government instituted the French
Republican Calendar. It was designed to replace the Gregorian Calendar with one that was more secular than religious. While Napoleon brought back the Gregorian Calendar in 1806 the
Republican Calendar left a historical record of the revolution and it's major issues. It also
reflected French culture and Western Civilization in general. The reign of Julius Caesar marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. One of the first things he did was institute the Julian Calendar. It too reflected the society it was used in. It replaced the old Roman Calendar that had become badly out of sync with the seasons. It required frequent intercalation to correct it's imperfections. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian Calendar with the Papal Bull 'inter gravissimas'. In English 'In the gravest concern'. The Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar. What was the grave concern? While the Julian Calendar was a little off did it require a whole new one? Does the Julian Calendar have proof that Jesus was made up? Is this the Zodiac Killer.
To turn around the French Revolution they 'willed to power' Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napoleon was more Italian then French. He was born on the island of Corsica which is very close to Italy. It was ruled by Italy until just a few years before the Revolution. The Napoleonic Wars lasted almost 25 years until 1815 when he was defeated by the English at Waterloo.
The Dreyfus Affair took place in France around 1890 AD. A French army officer was
accused of treason and sent to Devils Island prison in French Guyana. He was Jewish and many
people thought he was innocent. Many people left the church because of it. To turn this around
they started WWI. Hitler was also 'willed to power'. WWII was bullshit. The winning army
always has the Ark Of The Covenant because war is a racket. The outcome is determined at the
The rise of Hitler has been documented by many people. Antony C Sutton wrote about
Wall St's involvement in “Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler”. Edmond Paris wrote “The
Vatican Against Europe”. He documents the political party's that were backed by the church that eventually became fascist. Christus Rex in Belgium. Social Democrats in Austria. Ustashe in Yugoslavia. Franco in Spain. After the war the Vatican provided papers for many ex-Nazi's to get to South America. This has become known as the Vatican Ratlines. Many books and
documentaries have been made of this. Operation Paperclip was the CIA program that brought
ex-Nazi's to the United States. Free downloadable copies of “The Vatican Against Europe” can be found on the DOCUMENTS page of my blog at www.philipnute.wordpress.com.
The church often fights back with secret societies. The Freemasons are one of the first.
Freemasonry has a pyramid like structure. The people at the bottom don't have the knowledge of the people at the top. This is a way to get people to act against their own best interest. Most os the people at the bottom probably wouldn't co-operate if they knew what the outcome was. A New World Order. It's also a way to get the people at the bottom to kill each other. This benefits the people at the top. You could say the political structure of the world is the same. Most of the
average elected officials wound not co-operate if they knew the truth. Over organization and
management science have made this problem worse in the last few decades. Aldous Huxley talked about this in an interview with Mike Wallace in the late 1950's. It can be found on youtube.
Other examples of Secret Societies are La Cite Catholique, L'Action Francais and Opus
Dei. The first two emerged from the Dreyfus Affair and the third from the Spanish Civil War of
the 1930's. All are extreme right wing organizations that still exist today. Very little is known
about them. Some members of La Cite Catholique and L'Action Francais helped develop urban
warfare techniques that have been used in South America during the 1970's. These same
techniques are now taught at WHINSEC at Ft Benning Georgia USA.
According to Horacio Verbitsky, La Cite Catholique and L'Action Francais played a part
in the dirty war in Argentina in the late 1970's. The techniques were used to 'disappear'
thousands of dissidents. Verbitsky is a writer was part of the Montoneros. A left wing guerrilla
group. These techniques were used throughout South America. The CIA's Operation Condor
helped military juntas in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and other countries. The CIA was also
involved in Operation Gladio and Operation Chaos. Gladio helps right wing governments in
Europe and Chaos was in the United States.
I believe Dhubi, Abu Dhabi is the capital of the New World Order. The elite have used the
fractional reserve banking system to build themselves a state of the art fortress with all the
whistles and bells. Dhubi sits at the mouth of the Red Sea, the Straits of Hormuz. A very very
large percentage of middle oil flows through this narrow passage. They can shut off what oil is
left and use it maintain control until enough de-population has occurred.
During the dot com bubble of the late 1990's a company called Global Crossing strung
fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3 % of what fiber optic
capacity had already been built. When the dot com bubble burst Global Crossing went with it.
The Federal government made a half assed attempt to go after the executives but they all walked away millionaires. That network is a very powerful tool. Whoever controls it can communicate with anyone anywhere in micro seconds. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it is now controlled out of Dhubi. A prime objective in any battle is cutting off the communications of the enemy. I think someone should research this network and prepare to destroy it.
Two issues outside of the church are Peak Oil and the banking system. Oil is a finite
resource. They're not making any more dinosaurs. Peak oil is the concept where oil production
reaches its high point and begins to decline. Most experts believe we are very near that. Maybe 10 or 15 years. There is nothing you come into contact during your day that isn't totally dependent on oil. When the oil is gone so is modern society. The global elite will never develop technologies that are free of resources. It would free you. The future for most of the planet is poverty and ignorance while packed into high rise buildings in proletariat zones. When the oil is gone the stock market goes with it. All your savings go 'poof'.
Mans use of fossil fuels began about the year 1850 AD. At that time the global population
was around 1 billion. (guess) Today we are approaching 7 billion. No one who has studied the
problem disagrees with the fact fossil fuels are responsible. Everyone also agrees it cant continue. The earth will only support a finite number. This is another reason the people at the top will 'come out of the closet' someday. When they do the people at the bottom will de-populateautomatically as they fight for food and resources. In the end the pope will be in control. And nothing will change.
Fossil fuels allowed the mechanization of agriculture. Sometimes called the 'Green
Revolution'. As this occurred the percentage of people who know about animal husbandry and
growing crops dropped dramatically. So we have roughly 7 times the population and very few
know anything about growing food. This is a recipe for global famine. Fossil fuels are used as
fertilizer. This has led to a vast depletion of fertile soil. As the oil runs out so will our ability to
grow food.
The problem is being purposely made worse by Genetically Modified Organisms. (GMO)
GMO's are advertised as adding to the food supply but in reality they fit in with the global
agenda. They create seeds that are owned by large corporations and can only be grown with their permission. At the same time they're eliminating the natural versions. Total control of the food supply.
The banking system makes something out of nothing. A famous congressman once said “If
there were no debt there would be no money, If there were no money there would be no debt”.
One of the Rothchilds' once said “Give me control of a nations currency and I care not who
makes it's laws”. Any civilized society must have a monetary system. Without it there would be
chaos. Roving bands of marauders taking whatever they need. The current system is a bottomless blank check that the people at the top use for anything they want. It's made them crazy. A monetary system is necessary but should be set up to help man live in balance. A self regulating system backed by production is a possible answer. The currency is backed by goods and services produced. If you don't work you must be supported by taxes or live in a commune.
Banking systems that make something out of nothing makes animals out of people.
It's the Apolcalypse. Millions of people in America are waiting to be 'Raptured' into
heaven. They're waiting for the Battle of Armageddon to happen in Israel. But it's completely
man made. By the Pope. In Orwell's '1984' O'Brien tells Winston “If you want a vision of the
future Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever”. Some of the people at the
bottom may believe they're building a Utopia, a perfect society free from disease and war and
hunger, but the truth is the opposite. They will have an eternity of aliens from outer space to
make war with. Because war is part of the system. They are now setting up the historical evidence for this. They will spend 100 years leaving news reports and rumors to convince the people of the future. They're INSANE!!!
My favorite documentaries on Peak Oil are: “A Crude Awakening”, “Blind Spot”, “Oil,
Smoke and Mirrors” and “Collapse with Michael Ruppert”.
My Favorite documentaries on the banking system are “The Money Masters with Bill Still”, “The Zeitgeist Movie”, “Zeitgeist Addendum” and “Zeitgeist Moving Forward”.
What is “The three types of people on the Titanic” 'The five stages of grief” and “The hundreth
monkey”? (answer - 108)
Updated May 19 2018
The dark light of fascism is always coming down on America, but it only lands in Europe. Tom Wolff The forces of good must always prevail. At least it must appear that way, or this would have ended a long time ago.
The United States has built a series of camps that are under the authority of the Federal Emergency Managnent Agency (FEMA). They are supposed to be for emergency purposes only but considering the level of mind control and lies that spew from the media I would never willingly go to one. Someone could flip a switch and an army of mind fuck police could start rounding people up via software routine. This is some evidence of the use of camps for political repression since the end of WWII.
Operation Condor. A CIA program during the 1970’s and 80’s in South America that worked with military juntas in the guise of the Cold War. Camps were used in at least a half dozen countries to stop liberal political movements.
Operation Gladio. A CIA program in Europe that operated after WWII to suppress political dissent. Greece, Italy were just 2 countries targeted.
Operation Chaos. A CIA program that operated in the US in conjunction with the FBI’s COINTELPRO to stop dissent inside the US.
signed I put all singers dancers and actors on the same level as prostitutes and thieves
This is a continuation of the high wattage pulse generator/ac battery. The top picture below is a current transformer. It works like an AC clamp meter. It completely surrounds a conductor and converts the EMR from the current into a voltage. The pulse generator would have this mounted on the outside of the discharge chamber with a very thin mica insulator so the ionized gas would ‘jog’ the electrons in the copper rod. The copper rod is inserted through the current generator and acts something like an antenna, not a completed circuit. This would not create a perfect sine wave. In fact it might be very irregular, but it is varying. It would be necessary to shape the wave after the current transformer. Oscillator circuits require feedback to maintain oscillation. Instead of feedback the current from the transformer could be used. Maybe some sort of switched mode power supply circuit could be used. RFID chips are powered by the same signal that has the data. (I think) A way to test this would be to remove the insulator, drill a hole in the end of the rod for a screw and attach a wire and input an irregular wave and come up with a shaping circuit. They make solid copper rod for grounding rods that come in sizes ranging from 5/8 inch thick to 3/4 inch thick and 8 ft long.
Updated May 15 2018
I believe the real enemy is the people at the top. They will do anything to get the people at the bottom to fight amongst themselves. Anything that works is good. Religion, race, ethnicity, nationality etc. I was born in 1957. I grew up in the 1960’s and I was a teenager in the 1970’s. I watched a lot of TV. I belong to the first generation that lived with TV from the time they were born. I watched the turmoil of the 60’s and 70’s play out on TV. I think that by the mid 60’s most of the hippies and yippies and Black Panthers and SDS knew what the problem was and it was shoved down thier throat. The biggest offender was TV. TV is the most dangerous weapon ever created. In the year 2000 or 2001 a band called The Cure released an album titled “Bloodflowers”. One song is titled “Watching Me Fall”. I call this the eulogy for the Japanese. “Japanese” is symbolism used by musicians for people who want to be free. (The House Of The Rising Sun) This never would have happened without the co-operation of the people at the top. Rich people. There may have been exceptions. Bill Veeck (spelling) possibly. He owned the Chicago White Sox during the 70’s. I wonder if there’s a biography of him.
I think this is how it’s always been. You don’t get anywhere in life unless you’re a fascist/romanist. My scant evidence is the Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee scene from either “Alice in Wonderland” or “Alice Through The Looking Glass”. I think the carpenter represents the protestant church and the walrus represents the catholic church. The ‘oysters’ are ‘juded’ people. Walking dead, meatheads, zombies, gypsies, wandering jews, rolling stones, roman vagabonds etc. There are at least two songs from the 60’s about “Alice in Wonderland”. “I Am The Walrus” by The Beatles and “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane. I think Israel is a concentration camp (ghetto’, ‘pale’ are old term’s) where these people end up. If a person was ‘beyond the pale’ they were outside the ghetto. I think the people at the top of the Jewish religion go along with this because it’s always been like this. I think the people at the top knew they would get away with it because their ass is covered by TV.
A guy goes up to an actor and says “I can get you whatever you want. Girls, money, fame, houses, but there’s a catch, you have to sell your soul to the devil.” The actor says “OK, but whats the catch?” “Starbuck,……in the morning,………….put the men in the boats,……..and row us out of these god forsaken waters…!”
Check me on this but I’m pretty sure there were no police in this country until about 1800. Civilized people hire others to beat up thier slaves. Maybe they don’t want to do it, maybe they don’t want to see it, but they have no problem with it.
Updated May 9 2018
I have been thinking about the banking system. Again. I have a lot of subjects I return to over and over. I’m like a rotary switch with no stop at either end. Anarchy is a system that does not believe in large central power structures. If you’re born on this planet you have a right to live on it and use it as you as see fit as long as you are not trespassing on others. Putting power in the hands of small groups of people is a problem so don’t do that. But however everyone needs money. Lincolns greenback requires a large central power structure to monitor the amount of money in circulation and print the money. A debt based fractional reserve currency also requires a central power structure. What is needed is a monetary system that expands and contracts the money supply automatically. Anarchy money. I think something could be worked out with both electronic and printed money. When Apple Computer came up with the idea of an mp3 player they had to design and build a prototype and see if it worked. Why not do that with anarchy money? Find a small town out in the sticks and set the system up and see what bugs are in it. Do it for 6 months or something.
Some call our justice system the ‘just-us’ system. You can’t have anarchy without a monetary system. It’s the bare minimum needed to maintain law and order. Without it, everyone would be forced to whatever means necessary to acquire thier daily needs. Total chaos is worse than orderly lawlessness or orderly chaos, which is what we have. Communism is extreme. A system of community property. You would probably need a large central power structure to force it on people. It really doesn’t make any sense. I think small communes could be set up in urban areas to absorb people displaced by capitalism or who are at odds with the powers that be. In past times the church was supposed to be sanctuary. A place they couldn’t get you. The communes could some special legal status.
This is my understanding of how the banking system works. People in a community put their money in a bank. The bank loans that money to businesses and people in the community at interest. This is how businesses get started and housing gets built. The people in the community own the community. The depositors get 5 % interest on their money. The bank loans it out at 7 % and keeps 2 %. (example) The FDIC insures all deposits up to $250,000. If the bank fails you would get at least that back, or less if thats what you had. The problem with fractional reserve money is it’s a bottomless blank check for the people who control it. It’s not a system that regulates itself. It’s absolute power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The ability to make something out of nothing could be useful in a world run by the people at the bottom. But not at the top. It’s not just usury thats the issue, it’s fractional reserve. It’s usury charged on money made out of thin air.
Maybe it’s possible to fix the current system. Right now banks only have to keep 10 % of deposits. If it was changed to 95 % the problem wouldn’t be as bad. Electronic money now accounts for 97 % of the supply. No one really has to monitor it. No one has to print anything.
“War is politics by other means. Politics is economics by other means” Michael Ruppert ‘Collapse’
“Money is the root of all” anonymous
The Golden Rule “He who has the gold rules” (or in this case the banking system)
Banking systems that make something out of nothing, makes animals out of people
My Encyclopedia Britannica says that ‘mercantilism’ is the economic counterpart to absolutism. It was a way to keep the poor poor. Do we have some of this going on today?
It is what it is until I make it something else. (so I’m not gonna do that) My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment.
Roses are red, You wish I was dead, The truth is too, I feel the same about you. – Plug em in turn em off, blow it up, ain’t nothin here for me!!
Seven is a lucky number in Christianity. Building 7 collapsed on Sept 11 despite not being hit by an plane. There were never any more than 7 prisoners in Spandau Prison. David Koresh (aka Vernon Howell) was trying to decipher the seven seals of the apolcalypse. (I think??)
The Republicans worst nightmare, Nancy Pelosi won’t run.
Updated May 3 2018
I have been trying to understand the words to The Beatles song “Strawberry Fields”. This is what I’ve come up with. The field of strawberries represents a world under mind control. “Mission Of Burma” Rubies are red, Commies are too, You’re not one yet, But you will be soon It’s the same thing as the Eloi, or Sunshine people, in the movie version of H. G. Wells “TheTime Machine”. The Eloi are ‘harvested’ by the Morelocks whenever they need food. The Morelocks sound a siren and the Eloi march into the caves. If any revolution ever actually gets under way it should never be thought of as anything but a rolling never ending Bastille Day. A rolling never ending mob of peasants storming the castle with pitchforks and torches. Trying to solve the problem with religion or political ideology is like Don Quixote. You can’t fight a people who say they’re religious, but are not religious with religion. You can’t fight a people or system that says it’s based on ideology but isn’t based on ideology with ideology. Don’t worry about what comes after as long as possible. It’s putting the cart before the horse. Secure an area arrest the guilty. Maintain anarchy as long as possible. You get out of bed every day you work toward the objective. Get the boot off my face. It’s a seat of the pants kind of thing. There is no plan other than getting the boot off the face.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the Ruby Ridge incident in Idaho was an Aleister Crowley. Ruby Ridge. Rubies are red, Commies are too, You’re not one yet, But you will be soon – (Mission of Burma) Did you know that took place in Naples Idaho (Italy ??) “Italian mobster shoots a lobster” The Clash Randy Weaver (Come into my web said the spider to the fly…) (Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive…..) was a white supremacist who barricaded himself in a mountain cabin and held off FBI agents. Does the black race survive if this whole thing goes off as planned?? (inside or outside) ??? After George Bush got elected in 2000 every member of the Congressional Black Caucus got up on the house floor and complained. ??? There is video of this. I think ??? it’s included in Michael Moore’s film “Fahrenheit 9-11”. ??? They all seem desperate!!! The only FBI agent killed was from Quincy Mass. His name was Degan. ??? Shot in the back by his own people. ??? (like Ciara Durkin if she was real ???) Randy Weaver was a Green Beret. (hearing voices ???)
I’ve been thinking about that Rodney King thing. OK I’ve got some homework for ya. I know you’ve seen it before but watch the Rodney King video. Then watch the movie THX 1138. Get to the scene where the mind fuck police are beating the crap out of him and tell me that’s not the same thing. “Bombs comin round to put it back the way it outta be…..” Tool (I’m gonna start a music ensemble and call it Tool and see if anyone gets it…….Then I’m gonna write a song titled “Third Eye”) “Break on through to the other side…..” The Doors
Ordinary bar magnets could be used to disable tanks. If the magnet is large enough you could attach steel cables or chain to it. When the tank runs over the magnet it picks it up and the cables will get tangled in the tracks. The magnet could be used to have the tank carry a smoke bomb, as described above to ensure the engine chokes.
I found this on my hard drive recently. I have been printing it and distributing it with other literature. It’s dated May 21 2010. It also says it’s copyrighted but I removed it. I don’t care. ‘You’re only immortal for a limited time…” And I’m WAY overdue!!!
Synthetic Telepathy – The Hidden Truth
Michael Dwyer 21.05.2010 11:50 Themen: Antirassismus Biopolitik Globalisierung Militarismus Netactivism Repression
The following article is an entry that appeared on Wikipedia. Within the last 24 hours a major
“edit war” broke out and it appeared, at least to me, that the information was being suppressed.
The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as
“silent sound” or “Synthetic telepathy”. If you’re interested in high tech espionage, this makes for a very good read.
Synthetic telepathy
Synthetic telepathy (also known as techlepathy or psychotronics) is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain. (ref 1,2,3,4)
In 1967, Edmond M. Dewan published a paper in Nature demonstrating the control of Alpha waves, turning them on and off, to produce Morse code. (ref 5) Using an EEG machine, Dewan and his fellow researchers were able to send words and phrases by thought alone.
In 1976, Robert G. Malech was awarded United States Patent 3951134 for remotely monitoring and altering brainwaves using radio.(ref 6) This patent makes reference to demodulating the waveform, displaying it to an operator for viewing and passing this to a computer for further analysis.
In 1988, Farwell, L.A. & Donchin, D. produced a paper describing a method of transmitting linguistic information using the P300 response system. (ref 7) This system combined matching observed information to what the subject was thinking of. In this case, being able to select a letter from the alphabet that the subject was thinking of. In theory, any input could be used and a lexicon constructed.
United States Patent 6,011,991, granted January 4, 2000, describes a method of monitoring an
individual’s brain waves remotely, for the purposes of communication. Filed December 7, 1998, the patent outlines a system that monitors an individual’s brainwaves via a sensor, then transmits this, specifically by satellite, to a computer for analysis. This analysis would determine if the individual was attempting to communicate a “word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal”.(ref 8)
Approaches to synthetic telepathy can be categorized into two major groups, passive and active. Like sonar, the receiver can take part or passively listen. Passive reception is the ability to “read” a signal without first broadcasting a signal. This can be roughly equated to tuning into a radio station, the brain generates electromagnetic radiation which can be received at a distance. That distanced is determined by the sensitivity of the receiver, the filters used and the bandwidth required. Most universities would have limited budgets and receivers such as EEG (and similar devices) would be used. A related military technology is the surveillance system TEMPEST, the effective range of which is classified. (ref 9) Given that US Congress attempted to enact a bill in Oct 2001 banning these type of devices as “space weapons”, (ref 10) may indicate that fluctuations in the human magnetic field can be intercepted by satellite.
Robert G. Malech’s approach requires a modulated signal to be broadcast at the target. The method uses an active signal which is interfered with by the brain’s modulation. Thus, the return signal can be used to infer the original brainwave. This approach does expose the transmitter, but is ultimately required for generating return signals that can be processed by the brain.
The research of Farwell, L.A. & Donchin, D, is the first public revelation that could lead to a generic lexicon being developed, however, this is implied in the work of Robert G. Malech in 1976.
==Current research==
Current research, as of 2010, is being driven by military for “covert speech”, however, given that much of this is unclassified, it would suggest that the bulk of the research was performed much earlier and dedicated to the field of intelligence gathering during the cold war. Additional reports suggest that a version is deployed in combat zones to demoralize enemy troops and a smaller number of reports indicate a potential use to undermine governments and cause public unrest. (ref 11, 12)
Today, the driving force appears to be silent communication with battlefield troops. A mere $4 million was provided to DARPA for the fiscal year 2009/2010 to develop such a system called “Silent Talk”. (ref 13) Much of the research is being conducted at The Cognitive NeuroSystems Lab at UC Irvine. (ref 14)
A further $4 million was allocated by the Army to the University of California to investigate computermediated “synthetic telepathy”.(ref 15) The research aims to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. (ref 16) The research is part of a wider $70 million project that began in 2000 which aims to develop hardware capable of adapting to the behavior of its user.(ref 17)
Quite apart from linguistic information, images have been extracted from the brain. Researchers at Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories have been able to reconstruct images that a subject can currently see. The ultimate goal of the unclassified project is to view both retinal and imagined images in real-time, including dreams. (ref 18)
==Computer mediation==
Computer mediation falls into two basic categories, interpretative and interactive.
Interpretative mediation is the passive analysis of signals coming from the human brain. A computer “reads” the signal then compares that signal against a database of signals and their meanings. Using statistical analysis and repetition, false-positives are reduced over time.
Interactive mediation can be in a passive-active mode, or active-active mode. In this case, passive and active denote the method of reading and writing to the brain and whether or not they make use of a broadcast signal. Interactive mediation can also be performed manually or via artificial intelligence.
Manual interactive mediation involves a human operator producing return signals such as speech or images. A.I. mediation leverages the cognitive system of the subject to identify images, pre-speech, objects, sounds and other artifacts, rather than developing A.I. routines to perform such activities. A.I. based systems may incorporate natural language processing interfaces that produce sensations, mental impressions, humor and conversation to provide a mental picture of a computerized personality.
Not only can this A.I hold a conversation via the internal monologue but it may also perform routing of information to and from specific groups or individuals. This provides a broad range of potential applications from acting as a communications system to conducting interrogations. This latter form is currently being researched at UC Irvine for an unclassified US military project. (ref 19)
Given the high value to espionage and counter-terrorism, it is likely that such a system is already deployed in a classified manner.
==Military uses==
In a military context, the first obvious uses is to both read and write information to the internal monologue. This provides two major areas of interest, the first being two-way communication for field agents and the second is the intelligence gathering and interrogation. A fundamental problem arises when using the system for communication purposes, in that, it is impossible to authenticate the source of the transmission. Synthetic telepathy has limited uses as a communication system unless directcontact headset systems are used and supported by encrypted channels. As such, standard radios are more effective in combat situations. Synthetic telepathy also requires the thought stream to be processed which results in a minor lapse of attention, rather like a daydream, that could have deadly
consequences on the battlefield.
With respect to intelligence gathering and interrogations, synthetic telepathy has a wide range of drawbacks and limitations. Contrary to popular belief, synthetic telepathy does not provide the ability to read a person’s mind or memories. What it does provide is the ability to read the internal monologue (or anything that causes electrical change/radiation) and the trick is to get the subject to “voice” their memories and cross-reference that with their emotional state. In other words, basic psychological manipulation is a key factor and makes the technology not much more reliable than a standard liedetector test. In practice, passive monitoring of the internal monologue over a long time period (monthsyears) is probably the most effective method of intelligence gathering.
The capability to put a person into a state of hypnosis is often touted by conspiracy theorists. In actual fact, the suggestive capabilities of synthetic telepathy use a different mechanism, basic impulses and sensations. This is merely a different form of writing to the brain. To formulate thought, the brain has a pipeline through which information is processed. (ref 20) At its most basic, impulses guide human behavior and manipulation of these impulses provides a strategic advantage in both combat and political situations. By altering the motivational factors of a target subject or group, it makes it easier to guide their higher level decision making processes.
Crowd or riot control can be achieved by generating impulses that are essentially common to all humans, resulting in the dispersion of crowds or a willingness to co-operate with authorities. This type of synthetic telepathy is arguably a political tool as it suppresses dissent. (ref 21)
Amnesia (retrograde and anterograde) can be induced as any active signal is essentially interferring with normal operations of the brain. Thus, transfer from shortterm to longterm memory can be inhibited. (ref 22) Vision and auditory systems could also be compromised, as with any neural processing system, corruption of the inputs would result in halucinations, much like the effects of LSD. With a proper interface to such regions, events such as “alien abductions” or “seeing God” could be faked quite readily and “mental illness” used as a cover for the extraction of information. (ref 23, 24, 25)
==Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS/S-Quad)==
ITV News Service, in March 1991, produced a report of ultrasound piggybacked on a commercial radio broadcast (100Mhz) aimed at entraining the brains of Iraqi troops and creating feelings of despair. (ref 26) This has been related to United States Patent 5,159,703 awarded to Oliver M. Lowery which refers to a “silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers.”(ref 27)
Human hearing is roughly in the range of 20Hz-20,000Hz (20 kHz), although a human adult will lose the ability to hear the higher ranges as they grow older. In addition, most cheap radios have a limited frequency response range (ref 28) that will be unable to reproduce silent sound as encoded originally making it ineffective.
As such, an alternative explanation for the effectiveness of S-Quad is provided in human biology:
1. Cells amplifying radio signals at certain frequencies.
2. Cells can demodulate voice on a basic carrier wave.
This is not as strange as it seems, it has been noted for a long time that fillings, or dental braces, can result in radio stations being heard in the mouth of an individual. (ref 29)
==Mind control==
Conspiracy theory and popular science fiction would have the world believe that the human mind can be remotely controlled. That individuals can be turned into mindless automatons and directly controlled by computers to produce sleepers or assassins. (ref 30) The reality is much less clear.
Interfacing remotely to write to the brain is performed using electrical interference rather like crosstalk (electronics). (ref 31) Much like a drill next to a television, the interference pattern is processed by the brain as information, a variant which induces sensations and feelings is known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. (ref 32) As such, an externally generated monologue will be weaker than the internal monologue of the target subject due to a lesser signal strength. An over-powering signal would interrupt a wide range of neural functions that could impact critical autonomic systems resulting in death.
Two possible methods exist that could result in an individual killing another through the use of synthetic telepathy. The first is to leverage the natural behavior of the target subject, that is, use an individual who would kill another. The second is to induce psychotic symptoms and diminish their mental control (ref 33, 34) In both cases, the underlying mechanics are the same, to provide impulses and sensations that urge the individual to commit murder. This is not hypnosis, but merely physiological manipulation without the knowledge of the target.
Another area of interest and arguably more feasible, is the manipulation of political figures. (ref 35)
Thoughts, sensations and impulses can be combined to influence political and personal decision making processes. A similar process can be used to effect the population at large to drive agendas or to maintain power for certain groups, undermining free will and self-expression. (ref 36) As the technology matures and expands to regimes throughout the globe, this will be a major source of concern for governments world-wide.
Finally, we come to the area of interrogations which can be conducted remotely whilst an individual or groups is conducting their normal daily business. The internet is saturated with such reports (ref 37) and as a possible side-effect is psychosis, it is quite likely that at least some of them are accurate.
==In law==
The term “psychotronic”, short for psycho-electronic ( ref 38) was used in the proposed Bill H.R. 2977 Space Preservation Act of 2001, which listed “psychotronic” as a list of possible spaceborne weapons which would be banned by the Act (ref 39)
In 2001, President Vladimir V. Putin signed into law a bill making it illegal to employ “electromagnetic, infrasound … radiators” and other weapons of “psychotronic influence” with intent to cause harm.
As a completely unnatural event, it is arguable that this type of technology when employed in interrogations would be classified as “cruel or unusual”. Further to this, A.I. mediated events such as mock executions or death threats would also violate the Geneva convention, International law and laws of most nations in the developed world. Counter-claims focusing on National Security would be invalid as criminal activity is, in itself, a gross violation of National Security.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on January 28, 1999[38], 28.1.99 Environment, security and foreign affairs A4-0005/99: 23. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new ‘non-lethal’ weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions … 27. Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.
==In the media==
60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl interviewed Tom Mitchell of Carnegie Mellon University on his work in “Thought Identification” using fMRI. (ref 40) The segment, published Jan. 4, 2009 and available on the CBS website, shows associate producer Meghan Frank having his thoughts identified by computer. (ref 41) The segment shows that a generalizable pattern exists in the human brain that can be used to identify thoughts without training a computer for each individual with 100% accuracy.
==Further reading==
Dr Nick Begich – Controlling the Human Mind, Earth Pulse Press Anchorage – isbn 1-890693-54-5}}
Walter Bowart – http://www.scribd.com/doc/24531011/Operation-Mind-Control
John Marks – In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, publisher WW Norton & Co, 1979, isbn=0-393-30794-8
1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27162401/ – Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’
2. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/HealthSci/US_army_developing_synthetic_telepathy/
articleshow/3596708.cms – US army developing synthetic telepathy
3.url= http://io9.com/5038464/army-sinks-millions-into-synthetic-telepathy-research – Army Sinks Millions Into “Synthetic Telepathy” Research
4. http://io9.com/5065304/tips-and-tricks-for-mind-control-from-the-us-military – Tips and Tricks for Mind Control from the US Military
5. http://cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri/research.html#Dewan – MURI: Synthetic Telepathy
6. http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=3951134&KC=&FT=E – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
7. http://cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri/research.html#FarwellDonchin – MURI: Synthetic Telepathy
8. http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=6011991&KC=&FT=E –
Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity
9. http://www.sst.ws/tempstandards.php?pab=1_1 – TEMPEST measurement standards
10. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h107-2977 – Space Preservation Act of 2001
11. http://www.raven1.net/silsoun2.htm – PSY-OPS WEAPONRY USED IN THE PERSIAN GULF
12. Wall, Judy, “Military Use of Mind Control Weapons”, NEXUS, 5/06, Oct-Nov 1998
13. Soldier-Telepathy” Drummond, Katie – Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push –
14. http://cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri/research.html – MURI: Synthetic Telepathy
15. Soldier-Telepathy” Drummond, Katie – Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push –
16. Soldier-Telepathy” Drummond, Katie – Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push –
17. Noah, Shachtman – Pentagon’s PCs Bend to Your Brain –
18. http://pinktentacle.com/2008/12/scientists-extract-images-directly-from-brain/ – Scientists extract images directly from brain
19. http://cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri/research.html#Overview – MURI: Synthetic Telepathy -Overview
20. http://cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri/research.html#ImaginedSpeechProduction – MURI: Synthetic Telepathy
21. http://www.slavery.org.uk/Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-Lethal_Weapons.pdf -Bioeffects of selected non-lethal weapons
22. http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a785359968 – Partial Amnesia for a Narrative Following Application of Theta Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
23. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/7.11/persinger.html – This Is Your Brain on God
http://www.charlesrehn.com/charlesrehn/books/aconversationwithamerica/essays/myessays/The%20NSA.doc – The NSA & Synthetic Telepathy
25. http://www.uwe.ac.uk/hlss/research/cpss/Journal_Psycho-Social_Studies/v2-2/SmithC.shtml –
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies – Vol 2 (2) 2003 – On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of
Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology by Dr. Carole Smith
26. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_nonlethalweapons02.htm – Eleanor White – New Devices That ‘Talk’ To The Human Mind Need Debate, Controls
27. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5,159,703.PN.&OS=PN/5,1
– Silent subliminal presentation system
28. http://www.audioholics.com/education/loudspeaker-basics/understanding-loudspeaker-frequencyresponse | – Understanding Loudspeaker Frequency Response
29. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=367925 – Q: Radio signals picked up by tooth fillings
30. http://cbcg.org/gjcs1.htm| – God’s Judgment Cometh Soon
31. http://www.patentgenius.com/patent/6587729.html – Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect
32. http://www.psychology.nottingham.ac.uk/staff/lpxdts/TMS%20info.html – Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
34. http://newdawnmagazine.com.au/Article/Brain_Zapping_Part_One.html – Brain Zapping
35. http://genamason.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/more-on-synthetic-telepathy/ – More on synthetic telepathy
36. http://newdawnmagazine.com.au/Article/Brain_Zapping_Part_One.html – Brain Zapping
37. http://daprocess.com/01.welcome.html – DaProcess of A Federal Investigation PG 1 of 4
38. , http://www.uwe.ac.uk/hlss/research/cpss/Journal_Psycho-Social_Studies/v2-2/SmithC.shtml – Journal of Psycho-Social Studies – Vol 2 (2) 2003 – On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology by Dr. Carole Smith
39. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h107-2977 – Space Preservation Act of 2001
40. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/12/31/60minutes/main4694713.shtml – 60 Minutes: Incredible Research Lets Scientists Get A Glimpse At Your Thoughts
41. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5119805n&tag=related;photovideo – 60 Minutes: Video – Mind Reading
Updated April 25 2018
Several times I have referenced a portion of the Emile de Antonio documentary “In The Year Of The Pig”. I think it’s a textbook example of how advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control can be used to manipulate people and entire societies to achieve an objective. At 1:26 they show Harry S Ashmore who was chairman of The Institute For The Study Of Democratic Institutions and describes a chain of events that resulted in the continuation of the Vietnam War for another 3 years.
The following is a transcript typed by me.
Harry Ashmore: What I think we’ve come to and what I think the tragedy of Vietnam clearly demonstrates is that we now find ourselves in a world in which the arrangements of power cannot yet be ignored but in which the instruments of power no longer work. If this lesson has been taught us in Vietnam then the stubborn little guerrillas out there that sawed off the American giant at the knees and brought him down almost like David vs Goliath would have done a great service not only to thier own cause whatever one may think about it but perhaps to the cause of world peace and perhaps most particularly to the colossus himself. Maybe we needed to be brought up short. Maybe what we’ve been doing in Vietnam all along is an exercise in what Sen Fulbright has called the arrogance of power.
(They cut to Hubert Humphrey for a minute. Then go back.)
Harry Ashmore: We were asked by the State Dept to prepare a letter and send it to Ho Chi Minh through a channel which had been opened and was available to us and we were certain would be delivered to him. It was a very conciliatory letter written in the State Dept in consultation word by word with Sec Bundy Sec Katzenbach and others in which we spoke on behalf, and this was the actual phraseology, on behalf of officials high up in the State Dept.
(They cut to Pres Nixon for a minute.)
Harry Ashmore: We had an extended interview of almost 2 hours with Ho Chi Minh and it was perfectly clear in the course of that interview that Ho Chi Minh was delivering to us certain information he expected us to deliver back to the State Dept.
(They cut to Paul Mus for a minute.)
Harry Ashmore: He was unyielding on the point that the bombing had to halt before his negotiators would enter into any kind of substantive discussion. But I think he was trying to make the point, and making it repeatedly, that after that the agenda was open.
(They cut to some politician.)
Harry Ashmore: We discovered sometime later when the correspondence was made public by Hanoi that 4 days before our letter could have arrived in Hanoi, a letter arrived there sent over Pres Johnsons signature which was a very hard line letter indeed which re-stated all the previous conditions regarding cessation of bombing and even added some new ones, and which was in our judgement intended to do what it did do which was to break off any possibility of negotiations at that time. This letter we subsequently learned had been written 2 days before ours was written in conjunction with the State Dept. We found to our surprise and shock I might say that Harriman was already saying that he proposed to negotiate the settlement by suggesting that there had to be some reciprocal military action in return for the final cessation of the bombing. In other words, the same point that Johnson was had been standing on before he made the speech of March 31. It was almost as though Harriman turned off his hearing aid when we told him that this would not work this was not the understanding the North Vietnamese had and they would certainly repudiate it, if they attempted to take that position at the bargaining table. And this of course is what did happen at Paris.
(They cut to a Vietnamese politician.)
Harry Ashmore: The general impression that I came away with and I think I speak for my colleague, Bill Baggs, was that we were dealing with the State Dept on the basis of what we’ve come to call Fulbrights law, never trust the State Dept.
(They cut to a politician.)
Harry Ashmore: The niceties of the argument about whether there be 2 Vietnams or one Vietnam seemed quite inconsequential when you’re talking to Ho Chi Minh it would seem incredible that Ho Chi Minh does not speak for most of the Vietnamese not all but most and the idea that there could be some arbitrary geographic dividing line that would cut off his influence has been proved an absurdity by the vigor and determination of the National Liberation Front that fights in his name in the south.
My Commentary
It does not say what year this took place in. I believe that Pres Johnson understood the ‘problem’ eventually because of the USS Liberty incident. I think the USS Liberty was an ‘Aleister Crowley’ and Johnson was responsible. An ‘Aleister Crowley’ is an attempt to use the media without their knowledge and leave a historical record. It’s almost pathetic that this is what the vast majority must do to be heard but I think it’s true. That incident took place in June 1967. Johnson left office in 1969 and the war didn’t end until 1972 so it was extended at least 3 years.
When he says ‘arrangements of power’ I think he is talking about elected governments. So someone, or thing, is intercepting communications and running things the way they want. Paul Mus was a French citizen who helped end the French part of the Vietnam War by parachuting into Vietnam to speak to Ho Chi Minh face to face. Why is this necessary? Mus died in 1969. He spent the last 10 years of his life teaching Buddhism at Cornell University in Ithaca NY.
Rudolph Hess was a German Nazi. He was second in line behind Herman Goring to succeed Hitler. In 1941 he flew alone over England and parachuted to try to negotiate with the Allies. This was before America was involved. Hess was arrested and held until the end of the war. He was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to life in prison. He was sent to Spandau prison. Spandau prison held everyone who was convicted at Nuremberg. He died in 1987. He was the only prisoner from 1966 to 1987. After he died the prison was torn down. The last warden of Spandau wrote a book about him.
Albert Speer was Hitlers architect. He was also sent to Spandau after the war. He was released in 1966. He then wrote books. “Inside The Third Reich”, “Spandau: The Secret Diaries” and “Infiltrator”. He died in 1981.
Updated April 23 2018
Drugs And The Cult Of Dionysus
I recently watched ‘Alexander’ by Oliver Stone. Alexander was a Greek who conquered the known world about 300 years before Christ. The Greeks and Persians were perenial enemies in the ancient world. Alexander wanted to end Persian domination. Persia is between Greece and India. After Alexander conquered Persia he continued to India. The movie portrays the Hindus as ‘monkeys’ and ugly. As Alexander got into India he and his men were stopped by bad wine and water. They got sicker and sicker until they mutinyed. Alexander died before returning to Greece. Until the second half of the 19th century most Europeans believed thier culture was based on Greece. They began to realize it’s true origins were in the Far East. Some people have written books saying Jesus spent some time in the Far East before beginning his ministry. What these people were really trying to say is Jesus learned the Chickenshit system for holding power. (Cult of Dionysus) They later used it to stop Kubla Khan and the Mongol Empire before it reached Europe. Dionysus is the Greek god of wine. Another thing Jesus learned was ‘Rolling Stones’. In Bhuddhist culture ‘rolling stones’ are ‘yogi’s’ trying to achieve nirvana. In Christianity it’s redemtion. Hinduism is the oldest religion still practiced today. Buddhism is second then Christianity. Jesus must have learned his trade from them. Where they got it anyone knows. Ancient Egypt maybe.
Updated April 21 2018
Last week I watched the movie ‘Faust’ by F W Murnau. It is a silent movie made in 1926 with English subtitles. It is based on the book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published in two parts about the years 1800 to 1835. Von Goethe did not invent the character. According to the Encyclopedia Britanica ‘Faust’ is a character that began to appear about the same time as the Protestant Reformation in 1520. The first published book was in 1587. He may have been a real person. He may have been known to Martin Luther who led the Reformation. Faust is described as a magician like Merlin in the Aurtherian legends, or a necromancer and alchemist. A necromancer is someone who conjures the spirits of the dead to forsee the future. An alchemist is someone who tries to turn base metal into gold. Past Fausts include Nostradamus and Roger Bacon. In the past I have said I think that the book ‘Alice In Wonderland’ is based on a real phenomena. At the very end of the book ‘The Knave Of Hearts’ is put on trial. I think he is Faust. Faust is the male equivalent of ‘Alice’. Anyone who died broke, alone, childless and unmarried is a Faust. True life Fausts include Edgar Allen Poe and Frederich Niezchte. Possibly Hitler and Napolean although Napolean had children. A ‘Faust’ is someone trying to live outside of the church. The church is trying to teach them, and everyone else a lesson. A ‘Scarecrow’.
Updated April 19 2018
On April 2 2018 I proposed an invention that would boost the power coming from a transformer. (see below) I have no idea if this works but I have been thinking some about it. The purpose would be to reduce the cost of a solar installation. If you could boost the power with a few electronic parts you would need fewer solar panels. Solar panels can be expensive.
The idea is to use the natural magnetism of ordinary bar magnets to get more power out of a transformer than you put in. The magnets could be placed on the iron, or ferrite, to add it’s flux to that being generated by the coils. I figure there are a few ways to see if this works. A single coil like an autotransformer, two coils wound together like any transformer or two coils separated but placed near each other. The primary would be oscillated at the mechanical resonant frequency. It would have a current limiting resistor on the primary. You would have to make sure you give whatever extra current produced in the coil a path to ground or put the load on the primary. (autotransformer)
Updated April 17 2018
This is my list of Rock N Roll songs that mention ‘voices’ or ‘electric’. But first some possible historical evidence of it’s possible existence. Go to ‘youtube’ and search for ‘Jose DelGado and his Bull Story’. You will find a video of Jose Manual DelGado, a neuroscientist, who put a ‘stimoceiver’ in the brain of a bull and then got into a bull fighting ring with the bull and stopped it with a pushbutton. This happened about the year 1965. Now for the list. ‘Electric Ladyland’ -Jimi Hendrix -1969, probably the worst song on the album but thats what he named it, ‘Voices In My Head’ – The Police – 1978, ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’ – The Boomtown Rats – 1979, ‘Kiss Me Kiss Me’ – The Cure – 1985, ‘Radio Kaos’ – a concept album by Roger Waters, ‘Whip and Chain’ – Ministry – 1993, ‘Electric Larryland’ – an album by The Butthole Surfers, ‘Im a Creep’ – Radiohead – 1995 (Im gonna start a music ensemble and call it Radiohead and see if anyone gets it), ‘Shes Electric’ – Oasis – 1995, ‘Electric Head Pts 1 & 2 ‘ – White Zombie – 2000, ‘Check My Brain’ – Alice in Chains – 2009, ‘Dani California’ – Red Hot Chili Peppers – 1999,
My list of Rock N Roll songs that mention police trying to ‘get free’, ‘Knights In White Satin’ – The Moody Blues – 1967, ‘China Grove’ – The Doobie Bros – 1973, ‘W.M.A.’ – Pearljam – 1995,
Rock N Roll references to George Orwell’s ‘1984’, Janis Joplins first band was called “Big Brother And The Holding Company”, ‘Hey Big Brother’ – Rare Earth – 1974, ‘Testify’ – Rage Against The Machine – 1999, ‘1984’ – the last Van Halen album with David Lee Roth, ‘1984’ a song by Spirit,
Updated April 13 2018
This is some thoughts on religion. I know, for the most part, it’s not the people who walk in the door on Sunday or Saturday or Friday night, or the people waiting for them inside or whatever book they use, it’s the people who run the religion and the people they prop up in power. Religion does become a problem when the people take it too literally. They abandon reason and common sense. Religion is very important for a lot of people. It’s a source of comfort and social contact. It’s a real tragedy the people at the top use this against them. I think the Protestant Reformation, as revolution, was a failure. You can’t fight an institution that says it’s religious, but is not religious with religion. You end up Don Quixote charging at windmills.
As I walk around Eastern Massachusetts I notice that many Protestant churches are in a state of disrepair but the Catholic churches are all new. Almost every Catholic church has a school attached to it. Usually a grade school. I think if the Protestant church wants to survive it has to do the same. I think each church should buy the building next door, or build one, and fill it with some sort of social service. A rooming house would be a good idea. The YMCA used to provide rooms, but they don’t anymore. I wonder why. Is it part of ‘the plan’? Or maybe a food pantry. A school. This could be a use for setting up a bank. (see last couple posts)
I have been working at my computer the last couple days. I have been completely alone at the same time. I know no one has been in my computer. I do not have an internet connection. I built the computer I work at. When I built it I made sure the motherboard did not have WiFi. I wanted that to be an option I could shut off if I wanted to. I built the computer in an aluminum case. Any desktop PC is earth grounded through the power cord. If the case is aluminum it will always be a Faraday cage. This is supposed to keep out people who snoop from who-knows-where. Remember that movie with Drew Barrymore sitting at a TV and she says “They’re here!!!”. In the past couple days I have gotton update notices from a couple of the programs I have been using. Despite the fact I’m not on the internet. ??? The ‘right-click’ on my mouse stopped working when I clicked on one of them to close it. !!!! “We’re Here!!! Whats one definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result. If they are accessing the computer it must be through one of the USB wired devices. I never use anything Bluetooth for the same reason I didn’t want a motherboard with WiFi. Keep pig vomit out of my computer. I think it’s possible the earth ground in this building is disconnected. (see earlier posts) My uninterupted power supplies show a light that says “building wiring fault”. So that’s a possibility. If you are trying to fight back you have to work in a Faraday cage. Or if it’s an apartment line the walls with EMI absorbent. The guy a couple doors down did his roof a few days ago. He should have put a metal roof on it.
This is a couple ideas to stop military vehicles. Any engine that burns fossil fuels needs an
air intake with a filter. Fossil fuels must have oxygen to maintain combustion. Tanks, trains,
trucks, automobiles, helicopters etc. The idea is to come up with a chemical that when it burns
creates a smoke that will choke the air filter and shut down the engine. Maybe something could
be rigged up with used motor oil. Combine motor oil with potash or something and a detonator.
It could be deployed as a mine or a flare. When a tank runs over it the smoke goes off. If you
attached it to a magnet and shot it at a moving train engine it would carry it until the filter is
Most vehicles have both advanced electronics and basic electrical components that could
be destroyed with a pulse of EMI. Most engines have an alternator to generate electricity for the
spark plugs. An alternator is a coil. Tanks have electric motors to move the turret and other
things. You could rig a large super capacitor to a high wattage pulse generator and deploy as a
mine. When the tank runs over it, it goes off and destroys the motors.
All internal combustion engines produce heat and must be continuously cooled.
Automobiles have a radiator in the front. The radiator holds a water and anti-freeze mixture that
is pumped through the engine to remove heat. If the radiator shuts down, or loses it’s coolant, the
engine will overheat and seize. Radiators are almost always made of a light weight metal and are
very thin to promote heat transfer They can be punctured very easily. Pellet/BB guns can be
bought pretty much anywhere and are powerful enough to puncture a radiator from a reasonable
distance. They are virtually silent since they are an air rifle. If a military vehicle is left running but
not guarded someone could puncture the radiator from a distance without detection. The engine
would slowly overheat.
Updated April 11 2018
This is a couple ideas to stop military vehicles. Any engine that burns fossil fuels needs an air intake with a filter. Fossil fuels must have oxygen to maintain combustion. Tanks, trains, trucks, automobiles, helicopters etc. The idea is to come up with a chemical that when it burns creates a smoke that will choke the air filter and shut down the engine. Maybe something could be rigged up with used motor oil. It could be deployed as a mine or a flare. When a tank runs over it the smoke goes off. If you attached it to a magnet and shot it at a moving train engine it would carry it until the filter is clogged. Most vehicles have both advanced electronics and basic electrical components that could be destroyed with a pulse of EMI. Most engines have an alternator to generate electricity for the spark plugs. An alternator is a coil. Tanks have electric motors to move the turret and other things. You could rig a large super capacitor to a high wattage pulse generator and deploy as a mine. When the tank runs over it, it goes off and destroys the motors.
My radio has been reporting that one of Donald Trumps laywers had his office ransacked by the FBI. He met last night with Allen Dershowitz ??? from Harvard University. I have a tendency to read things that may not be there. (keep reading) I spent most of the summer of 2016 looking for a lawyer. At the time I was going to Quincy Center every day during the week. The second I got there I took off and went to Quincy Center looking for lawyers offices. I went to every lawyer’s office I could find. I began to suspect that ‘they’ (the not so famous they them of folklore and folk song) were way ahead of me scaring off any one who might help. Lawyers can’t solicit ??. They can advertise but they can’t actively go looking for work. Lets say I found someone who would help. Why wouldn’t the lawyer be hearing voices? Or maybe the judge? Or witnesses? Maybe the lawyer tries to use the phones and internet for info. There’s a DUH,,,HUH. You would have to have all contact in person. And this goes for everyone involved. It’s hopeless and I don’t care anymore. You have been listening to W – P – H – I – L ……ding…….ding…….ding …….Diary of a Madman….Barking at the Moon…… “Listen and you’ll hear him….bark at the moon….” Ozzy Osbourne (keep reading the radio explanation is coming)
Updated April 6 2018
I have been watching the movie “War And Peace”. It’s set in Russia during the Napoleonic wars. The Napoleonic wars took place after the French Revolution and the invention of the fractional reserve banking system. The banking system is an endless blank check for the people at the top to cling to power and at the same time get the people at the bottom to pay for it. The French Revolution is an example of a properly functioning society. The people at the top were out of control. One day, July 14 1789, the people at the bottom had had enough and it was on. It’s a classic example of the class struggle working properly. For the people at the top the trick to the game is to get the people at the bottom to believe it’s anything but the class struggle. Religion, ethnicity, race ideology, theology etc.
When I was young we were taught that one of the reasons the Americans won the Revolution was because of tactics. Americans hid behind barricades used camoflage and attacked at night. Europeans had always formed a line with the infantry and marched straight into guns. In some ways I think we still do this. If you want to control the dissent, lead the dissent. Anyone who starts an organization, gives it an official name, and states it purpose is making a target of themselves. Examples are Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Occupy Wall Street, Black Panthers, Anonymous and Antifa. I think you have to fight pixie dust with pixie dust, Merlin tactics with Merlin tactics. If necessary hide behind a total lie like the Jesuits do with religion. Syncretic religions for example. “You Cannot Win A War Against Guerrilla Tactics” Sun Tzu Who wins with guerrilla against guerrilla? I don’t know. Spy vs Spy – Mad Magazine – What Me Worry? Alfred E Newman
(think Frederich Nieschtze ‘Will To Power’ or Timur) Yesterday I watched “The Man Who Would Be King” starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine. It’s based on a story by Rudyard Kipling. Connery and Caine are ex British soldiers when England was conquering India in the 19th century. They are both Freemasons. They decide to go to a country north of Afghanistan and try to make a king by training soldiers for him. They want to loot the treasury of the king they create and return to England. Instead Connery becomes king and starts to believe it’s divine intervention that made him the king. When the people figure out he’s only human they kill him and try to kill Caine. They fail and he returns to tell the story. Before Connery becomes king the priests run everything. Afterwards the goats stop having babies, the milk goes bad and other things. This is what priests do to hold power. (Irish potato famine??) If it’s happened once it’s happened a thousand times. Hitler, Napolean.
Updated April 2 2018
I have been reading “Frankenstein, Or The Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley. Prometheus was a Titan who was chained by Zeus for giving humans fire. Titans were a race of giants who inhabited earth with humans. Zeus was the king of Greek gods. In this case I think the ‘fire’ is science. Frankenstein is tormented by his creation so this is Zeus’s chains. I am reminded of Bertrand Russells paper “The Impact Of Science On Society”. I don’t think science is the problem. I think the problems with society can be traced to a two tiered system of justice. Religious people, and their supporters, can do pretty much anything. They’re above the law. Since one plus one equals two, widespread corruption and injustice are caused by people who enforce religion with no mercy and no exception. Eventually there is no justice. The society breaks down and the people who support the religious make money on the result.
I have also been researching Ethiopia and the Kebra Nagast. I am looking for tactics or strategy’s for maintaining the social order. Ethiopia claims that their kings are descended from Solomon. How did they maintain the line of kings for so long? It reminds me of another ancient text “The Art Of War” by Sun Tzu. The only thing I remember from this is “You Cannot Win A War Against Guerrilla Tactics”. “The Art Of War” was supposedly first discovered by a Jesuit priest. No Jesuit priest needs to learn anything about guerrilla tactics or conspiracy. One idea I had was the banking system. Many people hate the system and think it’s part of the problem but why not use it as a way to fight back. Charter a small bank in a small town. Have everybody put their money in the bank. Presto chango you have 100 times that to fight back with. Buy all the land surrounding the town. Refuse to pay the taxes so the town will seize the land. Bankrupt the bank. Do it again. Govern the town by town meeting and make it impossible to get anything done.
I am always thinking about energy. I wonder if it’s possible to use the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet in some way other than mechanical motion. If you wrapped a coil around a magnet and oscillated the coil at the resonant frequency of the magnet I wonder if the magnetism would transfer to a secondary coil. Below is a schematic. The secondary coil is wrapped around a piece of glass and put next to the magnet. The whole assembly is contained in an iron box to hold in the magnetism.
Updated Sept 11 2018
Technological Simulation of Hallucination
John J. McMurtrey, M. S.
Edward A. Moore, M. D.
Copyright 2005, 6 Jan. 2008
Background: Psychiatrists frequently evaluate complaints of remote sound transmission.
Aim: Evidence for technologies capable of remote sound or voice transmission isolated to individuals is surveyed along with target tracking capacity that can maintain apparent psychosis. Method: Examination of government reports, engineering databases, the patent database post 1976, PubMed, and the Internet for available pertinent authentic sources.
Results: Ultrasound and radio frequency voice transmission are described as methods to remotely isolate voice to individuals. Accounts of ultrasound and radio frequency energy forms used on people also exist.
Conclusion: Evidence indicates development of technologies capable of remotely isolating sound and voice to an individual. Covert misuse of such technologies would result in simulated hallucination, which has no diagnostic recognition.
“Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with ‘voices’ or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.”
--Robert O. Becker regarding microwave hearing voice transmission, who was twice Nobel Prize nominated for biological electromagnetic fields research.
Corresponding author. Email- Johnmcmurt@aol.com Address: 903 N. Calvert St., Baltimore MD
Affiliated with University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Engineering. Emailedmoorester@
gmail.com Address: 403 Terrell Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78209.
Medical professionals regard the perception of voice or sound, which cannot be heard by others nearby as hallucination excepting only tinnitus, and deem such phenomena as psychotic manifestations on persistent, disturbing complaint. Though ‘hearing voices’ can involve numerous diagnoses, this symptom is often considered characteristic in schizophrenia with 47-98% prevalence, but the symptom has reported prevalence in dissociative identity disorder (DID) of 30-64%, and in bipolar disorder of 7 -48%. Patients frequently believe that such voices are externally transmitted to them.
Apparently unrecognized by the psychiatric community, two technologies have the described capacity to remotely transmit voice or sound in an individually isolated manner. Considering that misuse of such technologies could simulate hallucination and confuse diagnosis, the available body of evidence for such capacity is reviewed.
Herein is substantiated:
1. Development of remote ultrasound and radio frequency technologies for transmitting sound or voice, which can be isolated to an individual.
2. Human tracking technologies.
3. Reports and published anecdotes of ultrasound and radio frequency energy use against people.
Abbreviations: ATC = American Technology Corporation. ABR = Auditory Brainstem Response. DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder. FOIA = Freedom of Information Act. Hz = cycles per second, and is an eponym honorific abbreviation for Heinrich Rudolph Hertz. LRAD = Long Range Acoustic Device. MHz = Mega-Hertz denoting one million cycles per second.
Literature examination by relevant terminology was performed on PubMed, National Technical Information Service, Google search, US and European patent office databases, as well as Compendex, the Wilson Web, and Inspec. Ultrasound and microwave bio-effects references were also cross examined for relevance per article. Inclusion/exclusion criteria are pertinence and authenticity.
Time series bibliometry of citations from the most recent radio frequency hearing review was plotted in histogram with differentiation of known military support (Figure 1, presently only papers in 1967, and 1975 are unexamined, now indicated no military support.) The significance of difference in total publication rate was assessed by t-test d of means for baseline publication prior to 1972 either as considered from the 1956 citation of advertisement with microwave hearing mention or the 1961 more definitive Frey substantiation compared with the 1973-1980 apparent publication up slope. Regression was plotted for the baseline with no upward trend, and per the concerns of single case time series analysis, 7 the 1973-1980 up slope data were adjusted by per datum d t – test equation.
The loud, steady production of two different tones results in a third tone equal to the frequency difference between the original tones. The sounds so created are known as the tones of Tartini *(??) who was an 18th century violinist, and result from air non-linearity that causes sound to scatter itself. The effect also occurs in water for sonar generators called parametric arrays, with the short ultrasound wavelength permitting high directional projection. Acoustic tones produced in air by ultrasound beams were first reported in 1962, followed by several abstract reports and then had more complete publication. Voice modulated on an ultrasound beam is caused to peal off by another ultrasound beam in loudspeakers for directionally projecting audio sound, with mathematical prediction compared to experimental results. *(Flanagan's “Neurophone” ?)
Basic methods for such speakers are described in the Audio Engineering Handbook. Recently reported are improvements in emitters, and directivity. Though utilized as a term in many reports,
‘loudspeaker’ has somewhat misleading connotations for these speakers, since virtual point sound sources are generated within the ultrasound beams without scattering outside the beam intersection. A recipient perceives this sound projection technique as originating within the head without directional orientation as described from demonstrations for an audio engineering society, an engineering news article, and Popular Science as well as non-lethal weapon applications patents.
An ultrasound voice transmission patent clearly focuses on non-lethal weapon use against crowds or as directed at an individual. Communication that is understood as an inner voice can have powerful emotional reactions in people, “since most cultures attribute inner voices either as a sign of madness, or as messages from spirits or demons.”
Another ultrasound voice transmission patent describes sound production particularly within cavities such as the ear canal. An individual readily understands communication by the device across a noisy crowded room without discernment by others nearby. Sound can also be made to appear as originating from mid-air or from surfaces by reflection. American Technology Corporation (ATC) licensed this latter patent, and commercially sells their HyperSonic Sound system, which has a technical treatment available and a professional meeting presentation. This company also has an acoustic non-lethal weapon called the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRADTM) that is deployed to the Navy, Coast Guard, Army, Marine Corps, military prison camps, and the US Border Patrol as well as ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. An 80 % efficacy in deterring wayward Persian Gulf vessels by the LRAD has science news report.
The device is also deployed to police departments, on cruise ships, and at petroleum installations, while a version of the device is available for automatic operation in conjunction with remote sensor security systems. A similar ultrasound method capable of limiting sound to one person, Audio Spotlight has peer reviewed publication, and is marketed. Audio Spotlight press releases indicate exhibition at Boston’s Museum of Science, the General Motors display at Disney’s Epcot Center, the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, and other public venues.
Press accounts detail transmission of sound to persons unaware of such use by both developers, along with some description of more disturbing sound exposure, which can include pain even with ear plugs decreasing the noise. A non-lethal weapons program director confirms the lack of sound perception by other people nearby on ultrasound voice transmission. Though ultrasound can pass through walls, the encoded sound from ultrasound speakers reflects audibly upon striking hard flat surfaces.
Radar technicians had microwave hearing effect anecdotes in World War II and the late 1940’s. Allan H. Frey was the first to substantially characterize the microwave hearing effect in a series of articles beginning in 1961, yet much earlier less defined observations in open literature by Cazzamalli of ‘radio frequency hallucination’ may well be the same effect. Subjects can hear appropriately pulsed
microwaves at least up to thousands of feet from the transmitter. Peak pulse power largely determines loudness, though with some dependence on pulse width. Microwaves are the higher frequency portion of the radio frequency spectrum.
Frequency is denoted in Hz, which is an abbreviated eponym to honor radio pioneer Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, but Hz just means cycles per second. Frequencies relevant to microwave hearing are in Mega-Hertz (MHz) units or one million cycles per second, and Giga-Hertz (GHz) units or one billion cycles per second. Though most hearing effect literature refers to microwave hearing, radio frequency hearing is an appropriate term, since the phenomenon extends below the 300 MHz microwave definition cutoff frequency to include 2.4 MHz magnetic resonance imaging radio frequency
Microwave hearing is the most accepted of low power microwave effects, because of direct perception by many microwave workers with well replicated animal definition, and numerous reviews of the phenomenon. The sound produced is perceived within or near the head. Microwave hearing results from rapid thermoelastic expansion causing sound waves within the head. The cochlea is
involved, but not the middle ear. The thermoelastic effect elicits sound within substances with only certain materials or conditions able to emit air conducted sound. J. C. Lin extends the range of microwave hearing to frequencies into the ‘tens of gigahertz.’ A review of microwave bio-effects describes “receiverless” and “wireless” voice transmission discovery in 1973 by Sharp and Grove, who were then at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research according to a different microwave hearing report submission date. The method was simple: negative deflections from recorded spoken numbers were processed to cause triggering of microwave pulses. Upon illumination by such verbally modulated energy, the words were understood remotely.
An Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command report states microwave speech transmission with applications for “camouflage, decoy, and deception operations” as a main rationale for a microwave exposure brain blood flow study, which affirms “by proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created.”
Between the inclusive dates given for these affirmations of microwave hearing voice transmission development, the total simple sound radio frequency investigation publication rate increased 7 fold, even with per datum subtraction of any possible mean baseline trend (t-test p < 0.02) for normal statistics on the bibliometric time series of Both these researchers had then recently done classified work on the weapons implications of the Moscow American Embassy irradiation according to Project Bizarre FOIA releases, see
citations from the most recent radio frequency hearing review. The Oskar, 1980 affirmation was published the year after the raw data historical peak of publications for total and military supported simple sound radio frequency hearing reports, where for years of investigation, half of citations cluster for publication date in the decade after 1973 as given for Dr. Sharp’s account of voice transmission discovery with the interval having double the number of articles with military support compared to other periods, and apparent clustering towards the dates of interest (Figure 1). The rapid drop in simple
sound microwave hearing publication coincides with evidence of Air Force interest in defining radio frequency “forced disruptive phenomenon . . . to interrupt, degrade or direct human central nervous system functioning.” The Air Force mentions radio frequency acoustic phenomenon, but within the simple sound literature with expected interest as forced disruptive phenomenon are notations of vibration, buffeting of the head as well as a “pins and needles” sensation, and petit to grand mal seizures with unconsciousness for 4-5 minutes at altered f pulse parameters.
“Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications” by J. C. Lin describes applications of remote voice transmission as “obviously not limited to therapeutic medicine.” A Defense Intelligence Agency review of Communist literature affirms microwave sound and indicates voice transmission. The report states: “Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intra-cranially (within the head) can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities.” Among weapon implications are “great potential for development into a system for disorientating or disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic personnel.” At presumably higher pulse parameters, but only fully specified in the last reference.
The Brunkan Patent “Hearing system” is a device for verbal microwave hearing. The invention details microwave speech transmission with a parabolic antenna remotely illuminating the head. Complex sound and voice are built up by patterns of bursts with a single burst composed of tightly grouped evenly spaced pulses. The microwave spectrum granted by the patent is from 100 to 10,000 MHz with pulse width from 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond, and bursts of such pulses lasting from 500 nanoseconds to 100 microseconds (a nanosecond is 10 -9 or one billionth of a second; a microsecond is 10 -6 or one millionth of a second.) The 1000 MHz preferred operation is the optimal tissue penetration frequency. A similar German patent for remote antenna microwave voice transmission is also based on microwave bursts. A non-remote microwave voice transmission patent based on microwave bursts is designed so that the burst frequency matches the sound frequency.
Microwave hearing literature confirms an ability to reproduce sound characteristics, and aspects of these patents. Though loudness is modulated by pulse power, closely spaced pulses also increase sound intensity, or lower the perception threshold. The tonal quality of a pulse train corresponds to pulsation frequency, and longer pulse widths produce lower frequency sound. Microwave pulse width differentially influences cat cochlear nucleus auditory units that are responsive to different tones over sound frequencies from 931 Hz to 25.5 kHz. Twin pulse separation responses have at least some analogy to human pitch discrimination parameters.
Two separate devices with non-remote transducers show efficacy in peer reviewed publication either by independent analysis of operation, or the developers demonstrating improved speech discrimination. Although this latter report’s title features electrotherapy, radio frequency hearing just previously was considered as electrophonic hearing and a radio frequency method is stated, while equipment description is referred to an Air Force study. This 1964 study is the first English radio
frequency voice transmission report with improved word discrimination for the hearing impaired.
