Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Zeitgeist Movement

In my last post I tried to say something about the Zeitgeist Movement and astronomy in Christianity. I will try some more. When Julius Caesar (JC ?? Jesus Christ) seized power in 43 BC he reformed the Roman calendar. (what else did he reform ?? religion ??? JC ??) The calendar the Romans used was off by quite a bit. The vernal equinox, the beginning of spring, was off by 100 days or so. The measurement of time is important for a lot of reasons. Planting crops, harvesting, etc. The ancients measured time by observing the heavens. They knew that the stars were the same at about the same time of year. They knew approximately how long the year was but the calendar they used didn't reflect this. Caesar consulted an Egyptian astronomer for the answer. (what else did he get?) The result was the Julian Calendar named after Julius Caesar. It wasn't perfect either. By the time of the Counter-Reformation the calendar was off again by about 10 days. Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Calendar. The Protestants considered this a sign of the Anti-Christ but I don't know why. The Ancients also knew that the pattern of stars changed a little from year to year. They called this the Procession of the Equinox's. The Procession took either 2500 years or 25,000 I don't know which. They didn't know exactly why these things happened. They later discovered that the earth revolved around the sun for to make a year and the sun revolves around some other body inside the Milky Way galaxy to make a full Procession of Equinox's. We are very close to entering a new Equinox. The Age Of Aquarius. I'm not exactly sure how this all ties together I'm just presenting what I know. When they finally established the second as the smallest measurement of time the calendar became very precise and no longer needed updating. Another measure introduced by the Counter-Reformation Popes was the Index Of Forbidden Books. It was abolished by Pope Paul VI in 1966. I figure they didn't need it anymore because they have everyone under mind control. If someone reads a book they're not supposed to they just erase them with the next pass of the satellite. There was also a list of forbidden authors. When I was in Bridgewater State Hospital (JAIL!!!! ASSHOLES THANX FOR NOTHIN) I went to the library a lot. One author I read was Edgar Allen Poe. Mr Poe could not have been on the Popes Christmas list. He knows who's been naughty and nice, and the problem has compounded exponentially since 1840. Poe didn't write anything that wasn't controversial. One story that I thought was of real interest was "Never Bet The Devil With Your Head". A line from the story is "....everyone knows you beat a dog from right to left.....". ?????? I think the whole story is about a dog. How does someone attain dog status? Never mind I don't really want to know. What's the problem with people reading books?

Edgar Allen Poe

Cops and Slobbers

Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph Mass 02368

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