Thursday, May 26, 2016

Grazing Moo Cow Vaginal Discharge

Totalitarianism, authoritarianism and absolutism are all words for a system that vests full power in one person. This is how Ancient Rome worked. Everyone must follow orders. If you give an underling an order they must follow it to the letter. If that person gives an order the same. It's like the food chain. The problem is the people at the top know it's organized crime. The people at the bottom think it has something to do with religion. They wouldn't risk thier lives or accept very little money if they knew the truth. In some ways totalitarianism works better than democracy but why must the powers that be provide phoney freedom. Because anyone at the bottom in thier right mind wouldn't live under that system. You could get hauled off to the ovens at any moment.

"They must find it difficult, those that have accepted authority as the truth and not truth as the authority"
G Massey
(somewhere in one of the Zeitgeist movies)

"Religion is the opium of the masses"
Josef Stalin

I am re-watching my copy of the movie "Woodstock". At the very end of the concert they show someone with a denim jacket walking away. On the back of the jacket is a swastika and the mathematical symbol for infinity. Fascism Forever.

"If I didn't care for you..."
"And you didn't care for me..."
"We would zigzag our way..."
"Through the boredom and pain..."
"Occasionally glancing up through the rain.."
"And watching for Pigs on the wing..."
Pigs on the Wing
Pink Floyd

'The Cannibal Song' is a song by Ministry. 'Survive' is a 1976 movie about a plane crash in the Andes in 1972. The survivors resorted to cannibalism to live. Why would a rock group write a song about cannibalism? My guess is if I can't commit suicide neither can people with implants. And maybe they have no way to make a living. So some resort to cannibalism. "Right now pigs are becoming lunch...." Flashes across the screen during the video for Van Halens song 'Right Now'

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