A 1993 classified non-lethal weapon conference demonstration of a microwave voice transmission device of Lockheed-Sanders manufacture is reported by Nexus Magazine. Quoted descriptors are ‘voice synthesis’ or ‘synthetic telepathy.’ This same year a US Department of Defense contract was awarded entitled “Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect.” Communication initial results are: “The feasibility of the concept has been established” using both low and high power systems. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information on the project met with denial on the part of the US Air Force, on the grounds that disclosure “could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security.” Though the Air Force denied FOIA disclosure, an Air Force report elaborates such a contract’s purpose for “the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction” by “high fidelity speech” from microwave hearing enabling a capacity “to ‘talk’ to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.”
This Air Force discussion framed as ‘possibility’ is belied by publication during the same year as patent application for a pulse amplitude modulation method for implementation of such capability by Air Force employees with rights assigned to the Air Force. FOIA releases related to the patent list “a psychological warfare communication tool” under government use, state experimental demonstration of intelligible speech transmission, and provide some description of initial experiments. This first patent was followed by another related patent, neither of which evidence knowledge of previous development or citation of the obviously relevant Brunkan patent.
Under voice to skull devices, a microwave voice transmission non-lethal weapon is referenced in the thesaurus of the Center for Army Lessons Learned, which is a military instruction website. The US Navy has awarded a contract for the development of an aversive non-lethal weapon termed MEDUSA, and based on the microwave auditory effect that is to be able to focus on a single individual. However, no voice transmission is indicated for the Navy system.
When electromagnetic signatures of spoken words are applied to the head at very low field levels (1 microTorr), word choice is reported significantly affected for related words along the same emotional dimensions as the applied word. Though inspired by microwave hearing, this report is not of direct auditory perception, but of subliminal word choice influence. The authors suggest that such an influence, even though weak could shift the direction of group decisions in large populations, and have previously elaborated the possibility for more general electromagnetic influence on populations.
Diagnostic confusion with major psychotic states would require target tracking for the maintenance of isolated hearing effects on people. Common technology utilizes the radio frequency hearing spectrum, which encompasses cell phone, TV, and radar frequencies. Since the ability to direct radiation is related to wavelength, which becomes shorter with increasing frequency, g microwaves are directive in a manner similar to light except with structural penetrating ability. A variety of methods assist radiation localization for collimation or focusing including masers, and antennas that are parabolic, have lens materials, or are arranged in phased array. Phased array antennae can be of small configuration with the formation and direction of radar beams without physical motion by precise phasing of current between array elements for constructive and destructive interference.
Jane’s Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems lists 13 target tracking systems specifying such capability on personnel at ranges from 4-20 km, which are utilized by countries around the world. Automated target tracking involves a track initiation processor acquiring a target, while a data association filter maintains a tracking lock on the target with this process utilized to continuously direct a radar beam at a target for tracking position. Even a quarter century ago, specifications for weapons fire control designs whereby aiming was entirely determined by radar tracking were commonly evident with numerous radars dedicated to one weapon. Radars devoted to tracking isolated targets are presently prominent enough to merit a few paragraphs in a recent science and technology encyclopedia.
Other components can be directed by radar tracking, such as a camera at a human target for commercial security surveillance. One patent describes human target tracking with automatic aiming of electromagnetically induced pain, now a declassified capability, and even remote assessment of physiologic stress. By the relation: wavelength times frequency equals the speed of light. Movement excursions less than a frequency’s wavelength alter the phase of a target echo waveform as compared to the transmitted frequency. Since waveform phase relates to distance in wavelength, this allows radar assessment of life by breathing and heartbeat measurement from body surface excursions, which is reviewed respecting medical or rescue use, and hypovolemic states are discriminated.
Surroundings without motion do not return echoes with waveform out of phase from the transmitted signal in contrast to living subjects, so that vital organ cycle detection is utilized in through wall radar discernment of humans developed for security purposes. The capacity is evaluated as a covert polygraph for lie detection. One system for radar visualization of humans through walls utilizing just range radar with a moving target indication method, has a 5 inch resolution, and is approved for sale by the US Federal Communications Commission.
Patents for rescue and security systems with radar detecting vital organ motion describe the ability to distinguish individuals through obstruction by frequency analysis, which forms a type of “electronic fingerprint.” Besides vital organ oscillation from phase change contributions to the human radar signature, another method is based on the Doppler effect, whereby motion adds or subtracts energy to a radar echo so that the return signal frequency is changed in proportion to velocity. Doppler effects produce individual variance of human signals with gait and heartbeat considered as biometric identifiers. Humans have good radar reflectance, and body parts can be resolved by through wall imaging. Human motion generated Doppler frequencies are regarded as a frequency spectrogram resulting from moving centers of body and appendage radar scattering, where just thigh height would provide reasonably accurate discrimination between males or females based on relevant biometric distribution (expected accuracy for sex; male – 84%, female – 91%). Stationary surroundings only
return echoes at the transmitted frequency, so the Doppler effect usefully identifies moving targets inside structures.
Other information available to radar is the human radar cross section, which is about one square meter, but is proportional to a target’s weight, and varies with the subject’s orientation with respect to the radar antenna even from front versus back such that differences in radar cross section relate to body position. Further general target recognition methods are based on polarization characteristics, and the frequency amplitude response.
Target illumination tracking systems have at least microsecond response times. Such responses require no wide scan area to lock illumination upon a person at achievable speeds. Less than 1/100th of an inch in a microsecond is traversed at 90 miles per hour. Battlefield human tracking specifications are not expected to consider urban obstruction. Radar capability through obstruction is apparent from the optimization and adaptation of military radar to commercial through-the-wall surveillance development, with open literature surveys or overviews available. Most materials negligibly attenuate radar at the lower microwave frequencies. High frequencies in the millimeter wavelengths (95 GHz = 3 mm) can provide detailed imaging of humans, but are not suitable for brick and concrete. Though lacking in more detail, some human image can be obtained at frequencies as low as 10 GHz, which also has good building material penetration.
Raytheon’s Motion and Ranging System is battery operated, briefcase sized, has a 100 foot range, provides two dimensional tracking, and can report range to motion of 30 targets. Another system characterizes through wall capability as at “any distance.” A portable, battery operated radar report states detection of individuals through 3 walls. Other literature reports detection of personnel through several intervening walls, or through a single brick wall 15 inches and ½ meter wide (about
5 brick courses). Since through-wall surveillance systems evident in the open literature are subject to commercial regulatory, pricing, portability, and imaging constraints, they cannot be regarded as the capability limit especially regarding radars for less economically constrained security markets or without portable design.
Ultrasound behavioral influence technology use in Northern Ireland is cited. The device could focus on one person, though voice transmission is unconfirmed. The Americans employed the system in Vietnam, which is termed the squawk box, while a news report characterizes psychological effects as ‘spooky,’ annoying, and intolerable. British police inventories list the specific device, though a spokesman denied use. Long Range Acoustic Device has published descriptions of utilization for clearing occupants from a building to execute a search warrant, repelling a pirate attack from a
cruise ship, and ‘drawing out snipers’ for destruction, besides acknowledged use as a ‘hailing’ device with the demonstrations and developer ‘pranks’ noted above.
The most documented citizen microwave irradiation was of peace protesters at Greenham Common American Air Force Base in Berkshire England, who prompted investigation of unusual symptoms that fit well with electromagnetic exposure syndrome. Radiation measurements exhibited microwaves with symptom experience up to a hundred times the background level, and rose sharply on protests nearer the base. That some of the women ‘heard voices’ has been reported.
Though the source is otherwise postulated, radio frequency field measurement is reported in the vicinity of an Australian DID case, which is a disorder with indicated precedent for intelligence service interest and use. The radiation intensity ranged from 7 mV in an adjacent room to 35 mV next to the head.
Other published anecdotal cases affirm microwave field measurement without strength publication. A security company advertises investigations of electromagnetic harassment including microwave voice transmission with field measurement.
Ultrasound voice transmission technology is well confirmed by peer reviewed literature, deployed in military or police situations, publicly demonstrated in museum exhibits, and for sale to the public. Microwave hearing literature defines pulse parameters that elicit audition, which would be considered hallucination by psychiatrists on complaint of covert simple sound transmission, and
provides a foundation for radio frequency voice transmission citations. Peer reviewed literature and a government report confirm non-remote voice transmission systems. There are four patents for remote radio frequency voice transmission, two of which were developed by the US Defense Department.
Successful independent development of such methods is indicated twice: Original successful Army experiments followed by increased historical density of total and military supported simple sound investigations that peak the year before publication (Figure 1) of a bio-effects study citing speech transmission as rationale, and alternative news report of device demonstration. Later, the Air Force had their own initial experiments that with more development became patents, and successful demonstration is stated. Duplicated effort is usual to classified programs.
Though there is only some publication of microwave field strength around victims or measurement anecdotes, with some publications of remote radio frequency voice transmission use being in media of variable reliability, such reports are supported by descriptions of non-lethal weapon applications and designation as a weapons capability. The fact is that these accounts or any remote harassment complaints have no adequate investigation because medical texts and professors teach that such claims are symptoms of mental illness, despite abundant indications that voice transmission and human tracking has long enabled feasibility for continuously isolating sound or voice to individuals. It must be appreciated that engineering development is often proprietary and less published than open science, especially in areas with covert application. Implementing microwave hearing voice transmission would apparently involve little more than programming a radar tracking beam for the necessary characteristics.
The logic in the prediction by Zbignew Brzezinski *(Pres Jimmy Carter's adviser) of a more controlled and directed society dominated by a power elite willing to use the latest modern techniques for influencing behavior without hindrance by liberal democratic values is compelling. Since prevalent expertise assumes that voice transmission perception by any possible National Security Advisor to President Carter victim only has basis as a psychotic symptom without reality, serious complaints have such disregard that the ability to bear witness in journalistic or police investigation and court proceeding is readily compromised. Potential targets are multiple, and may include anyone worth manipulation: domestic adversaries; witnesses of improprieties; security risks, which may only comprise classified disclosures; those prone to committing advantageous felonies; and even those psychologically similar to other targets for development or training purposes. Covert voice transmission technology is most applicable within the same language and culture. Security agencies have little legal accountability, particularly with utilization of unrecognized technology. Legality is readily circumvented by executive orders, (particularly declaring an emergency situation), which can be sealed with the prerogative only accountable to co-equal government branches.
Though complaint of ‘hearing voices’ is routinely diagnosed as psychotic, psychoanalytical acknowledgment of such technological capacity and the need for new diagnostic criteria does exist. The current standard of care severely discredits anyone claiming such an affliction. Longstanding complaints by numerous individuals about remote voice transmission to the medical community are too correspondent with the technological development herein documented to further ignore. The rationale for civil rights abrogation based on the presumption that such symptoms have no plausible external etiology requires justification by rational investigation that is absent from medical literature. Without adequate investigation, final diagnoses cannot be regarded as conclusive but must be viewed as presumptive. Undermining such presumption are some hallucination brain response reports that support microwave hearing as a simulated hallucination mechanism by indicating involvement of the initial hearing pathway, which is a promising criterion for differential diagnosis.
Microwave hearing is actually heard through the cochlea of the inner ear causing activation of associated brain nuclei resulting in the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR). The ABR is a validated hearing evaluation technique for unresponsive patients. The ABR could be altered for patient indication of voice transmission/hallucination instead of audible tone presentation. An ABR is not expected to occur from endogenous hallucination that has inner speech mis-identification as the current leading theory.
Radio frequency field measurement in the vicinity of complainants, especially with attention to directional cranial localization is appropriate with any field elevation further characterized. Investigation of electrophysiological deficits correspondent between microwave bio-effects and schizophrenia 167 compared with and without electromagnetic shielding might provide differentiation with existing magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetoencephalography facilities shielded from commercial signals, but radar effectiveness must be proven. At least the burst-pulse microwave voice
transmission patents are pulsed at such high frequencies that an additional ultrasound component is expected, similar to microwave thermoacoustically induced ultrasound tomography.
Even recordings claiming an ability to capture harassment sounds have support in that condenser microphones are responsive to the thermoacoustic effect though as induced by a laser. Considering the number of patients who complain of remote influence and actual authentic indications of such technology, due investigative diligence is required to avoid the appearance of ethical negligence in remuneration for unsubstantiated opinion that violates basic human rights. The ambiguity of diagnostic supposition is supported by extensive correlations of microwave bio-effects with reported schizophrenia symptoms other than ’voices,’ which includes: short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiological changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histological change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease.
Even the most apparently bizarre of Schneiderian symptoms may have basis in that recent EEG analysis studies confirm and extend the feasibility of thought reading, which was reported initially by a 1975 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency study, and there are references to ‘remote EEG’ microwave methods.
Acknowledgements: Thanks are given to John Allman for financially supporting an initial draft and Alfredo Julio Nieto Centeno for encouraging donations. Thanks are also given to God for inspiration, Sharon Weinberger for the Air Force patent FOIA releases, as well as the suggestions of Dr. Paul Canner and Dr. Allen Barker.
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63 Final report on biotechnology research requirements for aeronautical systems through the year 2000: Proceedings of biotechnology research requirements study session, 4-8 January 1982, vol. II. Prepared by Southwest Research Institute for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. San Antonio: Southwest Research Institute July 30, 1982; p 182-3.
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65 Guy AW, Chou C-K. Effects of high-intensity microwave pulse exposure of rat brain. Radio Science 1982;17(5S): 169S-178S.
66 Lin JC. Microwave auditory effects and applications. Springfield Ill: Thomas; 1978, p 176, p 49-50.
67 United States Senate: Surveillance technology, 1976: policy and implications, an analysis and compendium of materials: a staff report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary. Ninety-fourth Congress, second session 1976, p 1280.
68 Brunkan WB. Hearing system. US patent # 4877027, 1989 Oct 31.
69 Frey AH. Behavioral biophysics. Psychol Bull 1965;63(5):322-37.
70 Leyser R. [Microwave hearing device uses modulated microwave pulses for providing induced sound warning directly within head of deaf person.] Federal Republic of Germany patent # DE10222439, 2003 Dec 11. Abstract available from: URL:http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?
DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=0 Original German Document available from:
DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=128&QPN=DE10222439 English translation available from:
URL: http://www.wmamw.com/GermanV2K.doc English translation is also available from the author, and Walter Madlinger at wmadliger@yahoo.de
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{*() comments by me}
*() someone may have changed this
*() Flanagan's “Neurophone” can be bought for about $800. It operates with 2 piezo sensors.
*() Zbignew Brzezinski has written several books. 'The Grand Chess Game' is another. I think? Mika Brzezinski is his daughter. I think? She is on MSNBC The object of a Donald Trump comment “Low IQ Mika”
John J. McMurtrey, M. S., Copyright 2004,a 3 Jan 08 b
Co-authorship is negotiable towards professional publication in an NLM indexed journal, Email- Johnmcmurt@aol.com
Donations toward future research are gratefully appreciated at http://www.slavery.org.uk/FutureResearch.htm
Electroencephalographic, Magnetoencephalographic, and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging reports of specific concept recognition in humans on hearing words, viewing images or words, and prior to vocalization are examined. These reports are consistent with an extensive literature on word category differentiation by electrophysiology and blood flow, which is reviewed. EEG discrimination of emotional states, and deception literature is surveyed along with non-invasive brain computer interface reports. Non-contact and remote methods of brain wave assessment are also considered. The literature treated lends some substantiation to press accounts and case anecdotes that thought reading is possible, and has had covert development.
The Bible attributes to God the capacity to know the thoughts of men. 1 Most scientists are unaware that thought reading by electroencephalogram (EEG) was reported as feasible in work begun over 30 years ago, 2 which more recently a number of groups confirm by Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalograpy (MEG), and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technologies. This review focuses on literature relating to technologic thought reading, though also treated are the discrimination of more general cognitive states, brainwave capture methods, and reports of thought reading development, apparently covert to open literature.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1972 contracted Pinneo & Hall for work that a 1975 US technical report entitled “Feasibility Study For Design of a Biocybernetic Communication System.” The study concludes “that it is feasible to use the human EEG coincident with overt and covert speech as inputs to a computer for such communication” (covert speech is defined as verbal thinking). Error: Reference source not found The 149 page report c states: “enough information has been obtained . . . to specify the optimum parameters to use for an EEG operating system, and to suggest future research towards that end.”
Pinneo & Hall utilized templates for EEG word recognition constructed by averaging EEG patterns evoked by 9 words in each subject for visually presented words, and primarily utilized 4 electrodes over brain language areas for prediction. People with high hemispheric lateralization had EEG patterns for some words that frequently classified 100% correctly, regardless of the number of repetitions with stability over time. Over all words, however, classification accuracy for these people was 85% for overt speech, and 72% for words repeated to oneself, but solely by mental means without vocalization. Across all subjects specific word EEG patterns were classified 35% correctly for overt speech, and 27% correctly for covertly spoken words, but more people were in the 70-100% classification range than in the 10-15% range. d Subjects with low hemispheric laterality, particularly stutterers had near chance EEG classification. EEG concept recognition was actually 10-15% higher for pictures rather than words. Phrases containing similarly articulated words or homonyms were better recognized than these words alone without context.
A US Office of Naval Research funded government study reports characteristically distinct topography of amplitude and decay coefficient for sub-waveforms at frequencies from 15-60 Hz for recalled or viewed digits from 0 to 9, and the words yes or no at electrodes over left hemisphere Brodman’s Area 39/40 and right hemisphere occipital electrode position O2 in 3 individuals with some indication of similarities between subjects. 3 Background activity unrelated to digit or word stimulus was cancelled out, and the author indicates that the usually studied Event Related Potential (ERP) waveform is a summed composite of sub-waveforms. All other studies here discussed analyzed such a composite ERP.
Suppes et. al. have the most extensive recent publications supporting and reporting specific EEG thought recognition starting in 1997, a year before the above report. 4 5 6 7 8 This work largely compares recognition improvement methods with some emphasis on a relative invariance of EEG concept representations across individuals. The procedures generally utilized Fourier transforms of both templates for recognizing words, and test samples with an optimal EEG frequency window, or filter selected for each subject. EEG word templates constructed by averaging each subject’s responses (50 trials) at single electrodes resulted in less EEG word recognition, Error: Reference source not found than recognition templates averaged across all subjects (700 trials) e for bipolar electrode difference. Error: Reference source not found The latter technique produced recognition rates over seven words of 100% for visual images and auditory words. Error: Reference source not found f However, for visually presented words, recognition templates generated by excluding from the average the subject tested was better--75% than averaging within a subject or over all subjects. The waveforms for each presentation modality were very similar, and when recognition templates averaged across subjects in the modalities of visual images or words were utilized for recognizing other modalities (visual images or words & by audition), recognition still was generally 60-75%. Such results were despite inclusion of three subjects with English as a second language, and obvious hemispheric laterality confounds important to Pinneo & Hall, g such as one left handed and another ambidextrous subject. These results indicate a relative invariance of EEG representations for different concepts between subjects and perception modality, when averaging out and filtering noise. Matching templates to words is determined by the least amplitude difference between template and test word waveforms, when sampled at 814 difference points as squared and summed (Pinneo & Hall Error: Reference source not found had 255 samples per word).
Also examined are brain wave patterns for sentences. Recognizing the first sentence word by the same words individually presented, and the same words in sentences when cut and pasted was successful at a 50% recognition rate (with 8.3% as chance). Error: Reference source not found However for differentiating whole sentences, over 90% recognition was obtained for 48 sentences, as visually presented one word at a time. Error: Reference source not found
Averaged unfiltered auditory responses are classified 100% correctly by the superposition of 3 sine waves chosen from the frequency domain maxima for each word.Error: Reference source not found The same procedure when averaged across subjects and presentation modalities (visual images, visual and auditory words) classifies 100% of the words (or images) by 5 frequencies per concept, while data fit decreased only 6% compared to the filtered templates. Syllable classification is less successful, with six correct classifications out of eight examples from superposition of nine frequencies.
Two subjects in Suppes et al. 1997 Error: Reference source not found had 64 channel EEG recordings from which scalp current density can be calculated by the surface Laplacian, which filters artifacts from muscle activity. Recognition rates could be improved by 9 % in one subject, and 4 % in the other. 9 Both subjects had coincident foci maximally predicting recognition on the head.
Yes/no decision discrimination of 86% by spatio-temporal cross correlation is reported. 10 This was achieved from 4 electrodes over bilateral frontal and occipital sites. Differential equation measures of synchronization rate and average polarity also had high recognition rates of 78% and 81% respectively.
Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recognition of viewed words is reported above chance significantly by 27% for recognition and 44% for accuracy 11 by a speech recognition classifier. Suppes et al. Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found also investigated MEG word recognition with lesser results than for EEG, but there is reanalysis of some of this data by more advanced classifiers for words presented by audition, and viewed with instruction to silently say the word. 12 Best single trial correct classification for heard words in a subject is 60.7 % over 9 words by Independent Components Analysis combined with Linear Discriminant Classification, but averages across subjects are 40.6 % for auditory, and 30.9 % for viewed words (words presented ranged from 7-12, so chance levels ranged from 8.3-14.3 %). Error: Reference source not found
There is apparently a Russian report of specific EEG word recognition before 1981. 13 The work is only known from a science reporter, and specifically unavailable, but is mentioned to aid this report’s discovery, and because of the claim that specific words contain category information, which is of possible significance for word category differentiation studies.
Patents for EEG thought recognition exist. Electroencephalographic (EEG) instant detection by syllables of “a content of category which the testee wishes to speak” quotes Kiyuna et. al. Patent # 5785653 “System and method for predicting internal condition of live body.” 14 A stated use: “the present invention may be use (sic) to detect the internal condition of surveillance in criminal investigation” by EEG. NEC Corporation licensed this patent. Mardirossian Patent # 6011991 “Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity” includes remote EEG communication with armed forces or clandestine applications. 15 This patent proposes transponder capable skin implants, utilizes artificial intelligence, and is licensed by Technology Patents, LLC.
A classifier based on computational linguistics correctly identifies the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) pattern for 77 % of 60 nouns as averaged over 9 subjects, as well as correct prediction of the fMRI pattern for 72 % of 1000 frequent words. 16 Previous fMRI reports confirm similar capabilities for viewing pictures of objects with lesser classification methods. Comparing the distributed brain activity observed by fMRI for viewing faces, houses, cats, chairs, bottles, shoes, and scissors were 90-100% correct in all two category comparisons (with 50% as chance). 17 A different group confirms this analysis. 18 Even though all these objects are described as categories because different exemplars and views were presented, discrimination of these objects generally requires an adjective, so that the distinctions qualify as specific concepts. One report examined just 20 seconds of fMRI data rather than one half of an fMRI session in previous studies, and utilized different exemplars of an object category for training classifiers from those utilized during classification. A support vector classifier provided the best results with 59-97% accuracy among ‘categories’ of baskets, birds, butterflies, chairs, teapots, cows, horses, tropical fish, garden gnomes, and African masks (with 10% as chance). 19 “Brain reading” are descriptive terms titling this report. Another study reports 78 % average correct classification (range 59-94 %) for viewing across all line drawing exemplars for a drill, hammer, screwdriver, pliers, saw, apartment, house, castle, igloo, or hut with even better discrimination when considered as categories of tools and dwellings. 20 A quantitative fMRI receptive field model for the visual cortex could provide 92 and 72 % correct identification for 120 natural images novel to the viewing experience of each participant. 21 Visual cortex response to 440 multi-grey scale checkerboard-like patterns is reported to train local decoders to reconstruct viewed images that are correctly identified among millions of candidate images, and that effectively reads out perceptual state. 22 Though not here considered specific concepts, review of considerable ability to decode viewed line orientations or grids is available 23 that is expected related to fMRI and electrophysiological discrimination of viewed objects with one review considering such capacities as mind reading. 24 Particularly remarkable of such studies is above chance discrimination of imagined specific patterns in some subjects considering the lesser brain activity, and classifier model 25 compared to [Error: Reference source not found].
Numerous fMRI studies show similarly activated brain regions for viewing images or words, and hearing words. Viewing pictures of objects or the word naming them activates similar distributed brain systems for storing semantic knowledge, 26 27 28 and auditory presentation also shares the same 29 or a similar 30 system with that of viewing these words. These studies give anatomical basis for the high cross modality recognition rates of concepts observed by Suppes et al. Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found
Broca and Wernicke originally defined anatomy pertinent to aphasia resulting from brain injury. 31 More recently described are brain lesion patients who have very selective agnosias, which is an inability to name or recognize specific object classes. 32 33 34 Many word category differentiation reports reviewed below were initiated to explain and substantiate such deficits. This literature is consistent with specific word recognition, because word responses are averaged by category, and distinguished with only statistical inspection without specific comparison to templates or by classifiers as is required for thought recognition. Brain cell assembly activation provides a theoretical framework for both specific concept recognition, and word category discrimination. 35
Electroencephalographic and Magnetoencephalographic Word Category Discrimination
Evoked EEG responses discriminate nouns and verbs. Nouns elicit more theta power than verbs, but verbs have greater theta coherence decrease, particularly in frontal versus posterior sites. 36 Noun waveforms generally are more negative than verb responses at post-stimulus intervals of both 200-350 and 350-450 milliseconds (msec.). 37 38 39 40 Ambiguous noun/verbs are more negative than unambiguous nouns or verbs in the early latency interval, and when context indicates noun meaning versus verb use, are more negative over both these latency windows. Error: Reference source not found Anterior-posterior electrode activity also differs for ambiguous versus unambiguous nouns and verbs. Error: Reference source not found 41
Action verb waveforms differ in amplitude, Error: Reference source not found and central versus posterior distribution compared to visual nouns, 42 with particular 30 Hz increase over the motor cortex for action verbs, and over the visual cortex for visual nouns. 43 44 Face, arm, or leg action verbs differ in amplitude by time interval, and activity increases over the specific corresponding motor strip locus as well as by frontal electrode. 45 46 Low resolution electromagnetic tomography finds irregular verb activity more in the left superior and middle temporal gyri, while regular verbs are more active in the right medial frontal gyrus at 288-321 msec. 47 Irregular verbs respond more in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex than regular verbs at ~340 msec. by MEG, which localizes perpendicular sources undetectable by EEG. 48 Regular verb activity modulates more the left inferior prefrontal region including Broca’s area at ~470 msec with MEG, but irregular verbs have more right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity at ~570 msec. Priming evoked patterns occur for regular but not irregular verbs, 49 50 while incorrect irregular noun plural 51 and verb participle 52 53 waveforms differ from that of incorrect regular forms.
Abstract word waveforms onset more positively about 300 msec., persist longer at lateral frontal sites, and distribute more to both hemispheres compared to concrete words.Error: Reference source not found 54 55 ß-1 frequency coherence during memorization of concrete nouns indicates left hemisphere electrode T5 as the main brain processing node. 56 Left hemisphere electrode T3 is similarly important for abstract nouns, which have more frontal area contribution, and massive right posterior hemisphere coupling. Error: Reference source not found Abstract versus concrete memorization distinctly changes other frequency bands, 57 58 and theta synchronization predicts efficient encoding. 59
Content words yield a more negative peak at 350-400 msec. than functional grammar words, with a subsequent occipital positivity that function words lack, and more electrode and hemisphere differences from 400-700 msec. 60 61 In sentences, the late component of function words resembles preparatory slow waves that apparently subserve their introductory and conjunctive grammatical function. 62 Other studies show content versus function word differences at additional intervals and more bi-hemispheric effects,63 with right visual field advantage for function words. 64 MEG distinguishes functional grammar words, or content words such as multimodal nouns, visual nouns, or action verbs, each by response strength and laterality at intervals of both ~100 and greater than 150 msec. 65
Proper name amplitudes peak more just after 100 msec. negatively, and just after 200 msec. positively than common nouns, while one’s own name accentuates these peaks relative to other proper names with further positive and negative components. 66 Proper names, animals, verbs, and numerals show electrode site differences: proper name temporal negativity extends to inferior electrodes bilaterally; verbs and animal names are less negative and similar, but verbs have left frontal inferior positivity; while numerals have less waveform negativity, and bilateral parietal positivity. 67 Non-animal objects are more negative in both the 150-250 and 350-500 msec. intervals than animals, while animals are more positive in the 250-350 msec. interval. 68 69 Animals are more positive in approximately the same latter interval than vegetables/fruits, while vegetables/fruits are more negative in about the earlier interval (150-250 msec.), and have stronger frontal region current sources than animals. 70 Animals in natural scenes evoke different waveforms than just natural scene or building pictures. 71 Responses to words for living things are less negative over the right occipital-temporal region than artifactual objects, while pictorial presentations of the same items further differ and have hemisphere effects noted as unreported. 72 EEG waveforms for specific meanings could be as discretely categorized as indicated by the reported but unspecified Russian work, which claims that “the waves for such concepts as “chair”, “desk”, and “table” are all overlapped by another wave that corresponds” to the concept of furniture. Error: Reference source not found
Affective word meanings such as good-bad, strong-weak, or active-passive are discriminated 73 by both category and meaning polarity according to response latency, amplitude, and scalp distribution at intervals of 80-265 and 565-975 msec. 74 Positive words have amplitude increases peaking at 230 msec. compared to negative words, and relative to neutral words increase a subsequent peak amplitude as well as a slow wave component. 75 Emotional words also show less amplitude decrease on repetition than neutral words. 76
Some of these word category differentiation reports are consistent with both the specific recognition reports, and/or the discrimination of non-verbal cognition. Based on EEG/MEG responses, words are readily distinguished from non-words, 77 78 79 pictures, 80 and as to length. 81 Even commas have a characteristic waveform similar to the speech phrase closure evoked pattern called closure positive shift. 82 Color selection modulates the EEG. 83 EEG discriminates the judgment of gender for both faces and hands. 84
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Word Category Discrimination
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) localize brain blood flow, with ability to distinguish perceptual categories. Some studies locate recognition of places 85 86 and faces 87 within certain brain areas, however, expertise can recruit the face recognition area, 88 and other studies show these areas only responding maximally for specific stimuli. 89 Word category activity is both distributed and overlapping Error: Reference source not found 90 in a somewhat lumpy manner. 91 Though regions of word category maximal difference are indicated below, brain comprehension is not solely dependent on these areas. Discrete category responsive emergence may have some resemblance to category segregation in the feature processing of artificial neural networks that self organize without programming. 92
Meta-analysis of 14 studies locating activity for face, natural, and manufactured object recognition shows ventral temporal cortex difference. Face recognition activates more inferior ventral temporal portions including the fusiform gyrus of which manufactured objects activate more medial aspects than face or natural objects, yet natural objects distribute more widely in this region. 93 Eighty eight percent of face studies converged for mid fusiform gyrus activity, while natural and manufactured objects converged no more than 50% for any discrete area. Manufactured object activity locates to the middle temporal cortex from natural objects, which locate more in the superior temporal cortex. Face and natural object activity is more bilateral, and in the left inferior frontal cortex, while particularly tools activate the premotor area. These studies also feature activity in the inferior occipital/posterior fusiform as well as the medial occipital structures of lingual gyrus, calcarine sulcus, and cuneus.
There is some agreement that verbs have greater activity in temporal, parietal, and premotor/prefrontal regions than nouns, while nouns have little 94 or no 95 greater activated areas than verbs, yet no noun/verb difference is also reported. 96 German regular noun and verb fMRI responses compared to irregular words differ significantly in the right precentral gyrus, the left prefrontal cortex, bilateral posterior temporal lobes, and bilateral complexes including superior parietal lobules, supramarginal gyri, and angular gyri. 97 Regular words are left hemisphere lateralized, while irregular words have somewhat greater distribution to the right hemisphere, and a greater activation over all cortical areas. Irregular verbs activate more total cortex than regular verbs, but lack motor strip, insular, and most occipital cortex activity present for regular verbs. 98 Though both forms activate the inferior parietal lobule, irregular verbs activate more posterior and superior portions than regular verbs.
Depending on control task correction, naming actions activates the left inferior parietal lobule, which is lacking for locative prepositions, which activate the left supramarginal gyrus selectively from actions. 99 Furthermore, naming abstract shape location compared to locating concrete items increases right supramarginal gyrus activity, Error: Reference source not found which specifically also activates on long-term memory for spatial relations 100 and in American sign language prepositions. 101 The supramarginal gyrus is encompassed by the temporal-parietal-occipital junction active for location judgments, and is separate from temporal activity for judging color. 102 Action word generation activity is just anterior to the motion perception area, while color word generation activity is just anterior to the color perception area. 103 Naming object color activates distinct brain regions from naming the object, with color knowledge retrieval activity being slightly removed from that of naming colors. 104 Irrespective of language and visual or auditory modality, the naming of body parts activates the left intraparietal sulcus, precentral sulcus, and medial frontal gyrus, while naming numbers activates the right post central sulcus as joined to the intraparietal sulcus. Error: Reference source not found
Concrete words are discriminated from abstract words in both noun or verb forms, Error: Reference source not found with more right hemisphere activity for abstract words than concrete words. 105 106 107 Abstract/concrete contrasts feature both right or left temporal areas, while the reverse concrete/abstract comparison features frontal activity. 108 109 110 111 112 Besides distinction from abstract nouns, the concrete categories of animals contrasted to implements respond selectively in the posterior-lateral temporal, and frontal cortex areas across studies. Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found Limbic activity, particularly the cingulate, distinguishes emotional words from both abstract and concrete words. Error: Reference source not found
Naming pictures of animals, tools, and famous people are discriminated 113 by increased regional blood flow in the left inferior frontal gyrus for animals, premotor area for tools, and left middle frontal gyrus for people. 114 Faces activate the right lingual and bilateral fusiform gyri, while the left lateral anterior middle temporal gyrus response differs to famous faces, famous proper names, and common names. 115 Particularly the left anterior temporal cortex responds to names, faces, and buildings when famous relative to non-famous stimuli. Error: Reference source not found 116 Viewing photographs of faces, buildings, and chairs evokes activity distributed across several cortical areas, which are each locally different in the visual, ventral temporal Error: Reference source not found and occipital cortices. 117 Photograph perception of these same categories has more hemispheric lateralization and activation than non-perceptual imagery, 118 while short term memory face imagery activity is stronger than that of long term memory. 119
More advanced fMRI techniques discriminate further word or object classes. In a high resolution fMRI limited brain cross section study; the activity differs for animals, furniture, fruit, or tools in discrete sites of the left lateral frontal and 3 separate medial temporal cortex loci respectively. 120 The application of artificial intelligence to fMRI patterns distinguishes between 12 noun categories (fish, four legged animals, trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables, family members, occupations, tools, kitchen items, dwellings, and building parts). 121 Finally are the reports of discriminating the viewing different ‘categories’ Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found so discrete as to require an adjective for distinction, and those acknowledging specific concept recognition Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found as well as prediction of photograph perception, Error: Reference source not found previously discussed.
Some cognitive functions are related to or partly dependent on language. Letters activate the left insula more than objects and exclusively activate the left inferior parietal cortex. 122 Letters also activate an area in the left ventral visual cortex more than digits in most subjects. 123 124 Brain activations of mathematical thinking are partly dependent on language. 125 Subtraction activates bilaterally the anterior intraparietal sulcus and a phoneme area in the intraparietal sulcus mesial to the angular gyrus, selectively from simple motor tasks. 126 Number comparison activates right hemisphere intraparietal and prefrontal areas, while multiplication localizes more to the left hemisphere. 127
Other literature indicates EEG differentiation of completely non-verbal cognition. Greater left prefrontal activity predicts positive affect, while greater right prefrontal activity predicts negative disposition in psychological testing. 128 However, the stability of hemispheric activation is important for such a trait characteristic, 129 and more transient mood states have exactly the opposite arousal symmetry. 130 Decreased left prefrontal activity is also found in depression, 131 132 and the anxiety situations of social phobics. 133 Patented is more specific attitude, mood, and emotion differentiation, by plotting at least two and as many as five EEG frequencies, with reference to Air Force research. 134 EEG patterns discriminate relative misanthropy and philanthropy in facial preferences, and favorable or negative responses to faces, 135 while waveform topography identifies sad face perception. 136 Another EEG emotion indicator is the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN). Although slight SPNs can precede instruction cues, this wave is most pronounced while awaiting performance assessment and reward or aversive feedback. 137 138 139 140
A number of groups have developed procedures to detect deception based on the P300 (positive @ 300 millisec.) event related potential (ERP) from EEG. 141 142 143 144 145 146 Brain Fingerprinting is a commercial system, 147 which includes additional frequency analysis, particularly a late negative ERP potential, and cites 100% accuracy over five separate studies. 148 149 150 151 152 Though most EEG deception detection concerns situation specific knowledge, a late positive potential approximate to the P300, is reported to vary as a function of real attitude rather than attitude report. 153
EEG cortical potentials are detected for both actual movement, 154 and movement readiness potentials (bereitschaftspotential). 155 156 EEG sufficiently differentiates just the imagination of movement to operate switches, 157 move a cursor in one 158 or two dimensions, 159 control prosthesis grasp, 160 and guide wheel chairs left or right 161 for prompted responses. EEG detects such potentials to play Pac Man, 162 and imagining the spinning of cubes, or arm raising in appropriate direction guides robots through simulated rooms, 163 164 165 both achieved without response prompting. Unprompted slow cortical potentials also can turn on computer programs. 166 Signals from implanted brain electrodes in monkeys achieve even more complex grasping and reaching robot arm control without body arm movement. 167 Some ability to recognize evoked responses to numbers 168 and tones 169 in real time by a commercial system called BrainScope has limited report.
EEG is typically recorded by contact electrodes with conductive paste, while MEG detectors are in an array slightly removed from the head. Remote detection of brain rhythms by electrical impedance sensors is described. 170 Though non-contact is the only remote descriptor for EEG, this same detector design is applied to monitoring electrocardiogram with wrist sensor location. 171 Passive brain wave fields extend as far as 12 feet from man as detected by a cryogenic antenna. 172 This device is entirely adaptable to clandestine applications, and pointed comments are made on the disappearance of physiological remote sensing literature since the 1970’s for animals and humans, while all other categories of remote sensing research greatly expanded. 173
In 1976, the Malech Patent # 3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” was granted.174 Example of operation is at 100 and 210 MHz, which are frequencies penetrating obstruction. 175 “The individual components of the system for monitoring and controlling brain wave activity may be of conventional type commonly employed in radar”; and “The system permits medical diagnosis of patients, inaccessible to physicians, from remote stations” are quotes indicating remote capacity. License is to Dorne & Margolin Inc., but now protection is expired with public domain. The Malech patent utilizes interference of 210 and 100 MHz frequencies resulting in a 110 MHz return signal, from which EEG waveform is demodulated.
A capability for ‘remote EEG’ is predicted by electromagnetic scattering theory using ultrashort pulses, 176 which is different from the unpulsed Malech patent. Sampling rate for EEG specific concept recognition is only 1000 Hz (103/sec.), Error: Reference source not found compared to common radio frequency technology available at picosecond pulse widths allowing a considerably higher sampling rate. Current review of microscopic electric field imaging describes phase, amplitude, and polarization changes of reflected waveform that would be expected to propagate at distance, and be detectable.177
In addition to the radio frequency ultrashort pulse and interference methods above that are compatible with target tracking radars, the capacity to detect remote electric field changes is evident in present Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) technology. Passive and semi-passive RFID tags encode information by electrically induced impedance changes that modulate the power of the backscattered ‘echo’ according to the equation: 178
PS = I2 . Rr
Where: PS = Power reflected by an antenna.
I = Current.
Rr = Radiation resistance of antenna (without current).
Semi-passive RFID tags have a battery supplying current that modulates the backscatter mechanism with present read ranges as far as 30.5 meters under commercial reader power regulations, 179 but military capabilities considered include targeting of RFID tags by missiles. 180 Though the above equation stipulates antenna properties, the human body is regarded as an antenna by several treatments. 181 182 183 184 Comparing the occurrence of human EEG current as on the order of microamps 185 to descriptions of RFID practical operation from 2.5-25 microamps, Error: Reference source not found and at the nanoamp level 186 provides support for design approaches to gaining radar encephalographic information by this mechanism. The electrically modulated scatterer literature dates back to 1955. 187
A dissertation exists on microwave detection of neural activity in cockroaches 188 along with related work apparently presented at a symposium, 189 and a portable diagnostic microwave patent for a detector of neural activity that describes animal studies. 190 Though the dissertation suggests electro-mechanical impedance changes, the patent indicates that there is more direct electrical modulation of microwave backscatter, and operation at continuous wave. Though not developed for remote application, this system has some correspondence to RFID electric field modulated backscatter methods. Review of the feasibility for imaging brain neuronal electrical activity by methods potentially capable of rather stringent resolution requirements considers other approaches to bioelectric field imaging. 191
The research arm of agencies mandated to covertly acquire information would certainly develop to operational capability any thought reading potential, which was reported feasible 30 years ago to the Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Reports that such development has progressed are multiple, and two are confirmed by details of the 1975 DARPA EEG specific word recognition report, which itself is evidence of development covert to open databases. Error: Reference source not found An International Committee of the Red Cross Symposium synopsis states EEG computer mind reading development by Lawrence Pinneo in 1974 at Stanford. 192 A letter by the Department of Defense Assistant General Counsel for Manpower, Health, and Public Affairs, Robert L. Gilliat affirmed brain wave reading by the Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1976, 193 the same year as the Malech remote EEG patent grant. Neglect of developing such a capacity by security institutions in the 22 years between the Pinneo report and relatively recent confirmations is not credible. The further Dickhaut, 1998 Government report Error: Reference source not found appears more advanced than the journal literature, while the National Technical Information Service’s database is only clumsily searchable with availability limited by charge of commercial copyright rates for public information.
Dr. John Norseen of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is quoted in news articles that thought reading is possible and has had development.194 195 At least knowledge of Dickhaut, 1998 Error: Reference source not found is evidenced in reference by a Norseen presentation, 196 but he predicted by 2005 the deployment of thought reading detectors for profiling terrorists at airports. Error: Reference source not found A further acknowledgement of developing a device to read terrorists’ minds at airports was made in a NASA presentation to Northwest Airlines security specialists. 197 Statements in all news articles indicate remoteness of brain wave detection, though somewhat proximate.
“Thought reading or synthetic telepathy” communications technology procurement is considered in a 1993 Jane’sh Special Operations Forces (SOF) article: “One day, SOF commandos may be capable of communicating through thought processes.” 198 Descriptive terms are “mental weaponry and psychic warfare.” Although contemplated in future context, implied is availability of a technology with limited mobility, since troop deployment anticipation must assume prior development. Victim complaints that mind reading is part of an assault upon them are very similar to such a capacity. Other complaints by these victims, such as technologically transmitted voice assault are upheld by considerable documentation that individually isolated voice transmission is feasible, even at a distance and within structures, Error: Reference source not found and a presumptive diagnosis of such complaints is largely consistent with microwave exposure 199--a basis for both internal voice and EEG capture technologies.
There is considerable confirmation of an ability to recognize specific concepts by brain activity across subjects at some level of accuracy. Identifying visual images viewed by a subject solely by measures of mental activity is replicated across seven groups by either EEG or fMRI. Five groups report success in visually viewed word identification by brain activity in these methods. Isolated groups report EEG word recognition by auditory perception, prior to vocalization, or as independently recalled. Although many studies examine lesser sets of concepts, when added together the collective differentiation of these smaller sets approaches 100, and recent reports Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found differentiate even larger comparison numbers with a report of effective visual cortex image decoding. Error: Reference source not found In all, ten separate groups report some level of specific concept recognition by EEG, MEG, or fMRI. Word category distinctions are expected from these specific differences. EEG, MEG, PET, or fMRI techniques discriminate some 42 word class or dimension distinctions, many of which would survive separate direct comparison just by reported results.
Considerable capacity to specifically detect and differentiate other mental states is evident from literature reports by EEG. The fact that EEG signals are detected on a voluntary unprompted basis for turning on computer programs, Error: Reference source not found playing Pac Man, Error: Reference source not found and robot guidance Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found suggests the feasibility of a similar capacity for specific EEG concept recognition. Although most concept recognition work is related to stimulus prompted responses, unprompted detection of numbers apparently as a class, has limited report. Error: Reference source not found
The finding that words can be classified by superposition of sine waves Error: Reference source not found or by frequency sub-waveform topography Error: Reference source not found suggests an obvious interpretation, when considering word category blood flow activations of cell assemblies. Error: Reference source not found The frequencies resulting from neuron firing rates in the distributed, yet somewhat discrete regions, when interference phase summed and subtracted by arrival from different locations results in word representation in the brain’s language. Such results and the fact that the best recognition rates for words are obtained by the difference between an electrode pair Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not foundsupports the concept that a resultant waveform would provide similar information.
Remote electric field determination of such a resultant waveform for decoding the encephalogram does have covert development indication by news reports. The potential for thought reading and such a remote capacity is cautioned by French government scientific panel. 200 At various levels of remoteness numerous methods or potentially exploitable mechanisms for detecting brainwave activity are described in open literature.
Complete rejection of reports of a remote mind reading capability is just as presumptuous, in the face of complaints, as has been the dismissal of remote voice transmission capacity. Error: Reference source not found News reports of covert thought reading development have some confirmation in the Pinneo 1975 study Error: Reference source not found and Dickhaut, 1998 Error: Reference source not found with independent news assertions of somewhat remote thought reading development “against terrorists” affirming each other. Special operations officials consider procurement of a similar remote capacity to that of which many victims complain. Though victims will regard their experience to affirm such a thought reading capability, professional prejudice classifies such complaints as within Schneiderian symptoms defining psychiatric condition. The certain fact is that these claims have had no adequate investigation, and the available evidence questions the routinely egregious denial of civil rights to such individuals. Complaints involving mind reading must at least receive rational investigation rather than ignorant professional dismissal convenient to practice with lucrative livelihood benefit.
It is known that government elements have done work in thought reading development. The logic that in the 30 years since the Pinneo work started, this capacity is operationally applied is too sound to dismiss victim corroboration and other evidence. Funding for projects by the defense and security agencies is considerably greater than for open science, and thought reading would unquestionably be a priority area. Except for the evidence for misuse as conjuncted with another radio frequency communications technology, 201 Error: Reference source not found 202 and numerous obvious indications of such a capacity freely available, this author would prefer the information remain classified. Particularly disturbing is the existence of remote electric field determination methods in the public domain. Educated democracies should not be complacent at any prospect of mind reading, given the potential for privacy loss, civil rights violation, and political control.
Acknowledgements: Thanks are given to God for inspiration and guidance as well as John Allman, Secretary of Christians Against Mental Slavery for invaluable materials and support (website http://www.slavery.org.uk/ ).
a This article has been partly supported by substantial financial contributions from Christians Against Mental Slavery http://www.slavery.org.uk
b Since the copyright date this article is updated in the Specific Concept Recognition, as well as the Proximate and Remote Brain Wave Capture Methods sections.
c Pinneo’s report does not include all experiments reported to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the six annual reports over the 3 year contract.
d Over the experiments presented by the report, chance would be from 6.5 to 14% depending on the size of tested vocabulary.
e Suppes points out that this may have been due to increased averaging per se.
f Though apparently only single electrodes or pairs were utilized for prediction, the best recognition rates were not always from the same electrode or pair.
g Almost half of the Pinneo report is devoted to resolving such confounds.
h Jane’s is the most respected and authoritative of defense reporting services.
1 The Bible Job 42: 2, Psalms 139: 2, 94: 11, I Chronicles 28: 9, Isaiah 66: 18.
2 Pinneo LR and Hall DJ. “Feasibility Study for Design of a Biocybernetic Communication System” Report #ADA017405 National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 1975. Prepared for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Order #2034, Program Code #2D20, Contractor: Stanford Research Institute Contract dates: 2/9/72-8/31/76, SRI Project LSU-1936. (US cost ~$50.) vailable at http://www.slavery.org.uk/Pinneo.doc
3 Dickhaut RH. Neuroelectric activity and analysis in support of direct brainwave to computer interface development. National Technical Information Service report # ADA350432, 1998. Available at: http://www.slavery.org.uk/spectra.pdf & http://www.freedomfchs.com/mindreadingspectra.pdf
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5 Suppes P, Han B, and Lu Z. “Brain-wave recognition of sentences” Proc Natl Acad Sci 95: 15861-66, 1998. Printable free online thru Pubmed or at http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/95/26/15861
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201 McMurtrey JJ. “A Simulated Hallucination Mechanism Compared to Hallucination Brain Response Studies” 2007. [Online] [Cited 2008 Jan 3] Available from URL: http://www.slavery.org.uk/SimHallMechCompHallBrResStds.doc
202 McMurtrey JJ. “Recording Microwave Hearing Effects: Literature Review and Case Report of an Affiant to Recording Remote Harassment” 2005. [Online] [Cited 2008 Jan 3] Available from URL: http://www.slavery.org.uk/RecordingMicrowaveHearingEffects.doc
Updated July 26 2018
For the most part I relate to working people. ??? To me normal is anyone who spends most of their time on food clothing and shelter. These people don't want anyone getting in the way of this. "If you want a vision of the future Winston,....imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever..." 'Ignorance Is Strength" "War Is Peace" "Freedom Is Slavery" The problem is clearly stated in the bible. "Idle Hands Are The Devils Workshop" The idle rich are a prime example. But included in this is anyone who lives in a convent or monastery who spends all day contemplating their navel. In fact I think this is the source of the problem.
On a side note. This is a total guess so check me on this one. There has never been a black ordained catholic priest. I base this guess on Mormanism. Another unmentionable syncretic religion. No black has ever been admitted to Freemasonry. They get away with this because they run everything. I go by live and let live as opposed to some who "Live And Let Die". As John Lennon put it "There's room at the top they are telling you still,,,....but first you must learn how to smile as you kill" Since I don't know whos who or whats what and figure there's no point asking (and I don't care) I have adopted a blanket policy. Hate everyone but don't start nothing.
Updated June 28 2018
I believe my life has been destroyed by the church. Almost entirely behind my back. Doing
things behind the back is Standard Operating Procedure for the church. To this day I am under
24 hour surveillance in ways God never intended. Because of the surveillance my information
drys up whenever I try to research something. Nazi's burn books for a reason. My strategy in
fighting back is to come up with reasons for other people to do research and take action. This is
my list of reasons people should stop going to church.
I am also a conspiracy theorist. When you have suffered from 24 hour surveillance as long
as I have and no one in a position of power ever does anything it's easy to question everything
you know. The reason no one ever does anything is they are all involved in the conspiracy. I
believe there is such a thing as the New World Order. I believe most of the worlds leaders are
involved. I also believe the global conspiracy has two tiers. One for the elected people involved
and one for the people who will ultimately be in control when the smoke clears. Those people are the church (the pope) and the royalty of Europe and the rich. I believe most of the elected people are unaware of the surveillance but are aware of the New World Order. When they decide to 'come out of the closet' millions will die and then the people with the surveillance will come out and be in control until the end of time. This is the only way most of the elected people would cooperate to build the global government.
Did you ever see a picture of Merlin the Magician from the King Arthur Legends? He's
usually pictured in a long gown with stars and half moons and a tall hat. As a magician he does
things that amaze people and they don't know how he did it. In the movie "The Man Who Would Be King" when the priests power is threatened the goats stop giving milk, the grain stops growing etc. When the people turn back to the priests the problems stop. This is a classic example of howpriests maintain power. Definition - clericalism - a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy.
You might ask why don't these people go to jail? Or how have they managed to get away
with this for millennia? When was the last time a person in power went to jail without the entire government falling? They are the law. The church is double indemnified because people think they're holy. They're the moral and ethical standard for the society. Governments come and go but the church never falls.
Back to my list. Syncretic religion is any religion whose theology is not totally unique, any
religion that blends elements of other religions. Examples of syncretic religions are Santeria,
Voodoo, Ch'ondogyo, Sohak and Cao Dai. Syncretism has been used as far back as Roman times to assimilate and subdue conquered populations. The Romans used in on the Celts and Druids of Ireland and England. It's always nice to have an army in another country that will act on faith. Which is to say do anything without thinking. If you have people inside everyone's state department that's even better. (see Treaty Of Wichale)
Santeria is a religion of Latin America that has it’s origins in Africa. It blends Roman
Catholicism with African mysticism. It is very popular in Cuba. It is similar to Voodoo.
Voodoo is a blending of Roman Catholicism with African mysticism. It is very popular in
Haiti but has been around for centuries. Voodoo played a part in the Salem Witch Trials that
took place in Massachusetts in 1692. A black woman named Tituba is believed to have started the scare. She was never charged. An example of Merlin? Haiti had a revolution around the same time as America. If you read the history of the revolution it has fake written all over it. The people at the bottom turned to one of the few educated native Haitians among them. My guess is he didn't get that far in life without understanding how things work.
Ch'ondogyo is a blending of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and other eastern religions.
It was begun about the year 1860 in Korea by a prophet named Choe Cheiu, It is the opposite of
Sohak which blends elements of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions. Korean authorities
had tried to stop the spread of Western ideas since the early 1600's.
Cao Dai is a blending of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions. It began around 1926
in Vietnam by Ngo Van Chieu. While I'm sure there are examples of syncretism every where I
find it very suspicious that both Vietnam and Korea had examples linked to Catholicism.
When trying to understand the Vietnam War I try to apply Orwell’s theory that war is
waged by the ruling class on it’s own citizens to keep the structure of society intact. I believe the
problem of mind control/genocide began in the United States in the early 1950’s. This caused
rebellion and talk of revolution. The most serious of which was the Students for a Democratic
Society. (SDS) SDS made a formal declaration with it’s Port Huron Statement in the early 1960’s.
The Vietnam War was used to suppress this rebellion and maintain control of the United States.
Vietnam was used because they had a measure of control through religion. The true purpose of
SDS was drowned out by protest against the war. By the mid 1970’s the objective had been
accomplished and Vietnam was abandoned. Vietnam was lost because they could not maintain a permanent occupation without constant incursions from Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. It’s not a peninsula like Korea. The war would have to have been expanded throughout Southeast Asia. The objective had been reached so this was not necessary. Nor was it desirable because it would have caused further problems in America and reversed the win.
Korea was left unfinished because it’s a peninsula and it could be used for tension and
conflict and a future war. The French part of the Vietnam War ended when Paul Mus parachuted into Vietnam and help negotiate a truce. I got this from Emile de Antonio’s movie “In The Year Of The Pig”. A similar event occurred with the American part. The State Dept sent Harry Ashmore to North Vietnam to talk peace. I got this from “In The Year Of The Pig”. HenryKissinger went around the Paris Peace Talks to negotiate with Ho Chi Minh.
Edward Lansdale was the CIA's man in South East Asia from about 1945 to 1960. After
Ho Chi Minh took power Lansdale spread rumors the Ho was going to exterminate the Catholics. Lansdale then provided ships and other forms of transportation to get Catholics to the south. The puppet regimes of South Vietnam were dominated by the minority Catholics. This caused Buddhists monks to burn themselves in protest. Avro Manhattan wrote books about the religious aspect of the American part of the Vietnam war.
Scientology is a syncretic religion. Scientology is a cult of mind controlled people
controlled by Jesuit Priests. It's a killing machine. Whenever someone invents a new technology
or product they have to consider how to interface it to the end user. This is where Pierre Tielhard de Chardin comes in. Chardin wrote about what he called The Singularity and Omega Point. When someone is targeted by Scientology their every thought and movement is radioed into the heads of the mind controlled cult. This is the singularity. As Jim Morrison of The Doors called it "The Universal Mind". The 'target' is the Omega Point. (aka The Omega Man) Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. The Singularity drives them crazy until the 'target' is killed or 'plugged in'.
Someone famous once said “You can't have two masters”. So whenever you meet someone
you have to go down their list of priorities, are they 1. Catholic 2. American 3. Human Being or 1. Human Being 2. Catholic 3. American? During the Cold War would the United States
government have allowed the Soviet Union to own as much property in America as the Vatican
does today? The Vatican can undermine any freely elected government where it has significant
numbers. And it does on a regular basis. I think the Vatican should either be thrown out of the
United Nations and not recognized as a state or it should surrender all property it owns in other
countries. You can either be a country or a religion not both.
When you control the worthless wood pulp banking system you can pay half the planet
three hots a cot and a bag of peanuts to hit the road to do God's work. And God's work is getting the other half to hit the road. Unless you're a good fascist and you can contribute in other ways. Bread and butter is everyone's first priority. Feed a stray dog once you own it. “....people on the river are happy to give.....”
I believe "Alice in Wonderland" is about a real phenomena. The church, by way of the
police, convince a young women to seduce a man for the purposes of getting that person out of
town. Both usually end up dead. Sometimes the women ends up with a child. I bet you could ask
any 100 women in this country if they had been approached by the police or a person in authority and asked to do this and a large percentage will say 'yes'. I think this is a way to kill the church. The child is usually paid for by someone who is accused wrongfully. I bet there are thousands of cases across the country. This too could kill the church.
The book 'Alice In Wonderland' and the actual phenomena may be modeled after Judith
in the Book of Judith. The Book Of Judith is an apolcalyptic story left out of the King James
version of the bible as well as other versions. Judith is a Jew in a city besieged by the Assyrians.
Alone she leaves the city and falls into the hands of the Assyrian general. She says her life was in danger in the city and the general believes her. She seduces the general, kills him and brings his head back to the city. The jew's win the battle and Judith is a hero. Whoever talks the various Alice's into the act may have convinced her she is doing a good deed.
The civilization we live in today developed in the Middle East, India and around the
Mediterranean. Most of the ancient civilizations had polytheistic religions with many gods.
Chronologically they went Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome. (roughly) Each one in turn had a series of gods that were very similar. Hindu had Indra as the main god. Greece Zeus, Rome Jupiter, Egypt Horus etc. The messenger was Hermes, Thoth, Mercury etc. Eventually most adopted monotheism. The belief in one god. The oldest monotheistic religion is Judaism. In fact this is probably the oldest religion.
The Old Testament prophesied a savior would come and save the Jews. I think the Romans provided this with Jesus. It's divide and conquer. This is something they do over and over. It also put them in charge of the religion. The people at the top provide the people at the bottom an enemy. This unites them and gives them purpose. War is slight of hand.
After the 'supposed' fall of the Roman Empire royalty began to develop in Europe. The first to unite large portions of Europe was Charlemagne about 800 AD. But then he allowed the Pope to name him Holy Roman Emperor. What did the Pope have to do with it? Was Charlemagne a 'Puss N Boots'? Willed to power as Nietzsche put it?
For the most part Charlemagne founded the Carolingian Dynasty. By the year 1000 AD
the royalty had acquired significant power. This was a challenge to the Pope. The Pope fought
back with the Gregorian Reform. This spanned numerous popes from about 1000 AD to 1100 AD. Part of the problem was kings could appoint bishops without the permission of the Pope. They often appointed people who had never been in the church. This makes the church look like a joke.
The church split in 1054 AD into the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic. I think this is
something they do over and over. The Pope invaded England in 1066 AD despite the fact England was already Catholic. I don't know exactly why. Maybe the English kings were really out of control.
Buddhism and Hinduism are older than Christianity. I believe many people have known
that Christianity was modeled after these two religions. Historical evidence is provided with the
documentary “Geheimnis Tibet”, the poem “Kubla Khan” by Samuel Taylor Coolridge and the
Theosophical Society to name a few. This is what I’ve come up with. I try to use facts that cannot be disputed by anyone. Buddhism began in North Eastern India about 500 BC. By 500 AD it had spread to Tibet and was well established. It had died out in India by 1000 AD. The tradition of the Dalai Lama is unique to Tibet but was not begun until the time of Marco Polo around 1200 AD. Several of the early Dalai Lama’s were very closely related to Kubla Khan. I think a good case could be made for the idea that the Pope created the Dalai Lama in his image and both religions practice Aryanism which is derived from the religion of Ancient Egypt.
Nirvana in Buddhism is the same thing as redemption in Christianity. In Buddhism a 'rolling stone' is trying to reach Nirvana and in Christianity redemption. Since Buddhism predates Christianity Jesus must have learned his 'theology' in Tibet as many people think.
Hinduism is even older than Buddhism. Hinduism started around 1500 BC. Nirvana in
Hinduism is karma. All of these religions practice behind the back techniques to coerce people to co-operate. The use of drugs and social isolation are two. I often refer to this as 'chickenshitting'. Most people can't put up with either of these very long. Social isolation in particular is very painful. It can make a person crazy and very angry. Once a person agrees to co-operate they are instructed to 'hit the road' like a 'rolling stone' to achieve nirvana, redemption or karma.
Historians will tell you there was no official end to the Spanish Inquisition. I think this is
because it never ended, it went underground. The Inquisition was handled out of an office that
was still around in 1966 when it was renamed by Pope Paul VI. I don't remember the name. The church has had to hide it's activities since the beginning of the 19th century. Finding evidence of it's true nature is difficult. This is 2 instances I have. The Jasenovac Prison Camp and the Magdalene Laundries. Jasenovac was a death camp in the former Yugoslavia run by The Ustashe. The Ustashe were put in power by Hitler. Even some SS people were shocked with their cruelty. There is ample evidence of the complicity of the Catholic Church in the matter. Many people were forced to convert to Catholicism before they were executed. Two books on the subject are: Genocide In Satellite Croatia by Edmond Paris and books by Avro Manhattan.
The other instance is the Magdalene Laundries. They were operated in Ireland until the 1990's. Young women were forced to work 10 hour days 6 days a week as penance for sexual promiscuity. Many, however, were raped by people in power and sent there to silence them.
The Protestant Reformation began about 1515 AD in Germany. This is the official story. A
disgruntled Catholic priest, Martin Luther, nailed his complaints to the door of a cathedral in
Wittenberg and other people printed it with the new printing press and he spent the rest of his
life dealing with the aftermath. Despite being accused of heresy and never recanting, he married, had kids and lived to a ripe old age. I think if the church wanted to stop this before it went too far they could have. They allowed it to continue to divide the church again. They purposely aggravated the English to make it so it would never be turned around. Divide and conquer.
In 1793 during the French Revolution the new government instituted the French
Republican Calendar. It was designed to replace the Gregorian Calendar with one that was more secular than religious. While Napoleon brought back the Gregorian Calendar in 1806 the
Republican Calendar left a historical record of the revolution and it's major issues. It also
reflected French culture and Western Civilization in general. The reign of Julius Caesar marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. One of the first things he did was institute the Julian Calendar. It too reflected the society it was used in. It replaced the old Roman Calendar that had become badly out of sync with the seasons. It required frequent intercalation to correct it's imperfections. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian Calendar with the Papal Bull 'inter gravissimas'. In English 'In the gravest concern'. The Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar. What was the grave concern? While the Julian Calendar was a little off did it require a whole new one? Does the Julian Calendar have proof that Jesus was made up? Is this the Zodiac Killer.
