Israel is a ghetto. Pope Paul IV. cum nimis absurdum (Because It Is Absurd) DUH Of course it is! Expecting someone who destroyed your family, stole your business, stole your house and chased your children out of town to grant you human rights and treat you fairly is absurd.
Rhetoric/oratory is bullshit. It's the art of bullshit. You can't join them to beat them. They'll laugh you off the stage. The argument is the victory. Speech's are 19 th century soundbites. Speech's are Roman soundbites. Speech's bite. My blogs are angry rants designed to help me understand my enemy. Cousin 'It'. Not to help anyone else.
(a lure)(Jesus is a fish'er of men)(he wants a 'King For A Day') I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation in my encyclopedia. They are: Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, Innocent IX and Clement VIII. I know that the Gregorian calendar has some significance but I don't know what. The Gregorian Calendar was adopted by Pope Gregory XIII in his papal bull 'inter gravissimas' ("In The Gravest Concern") on February 24, 1582. Protestant controlled country's at the time refused to adopt it saying it was the sign of the anti-christ. Russia did not adopt it until 1918. Three Zeitgeist (Z ???) movies came out starting in 2007. The first movie claimed that much of Christianity is based on astrological occurances as are many religions. A free Zeitgeist sourcebook pdf can be found on the internet that gives facts. I have always thought the Zeitgeist people were the same people who run everything now. They wanted to hand over control to some global authority and call it a resource based economy. Did the church expose it's own fraud? Two astronomers that hailed the new calendar were Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe. Other astronomers involved were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton. The ancient astronomer Claudius Ptolomy is also mentioned. The Juilian calendar was adopted by Julius Ceasar in 40 BC. He was advised by Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes. Sosigenes used the Egyptian solar calendar.
Contradiction is balance.
It's all harassment.
a Shmoo
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368
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