I am a conspiracy theorist. A better word might be deception theorist. I believe the world is not run by the people at the bottom through democracy and voting. It is run by the people at the top with the banking system, the media, and religion. The banking system and the media are relatively new but religion is an old method dating back to ancient Egypt. I think that's where it began. The goal of the deception is to rule the world without the people at the bottom knowing. In the past 10 to 15 years the deception has become harder to maintain. I believe in 2007 the people at the top tried a new deception, The Zeitgeist Movement. The Zeitgeist Movement consisted of 3 movies, The Zeitgeist Movie, Zeitgeist Addendum and Zeitgeist Moving Forward. They proposed a global government based on resources and without currency. The first part of the first movie exposed Christianity as a lie. They presented evidence to prove that it is based on astronomical occurrences. They published a booklet titled 'The Zeitgeist Sourcebook' with the evidence. I think the people who produced the movies are the same people who already run everything. The point of this post is that the religious people who have run everything since the time of Christ exposed their own religion as fake.
I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation. They spanned roughly 1530 AD to 1610 AD. One of them was Gregory XIII. He reformed the calendar to ensure Easter would be celebrated on the correct day. This caused a lot of controversy at the time. Many Protestants refused to accept the change saying it was the work of the anti-christ. Somehow this ended up involving Galileo and other astronomers like Kepler and Copernicus. The method they devised to calculate the date for Easter was very complicated. I don't think any of it makes any sense. Why don't they decide at the beginning of each year when to celebrate Easter? Very simple. I think the whole thing was a cover story. I think that by the time the calendar was reformed the Protestants who were fighting the Roman church had figured out the whole thing was BS based on astronomy. The church was trying to cover this up while going after the leaders of the Protestants.
I recently re-watched a copy of 'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The book was written around 1850 but is set in 1640 Massachusetts. It centers on a woman named Hester Prinn who becomes pregnant while not having a husband. She is forced to wear a red letter "A" on her blouse at all times. It turns out that the man who sentenced her to this was the father of the child. He is also the preacher for the town. The secret is kept for 5 or 6 years until the 2 decide to leave and start over. At the end the preachers guilt forces him to confess and then he dies. Just before he dies he reveals a scar on his chest he had carved. A letter "A". I think this story is about what happened to the Protestant Reformation. I think Hawthorne is saying the Protestants 'threw in the towel' and joined the Roman church in wanting to rule the world. I think Free Masonry is a lie to get Protestants to co-operate. It needs to be a secret society because average people wouldn't go along with the truth. It's another way to get the people at the bottom to kill the people at the bottom for the benefit of the people at the top.
The Zeitgeist Sourcebook
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