To turn around the French Revolution they 'willed to power' Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napoleon was more Italian then French. He was born on the island of Corsica which is very close to Italy. It was ruled by Italy until just a few years before the Revolution. The Napoleonic Wars lasted almost 25 years until 1815 when he was defeated by the English at Waterloo.
The Dreyfus Affair took place in France around 1890 AD. A French army officer was
accused of treason and sent to Devils Island prison in French Guyana. He was Jewish and many
people thought he was innocent. Many people left the church because of it. To turn this around
they started WWI. Hitler was also 'willed to power'. WWII was bullshit. The winning army
always has the Ark Of The Covenant because war is a racket. The outcome is determined at the
The rise of Hitler has been documented by many people. Antony C Sutton wrote about
Wall St's involvement in “Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler”. Edmond Paris wrote “The
Vatican Against Europe”. He documents the political party's that were backed by the church that eventually became fascist. Christus Rex in Belgium. Social Democrats in Austria. Ustashe in Yugoslavia. Franco in Spain. After the war the Vatican provided papers for many ex-Nazi's to get to South America. This has become known as the Vatican Ratlines. Many books and
documentaries have been made of this. Operation Paperclip was the CIA program that brought
ex-Nazi's to the United States. Free downloadable copies of “The Vatican Against Europe” can be found on the DOCUMENTS page of my blog at www.philipnute.wordpress.com.
The church often fights back with secret societies. The Freemasons are one of the first.
Freemasonry has a pyramid like structure. The people at the bottom don't have the knowledge of the people at the top. This is a way to get people to act against their own best interest. Most os the people at the bottom probably wouldn't co-operate if they knew what the outcome was. A New World Order. It's also a way to get the people at the bottom to kill each other. This benefits the people at the top. You could say the political structure of the world is the same. Most of the
average elected officials wound not co-operate if they knew the truth. Over organization and
management science have made this problem worse in the last few decades. Aldous Huxley talked about this in an interview with Mike Wallace in the late 1950's. It can be found on youtube.
Other examples of Secret Societies are La Cite Catholique, L'Action Francais and Opus
Dei. The first two emerged from the Dreyfus Affair and the third from the Spanish Civil War of
the 1930's. All are extreme right wing organizations that still exist today. Very little is known
about them. Some members of La Cite Catholique and L'Action Francais helped develop urban
warfare techniques that have been used in South America during the 1970's. These same
techniques are now taught at WHINSEC at Ft Benning Georgia USA.
According to Horacio Verbitsky, La Cite Catholique and L'Action Francais played a part
in the dirty war in Argentina in the late 1970's. The techniques were used to 'disappear'
thousands of dissidents. Verbitsky is a writer was part of the Montoneros. A left wing guerrilla
group. These techniques were used throughout South America. The CIA's Operation Condor
helped military juntas in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and other countries. The CIA was also
involved in Operation Gladio and Operation Chaos. Gladio helps right wing governments in
Europe and Chaos was in the United States.
I believe Dhubi, Abu Dhabi is the capital of the New World Order. The elite have used the
fractional reserve banking system to build themselves a state of the art fortress with all the
whistles and bells. Dhubi sits at the mouth of the Red Sea, the Straits of Hormuz. A very very
large percentage of middle oil flows through this narrow passage. They can shut off what oil is
left and use it maintain control until enough de-population has occurred.
During the dot com bubble of the late 1990's a company called Global Crossing strung
fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3 % of what fiber optic
capacity had already been built. When the dot com bubble burst Global Crossing went with it.
The Federal government made a half assed attempt to go after the executives but they all walked away millionaires. That network is a very powerful tool. Whoever controls it can communicate with anyone anywhere in micro seconds. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it is now controlled out of Dhubi. A prime objective in any battle is cutting off the communications of the enemy. I think someone should research this network and prepare to destroy it.
Two issues outside of the church are Peak Oil and the banking system. Oil is a finite
resource. They're not making any more dinosaurs. Peak oil is the concept where oil production
reaches its high point and begins to decline. Most experts believe we are very near that. Maybe 10 or 15 years. There is nothing you come into contact during your day that isn't totally dependent on oil. When the oil is gone so is modern society. The global elite will never develop technologies that are free of resources. It would free you. The future for most of the planet is poverty and ignorance while packed into high rise buildings in proletariat zones. When the oil is gone the stock market goes with it. All your savings go 'poof'.
Mans use of fossil fuels began about the year 1850 AD. At that time the global population
was around 1 billion. (guess) Today we are approaching 7 billion. No one who has studied the
problem disagrees with the fact fossil fuels are responsible. Everyone also agrees it cant continue. The earth will only support a finite number. This is another reason the people at the top will 'come out of the closet' someday. When they do the people at the bottom will de-populateautomatically as they fight for food and resources. In the end the pope will be in control. And nothing will change.
Fossil fuels allowed the mechanization of agriculture. Sometimes called the 'Green
Revolution'. As this occurred the percentage of people who know about animal husbandry and
growing crops dropped dramatically. So we have roughly 7 times the population and very few
know anything about growing food. This is a recipe for global famine. Fossil fuels are used as
fertilizer. This has led to a vast depletion of fertile soil. As the oil runs out so will our ability to
grow food.
The problem is being purposely made worse by Genetically Modified Organisms. (GMO)
GMO's are advertised as adding to the food supply but in reality they fit in with the global
agenda. They create seeds that are owned by large corporations and can only be grown with their permission. At the same time they're eliminating the natural versions. Total control of the food supply.
The banking system makes something out of nothing. A famous congressman once said “If
there were no debt there would be no money, If there were no money there would be no debt”.
One of the Rothchilds' once said “Give me control of a nations currency and I care not who
makes it's laws”. Any civilized society must have a monetary system. Without it there would be
chaos. Roving bands of marauders taking whatever they need. The current system is a bottomless blank check that the people at the top use for anything they want. It's made them crazy. A monetary system is necessary but should be set up to help man live in balance. A self regulating system backed by production is a possible answer. The currency is backed by goods and services produced. If you don't work you must be supported by taxes or live in a commune.
Banking systems that make something out of nothing makes animals out of people.
It's the Apolcalypse. Millions of people in America are waiting to be 'Raptured' into
heaven. They're waiting for the Battle of Armageddon to happen in Israel. But it's completely
man made. By the Pope. In Orwell's '1984' O'Brien tells Winston “If you want a vision of the
future Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever”. Some of the people at the
bottom may believe they're building a Utopia, a perfect society free from disease and war and
hunger, but the truth is the opposite. They will have an eternity of aliens from outer space to
make war with. Because war is part of the system. They are now setting up the historical evidence for this. They will spend 100 years leaving news reports and rumors to convince the people of the future. They're INSANE!!!
My favorite documentaries on Peak Oil are: “A Crude Awakening”, “Blind Spot”, “Oil,
Smoke and Mirrors” and “Collapse with Michael Ruppert”.
My Favorite documentaries on the banking system are “The Money Masters with Bill Still”, “The Zeitgeist Movie”, “Zeitgeist Addendum” and “Zeitgeist Moving Forward”.
What is “The three types of people on the Titanic” 'The five stages of grief” and “The hundreth
monkey”? (answer - 108)
Updated March 29 2018
Anarchy And The New England Town Meeting
I have been reading about Haile Selassie and the history of Ethiopia. Ethiopia claims a dynastic history unbroken back to the days of Solomon. This was proved in the 14 th century book Kebra Negast. Solomon lived about 1000 BC so that's 3000 years. How did they do that? Ethiopia has a history of feudal anarchy. Anarchy is defined as lack of government. Whenever their culture or history is threatened they change the society to combat the threat. Until recent times they moved the capital with every king or whenever it was needed. The culture is nomadic as a strategy, but never really goes anywhere. In 1600 AD a Jesuit priest named Pablo ??, or Pedro, Paez arrived to convert the Ethiopians to Catholicism. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest in the world. About that time the 'Age Of The Princes' began. It was 150 years of feudal anarchy. It ended around 1850 AD when someone was declared king who was not descended from Solomon. He was deposed quickly by Menilik II about 1900 AD. After Menilik came a daughter who married Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie). The lesson is: If you want to combat people who rule in the shadows then don't create positions of power. If putting power in the hands of small numbers of people is such a problem, then don't do that. In New England the people who originally settled here governed themselves by town meeting. The town meeting form of government spreads the power so thin it's virtually impossible to get anything done. I think this can be improved if all the land surrounding the towns were deeded to the towns. This would also put the resources in the hands of the people at the bottom. Keep people in the downtown area and throw beaurocracy ??? at anyone who wants to control everything.
On a sidenote. In the 1920's 2 men, Sacco and Vanzetti, robbed a shoe factory and killed a man in Braintree Massachusetts. They were considered anarchists and were eventually executed for the crime. They were exonerated in the 1980's.
I recently watched the movie “Marathon Man” starring Dustin Hoffman. They keep showing a picture of an African marathoner. I think ??? he was Ethiopian. The marathon the Ethiopians ran was the Age Of Princes. ????
Somalia was in a state of anarchy in the 1980's. Somalia is right next to Ethiopia.
Who won the fight for Ethiopia?
Updated March 22 2018
Thursday March 1 2018 - Arrived approximatly 12 noon. Staff from 451 Quincy Ave came back around 3 PM with the second load of my stuff and then left. My room mate was not here. Cephas left around 4 PM. I was alone the rest of the day.
Friday March 2 2018 - My room mate did not come home Thursday. We had a really bad storm all day. My room mate came back took a shower then left. She did not return until Sunday. (I think) We lost power because of the storm about 6 PM. We also had no heat. It's natural gas but the thermostat wasn't working. I was alone all day except when my room mate took a shower.
Saturday March 3 2018 - Some one named Brian came by around noon and said we couldn't stay here because there was still no heat or power. He said he was from Vinfen. He took all 3 of us. I and someone from the other side went to 693 North Main St Randolph and the other person from the other side went to ??? Grove St Randolph. I stayed at 693 until Sunday around 9 AM. I did not sleep all night. I managed to call my mother and explain the situation. Around noon I went to Crawford Square Randolph and got something to eat. Dunkin Donuts and D'Angelos Sub. I also went to Shaws Supermarket and got some chickenshitted Polar Root Beer and Country Kitchen Donuts I had to throw away. To Shaws credit the orange juice and Starbucks iced coffee was edible. ???? (can you see my middle finger?)
Sunday March 4 2018 - I got back about 9 AM. My room mate was home most of the day. I spent the rest of the day unpacking.
Monday March 5 2018 - I have not seen Cephas since Thursday. He has not called and I can't call him. I haven't paid the rent or signed an agreement and I don't have a key to the front door.I can get in by going to 26. I waited until about noon for Cephas to show up and then left to get something to eat and try to solve the phone problem. I went to the Turner Free Public Library in Crawford Square to vent on the internet. Then I went to the Citizens Bank down the street and then got the 238 bus to South Shore Plaza. I ate at the Food Court then went to Target and Sears. (FU for breaking my screw driver) Target did not have a phone I could use. I bought a couple things and got a really nasty chickneshitted cup of Starbuck coffee. They didn't charge me for it because they said it had been sitting for over an hour. It was really nasty so I threw it away. I caught the 238 back to Randolph and was home about 5 PM. My room mate is in her room.
Tuesday March 6 2018 - 6 PM - I have not seen or heard from my Vinfen worker since Thursday March 1 2018. I have not signed a rent agreement, I have not paid the rent and I do not have a key to the apartment. There is no land line phone, TV or internet. I no longer have a cell phone so I can't call anyone and no one can get in touch with me. My room mate was here last night but left this morning and is not back as of 6 PM. Today I went to Crawford Square around noon to go to the library. I ate at Papa Ginos next to Shaws Supermarket. I went to Dunkin Donuts down the street and then the new supermarket behind D'Angelos. I was back around 4 PM. They let me in next door. We are expecting another Nor'Easter tomorrow. My mother knows I am here. She lives at 180 Grove St Braintree Apt 1R.
Wednesday March 7 2018 – My Vinfen worker came by about 1 PM and gave me a key. I gave him my Social Security Award letter so he could figure the rent. My room mate has not been home since yesterday. I spent most of the day doing laundry and unpacking. I went out about 2 PM to find something to eat. I went to the Ocean State Job Lot on Rt 139 and the Mobil across the street. I am still trying to fix the phone problem. We are expecting another storm.
Thursday March 8 2018 - It snowed all day. My room mate has not been home.
Friday March 9 2018 – A Vinfen worker took me shopping. My room mate has not been home all day.
Saturday March 10 2018 – My mother stopped by unannounced to see if I was alright. She took me to BJ's to try to fix the phone problem. We didn't like anything they had so we went to WalMart in Avon. I bought a Tracfone SIM activation kit. When I got home I discovered I needed the internet to get it going. I gave up for the day. My room mate has not been home all day.
Sunday March 11 2018 – I decided to go to Quincy Center to bring some things to Goodwill and go to the Crane Library to get the phone working. It was an all day mission. I took the 240 bus to Crawford Square then the 238 to Quincy Adams T stop then the red line to Quincy Center. I got the phone working, got something to eat and came back. My room mate has not been home all day.
Monday March 12 2018 – We are expecting another Nor'Easter tomorrow. My Vinfen worker stopped by and returned my social security award letter but we did not sign a rent agreement. I still have not paid the rent for March. I don't know the amount. He said I would get a key to the mailbox on Friday. My room mate was not home all day.
Tuesday March 13 2018 – It snowed all day. We did not lose the power or heat. I stayed home. I slept most of the day and listened to the radio. It stopped about 9 PM. We got over a foot. My room mate was not home all day.
Wednesday March 14 2018 – 7 PM - This morning I went to the Turner Free Library in Crawford Square to update the diary and other things. I couldn't find the right file on my computer before I left. Sunday or Monday I had updated it to include the last couple days of last week. I beleive someone was into my computer while I was out. AGAIN. I am being violated not just every day but minute by minute. Must be nice to have bread, water and breathing rights on the pig vomit planet. I wouldn't know I've never had them. AND I DON'T WANT THEM. I went out about 11 AM. When I came back my room mate was here but left about 6 PM. I am trying to change my address with the post office. I tried to do it at the library but the website wouldn't allow it. They said my last address, 451 Quincy Ave Braintree Mass 02184, is a business not a residence so I can't change it. ???? I did recieve my mail there. ??? I assume it is still going there. I also went to Dunkin Donuts and Shaws. I got back about 4 PM. This morning someone from Forced Air Inc. came to look at the furnace. I think they changed the filter. Now there is a beeping sound like a battery in a smoke detector. As I was leaving someone from Vinfen was sitting in a truck in the driveway. I didn't say anything and they didn't say anything.
Thursday March 15 2018 – 7:30 PM – My room mate was home last night. Came and went during the day. Left sometime after 1 PM and isn't back. Late last night the carbon monoxide detector went off for about 1 minute. I ignored it because it stopped. This is after someone came yesterday to work on the furnace. ???? I left about 1 PM and walked to Target in Stoughton. Got back about 5 PM. Ate a frozen pizza. Have not solved the post office problem. I figure maybe I can just ignore it. If I change the address associated with every thing the mail will arrive anyway. I just can't get anything forwarded. I will have to make a few trips to Braintree to pick it up. Radio says we're expecting another storm next week.
Friday March 16 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate was here last night. Came and went all day. Not here now. Haven't seen my Vinfen worker. Haven't signed a rent agreement and haven't paid the rent for March. Someone was supposed to stop by and drop off a key to the mailbox but didn't. I left about 9 AM for Dunkin Donuts and the library. Left the library about 12 PM and went to Post Office to fill out a change of address. Then went to Ocean State Job Lot and then home. Was back around 2 PM. Took a nap then listened to the radio. I think someone was in my room again.
Saturday March 17 2018 – Room mate stayed the night. Left about 2 PM and came home about 2 AM Sunday. Haven't seen my Vinfen worker. Stayed home all day. Did laundry slept. Expecting my mother tomorrow.
Sunday March 18 2018 - Room mate stayed last night. Left about 11 AM and didn't come home. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Stoighton with my mother about 12 PM. Then we went to Target in Stoughton where I got a whole lot of chickenshitted food. Ice cream Coke muffins the whole nine yards. Good thing my mother paid for it. I was back home about 2:30 PM and went to bed about 6 PM. I am typing this on a freshly chickenshitted computer so I think someone was in in my room again. Can you say coward. Well of course you can. Technically you have to be a life form to be a coward but we'll let that go.
Monday March 19 2018 – (next day) ND – Room mate was not home all day. I left about 11 PM to go to Dunkin Donuts and the library. I stayed about 3 hours at the library on the internet. Ate at Papa Ginos went to Shaws and came home.
Tuesday March 20 2018 – 11 AM – Room mate not home. I have been here about 3 weeks. I have been completely alone most of that time except for the people next door. This is a two story duplex. Vinfen has both sides of the duplex. There is a cellar, a first floor and a second floor. You can pass from one side to the other on both the first and second floors but not the cellar. There are doors but no locks. This morning I got up to do laundry. When I went to the cellar there was an appliance technician fixing the washer. Someone next door must have let him in. My room is very small so I had to put some of my stuff in the cellar. It's no secret I mess around with electronics. All my stuff is upstairs. In the cellar there is a table in one corner stacked with cabinets full of electronics parts. None of this is mine and I don't know where it came from. I noticed it about a week ago. While poking around it I found an empty wine bottle. I threw it out. I'm not sure, but if you get caught drinking or drugging here you can get thrown out. Maybe they give you one warning then throw you out. Today I was poking around again and I found 2 empty bottles of beer and a small glass container with some 'green tobacco'. (see pictures) I smoked pot in high school and I know what it looks like. This is not mine. We are expecting another Nor'Easter tomorrow. I may not get back to the library until the end of the week. When I first moved here there was no lock on my door. I put my own lock on. I think it has already been comprimised despite the fact I didn't give a key to anyone. -7 PM - My Vinfen worker came by. I complained about the appliance technician and the fact the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have been beeping since the furnace repairman left last week. My room mate is still not home. I still do not have a rent agreement. I have not paid the rent.
Wednesday March 21 2018 – 6 PM – Room mate came home very late last night. Was with at least one other person. Left today about 1 or 2 PM. I stayed home all day. Worked at my computer, slept. Expecting snow but it hasn't started. Very cold for March. Not expecting to go anywhere tomorrow, but I'm running out of food. Discovered I can connect my PC to the internet through the cell phone using USB tethering but it's so slow it's not worth anything but the email. My cell phone is at least 6 years old. Need to get a new one with a big display and all kinds of whistles and bells.
Hardell L, Hansson Mild K, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Påhlson A. Vestibular
schwannoma, tinnitus and cellular telephones. euroepidemiology 2003;
http://members.aol.com/phikent/orbit/new174.htm :
Microwave Hearing - abstracts, references
In no special order:
Auditory system response to RF energy. A.H. Frey, Aerospace
Medecine, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142, 1961.
Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic
Frey, Allan. J. Appl. Physiol. 17(4): 689-692. 1962.
Hearing Sensations in Electric Fields. Sommer, H.C. & von
Gierke, H.E. Aerospace Medicine, pp 834-839, Sept. 1964.
Microwave hearing: Evidence for thermacoustic auditory
stimulation by pulsed microwaves. K.R. Foster and E.D. Finch.
Science, vol. 185, pp. 256-258, 1974.
Detection of weak electromagnetic radiation by the mammalian
vestibulocochlear apparatus. Lebovitz R.M. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
247:182-193; 1975.
Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications. James C. Lin;
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL, 1978; 221 pp.
Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.
Chou, C.K.; Guy, A.W.; Galambos, R. J Acoust Soc Am
vol. 71(6), pp. 1321-1334, 1982.
The following 14 abstracts are from the NASA
Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI)
Technical Report Server -- Search page:
TITLE: The microwave auditory phenomenon
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
Journal Title:
IEEE, Proceedings, vol. 68, Jan. 1980, p. 67-73.
Navy-NSF-supported research. http://www.eeisnet.com
Published: Jan 01, 1980
The paper examines electrophysiological activity produced by
exposing the brains of laboratory animals to rectangular pulses
of microwave energy. These results suggest that a microwave
auditory phenomenon is evoked by a mechanism similar to
conventional sound reception, and that the primary interaction
site is peripheral to the cochlea. It is shown that the peak
pressure due to thermal expansion is greater than the radiation
pressure or electrostriction, and that the induced sound
frequency is only a function of the size and acoustic property
of the brain. Several suggestions were made for future research
in microwave auditory effect and its health implications.
TITLE: Sensation and perception of microwave energy
Authors: Michaelson, S. M. (Rochester Univ.)
Presented at the 7th Intern. Conf. on Environ. Toxicity:
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Nonionizing Radiation,
Rochester, N. Y., 5 Jun. 1974
Sponsored by AEC and Dept. of Navy
Sensing or perception of microwave/radiofrequency energy is
accomplished through various mechanisms. In mammals, the main
phenomena of sensation or perception are those of thermal
sensations and, in selected cases, audition. Thermal sensation
is accomplished by stimulation of thermosensitive nerve endings
in the skin. Although some investigators believe that hearing or
audition is evidence of direct nerve stimulation, the most
recent data show this phenomena to be due to electromechanically
induced vibrations in tissue and normal reception in the cochlea
of the ear.
TITLE: On microwave-induced hearing sensation
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.
MTT-25, July 1977, p. 605-613. p. 605-613
When a human subject is exposed to pulsed microwave radiation,
an audible sound occurs which appears to originate from within
or immediately behind the head. Laboratory studies have also
indicated that evoked auditory activities may be recorded from
cats, chinchillas, and guinea pigs. Using a spherical model of
the head, this paper analyzes a process by which microwave
energy may cause the observed effect. The problem is formulated
in terms of thermoelasticity theory in which the absorbed
microwave energy represents the volume heat source which depends
on both space and time. The inhomogeneous thermoelastic motion
equation is solved for the acoustic wave parameters under
stress-free surface conditions using boundary value technique
and Duhamel's theorem. Numerical results show that the predicted
frequencies of vibration and threshold pressure amplitude agree
reasonably well with experimental findings.
TITLE: Absorption of millimeter waves by human beings and its
biological implications
Authors: Gandhi, O. P. - Riazi, A. (Utah, University)
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
(ISSN 0018-9480), vol. MTT-34, Feb. 1986, p. 228-235.
USAF-supported research. http://www.eeisnet.com
Aspects of the biological implications of millimeter wave
radiation for human beings are discussed. The power densities
likely to be encountered close to radiators in the 30-300 GHz
frequency band are examined. The millimeter wave absorption
efficiency of the human body with and without clothing is
described, and the possibility of 90-95 percent coupling
efficiency with clothing acting as an impedance matching
transformer is addressed. The possibility of very high rates of
energy deposition in the skin due to submillimeter depths of
penetration is considered. The potential effect of millimeter
wave absorption on human eyes, with particular emphasis on the
cornea, in which high rates of energy deposition are
encountered, are discussed. Hearing sensations produced by
millimeter waves and thermal sensations by millimeter wave
irradiation are addressed.
TITLE: Electrophysiological effects of electromagnetic fields on
Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) - Lin, J. C. (Washington Univ.) -
Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
Presented at the 7th Rochester Intern. Conf. on Environ.
Toxicity, Rochester, NY Jun. 1974
The report shows that the conduction and transmission latencies
and amplitudes of evoked potentials in both the CNS of
anesthetized cats, isolated nerves of cats, and ganglia of
rabbits are affected by CW microwaves in a manner very similar
to that of localized conduction heat. Temperature rises are
always associated with any observable changes of the measured
characteristics in the nervous tissues exposed to CW
irradiation. Electrophysiological studies on cats indicate that
pulsed microwaves interact with mammalian auditory systems in a
manner similar to that of conventional acoustic perception.
A possible mechanism of microwave interaction is the acoustic
energy release from rapid thermal expansion due to power
absorption in the gross structure of the head.
TITLE: Investigation of the characteristics of auditory effects
stimulated by microwaves using a spherical model
Shorokhov, V. V. - Tigranian, R. E. - Mashkin, P. V. (AN SSSR)
Journal Title:
Biofizika (ISSN 0006-3029), vol. 31, July-Aug. 1986, p. 695-700.
In Russian.
The features of sound waves excited by microwave impulses (at
915 and 2375 MHz) were studied, using spherical flasks filled
with ethanol or 0.1 M NaCl in water as models of the human head.
A piezoceramic transducer was used to register mechanical
oscillations of the flask's surface. The results suggest that
the auditory effects of microwaves are caused by stimulation of
mechanical oscillations in the liquid (or the head tissues) by
electromagnetic energy, followed by the bone-effected transfer
of the absorbed energy to the auditory organs.
TITLE: Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic
Chou, C.-K. - Guy, A. W. (Washington, University) - Galambos, R.
(California, University)
Journal Title:
Acoustical Society of America, Journal, vol. 71, June 1982, p.
1321-1334. U.S. Department of Education
Absorption of pulsed microwave energy can produce an auditory
sensation in human beings with normal hearing. The phenomenon
manifests itself as a clicking, buzzing, or hissing sound
depending on the modulatory characteristics of the microwaves.
While the energy absorbed and the resulting increment of
temperature per pulse at the threshold of perception are small,
most investigators of the phenomenon believe that it is caused
by thermoelastic expansion. In this paper, literature that
describes psychological, behavioral, and physiological
observations as well as physical measurements pertinent to the
microwave-hearing phenomenon is reviewed.
TITLE: Microwave induced acoustic effects in mammalian
auditory systems
Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) - Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
Journal Title:
AGARD Radiation Hazards - Page: 17 p, Aug 01, 1975
Pulsed microwave fields with incident energy densities of 20 to
40 micro Joule per sq cm per pulse will produce responses in the
auditory system of man and animals similar to those produced by
auditory stimuli. Recent studies indicate that the responses may
be originated from high frequency vibrations induced in the head
of the exposed subject by a transient thermal expansion of
tissue due to the rapid absorption of the pulsed microwave
TITLE: Effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system
Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) - Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
Published: Aug 01, 1975
Contents: Electromagnetic Field-Biomaterial Interaction and
Methods of Measurement; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on
Isolated Nerves and Superior Cervical Ganglia: Design of
Waveguide Apparatus, and Calculation of Specific Absorption
Rate; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Muscle Contraction;
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Auditory System: Effect of
Noise Masking on Threshold of Evoked Auditory Responses,
Microwave-induced Cochlear Microphonics in Guinea Pigs.
TITLE: Theoretical calculation of frequencies and thresholds of
microwave-induced auditory signals
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
(International Union of Radio Science, Annual Meeting, Amherst,
Mass., Oct. 11-15, 1976.) Radio Science, vol. 12, Nov.-Dec.
1977, Supplement, p. 237-242.
Previously developed thermoelastic models of microwave-induced
auditory sensations are applied to calculate the frequency and
amplitude of the acoustic signals that are generated in human
beings and laboratory animals. Graphs of computed displacement
and pressure as a function of time are presented for several
TITLE: Quantitation of microwave biological effects
Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) - Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
Journal Title:
Bur. of Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio
Freq./Microwaves - Page: p 81-103
While emphasizing dosimetry and instrumentation, we have been
able to demonstrate that the effects of acute exposure to CW
microwaves on some of the electrophysiological properties of the
nervous system are thermal in nature. Studies on the microwave
auditory effect have provided strong evidence that the mechanism
of microwave hearing is electromechanical in nature. Development
of a chronic exposure system and carbon EEG electrodes will
provide a means for other researchers in pursuing the studies of
biological effects of low level chronic exposure of microwaves.
In this reported research, the quantitation of microwave
biological effects is stressed so that extrapolation to humans
is possible.
TITLE: Vestibulo-cochlear single unit responses to
microwave radiation
Lebovitz, R. M. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center) -
Seaman, R. L. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center)
Journal Title:
Bur. Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio
Freq./Microwaves - Page 314-333
The influence of microwave radiation (MWR) on functional
neuronal properties was examined, and the effects of continuous
wave MWR on units of the vestibular system were studied. The
threshold for this effect appeared to be above the current
standards for safe exposure; above a level for significant
intracranial thermogenesis. The response of single auditory
units to pulse modulated MWR were studied. Pulse parameters
rather than average power density appeared to be the independent
variable for this effect and responses were observed at pulse
energy densities of 4 mvon J/g and lower. Overall, the response
of a given single auditory unit to pulsed MWR was similar to its
response to traditional acoustic click stimuli.
TITLE: Auditory unit responses to single-pulse and twin-pulse
microwave stimuli.
Authors: Seaman RL; Lebovitz RM
Source: Hear Res; VOL 26, ISS 1, 1987, P105-16
Responses of units in the cat cochlear nucleus to single
microwave pulses with different durations and to twin microwave
pulses with different interpulse delays are used to study
microwave hearing. Inferred threshold specific absorption rate
is less than 6 mW/g; inferred threshold specific absorption,
less than 0.5 microJ/g. The existence of responses from units
with characteristic frequencies (CFs) from 931 Hz to 25.5 kHz
is not consistent with a primary role for head resonance in
microwave hearing. Patterns of response amplitude have a
periodicity of 1/CF and are fully explained by frequency
content of the pulse stimulus and signal processing of the
auditory system. For pulses shorter than about 0.24/CF, it is
shown that response amplitude is predictably proportional to
pulse energy.
TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood
flow of conscious rats
Authors: Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)
Published: Jun 01, 1980
Corporate Source:
Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)
A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to
remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of
personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves.
When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power
microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or
hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's
position in the field) within or just behind the head. The
phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts
per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0
GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible
speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and
used for military applications, an understanding of the basic
principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only
required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage,
decoy and deception operations but is required to properly
assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.
TITLE: Radiation hazard assessment of pulsed microwave radars.
Authors: Puranen L; Jokela K; Finnish Centre for Radiation and
Nuclear Safety, Helsinki, Finland.
Source: J Microw Power Electromagn Energy, 31(3):165-77 1996
Observed biological effects of pulsed microwave radiation are
reviewed and the exposure standards for microwave radiation are
summarized. The review indicates that the microwave auditory
effect is the only well-established specific effect in
realistic exposure situations. The threshold for the effect
depends on the energy density per pulse and may be as low as
20 mJ/m2 for people with low hearing threshold. Energy density
limits have been included in the most recent exposure
for measurements of pulse power densities around scanning radar
antennas is described, and a simple new model for the
calculation of power density in the main beam of radar antennas
is presented. In the near field measured values differed from
the calculated values by 2-3 dB.
Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that
offers a means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio frequency
(RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been
established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a
high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist
in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations.
Awarding Agency: Department of Defense
SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007
Title: Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
Principal Investigator: Mr. Brian Kohn
Company Name:
Science & Engineering Assoc, Inc.
6100 Uptown Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Telephone Number: 505-884-2300
Business Representative:
Project Period:
Project Amount: $739,995
Research Category: Monitoring/Analytical
United States Patent: 4,858,612 ; Aug. 22, 1989
Inventors: Stocklin; Philip L.
A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by
introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the
auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to
transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn
analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a
plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The
multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the
region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived
by the mammal which are representative of the original sound
received by the microphone.
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
On Aug. 22, 1989, Phillip L. Stocklin, P.O. Box 2111, Satellite
Beach, FL took out a patent -- which is Patent Number 4,858,612
which is a device that can be placed in the auditory cortex of the
brain. This device allows the following process: someone speaks
into a microphone, the microphone then has its sounds coded into
microwave, which are sent to the receiver in the brain and the
receiver device will transform the microwaves back so that the
person's mind hears the original sounds. In other words, a person
with this device in their head will hear whatever the programmers
send via microwave signals.
1. Field at the Invention
This invention relates to devices for aiding at hearing in mammals.
The invention is based upon the perception at sounds which is
experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain
microwave radiation signals.
2. Description ot the Prior Art
In prior art hearing devices for human beings, it is well known to
amplify sounds to be heard and to apply the amplified sound signal
to the ear at the person wearing the hearing aid. Hearing devices
of this type are however limited to hearing disfunctions where
there is no damage to the auditory nerve or to the auditory cortex.
In the prior art, if there is damage to the auditory cortex or the
auditory nerve, it cannot be corrected by the use ot a hearing aid.
During World War II, individuals in the radiation path of certain
radar installations observed clicks and buzzing sounds in response
to the microwave radiation. It was through this early observation
that it became known to the art that microwaves could cause a
direct perception at sound within a human brain.
These buzzing or clicking sounds however were not meaningful and
were not perception of sounds which could otherwise be heard by the
receiver. This type of microwave radiation was not representative
of any intelligible sound to be perceived. In such radar
installations, there was never a sound which was generated which
resulted in subsequent generation of microwave signals
representative of that sound. Since the early perception of buzzing
and clicking. further research has been conducted into the
micro-wave reaction of the brain. In an article entitled Possible
Microwave Mechanisms of the Mammalian Nervous System" by Philip L
Stocklin and Brain F. Stocklin, published in the TIT Journal of
Life Sciences. Tower International Technomedical Institute. Inc.
P.O. Box 4594, Philadelphia. Pa. (1979) there is disclosed a
hypothesis that the mammalian brain generates and uses electro
magnetic waves in the lower microwave frequency region as an
integral part of the functioning of the central and peripheral
nervous systems. This analysis is based primarily upon the
potential energy of a protein integral in the neural membrane. In
an article by W. Bise entitled "Low Power Radio-Frequency and
Microwave Effects On Human Electro- encephalogram and Behavior,"
Physiol. Chemistry Phys. 10. 387 (1978), it is reported that there
are significant effects upon the alert human EEG during radiation
by low intensity cw microwave electromagnetic energy. Bise observed
significant repeatable EEG effects tar a subject during radiation
at specific microwave frequencies.
Results at theoretical analysis of the physics ot brain tissue and
the brain/skull cavity, combined with experimentally-determined
electromagnetic properties at mammalian brain tissue, indicate the
physical necessity for the existence of electromagnetic standing
waves. called modes in the living mammalian brain. The made
characteristics rnay be determined by two geometric properties at
the brain: these are the cephalic index at the brain (its shape in
prolate spheroidal coordinates) and the semifocal distance of the
brain (a measure of its size). It was concluded that estimation ot
brain cephalic index and semifocal distance using external skull
measurements on subjects permits estimation of the subjects
characteristic mode frequencies, which in turn will permit a mode
by mode treatment at the data to simulate hearing.
This invention provides for sound perception by individuals who
have impaired hearing resulting tram ear damage, auditory nerve
damage, and damage to the auditory cortex. This invention provides
for simulation of microwave radiation which is normally produced by
the auditory cortex. The simulated brain waves are introduced into
the region at the auditory cortex and provide for perceived sounds
on the part at the subject.
Final Report USAFSAM-TR-87-3 (June 1987)
http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/reports/bioeffects/87-3con.htm AUDITORY EFFECTS (Large - 84 KB)
Humans near some types of pulsed radar systems have perceived
individual pulses of RFR as audible clicks (without use of
electronic receptors). This phenomenon, first investigated by Frey
(1961), attracted much interest because it has been cited often as
evidence that nonthermal effects can occur and because an initial
hypothesis was that a possible mechanism for perception is direct
stimulation of the central nervous system by RFR.
Cain, C.A. and W.J. Rissman
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 288-293 (1978)
Chou, C.-K., R. Galambos, A.W. Guy, and R.H. Lovely
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 361-367 (1975)
Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, and R. Galambos
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 221-227 (1977)
Chou, C.-K. and R. Galambos
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 321-326 (1979)
Chou, C.-K. and A.W. Guy
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 399-404 (1979a)
Chou, C.-K., and A.W. Guy
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 193-197 (1979b)
Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, K.R. Foster, R. Galambos, and D.R. Justesen
Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1143-1144 (5 Sept 1980a)
Chou, C.-K., K.-C. Yee, and A.W. Guy
Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 323-326 (1985a)
Foster, K.R. and E.D. Finch
Science, Vol. 185, pp. 256-258 (19 July 1974)
Frey, A.H.
Aerospace Med., Vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142 (1961)
Frey, A.H.
J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 689-692 (1962)
Frey, A.H.
J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 984-988 (1967)
Frey, A.H. and R. Messenger, Jr.
Science, Vol. 181, pp. 356-358 (27 July 1973)
Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
Science, Vol. 206, pp. 232-234 (12 Oct 1979)
Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1144-1145 (5 Sept 1980)
Guy, A.W.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 205-214
(1971) http://www.eeisnet.com
Guy, A.W., C.-K. Chou, J.C. Lin, and D. Christensen
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol 247, pp. 194-218 (1975b)
Guy, A.W., J. Wallace, and J. McDougall
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 63-74 (1979)
Johnson, C.C. and A.W. Guy
Proc. IEEE, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 692-718 (1972)
Lebovitz, R.M. and R.L. Seaman
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 229-236 (1977)
Lin, J.C.
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 77-81 (1976a)
Lin, J.C.
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 295-298 (1976b)
Lin, J.C.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 605-613
(1977a) http://www.eeisnet.com
Lin, J.C.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 938-943
(1977b) http://www.eeisnet.com
Lin, J.C.
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 237-242 (1977c)
Lin, J.C.
Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, p. 108 (1978)
Lin, J.C., R.J. Meltzer, and F.K. Redding
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 291-296 (1979b)
Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 45-54 (1980)
Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 16, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 263-269 (1981)
Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 1114-1117
(1981) http://www.eeisnet.com
Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 289-294 (1983)
Sharp, J.C., H.M. Grove, and O.P. Gandhi
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 583-584
(1974) http://www.eeisnet.com
Taylor, E.M. and B.T. Ashleman
Brain Res., Vol. 74, pp. 201-208 (1974)
Tyazhelov, V.V., R.E. Tigranian, E.O. Khizhniak, and I.G. Akoev
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 259-263 (1979)
White, R.M.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 3559-3567 (1963)
Wilson, B.S., J.M. Zook, W.T. Joines, and J.H. Casseday
Brain Res., Vol. 187, pp. 291-306 (1980)
Air Force Research Laboratory, AL/OE-TR-1996-0035, 30 June 1994
From a variety of studies of the RFR-auditory effect in humans,
[Frey (1961, 1962), White (1963), Frey and Messenger (1973), Foster
and Finch (1974), Sharp et al. (1974), Guy et al. (1975b), Lin
(1977c), Cain and Rissman (1978)], considerable understanding has
been achieved about the interaction mechanisms that give rise to
the effect. The book by Lin (1978) presents detailed discussions of
the various mechanisms that had been proposed for the effect, and
the experimental evidence that supports the theory that the effect
is due to induction thermoelastic waves by RFR pulses at a boundary
between tissues of dissimilar dielectric properties within the
head, with propagation of the waves to the auditory system.
Noteworthy are the findings of several studies that persons with
specific hearing impairments are unable to perceive RFR pulses; the
finding of Foster and Finch (1974) that the effect does not occur
in water at 4_C, where its thermal expansion coefficient is zero;
and the peak-energy-density and peak-power-density thresholds for
perception determined by Guy et al. (1975b) and Cain and Rissman
(1978). [A peak power density of 300 mW/cm_ is taken as the nominal
perception threshold for humans of RFR pulses 10 ¦s or longer.]
However, the subsequent unusual findings of Tyazhelov et al. (1979)
may indicate that specific aspects of the phenomenon are worth
further study. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that Cain and
Rissman (1978) had exposed human volunteers to pulses of 3.0-GHz
RFR at peak power densities as high as 2,500 mW/cm_ with no
apparent ill effects. Thus, it is unlikely that persons perceiving
RFR pulses would be affected adversely.
Mind Control
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul
From the Napa Sentinel, Napa, CA, USA
Thirty years ago, Allen Frey discovered that microwaves of 300 to
3000 megahertz could be "heard" by people, even if they were deaf,
if pulsed at a certain rate. Appearing to be originating just in
back of the head, the sound boomed, clicked, hissed or buzzed,
depending upon the frequency. Later research has shown that the
perception of the waves take place just in front of the ears. The
microwaves causes pressure waves in the brain tissue, and this
phenomenon vibrates the sound receptors in the inner ear through
the bone structure. Some microwaves are capable of directly
stimulating the nerve cells of the auditory pathways. This has been
confirmed with experiments with rats, in which the sound registers
120 decibels, which is equal to the volume of a nearby jet during
David G. Guyatt Freelance Writer/Researcher
Synopsis prepared for the ICRC Symposium
February 1996
Drs Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experimented with microwaves
seeking to transmit spoken words directly into the audio cortex via
a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker's sound vibration.
Indeed, Frey's work in this field, dating back to 1960 gave rise to
the so called "Frey effect" which is now more commonly referred to
as "microwave hearing."19 Within the Pentagon this ability is now
known as "Artificial Telepathy".20 Adey and others have compiled
an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can
effect the mind and nervous system.
19 In this connection the work of Dr. James Lin of Wayne
State University should be noted. Lin has written a book
entitled "Microwave Auditory Effects & Applications" in
which he states "The capability of communicating directly
with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to
the field of therapeutic medicine."
20 Refer to Dr. Robert Becker who has stated "Such a device
has obvious applications in covert operations designed to
drive a target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetected
instructions to a programmed assassin." In 1974 Dr J F
Scapitz filed a plan to explore the interaction of radio
signals and hypnosis. He stated that "In this investigation
it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotists may
be conveyed by modulate electromagnetic energy directly into
the subconscious parts of the human brain -- i.e. without
employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding
the messages and without the person exposed to such
influence having a chance to control the information input
consciously." Schapitz' work was funded by the DoD.
Despite FOIA filings his work has never been made available.
Also it is interesting to note the date of 1974, which
almost exactly mirror's the period when the USSR commenced
its own programme that resulted in "Acoustic
Psycho-correction technology."
Microwaves and Behavior
Dr. Don R. Justesen
American Psychologist, Journal of the American Psychological
Association, Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3
Page 396:
The demonstration of sonic transduction of microwave energy
by materials lacking in water LESSENS the likelihood that a
thermohydraulic principle is operating in human perception
of the energy. Nonetheless, some form of thermoacoustic
transduction probably underlies perception. If so, it is
clear that simple heating is NOT a sufficient basis for the
Frey effect; the requirement for pulsing of radiations
appears to implicate a thermodynamic principle.
Frey and Messenger (1973) and Guy, Chou, Lin, and Christensen
(1975) confirmed that a microwave pulse with a slow rise time
is INeffective in producing an auditory response; only
if the rise time is SHORT, resulting in effect in a square
wave with respect to the leading edge of the envelope of
radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response
“In een recent onderzoek is ook geconstateerd dat na 10 minuten bellen
het bloed bij het oor op een speciale manier gaat klonteren, en dat
dit 10 minuten na het telefoneren nog zichtbaar is. Persoonlijk leg
ik dan een link met het ruisen waar nogal wat mensen last van hebben,
wat kan worden veroorzaakt door een verminderde doorbloeding van het
High Wattage Pulse Generator
Mind control, surveillance and advanced wireless communications can be accomplished with neural implants and RFID chips. A person under mind control can be used for surveillance by whoever controls them. Research into controlling the human mind began in the early 20th century. As electronics became more and more sophisticated mind control became more possible. In the mid 1960's a neuro-scientist named Jose Manuel Del Gado inserted a neural implant in the brain of a bull and got into a bull fighting ring with the bull and stopped it with a push button. Video of this can be found on 'Youtube' by searching for 'Jose Del Gado and His Bull Story'.
Del Gado then wrote a book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. It was published in 1970 and can now be downloaded for free on the internet. Del Gado describes 2 methods of mind control: sub-cutaneous surgery and endoscopic pituitary surgery. With sub-cutaneous an integrated circuit (RFID) is slipped under the scalp. An RFID can be used to communicate with a person by way of the microwave hearing effect. 'Voices in the head' can drive a person crazy. Endoscopic pituitary surgery inserts a neural implant into the pituitary gland through the nose. The pituitary controls hormones and can be stimulated to make a person very aggressive.
These techniques do not require long hospital stays. There are some simple methods that can disable them. If you can locate the RFID under the scalp it's possible to break the 'chip' with a hammer if you're careful. The pituitary implant could be 'zapped' by 'TASER'ing someone in the head. Personal TASER's can be bought for about $400. You could use an ECT machine if you could get one. ECT (electro convulsive therapy) is used by psychiatrists. It is sometimes called shock treatment.
A third option would be a high wattage pulse generator based on Michael Faraday's Law of Induction. This could disable both RFID and implants at the same time and could be done without the person's knowledge in the event they can't do anything because they're under mind control. The basic theory behind Faraday's law is that the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet can be used to move electrons in a piece of metal. This constitutes electric current. Electric current in turn then creates a magnetic component that can be used to destroy small electronic circuits. All electric generators, AC and DC, are based on this theory. Components in both RFID and neural implants are microscopic. A massive surge of current would destroy many. While they are made of silicon not metal, if the pulse was powerful enough it could still move enough electrons to destroy it.
The schematic below is very basic. The device comprises a step up transformer with a couple high watt components and a horn antenna. The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at grainger.com. This design is over simplified but would work.
An improved version could have a bank of super capacitors after the diode bridge. Super-capacitors are designed to hold a large amount of energy at high ratings such a 3500 volts. The definition of a capacitor is that it stores energy in an electric field. It can act something like a battery except that it can deliver a large amount of energy very quickly. It can be charged then discharged. The idea is to replace the AC supply and regulator with a an array of super capacitors. The capacitors are charged through a resistor. When the capacitors are fully charged an indicator circuit lights. The resistor and AC supply circuit can then be removed by throwing a switch. When ready, another switch is thrown to discharge the capacitors into the antenna circuit. After discharge the antenna circuit is switched out and the capacitors charged again.
Horn antennas are directional. This will help to focus and concentrate the EMI and not waste it. Horn antennas work like satellite dishes and wave guides. Satellite dishes reflect both the transmitted and received signal and focus it on a small area. The small area is on the arm that extends out. Satellite communications require major amplification. Wave guides are used in microwave applications to move the EMI around without broadcasting it. It is literally a 'box' that holds it in by reflecting it off the walls. The amount that gets reflected depends on the angle and the angle can be adjusted by the frequency.
This is an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. (see drawings) Technically this would act like an AC battery and there is no such thing. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move the electrons in the piece of copper. The entire assembly would comprise 2 main parts. The first would be a large copper plate with a large piece of copper extending from the plate to act as an antenna and the second, an aluminum or glass container with multiple compartments. The compartments would hold the containers with the chemicals and valves. The chemicals would be discharged by a detonator into a mixing compartment. The mixing compartment would have a valve that pulses the mixture into the top compartment to stimulate the copper. The third compartment would initially be in a vacuum to pull the mixed chemicals from the top compartment as they are pulsed in. A separate valve between the top compartment and the vacuum would keep the pulses separate. The power and frequency could be controlled with the pressure of the chemicals and the rotation of the valves. A pulsing valve could be accomplished by using a fan in a cage with only a couple holes for air to pass and only one fan in the cage. Every time the holes line up, a pulse of chemicals enters the top compartment.
Any ionized gas would work. Since like polarities repel, when the gas is released into the mixing compartment it would pulse the electrons in the copper creating magnetic waves. This could be used as a weapon. Someone could sneak one into a computer room with a mainframe and blow it off and destroy the entire computer.
Automobile companies won’t build electric cars because battery technology is too expensive and doesn’t hold enough energy to run a car very long. The Mechanical/Chemical High Wattage Pulse Generator could be used. Instead of discharging the device once it could be recharged by stopping at a gas (re-charging) station run by solar voltaic panels. The contents of the vacuum side would be transferred back to the holding tank by a re-charging pump. The copper conductor would be surrounded by an iron toroid with a winding that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The AC would power AC motors that run the auto. The assembly would fit into the engine compartment.
One method of re-charging the device is a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers. You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
Special Note: Everything today runs on software. Even X-ray and MRI machines. If you took someone to a hospital or doctors office and had an X-ray or MRI it’s very possible that the software removed the implant from the result. I would do it again somewhere you know this won’t happen.
Noise Generator
I believe we live in a totalitarian society much like George Orwell's '1984'. As a totalitarian society everything is controlled and everyone is being spied upon. I am not alone in my belief but proving it to people is difficult. The purpose of this document is not to prove anything but help those who already know.
In the last 40 years or so electronics has become very sophisticated. Basic components have become smaller and operate at higher frequencies. Integrated circuits can have tens of thousands of components packed on a chip the size of a dime. Cell phones have chips that are basically small computers and are capable of incredible things. This would not be possible without microwaves.
The spying can be broken into 3 categories: advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Many are wireless and operate on microwaves. Anyone can pick up what is transmitted by the camera. If you have a very powerful receiver you could monitor thousands of cameras in a small area without anyone knowing. If you're the government you could have a facility like the NSA. (National Security Agency) Anything wireless can be broken into. A short list is: traffic lights, WiFi, cell phones, cameras and mind control devices.
Life forms on planet earth have, as part of their makeup, electro chemical processes that produce EMI. When you flex a muscle you are creating small electrical signals that can be picked up by modern electronics. This was discovered in the 1790's by Italians Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta. Your brain also produces EMI. It is known that the brain has different states that can be measured with an Electro Encephalogram. (EEG) The frequencies of these states are between 5 hz and about 40 hz. When you are asleep you are at about 5 hz and when awake around 40. The only answer is to jam the entire frequency spectrum.
The frequency spectrum is considered from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (terra hz 3,000,000,000,000 hz). Anything above that is considered light. Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) happens when one electrical device interferes with another. Engineers are required by law to limit a devices EMI. You can't sell a TV that interferes with a DVD player and vice versa. When you jam a device, you interfere on purpose. EMI could also be described as electro-magnetic noise. Generating noise on purpose can be useful. A separate noise device can be used to test a devices immunity to it. Ham radio noise generators can be bought on the internet. Noise can be used to jam radio's if it is at the operating frequency of the receiver and of a higher wattage. When used as a jamming device it is always aimed at the receiver. A satellite could be considered a receiver as it is 'picking up' electro-magnetic waves on the earth. There are numerous ways to generate noise. It can be difficult to generate it over the entire frequency spectrum.
One of the first radios produced was the spark transmitter. A spark transmitter was used on the Titanic. It was invented by Nikola Tesla who also invented most the AC generating and distribution system we use today. A spark transmitter generates a very high wattage spark like lightning and radiates that on an antenna. A 'spark', or lightning, is plasma, the fourth state of matter. The other 3 are gas, liquid and solid. Spark transmitters were outlawed specifically because they interfered with everything. Spark transmitters produce ozone. Ozone can be harmful so spark transmitters must be used outdoors. The picture below is a simplified example.
I think it's possible to record the output of a spark transmitter and make a computer file out of it. Transfer the file to a small ROM chip and use it in a carry around device. Instead of analog to digital it would go digital to analog. A small Micro Controller Unit (MCU) such as the Arduino could be used.
Vacuum tubes were one on the first devices invented that could amplify a signal. They appeared about the turn of the 20th century. They used one power supply to produce a stream of electrons and another for associated circuitry. A stream of electrons is possible in a vacuum. The same concept was used in Cathode Ray Tubes. (CRT) CRT's were the first displays for TV. Once the stream is produced you can then put a smaller signal into the stream and it is amplified. A triode is a vacuum tube with 3 electrodes. A cathode, anode and one input. Later tubes with 4 and 5 electrodes were developed. A stream of electrons can be very noisy. An idea for a noise generator is to use the input of a triode as an output. The input is between the anode and cathode. If the input were connected to an input of an op amp, like an antenna, it would be very noisy. The op amp then amplifies the signal and puts it on an antenna.
Solid state noise generators can be made in a couple ways. Avalanche, or shot, noise and circuits that produce pink, flicker, white and other types. Shot noise is produced by semiconductor PN junctions naturally. It can be drawn from the cathode of a Zener diode or a BJT transistor. Wikipedia describes shot noise in terms of probability. This is how I understand it. Current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductor. Electron movement is random whether it's AC or DC. The electrons drift from one nucleus to another randomly producing electro-magnetic waves as they go. Small currents are more random than large ones simply because there are fewer electrons. It's my experience that small wattage components create better noise. Ham radio manufacturers make noise generators based on Shot noise. Elecraft for one.
Noise Generator with Zener Diode (1N759)
Noise Generator with BJT Transistor
Circuits exist that produce noise without the shot phenomena. Sometimes referred to as 'pink' or 'white' or 'flicker'. These circuits are used by manufacturers in the acoustic range to disguise voices. This noise is more uniform and probably easy to filter. To be more effective it should be like a spark. You would have to come up with a way to break it up. As a technician I know that different metals conduct electricity better than others. A bad conductor can create noise out of a good signal. If you attached an antenna made of a bad conductor to one of these circuits you might have something. I haven't tried this because I'm under constant surveillance and can't get anywhere with it. All I can do is think about, and write about it. “In the face of the thought police, the followers of Goldstein cannot collectively organize a resistance...”
An MCU could be easily programmed to output multiple frequency sine waves. Put all outputs into a mixer circuit, amplify that and put that on a bad antenna. Mixer circuits are used regularly in audio applications to put more than one voice on a single speaker. So I know it can be done.
A bad conducting metal could also be used to make a component. Connect 3 pieces of copper to a small piece of bad metal. Connect one end to some type of excitation circuit, the other to ground and use the middle connection as an output. Amplify the output and put that on an antenna.
Bluetooth is a word used by electronics manufacturers to describe a device that both transmits and recieves and has a very short range. Anything that transmits must not interfere with other devices. Anything that's sold as Bluetooth must meet a specification laid out by the Federal Communications Commission. I believe, I'm not sure, a Bluetooth device will not work beyond 10 feet. It is very low power. It is possible that someone is already manufacturing a device that will jam all microwaves within 10 feet of the device. If a person carried this around with them the voices might stop.
Cell phones also operate on microwaves. Phones that use Android can be programmed by anyone who wants to create a video game. Google provides a software development kit (SDK) for free. Anyone can download and use it. I think it's possible to program an old, or new, cell phone to operate as a Bluetooth jamming device. If it meets the Bluetooth specification it's probably legal. Cell phones have an 3.5 mm ear bud connector. It might be possible to use this for an antenna. This would allow for lower frequency transmissions.
Personal Area Jamming devices could work at the same power level as your personal emissions to jam them. Any noise circuit could be attached to a necklace used for an antenna and then carried around in your pocket. Below is a picture of a piece of sterling silver Viking Weave with an electrical connector on one end. Viking Weave is one continuous piece of silver and would work well as an a antenna. Or use a metal that's a bad conductor.
Anti-Aircraft Ideas
Air power has become a way for small numbers of people to control large numbers spread over large areas. Helicopters in particular are capable of doing a lot of damage without risking many lives. They can be based in a small area and control a very large area. Drones have become very sophisticated and effective. They can control even larger areas with even less personnel. No one can hold a piece of territory without controlling the air space above it. This is a collection of ideas to defeat air power.
When airplanes were first developed they all used propellers. Propellers spin very fast around a point in the center. Like automobile tires they're susceptible to centrifugal force. The propellers must be perfectly balanced or it will vibrate violently and damage other parts of the plane.
Turbines were developed during WWII. Turbines (aka jets) create thrust by compressing air and adding fuel. Air is pulled in the front and squeezed through a small chamber to compress it. Fuel is added and then ignited. Turbines can be used with propellers. Turboprops are used for small planes. Helicopters are turboprops with the turbine vertical not horizontal.
Chaff is used to confuse RADAR. (RAdio Detecting And Ranging) It was first used during WWII. Millions of pieces of metal, usually aluminum, were dropped before bombers came to confuse RADAR. RADAR sends out a high wattage pulse of microwave energy and 'listens' for anything it 'hits'. It then displays the results on a screen. Chaff looks like fog or rain and makes it difficult to tell planes from anything else. It is a defensive weapon not offensive.
Many commercial airliners have been brought down when birds got sucked into the turbine. Producing chaff in larger pieces and throwing it into the path of a turbine could destroy the engine much like a bird. If some small pieces of steel were included, enough damage could be done to the props to throw it off balance.
Chaff can be packed into small rockets. When the rocket reaches a certain altitude it explodes dispersing the chaff. With low flying planes the rocket could be propelled with compressed air thus eliminating the need for fuel. The amount of explosive needed would also be small. Most helicopters are at a low altitude while attacking. Larger planes could be brought down while taking off or landing.
Aluminum can be easily obtained from soda cans. Cans could be cut up and packed into cardboard tubes. Larger pieces can be bought at home improvement stores. It's used for flashing on roofs. It comes as a long roll about 24 inches wide by 100 feet long for about $100. If pieces were cut like an “X” they would act like a helicopter and hang in the air for a long time.
When flying a plane the pilot must remain oriented to the land. They have to always be parallel to the land. If they are flying in dense fog or rain or even at night they must fly by thier instruments to stay parallel or they could fly into the ground without knowing it. Smoke bombs could be used to disorient a pilot. They make flare guns that fire a flare with a small parachute. The parachute keeps the flare aloft as long as the flare burns. This same technology could be used with smoke bombs. Helicopters fly low to the ground when attacking. Many times there are numerous helicopters at the same time. Smoke could force the pilots on to thier instruments and they could fly into each other. If the turbine sucked in enough smoke, it would deprive the turbine of oxygen and it would stall.
When the Allies bombed Germany during WWII they had hundreds of planes take off from bases in England and fly in formation all the way to the target. To defend against this Germany developed flak. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. When it explodes it breaks into thousands of small piece each acting like a bullet capable of destroying equipment of injuring someone. Since airplanes must be as light as possible they are not armored. The fuselage is usually aluminum and very thin. Flak easily penetrates this.
I don't know how the Germans detonated the flak. Todays electronics offer a wide array of possibilities. The grenade could be an electro-magnet and go off when it gets close. It could be altitude or heat etc.
RADAR was developed in the 1930’s to pick up aircraft from the ground. RADAR sends a very high power microwave signal into the air and then picks up anything that bounces off an airplane. RADAR can be picked up by the aircraft and steps can be taken to neutralize the RADAR equipment. Great strides have been made in electronics since the 1930’s. There are now transducers for almost any type of phenomena. Light, vibration, heat, etc etc. Many of these are used in satellites. If they can be used to sense something on the ground from that far away why not from the ground to the air. If an anti-aircraft installation was based on sensing technology instead of RADAR it would be harder for the enemy to pick up and destroy. The installation could be small and portable. The anti-aircraft personnel on the ground would have the element of surprise. Two transducers that could be used are infrared C.C.D. (charge coupled device) and vibration. Airplanes, including helicopters and drones, produce heat and vibration. A C.C.D. is used in almost every digital camera. An infrared C.C.D. could be attached to a high power wide angle lens and monitored with a computer screen. A separate vibration sensor could be used to guide any missile used to take down the airplane. A directed beam of microwaves might be used to scramble the avionics of the plane. You can Google “NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial” for more information.
signed The Count of Catatonia (see end of Frederich Neitzsche life or Al Pacinos character in the movie 'Scarecrow')
Updated Feb 27 2018
I know what I am. I'm a Scarecrow. A message to everyone else to show up on Sunday and work hard all week. In the days of physical slavery the overseer would pick out a slave and beat them to make everyone else work harder. In the debt slave era '...the crows are laughin'.....' Ya know why? Because they all have their Budweiser and their Monday Night Football and their La-Z-Boy chairs and nobody gives a fuck. I know I have no legitimate standing in the pig vomit race and FYI, I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE. FUCK YOU AND JESUS TOO!!!!
Since the argument is the victory, God is an endlessly useful tool. When all else fails fall back on religion.
Updated Feb 22 2018
I am currently in housing associated with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. They want to move me to a new place in Randolph Mass. On Friday Feb 16 I went to look at it and I don't like it. They told me I would be staying with 2 men but instead it's 1 girl. I got railroaded back in 2014, why not again? If you know anything about my story this would make complete sense. I listen to talk radio a lot. Mostly WRKO 680 in Boston. A popular subject is dead beat dads. Many men are forced to pay child support for children the courts know are not theirs. I wonder if a study of these cases in a small area would help prove a larger conspiracy and who's behind it.
This is some thoughts on helicopters. Automobile tires must be balanced or the car will vibrate violently. They spin so fast that even the smallest difference in weight will cause this. Helicopter blades are the same. They must be perfectly balanced. A way to take down a helicopter might be to damage 1 or 2 of the blades and throw them out of balance. If the blades hit something while in flight it might damage it and throw it out of balance. You could hang a piece of steel from chaff and have the helicopter fly into it.
Updated Feb 7 2018 #2
A couple weeks ago I received a letter saying my assurance wireless phone was being canceled because I didn't re-apply in time. The group home in Randolph got the phone for me and I didn't really care but I'm pretty sure I didn't get a letter with the application. Today I got a notice from Mass Health that they're cancelling my coverage because I didn't supply certain information. They say they requested it back in Nov 2017. I'm pretty sure I got no letter. I guess my Social Security is next. When I first got to Braintree I ordered a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) from Amazon and it didn't arrive for months despite the fact Amazon said it was delivered. I think the house is withholding my mail. Last week I was informed I was being moved to Christopher Rd in Randolph. I spent part of this week packing. I think maybe they wanted me to do it because I am about to become homeless.
Addendum #2 High Wattage Pulse Generator - You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like a relay. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
This is an observation about batteries. A battery works by building up a voltage with more electrons on the positive side than the negative. A battery is DC (direct current) because the electrons are stationary, not moving. A battery is discharged when the electrons have deposited on the negative side. A rechargeable battery works by building up the positive again. The electrons are not gone. Matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. In this case it performed work by movement. The work was performed by the various transducers along their path from positive to negative. When using a chemical/mechanical high wattage pulse generator to re-charge a cars battery you should produce mostly voltage, not current. The voltage will attract the electrons back to the positive.
Updated Feb 7 2018
Addendum Feb 7 2018 - The main body would be one piece of glass. Holes would be left in each chamber, discharge, pulse and charging, to make it hollow. A one inch thick wall is created between each chamber. A hole is drilled from the charging chamber to the pulse chamber and from the pulse chamber to the discharge chamber through the one inch wall. A hole is drilled from the outside into the hole between each chamber for a valve that is controlled by a coil. Ion charged gas passes through from one chamber to the other by activating the coils. A pumping station chamber is on the bottom. One method of re-charging the device is a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. (see picture) The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers.
Updated Feb 1 2018
I recently figured out one of the important things about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Chardin was both a Catholic preist and paleontologist. A trained paleontologist. He had a degree. These are polar opposites. The church is creationist and paleontology is the study of evolution. Isn't this heresy? I think you could explain away syncretic religion as not being heresy because it's dealing with heretics, but not this. It would be even worse (???) if he got his degree at a catholic university. Chardin was involved in Piltdown Man. Piltdown Man was a 'missing link' set of bones discovered in England in the 1920's. It was later proven a hoax and Chardin was partially responsible. What was that for?
Updated Jan 22 2018
Alternative Communication Network
Communication is very important in human society. The more technical and mobile we become the more important it is. If someone is 500 miles from home and has an emergency they will need to contact home. Today we have very advanced communication systems. Controlling those systems helps you control society. In 2007 PBS in San Diego produced a Frontline documentary about surveillance in America titled “Spying On The Home Front”. In that documentary they said that ATT in San Francisco was providing all internet traffic to the NSA via a NARUS ST6400 splitter. It was authorized to do so by congress in the Patriot Act after Sept 11. It's possible all internet traffic in America is being monitored by the Federal government along with phone calls and cable TV. If the Federal government has access to all this it's possible that other people do to. Anything can be hacked into.
There are a few things that can be done to get around this. Some simple, some not so simple. There is an entire building in almost every town in this country dedicated to communications. In the city's there are numerous buildings. For any communication that involve a wire it is where the wire terminates and connects to the greater network. If it's wireless it has to have some sort of central facility to route the data, connect to the greater network. To prevent wireless intrusion all of these buildings should be turned into Faraday Cages. Preventing intrusion into the wired network is more complicated. Getting rid of things like the NARUS ST6400 would certainly help.
A way to get around all of it would be to design a completely different system that cannot be controlled and that is free of cost. Ham radio offers a solution. Ham radio operates what are called repeaters. It is a piece of equipment, usually in an isolated area, that picks up weak signals, strengthens them and then rebroadcasts them. WiFi extenders are basically the same thing. (see picture) The entire network would be a system of repeaters. Every house and apartment would have a extender that picks up signals nearby and relays it to the next. To get signals from one town to the next repeaters could be put in isolated areas or very strong signal boosters could be put on the edge of town. For the most part no central facility would be needed and the only cost to everyone would be the equipment. It might be possible to get an iphone to talk to an iphone like a Walkie Talkie. Or any Android based phone. They allow anyone to develop an app for Android. You can download the Software Development Kit (SDK) for free.

The radio frequency spectrum extends from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (3,000,000,000,000 hz). Anything above that becomes light. The microwave spectrum is anything above 300 mhz. There are numerous types of modulation. Modulation is accomplished by varying one factor of the given wave. (ie frequency, amplitude, etc) Thus the names frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM). Ham radio operators are restricted to certain frequencies and types of modulation. It's possible to create a relay (repeater) system with any frequency and modulation type. You could create one that operated in the FM and band but worked on amplitude modulation. Technically it's against the law but so is what the government is doing.
At some point in the future it might be useful to jam everything but one band of frequency's. (see picture below) Design a noise generator that produces noise over the entire frequency spectrum then filter it for a specific band and put the noise through a mixer circuit along with the data.

Addendum. Today I watched a couple videos about people designing alternative DNS systems. I don’t think this is totally necessary. At least not in small towns. DNS stands for Domain Name Service, or Server ??,. It is a way to route a communication. It’s like an operator in the early days of telephone. Operators sat at a board and physically made the connection to route a call from one place to another. Today it’s done automatically with computers. DNS is the internet equivalent. Lets say you had a small town of about 50,000 people. Everyone’s communications are wireless and handled on one frequency in the microwave range. Everything else was jammed with noise. If someone’s call bounced around the entire town looking for the right end point it wouldn’t take much time and you wouldn’t really notice anything. The frequency is so fast. This is a roundabout example. Anything above 10 hz is not visible to the naked eye. If you pulsed an LED you would see it like it is on all the time once you get it above 10 hz. Any LED monitor or TV has 1000’s of LED that are pulsed many times per second. But it appears to be on all the time. The same effect could be used with voice communications and maybe the internet. Eventually someone might come up with a method to avoid this and save bandwidth and still have no central facility.
Antenna Weave
Did you ever see a picture of the geodesic domes in a NSA spy facility? I think those are antennas. This is what I think is the principle behind their design. Electromagnetic radiation is directional. It depends on how the transmitting antenna is oriented. The electric component is 90 degrees to the magnetic component. (I think) Some Am and FM radios will have an antenna that can be adjusted to maximize the signal. This is why it's adjustable. The geodesic dome allows for the antenna to pick up any radiation in all directions without being adjusted. The geodesic dome was invented by Buckminster Fuller. FYI.
I think it's possible to make a home brew antenna to do the same thing. Get a very long piece of magnet wire. Magnet wire is used in transformers and is designed to pass EMR. (this part I'm not sure is possible) Using one piece of wire weave a mat like a piece of cloth. Stretch the mat into a globe shape. When you're done you will have a very long piece of wire oriented to pick up EMR from any direction. As a rule the longer the antenna the more sensitive it is. A suggestion for the globe would be a beach ball from any dept store. Cover it with plaster of paris and create a sturdy base from wood or metal.

EMI Absorbent
Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. The same with RFID chips. Satellites and mind controlled people are useless if you can't communicate with them. This is the basic premise behind noise generators. If you wanted to help someone you would have to stop the implant or chip from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. A tin foil hat will not work because without a connection to earth ground there is no path for current to flow. No Faraday cage will work without a connection to earth ground. Only the reflectivity properties of whatever metal is used will apply. Reflectivity is only a fraction of what the hat encounters. They make EMI absorbent material. It can be bought from any electronic supply house. Mouser.com and Digikey.com for example. 3M makes a wide variety. A 12 inch by 12 inch piece can run about $50. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a Faraday cage. If you don't cover the face, ground based microwave towers could still access the chip. A Faraday cage is an entire building, or enclosure, encased in copper or aluminum and grounded to earth.

I don't know how EMI absorbent material works. This is 3 ideas of my own. Since the material won't have a connection to ground for current my ideas try to generate current within the material itself. The first idea (top picture) would involve spinning microscopic wires into a material that has a small resistance to current flow. The wires would still have a small amount of insulation on them. They would be spun into small coils. The ends of the coils would be bare so as to make contact with the resistive material and make thousands of microscopic circuits as shown in the drawing. Each circuit would develop current and absorb the EMI.

A home brew version might be possible if you bend ordinary 1/4 or 1/8 watt resistors as shown in the next picture and then lay them out on some sort of substrate.

A more complicated version could be made by weaving wires together. It might require building some kind of manufacturing equipment or maybe an ordinary loom could be used. I think you could look up patents in the patent office online on how screen for windows and doors is made and copy that. The idea is to make screen that is half nylon and half aluminum. All the nylon would go one way, either horizontal or vertical, and the aluminum the other way. Every 6 inches or so connect a resistor across 2 of the aluminum strands. Keep each pair of aluminum strands separate from each other. The patent office could be used for all kinds of ways to fight back.

This is an addendum to the EMI absorbent material idea. Along with the mat of woven circuits put a layer of aluminum foil on each side. Aluminum has the best reflective properties of any metal. This will help trap EMI inside the mat. It will also reduce the power that needs to be consumed by reflecting a portion before it gets to the circuits. In addition to the coils and resistors in the circuits you could add an IC that helps to jam whatever is being absorbed. It works the same as an RFID. It's powered by the EMI.

Faraday Cage
A Faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. It works the same as a coax cable (see picture) If the braided shielding is grounded to earth the conducting core is protected from noise coming from the outside. The NSA building is copper, but aluminum has the best reflective property’s of any metal. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any construction supply (Home Depot, Lowes). Attach it to one side of some plywood panels and place the panels on the floor of the attic. Somehow ground it to earth. There are companies that sell and install metal roofs. This might defeat satellite surveillance but not cell phone towers. If a satellite can pick up EMI at 10,000 miles cell phone towers can do the same. Cell phone systems are on the ground and would be capable of snooping through the walls not the roof. To defeat this, the whole house would have to covered with aluminum. They used to sell aluminum siding, I don’t know if they still do.

A Faraday cage can protect from radiated intrusion, both transmitted and received, but it doesn’t help with conducted surveillance. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transferring data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person’s knowledge. It used to be that when a device was off it was off. But now almost everything plugged in is drawing current even when not in use. I used to think this was done just to pad the electric bill but it may also have a more sinister purpose. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires.
Some basic filtering solutions are snap on beads and inline filters. (see below) A snap on bead is a ferrite that can be placed on any wire to suppress high speed signals. Inline filters can be bought at home improvement stores and can be placed in series to filter out unwanted frequencies. The third picture is a filter that can be added to home built electronics.

Injecting noise onto AC wiring is basically the same concept as Broadband Over Powerlines. (BOP). It is possible to get a higher frequency signal to 'ride' on a lower frequency signal. X10 technology was invented in the 1980's. X10 uses AC wiring to control lights and other devices inside a home. The same technology could be used to put noise on the AC wiring.

To prevent the AC wiring from picking up your emissions like an antenna you could place all the wiring in conduit or Romex conduit and ground it to earth. I know this makes no sense if your house has already been built but I'm just making a point. It's the same thing as coax cable. The conduit acts like a Faraday Cage and keeps noise from leaving the AC wiring or anything getting onto the wiring. Injecting noise onto the wiring is an alternative if you can't rewire everything. They make shielded AC wire but it's expensive.

I think it makes sense to both inject noise onto the wiring and filter it at the same time. Any device plugged in could be conducting surveillance. It could be using the AC wiring to communicate with the outside world. Generating noise inside the house could stop the device from picking anything up and injecting it onto the AC wiring can defeat it's transfer to the outside. Filtering at the same time can make sure.
Sidenote. Some people believe the HAARP facility in Alaska is used in mind control and surveillance. It's stated mission is communicating with submarines on Extremely Low Frequencies. (0 HZ to 100 HZ) In fact they think it operates around 30 HZ. It is possible to get high speed data to 'ride' on the 30 HZ. The 30 HZ might be powering the RFID chips and carrying the communication data.
High Wattage Pulse Generator
Purpose - To disable in place neural implants and/or RFID chips placed under the scalp by destroying micro-miniature electronic components with a high wattage pulse of electromagnetic energy directed at the head. This process is in addition to TASERing someone in the head or using ECT (electro convulsive therapy) or breaking an RFID chip with a hammer.
Theory of Operation - The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. The device runs on ordinary household 120 AC from a wall outlet. The 120 AC is stepped up by a step-up transformer. That voltage is fed to a full wave bridge rectifier and then made into DC voltage by regulating capacitor and resistor. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at grainger.com.

Problems - The schematic is over simplified. I am just trying to pass on an idea. A massive surge of current would probably draw down the DC voltage and seriously reduce wattage. A high power regulator would be needed. The capacitor would need to be discharged after each use to reset.
Addendum - This is an attempt to fix some of the issues brought up in the 'Problems' section above. The original design will pull down the DC voltage as the pulse rises. The overall wattage will be affected. This design adds an array of super-capacitors as a power source for the pulse. Super-capacitors are designed to hold a large amount of energy at high ratings such a 3500 volts. The definition of a capacitor is that it stores energy in an electric field. It can act something like a battery. It can be charged then discharged. The idea is to replace the AC supply and regulator with a an array of super capacitors. The capacitors are charged through a resistor. When the capacitors are fully charged an indicator circuit lights. The resistor and AC supply circuit can then be removed by throwing a switch. When ready, another switch is thrown to discharge the capacitors into the antenna circuit. After discharge the antenna circuit is switched out and the capacitors charged again.

Note: Everything today runs on software. Even X-ray and MRI machines. If you took someone to a hospital or doctors office and had an X-ray or MRI it’s very possible that the software removed the implant from the result. I would do it again somewhere you know this won’t happen.
This is an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. (see drawings) Technically this would act like an AC battery and there is no such thing. But whatever. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move the electrons in the piece of copper. The entire assembly would comprise 2 main parts. The first would be a large copper plate with a large piece of copper extending from the plate to act as an antenna and the second, an aluminum container with multiple compartments. (or glass with the top being aluminum) The compartments would hold the containers with the chemicals and valves. The chemicals would be discharged by a detonator into a mixing compartment. The mixing compartment would have a valve that pulses the mixture into the top compartment to stimulate the copper. The third compartment would initially be in a vacuum to pull the mixed chemicals from the top compartment as they are pulsed in. A separate valve between the top compartment and the vacuum would keep the pulses separate. The power and frequency could be controlled with the pressure of the chemicals and the rotation of the valves. A pulsing valve could be accomplished by using a fan in a cage with only a couple holes for air to pass and only one fan in the cage. Every time the holes line up, a pulse of chemicals enters the top compartment.

This is some of the theory behind it. Electric current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductive substance. Usually metal. The electrons move from one nucleus to another in a random fashion. A term for these electrons is valence electrons. The more valence electrons a substance has the more conductive it is. Electrons are negatively charged. A nucleus of an atom has both protons and neutrons, which are positively charged and electrically neutral respectively. As the electrons move they create electro-magnetic waves around the conductor. If the waves are varying in nature they can be picked up by a AC clamp meter. A clamp meter is basically a transformer that surrounds the conductor to measure its strength. It only works with AC waves, not DC. I don't know why. In electricity similar polarities repel each other and opposite polarities attract. The idea behind a battery is there is a buildup of electrons on one side and a depletion on the other. If you attach a circuit between current will flow. The battery dies when the electrons on one side have all drifted to the positive. In our universe gasses can be ionized. That is they can have a too many electrons or too few. Or they can be neutral. The PH of water is a measurement of it's ionization. The idea is to find a gas that can be heavily laden with electrons to make it negatively charged. That gas would be pulsed into a glass chamber where the copper plate is. When the copper plate is exposed to the highly charged gas it moves the electrons in the copper because similar polarities repel. If the gas is pulsed you will create a varying wave.
If you wanted to make some serious trouble with this idea you could mount it inside a truck and attach it to an aluminum frame. The frame would act as the antenna. Drive by a building (NSA) and blow it off and you might destroy whats inside.
Automobile companies won’t build electric cars because battery technology is too expensive and doesn’t hold enough energy to run a car very long. (or so they say) Have they looked into alternative methods for generating alternating current?
I downloaded both images below from ‘Google Images’ by typing in ‘neuro radio’.

The 2 links are a presentation by Daryl R Kipke and a catalog from Neuro Nexus Tech a company owned by Daryl R Kipke.
Advanced Neural Implants And Control by Daryl R Kipke
Neuro Nexus Tech Probe Catalog
Jan 25 2018 - This is an addendum to the Mechanical/Chemical High Wattage Pulse Generator. I think this idea could be used to power automobiles. Instead of discharging the device once it could be recharged by stopping at a gas (re-charging) station run by solar voltaic panels. The contents of the vacuum side would be transferred back to the holding tank by a re-charging pump. The copper conductor would be surrounded by an iron toroid with a winding that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The AC would power AC motors that run the auto. The assembly would fit into the engine compartment.

Noise Generator
Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) happens when one electrical device interferes with another. Engineers are required by law to limit a devices EMI. You can't sell a TV that interferes with a DVD player and vice versa. EMI could also be described as electro-magnetic noise. Generating noise on purpose can be useful. A separate noise device can be used to test a devices immunity to it. Ham radio noise generators can be bought on the internet. Noise can be used to jam radio's if it is at the operating frequency of the receiver and of a higher wattage. When used as a jamming device it is always aimed at the receiver. A satellite could be considered a receiver as it is 'picking up' electro-magnetic waves on the earth. There are numerous ways to generate noise. It can be difficult to generate it over the entire frequency spectrum.
The frequency spectrum is considered from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (terra hz 3,000,000,000,000). Anything above that is considered light. One of the first radios was the best way to jam the entire spectrum. The spark transmitter. A spark transmitter was used on the Titanic. It was invented by Nikola Tesla who also invented most the AC generating and distribution system we use today. A spark transmitter generates a very high wattage spark like lightning and radiates that on an antenna. A 'spark', or lightning, is plasma, the fourth state of matter. The other 3 are gas, liquid and solid. Spark transmitters were outlawed specifically because they interfered with everything. The picture below is a simplified example.

A spark transmitter works by building up a massive store of energy in either a capacitor or inductor then discharging the energy quickly across a gap such as an automobile spark plug. The next picture is a rig I built. I mounted an ordinary lawn mower spark plug in a piece of metal and mounted it on a board. I bought an auto transformer on Amazon as the coil. It works like a regular car generator.

Other ways of using plasma are vacuum tubes and Nixie tubes. Vacuum tubes were used extensively before silicon transistors. Plasma is generated in a vacuum to make it less noisy and dangerous. It might be possible to use one, I don't know I didn't try. They still make them because they make cheap and reliable parts for very high power applications. Nixie tubes were the first electronic displays. They're sort of a neon technology for electronics. They can be hard to find.
I think it's possible to record the output of a spark transmitter and make a computer file out of it. Transfer the file to a small ROM chip and use it in a carry around device. Instead of analog to digital it would go digital to analog.

Bluetooth is a technology that allows devices to work wirelessly within a very small area. Bluetooth devices won't work beyond say 10 ft. (I'm not sure what the actual specification is) The power level any Bluetooth device produces is very small so it won't interfere with other wireless devices nearby. Personal Area Jamming devices could work at the same power level to jam your personal emissions. Any noise circuit could be attached to a necklace used for an antenna and then carried around in your pocket. Below is a picture of a piece of sterling silver Viking Weave with an electrical connector on one end. Viking Weave is one continuous piece of silver and would work well as an a antenna.

Solid state noise generators can be made in a couple ways. Avalanche, or shot, noise and circuits that produce pink, flicker, white and other types. Shot noise is produced by semiconductor PN junctions naturally. It can be drawn from the cathode of a Zener diode or a BJT transistor. (see below) Wikipedia describes shot noise in terms of probability. This is how I understand it. Current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductor. Electron movement is random whether it's AC or DC. The electrons drift from one nucleus to another randomly producing electro-magnetic waves as they go. Small currents are more random than large ones simply because there are fewer electrons. Circuits exist that produce noise without the shot phenomena. (see bottom picture)

Zener Diode 1N759 provides the source of shot noise

NPN Q1 provides the source of shot noise

Shot, white, pink and other solid state circuits have certain problems. Many don't produce intense noise over a wide range of frequencies. Shot noise needs to be amplified. Noise such as white and pink are mostly in the audio range and are very uniform. That is, not very random. I think that modern software controlled radio can remove this type very easily. It would be better if someone could come up with a circuit to break up the signal then combine them through a mixer circuit. Shot noise could also be generated multiple times then combined with a mixer to make it more intense and difficult to filter. Modern synthesizers used in music have advanced circuits that manipulate frequency and amplitude. Studying those circuits might help.

As a technician I know that some metals conduct electricity better than others. A signal put through a cold solder joint can be significantly altered. I think it's possible to create a component out of a metal or alloy that is a bad conductor of electricity and create noise. A way to find a metal would be to hook various wire up to a ham radio transmitter and see how noisy the result is. (see picture below) One metal I know is a bad conductor is iron. Maybe an alloy of iron and silver or copper. I think a component could be made of the metal and the output amplified and transmitted normally.

This is another idea for a noise generator. Electronic music is notorious for feedback. Feedback happens when the pickup on a guitar is vibrated by the very sound coming out of it (the amplifier). The idea is to have 2 antennas very close to each other. One to transmit the other to receive. The receive circuitry would be fed back to the transmit circuitry and controlled by some random control circuit.

Recycling Electronic Parts
This is an idea for budding revolutionary’s. Modern army’s are heavily dependent on technology. Electronics is a major force in warfare and it’s cost is prohibitive to people at the bottom trying to fight back. This idea might help reduce the cost of experimenting and building technology. When I first started in electronics printed circuit boards (PCB) were assembled with parts that were called ‘through hole’. The leads of the various parts were put through a hole in the PCB and soldered on the opposite side. There was a component side and a solder side. Getting parts in and out of the PCB was difficult. Today almost everything is surface mount technology (SMT). The parts are soldered on the component side. Hobbyists have found it difficult to work and experiment with SMT but it can be done. I think getting the parts off the PCB could be fairly simple as opposed to through hole PCB's. Using a vibratory could be helpful. A vibratory uses some sort of transformer principle to vibrate. The idea is this. Build a small enclosure 20 inches by 20 inches by 10 inches tall that will withstand high heat. Place a very small vibratory unit in the bottom that can be adjusted for small vibration or large. Above the vibratory, in the middle of the enclosure, place some rubber at a steep angle. Attach to the vibratory, above the rubber and at a steep angle, a harness that will hold the PCB being stripped of components upside down. Place a heating element in the upper part of the enclosure that will heat the entire space enough to melt electric solder. As the temperature of the enclosure rises the PCB is vibrated and the parts fall in the rubber along with residual solder. The only parts of any real value are the largest IC’s. Part of the harness holding the PCB should have a cage of plastic to separate the large parts from the small and remove the residual solder. (see picture)

Once the PCB has had all the parts removed it’s not worth anything except for the metal. I think it’s possible to separate and recover some of the metal. Build an enclosure with a grinding wheel that is airtight. Automatically feed the PCB into the grinding wheel turning it to dust. Blow the dust into another enclosure where a gas flame burns away the fiberglass in the dust. Collect the metal. Build an enclosure with a crucible attached to a vibratory and put the remaining dust in the crucible. Different metals have different melting points. Slowly raise the temperature until the first melting point is reached. Vibrate the crucible to help whatever metal is in the dust bead together. Remove the heat, open the enclosure, and remove what metal has collected and repeat the process at the next highest temperature. (see picture)

On Dec 30 and 31 2017 I posted 3 videos on youtube titled “Re-using Surface Mount Parts 1” (2 and 3). My account can be found at “www.youtube.com/zsezse215”. If no one else sees them it's proof my internet connection is censored. This is a summary of what is in them.
On my main blog “www.philipnute.wordpress.com”, I propose an invention 'Recycling Parts'. I want to try to prove that surface mount parts can be removed and reused. The top picture is what's left of a cell phone I found while out walking. Initially the 4 metal pieces were covering the main integrated circuits. I had some difficulty removing them. I eventually cut the PCB up into smaller pieces and managed to remove them without too much trouble.

The chip I want to remove this time is in the picture below. It's a Qualcomm MSM 8909 SnapDragon SOS (system on a chip).

Cutting up the PCB had at least 1 advantage. It's like heating up a large frying pan or small frying pan with the same size burner. The small frying pan will heat up faster. Trying to heat up the entire PCB will take away some of the heat I am trying to concentrate on the chip. The same principle applies to the soldering hands. The alligator clips are made of metal. If the piece of PCB is too close to the alligator clip you will be heating up the clip and taking away from the area near the chip.

The idea is to apply heat with an ordinary heat gun, to the underside of the PCB until the solder melts on the other side. While applying heat I will tap the soldering hands on the bench until the chip falls off. Heat guns can be bought at any home improvement store. They are used to remove paint. They are also used in electronics for shrink wrap. My gun goes up to 650 degrees F which is well above the melting point of electrical solder.

It took about 2 minutes before the chip came off. I don't know if it's usable or not. Maybe something was wrong with the phone when I found it. Too much heat can destroy small IC's. I could get a temperature probe and make sure I'm not overheating it but I just wanted to prove it could be done. Once it's off I could re-solder it to a surface mount adapter and power it up.

Surface mount adapters come in all sizes. The picture below is a sample.

Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
The old way of making blank printed circuit boards requires a lot of chemicals and machinery. Chemicals include acids, electroplating solutions and photo resist. The processes include photography, ultraviolet light, etching with acids, drilling holes, and electroplating. It’s dirty, time consuming and inexact. Components must be added later with different machines. Many of the chemicals are oil based. It is very labor intensive. Companies sometimes employ hundreds of people to inspect the boards for shorts and opens. The picture below is a blank copper board.

The top three pictures are examples. The top picture is an artwork. The artwork must be converted to a photo negative. A blank board is covered with photo-resist. The negative is placed on top and exposed to ultra-violet light. The photo resist that is exposed to ultra violet hardens and will not come off during the first washing with acid thus leaving the copper connections. The board is then washed with another type of acid removing all the photo resist. The second picture is a board without the components and the third with.

In one idea a cutting bit cuts the connections. Connections are passed from bottom to top by inserting and soldering wire. The other idea is to spread a conductive substance around, something like the car defogger, with a computer. The advantages are many. Faster manufacturing time, less cost, fewer chemicals and more exact. R and D can be sped up.

For most people PCB layout and etching services are beyond their pocketbook and when developing new products etching services are even more expensive because of the low number of PCB’s ordered. This is a way to avoid all services and `at the same time and speed up your R&D. The pictures below are 1. a Dremel stand 2. Copper coated blank G10. and 3. a x-y table for drill press. A Dremel is a common household tool sold almost anywhere tools are sold. It can be fitted with drills carving bits sand paper etc. The top picture is a Dremel stand (sold separately from the Dremel) that can be an accurate drill press for drilling holes in your PCB (G10 blank copper). The middle picture is of G10 blank copper. The third picture is a low profile x-y table that could be positioned under the Dremel stand, it could hold the G10 and be used to ‘carve’ away the copper instead of etching. You would have to do your own layout but building the actual prototype would be much faster and cheaper.

Software Defined Universal Electronic Input Output Device
Having an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer and a function generator that operates from DC to well into microwaves could be very useful. It is probably very expensive to purchase these if they would sell them to you which they wouldn't if they knew what you were going to do with them. I think it would also be useful to have a radio that can receive and transmit anything from DC to microwaves in every type of modulation. It could be used as an alternative relay communication system. It would be helpful to generate all kinds of noise from DC to microwaves at the same time. I think this could all be accomplished with one device I call a Software Defined Universal Electronic Input Output Device.
Software Defined Radio is the latest thing in ham radio so much of the technology already exists. The pictures below is something I've been working on. I bought these parts from tapr.org (Tucson ) I found that website through hpsdr.com. (high performance software defined radio) It consists of a backplane mounted in an aluminum enclosure with a fan and a separate enclosure for an RF front end. The backplane has a standard ATX12v connector for power. It will supply +12v, -12v, +5v, -5v and 3.3v to every board plugged in. You can build whatever you want in each slot.
Software Defined Radio (SDR) uses the latest technology in digital signal processing (DSP). DSP can go two ways, analog to digital and digital to analog. Analog to digital converts any signal to a stream of digital data that can be operated on by a computer. Digital to analog has the computer create the data stream and convert it to an analog signal. This can all be accomplished with a personal computer and a universal electronic device.

Since starting this project I have discovered backplane's are made as a standard part as well as the power supplies that come with them. One supplier is Vector Electronics based in Los Angeles. There are companies that make development kits that come with everything you need. The various engineering societies have produced standards for buses used on backplanes. IEEE, IEC and ANSI. One such standard is a VME bus IEEE 1014. I found a kit at elma.com. Model VITA Type 15 4U Rackmount Desktop.
Updated Sept 6 2017
This is a rough idea of what the RF front end (input circuit) would look like. The original signal would come in on either an antenna or an oscilloscope probe. The original signal would never go through any parts, passive or active. The various factors needed for the computer software (ie frequency, voltage, current etc) would be taken off the original signal bus then turned into digital data. All the digital data would go into a parallel to serial converter and transferred to the PC on the USB serial bus. I figure it doesn't matter what data you transfer, if you don't need it for a particular software application then don't use it.

Soldering Iron Attachment
This is an idea for hobbyists who fool around with electronics or hackers who fool around with the government. You know what a pain it is to work with surface mount components. It’s difficult to get them on and off boards. Any ordinary soldering iron will have replaceable tips. Tips come in different sizes and shapes. The shaft that holds the tip can get as hot as the tip itself so the idea is to fashion a piece of metal to slip over the shaft. You can make the end of the metal any shape you want. The top picture is one I made that I never did anything with. I could cut a square hole in it the exact shape of an IC and heat up every pin at the same time. (second picture) By holding the board upside-down I could get the chip off without too much effort. Sometimes it’s good to heat up both ends of a resistor at the same time. (see bottom picture) Small pieces of sheet metal can be bought from any hardware store. I think ?? (I’m not sure) stainless will not accept solder. The lighter the gauge the better, because it will be easier to heat up.

Spark Transmitter
Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. They were invented by Nikola Tesla before the end of the 19th century. The Titanic carried a spark transmitter (generator). As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with the entire radio spectrum. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interrupt everything. A basic spark transmitter can be built from off the shelf parts. I mounted a standard spark plug from an internal combustion engine in a piece of metal and mounted that on a board. To create the spark I used a standard ignition coil with a Velleman kit. The Velleman kit (K2543) comes with everything needed, but it has to be assembled. The coil is an auto-transformer that can be bought on Amazon. Auto-transformers are used in cars to generate the spark.

Auto-transformers work by storing a large charge of energy in a coil, then when the energy source is removed, the stored energy is given a path to flow through a gap, such as a spark plug. When this happens it makes a spark. A schematic is below. This particular version isolates the antenna from the circuit with a transformer. The antenna is grounded to earth to complete the circuit on the secondary.

A spark is considered the fourth state of matter. The others are: gas, fluid and solid. (ex. Steam, water and ice) A more scientific name is plasma. Other sources of plasma are vacuum tubes and Nixie tubes. Capacitors can be used in place of auto-transformers. (see picture)
This schematic is over simplified. It has no way to vary the source to create AC. If there was a switch between the source and R when it is thrown C1 would charge through R. The source is then removed, and C1 would discharge through C2 and L by 'jumping' the gap. The antenna between C2 and L would radiate a very interfering signal.

I think it would be possible to 'record' the interference created by a spark generator, make a computer file out of it, then use it in a small hand held personal area network jamming device.

Electric Heat
Solar panels convert sunlight to DC electric current with semiconductor technology. They use the same PN junction used in every transistor. Silicon transistors can make light. It’s called an LED. (Light Emitting Diode) So it can both make electricity from light and make light from electricity. That's about as much as I know.
There are 3 types of solar panels. Amorphous, poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline. Amorphous are the least sensitive and cheapest. Poly-crystalline are in the middle and mono-crystalline are the most sensitive and costly. Amorphous are best used near the equator where there is abundant direct sunlight. They don’t work very well near the poles. (north and south) It is best to use the most sensitive where the sunlight is not as direct.
Any integrated circuit (IC) has millions of transistors with millions of PN junctions. Soon after IC's were invented someone predicted that the number of transistors per square inch would double every 18 months. That was sometime in the 1950's. By the 1970's Intel had made the first microprocessor with millions of transistors. Engineers referred to the progression as Small Scale Integration (SSI) then they went to Large Scale Integration (LSI) Then VLSI and so on. In a world dominated by oil companies I wonder if photo voltaic panels were ever produced with the new technology. It would put the oil companies out of business. I also know that there are different processes for the different types of light. Infrared, ultra violet and visible. Maybe combining today's integration technology and all the various light types if the amount of current produced by photo voltaic panels can be significantly increased.
The manufacturing process for creating IC's is very similar to the process that makes PCB's. (printed circuit boards) It is very chemical dependent and requires a number of steps. I wonder if the technology that makes CD's can be used to create IC's. Every computer sold today comes with a CD burner. It uses a LASER to burn 'holes' in the bottom of a blank CD. The 'hole' is microscopic. I think it's possible to make IC's with LASER's this would eliminate chemicals and make them cheaper.
The picture below shows 6 panels. This might be 1000 watts on a very sunny day. To help you understand, a desktop personal computer would be a constant 600 watts. A laptop or notebook less. A microwave oven is typically 1200 watts. You can’t use them at night unless you store the energy somehow. There are at least two ways to produce the electricity at a later time. One is batteries and the other is with a fuel cell. (see second picture below) A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and you get water as a by-product. Since solar panels make DC current it can be used to separate hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. The 2 components can be generated during the day and stored in 2 separate containers and then recombined at night. The third picture below is a small desktop separator.
Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the universe. It can be hard to store because it can pass through many other substances. I think you could make an ordinary steel container like those used to store other gases and line it with glass. Glass is very dense. This would make the walls very thick. It might be possible to find a glass that would combine with hydrogen and over time increase it's ability to hold the gas.

Another problem with solar panels is snow. Snow would cover the panel and prevent light from getting through. There are ways to solve this. A car rear window de-fogger uses small amounts of electricity to melt ice on your car. It’s something like an electric stove. It has small lines of a resistive substance that heat up when current is passed through. If solar panels are kept very thin they could be put on the bottom so as not to stop sunlight. Panels could be made as small as possible. Instead of 6 panels 3 feet by 6 feet you could make 18 panels 1 foot by 1 foot. Raise the panels up off the roof and separate them by a couple inches to allow water to fall off. Making them smaller can also help if one goes bad. Replacing a 6 by 3 would be more expensive than a 1 by 1.
Solar voltaic panels can be used to heat a home as well. The top picture below is an electric stove top. It glows red when electricity flows through it. The bottom picture is a possible application. The idea is to wrap the element around a piece of pipe and send water through the pipe so it picks up the heat. Two things could be done. One is to preheat an existing fossil fuel heating system (oil, natural gas etc) by placing the pipe in-line with the zones of the house. The furnace would not stay on as long or maybe not come on at all. This would cut down on the amount of fossil fuel used and it could also be an incentive for people to purchase photo voltaic panels while the technology is improved. Another use would be putting a unit right where hot water is needed like the kitchen or bathroom. This would cut down on the amount of piping needed and eliminate the need for a hot water tank.

The picture above is a suggestion for how future houses can be built to use photo voltaic panels. The house would be built with a chase from the roof to the basement. The chase would have duct for a forced hot water system where multiple sources of heat can be used with multiple heat exchangers for different types of sources. Part of the chase would hold the wires from the panels on the roof. Each floor would have shelves that hold batteries that charge while on the shelf. If someone wanted to run something (laptop, coffee pot etc) they would take a battery off the shelf, use it, then put it back. It really wouldn't be much different from the days when you had to fill a lamp with kerosene. During the day when people are at work the batteries charge. At night they are used. The house can be kept warm during the day with the panels. There would be no need to put wires in the walls except for things like refrigerator, TV, or stove.

Funnel Wind Turbine
This is an alternative to wind powered electric generators. Instead of having large propellers the wind is collected by a funnel that compresses the air to increase the velocity. This can turn a 5 MPH wind into a more powerful force capable turning a larger generator. The funnel could sit atop a building and not be as conspicuous as a propeller. It would sit on a rotating platform that could turn at least 180 degrees. The turbine is basically a fan that is turned by the wind instead of creating it. The horizontal rotation is converted to vertical and passed into the building where the generator is located. Some sort of mechanical governor would be needed to limit the RPM of the shaft.

Alternative Home Heat
Central heating is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. The most popular types are heating oil, natural gas and propane. Less popular are methane, coal and firewood. Most buildings, especially small ones, have only one type of heating. It's too expensive to buy more than one furnace. Many large buildings have a back-up. Electricity can be used but is very expensive. If solar panels are used they can heat the house during the day when someone is at work. One way of using electricity was to put a heating element in every room just like forced hot water. I think it's possible to combine the 2 and others and have a computer figure out which is the best at any given time. Whether the home has the water in pipes or coming out a duct system the heat can be added to the water in many ways with a bank of heat exchangers. (see picture)

Methane Silo
Methane is a naturally occurring gas produced by the decay of organic material such as animal waste or plants. It is a fossil fuel like oil propane or butane. It can be used to produce mechanical or electrical power. It’s chemical formula is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Like any gas it is best transported by pipeline or used where it is produced. Some attempts to harness methane involve laying out plant material in large sealed buildings and collecting it as the material decays. (see picture below) One problem with this is the material must be turned over every so often to help the material decay. As the material decays it gives off less and less methane. A methane silo eliminates the need to do this. A methane silo works as any silo by gravity. The material is fed into the top and comes out the bottom. The difference is a methane silo would have long tubes of screen inside the silo to help expose the material to the air to help it decay and give off methane. This eliminates the need to turn it.

The silo would be square. The columns of material would extend the length of one side. The ends of the columns would face 2 sides opposite each other. The top would be shaped like a roof so the material would distribute evenly down each column. The entire space containing the material would be airtight. A plenum would be placed at the 2 ends facing all columns. One plenum at the bottom and the other at the top. The bottom plenum would allow air in when methane is being withdrawn from the top. There would be a series of valves controlled by electronics. Once material has completely filled the airtight space, a vacuum pump creates a vacuum. As methane is produced pressure builds up. When it gets high enough valves on both plenums open and remove methane. When pressure drops, the valves close and the vacuum pump creates another vacuum. This process concentrates the methane and reduces the amount of unwanted gas (air) in the final product.

Every check that goes out the door at the end of the month is another link in the ball and chain of our system. Reducing energy costs for small businesses and small business owners would do more to help the economy than one tax cut for Exxon Mobil. It would help to break up these big companies. Waiting for the government to break them up is hopeless. Putting them out of business with alternative technology is more practical. It used to be that people understood that being your own boss was much better than working for a big company. There is no crime in owning a small business. As fossil fuels run out the ability of big corporations to move things around will go with them. A localized economy is coming to a neighborhood near you. People will be forced to go back to traditional occupations such as farmer, butcher etc.
The chemical makeup of methane is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Coal is mostly carbon. If someone could come up with a process to separate the carbon from the hydrogen it could be mixed with some type of bio material to create synthetic coal. We are running out of natural deposits of coal and most of the worlds electricity is generated by coal.
Radiant Lights
Any light bulb produces a lot of heat. Fluorescent lights are no different. Fluorescent lights are used extensively in large buildings and strip malls. They are used along with suspended ceilings. Many fit into the same space as 1 tile. Suspended ceilings are heat sieves. They provide absolutely no insulation and waste more money for small businesses than anything else. Small businesses in strip malls should build their ceilings out of the same material as the walls and insulate them very heavily. I mean 2 X 6 's and sheet rock with fiberglass insulation. Along with this they could use radiant lights to heat the space. Radiant lights would be built in such a way as to transfer the heat generated by the bulbs to the side then have a fan blow it into the room.

Modular Drilling
Tunnel boring machines are the modern method for digging tunnels. I think it's possible to miniaturize tunnel boring machines for oil and gas drilling. It would eliminate the need for a drill string. It might be cheaper and be able to go further down.

Remote Short
This idea is more like a weapon for revolutionaries. Large computer installations and communication equipment are housed in large buildings in downtown areas. The electricity that powers them run under the streets and are encased in heavy conduit. It is also very high voltage. It gets stepped down by a transformer after it enters the building. The top picture is a probe for electronics that will pierce the wire so a measurement can be made of whatever voltage exists on the wire without cutting the wire. The idea is to do this to 2 circuits outside the building and short one circuit to another and send a surge into the building. You would have to break open the conduit somehow to expose the wire. Or maybe pierce the conduit with the wire. It can be activated remotely after it is in place.

Electric Snow Melter
This is an alternative to conventional snow plowing. In Boston a person can be fined if they don't clear the sidewalk after a snow storm. Sometimes the walk gets heavily caked with ice and becomes impossible to remove. The idea is to take a small internal combustion engine and a truck alternator and mount them on a small platform with wheels. The alternator drives an ordinary electric element that melts the ice. People who plow individual driveways could charge a little extra to clear the sidewalk. It might be possible to adapt this idea to very large trucks and replace conventional plowing altogether. It could also eliminate the need for road salt and help to clean up the water table.

RADAR as a technology was in it’s infancy during WWII. I’m pretty sure both sides had it. One of the early defenses against RADAR was chaff. More than one bomber would go on a mission. They would fly in formation. Some would drop chaff, millions of tiny pieces in aluminum. The idea was it would reflect the RADAR and disguise the actual plane. I don’t know if they still do this. During WWII bombers were powered by propellers not jet engines. I think (I’m not sure) that if a jet engine sucked in a lot of aluminum it wouldn’t last long. Why don’t people come up with a rocket that disperses millions of pieces of aluminum as a way to knock down large airplanes? A piece the size of a soda can would certainly do damage.
Helicopters could be a problem. Instead of manned anti-aircraft I think it’s possible to design a gun that will produce a wall of bullets by simply motioning up and down a tiny amount. No need to go left and right. Trigger the gun as helicopters approach and wait for them to fly through the wall. These could be hidden on hillsides between trees and triggered automatically and would cut through whatever leaves and twigs are in the way in seconds. Someone would have to be nearby but doesn't have to actually man and aim it.
I have been thinking about this a little more. The tiny pieces of aluminum used against RADAR is called 'chaff' not 'flak'. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. The idea would be to combine the two weapons to bring down airplanes. I have seen news reports of airliners crashing because the jet engines sucked in birds while taking off or landing. WWII planes had propellers driven by internal combustion engines not jets. This idea wouldn't work on plane's with internal combustion engines. I think, I don't know, that many helicopters also have jets not internal combustion. I watched a video of the US Navy launching chaff on youtube. It looked like a cardboard tube stuffed with little pieces of metal. A fragmenattion grenade breaks into thousands of pieces when it explodes. Each piece can kill someone. If you cut up soda cans and stacked them together in a tube and launched it into the path of a plane taking off or landing you might destroy it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about anti aircraft and trying to neutralize helicopters. One summer when I was a kid all the kids in the neighborhood had this think going. Everybody got a piece of pipe about 12 inches long with a diameter of about 1/4 inch. We put a piece of tape around one end to put our mouth on. We went to the store and got a bag of peas. You put a dozen peas or so in your mouth and shoot them at each other like a blow gun. We had whole wars going. The next spring peas sprung up all over the neighborhood. As a kid I always wanted a BB gun but never got one. This idea combines air rifles with peas (BB’s). Helicopters fly relatively low so flak doesn’t have to get that high. You could make an anti aircraft gun with an air compressor and a solar panel that shots a type of mini ball like they used during the Civil War. Mini balls would be easier to manufacture because you wouldn’t need explosive. You shoot it with air. You could just fill up a container attached to the gun and it would load automatically. The solar panel would keep the air compressor going. No one would have to man it. The barrel wouldn’t get as hot and maybe last longer. Maybe you could fashion some type of heat sink for the barrel. It wouldn’t make as much noise as a conventional gun and might be harder to spot from the air.
The main stream media’s narrative on how the Russians were driven from Afghanistan has never changed. The CIA armed the Mujahadeen with Stinger missiles and the Russians lost control over the air space. Hollywood made a movie “Charlie Wilson's War” about a congressman who helped. This is why I’ve been thinking so much about anti aircraft. This is another installment. Yesterday I proposed a high power air driven ‘pellet gun and a few days ago I proposed making planes and helicopters fly through pieces of aluminum. This idea combines the two. A rocket could be powered by air pressure. Put the aluminum on the rocket. If you try to get a B-52 as it’s landing or taking off the rocket wouldn’t have to get very high or go very far. Air pressure would be enough.
While soda cans are easily obtained, if you have access to a home improvement store and a little money this might be a better idea. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any home improvement store. It comes in a long roll maybe 24 inches wide by 50 ft long for about $100. The idea is to cut pieces into the shape of an ‘X’ and stack them in a cardboard tube. Each piece will act like a helicopter when released, and hang in the air for a long time giving the plane time to fly into it.

No one can hold a piece of territory without controlling the air space above it. Air bombing and helicopters are 2 modern weapons that allow the global elite to hold power. Counter measures can be expensive and complicated. Heat seeking missiles are expensive and so are anti-aircraft guns. This is 2 ideas that are less expensive.
Flak was used by the Germans during WWII. Flak is basically an airborne fragmentation grenade. It is aimed at maiming the people on board the plane. When it gets close to the plane it goes off and fragments into thousands of pieces each of which is a bullet capable of injuring someone. It easily penetrates the outer surface of the plane. Planes must be as light as possible so the covering of the fuselage is thin. WWII planes had internal combustion engines not jets. (also called turbines) They were capable of surviving flak better the turbines. A turbine sucks in outer air, compresses it, adds fuel and ignites it to create thrust. Anything sucked into the turbine like metal will destroy it. Many commercial airliners have been brought down by birds sucked into the engine on takeoff or landing.
Chaff is used to confuse RADAR. Chaff is thousands of little pieces of aluminum spread over a wide area. If the pieces are large enough they could be sucked into a turbine and cause it to fail. Ordinary soda cans could be cut up and packed into cardboard tubes with explosive in the middle. It could be launched with compressed air if the tube isn’t going that far. That is, it was deployed during takeoff or landing. Compressed air could be used with flak. Helicopters also use turbines. They do not fly at high altitudes most of the time. Certainly not while attacking.
Neutralizing Satellites
Proof that this can be done. This happened in Florida. I'm pretty sure. Maybe the 1980's. A couple hackers broke into a satellite TV feed and put their programming into thousands of homes. Suffice it to say they got caught and ended up in jail. Their programming was very inappropriate, but that's not what got busted. It was the fact they did it. Satellites like everything else operate with software. They way to a satellites heart is through the software. If you could mess up a mainframe somehow, why not a satellite?
Satellites run on solar voltaic arrays. It might be possible to destroy the solar cells with a high power LASER based on the ground.
Satellites are useless if you can't communicate with them. Establish a connection then turn up the power and try to destroy the circuitry associated with the antenna.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is credited with inventing most of the technology behind the power grid. He favored the AC (alternating current) system over Thomas Edisons DC (direct current) system. There are stories on the internet that Tesla had invented an automobile that ran without gas. When you create current in a conductor you also create Eddy waves around the wire. You can measure these with an AC clamp meter. The meter is basically a transformer that measures the strength of the Eddy waves. Eddy waves have 2 components. An electric component and a magnetic component. You can’t induce a current into a coil without both components. The earth has a natural magnetic field around it. A compass operates by employing it. Light is basically electricity at very high frequencies but has both components. Did Tesla come up with a way to harness the earths natural magnetic field and some natural electric field and produce mechanical motion?
signed (a few minutes ago) Another Academy Award Winning Performance - It isn't like 'why' you would know something like that or 'how' but 'what were you trying to do with it'. It's a sickness and you're all germs. (there's a new witch in town) FYI I'm immune to pixie dust.
Updated Jan 26 2018
"He started in dealing with slaves..."
"And something inside of him died..."
Tangled Up In Blue
Bob Dylan
Some people compare the modern world to Ancient Babylon. Sometimes called the Whore of Babylon. America at the center. Babylon enslaved the jews. I think any society, culture or country that condones or uses slaves is predisposed to decadence and corruption and will eventually fall because of it. I think the same could be said of any people who use the 'chickenshit' system of spreading thier culture and acquiring property. It's immoral and unjust. It spreads like cancer. If the fish is rotton at the head sooner or later the whole thing stinks. The immoral have a tendency to gravitate towards the immoral and vice versa. Birds of a feather.......... I think this is why the Pope took the side of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.
"I'm beating a dead horse and you're beating a dead dog" "What we've got here is a wall hitting a wall" It's your move!!! Always has been,....always will be...!!! FU FU FU
Updated Jan 25 2018
This is an addendum to the Mechanical/Chemical High Wattage Pulse Generator. I think this idea could be used to power automobiles. Instead of discharging the device once it could be recharged by stopping at a gas (re-charging) station run by solar voltaic panels. The contents of the vacuum side would be transferred back to the holding tank by a re-charging pump. The copper conductor would be surrounded by an iron toroid with a winding that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The AC would power AC motors that run the auto. The assembly would fit into the engine compartment.
Updated Dec 14 2017
The French Connection , PRU's, Argentina's Dirty War, The Phoenix Program and Algeria
Over the weekend I watched "Vietnam A Television History". If you want to understand the beginnings of the Vietnam War you should study the life of Edward Lansdale and other OSS/CIA officers who operated in Southeast Asia from 1945 to 1960. The CIA then ran the Phoenix Program from 1965 to the end of the war. The Phoenix Program was a covert killing machine responsible for at least 25,000 deaths and 80,000 kidnappings. The Phoenix Program used tactics developed by the French in Algeria after they were defeated in Vietnam. These tactics were also used by the Military junta in Argentina from 1972 to 1982. Not long ago I accused a former health provider of attempted murder. In 2006 I had to appear in Attleboro District Court. I had already lost my license so my father had to drive. My father, mother and I all went and were going to have lunch after. My father got very sick not long after starting out. My mother and I had to yell at him to stop and let her drive. When we got back he spent a few days in Quincy Medical Center with a kidney infection. I no longer think this was an accident. The CIA is loaded with American Nazi's. No American Nazi is good enough to clean the lowiest German Nazi's jock strap. At least the Germans had the courage of their convictions. They put on a uniform and everybody knew they were assholes. I am now watching "Charlie Wilsons War". At the very begining they casually mention some named John Murtha. He was a congressman from Pennsylvania from 1974 until his death in 2010. ????? I think his death was 'sudden' and unexpected. ????
Updated Nov 30 2017
This post is some thoughts on the alternative communication system. Today I watched a couple videos about people designing alternative DNS systems. I don't think this is totally necessary. At least not in small towns. DNS stands for Domain Name Service, or Server ??,. It is a way to route a communication. It's like an operator in the early days of telephone. Operators sat at a board and physically made the connection to route a call form one place to another. Today it's done automatically with computers. DNS is the internet equivalent. Lets say you had a small town of about 50,000 people. Everyone's communications wireless and handled on one frequency in the microwave range. Everything else was jammed with noise. If someone's call bounced around the entire town looking for the right end point it wouldn't take much time and you wouldn't really notice anything. The frequency is so fast. This is a roundabout example. Anything above 10 hz is not visible by the naked eye. If you pulsed an LED you would see it like it is on all the time once you get it above 10 hz. Any LED monitor or TV has 1000's of LED that are pulsed many times per second. But it appears to be on all the time. The same effect could be used with voice communications and maybe the internet. Eventually someone might come up with a method to avoid this and save bandwidth and still have no central facility.
Updated Nov 24 2017
I was just watching a documentary on Myanmars empty capital city of Naypyidaw. The ruling military junta has built this massive city in the middle of nowhere to serve as it's new capital and it's completely empty. Myanmar (formerly Burma) has gone paranoid. They are also building underground military bases. This video led me to more videos about new and completely empty city's, mostly in China. Then I said to myself "Oh I get it!!". Put millions and millions of people in new city's and it's easier to kill them all at the same time. Too many A-bombs all at once would probably kill whoever is the perpetrator of the New World Order. How else would you handle China's population 'problem'.
Best Of Blog Nov 2017
Updated Nov 21 2017
Historians will tell you there was no official end to the Spanish Inquisition. I think this is because it never ended, it went underground. The Inquisition was handled out of an office that was still around in 1966 when it was renamed by Pope Paul VI. I don't remember the name. The church has had to hide it's activities since the beginning of the 19th century. Finding evidence of it's true nature is difficult. This is 2 instances I have. The Jasenovac Prison Camp and the Magdalene Laundries. Jasenovac was a death camp in the former Yugoslavia run by The Ustashe. The Ustashe were put in power by Hitler. Even some SS people were shocked with their cruelty. There is ample evidence of the complicity of the Catholic Church in the matter. Many people were forced to convert to catholicism before they wer executed. Two books on the subject are: Genocide In Satellite Croatia by Edmond Paris and books by Avro Mahattan. The other instance is the Magdalene Laundries. They were operated in Ireland until the 1990's. Young women were forced to work 10 hour days 6 days a week as pennance for sexual promiscuity. Many, however, were raped by people in power and sent there to silence them.
Updated Nov 19 2017
I thought I would try to define what I think Aryanism is. Aryanism is a system. A system for making money and holding power. It has been honed to a knife's edge over 6000 years. It began in Ancient Egypt and has now spread across the globe. The system is a very rigid class structure. In Hindu culture it is called the 'caste' system. Almost nobody leaves the class in which they were born. All cultures that use the system are the same. The two most important class's are at the top. The very top are the priests. They prop up a landowner royal class which is second in line. In Hindu culture the priests class is called Brahmin. The other class's have names I can't pronouce. The problem with the system is that very often the people at the top go nuts. Priviledge and too much time on their hands. I have heard story's (I don't know how true) that anyone in the top 2 class's in Tibet will go up to a peasant and chop off an arm just because they can. They never go to jail because they are the 'US' in the JustUS system. If the Queen of England has committed crimes against humanity she will never answer for them because she owns the courts. If very serious problems arise 'they' will throw one of their own under the bus to save the system. (Saddam Hussein ???) If things really get out of control 'they' will throw the whole landowner class under the bus to save the system. Presto Chango Nothing O Changos. People turn to religion. (stupid people) (Catch - 22 "their family is rich............."..."then they'll understand......") Western Civilization has turned into a vacuum cleaner sucking up knowledge on how to perpetuate itself and cling to power. It's hopeless trying to change things. Maybe? If things do change for the better I think a book titled "The Constitution Of No Authority" by Lysander Spooner might help. If putting power in the hands of small numbers of people is such a problem, don't do that. Some people might call this anarchy. Anarchy is not necessarily the presence of chaos but the lack of central authority. Instead of government by consent it's goverment by mutual co-operation or mutual understanding. People in this country used to do business with a handshake. Your word was your reputation and your reputation was everything. If you said you would purchase 14 widgits from someone every month and pay on the 23rd you did.
Updated Nov 16 2017
I have no proof for what I am about to say but I'll say it anyway. I have sat at my computer many times and had the videos streaming from youtube play on my thoughts in real time. That is within 15 minutes of investigating something false information begins to flow. In that 15 minutes I have had hour long videos appear. ??? How do you produce hour long fake videos in 15 minutes? My only answer is it is generated by an Artificial Intelligence Computer. (AI) The only people with computers like that would be the NSA. ??? Right now my radio and stupidvision are spewing a controversy about someone named Roy Moore who is running for a vacant senate seat in Alabama. (I'll go over what I think is wrong with this in a moment) All kinds of women are coming out of the closet accusing him of sexual harassment. Where do they find these people? Some of the accusations are 40 years old and just an inappropriate pass or something. Someone is digging up dirt some where. Maybe the NSA's data collection center in Utah? If you wanted to cling to power, you need to control people who hold power. So keep a file on everyone from birth to death without their knowledge. Yes. No. Judge Moore, (as in the US Senate will not let the Pope judge MORE people illegally) He won the Republican primary in Alabama by beating Luther Strange (as in the people who follow Martin LUTHER are STRANGE) "People are strange when you're a stranger.........." -----The Doors---- "Moon over Alabama........." ----The Doors
Everything You Know Is Wrong Nov 2017
All My Inventions Nov 2017
My Story Nov 2017
Updated Nov 13 2017
I have been building a new computer since I moved to Braintree in July. I am having a terrible time installing an operating system. I bought a copy of Windows 10 Pro from a company called Hype Computer through Amazon and it won't activate. When I go to install it the option reads "English British". There is no "United States" option. I am not getting anywhere complaining to Hype or Amazon. The picture below is part of the problem. (I think?) I'm no mathmetician but the two displays (top and bottom) don't match. I bought a Western Digital Red 3TB SATA 6G. Neither the top or bottom total 3TB. The top totals less and the bottom more. The program is Seagate SeaTools but all it did was start Microsofts Disk Management.
Updated Nov 2 2017
This is something I think about from time to time. When did the human race lose the ability to read hieroglyphics? Hieroglyphics was the written language of Ancient Egypt. I learned in school that the ability to read them was gained after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone was discovered about the year 1800 AD. It was an ordinary decree by some King or Pharaoh but was in 3 different languages. Two of the languages were known and the third was hieroglyphics. It was deciphered about the year 1830 AD. Ancient Egypt existed unbroken for at least 3000 years. The last Pharaoh was Cleopatra who died about the time of Christ. She was descended from Alexander The Greats general, Ptolemy. After the time of Christ Egypt was ruled by Rome. Is this when hieroglyphics was lost? If so why? After Constantine The Great a concerted effort was made to convert Egyptians to Christianity. Coptic Christians exist to this day. The Vatican was built between 1520 AD and 1650 AD. There is an obelisk in the center. It was either brought from Egypt or recreated from an Egyptian obelisk. (I don't know which) I think, I don't know, it has hieroglyphics on it. If it was recreated wouldn't the person doing it have to read hieroglyphics? My point is, has the Vatican always had the ability to read hieroglyphics? Why would they hide this?
Updated Nov 1 2017
Committee On Intelligence U S. Senate (Author), Committee On Intelligence U S. House
ISBN-10: 1410207412
ISBN-13: 978-1410207418
The Unexpurgated Pike Committee Report
Updated Oct 21 2017
This post is some ideas for other people to investigate to prove that Scientology and the Catholic church are one and the same. That the people at the top of the Vatican are committing heresy and it began a long time ago.
First some history. Akenhaton was an Egyptian Pharoah that lived about 1750 BC. It is known that he tried to re-invent Egyptian religion during his lifetime. He built entire cities to do this. After he died the Egyptians rejected the religion and went back to the old one. I think it's proof that the psycho's that be learned that every time you change the religion you have to do it gradually. I think the first example of this is Jesus Christ. Jesus supposedly lived about 400 years before the Romans actually accepted him and took control. I think it's possible they are doing it again with Scientology.
Over the centuries the Pope has announced anathema against people who they consider heretics and subversives. Scientology does something similar. They call these people Suppressive Persons or SP's. You can do anything to SP's. They have no rights. Targeted Individuals. T.I.'s The avenue to investigate would be to see if the tactics used are similar and where the order originates from. The other possibility is to determine where most of the 'Alices' come from. I believe 'Alice In Wonderland' is based on a real phenomena. It's part of anathema and has other uses. I think most of the girls come from C.C.D. (Confraternity of the Christian Doctrine) This is a catholic organization for children used to teach the faith. I think they scope out the kids and some get chosen as 'Alices'. This is their life's work. C.C.D. was started during the Counter-Reformation about the year 1580 AD by someone named John Leonardi. He is now known as Saint Leonardi. His views were so controversial the pope needed to guard him. He lived in the Republic of Luka (?? I think). Another idea is Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I think he had something to do with how the T.I.'s get harassed. His writings expose the Singularity and the Omega Point.
Updated Oct 9 2017
Over the weekend I tried to dig up some dirt on Pope Francis. He was in Argentina during The Dirty War. Argentinas Dirty War took place from roughly 1973 to 1983. I started by reading the Wikipedia page on the war. The war had so many factions and ideology's it's hard to understand what it was about. Argentina went through numerous military juntas who were all trying to stop communism and other ideologies. They used tactics developed by the French in their war in Algeria from 1954 to 1960. The source of those tactics is documented in the film "The Battle Of Algiers" and the book "Death Squads The French School 2004" by Marie Monique Robin. They claim a group called Cite Catholique was partly responsible. Cite Catholique roughly translates to Project Catholic or Estate Catholic. This was an organization started by someone named Jean Ousset. Those same tactics were eventually taught at the School of the Americas started in Panama by the U.S. The School of the Americas is now called W.H.I.N.S.E.C. and is based at Ft Benning Georgia. One ideology that was prevalent in Argentina was Peronism begun by Juan Peron. Peronists came from all walks of life. Trade unions, Marxists, right-wing politicians, left-wing politicians etc. As it turns out Peronism was very unique. It had 3 basic ideas: social justice, economic independence and sovreignty. It was also very anti-clericalism. I figure this is what someone was trying to stamp out. Juan Peron took office before the end of WWII. At the end of WWII Argentina and other South American countries were used by the Allies to smuggle ex-Nazis out of Europe. This is well documented in many books and films. "Unholy Trinity" is one book. I wonder if the Nazis were sent to South America to de-stabilize the governments and wipe out Peronism.
Updated Oct 8 2017
I am always looking for ways to defeat synthetic telepathy. This is a fairly simple and cheap solution. A Jacobs Ladder works very similar to a spark transmitter. It generates a spark of plasma that interferes with the entire radio spectrum. You can buy a small experimenters kit on ebay for about $25. (see third picture) You can buy most of the parts on Amazon for about $16. (see second picture)
Updated Oct 5 2017
This morning I worked a little on the antenna weave. I managed to get to where I was going vertical. I didn't have enough wire to finish and maybe I had too many horizontal. I thought I would try to explain what exactly I'm trying to do or just simplify it for people. Imagine an antenna sitting on a table. No electronics hooked up to it. That antenna is being vibrated by any EMI in the area. If you put an AM radio on the table the antenna would work to pick up AM signals. If you switched to an FM it would do the same. So it's picking up everything near it. If I took a resistor and hooked one end to the bottom of the antenna and the other end to earth ground I could get current to flow as a result of the vibration. If I then put a capacitor and inductor in parallel with the resistor the circuit would suppress everything but the resonant frequency. The question is does it work without having current?
Updated Oct 2 2017
This afternoon I tried again to make a piece of antenna weave. This time I reduced the size to 2 inches by 2 inches. The picture below is as far as I got when I realized something. Knit 1, Pearl 2,......Knit 1, Pearl 2,...... the next picture is a wool knitted hat. When I was young you could buy a small knitting machine and knit an entire sweater in about an hour. And it was a kids toy!!! I wonder if it could be applied somehow to wire?
Updated Oct 4 2017
This morning I tried again to make a piece of antenna weave. This time I tried to make a piece only 4 inches by 4 inches. I measured 10 feet of 26 ga stranded wire. I didn't get very far when I realized it wasn't enough wire. The end result is to make something like a hat that would absorb electro-magnetic waves without using earth ground. Waves coming from either outside the head or inside. If I make a piece too small to cover the head I could zip tie several pieces together. (see picture) Each piece would have a band pass filter. The filter could be designed for 1000 HZ and would suppress everything else. I have no idea if this works.
Updated Oct 2 2017
Not long ago I proposed what I called an antenna weave. The idea was to weave a single piece of wire into a matt and use it as an antenna. Today I tried to do it. I took a piece of plywood and put some wood screws at four corners and a few in between. I tied the wire to the screws with ordinary ties that I came with some trash bags. The wire made a square with both ends at one end. I unfurled what I thought was enough wire to complete it. I then went back and forth horizontally alternately going under the side. I didn't finish it because I ran into some problems. The idea was to completely fill the interior horizontally then weave vertically until I was back at the beginning. If I had finished I would a single piece of wire as a flat matt. The problems were as follows. I think I tried to make too large of a piece. The amount of wire I needed was too long and it kept getting tangled up. I should have used a small gauge stranded wire instead on magnet wire. If necessary I could have soldered another piece to the stranded wire and kept going. Another application for this is for a EMI suppression/absorbent. You could connect an inductor, capacitor and resistor in parallel at the 2 ends and make a band pass filter. It would suppress everything but the resonant frequency. It doesn't need any power. It could be used to shield a hand held device connected to a necklace that jams your emissions. Since you can't connect anything you carry around to earth ground it has to be done a different way.
Updated Oct 2 2017
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Singularity and Omega Point
This post is an attempt to expose what I think is fake news. In the movie "Vanishing Point" wth Barry Newman there is also a character named 'Super Soul'. (Universal Mind) He is a disk jockey (DJ) who broadcasts from an inky dinky radio station in the middle of nowhere in the west. (Area 51??) At times during the movie he talks to Newman through the car radio like he's right next to him. The police also listen to Super Soul and want to get him but he never says anything to incriminate himself. But he talks to Newman and says things. ??? "I was doin time,....in the Universal mind......" The Doors 1970. So yesterday I went to lunch with my mother. During the conversation she told me that 2 of my nephews had picked up my brothers habit of gambling and were planning a trip to Las Vegas. She was concerned because they couldn't afford it. These 2 nephews are Irish catholic on their fathers side. When I got up this morning my TV, radio and internet all are reporting a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Fifty plus dead and more than 400 wounded. Am I the only one getting this information? It isn't just that they treat you like an idiot they constantly bombard you with drugs to make it so you can't think straight. When I got home yesterday some of my food had been tainted and I got a really crappy nights sleep. My food is in my room by the way. This is why I can't get anything done with the electronics.
Number 1: "Are you the brain doctor....?"
Number 2: "No No I am not oh oh yes yes I am the brain doctor...."
Number 1: "My brain hurts......can you fix my brain?""
Monty Python
"You shot Mr Carter....."
"No I didn't....."
Self Defense Against People Armed With Fresh Fruit
Monty Python
Wife: "Here's your breakfast Honey...."
Husband: "Oh this looks like freshly squeezed orange juice from Florida..."
Wife: "Wrong again Honey....."
Husband: "Well then it must be reconstituted orange juice made from real oranges...."
Wife: "Wrong again Honey....."
Husband: "Well then it must be imitation reconstituted orange juice made from real oranges"
Wife: "Wrong again Honey..."
Husband: "Wrong again Honey,....Wrong again Honey .....will you please throw this goddam f&&^5ing filth in the toilet and get me some goddam fU*7 orange juice...."
"I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me..."
Marilyn Manson
signed PufferBelly My belly has been puffy for months (AHHH cancer just what the doctor ordered)
Updated Sept 27 2017
The Spanish Inquisition never ended, it went underground. This is because no one in their right mind at the bottom would live in a world with it still operating. This is why the American (Irish) Nazi is what he is, a puddle of maggot diarrhea. It's no accident. They were made that way by the people who know entirely too much about making money and holding power and manipulating people and whole society's to do that. G.O.D. whores. Gold Oil Drugs. Money is Debt and Debt is money. They own and operate everything because they have a bottomless bank account of worthless wood pulp to buy things that actually have value and pay an army of psycho assholes whose heads are full of religion. They are not building a Utopia for anyone at the bottom. "If you want to know what the future of the world is Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever...." Unless of course they start talking about the end of oil, which is unlikely. It doesn't fit the plan. "A hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance...." A 'hierarchal society' being one with a few people owning and running everything and everybody else a slave. Why do you think they are playing monopoly? Because one thousand billionaires is easier to control that one million millionaires. When the oil runs out so does the world of Every Man A King.
Updated Sept 26 2017 #2
I want to say this happened during the summer between my 8th and 9th grade of Junior High School. Maybe 1969 or 1970. This was before my problems got really really bad. At the time we were hanging around with a bunch of kids from Weymouth Landing. We called them the Landing Broads. They were all girls. (don't complain to me thats what they called themselves) One day I decided I didn't want to hang around so I left by myself. I started thumbing in front of the Western Auto on Rt 18. Didn't take long before I got picked up. The guy that picked me up was 'wired' in a major league way. Like I would be in a couple years. And for the next 30 years, by the way. Whatever. I was thinking to myself "Oh forget it I'll get out here". First thing he says is "This is a stolen car". "OK can I get me a get me out of here in here". No I didn't say anything. Next he points to the dash and says "This is the ignition that came with the car", (then points a little lower) and says "This is the one I wired in". I'd like to leave now. We got a little further and he offered me something to smoke or swallow or something and I said "no". Well maybe you should stop imbibing. Wired. We went right at the corner of 18 and 53 toward the highway and he tells me he wants to get on the highway so I told him to let me off at Weymouth Honda. I never forgot him. I may have stopped suffering around 2000 or 2002 I guess. Now I've spent another 17 years dealing with the invisible pig vomit. This is why I have no reason to continue and every reason to try to get even. That dog is not rehabilitatable.
"Riders on the storm,......."
"His brain is squirming like a toad,...."
Riders On The Storm
The Doors
"I am Ironman,....."
Black Sabbath
"No one bites back as hard on thier anger,......."
"None of my pain and woe can show through,...."
Behind Blue Eyes
The Who
"So I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed,..."
"Cause you said the brains I had went to my head,...."
Don't Look Back In Anger
What are ya gonna do if ya get a bad batch of marijuana Call Ghostbusters?
Updated Sept 26 2017
This is something I've thought about periodically. It's an example of how the human race is killing the planet and committing suicide. It might be a little weird in that it involves small fish. When I was a kid we used to have what was called the Herring Run. A Herring is a small fish. They would come in the Back River between Weymouth and Hingham to Lower Jackson Square. They would climb a fish ladder provided by the people of Weymouth and to get them into Whitmans pond and eventually Great Pond in South Weymouth. People were allowed to catch some for food. The others would mate in fresh water and the young would return to the sea. I only saw this once or twice. I think they stopped coming back around 1965. Small fish feed big fish which feed humans. Georges Bank was once considered the richest fishing grounds in the world. No longer.
Updated Sept 24 2017
Buddhism began in Eastern India around 500 or 600 BC. It may have been a reaction to the Indo-Aryan Invasion taking place in Western India. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. By 500 AD it had spread to Tibet. Not long after it died out in India and they went back to Hinduism. The tradition of the Dalai Lama did not begin until the time of Marco Polo around 1200 AD. Polo's father had spent much of his life in China trading. He returned to Italy before Marco Polo was born. Marco Polo set out for China like his father. When he got to Asia Minor someone gave him diplomatic papers to present to Kubla Khan the leader of the Mongol Empire. Several weeks after leaving he was summoned back by the Pope. The Pope had just been named. It was the person who gave Polo the papers in Asia Minor. He wasn't even a priest. He re-issued Polo's papers and he started out again. Several of the early Dalai Lama'a were closely related to Kubla Khan. (sound familiar) Every religion breaks in 2. Catholic, Protestant, Shite, Sunni, Buddhism is no different. They have Mahayana and Theraveda. I wonder if one takes up Aryanism and the other does not. Aryanism being the 'chickenshitting' of mass numbers of people behind their backs. Which is probably the action that led to Buddhism in the first place. In the 19th century a Russian named Blavatsky started The Theosophical Society in India to re introduce to Buddhism in India. She was joined by an American named Henry Steel Olcott a veteran of the American Civil War. Why? Hinduism has the untouchables. Mahatma Ghandi referred to them as 'Gods Children'. HMMMM!
Updated Sept 23 2017
On Being Homeless
My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment
One definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result (your harassment)
Religion will (??) implode from it's own hypocrisy (harassment)
Religion is a self fulfilling philosophy (and complete BS)
signed Zarathustra
Updated Sept 22 2017
I was listening to WRKO the other day. (like I do every day) I think it was Jeffrey Cooner or whatever his name is. He was telling old Don Rickles jokes.
Rickles: Did I ever tell you the story of how Frank Sinatra saved my life? Yea, I was getting the crap beat out of me in the parking lot of the Caesars Palace and Frank came along and said "OK guys thats enough" "It's an Eminence Front It's a put on it's a put on......" I ruse you man!!! I Mean I love you man.... It's a confidence thing.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And makes for arrogance personified. And eventually psychosis. (you have arrived at your destination)
Updated Sept 19 2017
My New Free Website
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Because hell and heaven were invented by and are managed by the same people. Religion is a self fulfilling philosophy.
All My Inventions In One PDF
Updated Sept 15 2017
Last night I read the Wikipedia page on Che Guevara. I have also been watching a video on youtube about the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962. Here are some of my problems with the historical record. We sacrificed about 30,000 men in a useless war in Korea from 1951 to 1953. We were already in Vietnam by the time the missle crisis happened although the casualties weren't that bad. We supported the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala with military support both monetary and soldiers. We overthrew Mosedeq in Iran. The Cuban civil lasted for 2 years before Bastista was ousted but we did virtually nothing. And Cuba is 90 miles from Florida. Guevara then had numerous TV appearances and participated in fishing tournaments etc. One revolution wasn't good enough so he tried to pad his resume with a couple more and wound up dead. I think was a liar. One of the boys.
Pope Paul IV started the ghetto. Other countries use the term 'pale'. I think Cuba is a ghetto. It's where the 'juded' get exiled. I think North Korea is a ghetto. This is why the war was never ended. Vietnam was not made a ghetto because it would have been too hard to defend. Korea has water on 2 sides and China to the north. Tibet is a ghetto. Isreal is the main ghetto. It is being used to foment anger in the arab world as an excuse for war and it will be used for the ultimate crime "The Battle Of Armageddon" to finally rid the world of Protestanism.
The Bay Of Pigs may have been some sort of 'Aleister Crowley'. The Cuban Missle Crisis happened just before the mid-term elections in 1962. It may have been designed to influence them somehow. A couple weeks after The Bay Of Pigs, Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York titled "The President and The Press". You can hear it on youtube. He references 'the events of the past few weeks'. It seems like he didn't really know about it before hand which leads me to the 'Aliester Crowley' conclusion. He goes on to warn of the dangers of Secret Societies and the role of the media in a new and unconventional war. He ends by saying "So man can be what he was born to be, free and independent". I figure if you wound up dead you were a good guy. So that's 2 Kennedy's, Martin Luther King (and that could not have been his name), Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morisson and eventually John Lennon. In the case of the last 3 they may have been hearing voices and "Death Is A Career Move". ("Careful with that axe Eugene....." Pink Floyd) (an 'axe' being a slang term for a guitar) Hendrix was in the military before picking up a guitar so it's entirely possible.
Updated Sept 14 2017
This may not be totally relevent given how much most Americans know, but, would the American government have allowed the Soviet Union to own as much property in America as the Vatican does today during the Cold War? A nation without borders!!!
Someone unfurled a banner at Fenway Park protesting racism. ??? I have only one issue, advanced wireless communications, surveillance, and mind control. Some people might think thats 3 but I consider them one. To me nothing else matters. Aside from the fact I don't want to be a public personality. I figure there's no point anyway until that problem is solved. ("You cannot petition the lord with prayers...." The Soft Parade - The Doors - 1969) Because he's transistorized. There are at least 3 ways you can go when confronted with the reality of the situation. You can be the boot, you can be the face, or you can try to ride the fence. Another 'option' exists where the decision was made for you. Transistorized. Until that problem is solved there's no point in discussing things in the media. And I don't want to do it anyway. How does anyone know whats real and whats a software routine? Talk about banging your head against a wall!!! The argument is the victory. (I was doin' time in the universal mind......") The Universal Mind - The Doors - 1970
"Break on through to the other side...."
"Prying open my third eye...."
signed The Mouse That Roared - Peter Sellers
Updated August 21 2017
All My Inventions In One PDF
New Reduced Files ZIP
Updated August 5 2017
I have been thinking about the future. In the movie version of "The Grapes Of Wrath" the farmers are replaced with bulldozers and tractors right after they leave for California. In one of my Peak Oil documentaries they have a statistic that states that one gallon of gasoline can be extracted from the ground and sold for about $2, and that one gallon can do the work equivalent to 100 men performing manual labor for an entire year. When fossil fuels run out man is going back in time. Communism will just 'happen' because there will be no alternative for the overwhelming majority.
Updated July 28 2017
I have been reading about the Salem Witch Trials that took place in 1692. They were preceded by a different form of government in America. The Dominion of New England. It was instituted by James II of England who was a Catholic. He was the last Catholic monarch in England. The Dominion was very unpopular. It lasted only a couple years. It was replaced in 1688 by the former government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony when James was deposed in 1688. James also let in the Anglican Church which angered the Puritans. I wonder if the trial were a sham perpetrated by the Puritans designed to regain control. Get rid of potential trouble makers. The Protestants had learned how to use the 'chickenshit' system using religion.
You're nothing but animals. You should be stripped naked and put in a cage. Hosed down every other day and have some meat thrown in.
Updated July 27 2017
Change of address (see above)
This morning I has another brilliant idea while having my coffee. I know I know you think nothing I do is brilliant but I don't give a fuck what you think about anything. AND THIS MEANS YOU!!! It's an addendum to the EMI absorbent material idea. Along with the mat of woven circuits put a layer of aluminum foil on each side. Aluminum has the best reflective properties of any metal. This will help trap EMI inside the mat. It will also reduce the power that needs to be consumed by reflecting a portion before it gets to the circuits. In addition to the coils and resistors in the circuits you could add an IC that helps to jam whatever is being absorbed. It works the same as an RFID. It's powered by the EMI.
signed Going Out In A Blaze Of Information
Change of address (see above)
Updated July 20 2017
Syncretic Religion - any religion whose theology is not totally unique. Any religion that blends elements of other religions. Examples of syncretic religions are santeria, voodoo, chondogou sohak and cao dai.
Syncretism has been used as far back as Roman times to assimilate and subdue conquered populations. The Romans used in on the Celts and Druids of Ireland and England.
Santeria is a religion of Latin America that has it's origins in Africa. It blends Roman Catholicism with African mysticism. It is very popular in Cuba.
Voodoo is a blending of Roman Catholicism with African mysticism. It is mostly from Haiti.
Chondogou is a blending of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucism and other eastern religions. It was begun about the year 1860 in Korea by a prophet named Choe Cheiu, It is the opposite of Sohak which blends elements of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions.
Cao Dai is a blending of Roman Catholicism with eastern religions. It began around 1926 in Vietnam by Ngo Van Chieu. When trying to understand the Vietnam War I try to apply Orwell's theory that war is waged by the ruling class on it's own citizens to keep the structure of society intact. I believe the problem of mind control/genocide began in the United States in the early 1950's. This caused rebellion and talk of revolution. The most serious of which was the Students for a Democratic Society. (SDS) SDS made a formal declaration with it's Port Huron Statement in the early 1960's. The Vietnam War was used to suppress this rebellion and maintain control of the United States. Vietnam was used because they had a measure of control through religion. The true purpose of SDS was drowned out by protest against the war. By the mid 1970's the objective had been accomplished and Vietnam was abandoned. Vietnam was lost because they could not maintain a permanent occupation without constant incursions from Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. It's not a peninsula like Korea. The war would have to have been expanded throughout Southeast Asia. The objective had been reached so this was not necessary. Nor was it desirable because it would have caused further problems in America and reversed the win. Korea was left unfinished because it's a peninsula and it could be used for tension and conflict and a future war. The French part of the Vietnam War ended when Paul Mus parachuted into Vietnam and help negotiate a truce. I got this from Emile de Antonio's movie "In The Year Of The Pig". A similar event occurred with the American part. Henry Kissinger went around the Paris Peace Talks to negotiate with Ho Chi Minh. This makes no sense. Why did Kissinger feel the need to do that? How much control have American presidents had since WWII? Or before? Who is running things? Was the Buddhist priest burning himself an Aleister Crowley???? Why did LBJ send the USS Liberty off the coast of Israel? Why does no one know about this? Are these things also Aleister Crowleys? How much control did LBJ have?
Updated July 18 2017
Change of address (see above)
Arctic Beacon Banned Books ZIP
Bridgewater ZIP
Shattuck ZIP
This morning I watched a video on youtube, uploaded by The Corbett Report (I think??) about the NSA's data collection center in Utah. They state the center needs 1.7 million gallons of water per day to cool the computers. They called for the state of Utah to shut off the water. The center is in the middle of nowhere and in the desert. Where are they getting 1.7 million gallons of water a day?
Updated July 16 2017
Accident ZIP
Arrest ZIP
Intel ZIP
Updated July 11 2017
Change of address (see above)
I got hit by a MACK truck!!!! (well, no not really) It's the voodoo you do and your little BMW too!!!
There is some connection between Voodoo and the Catholic church. Like a lot of religions. I'm not sure exactly what it is but this is a guess. It's structured the same as the Catholic church and Hinduism. Voodoo priests are the top class. They run everything. Including the police. Voodoo got started in Haiti around 1800. ???? Haiti had a revolution the same time as we did. Voodoo was involved somehow.
My new address has central air. The air in my room goes from bad to worse and back again. And the problem of people entering my room when I'm not there continues.
Updated July 5 2017
Change of address (see above)
"Some of those who use forces,..."
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
"Some of those who use forces,...."
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.."
"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.."
Killing In The Name
Rage Against The Machine
In one of the central banking documentaries I have they quote someone who says something to the effect "The truth is, European banking interests have controlled the government since the days of Andrew Jackson". I have always wondered what this meant. Jackson himself said his greatest achievement was "Killing the bank". It did not create a period of peace and prosperity. Martin Van Buren was Jacksons Vice President. He was elected president in 1836 after Jackson. He served only one term. His time in office was marred by economic turmoil. His solution was to abolish state controlled banks and create a Treasury dept managed by the federal government. This was done around 1848 effectively centralizing power in the hands of a few people. Questions. Who owned and controlled the various state banks between 1836 and 1848? Who controlled the Treasury between 1848 and 1913?
A very long time ago I watched a video about some young people who had banded together and were talking revolution. It's possible the whole thing was made up. They had been befriended by a older European man who had interested them in anarchy. Nobody needs an ideology or philosophy or whatever. "If you want to know what the future of the world is Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever" A revolution needs only an objective. Here it's 'get the boot off my face'. You get out of bed everyday and you work toward the objective. Some people worry about whats next. This is putting the cart before the horse. Whats next is "absence of boot on face". If there is such a thing. Manipulate is the name of the game. If you want to control the dissent, lead the dissent.
Updated July 4 2017
No attempt to give a fuck will be made.
You hate me,....I hate you.
Duly noted,....promptly filed....
The circular file.......
(you know what that is)
I will not be gracious,..
about my father being murdered
by the Weymouth police.....
Having every penny he ever saved stolen...
then run out of town on a rail..
For no reason what so ever....
Or maybe cause I won't bend over for jesus
You are all maggott diarhea
Someone's gonna take one for the team....
Updated July 3 2017
Change of address (see above)
A few days ago I watched a 4 part BBC series on Henry VIII. “The Mind Of A Tyrant Henry VIII” I was looking for information on Thomas Cromwell but didn’t get much. They mentioned a book by Rawdon Brown published in the 19th century. “Calendar Of State Papers And Manuscripts” He spent years translating papers of the various Papal States in Northern Italy into English. They go back as far as 1200 AD.
Updated June 29 2017
Who visited George Bush in May 2007? Queen Elizabeth II. Who visited George Bush in April 2008? Pope Benedict XVI. Who were 2 people Obama visited in his first year in office? Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Benedict XVI. It's little things like this that prove there is no 500 year old war between England and the Papacy. The Rothchilds are the wealthiest family in the world. They've owned most of the London Stock Exchange since Napolean lost the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The Rothchilds are Jewish. There must be some simple logic or basic historical fact that would prove they answer to the Pope. They're all the same thing. They play the people at the bottom for suckers.
War Is A Racket
Smedley Butler
Jesus Is A Racket
(cuz I just know it is)
The Prince
Updated June 22 2017
Index Of Forbidden Books
Western Civilization is a lie. To discover the truth you must lift the veil. This is not easy. One place is any art, literature, painting, music, movies etc, that's worth a dam. If you know what to look for it's all the same thing. Looking at the history of art since the Renaissance can help. If this is too hard I have another idea, The Index Of Forbidden Books. This list was begun in 1559 during the Counter Reformation and stopped in 1966. I figure if it's listed it should be mandatory reading for everyone.
Index Of Forbidden Books
Another forgotten gem of information is "Fox's Book Of Martyr's"
Fox's Book Of Martyr's
Updated June 21 2017
I have been listening to The Beatles. I have never understood the song "Strawberry Fields Forever". Today I had an idea. If you mix orange paint with yellow paint you get red. Since they're building a one world government with a one world religion the red represents one. The world will be a farm of small red fruits forever. But then I mixed some orange and yellow and it didn't work, so back to the drawing board.
The Beatles album "Yellow Submarine" is without question the worst Rock N Roll album ever released. It's a lemon. And I think that's what they were trying to say. There is one so so song and then the rest of it isn't even good classical music. It's just violins and cellos going up and down. When it was first released many people wanted their money back. The movie, however isn't that bad. The Attack of The Blue Meanies
"She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" off of Abbey Road is one of my collections of Police songs. It is similar to Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious". (I think thats the one) The police send someone in to do 'undercover' work while hanging some charge over their head. Then they say "she could steal but she could not rob..." I think they mean the name Robert. Meaning she couldn't help Bob because he's under mind control. Bob's a cop. The last thing before the song "Her Majesty" says "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make". You get 'Juded' when you know the truth, when they "Turn you on..." So you can't love anyone either. Hannah Arendt said it differently. "The world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of simply being human. The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps. The SS knew that to control a large population you get the victim to volunteer for the noose." From "The Dangers Of Obedience And The Banality Of Evil"
The last song on Sgt Pepper is "A Day In The Life". At the end they say "10,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire,...although the holes were rather small, .....they had to count them all,....now they now how many holes it's takes to fill the Albert Hall.....I'd love to turn you on...."
Albert Hall is a famous concert venue. I think it's in Blackburn Lancashire. So everyone who attends a concert leaves with a little hole. A little reason to get 'juded' and get chased around by the church (mind controlled police). In the Hindu Caste system shit rolls downhill. The Catholic church is a nation without borders and it is structured like the Hindu Caste system.
The last album The Beatles released was "Let It Be". Self explanatory. Six months after they broke up they released "Hey Jude". Listen to the words carefully. They never played together again.
Tupac spelled backwards is caput a latin word for head. German is Kaputt for not working or dead. English is Kaput for broken as in engine is kaput.
Updated May 25 2017
I was informed a few days ago that I was moving to Quincy. I have come to the conclusion it is a ruse. If you think I think this would all end I know better. I put up with this problem for 6 years in Weymouth. When I went to Bridgewater it followed. The same for Jamaica Plain and Randolph. I know if I leave Randolph it will follow. As far as human rights are concerned I think it's stupid to argue about human rights with the people who are trying to take them away. The argument is the victory. They will lie and cheat until I 'hit the road'. FU FU FU
Updated May 24 2017
When I first got out of Shattuck and began attending Atlantic House there was a lot of construction along Washington St in Quincy where Atlantic House is located. One place that was rebuilt was the Tedeski convenience store just down the street. It got a complete makeover despite the fact it didn't need it. Inside there are fixtures that call it a 7-11. So, which is it? A Tedeski or 7-11?
Not much further down the street is a church now called the 'Life Community Church'. Just a couple months ago it was the 1027??? or something. In the last few weeks there have been work trucks (plumbers, electricians etc) out front with English type names. Foster, Turner etc. Did someone push out the original church to create this one? Did they do this to lure me in? Is this similar to the Atlantic Appliance Parts moving and changing hands?
Updated May 17 2017
I want to say this happened sometime after 1990. But I don't know exactly when. I saw this on TV or radio so take it with a grain of salt. The report stated that the Chinese had knocked out a satellite with a missile. If it's true I wonder if the Chinese leader got a phone call and a nuclear threat was made.
Updated May 13 2017
This post is a continuation of the last. If you can create an alternative communication system within a microwave frequency why couldn't you create one inside the AM or FM bands? You could use amplitude modulation at an FM frequency or vice versa. In fact you could use any type of modulation at any frequency. The possibility's are endless. FM or AM equipment can be made with a few discrete analog parts.
Today's troubling question. If the Pope is running everything with surveillance and communications what was the Irish Republican Army (IRA) for? I don't know!!
Updated May 9 2017
Updated April 25 2017
Vivisection for the vivisected
People who torture
Shouldn't live in glass houses of pain
I'm waiting for 'it' to get it over with
As long as I'm suffering
All around me shall suffer
If I'm not here in 10 minutes
I'm not missing anything
Speaker Ryan wants to wait it out
Two can play that game
My long term goal is the temporary destruction
Of Oliver's Army
People in this country don't join the military to fight for someone else's property
I think this is why they created the illusion of freedom in 1776
Updated April 21 2017
I have been thinking about economics and the monetary system. Yesterday I downloaded some free books. At first I couldn't find any free copies and the prices were $200 or something outrageous. I eventually got some free ones. If the ones I got are not real it's another case of 'My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment". So I uploaded them to my Google Drive and provided links below. The bottom link is for the folder at Google in case they don't download to your computer correctly. I'm not sure if even that works, but I'll do it anyway.
ABC's of Economics by Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound Speaking
Credit Power and Democracy by D.H. Douglas
Social Credit and Catholicism
Social Credit by D.H. Clifford
The Production of Money by Ann Pettifor
Google Folder
I also tried to get "Basilikon Doron" and "The True Law Of Free Monarchies" by King James I of England but failed.
"Like a diamond shot in my forehead......"
Col Kurtz from "Apolcalypse Now"
Do you know how nature creates diamonds? Diamonds are made from carbon that has been under extreme pressure for millions of years. Carbon is a natural element. It is on the periodic table. Carbon is nature's black. If carbon is a couple miles underground it is under extreme pressure from all the rock and whatever above it. This makes diamonds.
Updated April 12 2017
Recently I tried to get the words to 'The Immigrant Song' by Led Zeppelin. The little children slugs on the internet switch wouldn't give them to me and this really pissed me off. I wanted to write something about immigration so now I will. I never know if they do these things to motivate me to fight back or if they actually hate me. I don't care either way. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit because it's too much work. And I don't believe in speech's because there's too much give a shit in them. And a funny thing happened on the way to the forum, they hauled my keester to the salt mines because they didn't like anything I had to say.
As a conspiracy theorist I am always looking for evidence the global elite are up to something. I think too much, and illegal, immigration is proof. I got this idea from 'The Immigrant Song' and a book titled "Imminent Dangers To The Free Institutions Of The United States Through Foreign Immigration And The Present State Of The Naturalization Laws" (anonymous Published in 1835 The New York Journal Of Commerce) I have tried to come up with some basic reasons why they want it this way.
The first reason is economic. The elite want the best and the brightest to work for the high tech companies. These people are let in legally. They become dependent on the system because they get rich. They support the system for the same reason. They also want a bottomless pool of unskilled workers who will take what they get and not complain or ask for a lot of benefits. Unskilled Americans expect too much and are prone to rebellion. The elite don't like unions.
I believe the elite are committing genocide on lower class, and middle class Americans. Immigrants are let in to cover this up. I believe psychiatry is genocide. I think the health care system in general is the American Auschwitz and Americans are paying through the nose for the privilege. It isn't just that Americans are educated I think any country that has a fractional reserve banking system must carry on a perpetual genocide to control inflation. If everyone in a country with this banking system were allowed to get credit for a car loan, home loan or whatever, the value of the currency would be zero very quickly. Non-Accelerating Inflationary Rate of Unemployment ?????
First generation immigrants don't have a stake in their adopted country. They will always have a sense of alienation. They are less likely to fight for someone of the same economic class who is experiencing a problem. They are used to despotism and accept it as the norm instead of standing up for thier rights. Slowly but surely the America that respects each other and the law is replaced by people who will put up with being walked all over by people in power.
Low class illegal immigrants are usually criminals. They add to the lawlessness. They justify a militarized police state. Sooner or later the police will become a problem if they aren't already. Mind-controlled mind fuck thought police. ???? China is a high tech secret fascist police state where everyone thinks it's a communist country. America is a high tech secret fascist police state where everyone thinks it's a free country. The New World Order fixes this. Everyone is going to know what they are. When that happens global depopulation will begin.
The book mentioned above calls it a fight between monarchist despotism and enlightened republicanism. Absolute control by the moneyied elite and control for and by the people. The book only talks about America but it was written in 1835. The problem of immigration is happening everywhere. If the elite are building a one world government they would want the entire population to think and act alike. They want to erase national identities. They would want a one world religion. Scientology maybe?
Updated April 10 2017
Locomotives - I recently went back to Weymouth for a day and did my old protest march route. I dropped cd's and dvd's all day. I did this in the event anyone who knew what was going on had been lied to about what became of me. My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment. As of this post I've done it twice. There have been reports on my radio that the MBTA has some bad locomotives. Trains are a recurring theme in music and literature. I think artists use trains to describe revolutionaries who 'hit the road'. A 'locomotive' would be a leader. Or maybe better decribed as a 'public pretender'. Someone who pretends to be a revolutionary. "Out of my brain on the 5:15,....." - 5:15 - The Who - Quadrophenia - 1973 'Quadrophenia' was supposed to be The Who's second rock opera. 'Tommy' being the first. Every song on the album fits into a theme. Like the acts and scenes of a play. Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' was also a rock opera. More recently Green Day's '21st Century Breakdown'. At some point in 'Quadrophenia' the main character hits the road on a train. At the very end of the movie version of 'Farenheit 451' the main character, Montag, goes to live with 'the book people' who live in abandoned trains memorizing old books to keep them alive. 'Public pretenders' main purpose is to stop rebelion. Bad locomotives. I think this idea dates back to Shakespeare's 'Julius Ceasar'. "The fault dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves,....." Brutus is conned by 'public pretenders' and the whole thing ends in disaster.
Butterfly stuff. Butterflies are also a theme. Edward Lorenz died in April 2008. I had never heard of him until I heard his obituary on the news. He was a professor at M.I.T. in Cambridge. He invented 'chaos theory' as it was applied to meteorology. He believed a butterfly could flap it's wings in the Amazon and cause a hurricane in China. I, possibly, being the butterfly. ???? The French word for butterfly is 'papilon'. 'Papilon' was a movie starring Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. It's about a couple of Frenchman who were convicted of crimes in France then sentenced to the French Penal Colony in South America called Devils Island. I think it was in French Guiana. (spelling ??) While there they are employed catching butterflies to be used to make ink for the printing of currency. If you think about it for a minute no one could possibly catch enough butterflies to make enough ink for any countries currency. I'm not sure if this is related. One of the more famous convicts at Devils Island was Capt Dreyfus of the Dreyfus Affair. The Dreyfus Affair occured at the very end of the 19th century and was controversial up until WWI. Capt Dreyfus was convicted of treason or something. His trial seriously divided France and led to the repeal of Napoleons 1801 Concordat with the Vatican that restored the church after the French Revolution. France adopted a policy of separation of church and state.
"The ringing of the division bell had begun,..."
High Hopes
Pink Floyd
In 1975 a group calling itself the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst and held her for several months. During that time they robbed a number of bank. Hearst was photographed holding a rifle in one of the robberies. After the SLA was caught Patty Hearst served 3 years for bank robbery. There is no country Symbion or Symbionese. The closest thing to it would be Siam the former name of Thailand. I think it's possible the name was derived from the word 'symbiotic'. It means 'a close relationship with mutual co-operation'. Patty Hearst was the daughter ??? niece or William Randolph Hearst who owned hundreds of newspapers and radio stations. He has been accused of starting the Spanish-American War by printing lies about the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor. Maybe the symbiotic relationship the SLA was trying to liberate was the association of banking, newspapers and the government. Orson Wells movie 'Citizen Kane' was about Hearst. Wells was ostracized in Hollywood for the movie by Hearst. In 1939 Wells made a broadcast of H.G.Wells book 'The War Of The Worlds' that caused widespread panic in parts of the country. Orson Wells is not related to H.G. Wells, but maybe they were both trying to say something no one in power would let them say.
Updated April 5 2017
This is a collection of possibly connected evidence. ???
phoenix - in ancient Egypt and in classical antiquity, a fabulous bird associated with the worship of the sun. The Egyptian phoenix was said to be as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. Only one phoenix existed at any time, and it was very long-lived—no ancient authority gave it a life span of less than 500 years. As its end approached, the phoenix fashioned a nest of aromatic boughs and spices, set it on fire, and was consumed in the flames. From the pyre miraculously sprang a new phoenix, which, after embalming its father's ashes in an egg of myrrh, flew with the ashes to Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”) in Egypt, where it deposited them on the altar in the temple of the Egyptian god of the sun, Re. A variant of the story made the dying phoenix fly to Heliopolis and immolate itself in the altar fire, from which the young phoenix then rose. (MLA Style: "phoenix." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010.)
Antony C Sutton was a writer and researcher who wrote books exposing the global elite. He wrote what is considered the definitive book on Skull and Bones. There are numerous video interviews on youtube. He also wrote "Wall St And The Bolshevik Revolution", "Wall St And The Rise Of Hitler" and something about F.D.R. In my reading about Sutton I think I came across something that said he had edited a journal or newsletter that had the word 'Phoenix' in the tilte but I can't find that statement now. I would like some copies of that if they exist. I do however have a couple copies of a "Phoenix Journal" by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. One titled "Taking Off The Blindfold" ISBN 1-56935-038-8 Phoenix Source Publishers Las Vegas NV April 1994 and "Butterflies, Mind Control - The Razors Edge It's All In The Came" by the same person ISBN 1-56935-052-3 October 1994 Phoenix Source Publishers Las Vegas NV Not that long ago I found a book on Amazon titled "Phoenix Rising: The Rise And Fall Of The American Republic" by Donald Lett. I did not buy it because it was $800. I discovered recently the ISBN was fake. ??? (I think ??) At the beginning of the first Zeitgeist movie that came out in 2007 they discuss certain astrological events that are about to occur. They involve the procession of the equinoxes and the age of Aquarius. Supposedly we are about to enter the age of Aquarius. (they don't make this connection I do) Scientology is being introduced to coincide with the new age. Aquarius. Scientology is the new Phoenix. The American Republic was created specifically for this purpose. Scientology IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. After 2000 years they are abandoning Jesus for something else. ??? Planning for this was done at both Vatican I and II. Both journals can be found on the cd/dvd, if they work. When I burn a cd/dvd I use Cyberlinks Power2Go 8. Before I even put a cd/dvd in the tray the software says "Space Used: 19 MB". That seems like a lot. I wonder if someone got some sort of spyware on it (CIA/FBI) I recently discovered the Post Office has a stamp honoring a Hindu ritual that involves a necklace of light. ??? I discovered this by looking in the current catalog of available stamps. I wonder if 'they' are on to them. (CIA/FBI) I bet I didn't give it away, it had already occured if they ran the cd/dvd.
"Let the sunshine,..."
"Let the sunshine in,..."
"The sun shine in,...."
The Age Of Aquarius
The 5th Dimension
A book cited many times by many people:
"Tragedy And Hope" by Carrol Quigley
In the musical "Hair" the main character Berger dies at Area 51?
Counter Surveillance 4 pdf
Updated March 31 2017
On Feb 20 I proposed my idea for EMI absorbant material. I have come up with a couple other ideas for it. I have re-posted the Feb 20 below then presented the new ideas. EMI absorbant material could be used in an apartment that you don't own. You might not have access to the earth ground or someone could mess with it.
Updated March 21 2017
At the very beginning of "Alice in Wonderland" Alice is in a sewer with a bunch of old crazy Englishman. One of them gets up to give a speech and begins "William the Conqueror whose cause was favored by the Pope,.....". Is Alice Catholic? Is she bred to do what she does? "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" is a book by Betty Smith. Is the 'tree' on the grounds of a convent? Do all 'Alices' come from the same place? Enquiring mind wants to know but doesn't really give a shit!! "Oh Oh Oh Jamies cryin,......" - Van Halen There is no song about Rebeka. I think??? Rebeka of not so sunny brook farm. "Do you have a coat hanger? I've locked myself out of my car?" Roe v Wade "Thats when I knew she fucking hates me...." "She's waiting,....for another love,...." Eric Clapton My stupidvision is reporting that some old perv from Tennessee ran off with an under age girl he stalked for years. signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Rudolph the Randolph reindeer...had a very shiny gun,.....and if you ever see it.....he'll shoot you in the face,..... signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Why don't you set up similar situations somewhere else and pretend they are real??? signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
The Boston Marathon Bombing was a distraction signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Wal-Mart - Cheap Stuff Cheap
(If you use this I want money) signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
I can not possibly count the numbers of times this has happened. When I approach a traffic light and begin to cross the street without pushing the pedestrian button the second I am in front of a car the light turns green. Like everything else traffic lights are computerized. Whenever an emergency vehicle gets near a light they can wirelessly change the light so they can go through. If you hear them coming you can see a small light at the top of the pole begin to flash. This tells you it's about to happen. If an emergency vehicle can do it anyone can. Did you read the post about my UPS (uninterruptable power supply)? They say the cameras on the light are local and not available by wireless but HMMMM. Big Brother IS watching you. And You And You And You And You And Big Brother is the Pope and HE'S CRAZY!!!!
signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Updated March 16 2017
But what would I do for a telephone?
Your anger is my telephone,
and or
My cable TV station,
In a world of cell phones and the internet,
Six degrees of seperation doesn't last six minutes,
Ten years later not much has changed,
I got mine screw you,
The rallying cry of Fascists
Fascism is necessary because,
There isn't too much for everyone
To be damned is to be Toby Dammitt
(Toby Dammitt is the subject,
of a short story by Edgar Allen Poe)
"Never Bet The Devil With Your Head"
signed Pavlov's Dog
To make matters worse
It's not good for someone
Who doesn't exist to
Inform people of problems
That effect everyone
The chances my name will appear
In any bullshit history book
a. zip
b. nada
c. zero
d. zilch
e. the big donut
f. all of the above
I have nothing to lose
Isn't commerce wonderful
Buy buy buy buy
I have been watching some documentary's on The Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. The Spanish Civil War had been building for 20 or 30 years. The second Spanish Republic was formed in 1932. At that point the peasants began changing things. One thing they tried was anarchism. Anarchism is not chaos or people doing whatever they want with no regard for others or the consequences to society. This is what Americans think of Anarchy. Anarchy was a movement where people at the bottom stuck together kind of like a labor union but without an actual organization. The idea was to educate the illiterate and change cultural ideas. They also taught people to question authority and say no to corporate bosses who expected too much. It was liberalism. 'Liberalism' is any attempt by the people at the bottom to depose the people at the top. The people at the top apply all sorts of labels. 'Liberalism' is a label. The ultimate goal was to take authority away from the bourgeosie and redistribute wealth. By 1936 many people were living in communal situations where the land was collectively owned and managed. The war was waged to turn this around. In the end they lost and the Fascists took control. Many of the peasants were rounded up and sent to camps where they were executed. One reason I think it failed was they lost sight of or didn't understand the enemy. One thing they didn't understand was this. In every city and town on this planet there is a police station. In that police station sits a Captain Clitface. Every so often he gets a phone call from someone who requests that a certain person gets harassed or chased out of town for no reason at all. One of the sources of that call is the father fuck agains from a assbitch u. (OK I'll be fair they also come from reverend rearend) (the problem ya see is that I think that the Pope invented and today, runs the Oligarch Collective) (he is the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid) (but the leaders of the protestant reformation sold out in 1550) If you want to change the world you have to stop those phone calls. If you're a PIG in this country and you're worried about a war YOU HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME. Not me. I haven't read the job description for police officer for any city or town in the country but I can make a generality that applies to all of them. Unless a crime has been committed you're not supposed to do anything. You have yes sir'd no sir'd and can I have another sir'd everyone on this planet right into hell. One Two Three Four I love the Moron Corp!!! I think this is one of the reasons Students for a Democratic Society failed.
Updated March 13 2017
My housemates were particularly nasty this weekend.
"And if the band you're in,...."
"Starts playing different tunes,..."
"I'll see you on the dark side of the moon,,"
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
Do you feel unwelcome? Well, Yeah, but I don't want to be welcome so NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!
Let's see,.. 1957 to 1972 - Tommy - The Who, 1972 to 2002 - Ironman - Black Sabbath, 2002 to present - Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd. St Augustines Limbo is part of the Pelagian Heresy. "What would you do with a brain if you had one?" "I been run down,...I been lied too,.. I don't know why I let that damn woman make me a fool,....took all my money,....wrecked my new car,....now she's with one of my good time buddies drinking in some crosstown bar......some times I feel like......" Whipping Post - Allman Bros - It's a drug evasion arrest, THX 1138 - Even if I go back to my pills this won't stop. I took them for 30 years and it was going on anyway. It's the hunger games. You will produce 2 bales of cotton per day or you will go hungry.." I'm just waiting for it to be over. Who wouldn't want out of the dungeon? But I'm gonna make as much trouble as HUMANLY possible on the way out the door. FU FU FU signed Sabrina (whats her name) from day treatment 2002 Capitalism is a very sophisticated form of slavery.
"Isn't it wonderful we have commerce, buy buy buy buy...." THX 1138
Jesus H Fuckin Christ is a psycho-killer power and money slut. "It's the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs,...." - Ministry
This is completely self serving so don't misinterpret. You are better off putting up with some short term discomfort to attain some long term security. But you don't contribute anything. Those that would trade liberty for security deserve neither - (one of the founding father's I don't know which)
My new favorite band - White Zombie
"Devil man,...."
"Devil man......"
"It is not heresy,....."
"And I will not recant,....."
Super-Charger Heaven
White Zombie
You take away my peace of mind I take away yours!!!! Deal? Deal! I know, I know out of sight out of mind doesn't really work anymore.
I don't give fuck one whats brewin from the Bruins!!! Same shit different day!!! If you're not thinkin my middle finger this is here to remind you.
My 3 wishs for the genie:
My health
My freedom
The first 60 years of my life
It's a myth anyway!!!
Whats a Pookah? Harvey - Jimmy Stewart
You have 2 choices with me, middle of the road or middle finger. Either way I hate you and don't want to speak to you.
L.T.L.E.L eats a lot of his relatives. I.C.P.S.A. Can you say coward, well of course you can. $887.25 a month doesn't get me squat!!! But then what would I do for a telephone.
I can make L.T.L.E.L. show up whenever I want!!!
"The law fought me and the law won...."
This is an idea for hobbyists who fool around with electronics or hackers who fool around with the government. You know what a pain it is to work with surface mount componants. It's difficult to get them on and off boards. Any ordinary soldering iron will have replaceable tips. Tips come in different sizes and shapes. The shaft that holds the tip can get as hot as the tip itself so the idea is to fashion a piece of metal to slip over the shaft. You can make the end of the metal any shape you want. The top picture is one I made that I never did anything with. I could cut a square hole in it the exact shape of an IC and heat up every pin at the same time. (second picture) By holding the board upside-down I could get the chip off without too much effort. Sometimes it's good to heat up both ends of a resistor at the same time. (see bottom picture) Small pieces of sheet metal can be bought from any hardware store. I think ?? (I'm not sure) stainless will not accept solder. The lighter the gauge the better, because it will be easier to heat up.
Updated Feb 23 2017
"And Lenny Bruce is not afraid...."
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
REM was the name of a Rock N Roll band that was active for 30 years. It also stands for Rapid Eye Movement. (REM) REM is a state of sleep that is characterized by certain criteria. I don't know what they are. There are different states of sleep. Some light some deep. Point being, if you are under constant surveillance they know when you are in deep sleep and are less likely to wake up. Despite my best efforts to secure my MP3 players my ear buds continue to make me sick. (the past fews days,---really nasty--combined with the Sprite I bought at the Family Dollar in Randolph -- YEAk) I keep my players with me AT ALL TIMES. I also keep my wallet and keys and USB thumb drives with me. The only time they could possibly get at them is while I'm asleep. This is a collection of things I have tried. The top picture is the door to my room. I came up with this over the weekend. I tied 4 cans together with metal wire. I taped them to a piece of wood using Duck tape. It's kind of sticky on the outside and helps to keep it balanced. I taped the cans toward the end of the piece of wood so the other end would touch the door. This stops the wire from getting caught on the door knob. When the knob is turned the wood forces it off the knob and onto the floor. I also bought a automobile mat to jam the door shut. I also have a book end. The second picture is something I bought at Wal-Mart. I decided not to go with this for a couple reasons. I don't own the door and can't make alterations. It has to be screwed into the wood. If you had a car Slim Jim or just a thin stiff piece of metal you could push the device up from the other side if there is enough space between the door and the floor. The third picture is a metal box left by the last person who had the room. He kept his medications in it. I put all my stuff in and put it under my mattress when I sleep. When ever I have my computers on I start to get sick. I figure they put something on a fan or something. The last picture is a HEPA filter. It cost about $100. The filters are replaceable. I put it next to the computer when it's on.
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Feb 14 2017
I have been thinking about the science of light. I read somewhere that light is a particle, but the Wikipedia page talks about the wave-particle duality. This is the way I look at it. Atoms are the smallest building blocks in the universe. The periodic table contains all the known different atoms. An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons. The nucleus has both protons and neurons in different numbers. Electrons revolve around the nucleus. The number of electrons per atom depends on the substance. Electrons are not permanantly bound to the nucleus. They can drift from nucleus to nucleus. Electrons, neutrons and protons are particles. When electrons move from nucleus to nucleus they create electro-magnetic radiation (EMR). The 2 types of radiation are particles and waves.
- "9-11 Birds" 2 parts of a video I downloaded while trying to find a copy of Jules and Gedeon Naudets film 9/11 The Commemorative Edition. One part has Donald Rumsfeld talking about trillions missing from the defense budget and the other is about William Cooper. (see note)
- "1984" with John Hurt and Richard Burton (fiction) A recent version of Orwell's novel. Many people feel we are living Orwell's dystopia. I am one of them.
- "A Crude Awakening" About Peak Oil. Points out 3 places where oil ran dry. Baku, Ajerbaijan, Maracaibo, Venezuela, and McCamey Texas. Every individual oil field runs out so they know it will happen globally sooner or later.
- "Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo Aaron Russo made films. He made "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy. In this documentary he claims there is no law that requires people to pay federal income taxes. He says the required number of states never ratified the amendment. He was an acquantance of one of the Rockefellers and says they want everyone on the planet 'chipped' with an RFID. All your money will be on that chip and if you don't do what they say they turn it off leaving you destitute. "All in all you're just another brick in the wall...."
- "Once Again There Will Be Ante Pavelic" a Marbus Presentation Ante Pavelic was the fascist dictator of Yugoslavia during WWII. He oversaw the Jasenovac Death Camp where 850,000 people were killed or converted to Catholicism.
- "School Of The America's" narrated by Susan Sarandon The School of the Americas (now called WHINSEC) is located at Fort Benning GA. Critics claim they train police and military from South American countries to terrorize and kill peasants for capitalists.
- "Big Bucks, Big Pharma Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs" An hour long documentary on how drug companies market drugs direct to consumer (DTC) and over charge for them. One example is Prozac. When the patent for Prozac ran out they invented another disease and DTC Prozac under some other name. But it was exactly the same drug.
- "The Secret Of Oz with Bill Still" A movie about fiat currency and the fractional reserve banking system.
- "Blind Spot" Another documentary about Peak Oil.
- "The World According To Bush" by William Karel About George Bush the 43rd president. Many interviewed say Bush is the worst president we have ever had.
- "Collapse" with Michael Ruppert About Peak Oil and CIA drug dealing in Los Angeles.
- "Crash Course" with Chris Martenson About Peak Oil and the eventual collapse of capitalism when oil runs out and debt can't be re-payed.
- "ECHELON - The Most Secret Spy System" from The History Channel ECHELON is a spying operation of the NSA (National Security Agency) The NSA was created after WWII by an agreement with Great Britain. Curiously the only countries ECHELON has bases in are WASP countries. Australia, Great Britain, USA, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. ????? ECHELON sifts through trillions of phone calls and internet traffic looking for 'terrorists'.
- "Eisenhower's Farewell Address" Eisenhower managed to say everything in about 16 minutes. He says: "We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration." ......"a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake.."....."In the councils of government we must guard against the aquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process's." ......."In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal government"...."The solitary inventor has become overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratory's and testing fields."....."We must also gaurd against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific and technological elite"...
- "End Game" by Infowars and Alex Jones Starts out about the Bilderberg Group and eventually goes into the banking system and out of control surveillance.
- "Jasenovac" A short film with english subtitles about the Jasenovac Death Camp in Fascist Yugoslavia during WWII. Jasenovac was administered by the Ustasha who murdered 850,000. Even Hitler was shocked with thier brutality. Many were forced to convert to Catholicism before being executed. Two books about the camp are "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" by Edmond Paris and "Convert or Die" by Edmond Paris. Americans should read these books before surrendering any more of thier freedoms in the war on terror. FEMA camps have been set up around the country.
- "John F Kennedy at the Waldorf Astoria April 1961" About 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba Kennedy gave this speech about the medias role in the fight outlined by Eisenhower. He says: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarliy on covet means to increase it's sphrere of influence..." ..."no shots have been fired, no borders have been crossed but our enemies are advancing...."...."So man can be what he was born to be, free and independent"
- "Jack Kerouac" A short film about Jack Kerouac. Kerouac was a writer from Lowell Mass. His best known book was "On The Road". He was an active member of the beat generation from North Beach in San Francisco in the early 1950's. Studying the history of San Francisco from 1950 to the present is a must for anyone who wants to know what is really going on.
- "Loose Change" About the problems with Sept 11.
- "Missing Links" About the problems with Sept 11.
- "My Alma Mater Is A Moral Cesspool: Fundies, Feddies, Neocons And The University Of Chicago" with Francis A Boyle The University of Chicago has the distinction for 3 events in the 20th century. The study of education (pedagody) They are mostly responsible for the failing public schools and the college and university system that has become just another business. Going to college is a way to saddle the young with debt and employ useless intellectuals who can't do anything else. "Those who can't do, teach, those who can't teach, teach gym" While attending college the psychos that be scope out the young to find more psychos. Western civilization is a case of turds float. Not cream rising to the top. Young people are told that they can't get anywhere without a college education. That may be true but a large percentage won't get anywhere with one. The first nuclear chain reaction was accomplished in the 1940's. It led to the Manhatan Project and atomic weapons. It was the home of Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys, an economic philosophy used by the Catholic University in Chile after Pinochet took power. "The Murder of Chile" (a book) is sometimes referred to as the other Sept 11. It's proof they're all the same thing. There are just as many psycho WASP's as Catholics. "Religion is a club" "All in all you're just another brick in the wall..."
- "NASA Remote Sensing" A very short film about Remote Sensing. The technology behind satellites.
- "A Noble Lie" An award winning documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Like the Sept 11 and the World Trade Center the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal building in 1995 is full of inconsistancies and explainations that make no sense. They present evidence that the type of bomb the FBI said was used could not have done the damage caused. An officer, Terrance Yeakey, was tortued and murdered when he kept investigating. The only TV station in Oklahoma City that wouldn't accept the official line was silenced by it's corporate boss's. This whole thing could have been an Aleister Crowley. Like Rodney King, Officer Yeakey was a black (souled ??? me ???) man surrounded by cops getting the crap beat out of him. Alfred P Murruh sounds very like Edward R Morrow a very famous TV reporter. Timothy McVeigh, a disgruntled (catholic ??) veteran was convicted and executed. (but was he guilty?) McVeigh hated the ATF because of what they did to the Branch Davidians in Waco TX in 1993 on the same day April 19. This may be unrelated, Michael Sullivan was the U.S. Attorney for Boston in 2006. Bush wanted to appoint him head of the ATF but Sen Larry Craig blocked the appointment. (???? I think) Craig was later run out of the Senate when he plead guilty to sex charges in a bathroom in Minneapolis MN in Aug 2008. ??? Larry Craig was from Idaho. Sen Frank Church was from Idaho. The Church Committee is the only investigation into the CIA that you can't get any information about.
- "Oil Smoke And Mirrors" Another Peak Oil documentary. Has some interesting statistics. Eighty percent of the oil produced comes from fields discovered before 1970. We are using 3 times more than we are discovering. Despite (supposedly) having the worlds largest reserves Saudi Arabia is looking offshore for additional fields. The standard of living for the average Saudi has decreased dramatically in the last 10 years and the country is ripe for revolution.
- "Operation Ratline" Pts 1,2 and 3 by ABC News After WWII ended many Nazi's were smuggled out of Europe through South America. This has come to be known as Operation Ratline. At least 3, and maybe 4, were involved. The Vatican, the OSS (pre CIA) and Odessa. And maybe the KGB. The Vatican issued passports and gave money to many ex-Nazi's. Odessa was an organization of former Nazi's helping Nazi's. There are many books about Ratline. One is 'Unholy Trinity'. My copy has a quote at the very beginning from a British diplomat to the Vatican. In effect it says "When considering the actions of the Vatican one must think in terms of centuries". ???
- "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" About 2 hrs of how the media is controlled by big business and they control us.
- "The Power Of Nightmares, The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear" by BBC Presents the idea that politicians have switched from selling people a better world to protecting people from terror. It connects the media to politicians.
- "Ring Of Power" pts 1 and 2 by Amenstop Productions A six hour long documentary that claims Sept 11 was a lie and tries to build a case that the entire planet is ruled by the ancestors of the Phaoroh's of Egypt. Interesting.
- "Lies Agreed Upon - George Seldes And The American Press" Pts 1,2 and 3 by Alternative Views George Seldes was an American muckraker. He focused on the media. At the beginning he attributes a quote to Napolean "History is a lie agreed upon".
- "Frontline May 15 2007 - Spying On The Home Front" KPBS San Diego Presents evidence that the NSA is spying on everyone. A lawsuit was filed in San Francisco in 2008 ?? by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that accused AT&T of allowing the NSA to siphon off all internet traffic and sift through it. The NSA put a large splitter in RM 641A (my SSN ???) and was using some software from NARUS.
- "The Money Masters" by Bill Still Three hour documentary about the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. Explains how the amount of currency in circulation is controlled by the international bankers through the money as debt, debt as money system and how they use it to create a phoney boom and bust market. The Great Depression of the 1930's was completely manufactured and maintained by keeping the amount of currency in circulation too low. Many of the Peak Oil documentary's I have believe the global debt that is piling up from this system will contribute to the eventual collapse. I think it was Francois Voltaire who said "All fiat currency's must return to thier intrinsic value: zero". I don't think thats necessarily true. The British pound was the first fiat currency established in 1694 and it has never completely collapsed. It has suffered from inflation but it is still afloat. Many point to the amount of derivatives being traded an public markets. Derivatives are financial instruments made up completely of debt. I think this can be a strategy. They can start a corporation to buy all this debt saying it is a debt recovery company. Then they say it didn't work and let the company go bankrupt and "Poof,...look Ma no debt..". They made the zero's up and they can just erase them. The factor they can't stop is the end of fossil fuels. And maybe the truth about the world and the future for most and global 'chipping' of people.
- "The New American Century" A film about the people at the top of the Neocons. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and (someone else) Thier connection to the religious right and the University of Chicago. Leo Strauss was the inventor of Neocon philosophy. If you have synthetic telepathy you can easily determine how psycho someone is and put that person on the fast track to the White House.
- "The Secret Government" with Bill Moyers About the Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan administration. Includes other scandals.
- "Things To Come By H G Wells (1936)" fiction Predicts an 'Orwellian dystopia' before Orwell. H.G. Wells was a member of the Fabian Society whose stated mission is the gradual implementation og gloabl socialism. He also wrote political books, one of which is titled "The New World Order".
- "Geheimnis Tibet" Schafer Expedition 1938/39 An expedition paid for by Heinrich Himler, the head of the SS, to Tibet to look for the origins of Aryanism. If you know what most people do about Himler and the Nazi's that fact makes no sense. Aryanism was supposed to be a racist ideology that revovled around blue eyed Nordic types. Why would Himler think it started in Tibet?
- "Waco: The Rules Of Engagement" About the Branch Davidians who died in Waco TX on April 19 1993 at the hands of the ATF and FBI. The standoff began on Feb 28 1993 when they tried to enforce a warrant to look for guns. Most of the Davidians died 2 months later. More than a hundred. An Aleister Crowley??? This is going to happen to America as a whole??? The WASP's will die in a holocaust???? The police, FBI will do the killing????
- "What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy" A collection of known illegal CIA operations overseas. Iran, Guatemala, Panama, Operation Gladio, seran gas in Laos to name a few.
- "The Zeitgeist Movie" The first of 3 movies made by the same people. This one is divided into 3 sections. Religion, Sept 11 and a proposal for the future. The proposal for the future is where they lost me. They want to create a world wide system based on resource management by scientists and the elite. This leads me to think it's the same people trying to cling to power. The human race needs to develop a system where most of what it produces is made from renewable sources. As long as we depend on finite resources we will answer to the people who own them. Since I think this is BS the part about religion is actually the global elite exposing religion as a lie. It's the church admitting Jesus is a lie.
- "Zeitgeist: Addendum This one is mostly about the banking system.
- "Zeitgeist Moving Forward" The last Zeitgeist makes a very good case for the idea that capitalism is doomed. Planned obsolesence, waste and an infinite growth paradigm will all converge to collpase the global economy. They say the GDP of America is heavily dependant of health care. So sick people are good for business. (see Big Bucks Big Pharma above) The health care system in America is a death system like Hitlers final solution and we are all paying through the nose for it and asking for more. It is thoroughly broken. Someone said once "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free". Everyone is trying to get $20,000 worth of services for $1000. It's a pyramid scheme doomed to fail.
Conclusion. We're headed for an apolcalypse but it's completely manmade. The media is a MAJOR LEAGUE PROBLEM. Anything they say is either a lie or completely useless. It is designed to entertain and distract people from concentrating on the real problems facing the world. The banking system is a blank check for the global elite to cling to power. It's a scam they can bilk forever. We are running out of oil and when we do there is going to be hell to pay. We live in a total surveillance society that is anything but free. Anyone who discovers this gets 'chipped' and sent after anyone else who finds out. The Auto-Fasci-Mat. Capitalism is doomed for many reasons more than the lack of fossil fuels. Over population will add misery on top of misery when the oil runs out.
Note: It is very possible that a lot of this information was 'fed' to me by people on the graveyard shift 'dropping the bombs in the harbor' (scene from Catch-22) I have been watching "Blade Runner" with Harrison Ford. The Nexus 6 replicants were given memory's by the Tyrell Corp. "More Human Than Human"
This is an addendum to Jan 17. (maybe the 'blogspot' account www.philipnute.blogspot.com) This could be used to fund revolutionary causes. Gold can be found in many electronic parts. The contacts of IC holders for example. It might be possible to use the vibrating crucible idea to get small amounts of gold. Silver is also used. Someone should compile a list of industrial uses of gold and come up with ways to recover it.
Updated Feb 9 2017
I have been thinking about Digital Video Recorders (DVR) lately. This afternoon I wanted to find some information on building my own. Do-It-Yourself. I went to ask.com, I don't trust Google, and typed in "Homemade Digital Video Recorder free pdf". I got a lot of manuals for various brands and 1 website that had some general info. Quick like a bunny I "Copy" ied the address to the Clipboard and found a free 'webpage to PDF converter'. Then I "Paste" ed the Clipboard into the URL box and got a copy. Whoever came up with the Clipboard, Copy and Paste was a genius. If I don't do this I won't get that website again. I could say what happened to ask.com in the 10 minutes I was sitting there but I won't.
All I can do is think about these things and pass on my thoughts. If ask.com changed in 10 minutes my ability to build and hack around with this is completely hopeless. Foot on throat, gun in face, and/or get even. Objective A and/or A-1. I get out of bed every day and work toward the objective(s). Most of the time it's all the same. "If you want to know what the future or the world is Winston,....imagine a boot stamped on a human face,..forever.." 1984 - George Orwell
The website I got the pdf for was ezwatch.com. They describe 3 types of systems: Analog, IP and HD-SDI. Analog was the cheapest and can probably be bought at walmart.com. Camara resolution was low. They connected to a DVR via coax cable. IP used a network based DVR. They connect with Cat5 through your network. HD-SDI was considered the best and most expensive. Camara's could be high resolution and record full video. It needed a large hard drive. Camara's connect with coax.
DVR's come in 4 types: Standalone DVR, PC based DVR, PCI Capture card and a Standalone HD-SDI. The PCI Capture Card inserts into your PC and transforms it into a DVR. Comes with software I assume. This would be for someone who really wants to hack around.
This is what I would do for a homemade DVR. (I'm not sure how much of this is possible, I come up with these ideas and write something very quickly) To conceal it I want to fit the entire thing into a full tower desktop computer case. The computer I use all the time. I want it to be completely independant including power supply and fan if needed. The desktop would not have to be on all the time. I want to fit the DVR, except the camera, into the 5.25 inch bay. I want it to be electrically isolated from the desktop but grounded to earth ground. I want to fit it into an aluminum enclosure and hold it to the desktop case with rubber grommets to isolate it. Ground the aluminum enclosure to earth ground for a Faraday Cage. My desktop case is not aluminum. Most of it is made of plastic. You can buy aluminum desktop cases from sites like newegg.com or cdw.com. When you connect the power supply it is automatically connected to earth ground because of National Electric Code. It's possible the metal 5.25 inch cage is grounded to earth through the power supply.
The CPU would be an ITX or mini-ITX motherboard. Server motherboards are designed to be on all the time. Go to ebay and try to find an old blade server. Older motherboards probably don't have on-board WiFi, this would help with keeping it secure. I would try to find something that had USB and SATA and maybe VGA or DVI. I had a laptop that blew up on me and I know the hard drive would fit into a 5.25 inch bay. I would have to come up with some way to connect it to SATA. Smaller motherboards don't require as much power and if I don't hook up too much to the mobo the power supply doesn't have to be that big. I would not have a mouse or keyboard all the time so this would help. I might be able to get away with some generic PS from a general supply house and put my own connectors on it. A normal PC power supply won't fit into the 5.25 bay.
The mobo has to have at least 2 USB. One for a camera and one for communicating with the DVR. My desktop computer has 2 USB in the front. I might be able to disconnect one and route it to the DVR for communicating. The camera would be a pinhole I could hide in the case somewhere. My case has one side that is see-through. Some cases have more than one see-through side. An aluminum case wouldn't have this so maybe I could fit it into a panel in the 5.25 inch bay if I bought one. Connect it through the other USB.
All mobo's run on an operating system. Ubuntu is free and they have a server version. You can make an ISO image and boot from a USB thumb drive. I could connect the mobo to some monitor while I install the operating system then never connect it again. To retreive the pictures I would use my smart phone through the USB on the front. The password would be both the MAC ID and a randomly generated PW from an APP. You couldn't get into the DVR without that phone.
To get power to the DVR I would install a dummy USB panel in the back that looks like a PCI bus USB add-on. The wire would plug into the wall and look like an ordinary USB on the other end. I think they make security enclosures for the back PCI panel area. This could help to conceal it and keep it secure.
When I was a kid I watched a lot of TV. There used to be a lot of private investigator and undercover cop shows. Whenever they wanted to get into a place illegally they needed a key. They would make up an excuse and get a hold of the key for a short time and make an impression in clay or Play-Doh and get the key back to the person. Then they would get a blank key and slowly file it by hand and use trial and error until it worked. Blank keys can be found in any hardware store. Several months ago I got a key to my door because I thought someone was entering my room when I was out. My computer was having problems and it seemed like someone was spraying cleaner or something on my bed. After I did this staff put a copy of my key marked 'Phil" on the household set. On Monday Jan 30 I got up to take a shower at 6:00 AM. First I plugged in one of my tablets and turned off the overhead light and turned on the one on the desk. When I got out of the shower the overhead light was back on and the desk was off. The user name for the tablet had been changed. My bed SUCKS. It makes me sick and I can't wash things enough. The problem returns almost immediately. Thumb, thumb, thumb, Riglin Bros,........ Death is a Career Move
Updated Jan 12 2017
This is an idea for budding revolutionary's. Modern army's are heavily dependent on technology. Electronics is a major force in warfare and it's cost is prohibitive to people at the bottom trying to fight back. This idea might help reduce the cost of experimenting and building technology. When I first started in electronics printed circuit boards (PCB) were assembled with parts that were called 'through hole'. The leads of the various parts were put through a hole in the PCB and soldered on the opposite side. There was a componant side and a solder side. Getting parts in and out of the PCB was difficult. Today almost everything is surface mount technology (SMT). The parts are soldered on the componant side. While hobbyists have found it difficult to work and experiment with SMT it can be done. I think getting the parts off the PCB could be fairly simple. I worked for a time for a company that made equipment that measured and delivered materials. Two methods were a conveyor belt and what they called 'loss of weight' (LOW). The LOW had 2 ways to accomplish the delivery. Screw and vibratory. The vibratory used a small vibrating device attached to a metal tray placed at an angle. The vibration moved the material along. The actual vibrating device was purchased outside the company. I don't remember what the name was. They could be very small or very large. It worked by some type of transformer principle. The idea is this. Build a small enclosure 20 inches by 20 inches by 10 inches tall that will withstand high heat. Place a very small vibratory unit in the bottom that can be adjusted for small vibration or large. Above the vibratory, in the middle of the enclosure, place some rubber at a steep angle. Attach to the vibratory, above the rubber and at a steep angle, a harness that will hold the PCB being stripped of componants upside down. Place a heating element in the upper part of the enclosure that will heat the entire space enough to melt electric solder. As the temperature of the enclosure rises the PCB is vibrated and the parts fall in the rubber along with residual solder. The only parts of any real value are the largest IC's. Part of the harness holding the PCB should have a cage of plastic to separate the large parts from the small and remove the residual solder. (see picture)
Once the PCB has had all the parts removed it's not worth anything except for the metal. I think it's possible to separate and recover some of the metal. Build an enclosure with a grinding wheel that is airtight. Automatically feed the PCB into the grinding wheel turning it to dust. Blow the dust into another enclosure where a gas flame burns away the fiberglass in the dust. Collect the metal. Build an enclosure with a crucible attached to a vibratory and put the remaining dust in the crucible. Different metals have different melting points. Slowly raise the temperature until the first melting point is reached. Vibrate the crucible to help whatever metal is in the dust bead together. Remove the heat, open the enclosure, and remove what metal has collected and repeat the process at the next highest temperature. (see picture)
Updated Jan 11 2017
Cancer Is The Answer In Gangsta Paradise and/or Telltale Signs Of Mercury Poisoning And The Pixie Dust And Eye Of Newt Army
"Just another old man,..."
"All alone,...."
"Dyin of cancer,...."
Pink Floyd
"Feeding the hungry with yellowcake.."
('yellowcake' is a slang term for uranium)
Counter Surveillance 3
Everything You Know Is Wrong
History Is A Lie Agreed Upon
Mack The Knife
Bobby Darin
"Oh the shark babe..."
"Has such teeth dear..."
"And he shows them...."
"Pearly white,...."
"Just a jack knife,..."
"Has ole MacHeath babe,.."
"And he keeps it,..uh.."
"Out of sight,..."
"You know when that shark bites."
"With it's teeth babe,..."
"Scarlet billows,..."
"Start to spread,..."
"Fancy gloves though,..."
"Wears ole MacHeath babe,..."
"So there's never,..."
"Never a trace of red,..."
"Now on the sidewalk,..."
"Ohh Sunny morning uh uh,..
"Lies a body,...."
"Just ozzing life eek..."
"And someones sneakin round the corner..."
"Could that someone be Mack the Knife.."
"There's a tugboat, uh uh..."
"Down by the river,...'
"Doncha know,...."
"Where a cement bag,..."
"Just a droopin on down,..."
"Oh that cement is just..."
"It's there for the weight dear,.."
"Five Ill get you ten,..."
"Ole Macky's back in town..."
"Now did ya hear about Louie Miller,..."
"He disappeared babe,.."
"After drawin out,..."
"All his hard earned cash,..."
"And now MacHeath spends,..."
"Just like a sailor,..."
"Could it be our boy,..."
"Has done somethin rash,..."
"Ahh Jenny Diver,..."
"Yeah Suki Tawdry,..."
"OOO Miss Lotte Lenya,.."
"And ole Lucy Brown,..."
"Oh the line forms on the right dear,.."
"Now that Macky's back in town,,"
This is my analysis of this song. The shark is a popular symbol in literature. The shark is a bloodthirsty animal that is the stuff of nightmares. This shark is the same as Moby Dick. It has white teeth that symbolize purity or religion but is actually the devil. Sharks have been known to smell blood for miles. This shark is compared to MacHeath an Irishman. A gangster. The tugboat is a symbol for an "Alice" like "Alice in Wonderland". She is a lure to get the 'target' out of town. The 'river' is the endless line of people the 'tugboat' and 'target' run into after they run away together. The 'river' is commanded by Jesuits CIA and FBI. They give instructions to people (the river) to harass and direct the 'tugboat' and 'target'. The 'cement bag' is a child out of wedlock produced by the 'tugboat' and 'target'. It's there's to cause trouble. This is my list of fictional characters modeled after the phenomena in chronological order. Pyramus or Thisbe from "Pyramus and Thisbe" (Babylon), Helen of Troy from "The Illiad and the Oddysey" (The Trojan War), Juliet of "Romeo and Juliet", Esmerelda from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz", Daisy from "The Great Gatsby", and Julia from "1984". In the end the 'target' and maybe the 'tugboat' lose everything so MacHeath spends like a sailor. The list of women are potential 'tugboats'. Jenny Diver (??) Suki Tawdry (Asian) Lotte Lenya (jewish) and Lucy Brown (English). The line forms on the right as in Fascism or Romanism. Louie Miller is a 'target'. signed The Answer Is Cancer in The Gangsta Paradise
I bought small water heater just before Christmas so I could make cocoa or coffee in my room. It is supposed to turn off automatically after the water boils but it doesn't work. I wonder if this is no mistake. I bought it at Target in South Shore Plaza. It's an AROMA. It was on sale. ???? If left unattended it could cause a fire. The coffee I bought sucks!!!
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Over the weekend I watched 2 movies. "Titus" a film by Julie Taymor and "A Man For All Seasons" starring Charlton Heston.
"Titus" is a Shakespeare play set in ancient Rome. It starred Anthony Hopkins. This is a really really good version. Very artsy, I liked it. Hopkins plays Titus Andronicus a Roman general who returns to Rome after a campaign against the Goths. The play is about everything that happens after he returns. What I think Shakespeare is trying to say is "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword". People who live by the sword leave a very long trail of very angry people with an axe to grind. I think it could also be said of people who fight with pixie dust and eye of Newt. Well maybe. God grants them eternal life you know. I think if there actually was a god people who fight with pixie dust and eye of Newt would also die by the sword. The movie tries to go into this. Many of the people with axe's to grind use the pixie dust method and in the end everyone dies. What's a victim to do? The whole thing is a study of the consequences of a totalitarian militaristic culture that centers on greed, lust, power, glory and no concern whatsoever for the people they ruin or kill. I wonder how many times Rome ignited from spontaneous combustion? I'll bet it was more than once. Unfortunately it survived more than once.
"A Man For All Seasons" starred Charleton Heston. It's about Sir (St) Thomas More. More was executed during the Henry VIII affair. I think the entire Henry VIII affair was intentional by all involved. It was done to purposely divide the church. It fits into the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power. At the same time it was a cover story for the uneducated peasants. Henry wanted his own "son of god". In those days most people were poor and uneducated and they would buy this kind of thing. In the following paragraphs I will introduce the basic players in the affair and try to prove it.
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. When Henry VII inherited his throne he also inherited Wolsey. But he liked Wolsey and for most of has reign Wolsey ran the government. Wolsey became Lord Chancellor (a sort of prime minister) the papal legate and other titles. Henry didn't really care. Toward the late 1520's Henry began talking about divorcing his wife Catherine of Aragon because she did not give him a son. They had been married for more than 20 years. Wolsey was in favor and did what he could to convince Rome. Ultimately Rome did not agree and Wolsey resigned all his titles in 1530 and died soon after. Thomas More was then named Lord Chancellor. He was against the divorce and eventually resigned over it.
Thomas Cromwell. Cromwell rose to power in the employ of Cardinal Wolsey. After More resigned as Chancellor in 1532 Cromwell succeeded him. Cromwell was also in favor of the divorce. Cromwell was instrumental in More's execution. He was also executed in the affair. My encyclopedia Brittanica says that it's possible Cromwell had drawn up a plan for the Church of England around 1529 while still in the employ of Cardinal Wolsey. ??? Wolsey did not die until 1530. ???? (divide and conquer ???) I think Cromwell's execution has the pixie dust and eye of Newt crowd written all over it. ("Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain") In fact all of these deaths are like that. Dead men don't tell. Thomas More. More has been referred to as 'a man for all seasons'. These are my reasons. More was a humanist. He embraced anyone no matter what. He came from a middle class background but rose to walk with kings. He was a devout catholic but allowed Desiderius Erasmus, a protestant reformist, to live in his house and write books. He wrore a book titled "Utopia" about a pagan, communist country governed by reason but negotiated trade contracts for whole countries. He disagreed with Henry VIII's divorce but served as Lord Chancellor. Many people think he did things because he had to. In a world of dictators if they want you to do something you do it. He died when he tried to stand for something.
In both movie versions I have of George Orwells '1984' whenever Winston and Julia are in the room above the antique shop they see a woman in a courtyard. The woman is often singing. Winston says "shes beautiful',....."shes the future...". It's like Orwell knew something. He knew that someone, or someones, were going to give up the Occult as a means of fighting back and take up music. And Rock N Roll was born of the blues. I think The Occultist's were people who were trying to use pixie dust and eye of Newt to fight the pixie dust and eye of Newt crowd. The Occultists included Aleister Crowley. I think the Occultists were responsible for Joan of Arc amd Thomas More being made saints. I think they did this by manipulating the media. I throw it all under the bus because I think it's not worth anything unless people see it for what it is. I also think the Occultists were responsible for Haile Selassie in Ethiopia. I think thay did this to prove that whole societies can be manipulated into war and religion.
signed "The Power Of Myth" by Joseph Campbell
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is the link between Scientology and the Catholic Church. The heresy and insanity never ends.
The picture below is my test setup in my room. I have the basics. The Tenma digital multi-meter I bought in October or November. It's orange and grey. HMMMM. So now I'll explain what happened a few weeks ago. I spent one entire Sunday working on some noise circuits. I got to the end of the day and I went to look at the result with my Rigol oscilloscope. I was expecting an amplified noise signal, instead I got a very nice sine wave. When I reset the scope a couple times it switched from a sine wave to a pulse and back again. HMMMM. This is one example of hundreds that tell me there is a control room somewhere that has a little children slug, American Nazi, at a switch. I figure there are at least 2 potential sources. A satellite or a local cell phone tower. This is some of my possible solutions. Buy some aluminum or copper flashing at a home improvement store and place some underneath the boxes above all the test equipment. Maybe I could extend it out a little bit and bend it to cover a little more. I could run an extension cord from an AC outlet and take off the earth ground and connect the copper/aluminum to it like a Faraday Cage. This might help with satellites but not for cell phone towers because they are closer to the ground and could access my room horizontally. I don't own the house I live in so I can't alter the walls. Aluminum and copper have a reflectivity property that is better than most metals. I think, I don't know, it drops off before microwaves. If the earth ground didn't work the reflectivity would but only to a point.

The next picture is my computer screen and a collection of EMI absorber catalogs and information. If I could actually get some I could put some absorber material between the aluminum and copper. The absorber material can go well into the microwave range. Some of the material I have is about medical buildings and MRI rooms. I'm not exactly sure what that's about. A good technician would have an anti-static mat on the bench top to stop electrical sparks. Static electricity can easily destroy IC's. I don't know if I could substitute an anti-static mat for absorber material. I'm pretty sure I would never get any and it's probably expensive.

The next picture is an Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) all the equipment is plugged into. It is also a surge suppressor. Whenever this is turned on it 'clicks' at times that seem timed to my thoughts. Thats crazy I know but it's true. That has been going on for months. I have sat at my computer hundreds of times clicking threw videos on youtube and the videos will play on my thoughts in real time. I know thats crazy too. MEDICATION!!!

So let me explain what happened this weekend. Several months ago I bought an internal Blu-Ray drive for my main computer. To this day I can't watch Blu-Ray movies. The drive came with no software and I have been having trouble deciding which one to buy. I have tried a few free ones with no luck. VLC palyer to name one. I hesitate buying one for exactly the reason I am about to convey. Saturday I went to the Dunkin Donuts in Randolph Center with the intention of buying WinDVD 12 by Corel. It cost about $70. I discovered I could already burn a Blu-Ray with the Cyberlink Power2Go I already have so all I wanted was a player. I managed to pay for it with Paypal and download it but it won't work. When I type in the key I get a message that says 'syntax error: syntax'. I tried it on several of my computers and it doesn't work. I get the same message. These days whenever I buy something I get a reciept from something called 'Cleverbridge'. ???? (see picture below) I bought an old copy of Nero through Amazon trying to solve the problem and it didn't work. When I tried customer service I dealt with 'Cleverbridge'. ???? I got no where. I swallowed that. Thanks for nothin Amazon!!

I bought 3 new cd's. They arrived on Friday when I got home. I don't have the internet in my room so I had to wait until Saturday to go to Dunkin Donuts in Randolph Center to rip them to a Toshiba tablet I have that has Windows 8.1. You have to be on the internet to get the information about each track and the album art. I forget exactly what happened but I couldn't do it. I waited until I got home and figured I would just keep them on the tablet as "Unknown Album" until I could get to a place with the internet and get the information. One cd kept failing. 'Tool' Ten Thousand Eyes. ?? I got up in the middle of the night and tried to do it on my main computer. I figured I would transfer them to a thumb drive and onto the tablet. It failed at a different song. So I picked up the tablet sitting next to the main computer and waived it over the main computer to see if it would interfere with anything. It worked!! I managed to get all songs into it. The next time I got to an internet connection the battery in the tablet was dead. (see last picture)

On a sidenote. The iTunes on my main computer doesn't work. It hasn't for months. Occassionally when I 'right-click' the mouse It tries to install Roxio Creator. I have tried to actually install Roxio and I can't. I own a copy but it's useless. As of today, Jan 2, 2017 my Adobe Photoshop Elements doesn't work. I think ??? I almost lost my iPod this morning so I'm not going to plug it in again. Most of my clothes and the bed I sleep in makes me sick. I have a lock on my door but apparently it's useless. FU FU FU FU It's your move. I can hang on till the cows come home and the cows cows cows. Same shit different day in my life. I know hanging on is doing damage. The longer you put it off the more damage I do. Blow it up fix it leave it the way it is there's nothing here for me and I DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF THE PIG VOMIT RACE!!!!!!
Back in the 1980's there was a staff at Atlantic House that was desperate to quit smoking. I don't remember her name. Julia or Judy, June or something. She was from Marshfield and she was considering going to law school. She was middle aged and had kids. She heard of a mad Russian doctor in Cambridge who could cure someone in one visit. I wonder if the doctor knew something about Ironman Syndrome? HMMMM It would cure me!!!! HA HA HA HA
"And the river goes on and on,....."
"And the sea that divides us is a temporary one..."
"And the bridge will bring us back together,,,"
The Temporary One
Fleetwood Mac
"And you can hear happiness goin downstream..."
"Footprints dressed in red,...."
"And the wind whispers Mary,...."
And The Wind Cries Mary
Jimi Hendrix
"Proud Mary keep on rollin..."
"Rollin, rollin rollin on the river,..."
Proud Mary
Creedence Clearwater Revival
"Oh you couldn't dam that river,..."
"And maybe I don't give a dam anyway...
Dam That River
Alice In Chains
"Could it be ole Heath has,..."
"Done something rash,...."
Mac The Knife
Bobby Darrin
"Father MacKenzie wiping his shoes,..."
"As he walks from the grave,..."
"No one was saved,..."
Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles
Stabbed in the Back ????? An Aleister Crowley ?????
During the Ruby Ridge seige in Idaho the only FBI agent killed was someone named Degan from Quincy Mass. I believe ??? He was shot in the back. I'm assuming he was catholic.
There are stories on the internet about an FBI agent named Paul O'Neill or John ?? . He was very high up in the FBI. He attempted to bring what has become known as 'The Phoenix Memo' to the attention of George Bush (43) or Condoleeza Rice. He was told to forget it. The memo warned of an attack by Al Qaeda using airplanes. O'Neill either quit or was fired for it. His next job was as head of security for the World Trade Center. His first day on the job was Sept 11 2001. He died in the attack. I'm assuming he was catholic.
In Sept 2007 I was becoming aware of the surveillance problem. One day I decided to gather what information I had on Risperdal and my story and bring it to the J.F.K. building in government center, downtown Boston. When I got there the door was locked. It was only 5:30 or 6:oo on a weekday. ???? The channel 7 studio was next door so I left a copy there. I got back on the train and got off in Quincy Center and walked to the police station. Part of my issue involved a former health care provider in Quincy and I thought they might help. When I started to explain they called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I managed to talk my way out of it. At the time I had southofboston.com as my homepage on my computer. It included The Patriot Ledger and The Brockton Enterprise. When I got up the next day the front page was about the death of Ciara Durkin. Durkin was a soldier in Iraq (Afghanistan??) from Quincy who was murdered by someone on the base in the middle east. The reason had something to do with the fact she was gay. ??? No One was ever charged or arrested. ??? I think she was an Irish National not American. ??? I'm assuming she was catholic. (if she actually existed) (---GUILT IS NOT OF GOD---) ???? U2 The Fly
I am now going to bring up Samuel Finley Breeze Morse. I was thinking about Morse before I found any of this information so take it all with a grain of salt. Samuel F. B. Morse was born in Boston in the late 18th century. He was of W.A.S.P. background. He studied for a time in Europe before returning to America. He wanted to be an artist. He is credited with inventing Morse Code. The first thing ever transmitted over a wire was "What Hath God Wrought?". It was his quote. ???? I found 2 things he published on the internet. "Foriegn Conspiracies Against All The Liberties Of The United States: The Numbers Of Brutus" and "Imminent Danger". "Foreign Conspiracies" was published about 1835 and accused the Jesuits of wanting to overthrow the United States government. At least the first copy I had accused them. Subsequent copies have accused others. The copies I have now I found on Jordan Maxwells website. "Imminent Dangers" warns Americans about out of control immigration as threatening our liberties. It was published about the year 1835. There are people on the internet who believe the 14th Amendment to the constitution was the gate that opened the door. The 14th Amendment was adopted after the Civil War and had something to do with helping slaves get citizenship or rebels regaining thiers. ???? I think. There are also people who believe the Irish were sent here for this reason. The Irish Potato Famine of 1848 was the cause that led them to come here. Many of them blamed the British government for not doing enough to stop it. I think the Catholic Church had just as much reason to send them here. It's proof the people at the top don't care about the people at the bottom. Somebody feels they got stabbed in the back???? P.S. I don't know what any of this means, if anything.
"Irish been comin here for years..."
"Thinkin like they own the place...."
"Got the airport, city hall,...."
"Concrete asphalt, even got the police..."
New York
The past week or so I have been working on a pdf titled "Counter Surveillance Counter Mind Control" and posting each new revision on my various websites and blogs. (see link below) I use a copy of Nuance PDF Converter 8 on my laptop. The software didn't make it to Randolph, along with a lot of other things, so I can't put it on any other computer. While working on it last night I discovered some of the menus had changed. This tells me the little children slugs, American Nazis, were in my room while I was in Quincy. This also explains why lying in my bed makes me sick and why the composition of what little food I have changes if I leave it unattended. There is a lock on the door and the staff are the only one's who have a copy. (L the L E L) It couldn't be 'Thing' or 'Cousin It' so who else could it be. Anyway I have uploaded last nights changes to a completely different location, so if it differs a lot they managed to embed code in the actual pdf. In the next few days I will try to post what changes I made so you can compare. The link below is the new revision.
Counter Surveillance 3
Can't Reach Dresden
(I threw this in just because)
My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!. Remember Gomer Pyle? One Two Three Four I love the Moron Corp....! Nevermind. My father died on March 31, 2008 after being shuffled around hospitals and nursing homes for 3 months. I think he was either murdered or agreed to what happened, which makes no sense. A month or so later I sent a few emails to a former health care provider. There was nothing in the emails. The Weymouth Police came to 28 Easy St and forced me to go to South Shore Hospital. They had no warrant. They said it was because of the emails. I then spent 3 months in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA battling a human radio named Keith Bradshaw. I was committed against my will. I got out in middle August. A couple months later I got a bill for about $7000.00. THEY COMMITTED ME AND SENT ME A BILL!!! I had no choice but to pay it. On May 12 2014 I had an altercation with a neighbor while living on Easy St, and after 6 years of harassment with illegal surveillance. I was arrested by the Weymouth Police and sent to Bridgewater State Hospital. Again they committed me. In Jan 2015 Bridgewater committed me again for a year then sent me to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain. I was there until Dec 2015. I was then sent to a group home in Randolph where I am today. While in Shattuck the State of Massachusetts sent me a bil for about $4000.00 despite being committed. I felt I had no choice but to pay. By then it was obvious I have no rights on this fuckin planet. After I got out of Shattuck they sent me another bill for about $2000.00. Again I paid it. Yesterday I got home from a program I go to in Quincy Mass and there was a bill from the State of Massachusetts for $318,400.00 for the entire stay at Shattuck. (see pictures below) If this bill is real, and it seems to me it can't possibly be, this is my response. You can't get blood from a stone. I'm pretty sure the American Revolution ended debtors prison, workhouses and poor farms so you're completely fucked. Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St Clemons,.....I don't owe you a fuckin thing says The Phil!!!!..... The van ride in and out of Quincy is like 30 minutes of nails on a chalkboard twice a day. Yesterday afternoon there was a whole play taking place. It seemed everyone knew the letter was waiting but me. And to be quite honest with you,..I like it that way.

Counter Surveillance
Updated Dec 21 2016
Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!. Remember Gomer Pyle? One Two Three Four I love the Moron Corp....! Nevermind. My father died on March 31, 2008 after being shuffled around hospitals and nursing homes for 3 months. I think he was either murdered or agreed to what happened, which makes no sense. A month or so later I sent a few emails to a former health care provider. There was nothing in the emails. The Weymouth Police came to 28 Easy St and forced me to go to South Shore Hospital. They had no warrant. They said it was because of the emails. I then spent 3 months in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA battling a human radio named Keith Bradshaw. I was committed against my will. I got out in middle August. A couple months later I got a bill for about $7000.00. THEY COMMITTED ME AND SENT ME A BILL!!! I had no choice but to pay it. On May 12 2014 I had an altercation with a neighbor while living on Easy St, and after 6 years of harassment with illegal surveillance. I was arrested by the Weymouth Police and sent to Bridgewater State Hospital. Again they committed me. In Jan 2015 Bridgewater committed me again for a year then sent me to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain. I was there until Dec 2015. I was then sent to a group home in Randolph where I am today. While in Shattuck the State of Massachusetts sent me a bil for about $4000.00 despite being committed. I felt I had no choice but to pay. By then it was obvious I have no rights on this fuckin planet. After I got out of Shattuck they sent me another bill for about $2000.00. Again I paid it. Yesterday I got home from a program I go to in Quincy Mass and there was a bill from the State of Massachusetts for $318,400.00 for the entire stay at Shattuck. (see pictures below) If this bill is real, and it seems to me it can't possibly be, this is my response. You can't get blood from a stone. I'm pretty sure the American Revolution ended debtors prison, workhouses and poor farms so you're completely fucked. Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St Clemons,.....I don't owe you a fuckin thing says The Phil!!!!..... The van ride in and out of Quincy is like 30 minutes of nails on a chalkboard twice a day. Yesterday afternoon there was a whole play taking place. It seemed everyone knew the letter was waiting but me. And to be quite honest with you,..I like it that way.
Counter Surveillance
I have been watching "Ministry Shinctour 1996". At the end they show an old guy who doesn't seem like he's all there. His fingernails are painted with a silver glitter and he's wearing a Chicago Blackhawks game jersey. They tell him they want him to go on stage for the last song. Then they show some of the band in a hallway covered with graffiti. Some says "BAD RELIGION". Then they do a really good version of Stigmata. Stigmata is when someone sees wounds like the nails used to crucify Jesus.
"My favorite weapon"
"Is the look in your eye..."
"And it's true we are immune"
"When fact is fiction and TV reality"
"And today the millions cry we eat and drink"
"While tomorrow they die"
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Updated Dec 13 2016
This is an idea that came to me yesterday. I am a 'dog'. I don't know how I acquired this status I can only guess. My guess is it started right after I was born. There are other words for it one being 'Jew'. I prefered 'juded', because it implies someone did it to me and continues to destroy my life. As a 'juded' person I have very few options. One being go to a Ghetto, Israel or Cuba ???, or two, 'getto' off this planet. In the land of the free and home of the brave where tyranny has been solved this is impossible. So my 'tinkerbell', life story, is a dangerous weapon. It's made worse by the fact it's the people who own and run everything who are responsible for my tinkerbell, so solving the problem of 'ape freedom' is a very high wall. My tinkerbell is made worse by all the stupid things I did and said over the course of my life and the fact that no one ever did anything to help. This is the idea. If you can manage to create information chaos in a small area, that is, get people to question thier reality, send in some Information Officers, who also have bad 'tinkerbell's' to explain 'the facts' as they know them. People might investigate the Information Officer's background and discover that they are not free and something really bad is about to happen. The 'juded' problem isn't the best place to start so maybe Peak Oil, banking and History Is A Lie Agreed Upon might be better. The 'juded' problem gets solved when they investigate the Officer. ------ Officer, Officer I want to report a crime,,......You're a fuckin Pig!!!!! ------ You could use my 'tinkerbell' (websites) to create the chaos.
I am currently reading:
"The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel"
Jack Bernstein (????)
(no not really I can't get a legitimate copy)
"And after all,......."
"You're my wonderwall,......"
"Momma's got a squeeze box,....."
"Daddy never sleeps at night,....."
Squeeze Box
The Who
Somewhere in one of the Peak Oil documentarys I have someone tells this joke: A man goes into a psychiatrists office and says "Doc you gotta help me,.....my brother thinks he's a chicken,." The doctor says "Ok bring him in and I'll see what I can do,.." The man says "No doc,.. you don't understand, we need the eggs.." I don't know which movie it is. I have a playlist on my youtube titled Peak Oil so 'go fish'. Search youtube for Philip Nute.
This is a couple ideas I have mentioned before. A 'Point Of Use' water heater is an electric device that can be installed under a sink or for use in a shower. They can be found in any home improvement center. They can be combined with photo voltaic panels and an inverter. It's basically an electric heating element and a heat exchanger. The electricity heats up the heat exchanger and the water flows through the exchanger. An automobile rear window de-icer is a electric device that melts ice and snow on an automobile window. It consists of very small thin lines of resistive heat elements in rows close together. Electricity flows through the resistive material and heats up to melt the ice. This device can be combined with photo voltaic panels to keep snow from building up on the panel during snow storms. A large automoblie battery could be dedicated to the device so it would work at night or during a snow storm.
In one of the Peak Oil documentary's they are interviewing M. King Hubbert. Hubbert points to a small fan being powered by a photo voltaic cell. He says we are only using 10% of the available energy. I have been thinking about how to increase that. One idea I proposed a few months ago was applying new integration technology to put more photo diodes on each photo voltaic cell. I don't know if this works. I also know that they make photo diodes that turn infrared and ultraviolet light into voltage. Most smoke detectors use an infrared sensor. Maybe they don't make photo voltaic cells that convert the entire light spectrum. Maybe there is a different process that makes infrared sensors as opposed to photo voltaic cells. Maybe the secret is to put both kinds on the cell to increase current.
Aleister Crowley Warning !!!!! Aleister Crowley Warning !!! I have ordered a copy of "The 1975 Report To The President On CIA Activities Within The United States". Gerald Ford ordered the investigation in response to a New York Times piece by Seymour Hersh. It was followed up by both a Senate Committee and House Committee investigation. The Presidents report was eventually called The Rockefeller Report (as in Rock N Roll Fella ????). The Senate Committee was chaired by Sen Frank Church of Idaho ??? so it was called the Church Committee ( self -explanatory ??? church) and the House Committee was called the Pike Committee (as in Massachusetts TurnPIKE ????). The House version was originally called the Nedzi ??? but they changed it. The house didn't get it I guess. At the time the CIA was headed up by Willaim Colby. In the movie 'Apolcalypse Now' a CIA assassin is sent to kill Col Kurtz before Capt Willard but defects to Kurtz's side. When Capt Willard gets there he sees Colby. ???? I managed to download a copy but it didn't really say anything.
This is a collection of curious facts. The Magna Carta was signed into law by King John in 1215. I have heard that the only thing 'they' wanted was freedom of religion. The Magna Carta has been cited as the forerunner of the American Constitution. The Catholic Church was outlawed in Massachusetts before 1776. The American Constitution allowed 'them' in. I wonder if the only thing 'they' wanted was freedom of religion. The wording of the article that makes for freedom of religion goes like this: Congress shall make no law establishing a religion. It doesn't say a specific church can't be outlawed and have all it's property siezed if it has committed crimes against humanity and maybe treason. I understand you can't remove religion from the minds of millions of people. You can conquer a country militarily but the hearts and minds of the people are another thing entirely. Around the time of the Protestant Reformation some Scandinavian countries established as thier religion the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (establish ?????) It has remained this way ever since. In a movie version of Aldous Huxleys novel "A Brave New World" some of the people want to be free. There is a list of countries they can go to. They include Iceland and the Faukland Islands. (technically Iceland is Scandinavian) The Faukland Islands were invaded by Argentina in the 1980's. ????? Do these people know something that keeps the wolf at bay?
signed - I suffer a terminal case of the human race
Noise 1 pdf
Pulse 1 pdf
Big Picture Page
(new stuff is at the bottom)
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Dec 10 2016
Noise 1 pdf
Pulse 1 pdf
Big Picture Page
(new stuff is at the bottom)
Anyone who fights tyranny with ideology (theology, philosophy) isn't dealing with a full deck. The human race was born with 49 cards
"Ceasars Palace morning glory,....."
"Silly human, silly human race,...."
"Yours is no disgrace....."
Yours Is No Disgrace
Updated Nov 28 2016
Yesterday I tried to research ELF waves but the little children slugs (American Nazi's) got there before me as usual. I thought I would say something anyway. ELF stands for extremely low frequency radio waves. ELF is any wave between 0HZ and 30HZ. Electromagnetic waves up to 3000HZ aren't used all the time for conventional radio. I know that when you go through a tunnel in a car either AM or FM won't play on the radio. I don't know which. Yesterday I tried to find out which. The information I got was that it was AM and the reason was the rebar in the tunnel walls acts as a Faraday Cage. I'm not sure thats right. I do know that the Navy has used ELF to communicate with submarines because very low frequencies penetrate anything, including water and metal Faraday Cages. The Navy had a facility at Clam Lake Wisconson that operated at 30HZ. I think the idea is the high speed (microwave) data rides on top of the 30HZ. There is also a facility in Alaska know as H.A.A.R.P. Nikola Tesla patented a wireless energy transmission system in the early part of the 20th century. He planned to deliver power and data wirelessly through the earth. He built a tower on Long Island in New York called Wardenclyffe. The idea was never used. Marconi's radio became the preferred method of communication. I do know that RFID chips operate on the principles Tesla used at Wardenclyffe as well as other modern technologies. WiTricity for example. I included some pictures below. The top picture is Wardenclyffe. Then an engineering drawing of a wireless tower, then an ELF tower. ELF towers can be found all across the country. They look like cell phone towers but many people think otherwise. Conspiracy theorists. ??? There is an ELF tower in Randolph next to Lombardo's at RT 128 and another next to Bob's Store in Randolph center. Jose Manuel DelGado described the use of RFID chips in his book "Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A More Psycho-Social Society" in 1970. A copy can be downloaded for free on the DOCUMENTS page. There are references to RFID chips in Aaron Russo's "Freedom To Fascism' movie and the Zeitgiest movies. Russo says the global elite want everyone 'hooked up' with a chip. DelGado says they are inserted beneath the skin on the top of someones head. He calls it 'Sub Cutaneous' (???) surgery. It does not require a long hospital stay. RFID chips use Dr Alan Frey's work on the Microwave Hearing Effect to communicate with the person who has the surgery. It is powered by the Tesla patent ELF tower. The tower may also transmit the data. I think an RFID chip can be broken fairly easily with a hammer if you're careful. I think this is what John Lennon called 'Instant Karma'. He says 'Instant Karma gonna get you,....Gonna knock you on the head..... Better get yourself together,....Pretty soon you're gonna be dead...' It's possible removing one of these is a death sentence. There was a rock band named Tesla. Thier album 'Mechanical Resonance' came out in the 1980's. I think you could just bomb the base of a tower and destroy equipment used to run it. You don't have to bring the tower down. You could shoot the 'things' ??? at the top with a high power rifle and maybe do enough damage.
Tesla Zip
Contradiction is Balance
It's all harassment.
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Nov 8 2016
This is a lot of historical facts and evidence that I believe are connected somehow and have significance but I don't know how or what. In England Nov 5 is a holiday, Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes was a conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. It was a plot to blow up the House of Lords along with James I by Roman Catholics to take England back for Catholicism. Fawkes and a number of others were executed. The online hackers group 'Anonymous' wears 'Guy Fawkes' masks. James I of England succeeded Elizabeth I of England in 1603. Elizabeth was the last of the Tudors. She was known as 'The Virgin Queen' because she never married and had no children. She was the daughter of Henry VIII who started the violent crackdown on the Catholic Church. James I was James VI of Scotland before inheriting the England throne. He was a Royal Absolutist like the French kings. He believed the in the divine right of kings. James mother was Mary Queen of Scots. Not to be confused with Bloody Mary Queen of England. Bloody Mary was also a daughter of Henry VIII. She tried to return England to Catholicism. Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic and died catholic. Lord Darnley, James I father, was also catholic. James I. I believe, was protestant. He was taken away from Mary Queen of Scots when he was 1 year old and never saw her again. So someone brought him up Protestant??? Depends on where he is buried, a catholic cemetary or protestant. James I commishoned the King James Bible which is used to this day in every protestant church. James married Anne of Denmark. Shakespeare lived at the same time as Elizabeth and James. In his play 'Hamlet' there is a line "There's something rotten in Denmark". They plot of Hamlet is similar to the life of Henry VIII. Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII. When his older brother Aurther died he assumed the throne. Aurther had already married Catherine of Aragon. After Aurther died Henry married Catherine. This would later become the reason Henry used for wanting a divorce. He claimed the bible forbid a brother to marry a brothers wife. In the play 'Hamlet', Hamlets father is the king of Denmark. His uncle, the kings brother, kills the king and then marries the Queen to become king. A similar situation as Henry VIII. ?????
My next reads:
Eating Fossil Fuels
Dale Allen Pfeiffer
(Capitalism by its very nature displaces people with machines for profit. Agriculture is no different. In the last 100 years agribusiness has replaced the family farm. It has also replaced natural methods of fertilization with fossil fuels. When the oil runs out this will be a problem. Very few people today know how to grow food and take care of animals. Man will have to go back to the old way. The knowledge is missing. Overpopulation makes this problem worse. Eli Whitneys cotton gin is an early example of this. Capitalism would have eventually ended slavery.)
Twilight in the Desert
Matt Simmons
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Antony C Sutton
The Christ Conspiracy
D M Murdock
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
Genocide in Satellite Croatia
Edmond Paris
(its a long term project)
Updated Nov 1 2016
American 'Coming Out Of The Closet' Day
Updated Oct 19 2016
Who visited George Bush in May 2007?
Queen Elizabeth II.
Who visited George Bush in April 2008?
Pope Benedict XVI.
Who did Obama visit in his first year as president?
Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Benedict XVI.
Guilt by association.
Who visited England for the first time in centuries?
Pope Benedict XVI.
They're all the same thing.
Updated Oct 12 2016
I declare every Friday in Oct as 'Red Shirt Day'. Everyone who is against what is going on should wear a red shirt. The idea is to spread ttalking about it and to spread the word. Engage people about the New World Order, peak oil, banking and overpopulation. Play 'Name That Tune' with them. (see above)Recommend these books: 'The Federal Reserve Conspiracy' by Antony C Sutton, 'The Christ Conspiracy' by D M Murdock (name ??), 'Phoenix Rising: The Rise And Fall Of The American Republic' by Donald Lett, 'Twilight In The Desert' by Matt Simmons, 'Crossing The Rubicon' by Michael Ruppert, 'Confronting Collapse' by Michael Ruppert, 'ABC's Of Economics' by Ezra Pound and anything you can find by Douglas Clifford and The Social Credit Party.
I am currently re-reading my copy of 'Unholy Trinity' by Mark Aarons and John Loftus. It's about the Vatican Ratlines. The ratlines were the smuggling of Nazi war criminals out of Europe and into the US through Argentina after WWII. The preface had something I thought was interesting. When Ronald Reagan was govenor of California he made April 10 a holiday. The Yugoslavian government complained saying ti was the anniversary of the Nazi installed Ustashe (Ustashi ??) government in 1940. Reagan withdrew the holiday. When Reagans VP, George Bush was running for president in 1988 he listed as a holiday April 10. The authors made the comment 'The more things change the more they stay the same'. The Ustashe were the most brutal of the Nazi's . The Jasenovac Prison camp was the site of the worst atrocities of WWII. It was all done in the name of converting people to the catholic religion. The incident with April 10 reminds me of what I call 'The Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army'. I think Adam Smith, who wrote 'The Wealth Of Nations' call them 'The Invisible hand'. I have been dealing with them for at least 10 years. I think Smiths book is fictional economics/philosophy. It's like 'Alice In Wonderland' but with a real academic science. Another example is Claudius Ptolomy's 'The Almagest'.Smith is trying to lift the veil of Western Civilization. At the very end of the preface was a sentence that said if you wanted more information to write to P O Box 681 Rockland Mass 02370. (can you say Espresso Book Machine ??? See youtube) A auto dealership down the sreet from Atlantic House recently moved to Rockland. It was a Hyundai or Mazda. So, the Japanese moved to Rockland. SAVE ME JESUS SAVE ME FU
"Lunatic Fringe....."
"I know you're out there.."
Lunatic Fringe
Red Rider
Other books about the Ustashe are 'Genocide In Satellite Croatia" by Edmond Paris and "The Vatican Against Europe" by Edmond Paris (a copy can be found on the DOCUMENTS page
Updated Oct 6 2016
I declare every friday in October as ‘Red Shirt Day’. Everyone who is against what is going on should wear a red shirt. The idea is to get people talking about it to spread the word. Engage people about the New World Order, peak oil, banking, and overpopulation. Play ‘Name That Tune’ with them (see above). Recommend these books: ‘The Federal Reserve Conspiracy’ by Antony C Sutton, ‘The Christ Conspiracy’ by D M Murdock (name ??), ‘Phoenix Rising: The Rise And Fall Of The American Republic’ by Donald Lett, ‘Twilight in the Desert’ by Matt Simmons, ‘Crossing The Rubicon’ by Michael Ruppert, ‘Confronting Collapse’ by Michael Ruppert, ‘ABC’s Of Economics’ by Ezra Pound and anything you can find by Douglas Clifford and The Social Credit Party.
It was one of the Rothchilds who said “Give me control of a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws”. Everybody needs money, if you don’t have it you starve. If there isn’t enough money in circulation some people go without. Money can be whatever the people in power say is money. At present you accept paper. Worthless wood pulp, but it has value because the government says so. The people who control the money supply rarely do the right thing. There has to be a way to take the power of money away from a central authority. Where theres a will, theres a way. It’s like the town meeting form of government, spread the power around. Come up with as many different ways as possible and allow them all to be used. I recently posted something about Clifford Douglas and the Social Credit party. It seemed to strike a nerve so I have decided to stick a knife in it and twist. I’m not exactly sure who Clifford (the big red dog) Douglas was but he might have had something to do with trying to change the banking laws in Canada in the 20th century. Anyway, this is my contribution, I call it ‘Commodity Currency’. All economy’s are made up of goods and services. Goods could be further divided into ‘consumables’ and ‘permanant value’. Services are mostly consumable. A ‘consumable’ is something that has a short life span, like food, heat, rent etc. Permanant value is gold, silver, precious gems, real estate etc. Permanant value items can be borrowed against to spend on other items. They could be stored in a safe deposit box. Every Friday is ‘settle day’. Everything that is borrowed against must be transferred to it’s new owner. It would be possible to build a device that could measure the weight, mass, density and volume of a small object to determine exactly what it is and how much its worth. Gold, silver, diamond etc. It’s value is determined by it’s commodity price where it is located. Some things are worth more or less depending where it is. If you have a job you produce something. This is like getting a loan at a bank with the current system, you expand the money supply when you get paid on Friday. All money is put on a plastic card like a credit card. You take the card wherever you go to pay for things. The amount you have is kept on the card and gets updated every time you use it. This gets around the need for a central authority to print or mint money. It helps to control electronic money. Most people will buy consumables. When they do this the money supply shrinks and helps to control inflation. Over time people will save by accumulating permanant value items and keeping them in a safe deposit box. Gold and silver will not be minted as dollar or any currency but a weight, ounce or gram. The value of the coin would be determined by it’s commodity price.
There has never been a successful revolution in Western Civilization. The peasants of Europe and the Middle East, and now the Americas, have never overthrown thier oppressors. Western Civilization now dominates the globe. We are all ruled by the global elite. This post is a list of the tools they use to cling to power. I try to present them in chronological order as they acquired them. They are always trying to improve them. A basic study of all ancient civilizations will prove the origins of the technique. The planet is ruled by the descendants of the Pharaohs of Egypt.
1. Drugs – The Pharaohs of Egypt were the first to discover that drugs can subdue and control large populations. They discovered that metal can incapacitate a person to the point where they can’t function or fight back. This is how Egyptian slaves were controlled. The drugs were administered through priests without the knowledge of the slave. It is possible this practice started in India or Tibet and spread to Egypt by way of Alexander the Great. I think it’s more likely it started in Egypt because of the origin of Judaism.
Updated Sept 28 2016
Roma are a traditionally wandering people whose ancestors lived in India. They are sometimes called Gypsies, Romanies, or Travellers (also spelled Travelers). The Roma live in almost every part of the world, but most live in central and eastern Europe. The Roma have faced mistrust and discrimination for centuries.
The name Roma refers to the people as a whole and to the largest group of them. Most groups prefer the name Roma for the people in general rather than Gypsy, because Gypsy has sometimes been used as an insult. In addition to the specific group called the Roma, whose members live throughout the world, other groups include the Cale of Spain, the Manouches of France, and the Sinti (or Sinte) of Germany.
No one knows how many Roma there are because many live in small groups on the outskirts of society. Estimates suggest about 12 million Roma live throughout the world. The largest numbers of Roma live in central and eastern Europe. More live in Romania than any other country, but Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Spain also have large Romani populations.
Many Roma speak their own language, called Romani. Romani belongs to the Indo-Iranian group of languages, and it varies from place to place. Most Roma also speak the language of the people among whom they live. However, many Roma cannot read or write any language.
Roma have long been noted as musicians and dancers. They have borrowed from and added to the music and dance of many other cultures. Some Roma follow traditional Romani occupations, such as fortunetelling, metalworking, horse trading, and animal training and doctoring. Because their traditional crafts are not often needed in modern society, many Roma are unemployed. They frequently live in extremely poor conditions. Many Roma have settled down, but some are still nomads. Many of the cultures they live among mistrust the Roma because of their poverty and different way of life.
The Roma left India about A.D. 1000 and began to move westward through the Middle East. They arrived in Europe by the 1300's. Some Roma claimed to have come from a country called Little Egypt. The word Gypsy is probably a shortened form of Egyptian.
Romani leaders have formed organizations to try to improve their situation and to pressure political leaders to address their problems. The first World Romani Conference was held in London in 1971, and others have been held since. In 2001, the International Romani Union Parliament held its founding meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia.
(I stole this from the World Book Encyclopedia)
"There's something rotten in Denmark" Hamlet Shakespreare
List of European countries whose official sanctioned church is the Evangelical Lutheran or has a large protestant population that the Pope has no problem with:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Iceland (it's not technically Europe)
"The winds of Thor..."
"Are blowin cold...."
No Quarter
Led Zeppelin
(Thor was a Viking God, Vikings were the Popes army for centuries)
Contradiction is Balance
Sky Wires
It's all harassment
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Sept 20 2016
Did you mean bring a narrative to a pixie dust and eye of Newt fight? HA HA.............................HA HA HA HA HA..................
I am currently listening to 'Temple of the Dog'. A Seattle Grunge band. Then I'm going to listen to 'Faith No More' also Grunge. Then maybe 'The Butthole Surfers, The Revolting Cocks and Rage Against The Machine. (I'm researching the moral decline of western civilization at the same time) signed Pictures At An Exhibition Modest Mussorsky
This is why I think the civil war in Syria has lasted so long. They're using it to get rid of everyone in Israel, and maybe the entire Middle East, that knows too much. It's the same thing as the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia after the Vietnam War and the Bombing of Dresden during WWII.
"When the great economic collapse happens, it'll be right across the board. I mean I don't think Rock N Roll will go first. Right now the market for Rock N Roll is expanding at a phenomenal rate"
Roger Waters
Pink Floyd
Live At Pompeii
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Sept 19 2016
Take away fossil fuels and radio technology from modern warfare and the jungles of Viet New England are not that difficult to conceptualize. "You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics" Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Jordan Maxwell
Joseph Campbell
Updated Sept 17 2016
I think the moral decline of western civilization is no accident. It was planned as far back as the 19th century. It all fits into the apolcalypse. At the very beginning of the 3rd Zeitgeist movie they quote someone named Ernst Fischer "In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay and unless it wants to break faith with it's social function art must show the world as changable and help to change it". I don't know who Fischer is. It makes no sense for me to try to be an artist. I want to kill my customer. The rich. The oligarch collective. I put my photographs on my websites to annoy people. Contradiction is balance. It's all harassment.
No one will ever be famous for being an actual rolling stone. At this point my mug won't even make a wanted poster. They could build a copper lined rubber room on a crazy farm on a leper colony on a deserted island on another planet and I wouldn't be welcome. AND I DON'T CARE. However I am going to make as much trouble as HUMANLY possible on the way out the door. It's your move MOE. Moe Larry cheese......Moe Larry cheese...........!
I think people should come up with a new greeting. Instead of Hello how are you or shaking hands it should Fuck You. Had a new baby Fuck You. Fuck You Christmas Fuck You New Year.
I am going to get some T-shirts with a middle finger on the front that says "I'm with stupid (this includes you)"
Updated Sept 16 2016
There is a song by Ministry titled 'The Game Show'. The lyrics imply it is an 'Alice' situation. He says "Our life was just a joke...". It makes me wonder if someone is using the situation as entertainment. A sort of reality TV show. I have found evidence they can pick up the electrical impulses of someones eyes then reconstruct what the person is seeing. A persons eyes are being used as a camera. Add the persons thinking and maybe the voice and sell it to cable TV. Arnold Swarzenneggar made a movie tilted "The Running Man" that might be a close approximation. He is forced to run for his life while TV cameras follow all the action. The movie also had Richard Dawson who was the host of Family Fued for many years and Paul Michael Glaser. Both of those people had some serious problems after the movie was made. I wonder if the problems were a result of the movie. If you think about how completely insane my life is it's not hard to imagine a TV show based on a human kill. In the 1970's the FBI investigated "Snuff" films. They never found anything. The investigation was probably conducted by Internal Affairs. There was a Roman coliseum in almost every city Rome occupied. There were always people willing to pay for that kind of entertainment. I know I've asked this question in the past but has anyone researched the status of women in the Roman Empire. Oh nevermind I have a couple Playboy magazines. signed Leah Pistorius (pissed off at us ???) What happened to Leah she just disappeared? The men are cannon fodder and the women are rolling stone fodder. The Boston Tea Party was the Riestag Fire of its day. "None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free"
"They were all in love with dyin'..."
"They were doin' it in Texas...."
The Butthole Surfers
"I don't give a fuck about the FBI...."
"I don't give a fuck about the CIA..."
Chewin' George Lucas Chocolate/Goofys Concern
The Butthole Surfers
"Like a rolling stone...."
"Like the FBI......"
"Like the CIA......."
Dig It/Let It Be
The Beatles
Death Is A Career Move
Updated Sept 15 2016
I got promoted to receptionist!!
I'm shootin for janitor.
(someone once told me that everyone rises to their own level of incompetence)
Updated Sept 14 2016
OK I'm gonna get really weird today. Knute Rockne (Nute Rock Me) was a famous coach and player for Notre Dame. He helped develop the forward pass and make Notre Dame a dominant team in college football. One of his best teams had "The Four Horseman" (as in the 4 horseman of the apolcalypse) as the frontline. Notre Dame is a catholic university. Doug Flutie (dig that flute) won the Heisman Trophy while playing for Boston College. In his last game he threw a "Hail Mary" to Gerard Phalen to beat the Miami Hurricanes in the last seconds of the game. Miami was a perennial powerhouse. The play occurred on Thanksgiving Day 1984. Boston College is a catholic Jesuit School. (see the logo for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority for more information) If this was all orchestrated it's proof positive you are a sickness. I'm sick from the sickness. I'm sick of the sickness. You play 'God' then make war to maintain your self appointed right to play God. If I ever figure out what is expected of me (if anything) you can count on me to not do it. Anything I can do to fuck with you I am going to do (regardless).
I have been re-watching "A Midsummers Night Dream" by Shakespeare. It has 3 crazy love stories all in one then ends with a performance of a play titled "Pyramus and Thisbe". The Encyclopedia Britannica says the play is about transformation and Shakespeare got his inspiration for the play from Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses". I think all 3 love stories and the play are about the "Alice" phenomena. Proof that this bullshit predates Jesus.
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
Updated Sept 12 2016
Can I get me a get me out of here in here!!! I am waiting for 'it' to make a decision.
Over the weekend I watched a documentary titled "A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash". They pointed out 3 places where the oil has run dry. McGamey Tx, Maracaibo Venezuela and Baku Ajzerbajian. They said the standard of living for the average Saudi has dropped dramatically in the last 15 years. They have gone from $25.000 a year to $6,000 a year and the Saudi government is very unstable. The main stream media reports problems in Venezuela but doesn't really elaborate. I wonder if it's what happens when an overpopulated country runs out of oil and the media is avoiding the issue. I wonder how bad the problem is.
Spider References
Boris The Spider by The Who
Johnny Blade by Black Sabbath
James Dean by The Eagles
Cannibal References
Quequig in the novel 'Moby Dick'
Baby (played by Meatloaf ????) gets eaten in the movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
The Soft Parade by The Doors ('Sailors to the underfed...')
The Cannibal Song by Ministry
'Survive' a movie from 1977
Updated Sept 10 2016
I have been reading about Russian history. Yesterday I downloaded a free copy of Sergey Eisenstein's movie "Potemkin" made in 1925. I tried to get a copy of his movie "Alexander Nevsky" but I didn't want to pay for it. At one point in "Potemkin" someone says "Kill the Jews" when they weren't involved in anything before that. Then they're never mentioned again??? Eisenstein made propaganda films for the Soviet government then went to Hollywood and signed a contract to make movies in a time when travel between the 2 countries was restricted. I thought that was funny. The movie "Potemkin" is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. This morning I got up and started reading Antony C Sutton's book "Wall St And The Bolshevik Revolution". He makes the case that American capitalists were behind the Bolshevik's. His evidence is difficult to follow. He mentions something called The US State Department Decimal Files number 861.00 and the Sisson Documents. He does prove that Woodrow Wilson issued Leon Trotsky and other revolutionaries American passports to return to Russia at a time when their presence was likely to cause unrest. He also presents evidence that German bankers funded the Bolsheviks. Both of these were done during World War I and might have been to remove Russia from the war. It set up the East-West Capitalist-Communist cold war that resulted in the arms build-up, which was a go;s mine for capitalists. It may have also led to the surveillance society we currently live in.
I have also been thinking about what happens when the oil runs out. I figure a number of things will occur but depend on the human race overcoming the surveillance. The world will get bigger. Cheap quick transportation will be a thing of the past. Modern communications will become very expensive. A lot of the motivation of the rich to meddle in political affairs will be gone. It will become more difficult to be rich on a global scale. People will be forced to think and act on a local basis. Investing your money in the local community is a good idea. Real Estate. If you own a couple buildings downtown you and your family are all set. All of the things that are produced by and made from oil will have to be replaced by agriculture or renewable resources. The human race is going back in time. It's not a decision anyone is making it's a reality based on facts. "Lets do the time warp again..."It makes no sense for the people at the bottom to start killing each other at a time when their shear numbers will overwhelm a system that has managed to cling to power into the 21st century. Small town life will become paradise.
August 24 2016
Mike Ruppert Blogspot
Michael Pfleger
Updated August 19 2016
Clam Lake Wisconson pdf
Navy Underwater Communications
Ice Station Zebra
Updated August 16 2016
This is some suggestions to make any single family house into a Faraday Cage. A Faraday Cage is a metal enclosure that is connected to earth ground so any voltage that attempts to pass through is shorted to ground. If you are inside a Faraday Cage you would not be able to pick up any broadcast radio or TV and your own personal emissions could not be picked up by anything outside. The National Security Agency (NSA) building on the grounds of Ft Meade Maryland is a Faraday Cage. It is completely encased in copper mesh. You can buy enough aluminum flashing at any home improvement store to cover the floor of your attic. Flashing comes in rolls 24 inches wide and 20 feet long and goes for about $100. There are companies that install metal roofs but I don't know what metal they use. Different metals have different reflectance properties. This might help with satellite surveillance but not cell phone or ELF towers. They are closer to the ground and work horizontally. It might be possible to paint the inside walls with some sort of metal based paint. (aluminum, lead, titanium) It is not absolutely necessary to ground it to earth but it will work better. Multiple copper grounding rods driven inside the basement and connected to all metal. (roof, walls etc)
Updated August 16 2016
emails txt
nwo txt
suit txt
three txt
tune txt
Updated August 3 2016
Added link for philipnute reduced files zip (see above)
Updated July 25 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
28 Easy St
Weymouth Mass 02190-1104
cell - 1-781-510-2371
home - 1-781-963-0366
I am looking for a lawyer to suit for False Arrest and False Imprisonment. I'm not exactly sure who is responsible. On Mother's day 2014 (either May 11 or 12) I had an altercation with a neighbor. While I am guilty of assault I believe it was either entrapment or justifiable or both. I believe it was set up and my mother was in on it which is something I don't really understand. Some of this story can be found at the top of the page at www.philipnute.blogspot.com.
On that day my mother and I went out for lunch. When we came back the neighbor charged at me saying "Do you have a problem" several times. I think he was intentionally provoking me. The problem had been building for quite some time. During the altercation he said "This is my father, go after him and you're really in trouble". Well of course I did and was charged with Assault On A Person Over 60 which is a felony. After I was in handcuffs the person he identified as his father was standing near me with a Weymouth Police badge in his belt. In the police report the father is identified as a Suffolk County sheriff.
Despite the fact I have never been arrested the Weymouth Police threw the book at me. I was charged with 6 offenses that could have got me 10 years in prison. Assault And Battery, Assault And Battery On A Police Officer, Assault On A Person Over 60 (felony), Mistreating a Police Dog, Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. I was sent to Bridgewater State Hospital for 60 days observation. For some reason a Weymouth Police officer (a woman I think) helped my mother file a restraining order good for 7 days in Plymouth county. If I was being held for 60 days why did she need a restraining order? I have never been a threat to my mother and that was never an issue.
The judge I saw in Quincy District court the day after the incident was named Minehan. A woman. I was the very last person brought in that day. After about a month in Bridgewater I was declared incompetent to stand trial and commited for 6 months. I saw the same judge Minehan. I think this is proof the whole thing was a sham. I am pretty sure you can't hold judgeships in 2 county's at the same time. The altercation took place in Norfolk county and Bridgewater is in Plymouth county.
In January 2015 I was commited again for 1 year. The next day I was sent to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain. They can keep declaring a person incompetent for what they call the 'half-max'. It's half of what the total sentence would be. In my case they could have held me for 5 years without a trial. I did not get another day in Quincy court until August 20 2015. (the anniversary of my sisters death????) I was brought to Quincy from Shattuck and sat in the holding cell all day and never say a lawyer judge or anybody else. I had $7 in my wallet when I arrived and it was gone when I got back to the hospital.
I was told my next court date would be 6 months but they scheduled it for Sept 11 (?????) My lawyer was court appointed. Someone named Gibbons. I think he lived in Norwell but his office was in Milton. On Sept 11 (???) he came to Shattuck and said the felony had been dropped and the half max had been reduced to 15 months. I had served 15 months so the whole thing was over. I was given my priviledges to go off the ward and I was released in Dec to a group home in Randolph.
I am of the belief there were never any charges. I believe the Weymouth Police are partly responsible.
P.S. I don't carry my cell phone with me. I don't have an extension for the house phone and I don't have the internet so the email is unreliable. All contact with me must be made in person. Sorry for the inconvenience but these are the times we live in. On weekdays I'm at Atlantic House 338 Washington St Quincy from 9 AM to 2 PM. I lunch in Quincy Center. I am wearing a button that says "www.philipnute.wordpress.com". I cannot take visitors at Atlantic House or in Randolph. I make a point of going by the Quincy court house.
Voice To Skull Technology PDF
Sub Vocal Speech
My Youtube Feature List
Updated July 12 2016
Noise Generator
Pulse Generator
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Updated July 16 2016
K.A. Retarded Nazi Cunt Hole Clown
For the last 2 weeks I have been trying to find a lawyer in Quincy Center. No luck. Everywhere I go it seems as though someone is there ahead of me. ?????? I want to suit for false arrest and false imprisonment. I don't think there were any charges actually filed in Quincy District Court. I had the same judge (Minehan) in both Quincy and Bridgewater and I don't think you can serve as a judge in 2 county's at the same time.
This happened quite some time ago. I went into Boston for the day and planned to take the bus home. I got the 225 out of Quincy Center to Columbian Square South Weymouth. Every third (or second ???) 225 bus goes to Columbian Square. I was pretty sure I had the right bus but it didn't go where I wanted. I figured later the bus driver must have been 'plugged in'.
"And I can't find my way home.."
Can't Find My Way Home
Blind Faith
"You're a long way from home..."
'Can't sleep at night...."
'Pick up your telephone...."
"Something ain't right...."
"That's evil....."
(we had a phone union strike recently,...my guess is the phones don't work for some. And I know the internet in censored.)
I lived in Weymouth most of my life. Weymouth was governed by a town meeting style government until just recently. When they switched to a mayor, the first mayor was someone named Madden. I think he was the former fire chief. When I started having my problems they elected a new mayor named Sue Kay. One of the first things she tried to do was get rid of the police chief. I had this figured as a ruse. It was designed to draw me in, then stab me in the back. The first book ever printed was the bible in about 1455 AD. The Gutenberg Bible. One of the next books was the “Malleus Mallificarum” (spelling???) or more commonly known as the “witch’s hammer’. It was the set of rules used to prosecute witch’s. I think witchcraft is a ruse. It is designed to root out heresy. The people who say they are witch’s are actually priests and nuns. (“Dolly Dagger, her love’s so strong gonna make you stagger…..”) Charles Manson is still in jail for the murder of Sharon Tate. I think that whole affair stinks of Scientology and Aleister Crowley. “ROMAN” ??? Polanski was the only survivor. ???? I think the police (ROBOCOPS ????) did it trying to say something. People who can’t say anything because of mind control. I think this is true of the Zodiac killer too. Charles Manson believed that a race war would be waged in the future. He was trying to start one. ??????? This is also true about the Rodney King affair. ????/ And possibly O J Simpson. Racism is the American contribution to the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power.
"Washington in the Lap of Rome" is a book by Justin Fuller. In 1888, a Baptist preacher named Justin Dewey Fulton published a scathing critique of Roman Catholicism in America in which he wrote "Romanism is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United States." He accused the Roman Catholic Church of some of the most egregious crimes, including the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. His book reveals a once deep-seated sentiment in America against Roman Catholicism by some who sought to make Catholics scapegoats for many of America's ills.
Few people are aware that the District of Columbia was originally Roman Catholic Bishop John Carroll's estate, practically donated to Pres. Washington. It was originally called "New Rome" and the branch of the Potomac River was called the "Tiber", for its namesake in Rome, Italy. The Vatican is a mirror image of Federal Mall in D.C. The obelisk of St. Peter's and the obelisk known as the Washington Monument are pagan symbols of the Mystery religions of Egyptian/Babylonian paganism ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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